LoL Guide What's the point of adc? |
- What's the point of adc?
- I've found that small talk in champion select really helps with your team's morale in the game.
- Why is it always win streaks or loss streaks?
- Common lee sin player mistakes.
- How do you stay happy to play, and keep improving at the same time ?
- Winning in iron using support
- Is Kalista top actually viable or is it just a FOTM pick right now?
- State of Nocturne Jungle
- Rank 1 Annie World | Annie vs Malzahar Matchup Guide
- I need help against yuumi
- To learn mid and climb through Annie or Vladimir?
- Competitive play
- What to do when you are being camped Mid? I just started to play Midlane in Silver MMR recently
- Split or stay with team?
- Newly formed Team looking for competetive oriented Guides
- Lose streak
- How do you lane against yasuo as a melee champ
- What role is the best to climb?
- How do you correctly exp as support?
- Struggling to farm mid game as adc (high gold/play)
- Question about buying archangels before/far away from 750 tear stacks.
- How to play the lane aggressive (adc)
- What can I do at level 3 after burning sums as ADC?
- How do Darius Stacks work?
Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:14 AM PDT Hi, no bs no flame, but a genuine question: What is the point of adc?
Ty in advance. Cheers [link] [comments] |
I've found that small talk in champion select really helps with your team's morale in the game. Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:21 PM PDT As a player who always mutes all when entering a game, I've decided to try a few games without doing this and so far the results have been nice. Initiating small talk in the lobby is a good way to get people to start talking. I like to be REALLY friendly to my team, asking how their days were and reassuring that we would have a good game. I point out the weaknesses of the enemy team comp when we are finished picking and our strengths. This doesn't always work though, as you'll just get ignored completely sometimes, and this will happen. Good luck, and maintain a positive attitude. It is a game after all. [link] [comments] |
Why is it always win streaks or loss streaks? Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PDT I'm constantly winning four games and then losing four games. It's never just a few wins then a single loss, it's always streaks so I go from 0 LP to 80 LP then right back down. It's so demoralising having this back and forth and basically being right back at the start again. [link] [comments] |
Common lee sin player mistakes. Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:14 AM PDT Hi im a master/d1 jungle/adc player, when i play with my lower ranked friends or playing in smurf accounts i notice alot of mistakes lee sin players make, regardless if they are lee sin casual or lee sin mains. Alot of times after early game, lee sin players would consistently try to make flashy plays, like ward hop kick or R flash even when 80% of the times its unnecessary, i understand when people see in highlight montages that a lee sin would Q into the enemy team and flash kick the adc out and proceed to win the fight afterwards, it is flashy and cool but thats only a small occurrence. The most important thing is identify your win condition, for example during mid game, your adc is decently fed but the enemy have a zed player, so now instead of looking for insect kicks you can save your R for peeling purpose, lee sin actually have one of the best peeling ULT in this game, its a point and click knock away. So my fellow lee sin players or lee sin casuals, sometimes its tempting to take the Q into 4 people and try to kick out the enemy adc, but its alot better to take a step back and look at the bigger picture and consider if thats truly the correct play, BUT if opportunity do present itself and you need to make that game winning play, go for it, and be the montage player of your game lol [link] [comments] |
How do you stay happy to play, and keep improving at the same time ? Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:57 AM PDT Hello everyone, I am looking for mental advice and skill consulting. My is Teish in NA and I got back very recently in the game (January) and ranked games (Mid February). My post just got removed so I am trying to improve it but my questions are very precise. Should I stay in the game or should I go enjoy noncompetitive games. If I go, where should I focus. And more of that, how can I not tilt. I am currently stuck, and feel unable to prioritize in the game. I have a very competitive mindset, and since I am currently pretty bad in league, I would feel sad to not improve because I could easily play other fun games instead. As you will notice, my winrate is awful. 