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    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.8

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.8

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.8

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar!

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.


    • Our 101 page, with a ton of free content!

    • Our weekly mentoring thread: We have many users willing to provide free mentoring services!

    • Champion discussions: Check out our previous discussions on champions!

    • Summoner School Discord: A voice and text chat platform for teaching and learning. We also have a mentors who are available for personal coaching.

    • Leagueofgraphs: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • Lolalytics: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • OP.GG: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more. Note: stats are for Korea plat+ only, so sample sizes tend to be low.


    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    Created a Complete 1v1 Tournament Rule Guide - Looking for Feedback on Improvement

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I've spent countless hours creating a complete and comprehensive League of Legends 1v1 tournament ruleset creation guide for anyone who wants to host a LoL 1v1 tournament but doesn't know what rules to incorporate: https://esporthow.com/complete-league-of-legends-1v1-tournament-rules-guide/. (still missing some resources and a bit at the end)

    I created this rule guide with overall summaries and in-depth breakdowns. I would love to hear people's input of improvement so this tool can be as useful to people as possible! I spent A LOT of time compiling it, I want it to be as valuable as possible!

    Thanks for the feedback in advance!

    submitted by /u/kelfish4
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    If you're being ganked and your jungler is close by, run towards him not away from him!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Obviously this doesn't always apply but for majority of cases it does (if you can clearly get away and your 2v2 isn't stronger it's better to just run) however if you know you'll most likely die it can deter the enemy 2v2 and if your 2v2 is stronger you just get a couple of free kills. It's so frustrating as a jungler when you're pinging your teammates 500 times but instead of running towards you he just runs towards the tower or runs the opposite way and dies.

    submitted by /u/WikiaRS
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    A Teammate's Guide to Yuumi

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I was playing with a friend the other day and he became frustrated and said part of the problem was not knowing exactly what Yuumi does. I know what he means, because he knows what her abilities are, but he's not going to play 40 Yuumi games just to figure out how to play with her. Then I realized that lots of soloqueue teammates play around Yuumi all wrong, both with and against her. Someone should just write a guide so they don't have to play a bunch of the cat or int 50 games to figure it out. So here it is.

    Who she is

    It is important to understand a little of the history of Yuumi because a lot of perception of her has to do with her identity over the past year, which has changed wildly in many ways.

    Yuumi on release was essentially a teammate mega-buff. With a Yuumi on you, you could never die, and you could kill anyone. She could negate CC and skillshots, she could engage or disengage, and she had sustain for days. Soon, due to everyone playing her badly, they buffed her. She became an absolute cannon, annihilating people both in lane and late game with full AP scaling builds, and sharing incredible amounts of adaptive force with her partner. Obviously, people enjoyed doing this but hated dealing with it so she ended up in balance hell. The result is her current state of being an almost completely brainless champion that could literally be played by a relatively simple macro. A guy recently hit diamond playing Ezreal with his hands and Yuumi with his feet at the same time.

    What a Yuumi does or does not do in game is almost entirely regulated by her kit itself in its current state. She doesn't choose how often to heal or when a slow is appropriate, her kit decides that for the player. Everything is gated by huge mana costs, restrictive cooldowns, and strange ability interactions. To be honest, she feels really awful to play right now, and it has made me appreciate spamming things that are fun and meta because one day they will be gone forever. The fun of Yuumi in Season 9(which I and many others had even when she had a 28% winrate) is a thing of the past, but maybe in the future it'll be fun again in a different way. I only play Yuumi still because I have put so much time into her that I can play her very optimally, but I realize she's currently in a state of something like Skarner or old Garen where she's got almost no skill expression other than creative builds to cover her weaknesses.

    What she does

    I assume everyone who has played League in the past year knows the following about Yuumi:

    1. She has a homing missile
    2. Her ult roots if it hits you 3 times
    3. She can't be targeted when attached.

    This is a reasonable start if you're a teammate or opponent, but not if you are her partner or her lane opponent. Here is her kit in terms of restrictions and abilities.


