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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    LoL Guide If you notice the enemy mid lane minions come into lane in a disjointed fashion, it's a good sign the jungler switched sides of the map.

    LoL Guide If you notice the enemy mid lane minions come into lane in a disjointed fashion, it's a good sign the jungler switched sides of the map.

    If you notice the enemy mid lane minions come into lane in a disjointed fashion, it's a good sign the jungler switched sides of the map.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Occasionally, you may see minions walk into lane like this (instead of all in an evenly spaced line, the third melee minion is right up against the cannon minion): https://i.imgur.com/crZE1RQ.png

    This is caused by a champion (usually the jungler) creepblocking the wave as they cross the lane. If you were previously aware of what side of the map the jungler is on, you can use this information to defensively position yourself and make plays based on where the enemy jungler isn't located. If you knew the enemy jungler was on the blue-buff side of the map, for instance, you know they'll almost definitely be on the red-buff side now, so you don't have to worry about warding the quadrant they just came from.

    Here is what it looks like from the jungler's perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwNnnxs3Ibo&feature=youtu.be

    (Note that the first wave of minions cannot be creepblocked, as players used to use this mechanic to obtain a lane positioning advantage over an opponent who wasn't aware of it)

    Edit: Also note that it's not always the third melee minion that's out of place. It could be any one of them (or multiple) that was creepblocked.

    submitted by /u/Pokemaster131
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    LoLCooldown is live, a tool to showcase the CDs of champs in a game with some visuals and more...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    We all know CSing well matters. But have you wrapped your head around just how much it does? A brief breakdown.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've recently gotten back into League since dropping it mid Season 5, and my weakest area right now is CSing (avg. 5.68). In trying to improve my CSing, I crunched some numbers, and was VERY surprised by the results.

    TL;DR: CSing is very important, but it is even more important in the later stages of the game. Past the 26 minute mark, every 1.5 minion waves is equal to 1 kill in gold.

    Game Time Avg gold per wave Wave-to-Kill Conversion Avg Minion to Kill Conversion
    02:05 125 2.4 15
    08:05 141 2.1 13
    14:05 147 2.0 13
    26:05 195 1.5 11

    I'm assuming we all understand that CSing in the early game is very important, and while this table shows that, what surprised me is how much more valuable it is later on.

    In modern LoL, the gold value of a wave scales over time. This is because canon minions will give more gold (from 60 to 90 max, increasing by 3 every time one spawns), and also spawn more frequently. This makes CSing in the late game incredibly valuable.

    Let me break this down for you:

    A minion wave spawns every 30 seconds, and they move at constant speeds, meaning the next wave will reach the spot where the current one is in 30 seconds (or less, if you're pushing).

    What this means is that, past the 25 minute mark, you can get TWO kill's worth of gold in literally just over 1 minute, without having to actually fight or risk anything at all

    The math I'm using here is: start the timer when you get to the wave, assume it takes a couple of seconds to clear, then get the second wave in 30 seconds, and then the third, for a total of 60 seconds + clear time - time gained by pushing the wave.

    Obviously, you have to add up the time it takes to move from A to B, as well as account for any existing objectives, and ward defensively so you don't risk getting caught, but the point still stands that CSing is incredibly valuable.

    So, let's get farming!

    Edits: Formatting tables on reddit is a nightmare

    submitted by /u/WizardOfNowhere
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    Do not give your base away for free or an exchange that is not worth like a Tier 1 or 2 tower.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Played on my alt and the enemy grouped as 5 mid vs my team which had wave clear and heavy engage ( Caitlyn / Malphite / Yasuo ) and the enemy couldn't siege ( Kog/Lulu/Fiddle ) as it would be suicide, even 4v5. Granted, this is silver elo so anything could happen, but I pinged my team back from fighting and instructed them to wave clear and be safe.

    I was able to get Bot lane towers Tier 2 & 3 as well as Inhib, then rotate directly to mid Inhib and take it down, then immediately go top to push the wave and take Tier 2 tower before resetting. What did the enemy get? NOTHING. They didn't get a tower, any kills, or any objectives. I think they got a couple camps but that's it.

    This happens more often than I could convince you, I'm sure. I play adc/support and it's easier to play AFK Lane Pusher 9000 instead of trying to maneuver sloppy half-ass team fights with no coordination. It only gets wins if my team listens and doesn't instantly die 4v5 before I get anything. Also, don't try this in your ranked games unless you have a high understanding of adapting to your team's decision making, comp, and have really good map awareness and macro. It's a bonus if you can time MS of enemy champions ( Kayn vs Talon vs Hec vs Karma etc etc )

    The main point of this post is: Stop giving your base away for nothing, or a really shitty exchange like you giving away two inhibs for a Tier 1 or 2 tower. Or giving your entire base away because you're attempting to rush a dragon or baron. If the enemy is pushing on a split then you need to either hard force a fight with number advantage and punish this or send someone back who can defend. Hell, even back off and everyone reset and leave someone who can wave clear there to counter push if the enemy tries to siege your lane. An even better plan would be to make sure both of your side lanes are pushed out simultaneously and then group up mid. The moment the enemy has to send someone to answer the side lanes ( usually send one person to each, leaving three mid ), you as a whole team can dive and/or pressure to take that tower and reset.