7Y ago when I was playing I was Silver/GOLD but I remember that I was playing completely stoned all the time, with no map awareness and no understanding on the meta. Today, i am focusing on Jungle. Since I've read a lot, it feels like I know a lot, trying to improve every aspect of the gameplay Meta and Macro. However, since i am stuck at Silver IV, worse than 7y ago, I get very frustrated that I dont understand whats keeping me this low. Where should I prioritize? As well, People say to not think about ranks. But I love video games and the only reason I play league is because I find the climbing interesting. It feels very sporty to try and correct my flaw in a teamgame. But I don't find any kind of success. And the idea of being bad at this game while not playing other wonderful games is making me tilt too much, I don't like my anger. Mobalytics is telling me i'm bad, obviously, tunnel vision or KDA player. But I really feel focused on map and objectives. My Damage to objectives is always INSANE at the end of games, and I keep trying help my teammates. How do you react when you ping your teammates to not engage in a teamfight while doing other objectives and then they die a few seconds after ? Most of the time, I feel forced to teamfight mid because otherwise I know they will engage and die, but I would love to find a way to just let them bait while I am taking other objectives, or simply warding in order to trap enemies. All those tiny frustrations are getting ahead of me and I dont know how to adapt, how do you find the correct plays in a middle of other players that are as bad as you are? (Because I know im not better than them) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:13 AM PDT Hello, I'm a returning player, peaked plat s5 and just got back into the game. I'm currently sitting at S1 with i think a 55% winrate after climbing out of iron IV and I want to share a little tip: play support and control the map I find that people in lower elos dont know how supports work, like in a game where I played Sona with a Twitch into a Nidalee and Miss Fortune lane, I was able to poke them out of the lane with my Q and lay down and clear wards with near total impunity even very deep in the enemy jungle. This allowed my team to get easy picks and invades and stopped the game from devolving into an ARAM style 1v9 where the team with the luckiest engage wins. [link] [comments] |
Is Kalista top actually viable or is it just a FOTM pick right now? Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:12 AM PDT I was playing some flex queue games yesterday and I lost two games to Kalista top. I looked it up on Google and apparently Kalista top is starting to take over Korean solo queue (being popularized by TheShy). Kalista binds to the Jungler (e.g. Ekko, Nunu) and it felt very oppressive with the Hail of Blades rune. Are there any Kalista mains here that can elaborate explain how it works? Seems like a fun discussion topic and a really fun pick to play especially into meta champs like the Darius/Morde top lane bullies. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:23 PM PDT I'm hard climbing out and made it to silver from bottom basement iron with him 80% of games and Diana 20% of games when she's not banned. Wondering if he falls off in Gold+? Is he in a good place right now, or is he just good in low ELO? People basically Telegraph their abilities and it's easy to W block them. He can take dragon and Rift pretty easily solo, he has a very healthy clear. I guess his tanks are so-so before 6, but I can usually pull a flash off of bot ADC by telling my bot lane to just farm and not poke when I'm rotating bot side jungle, and then I just Q-E-W one of them while the support tries to stave me off and punished by my bot lane. Not sure if lucky, but I think 15-20 games of that happening can't be coincidence right? [link] [comments] |
Rank 1 Annie World | Annie vs Malzahar Matchup Guide Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:46 PM PDT Hello All, A lot of Annie Player's have asked me how to vs Malzahar as Annie as malz has such incredible pushing power. Lets break it down a little. Malzahar's have a tendency towards pushing lanes. Why is this? All his skills include and involve pushing in the form of: W - Summons minions which deal bonus damage to whoever his E is on E - Travels target to target upon death whilst restoring Mana if the unit dies while under the effect. To deal with this as Annie: Dodge Q's - Less poke damage output from Malz - More Health for Annie to expend as a resource W voidlings while also pushing the wave - Less pushing power from Malz and Less mana return from Malz as voidlings don't autopush minions - More Mana for Annie to expend as a resource Q voidlings - Less pushing power from Malz - Mana refund for Annie At 6: Break Malz shield with an auto or ability, Use bear to regain pressure Use bear micro to zone malz, force abilities and set up for kills or force recalls. Rinse and repeat and this will allow you to deal with a perma push matchup as Annie. Hopefully this helps a bit and if not, please feel free to ask any questions. I've also provided a link to a VOD review and you can always follow my twitch @ for more. Thank you all kindly [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:34 PM PDT I main top, so yuumi in lane isn't really the question here. My problem with her is in late game (3 or 4 items) when she just sits on a carry. Sometimes it's the ADC or assassin on the enemy team, and she gives them even more damage and movement speed to kite me out. Or she sits on a tank like nasus or ornn who just don't die with her healing. I've tried building grievous wounds against her but she still heals for so much, especially if whoever she's on built spirit visage. I get that you need to obliterate her if she ever falls off by herself, but I can never get to that point. Does anyone have any advice? [link] [comments] |
