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    Friday, April 17, 2020

    LoL Guide A lot of top laners ( especially one tricks ) need to learn other champs/relearn the game. If you are struggling to climb and are this type of player, PLEASE read this.

    LoL Guide A lot of top laners ( especially one tricks ) need to learn other champs/relearn the game. If you are struggling to climb and are this type of player, PLEASE read this.

    A lot of top laners ( especially one tricks ) need to learn other champs/relearn the game. If you are struggling to climb and are this type of player, PLEASE read this.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    This post may be highly frowned upen/slightly rude but I truly believe it reflects much of the player base and reading it would heavily improve your knowledge of the game. And I do not intend to offend anyone. You can definitely climb without learning other champs, however learning other champions quickly broadens your perspective of top lane.

    For reference, I am pretty high elo in ranked but I like to play on smurfs and I commonly see these one tricks in low-diamond make huge mental mistakes. Most of the time, in low diamond , these players tilt SUPER hard at the slightest jungle interaction and are constantly playing as if the enemy jg doesn't exist.

    Note: If you are below diamond or whatever, this probably applies to you too, however I'm not pushing any notion that ALL players diamond or below have this flaw. Heck, even grandmaster/challenger players have this flaw too. It's just that is very common in my eyes to "lower" elo'd players.

    For example, almost every time I see people who one trick/main champions in top lane, they always auto pilot and are near sighted to the rest of the map/enemies. They constantly act as if top lane is a 1 v 1 gladiator match.

    I think a lot of this has to do with the community and even streamers referencing top lane as a pure 1v1 island or how top lane doesn't matter. And this is SOMEWHAT true because a lot of junglers will neglect top lane/don't know how to carry through top so they just prioritize drakes/ganking bot. However, that doesn't mean you should be constantly overstepping your bounds in lane to "win" the 1v1. People who are playing recklessly and over-aggressively are often trying to "ego" on the enemy. Now, this is common on most people and perfectly normal, however if you are wondering why you're hard-stuck/can't climb with this mentality, it is probably because League of Legends is a TEAM game NOT a 1 v 1 showdown.

    If you are a one trick and aren't planning to improve/dont care, STOP READING THIS.

    Now, why do I focus on top lane one tricks? Well, a lot of players in low elo will one trick champs like Darius, Mordekaiser, Renekton, Riven, Jax, Irelia, Fiora, Tryndamere, Illaoi, etc. Basically champs that sort of made for a pure duel or have constant pressure in lane. If you main these champs in low diamond or below, I guarantee that the main reason you aren't climbing is because you're too tunneled on solo killing your opponent that you overstep and then throw all your pressure/lead away usually to a jungle gank or a jungle and mid roam.

    I'm not going to bash these players the entire post because I want to change people's mentality: not spit on them.

    One way to change this mentality is to learn other champs. Whether it be tanks like Poppy, Maokai, Ornn, Malphite, Chogath,etc or slow scaling champs like Ryze, Vlad, and Kayle, it is important to learn other champion perspectives to broaden your view and that you do not need to be so "bloodthirsty" in lane.

    Another way is to play jungle/mid and constantly look for gank/roam windows on the enemy top. Notice that the enemy top is playing like a clown and that you're definitely going to punish them for being a clown? Well great, because now you've realized what you look like to the enemy when you're playing like that.

    submitted by /u/chaoscaden
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    Educational top laners.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    ADC main wanting to learn top. For ADC I have FSNxSaber, for mid I have Youtubers like Midbeast/PekinWoof and support I have lolphaly & Bizzleberry, but who for top lane? Looking for some Youtubers like these guys at a high level to help turn me from an inting scrub into something a little more productive for my new role.

    Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/Pitchuu64
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    How do you know which runes to apply for specific champ types?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I'm a relativley new player and have been playing almost everyday for the past 2 months and I've just hit level 40. I've learned a lot about the game in the time I have been playing draft pick and the thing I just can't seem to figure out are rune builds. All I have been doing is looking up the build on champions.gg and not thinking twice what they actually do. I would like to start knowing what they do to help certain champ types so I can experiment with my own rune builds.

    Edit: My question isn't what runes do but rather how to know which runes to use for certain champs.

    submitted by /u/Bahasol
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    Improving pro play knowledge

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    bit of a weird one but I feel like my lack of game knowledge is hampering my enjoyment of watching pro games. I know the items, champs, general mechanics of the game but I really struggle with following the macro plays. Then you go into the post-game threads and it feels like eeeeeverybody knows that "ofc player x did this and not that".

