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    LoL Guide 7 nuances about Tryndamere that you might not know

    LoL Guide 7 nuances about Tryndamere that you might not know

    7 nuances about Tryndamere that you might not know

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    you might think tryndamere is a right click only champion. You're not wrong, but there are some very small nuances in his kit you might not know about

    1. For a long time you couldn't cast your R while Tryndamere was doing the W (Chicken) animation. It just wouldn't go off. If you ever had one of the "I PRESSED IT!" moments, it was probably because of this. It was patched recently, not sure when.

    2. Your W reduces enemies AD by 20-80 scaling on rank to anybody within ~650 range of you. You could dive into a teamfight late game, press W, and reduces their whole teams AD by a whole item.

    3. W (and tiamat) proc Phase rush, which just got buffed on melees. You can Spin + auto + W to proc phase rush, or tiamat + Spin + W, or similar combos. Ignite also procs phase rush. There is a grandmaster tryndamere mid one trick that takes phase rush/fleet footwork. I believe his name is ktl_kubsar on twitch.

    4. Tryndamere has a lot of viable rune sets. Keystones that are takeable on Tryndamere are, Lethal tempo, Fleet footwork, Conquerer, Phase rush, Glacial Augment, and Grasp of the undying.

    • Some minor runes that are really good on tryndamere that you might not know about, Transcendence, Approach velocity, Hexflash(?), and Second wind/revitalize as a combo
    1. Tryndamere has a lot of viable items. Essence reaver is core on him, because nowadays 40% CDR is core on tryndamere. But other than that, you can build a ton of different stuff. A lot of people go Essence reaver - Trinity force - Infinity Edge. Here are some build paths that I recommend on tryndamere that are a little unconventional
    • Essence Reaver - Yommus - BoTrK (10%cdr in runes)

    • Berzerker greaves - Tiamat - Rageblade (Approach velocity in runes)

    • Vamp Scepter - Tabis - Tiamat - Rageblade - Finish Botrk - Essence reaver

    • Stinger - Sheen - Codex - Lucidity Boots (Magical footwear) > Nashors and Lichbane into general AP items.

    1. Tryndamere can be one of the safest laners if played properly. With the rune setup of Fleet footwork, resolve secondary with revitalize and second wind, In addition to a dorans shield start, Tryndamere can sustain through any lane. ESPECIALLY good into Jayce, Quinn, Vayne, Teemo, Pantheon, Talon. Or literally any AD assassin. You can also build this into any matchup you feel uncomfortable in, and worse comes to worse you farm it under turret, and gain so much life. You can also build this into tanks and straight up ignore them. They trade onto you, you hit the wave and heal it all back up. They run out of mana, you get plates GG. Even better setup with double armor minor runes.

    2. with 40/45% CDR you can Spin > Crit 2x > Spin again. Good for chasing people through minion waves like you're yasuo, or getting onto backline during fights. Super good in general.

    3. You can flash during your spin animation. Good for finishing people off in lane, or flashing onto the AD carry late gate to 2 shot them. If you do it properly, you will instantly deal spin damage.

    ty for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/RAZGRIZTP
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    Morgana ult tips?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    So! I'm currently level 13, and I main Morgana. I still have trouble using her ult though? I use it sometimes, but I feel like I'm not using it efficiently/effectively. I know I should use it with enemies around me and such, and in team fights, but I feel like I don't use it at the optimal time. I might watch videos later, but I figured I could ask here as well :] Edit: okay wow I got a lot of feedback on this, sorry if I take a while to read/respond!! This is kinda overwhelming aaa

    submitted by /u/sukkmydeku
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    Does every masters+ player track junglers like King Nidhogg

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    I'm sure you've seen a lot of his clips and maybe a few of his educational jungler tracking videos. If you haven't this is one good example of his videos that blew my mind. Does every high elo jungler track like this? Is that why a lot of experienced junglers say that jungling is a lot like chess?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    Is Shen a good jungle

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I'm fairly new to lol and main top and support shen, right now I want to get better with him as I love his kits and I think he is a very good champ overall, I don't play ranked because I want to master him before I start. So I was wondering if he viable to be a jungle. When my jungle asks me to lease for them I realized that I can shred the buff with my q. So with my q massive damage and w's block and e's taunt for ganks surely it should be a thing.

    submitted by /u/blackychan_2002
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    Alan234 - Challenger Teemo Top Guide

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Here is my guide, easily accessible on google docs :D https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4reHPHGIZkT5uc1maIrYUflS62_fp8E8tPwTIj-r8o/edit#gid=1240266939

    I'm gonna answer questions in this thread and on my stream (now live until 5 pm, if I'm ingame please wait until game finishes :p)

    submitted by /u/OneTwoTrickFour
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    I have ego problems or just autopilot?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm gold 1 right now, I main Kat OTP and I'm in promos for plat. I don't know if my ego increased or I turned into autopilot because I started to think negative thoughts and my mechanics started to decrease. I have really good mentality. I meditate sometimes. I don't know how can I stop thinking my negative thoughts. I really enjoy playing league and having fun.