    Yuumi's passive is on a 15 second cooldown. When its ready, her auto attack has a slightly less suicidal range. It also provides her a permanent shield if she hits an enemy champion, and gives her about enough mana for one ability.

    Opponent: If Yummi is trying to poke you in person, she's not doing it for the damage. Its either for money, mana, or a shield. The shield is big enough that she can trade an auto with a draven and get the mana bonus without really taking damage. This is a great time to try to kill the cat. She has to do it or she will be broke/manaless all game, but it's insanely hard to reliably do without dying thanks to the billion nerfs to her W dash.

    Teammate: If you see her off of you, she's not doing damage. It's for mana/money/shield, none of which is for herself. It behooves you to stay in range of her dash the way you would with a Braum or Rakan, except if you get out of range from Yuumi, it's often a death sentence. Her passive is critical to providing you with shielding, ardent, and her some mana to get through the game. If a Yuumi is permanently sitting on you no matter what, either there are 2+ hyper fed assassins running around everywhere, or the player is giving you half a champion worth of a teammate. Imagine a Zac that never collected his own blobs—he's not pathing like an idiot, it's how the champion works. Yuumi isn't inting by detaching, Riot is literally trying to force Yuumi players off their teammates.


    Her missile charges and after it lives for a little while, it applies a slow and some max health damage. It is expensive at first and super cheap late.

    Opponent: The turn radius on her Q is pretty obtuse. If you step slightly into it, but to the side(like 30-40 degrees off of it's path), it will miss you the same way a Nunu snowball or ulting Sion does. If you try to run away from it, it will probably hit you(unless you're really fast, because it does time out). You can also stand in minions for them to body block it.

    Teammate: The circle that shows up around you is the max range of Yuumi's Q. If you want to be good, step up and help her land it. If you want to make her curse your family, step back when it is in the air so it blows 95 of her mana and doesn't even get a spellthief proc. She will be both OOM and broke and your enemy will be full hp.


    This is the key of her identity. While attached to a teammate, she can't be targeted and shares some adaptive force. If she has a passive shield, you get it instead. Her Q becomes a homing missile while attached. The same thing applies to both sides on this one: Cooldowns. This is a free ability, and you can go between teammates as much as you want. But here's the 2 things:

    1. You can't attach to someone twice in rapid succession. If you hop on and off, you're stuck off for 8 seconds. If an unattached yuumi hops on you, she cannot detach for a while. If she didn't get her passive shield while unattached…oh well, sucks to suck.

    2. If you are CC'd when dashing or simply unattached, your W goes on a cooldown. This absolutely sucks, and is probably responsible for 70%+ of every death I have on Yuumi anymore. It's a death sentence nerf, because a single Thresh flay means a double kill, and as stated before, you CANNOT play the game attached 100% of the time.


    Zoomies! It's the heal, but it's also a steroid. It gives you MS and AS. It's an Ardent-style buff that applies Ardent.

    Opponent: It's got a very long cooldown. The key to countering Yuumi(not just counterplay but hardcountering) is BURST. Yuumi can sustain heals and shields and slows and steroids over and over and over without backing. But if you hit her teammate with a fat draven crit and then Rengar pops out of a bush, there's literally nothing she can do. She's not Soraka, Nami or Janna. Once you land a huge hit on her partner, and then she heals it back up with a fat athenes-aery-revitalize heal, just go right in again. Don't even hesitate, because it IS on cooldown.

    Also, Executioner's Calling is only 800g. Buy one.

    Teammate: It's also horrifically expensive. If you want heals in lane before she has Athenes, she will need to get her passive procs to afford to do anything. The biggest thing this thing does is speed you up and give you a steroid, so it's often good to do just for faster rotations or to proc aery shield.


    I think everyone gets this one. She just spits out an ult that roots if it hits three times. I don't think it is that hard to dodge or that hard to aim as her teammate, it's pretty straightforward. The damage is minimal these days.


    She can't peel (except ult backwards and speed you up to help you run away). Her Q slow can't even be applied at short range because it needs to charge.