    I'm not 20 years old anymore, I can't play for 10 hours a day. How do you guys stay up to date and keep track of the ever changing meta? How do you gain more insight into the pro games? Are there good Discord servers lying around where people swap knowledge about this?

    I love League, I just don't want to come out of watching pro games with an inferiority complex but I'm stuck on how to actually improve my insight.

    submitted by /u/Mortimer_Gray
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    Im new player reached 30 lvl today.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    I have played like 100 games now.

    Should i play ranked or draft pick?

    Also how i can try new champions. I mean everytime i pick new legend people are mocking me like. Oo so bad cs or why didn't you use that ability in that situation. Or if i die because i didn't perfectly calculate my damage with new ablity im allways feeding in my teammates eyes. (SORRY for bad english). Any tips <3?

    submitted by /u/Mindnawtron
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    Should I stop one-tricking Rengar in Silver?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    I'm a Rengar jungle one-trick, and I've been stuck at S4 for the past couple days (Which is a lot considering the quarantine) and I was thinking of playing junglers like Zac or Elise, junglers that are either less punishing or are way stronger in low elo. Should I keep playing Rengar or expand my champ pool?

    submitted by /u/NarwhalCat99
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    Struggling with Sett and bruisers in Top Lane

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    ADC main (mostly Xayah) main here that's kinda new to the game. I recently picked up Akali and I adore her playstyle.
    But every time I try going top I'm getting bullied by some kind of Bruiser or Sett, most other top laners I don't have a problem with as of right now.
    So my questions are:
    1. What are you supposed to do against a Sett player in top lane?
    2. Do you have any general tips against bruisers?
    3. Because I'm asking the questions above, do you know what I'm generally doing wrong when playing top lane?

    submitted by /u/XelusFlame
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    High elo top laners, how did you climb?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    So I am a bronze 4 top laner who's really struggling to climb. Mostly I do fine in lane, sometimes pick up some kills and/or an cs advantage and other times I go even. But then the mid lane approaches and I die so often. Not on purpose, I just get caught out a lot or I engage and end up dead because my team didn't follow. So here I am, high elo toplane mains how did you guys manage to climb? What champs did you use? What kind of strategy was best for you? I really want to hear from the people that went trough the same, because I really want to learn!

    submitted by /u/jeoffreycanters
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    Tip from ex-d4 hardstuck player

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    I saw someone's post that you will inevitably climb by only playing games and I would like to correct this cause in my opinion it's not true. Whenever you op.gg your lobby before the game starts, you will almost always find that one player with countless amount of games and 50% WR.

    The truth is that most people will at some point stop climbing by only spamming hundreds of games. This rank is usually diamond 4 or higher platinum, because that's where all of these micro things start to matter if you want to climb higher. To get higher you need to start understanding and executing fundanentals properly and playing games non stop won't teach you this, unless you are able to notice these things and draw conclusions from your mistakes really well. However, most players aren't able to do it.

    I was hardstuck diamond 4 for many years and no matter how many games I spammed, my games still looked like coinflip. I won 5 games in a row, that's good! One moment later I lost 6 games and was wondering what is going on. And this is what it looked like for hundreds, if not thousands of games.

    Once I started learning the game by not only playing it, I climbed to grandmasters and peaked challenger in next few months. In my case it was watching VODs of better players and analysing my every single mistake step by step. It comes down to many things, starting from analysing your laning, matchups, win conditions to actually knowing what to do on the map and so on.

    submitted by /u/MtMtMt97
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    I don't get some of the Matchmaking Disparity sometimes?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    My team has 2 silver 3's, 2 Bronze 4's and 1 unranked. The enemy team has 4 silver 4's and 1 iron 1. I'm sure it probably works out mathematically but the skill disparity feels ridiculous, like I know it's not a huge gap from silver to bronze but I notice the lanes that are bronze vs silver struggle.

    I know I'm bad at the game and I should be able to carry, but when you get match ups like that it feels extra difficult.

    submitted by /u/Tanstorm
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    How to not feel useless as ADC?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Used to be an ADC main for a while but stepped away from League for a few years. Got back into it, but the current state of ADC seems extremely underwhelming. I find myself more useful if I simply play safe at all times and focus on farm, in hopes the game extends long enough for me to deal reasonable damage and have a sufficient impact on the game. Any tips on how I can keep myself more engaged and not feel like dead weight?

    submitted by /u/AuntKaren
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    I'm hardstuck Iron IV. I desperately want to climb but don't know exactly where to start.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Title basically. I know where I need to improve; its everywhere. I don't know how to start, or what to do specifically to improve.