    In game: I was Kat vs TF(easy matchup), I really scared to play aggro because they had shaco and I try to put wards correctly. I tried to roam top because I pushed the lane, Kha'Zix called herald to dive and we failed because TF followed me with his ult. I played so badly in the mid game. Someone of my teammates was also a Kat main and he blamed me because he thinks I play so bad with Kat and I try to ignore him xD.

    submitted by /u/K4tarinaKR
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    Possibly a dumb question.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I'm a jungle main. Say my mid lanes dies, and the enemy crashes the wave into our tower. My mid laner does not have time to get back and collect some/all of the wave. Is it bad for me to last hit those minions under tower until mid is back?

    I figure it'd be good to not let the gold/xp go to waste, but I've had many, and some seemingly really mechanically decent players flame me or afk because of it.

    submitted by /u/Fermek
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    How do you play against mages botlane ?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    I just had a game where their botlane Xerath and Thresh seemed really oppressive, so I would like to hear some tips from you guys on how to deal with lanes like this (Veigar or Anivia as well).

    Me and my mate played Kog+Lulu which were probably not the most optimal. Therefore I would appreciate if you could tell me some picks against lanes like this as well. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Mininint
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    Is there such thing as buying too many pink wards?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I'm currently sitting at plat 2 as a jungle main, and I started to notice that I am buying significantly more pinks wards than my team. I am always (19/20 of my last games) buying the most pinks on my team, and in more than half of my last 20 games I am buying more than the rest of my team put together. I almost always grab at least 1 when I back, and I usually am buying 8-12 total on average throughout my games.

    I always thought pinks were best spent money, but when I think about it, I am spending 750 gold on pinks. That's more than a stopwatch! I use pinks basically as a second sweeper sometimes, but at my elo, do you think it makes more sense to start investing some of that money in items, rather than vision control?

    submitted by /u/Lowsmithy
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    Rigged matchmaking

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Me and my friend recetly found out that the more games you win and carry, the worse players you get
    in future games and vica versa.
    We managed to do a little experiment in which we played as good as we could and then we proceeded to play as bad as we could, the conclusion was that after playing those "good" games we have been awarded by usually whole rank lower players with extremely low win ratio and terrible KDA.

    What is fascinating about the matchmaking algorithms is that it manages to award you with hardcarry good players after you play very bad and end up with terrible KDA.
    The whole thing just seems to me as weird way of handling those masses of players trying to climb up or just simply keeping players in rigged matches so they won't get to greater winration than good old Rito "50%".

    So fellas, next time you want to get to higher ranks. Just suck at every other game, the algorithms will do their job and will make sure you will get to ranks you do not deserve to be in with such playstyle.


    submitted by /u/bredie_mercury
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    I can't seem to win anymore, help?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Hey summonerschool, I've fallen into some kind of ditch and can't get back up. I play mostly mid with some mages and some offmeta(shit like mid urgot is super fun). Recently, however, I can't win any games. I usually win lane hard and put my lane opponent behind, but when it comes to later in the game where everyone groups, I can't outcarry the enemy team.

    For example, I played a game of Heimer mid today(https://imgur.com/a/osda4pz) and absolutely smashed the ahri I was landing with. Everything seems to be going well. Then, our jungle lost first dragon. Then our bot and top started feeding. I was roaming and maintaining my lead over my lane but I just can't deal with 4 fed players on the enemy team, which basically negates my lead.

    This has been happening for the past few(read: ~10) games where I'm constantly the ace on my team and it's certainly frustrating because I personally wasn't doing much wrong.

    Who's got some advice?

    submitted by /u/Blasterus
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    Need players by Sunday night

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Ominousity is LF D4 - D2 players (only support, jungle, and top applications) (NA)

    Will provide coaching, scrims, and competition in a friendly and active environment. Although we a casual-competitive team setting we are looking for players to be in a pro-competitive setting. Tournament fees are paid by org. Prize money goes to team. Fill out this application to be considered: https://forms.gle/57asCcQxnGHFRRtq9

    submitted by /u/SFT_BannedUser
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    Concerning Ignite

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    As a recent support main, I have to inquire why I am constantly told to take ignite over heal. I find that heal simply feels a lot more natural to use because one never knows when an adc decides to bullrush/ all in until afterwards. Is there a particular reason to take ignite? If so, is there a way to know when to ignite? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/an-insane-potato
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    Twisted Fate question

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Hello folks. I was wondering, would TF do well if he built like Kayle? I was thinking something like PTA, Triumph, Alacrity, Coup; Biscuits, Tonic. I then thought for items Gunblade, Nashor's, Rageblade, Attk Speed boots, Zonya's and Deathcap. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

    submitted by /u/GoblinMutant
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    Howling abyss 1v1 (first to nexus) meta

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    I know from almost a year a site where there are 1v1 tournaments with this setup.Since there are real money prizes, a lot of people uses it for profit, playng all day and, between you and me, they are also pretty rude and even gets pissed off if you don't FF when you are losing and try to PLAY anyway, because you are making them "lose time" lol... in a game.........