To learn mid and climb through Annie or Vladimir? Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:37 PM PDT Greetings fellow summoners. I am ranked bronze 3 at the moment, (I got placed Iron 4), and I switched from top lane to mid lane. I came accross some coaching videos on youtube about mid laners (Zen Coaching and LS) and they say the same thing: in order for a low elo to learn mid lane 101 and to climb, learn Annie and play her until you reach plat. My question is: do I switch to Annie and learn mid through her, or do I keep playing Vladimir and try to learn mid through him? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:25 AM PDT So me and my friends played clash and then started playing tournaments too on challenger mode website, we are diamond players with 1 platinum and we play pretty good I think but when we started playing tournaments and clash we realised we fkn suck. Like we get destroyed by 90% of the teams, even by a team full of silvers, so here I wanted some tips to improve team game, what are most important things to look at, I personally think we lack communication but what would you say are the core things when playing competitively, how can we improve except by just playing games [link] [comments] |
What to do when you are being camped Mid? I just started to play Midlane in Silver MMR recently Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:37 AM PDT No complaints about being camped, I just wanna learn what/how I can best help my team in this scenario. A little about the game: I had a Diana game against Annie, with Riven Top and Yi JG on the enemy team. We had Kayle Warwick. Early roam down at 3 by Riven when I was pushing, was double stunned and died. Annie Ult with Riven again at 6. I had warded topside river, but she came through our JG and I didn't see her. Yi showed up a number of times in my lane trying to push me off wave or harassing along with Annie. Our JG was camping bot and rightfully so, as he got Tristana super fed, and we secured 2 Dragons and later a Rift. I helped with this as well. We did end up winning the game, but my impact was smaller. I tried not to feed, that was my #1 goal after the 2 deaths. I did roam down for early Drag, and kept the JG entrance topside warded and would Pink into their JG to help to try and locate Yi. I was also behind a level due to being camped, but had decent farm in lane as I thought the best thing I could do was try to farm and match roams of Annie or help with Drag, vision, objectives. Any advice on what to do when camped Mid would be appreciated. My Champ pool is Diana, Malzahar so far. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:02 PM PDT Hi guys! Im mainly a zed/ekko mid lane player and im climbing through silver right now (albeit slower than id like). My question is when my team is set on ARAMing it down mid, I want to split a side lane to apply pressure so the enemy is forced to send team members away from mid to try and stop me. However, I've had times when I try and do this, my team gets caught/engaged on and they lose the fight and then they flame me for not being with them. Any tips would be great! [link] [comments] |
Newly formed Team looking for competetive oriented Guides Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:31 AM PDT My friends and I recently decided that we wanted to compete in tournaments as a team. Since we have practically no experience with competetive play and are aproximately plat elo, we are now looking for helpful guides and videos centered around competetive play. I was wondering of you guys could maybe recommend some to me? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:38 PM PDT I've been on a massive lose streak the past couple days, gone from my gold promos all the way back down to silver 4, any advice on how to end a losing streak, feel like I might just take a couple days off and recompose myself, I've also decided to drastically cut down the champs I use too about 3-4 for my main role and 2 for my off role, any other advice is much appreciated [link] [comments] |
How do you lane against yasuo as a melee champ Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:38 AM PDT Melee champs mid lane like diana/sylas or something like that. As the title suggests I am struggling to understand the matchup against yasuo, I have to stand far behind the minions when he has e up as he just comes q and goes away, csing is difficult. I was curious as to if I ever win trades as diana. [link] [comments] |
What role is the best to climb? Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT I've been playing adc for a couple of seasons now, but I feel they are really bad now, maybe I'm just bad. I main cait and jinx but can play decently Kai'sa, Lucian and Jhin, no matter what I play, I feel usless most of the time, even when, I am really fed. I want to change lane, which lane should i go to? I have experience as a Midland and a Toplare, but i really don't like playing top. Fact is, I'm sick of losing, so, which lane should i pick up? [link] [comments] |