    My op.gg is: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=HotdogFromCostco

    I enjoy shaco and he's the only champion I have a positive WR with but at the same time I feel like he's too reliant on having a team comp that will play around shaco a bit, so I'm trying to expand into some more meta jugglers. I had good luck with Sett yesterday. I'm not sure who else I should try but I don't like pure tank junglers. I'll normally play Yi if I'm first pick, but I always ban him if I'm not.

    What should I be focusing on? I don't have the capabilitiy to hard carry, so the usual reccomendatipn I see for iron of "play a hard carry champ and ignore your teammates" won't work, because I am one of those terrible teammates. I'm not toxic and never flame, and when there is flame in the chat I try to calm everyone down because it feels like if just one person tilts the game is usually done.

    My pathing is almost always red side clear into a level 3 gank, into an invade if I have lane priority and its someone I can duel, or back to farming. I get most of the scuttles in my games because jugglers in my ELO tend to ignore scuttles. I do my best to keep drag warded, but most of the time my bot lane will keep farming if their team is at drake.

    My biggest, by far, setback is that I'm extremely new and don't know what most champions I play against can do and their cool downs. Is this a big enough setback where that should be my main place to improve?

    I'm just lost on where to go, and what to focus on. Any advice would be great. Whether that be pick an easier, less team reliant champion, study up on other champions and what they can do, focus X more, etc.

    submitted by /u/SrSaucy
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    Need help focusing in league.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    It's been about a week since I've hit diamond as a jungle main and it feels nice being a high rank but I don't feel like I'm not in control anymore.

    As a jungler I always need to be looking at the minimap, understanding lane matchups and I need to be making decisions to benefit me and my team.

    When I clear camps I always do the same path for each champion, I full clear with Kayn and Karthus and blue gromp red with Rek'sai. I always gank top level 3 and gank bot level 6.

    I feel like I've gotten lazy and reactive to the game. I don't make executive calls anymore, I just mindlessly play the game. I almost NEVER look on the map and see which enemy lane leashed the jungler. I'm missing out on so much information.

    I believe I have the game knowledge to climb, but I never use it to my advantage. Does anyone have any tips on breaking these bad habits?

    submitted by /u/Anonymous53647
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    Switching to Support from Midlane?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Hey, i m just an average silver-gold player trying to get over some frustration with league lately.

    I´m playing midlane for as long as i can think of and i either have really great games or complete garbage games, where i m simply worthless. And this feels mainly due to consitency, in cs ability, reaction times and awareness from ganks and all those sort of things. I read on so many things, watch so many videos on warding, wave management, trading... and so on but i feel like the more i try, the worse it gets.

    Now it could be 2 reasons, 1. i just have a damn bad time right now and for some reason i dont perform as i used to with no clear mind. or 2. I´m just getting too old really... i m closing to to 31 now and i feel like i can know as much as i want, this 19 year old guy on the other side of the lane will simply outdodge me and trade faster no matter what simply because of reaction times. Sometimes i m so frustrated because i know, that i in theory know so many things about the game but then the game starts and i just get stomped. i dont remember climbin was ever so hard than it is right now.

    So i was thinking about a few things and what got me into league and how fresh and fun it was when you were new and learning stuff and, maybe there is someone here with similar thoughts? I dont know, i´m just currently thinking about completly transition over to support role and maybe let other people carry that can do it more consitent but even that is a double edged sword. Like the first game was pretty much enemy picks kassadin mid. I was support. My Midlane got absolutely shit on, i calmly told him to simply freeze the wave against kassa and let him get camped by ganks. "stfu i do what i want" ... continues to push push push... ended up being kassa on 16/2

    Feels like a complete crysis atm. I know that logicly, support should be better suited. Getting worse on csing, or worse at duelling and all that dont matter that much on support. I can just have more of an impact with overall macro play, game sense, or just jump into someones face with that <-----------------> big nautilus hook hitbox and someone will die. But then everytime i play as a support i look on midlane and notice every single mistake they make of not even knowing basic wavemanagement or their matchup and it gets me frustrated even more thinking like "thats what i traded with?... really?"

