• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - March 10th!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - March 10th!

    Free Talk Tuesday - March 10th!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Hey there, /r/leagueoflegends - it's been a hot minute, but we're finally back with this week's Free Talk thread! Hope you've all had a good weekend :)

    Things have been kinda hectic lately - and I'm not talking about COVID-19, either (that being said, do remember to wash your hands, cough into your sleeves and most importantly, be safe)! With VALORANT's official reveal, the Boards shutting down, a new TFT set on the horizon and a slew of other League-adjacent things sweeping the community at large we've not really had a time to breathe. Here's your chance! Is there anything in particular you're looking forward to? Let's hear it!

    Gonna keep this one short - we're just getting back into the regular flow of things, after all! Once again, please be smart and safe during this time - that's how we'll get through this! Until then, talk shop, play nice and for the first time in a while - have a good week, y'all!

    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    Clash LFG Megathread

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Hey all! It's that time to cross your fingers and hope clash =/= crash

    This thread is here to help you find people to play with for the coming weekend. It will be split into four different posts divided by region.

    In your posts, please include the following information:

    • IGN

    • Rank and tier

    • Role

    • How many you have/need

    Optionally include

    • Champion pool/mains

    Good luck & have fun!

    submitted by /u/SulkyJoe
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    Draven ult plus Cannon

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Why Has Riot Decided To Stop Grassroots High School Competition?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    On March 9, 2020 Riot Games announced new guidelines on its Community Competition Guidelines. Basically, how independent companies and groups can organize and host tournaments for League of Legends. Among other guidelines changed were new guidelines on how organizations can run tournaments specifically targeted at the university and high school levels.

    I am the tournament director for one of the longest running high school tournaments in the midwest for League. Myself and the organization that I work for made it our goal 4 years ago to make esports as easy to transition from the high school level to the collegiate level as it is for traditional sports, and to begin down that path we looked to start with League: the number one, most played esport around the world. We've given hundreds of thousands in scholarship money to the top performing teams of our competition and have done so with no cost to enter for the schools. At the end of the day the only thing they pay for is their transportation to our live event where the top 16 teams play for the top prizes. Last year we had nearly 64 teams from Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio compete in a 3 month long season, with the best the midwest has to offer. One of our finalist teams this past year featured a top 50 rank challenger player who just won the title as the Best Yasuo 1v1 player at this years Last Breath Invitational beating out the likes of Voyboy and Yassuo. This has been an incredible experience for not only my team of tournament officials, but also for all of the high school athletes that have competed in our tournament over the last four years, some of whom have been actively recruited to different colleges in the area based on their performance in this competition.

    This was looking to be a great opportunity for the continued growth of midwest esports athletes until Riot Games updated their guidelines. As of yesterday (when this post was made) the following rules, among others, were added for tournaments that are specifically targeted towards High Schools and Universities:

    1. Competitions must start and finish within 14 days.
    2. No more than 16 schools may participate in a given Competition
    3. Competitions may not be sponsored or sanctioned by an esports governing body.
    4. The name of your event cannot use the following words: Varsity, Season, Championship, Post-Season, League, or Playoffs.

    Needless to say my organization currently does all of the following except we are not sanctioned by any governing body instead using the rules laid out by Riot Games in their official tournament rules released in 2015.

    Now it is my knowledge that Riot Games has recently entered into a partnership deal with PlayVS, an esports competition platform that is trying to market itself nation wide as the Official Platform and League for High School and College Esports. The cost for participation is $64/player including any subs; making the barrier of entry for high schools that don't have the full support of their school board that much more difficult. As of writing this post, PlayVS currently only services 14 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Virginia) with a championship. These are the only states that entered into a deal to use PlayVS to support all of their high school competitions. Reading you may notice that not a single of my midwestern states are listed here.

    This decision to cut out the grassroots organizations and competitions leaves many of my competitors without an official competition to look forward to each year, a competition to excite more high schools to offer esports as an official program/club of the school, a competition to allow the students to market themselves to the ever increasing competitiveness of making a collegiate team and playing competitively at the next level.

    I cannot understand why Riot would make this decision when not even a third of the nation is on board with this.

    Riot has made new competition guidelines that make it near impossible for organizations to operate a tournament for high school athletes. The only option remaining for these students is to utilize a model that is recognized in only 14 states that does not offer a championship for those states not officially affiliated with them.

