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    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    LoL Guide How can you tell if a champion is burst or sustained damage?

    LoL Guide How can you tell if a champion is burst or sustained damage?

    How can you tell if a champion is burst or sustained damage?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Okay, so this might seem like the stupidest question in the world, but I'm curious as to know. I hear a lot of people say burst and sustained damage, and I know what they mean, at least definition-wise. But I guess what I'm asking is how can you tell if a champion is built for sustained or burst damage? Are there any traits or stats that would help one distinguish one from the other?

    Mind you, I've played for about a month, so I'm still new. Appreciate the help.

    submitted by /u/Crazy-Ocelot
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    (Research) Is Manual Pathing Better than Automatic Pathing?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    RANK: Grandmasters (Peak)

    ROLE: Support

    MAIN: Enchanters  


    I heard a myth a VERY long time ago that if you click closer to your character to get around instead of having a single long path, (20 seconds +), like from Spawn to an Outer Tower, you can create a straighter line than the Pathfinding algorithm can. This in turn, would let you walk from Point A to Point B faster, by something like 0.5%, which in game terms would be nearly 2 Move Speed. Not a lot, but enough to make a TINY difference.


    This theoretical 2 Move Speed has been haunting me. I close my eyes to sleep in this Corona age, I picture my Nami doing a weird wiggle move when she should be going in a straight line. Please help, I need a Mythbuster.

    submitted by /u/Sovako
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    How do I play around smurfs as a jungler?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    What do I do when someone in the game has a level 30 something account and a 70+% winrate? If its the enemy, do I gank them to try and set them behind? Or avoid their lane so I don't give a double kill? If they're on my team, do I camp them or try and get my other lanes ahead and assume they will do well?

    I play nunu and Zac in mid platinum NA

    submitted by /u/tuptupsacat
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    How to climb as kassa

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Hey i am dia 1 supp main, but want to learn playing midlane and some adc with friends, leveled a smurf just for midlane and mostly playing kassa have 10w/3L right now, and want to know when i get to gold+ how do i win such hard early matchups like zed/zoe/heimer etc, i don't want to just sit under tower and get "xp" games have been easy for now, mostly over 20 kills when game ends bcs lower ranks don't understand to fight me early. Can i somehow win most of my matchups in farm aswell as in xp? i am usually starting to play around top/bot/drake after lvl 6. thanks alrdy bois, may ask some further guestions if someone replies.

    submitted by /u/R4tez
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    How do you defeat a team that has Yuumi?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Yuumi is one of the biggest thorns in my side right now. In fact, I'm considering just straight up dodging when the enemy team picks her. She heals, peels, and engages so well while attached to a fed/tanky teammate, more so than any other enchanter. Also, she is virtually impossible to target as she stays attached to an ally champion for most of the game.

    I know that GW exists, but I don't play any champions that itemize GW well at all. Are there any conventional ways to reliably outplay a team with Yuumi?

    submitted by /u/Arraysion
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    What is priority?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:34 PM PDT


    Recently I've been spamming rengar jg and just having a blast. However, there is one thing that I do not understand about jg which is lane priority.

    I always thought lane priority meant who was shoving (ex. My orianna is shoving the enemy vlad under turrent) which I thought means I have mid lane priority if I want to invade. Yet in a recent match I was told that doeant mean I have priority?

    So I'm just a bit confused about what priority is

    submitted by /u/randomdragon7890
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    How do I play with Braum as an ADC?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Hello, so I've played ADC for the entirety of S9 (when I really started focusing on getting better on League), but this season I changed to top lane mostly because I don't have a duo.

    Yesterday I got invited to play in a small tournament in a team with some friends and they put me in ADC as I was the one with most experience in the lane, it happens that they also invited a guy who I'm not that familiar with to play support with me. Turns out his best champion is Braum and that's honestly not my favorite support to play with.

    So I wanted to know which champs and playstyle fit the best with Braum.

    My ADC pool is pretty vast, I just don't play that much with AP champions and Varus. My main champion is Kai'sa but I'm comfortable with most of the other ADCs

    submitted by /u/Banaburguer
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    Im having problems learning playing in the jungle

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Hi. I want to know how to play in the jungle but i always have problems with the ganks and leveling up.
    The problems i got with the ganks its the top or mid laners gets very scared and when i came up to the gank they are very fareway and many times i die.