    This is great for team comps that are behind and/or really suck in 5v5s. Having a split / pick comp vs a 5v5 team fighting comp is normally auto loss in low elo because every player thinks mid/late is 5v5 aram and don't play to the strength of their comps i.e. warding / picks ( Talon/rengar) / number advantage fights (Usually with a Nami or Yuumi engage) / pressure for objectives ( Fiora/Trynd ) etc.

    Anyway. Just food for thought! Watch yer damn maps and think, "is it worth being here right now when the enemy is knocking at my door?"

    submitted by /u/Focus_and_Improve
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    Rock Paper Scissor Colour draft for noobs

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:31 AM PDT


    I used to be a high diamond 1 on 1 coach that has found himself hardstuck in gold/plat during quarantine. I've especially enjoyed watching professional league and playing Clash, but sometimes drafting can be a little tricky. I tried making a rock, paper scissors kind of drafting process, where if you see rock, you go for paper (inspired by LS' MTG colouring system and Fire Emblem's Rock Paper Scissor).

    Have a look at the video for an explanation: https://youtu.be/HGxGsy8a9pY

    Here's a link to the sheet (just an example, copy and make your own!): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8VRUDOeV27cQCTO52xrCqBGXkL5GqsNiAcIS4yMBas/edit?usp=sharing

    Quick explanation, IN GENERAL: Red beats Green, fastpaced league that goes in from flanks, game is over before scaling happens. Green beats Blue, blue lacks the aggression and sustained tankiness or damage to beat green later on. Blue beats Red, they can control the aggression and catch them out. Purple are factors that specific champions bring in. Karthus wants an AD team, Graves wants no armor on the enemy team, Tahm Kench wants a hypercarry and single-target abilities on the enemy team.

    Try to see what the enemy team's strengths are and what champs are natural counters. Make your own system and have fun with it!

    submitted by /u/phoxez
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    Xayah guide by T1.Teddy

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Hi, video can he found HERE!.

    Teddy just won LCK title, so I thought that this would be a great time to translate his guide on Xayah. Especially since Xayah got some nice buffs in 10.8.

    Hopefully you will like it. Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    How do you deal with Yoricks ult?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Yorick is such a headache to deal with. I have no clue what do to against Yorick. I saw some posts in this subreddit, but it didn't really say anything about the maiden. I play Shyvana top and I can't really fight him so I have to farm under tower. I can't freeze because he can just break it really easily. After 1-2 kills he just snowballs out of control and I don't know what to do. I don't really want to ask my jungler for help because you can't always rely on your jungler. When yorick hits level 6 his maiden has so much hp and when you try to kill him you have to actually go close. Does it have like a expiration time or something? How long does his maiden last? I feel like it lasts forever. 1 mistake I think I can fix is I took TP and Ignite (standard spells for shyvana top) I think I should have taken flash. Please help me.

    submitted by /u/MJ_Yellow
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    A rare out of game advice post - I have 1746 Galaxy Token stash but I've never bought a "pass" before but I've also never had this many tokens stashed. Is it mathematically viable to buy a pass to access these tokens?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    I have no idea how passes worked.

    In this case if I bought it from day 1 would I have gotten more out of it? Is there some "early bird" bonus or something?

    But more importantly is it just efficient to buy a pass for these tokens and use them? I have no idea. All I know is I currently have 1746 tokens "stocked up" and not sure if I should buy a pass to access them or not.

    submitted by /u/strobelobe
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    Looking for CS practice tool seen online

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I can recall watching a pro player on youtube (guess it was faker?) and I saw him use an "app" where there were minions running towards him and he had to kill them without being touched. They were oneshots and every time a minion touched him game was over. I can remember the character was Ezreal. Been looking for this tool but I can't seem to find it. Anyone knows how its called or how to get it?

    Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/HackfressenHugo
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    Brand new with no idea what i'm doing

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to get into League for a while now but with how much there is to focus on in the game I'm getting kinda overwhelmed. Been kinda nervous to hop into matches solo just because i don't want to drag anyone on my team into the gutter by me not knowing what's what. Anyone have any tips on how to get past that block?

    submitted by /u/LetsBeAdamant
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    Questions from a Beginner!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    So I just got league and it looks like a fun game I want to get into, but I try to look up tips on youtube, and nothing makes sense. So I wanted to come here and ask some questions to see if I can clear anything up and hopefully improve my game. I am currently level 6 with an astonishing 5 games under my belt.