    BUT! Coming back to us, i have pretty much learned the meta there and i wrote a little tier list which i will write here for those who are interested:

    • GOD: Udyr, Nocturne, Tryndamere
    • Tier1: Urgot, Darius, quinn, vayne, Trundle, Olaf, Irelia
    • Tier2: Nasus, Akali, yorick

    Any other champ other than these ones is bad or cheesy.

    Best runes are:

    • First branch: Conqueror 1-1-3 or Conqueror 1-3-3 (depending on your champ)
    • Secondary branch: Determination with Demolish and Revitalize/Bone plating

    Sometimes you can use Lethal tempo, but conqueror is the best key rune overall.

    Summoner spells:
    Most of the times you will be using Ignite and Snowball as summoner spells.

    Strong items:


    • Guardian's Hammer + long sword/dagger

    Useful items to rush:

    • Ninja Tabi

    • Bramble Vest

    • Vampire scepter

    Full items:

    • Sanguine blade/BOTRK
    • Black Cleaver (on champs like darius vs a lot of armor)
    • Thornmail

    Now, i managed to even win some tournaments (i did 18€ in total), but i still have a mere 59% win rate over 200 games and cant even think competing vs people in higher tier tournaments that always have 70%+ win rate (there is even a guy with 90%) over 2000+ games.

    Here, I exposed some of what i learned on these tournaments during the relatively short time i invested in it (mainly diven by curiosity)

    If i remember some other info i will add it, but I'm also very interested in seeing what you guys think and if someone of you have some more knowledge about that.

    Feel free to use this post as the main post to discuss it. Have a nice day :)

    EDIT: nasus got nerfed, moved it from God Tier to Tier2

    submitted by /u/dani3le96
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    What do I do about Garen?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Hello, I am a new League player who has been playing the game properly since around December of 2019. I mostly main Skarner and Karthus in the Jungle, but recently I branched out to the Top lane and have been finding some success playing Yorick. I find playing him very fun and relatively simple, but one matchup I've been having trouble against is Garen. I feel as though he is able to too easily get free damage off on me with his Q speed, and I cannot stop his spin since I am silenced from the Q. Additionally, whenever I think I have escaped, he uses his true damage ultimate to finish me off. My Q is ineffectual, as his W provides him a shield, and a few seconds out of combat is long enough for him to have healed back the damage I have dealt. I do better against proper Yorick counters, such as Nasus and Irelia. How shall I play against this as Yorick? I thank you in advance for your advice.

    submitted by /u/NoRealPoints
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    How to deal with tilt?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Hey Guys!

    I'm pretty new to this stuff and this is my first post. Since I always read stuff here I thought I should post one myself since I have a lot of questions in mind. Anyways, I just wanted to ask everyone here whether you're high elo or low elo: How do you deal with tilt? Right now I'm a gold 4 player (I'm actually just going from gold 3 then back to gold 4 and then back to gold 3 and so on..) The one thing I noticed about my playstyle is I tend to play really bad when I get tilted and I can't seem to find ways to control it. There are times when I'm playing decent and then all of a sudden I get camped, or a teammate flames me, or I get blamed for something like not teleporting to bottom or something like that, and it just throws me off the game. What I think triggers me the most is when I'm playing my best and no one in the team seems to care about winning. Always going for tricky plays, for dangerous plays, not thinking and just going in at every opportunity they get. I think if I'm able to control this tilt thing then maybe I'll have a chance at climbing the ladder lol.

    submitted by /u/suntiago28
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    How do I deal with double ad botlanes?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Title sums it up pretty well. How do I deal with lanes like ADC + Pyke or ADC + Senna?In the past I've always focused ADC because of their consistent DPS. Or really rarely the AP support if they're fed. Generally AP supports are (for the most part) bursty and after that they're pretty easy to handle.

    For ADC + AD Support all those rules I used to rely on kinda don't apply anymore as far as I've observed. Both deal consistent damage with the ADC dealing just a tad more usually I'd say. I usually play a lot of tank supports (thresh/ali mostly) and occasionally zyra and no matter who i seem to focus in 2v2 fights it'll always backfire.