    Second, i think im doin' something wrong, always the enemy jungler has 1 or 2 levels up just jungling and killing monsters. I play and i wanna play better with Olaf, VI and Kha zix

    Maybe the route that i'm taking? ( im watching a lot of videos)

    should i get jungler first core item or damage item?

    thanks ( i lot of questions haha)

    submitted by /u/skzoholic
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    Ganking AND farming is impossible for me when I'm playing JG, any help?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I usually play Rammus when jungling, maybe sometimes Nidalee, though I know she's really hard so I'm focusing on Rammus from now on. My problem is, when I try to clear my camps, the lanes get abandoned and our team is losing. So I prioritize ganking over jungling, and then notice that I'm falling three levels behind everyone else. What playstyle should I take in order to avoid that?

    submitted by /u/alekdmcfly
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    Is Taliyah worth learning?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Hey, I recently reached level 50 and got a champion shard for Taliyah. I wonder if she's worth learning, and she's in the Meta right now. Are there any positive or negative arguments? If you have any tips or other things to say about her, let me know. I just want to make sure it's worth my BE, since I'm level 50 I don't want to waste them. I want to try her in jungle. Or is she to weak in jungle?

    submitted by /u/Colpaertt
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    The promo system seems incredibly unfair, what am I missing?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a Bronze 1 player fresh off a promos loss and I'm frustrated. I lose promos frequently, despite having over 50% win rates with all of my mains. The LP math seems easy and reasonable. You win a game? You get like 20 LP. You lose a game? So, if you're able to manage at 50%+ win rate on balance you typically climb up to promos.

    But for promos, you're required to achieve win rates far in excess of the win rate required to climb to promos in the first place!

    Let's say you're doing the Bo5 promos that you do between Bronze 1 and Silver 4, for instance. You need to win a game to get to promos, and then win at least 3 out of the next 5 games. So it's effectively requiring you to win 4 out of a somewhat-arbitrarily-defined 6 games, for a win rate bar of 66%.

    I am aware that there are free wins if you fail promos, but that doesn't really seem to address this at all. You could fail promos twice while still having an overall division win rate of like 59% and just happening to hit losing streaks during promos.

    Am I crazy in thinking the promo system as currently designed seems like it creates a ridiculously high, extremely luck-based hurdle to clear? Is there some piece of this I'm missing that makes it reasonably designed?

    My op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=c0dify

    submitted by /u/dbio
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    Jax: Deaths Dance vs. Blade of the Ruined King

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Both items have recently been reworked so that they're viable on Jax, but which is the more optimal choice?

    I play Jax in the JG, so my core build generally goes: Cinderhulk > TF > BC

    But I'm thinking of replacing BC with DD or BoRK depending on the comp

    What say you? Which is the better item for Jax

    submitted by /u/The_Paseo
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    Nimbus Cloak Explanation

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    I see a lot of champions have sorcery secondary runes (Garen and most ADCs are the ones I notice) at high tiers.

    Can someone explain to me how it is supposed to be used?

    I understand you gain movement speed and can move through minions when you cast a summoner spell, but how is it supposed to be used?

    Is it defensive to flash out and escape? Are you supposed to flash in and catch people? Is it (For ADCs) supposed to be when you pop heal it boosts Heal's movement speed?


    Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/NeoTrioTomoe
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    How do you lane against a Thresh that just zones you out of cs?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    As the title says, how do you lane against a good thresh? He is tanky so he can just walk up to you, zone the ADC because of the hook threat and you lose cs, the wave crashes under your turret and not much you can do to go on the offense. Slowly you will get suffocated out of the lane even with 0 hooks landed.

    What is the proper way to lane against a thresh? I have known the usual ways: Dodge the hook then harass him or harass him if he gets too close and stay in your wave to block him off with minions. Sure this works against a novice Thresh that tries to hook then backs off but against good Thresh does not. Good Thresh just zone you out of the lane by usually just walking up and positioning in a way that one mistake and you get hooked and dead. If that does not work they start with E and hit a Q when it is guaranteed to hit. Either way, even if he does not accomplish killing you, you are mostly zoned out of the cs.

    As a bot laner, landing against a good Thresh is so hard that I just ban him in every rank, even more so than say Nautilus or Blitz. What am I doing wrong or is there a proper way to lane against him?

    submitted by /u/artemis_irelia
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    Participating in Early Game Fights as ADC

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I tend to play pretty weak laning ADCs and find myself under or near my tower most games. With the lane where it is I feel I'm often not in a position to jump on a jungle gank way up the lane, help out against an invade, or rotate to help dragon effectively without eating the entire minion wave's damage or losing a wave or two. This, as you'd imagine, results in my screen being filled with question mark pings.