    1) During laning phase, I try to cs but I always end up falling behind in cs, then kills, then 15 mins in I'm so far behind I can't really help out with teamfights, objectives, etc. What can I do to fix this?

    2) How do I know which items to buy? I look up guides on mobafire and I keep those up during the game, but is there a way to know what items to get for what roles? Same with ability upgrading order.

    3) If I were to be a jungler, what would I do, and when do I go for objectives?

    4) Where and when would be the best time to use wards?

    That is a lot of questions, but you don't have to answer them all if you don't want to. Any answers/tips would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/alexzoid69
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    Help with climb to plat and eventually diamond

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone. I am taking advantage of the quarantine to improve my game play and hopefully climb. I've made it to platinum once but this season i have been stuck around G3, i did swap roles though. I mained top before and i just really dislike it this season. I have taken up jungling, primarily with Kayn and Kha'zix, these are the two i enjoy. I didn't have much success at first but i have gradually improved and developed a strat to win.

    Improvement: I have found forcing ganks did not work well and just led to myself getting behind, i also found dragon fights led to team wipes a lot so i stopped forcing that and only taking it when it was 100% free. I have started focusing more on farming and getting my item spikes rather than ganking and helping laners. I find if i can go blue kayn or Kha'zix and reach my item spike i can usually carry through sheer picks making it a constant 5v4 or 5v3. The biggest issue i have with this and where i fall short is when i have really feeding laners. I'm not sure how to handle this. Up until this point i summed it up as a loss and focused on getting gold for my items and seeing if i could carry anyway. This has been happening often and has disrupted my climb heavily. I enjoy the assassin carry style of jungling and game play in general but how do i more consistently carry these low elo games?


    submitted by /u/Lefil_bet
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    Can someone help me with support itemization?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Hey, im a high plat toplaner who decided to challenge himself to get every role to a plat level, i already have an only mid account in plat so i decided to go to the next role...support.

    I play mostly engage supports since i think they are the best to carry games but im really not sure how to itemize properly.

    For my champ pool im thinking of going something like Leona, Pyke and Tresh

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    Why is Vi so good in low elo but complete trash in high elo?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    I don't know about yall, but every time there's a Vi in my game, she ends up carrying the team really hard. She has an amazing kit, she has great sustain with her passive, she has a really good engage/disengage dash, she has a 3 hit passive which breaks armor, and her ganks are great especially with her ultimate. I don't understand why she is so bad in high elo, she seems like a really good champion, sometimes it feels really unfair going up against her.

    submitted by /u/MJ_Yellow
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    How do I play against Kassadin?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Hello. So I've been playing midlane and this matchup is giving me the most trouble. I keep reading that I should harass him pre-6 as much as I can and try to kill him, but since he's a melee champ, when poking him I also hit the wave, so my wave pushes to his turret and then their JG usually comes ganks me. If I don't kill him at least like 3 times in lane without him getting one, he will grow into an unstoppable monster than can win the game by himself. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Eisheth3
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    Is it worth getting oracle lens in low elo as jungler (and how does it impact vision score)?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    I've watched some videos of high elo junglers and they always seem to get oracle lens right at the beginning of the game and stick with it throughout. I find that when I do that, more than half the time, I won't find any wards at all, even when scanning places where I think they are likely to be.

    Also, how does using the oracle lens impact vision score and how does it compare to the usual yellow trinket? Would I get any vision score if I didn't find and destroy a ward? I'm trying to get my last 2 mastery 7 tokens on amumu and I heard vision score is quite important for an S ranking.

    submitted by /u/cvgjnh
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    Help with mid lane

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    So... I started this game playing mid and I enjoyed it until I started trying to improve my mid lane. Pretty soon after I started to take notes and study the game, I just get stressed every time I die or make a mistake in lane. I also start to think that the enemy champion is broken despite knowing that they aren't. I have recently been playing jungle and I tried mid again today and I just start to feel angry like I used to. Does anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/Benmo1298
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    You don't need to crush a lane to win a game - at least partially shown in an experiment for high plat mmr [TOP]

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    I did an experiment with 10 games so far on a bit lower elo acc (p1 mmr) and I don't play the game actively since season 4 but sporadically return for 1-2 weeks of playing for fun.. so take my expertise with a grain of salt and I'm welcoming discussion as I'm not perfect by any means. A recent post suggested that he could only find success in 1v9ing with a top laner but if he played something like shen he was just an "added support". I wanted to play a toplaner while not really crushing top lane and focusing on being another support for my team. (playstyle wise not necessarily item wise). I do admit my games especially the first ones have been super rusty and I might have had the benefit of good teammates there. Towards the later games I warmed up to league a bit again and my muscle memory started coming back so the results got better. My last game we even won vs 2x 77% winrate smurfs and I took not playing for lane to an extreme and let the Vladimir freeze on me multiple times while helping my team out.