    I dont know... i m just up for everything helpful from a maybe not so toxic community, some tips or, advice or, coachings? or even some good words or insights of people who might have dealt with similar issues in the past, i dont know... :/

    I know, theres allways that "you suck, get better" arguement in any sort of game and while this is totally true and practice is important, frustration hurts and i just look for some different view angles to continue league and get my joy and motivation back and all that i guess

    submitted by /u/gwsoftlight
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    I feel like I've lost my level and that I can't even climb back to my old elo.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hello guys, since the end of Season 9 and especially the beginning of Season 10 I feel like I've lost my skill on League. I'm a toplaner who mostly plays Tryndamere, Jax, Darius and other bruisers/duelits. I played a lot of Renekton last Season and I got myself into Platinum. I peaked at Platinum 1 but I mostly stayed platinum 3. Since the beginning of Season 10 I climbed back to Platinum 4 but I find myself stuck here. I reached P3 but I lost it after a few games. Today I'm nearly going back to gold. The problem is that I feel like I have lost my skill on my champions. Even the ones that I play the most, I struggle even on winning matchups. I feel like I deserved Platinum only because of shojin being busted on Renekton and Jax. I really don't know what to do at this point. I dont know of I should change role, play other champions, quit playing for a time...

    submitted by /u/tryndamere_right_arm
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    When macro is your problem

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    So I always think it's stupid to post on subs like this when you're having trouble climbing, and I mostly just believe people do this to vent their frustrations. But I have been playing this game for years on and off and I haven't really ever thought really hard about improving, however this season I have chosen a role and even one tricked and i just can't seem to win. I win about 53% of the time on my Main champion but for someone who has yet to lose more than like 5 laning phases all season that's a bit of an unfortunate percentage. So my question is, how can I figure out what I am doing wrong when my KDA seems to be good and I'm still losing. I always feel like with Fizz I do really well with macro but can never win the game because we can't win 5v5. I don't know where to go to improve.op.gg

    submitted by /u/Dubvendetta
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    What does it take to win lane? - Understanding Champion Strengths and Weaknesses

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    Hi guys, Gimmers here!

    I thought I'd try and make a guide on how to win lane, as its such an important aspect of the game, improving, and getting those wins.

    I decided to approach it by asking myself: what do you need to know, to win lane?

    I've covered Part 1, with extra tips and examples here: https://youtu.be/ovP5OusSvj4

    Here's what I've come up with so far:

    PART 1: Understanding champion strengths and weaknesses

    • What is your champion good at (based on their kit)?
    • When is your champion powerful? And when is your champion weak?
    • Which levels are your champions strong at?
    • Is there a specific level where you hit a big power spike?
    • Is your champion strong in certain positions, or with certain setups?
    • At what point in your build are you a threat, and what items give you a large power spike?
    • What about passive stacks? Do you consider your strength with and without different numbers of stacks?
    • How about runes? How much do they alter the strength of your champion, when they are ready to proc, or when you have a few stacks of the stackable ones?
    • What is the enemy champion good at (based on their kit)?
    • When is your champion weak?
    • When is the enemy champion powerful? And when is it weak?
    • How do summoner-spell and other cooldown availabilities affect the current lane dynamic?
    • How does this affect how the lane should be played?

    PART 2: Playing correctly around the enemy's teammates (most likely jungler/support)

    • When is the enemy jungler likely to gank you?
    • How are they likely to approach your lane? (Where are they going to come from?)
    • How do they need to set up the gank?
    • Could the enemy jungler change the dynamic of the current situation?
    • Can you turn the enemy jungler coming into a positive?
    • If not, how can you avoid or escape the enemy jungler?
    • How can you best play out the situation?
    • Could the enemy support be roaming to your lane from their lane?
    • Could the enemy support be roaming to your lane from base?
    • Could any of the other enemies roam to your lane?
    • Should they roam to your lane?
    • Again: how best can you play out the situation?
    • Playing correctly around friendly teammates (most likely jungler/support)
    • Largely the antithesis of what you need to worry about for the enemy team:
    • When is your teammate likely to gank for you?
    • How are they likely to approach your lane? (Where are they going to come from?)
    • How do you need to set up the gank?
    • Will a gank actually benefit you in terms of the dynamic of the current situation?
    • If yes, how can you prevent the opponent escaping the gank?
    • How can you best play out the situation?
    • Should they roam to your lane?
    • Can the enemy counter gank?
    • How would the counter gank change the dynamic of the situation?