How do you correctly exp as support? Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PDT Whenever I play support I noticed that I consistently find myself back in exp. This happens not only in early game (late lvl 6 for just a couple of minions, but it's crucial), but hits me especially hard in mid-late game when I roam and try to ward objectives and join my jungle in skirmishes and fights. I usually play mid, and I love to roam, I'm discovering that support allows me to have a lot of impact on the map since I don't have to cs as much. [link] [comments] |
Struggling to farm mid game as adc (high gold/play) Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:55 PM PDT I just started getting back into adc again, and I've found it very hard to keep up my cs in the mid game. My early farming and laning has improved a lot so I usually have 100+ at 15ish minutes, but then usually I don't get 200 before 30 minutes. A couple of my problems stem from:
-Should I be at dragon a minute early or should I be farming side waves until 30ish seconds or enemies show? -Do I go to side waves if my mid afk farms mid? -How do I properly set up and farm sidelanes without dying to assassins? -How do I group with my team so they don't int but also get enough farm that I don't fall behind? -How do I farm with Baron up and I can't show not? Thanks in advance for your answers! [link] [comments] |
Question about buying archangels before/far away from 750 tear stacks. Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT Personally ever since I've been playing I have always preferred upgrading tear into archangels on mages only when it's about to turn into seraphs. If I had like only 500 stacks or less on tear and I had 1500g i will work towards rylais, liandries, banshees or hourglass - just depends on the champ and situation. I always had it in my head that it's better to build another item instead of archangels if it's not stacked or close enough to be stacked yet. But over the years I have seen most players prefer to just build the item ASAP regardless of stacks. Is this the better way to do it now? Should you always be rushing archangels on say, Cassiopeia even if you could buy rylais and only have 150 stacks of tear? Or would it be better to buy tear, rylais, then time buying archangels when it's going turn into seraphs? Just wanted to see the views on this these days. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
How to play the lane aggressive (adc) Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:21 PM PDT Hey Guys, first of all i know support controls most of the laning phase on bot but im more of a passive adc but i wanna be more aggressive and abuse my enemy more to make the climb more successful by shutting bot down a bit. I just dont know how to keep farming while harassing the enemy [link] [comments] |
What can I do at level 3 after burning sums as ADC? Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:13 PM PDT Hello guys, This post is inspired but a predicament I have been having lately. I am currently playing in Gold elo for reference. I play a lane bully ADC in Ashe and a lot of times I will find myself doing so much work at level 1 or 2 that I burn enemy ADC heal. At this point the wave is just outside of their tower and its a cannon minion wave (the first cannon wave.) I am asking what to do in this situation and how I can get an actual advantage out of it. The cannon wave arrives and I don't know if I should push or freeze. At this point enemy jungler is level 3 and can threaten a gank depending on his path. I can't really go aggressive at this point (or can I?) until I spot jungler topside. Ideally I would like to have my jungle bot lane so that I can hardshove the cannon wave and dive the 200/300 hp adc with no heal. I don't think my jungler would ever do that at this elo and what I find most often is that I end up losing this trade. So I burn adc heal and have him at ~200 hp. Cannon wave arrives and at this point I usually just get ganked and because of that I feel like I can't put down pressure. I want to know how I can put pressure in this situation and use the burning of summoners and low hp at level 3 to win my lane. Thanks for any help. P.S. I think it's really a jgler thing that they now both need to be botside. Maybe I can ping my jungler and tell him to contest scuttle because we win 3 v 3. I find tho that it's always enemy jungler who shows up. So as an ADC what can I do in this situation? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:01 PM PDT I know that at 5 stacks Darius Deals more damage and damage over time and Stuff, but lets say the enemy jungler comes to gank a Darius. Darius gets 5 stacks on enemy Top Lane. If Darius attacks the enemy jungler, do both enemys have 5 stacks, or do the 5 stacks Transfer to the jungler. I have had Darius games where it looked like the stacks Transfered, but i also had games where the Darius goes in 1v5, Q's everyone and gets 5 stacks on everyone. I am confusion. [link] [comments] |
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