    1. Am I playing too defensively in these situations?
    2. What are some rules of thumb for joining my team in river or stepping past the wave with my jungler and support?
    3. If I'm in the right in a given situation and I shouldn't be joining my teammates does this apply to dumpster tier where I am? I feel like by not showing up I tilt the everliving shit out of my teammates and I can't help feeling it might just be worth coming with to keep cohesion.
    submitted by /u/mybagelz
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    Need help climbing OTP off meta

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm silver II (highest Ive ever been) and I've been playing league off and on for about 4 years now, and now im determined to get to diamond/masters by next season. I main top lane and was finding a lot of success with mordekaiser top (3 hits walk and win). But I wasnt having any fun at all and I didnt like the super low mobility. I found a grandmaster Quinn called QuinnAD on youtube and I really enjoyed the champ and it's style but im getting absolutely murked because I've always played bruisers and I dont know when to do or build anything and why. Everyone is treating me like a child, (why arent you building bork against tahm top) (why are you splitting bot) (why did you pick the most off meta of off meta champs). Everyone is getting pissed at me, but im tired of winning by playing a braindead champ like mordkaiser.

    Where do I go to actually learn the mindset of what to build and why to build it. Mobafire obviously has builds, but rarely does it explain why to build bork against tanks, and what I should build in super situational matchups. I cant understand my mistakes and it's costing me so many games because I dont even know where to begin looking.

    To clarify, I feel like im getting better instead of getting worse playing quinn, because I actually get punished for mistakes instead of being over extended as morde half hp and getting a double kill by just walking towards the jungler when im down 2 kills.

    submitted by /u/suteac
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    What to pick vs MF

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I'm a mid plat player for the last 6 years who mains adc. I do not enjoy playing Miss Fortune too much, as I see her as a team reliant pick, but I can't disagree that in her current state she is by far the most impactful AD in the game, while also being very dominant in lane. I do not want to pick her only to deny her to my opponents.

    As a Lucian main I also know he is very weak against her in lane, as she outranges him too greatly and when he can't do well in lane it's hard for him to be relevant in the game. So I'm looking for options that are going to win against her consistently, to punish players that spam her right now. Looking at raw stats the best champion to play against her bot is... Yasuo, which I wouldn't want to. Data is retrieved from: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/counters/missfortune

    So yeah, I'd like to hear your experiences as miss fortune players, or simply bot laners, also any supports that do well into her will be useful to know, since I play mainly premade with a support.

    submitted by /u/disruptor483_2
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    Jungling as Tanks (Aside from Sejuani and Zac)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    As the title suggest I'm looking for advice on jungling on tanks, obviously the two strongest are Zac and Sejuani but I want to have more available to me than these two. My ability to play more, Maokai, Nautilus, even poppy is there, but the meta junglers, that are strong: Lee, Olaf, Elise, and a few more just seem to ravage my team before I can make something happen. Whether it's because I'm not in position, or if I get put behind by an invade, these tanks are obviously weaker in the early game. What do I need to do in order to have success on tanks. How do my team and I need to play, to get through the early game, to where we have a power spike?

    submitted by /u/Sluggo95
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    Challenger Player Pekin Woof's commentary in a Platinum Elo Game | Having champion foresight

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Hey all, Pekin Woof here. I wanted to share my latest video where I played in Platinum elo. With most of my commentaries I always try to explain what I am thinking about but for this one it felt more informative than most.

    Here are a few of the tips in the game I went over:

    1. I explain that every champion has their own goals, and in this game I was versus a Sylas. His goal is to scale and not die early game. He took TP and I know Sylas versus Zoe is not ideal until he gets some items under his belt. I also explain that their jungler Master Yi is not a jungler who can gank well. So early game is going to be extremely in my favor due to the matchup and less fear of being ganked by a good ganking jungler.

    2. While playing aggressive mid I understand what the enemy wants to do when they trade. I allow him to do the trade he wants (Land chain on me, land W on me as Sylas) both of which make him go melee. By playing patient and giving him what he wants it means I am able to land bubble with basically 99.9% accuracy giving me kills in laning since I know his champions full combo will not put me in danger while I know my combo (especially because I also have ignite) will put him in danger.

    3. Don't panic when a lane is doing poorly and wait for the enemies to make a small mistake. My bot lane this game was losing to the enemy and it wasn't until mid game that I finally was able to take them down. I didn't over exert myself into their team and rather just played fights towards my own champions goals and waited for them the make the mistake.