    I understand that community tournaments have been exploited in the past, so I am completely understanding of the change to those rules. These are specifically rules that are directed at High School and Collegiate tournaments.

    Under these guidelines there is a section that specifically calls out these competitions: https://developer.riotgames.com/policies/na-tournaments

    submitted by /u/gamepro887
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    Tyler1 and Stella Chu explain how she transformed Tyler into Draven, Tyler calls out junglers who complained about the role: 'I now outrank most of them and they are quite upset about that'

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    MSI delayed to July

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Rift Rivals permanently discontinued

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    From the post:

    In addition to the regional start date changes and the postponement of MSI, Rift Rivals has been canceled for League of Legends esports going forward.

    "Rift Rivals produced some epic battles, but the challenges it created to the annual schedule were felt at both a regional and global level," Needham said. "We remain committed to producing globally resonant events that showcase our sport and will work with regions to determine fresh ways to do so in the years ahead."

    submitted by /u/Weedwick
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    Senna? No clue who you are talking about.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Upcoming changes for 10.6 with preview

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    A follow up from the previous post

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the preview changes for patch 10.6.

    10.6 Preview with the current changes. This is 95% done, but there may be a few more tweaks before it goes live.

    As always, we appreciate all of the feedback and try to take it all into account.

    >>> Systems <<<

    Teleport Buff (for top)

    • Cooldown 360 >>> 480-240 by level

    • [NEW] Grants 3 seconds of 30-45% Movement Speed on arrival (based on champ level)

    Updated TP numbers for 10.6:

    • CD 360 >>> 420-240s by champ lvl

    • MS 30-45% for 3s by lvl

    Overall should be net buff for tops

    • nerfs returning to lane (impacts mid/adc more)

    • boost to late game split pushing and flanks

    We'll be watching it closely to react if the tuning is off

    Deaths Dance Rework

    • Shift from full AD to AD+Armor+MR

    Funnel Nerf

    • Monster Hunter penalty now additionally lowers minion XP by 50%

    >>> Nerfs <<<



    • AD per soul: 1 >>> 0.75

    • Weakened Soul cooldown per champion 4 >>> 6/5/4s at levels 1/6/11


    • Severum lifesteal: 8-25% >>> 3-20%

    • Infernum damage to minions: 45 >>> 30%

    • Mini-chakram damage: 30-173% >>> 24-164% tAD


    Base Stats

    • Magic Resist per level: 1.25 >>> 0.75


    • Crit scaling: 50 >>> 33%



    • Bonus damage: 50-70 >>> 40-60% tAD

    • Mana cost: 30 >>> 40:


    • Mana cost: 45 >>> 60



    • Clone auto attack damage: 75% >>> 60% tAD

    >>> Buffs <<<



    • Total heal: 40-80 >>> 50-90


    • Movement speed: 10-20 >>> 15-25%



    • Chill duration (for E conditional purposes): 2s >>> 3s (this now matches Q)


    • Pushed to 10.7



    • Slow duration: 1 >>> 1.25s


    • Stun duration: 0.75 >>> 1s


    • Passive orb rate increased


    Base stats

    • AD per level: 2.26 >>> 2.5


    • Missing health restored: 32-100 >>> 45-100


    • Heal: 200-300 >>> 200-400



    • Fear duration: 0.75-1.5 >>> 0.75-2s based on distance



    • Sweet spot damage amp: 50 >>> 66.7%


    • Damage: 200-280 (+43% AP) >>> 200-300 (+45% AP)



    • Damage: 70-230 >>> 80-240



    • Movement speed: 40-60 >>> 50-70%


    Base stats

    • Movement speed: 330 >>> 335


    • Shield amount: 60-300 >>> 80-300

    Twisted Fate

    • Blue card AP ratio: 0.5 >>> 0.9

    • Red card AP ratio: 0.5 >>> 0.7


    Base stats

    • Mana regen per level: 0.8 >>> 1


    • Damage: 80-160 >>> 80-200

    >>> Other <<<

    Jungle Pool


    • P Deals 120% damage to monsters


    • Plants deal 150% damage to monsters


    • Pool deals 150% damage to monsters


    • Q max monster damage: 75-175 >>> 120-200


    • Blind duration increased by 100% vs monsters

    • E deals 150% damage to monsters


    • Graves spawn on large monster death

    • Ghouls take 50% reduced damage from monsters

    Autofill Parity

    Duo Parity

    Wukong Mini-Rework

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Insane Warwick Top outplay

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    5 Smites, Chogath & Nunu vs one Bardy boi

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    I saw you guys enjoy Neeko tricks :P

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Broxah on Team Liquid's rough spring split, from Visa issues to Tactical and Doublelift subbing in, and what TL needs to do from here: "The team that went on stage is not the Team Liquid that I know. Not the Team Liquid anyone knows."