    PART 3 (WIP): Capitalising on the windows of opportunity that are presented

    • Limit testing knowledge

    If you think there's anything I've missed, please let me know!

    These are the kind of questions I ask myself pretty much every game, and especially when I'm really trying. Getting this stuff down is exactly the kind of thing that's done (and that I've done) in the amatuer and semi-pro scenes. It's also approachable, and something that you can do for yourself at any skill level. Bear in mind that if you are a lower rank (below high diamond), and as you go lower, your own conclusions are likely to be less and less accurate.

    I would suggest learning both by doing, and by looking up other guides to answer these questions. As you do this, you'll build up a big information bank of (hopefully) mostly correct knowledge, that will assist you in your games. This is what I've done over the years to continuously improve.

    It might seem like a lot to think about, but it'll become second nature pretty quickly, I promise! I'd recommend focusing on only a couple of the questions at a time, and only play 1 champion whilst doing it. Eventually, all these things will become ingrained in your membrane, and you'll make decisions on the fly with this embedded info. And it'll be freaking beautiful man.

    Happy climbing, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

    submitted by /u/fsgimmers
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    How do I deal with perma invades?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    I had the displeasure of playing against an Ivern today and let's just say, my camps were more empty than full when I saw them.

    How do I deal with champions like Ivern that like to perma invade when I'm on the opposite side of the map? I tried warding his paths, but he kept slipping through and the laners refused to ward the camps, making it hard for me to track him.

    submitted by /u/ZeroVoid_98
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    Revitalize stacking

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Hi, just had a random thought:

    Does the mastery Revitalize "stack" if both the giver and receiver have it ?

    if you are under 40% hp and both you and the heal/shield giver have the mastery, does the multiplication go from 1.15 to 1.15²=1.3225 ? so 32.25% heal/shield increase (ignoring other heal effects) ?

    submitted by /u/PauliCOJ
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    Yasuo Bot Lane Matchups

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    I have recently started playing bot more often and one champion I enjoy playing from time to time is yasuo. I know he does decently well in bot in certain situations and was wondering what these situations are? When would he be a good pick in lieu of a traditional ranged adc?

    Thank you guys for the help!

    submitted by /u/ajvandam8
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    New jungler here why do I keep getting killed by camps and can't level up

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm new to jungling and I usually use Ekko. I watch streams of Ekko jungling and I see they always are able to get two level two just by getting blue/red buff. However when I play, I'm only about halfway to level two after getting the buff. Then, I try to get the krugs and they kill me. I've watched the streams over and over, and I've bought the exact same items and tried to do the exact same thing they do but it somehow doesn't work and I keep getting killed. The runes I use are Domination - Dark Harvest, Sudden Impact, Eyeball collection, ravenous hunter. Sorcery - Absolute Focus, Gathering Storm. Offense, Flex, Defense.

    Is there something I'm doing wrong, or does it take a lot of practice?

    submitted by /u/riziner
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    New ADC player wondering about keybinding

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Hi all New ADC player

    I'm wondering what the best keybinding are for ADC, right now I have my keys set like this:

    Player move click = MB2

    player attack move click = A

    player attack move= X

    so normally i just right click to move then A the right click to move and this is how i kite but i see pro players with a range indicator and a red target on there mouse.

    so just looking to see what is the normal way for ADC attack moving and proper kiting

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/1Grant1
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    How to be a more proactive midlaner?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I'm a bronze (I think, I've only played a handful of ranked games) support/mid who is looking to get better at playing mid. I main Morgana and Neeko because they have straightforward mechanics. I would describe my playing generally as "not the problem laner, but also not someone who will carry".

    Things I'm doing well: Not pushing without vision or getting caught out, playing safe after 1 or 2 deaths so I don't feed, pinging missing enemies and where I'm headed. If someone else on the team is ahead, like jg or ADC, I do my best to make it easier for them to carry.

    Things I'm improving: CS, particularly before I get my items

    Things I'm struggling with: Opponents who are more aggressive than I am in lane. I'm not very good at trading (particularly if they're good at dodging skill shots) so I will end up being chunked out of lane. I'm also not sure what to do against opponents who roam a lot (I do ping, but in bronze games sometimes people don't listen). Every so often I play with my friends who are plat and I get slapped around by midlaners who just seem so much more proactive than I am, and I'd like to be able to get to that point too!

    submitted by /u/Unwritten_Excerpts
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