    I've tried both versions of who to focus but to no avail. If I focus ADC, Pyke just executes both of us or Senna counterheals and shields and my ADC dies first. If the focus is reversed their ADC has free real estate damaging both me and my adc.Harassing really bad as Zyra showed some success when being able to poke down the enemy adc. However, only for pyke lane.

    I doubt that general support tips would help me out since I've had no problems facing every single other support adc combination so I can narrow it down to these two.

    I found nothing by searching google/youtube/reddit with my keywords but maybe I'm just bad at phrasing it.So: What can I do? Is avoiding fights the only option unless outnumbering them?Pyke and Senna kinda is the only thing I am facing right now due to their strength and popularity so that only amplifies the issue. There are too many other champs that I consider more worthy of a ban so that kinda isn't the option here.

    Thanks in advance to everybody!

    EDIT: This is taking into consideration that both lanes have equal amounts of items/gold. If the enemy was fed this would be a whole different story.

    submitted by /u/Breenori
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    Low elo veteran here

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    Context: I have been playing league on and off for years, clocked over 5k normal games, i main support/top (mostly support, prefer support) i have probably never played more than 20 ranked games in a season and my all time peak was around silver 1 99 lp if I'm correct. This has always been a social game for me, play with friends 99% of the time.

    My question is how do i develop the patience to climb out of silver, i know in my case it is literally a matter of playing enough to rank up, but i get so annoyed when seemingly free games are being thrown away due to my teams poor macro decisions and inability to listen or make aggressive plays to finish out a game.

    Im very consistent and have gravitated to support because its the least frustrating role with the most control over the map via wards and ability to keep team alive or develop leads for them.

    My question is less about gameplay and more about how to be okay with losing games that should be free. Although any tips are appreciated.

    Tldr: no patience for ranked but feel like with my experience i should earn myself a higher rank.

    submitted by /u/Hekarba
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    Need Jg khazix Help

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    my k6 is so bad im stuck gold 4 atm. i just cant seem to get a snowball going, i watch guides but just cant seem to get it going. how? and when i get a small lead its easily thrown away. i cant seem to get dragons too lolol. any gameplay specific tips on how to snowball woth k6 jg?

    submitted by /u/level1mwr
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    New Evelynn player looking for help

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I'm new to league (only level 15) and recently I bought Evelynn because she looked like fun. However, whenever I've played her, I'm always way under level, and always feel like I was useless to my team. I don't really know what I'm doing, and would really appreciate some pointers. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Fox-Slayer-Marx
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    How Do I Gain Confidence To Play Outside Of AI?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Long story cut short, I have pretty bad social anxiety even online, and the toxic manners of some League players definitely do not help this. I've been playing against bots the whole time, and now that I think I found my main and roles that I like to play, I'd like to start doing normal matches. My anxiety however is making this very difficult. I've decided to just mute chat if/when I join normal PvP matches until I actually gain some skill. But, I'm still nervous. I feel like having a buddy to duo with would help me, but none of my friends play League and it's difficult to find anyone that would be willing to put up with anxious, terrible skilled me who doesn't do any type of voice chat.

    If anyone has any tips on how to psyche myself up enough to get into a normal match, I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Zahrii
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    Jg lvl vs farm

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    I've played a lot of games recently where one jg will have a cs lead on the other jg, up to 20 or 30 cs, but will be 1 to 2 levels behind the other jg. I've experienced this myself playing jg, while only getting my farm from the jg camps. How can this happen? I understand it if they have less cs but for example 5 kills, but it seems to happen even if they don't have a significant k/a lead.

    submitted by /u/404humanitynotfoun
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    Is there any blame to be had

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    This was just in my last game and honestly about half of my games overall. I main top and I was playing vs Urgot and we were relatively even through lane until i got ganked 4 times , once from mid leblanc three times from wukong jungle with yummi tagging along from bot.

    Yes I warded, yes i pinged and typed in chat for assistance, yes i tried to play safe I went through the whole checklist no help, no response so later game of course Urgot has snowballed and I'm 7/6 still enough to pop a squishy but I can't really do much and now I'm getting flamed by everyone who refused to help earlier.

    So I'm here asking what more could I have done or is it just my low elo in silver

    submitted by /u/stoicswordsman
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    Aatrox, the brain cell killer

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I'm an aspiring top laner. While I don't have trouble playing characters like Renekton, Kennen, Maokai, and Malphite, Aatrox has been the bane of my existence for the past week I've been practicing him. Every game is either an insane carry or a flop in the dirt, as I fall behind hard in lane. I've been practicing in Draft and Blind with some success, but I can't seem to get his kit right... Any advice is welcome.

    submitted by /u/bohnbarant
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