    If you have any questions about the video be sure to give timestamps so I can watch it myself before answering. Hopefully this is helpful to many people here even if you are not a mid laner! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMRkyuYMNq4

    submitted by /u/Pekingese1
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    outranged in team fights

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Im a gold adc and last game happend something i couldnt deal with, i was playing with a mid range chapion (xayah) and i was ouranged by everyone on the other team

    if i got i my aa so i could do dmg i got caught in cait twitch Cassiopeia and sennas range, i got bursted every time. they had only a melle champ that i could do dmg to but after he died i was uselees since if i got any closer i would get all their dmg combined and die. i know this is is a very atypical comp but i had no idea what to do . can anyone help pls'?

    submitted by /u/covelo11
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    How can i carry as assassins in midlane? plat 1 toplaner learning mid

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Im a plat 1 toplaner but i made a secondary account to play midlane. i keep getting these games where i do all the normal plays, win my lane help my jungler and roam but i just cannot solocarry as i can with bruisers in toplane.

    I fall behind on farm because of my shitty waveclear and the fact that everyone just keeps going to mid and take the farm, if i go to the sidelane im usually met by the botlane and sometimes im not strong enough to kill them 2v1 so im just a sitting duck

    In later teamfights i do my job but is often not enough to carry the game, im so use to just being incredibly strong by that point and carry by just playing teamfights well but with assassins i cant do that

    Here is my op.gg if someone is interested

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    How did you know you were prepared for ranked?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    To preface: I've only had the game for a few months, I have roughly 170 hours played and I'm about level 50.

    I decided to jump into a ranked game(my first ever) just to see what it was like. I was matched up with low Golds and high Silvers, and sadly I felt a bit overwhelmed and more pressured compared to normals(in comparison however, the games felt relatively similar).

    With this, my question is how did you guys know you were definitively ready to actually play ranked and begin climbing? And how long did that take?

    Edit: I would like to main mid-lane, and I don't have a real main champion at the moment I'm still experimenting.

    submitted by /u/xVepres
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    Don't be afraid to take barons as early as the at 20 min mark

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    I see this a lot in low elo where one team is stomping but is finding it very difficult to close out their game. What happens is that once the first towers are taken and the enemy is pushed into their base, sieging becomes very difficult because you don't have the strength to really 5v5 under the tower. What happens instead is a pointless amount of skirmishing which more often than not tends to lead to deaths and giving up shutdown gold for no good reason. And if the enemy team is behind it's possible to still win in this way, but I've also seen where stalling games like this can lead the enemy team to a sudden comeback, especially if they have good scaling champions on their team.

    So how do you close out games like this? The solution is simple: force an early baron. You often have wave priority anyway, and if your team is that ahead, there should be no concerns of having it stolen if contested, which will usually force the team fight you need to end the game anyway. No matter what, it's a win for your team, because you force the enemy out of their base so you can kill them and take a tower, or you take baron and siege them with baron buff and take tower anyway.

    So please don't be afraid to consider baron as early as the 20 min mark if you are really stomping but find it difficult to take the first inhib tower. Remember that the only way to win is to kill the enemy nexus, not have a 20/2 KDA but your own nexus is destroyed.

    Tip 2: But consider trading a dragon for baron, even if it means giving up dragon soul, because baron is overall more valuable than dragon if it means you can end the game with it (and then contest for elder instead if you still couldn't end it).


    Since it seems many misunderstand this from this post, but I am not making universal statements about what buff is better, but I am talking about a very super specific game situation in low elo that I see as a big mistake winning teams make that often needlessly jeopardize the game.

    I absolutely agree with that on a general basis dragon soul is favorable, but in the very situation I am speaking of, there is rarely a reason to keep dragging out the game to the point of acquiring a dragon soul when it could be closed so much easier and faster with a good siege using the baron buff.

    submitted by /u/Entr0pic08
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    What mistakes can I capitalize on from a ranged top as a melee?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    For example, in a melee vs melee you can punish for every cs your opponent is taking, for every ability in cooldown etc.

    I find very hard to look for these trade windows against a ranged champion, the only real opportunity to all-in them is when they waste a kiting tool and disrespecting the bushes.

    So aside from baiting their escape or hoping they are bad and stand close enough to the bushes, what other opportunities do you have? Think champions like Garen, Sett, Darius etc, with a limited ability to close the gap

    submitted by /u/trololocos
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