    Note that I have an average of 5.3 cs/m as Singed. This is atrocious and if I play "more normal" I have 8-10 cs/m. This is just to further show that I did not play for my own lane primarily.

    I chose Singed for my experiment because his kit (fling and gloo with grounding effect are great supportive tools and he provides an engage coupled with ghost or flash or the hextech item)and because it's always been one of the Champs I had most fun with!

    Here's the account I did the experiment on:


    I do believe people that are interested in how I tried to play the games can download replays via the lol client because it's ranked. I might be wrong though, back in my day replays weren't a thing. If it doesn't work I can send replays if anyone is interested. I recommend using the last game I played (where I went 5-7-22 in case I play another one until you check it out). It really highlights how little emphasis I put on laning and how big my impact was.

    Now bear in mind that I'm not a really active player and some of the mistakes I do are truly embarassing to me, but I had competitive moba experience and played dota to a decently high level last year and due to inactivity my league gameplay is not really crisp as you might find in case you watch the replay(s). I just want to convey this idea that just being aware that mindlessly trying to win your lane might not always be the best move (especially if you can't consistently do it). It's not a playstyle I recommend it's merely a playstyle pushed to an extreme and obviously you should become a proficient laner. Remember that this is just an experimental playstyle to prove a point. I merely hope to help at least a few people see value in challenging their current ideas and think about how they approach sololanes (especially top lane). It might help someone to find a better balance between an egoistic playstyle and an altruistic playstyle.

    I feel like this post is already pretty long just to present my idea. If it's appreciated by anyone I can elaborate more on how I tried to play those 10 games and go in a bit more detail on applying it. But that's why I linked the account and offered to share replays (in case it doesn't work via lol client) so that anyone can just see for themselves if they really want.

    TL;DRDid an experiment to put emphasis on supporting my team more and less on winning/crushing a lane. Played 10 games to add credibility that it's not just "one lucky game where I get hardcarried". The idea is to rotate a lot more and try to put the game in a position that is at least making up for the gold/xp I lose and invalidating the (partial) freefarm and maybe some plates that my opponent gets. It's at it's core a strategy game after all and not purely mechanical in the sense that you need to outduel everyone.

    submitted by /u/DaeVo1234
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    Refusal to surrender?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    I don't know if this type of question is allowed in this reddit but it just gets removed by mods everywhere else so here goes. I really don't understand the reasoning behind not surrendering a lost game, and I'm talking LOST like 20 mins in and its 11 kills to 28 and theres just NO hope of winning. I just wonder why people, even in a situation like that don't surrender? (I'm talking about draft pick or any unranked mode I understand why in ranked since there is something worth fighting for) because I see it as I'm here to have fun and getting destroyed for 30 mins is not fun, like go play ranked if you want to try hard and fight to the end to maybe shift the game but in unranked i just don't see the point. All it's doing is prolonging the inevitable and forcing me and others to endure a bad time for even longer. I might get hate since I don't know if surrendering is frowned upon or whatever but i just want to hear some people reasons as to never surrendering.

    I'm not throwing shade at people who never surrender or at people who do surrender, I just wanna understand the points of view cheers :)

    submitted by /u/clapped_d
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    Alternative to blitz.gg?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    I've been using it lately, to see the stats of people on my team and for the auto import runes (its a bad habit, but i just never know what anyone goes)

    But the amount of ads on blitz is insanely annoying, especially when theres a video on the bottom right autoplaying with no way to close it so it just blocks stuff im trying to see. I've only had it for a little bit but i'm already done with it. Are there any alternate apps or whatever that do what blitz does?

    submitted by /u/Nrver-
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    why are our matchups so high above our levels?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I wasn't sure if this subreddit was the correct place to ask this, but I figured i'd just give it a go!

    My friends and I have been playing as a 5-man premade recently, and I've noticed that our matchups seem very unfair. Our average level is 64 (our highest is 125 and our lowest is 27), however the average level of our opponents is usually around 100. To add to this, we have 3 unranked, a bronze 4 and a silver 2 (he has just informed me that he is "one game away from silver 1") and are usually up against a mixture of silvers and golds.

    We were just wondering why this is happening? Is it to balance the fact that 5 of us are in a premade, to shorten the queue time, or are we just THAT good? (our win rate is currently 35% together :D)

    submitted by /u/sosijjesus
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    How to properly use Fiddlesticks trinket (effigy)?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    After playing some matches with him it seems like his unique trinket is more of a nerf to me. I understand it has to be used differently to be effective, but how do I use it?

    Any link to a guide that breakdowns his effigy in a detailed way is welcome as well, since all the guides I've seen just quickly go over it.

    submitted by /u/Haubrick
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