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    1v5 Pentakill

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    J4 ult beneficially redirects Kled ult

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    100T PapaSmithy on the Caster/Pundit Criticisms : "Coming onto the team side, I speak to a lot of people on the team side that don't like casters because their job security or the reality of what they're doing was [secondary] to the easy to understand criticism of pundits"

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    LEC Fantasy League - Closed Beta

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Hey you!

    You know all the LEC players, all the backstage secrets, all the rumors?
    Is it the year of the Duck, the rise of kings or the fall of the old guard?
    Sharpen your insights, gather your best infos and see you online... the LEC Fantasy League closed beta is ON.


    The LEC ecosystem is a wild place with multiple actors.

    10 pro teams, 6 Broadcast partners, 14 Regional League organizers... hunt the internet, follow your favorite orgs and you might get one.

    As this is a closed beta, we're mostly looking for bug-hunters! We need feedback and opinions, we need complains and suggestions.
    A feedback link will be send to you with your key.

    If everything goes according to the plan, the open beta will be ready to start for the Summer Split.
    Right on time for the Reddit experts to predict who Europe will send to Worlds.
    Legend tells the next generation of LEC coaches started by playing our Fantasy League...

    submitted by /u/Khagneur
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    Flash is now a permanent summoner spell on all champions. All champions can still have two other summoner spells. Who received the biggest buff and why?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    I'm sure some common comments will be Shaco, thanks to the fact he'll relatively often forego flash for ignite or teleport... But what are your thoughts?

    Also, woo, 3:30am drunk thoughts. Started by pouring one out for my boss who recently died, and then didn't stop pouring them out...

    submitted by /u/Snowodin
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    Zoe e CAN travel all the way to toplane. Not gonna say it's practical, just possible

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    The Dive | MSI Postponed & TL's Playoff Chances (Season 4, Episode 8)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    3/10 PBE Update: Continued TFT: Galaxies Testing & Tentative Balance Changes

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Magnificent hook mechanic

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Found this ward. Just click on the red brick and aim towards the bush for great early/dragon pit vision.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    It's strange how little Aatrox appears in League's extended media considering how popular he is around the globe.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Feels like we can't go a few months without Akali or Irelia getting the spotlight.

    Why has Aatrox never appeared? Even in his mega poopy solo queue state, he's still picked a shit ton at all levels of play. Is Riot planning another retcon of the Darkin lore?

    I'd love a short story of what Aatrox is doing when he's not out causing destruction. I think the juxtaposition between his ancient elegance and tormented bloodlust is really cool.

    I've had this idea for a short story where Aatrox is just chilling after a large battle, a lone figure on the field, reveling in the silence. Out of nowhere, Tahm Kench tries to lure Aatrox into forming a bond; TK offers Aatrox a chance at a stable form. That's all I've got but I thought it'd be pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/DeadNames
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    This possible on Zoe!!? - Bubble from base to top lane bush!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Fasting Senna in low platinum

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    So as it is nowadays, what is being played in pro-play, people in low elo (gold-plat; but i guess it's being played all across the league) are trying to play it aswell. I had this game, i got support role and my AD Carry picked Senna.

    Game started. She picked Spectral Sickle, which is AD support item. I assume that she's playing "fasting senna" or what exactly is the name of this strat, basically not farming and picking souls to hit certain powerspike way faster. I'm playing Brand so i pick my doran ring.

    We get to lane, enemy arrives. Enemy Miss Fortune starts farming and so do I. Suddenly I see that my Senna is trying last hit all the minions and as i take some of them she starts pinging me question marks. I'm a little bit confused.

    10 seconds later as i keep farming, because I'm the one who doesn't have support item, my Senna decided back into base, buy doran's sword and assist our jungler in clearing jungle camps. This continues until end of the game. Helping our Warwick in jungle, our Fiora on top and our LeBlanc on mid.

    Half through the game Senna's duo (Fiora on top) calls me degenerate for taking Senna's farm and im apparently getting banned for it. :D

    I love this game. (no i don't)

    submitted by /u/Addridbro
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