    As a result of this passive and her cooldowns, her level 1 maximum play angle is to land a Q missile, detach and get an auto off for free while the enemy is CSing, and re-attach to wait for level 2. Her ability to rush level 2 is super terrible, and her level 2 powerspike is not good. She's a way better level 1 champion than most are at lvl2, she can just only do things at level 1 every 15 seconds. Her early game is really bad. Her autos do negative damage and she has no ability to tank, so after doing "ability+auto" at level 1, she literally has every possible ability or useful interaction on cooldown.

    She scales well late and helps her team in sustained teamfights and skirmishes. She also is able to help her ally run down almost anyone. If the enemy team is hard engaging, she won't be much use, but if they are trying to flee, she's going to help you get them. If a Yuumi or her teammate is fed, focus the Yuumi. Her best partners are often not even ADCs, they are often juggernauts and bruisers. Some champions are very, very tricky for Yuumi to support, including Ekko, Jhin, Mordekaiser and Ezreal, because a little de-sync and she's detached and probably dead(or can't get to you anymore to help you). The ones she is easiest to pilot with are ones that want a gap closer but don't have one, and are fairly immobile ability-wise (like Garen, Ashe, Udyr, etc). She wants there to be a long, sustained DPS fight, or to be super fed and attached to an assassin or ADC with massive one-shot potential.

    There is a rhythm to her abilities that must be played around. If you don't, she just doesn't have the fat numbers she used to that enabled her to sit patiently and hold her heal for a clutch moment, you pretty much just spam it on cooldown and while it's down, it's down.

    In lane she should make the enemy feel like they can't touch her, and then she keeps popping out and poking them without them being able to get her. She's very good at baiting out skillshots(provided your teammate doesn't flinch) because her W is free and the dash is pretty fast. Unfortunately, there is this stupid ¼ second lag-style cooldown on cast that makes it seem like she has the reaction time of a potato, but its sometimes still worth doing.

    When the jungler comes in to gank, step up so Yuumi can zoom to them. She will be much better on them and probably able to get back to you pretty easily unless your jungler just runs it down.

    There are a lot of buggy ass interactions where she is attached already and CC abilities still land, instantly detaching her, and where she detaches and isn't targetable for a split second, sometimes. They made her dash interruptable and when they did, it got very very buggy.

    A good Yuumi will abandon you. This is because there's only so much she can do, and it's not even a hard choice—her entire HUD is gray and literally everything is on cooldown. If her passive shield gets broken and it's got 10s of CD left, and she heals and you're still going to die…there's literally nothing she can do. One of the key traits of a good Yuumi is knowing when is the earliest possible moment to abandon a teammate and not give over a double kill.

    For God's sake people, give her a ride from the fountain. She has the base MS of a newborn caterpillar.

    submitted by /u/3kindsofsalt
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    I can't farm :(

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    I'm platinum midlaner and as the title says, i can't farm, and by farming i don't mean last hitting, because i can easily get ~90 cs till 10 minute, but when its about mid game and everyone is roaming, there are objectives to take, fights i can't focus on farming. Every time i try to shove side lanes there comes adc/toplaner or there is fight and i want to make some pressure and be in this fight so i have to give up these creeps i wanted to farm. How to be in game for fights and objectives and get enough farm to buy efficient items? Thank you for all the tips.

    submitted by /u/reportoo
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    How to stop dropping ranks? How to have a bigger influence in lower elo games?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    So I've been playing now since around season 4 and have been in Gold every season since and was extremely close to hitting plat last season. However this season has been nothing but a nightmare for me so far, I got placed in Gold 4 but have slipped over and over and I'm now sitting at Silver 3. I'm positive in games and usually very calculated in my plays and understanding of the game, yet seem to be missing that big influence from a solo position to help carry the team if they fall behind. I've now noticed I'm starting to get frustrated though and I'm making a lot more mechanical mistakes or poor decisions the more I'm dropping. Personally I believe I have 3 main weaknesses I need help with:

    1 - Late game jungle. I typically have a fairly strong start to games picking up successful kills and ganks in the first 15mins however seem to lack much influence if any once the mid to late game hits.

    2 - Early laning phase as ADC. I used to main ADC and after my first poor streak I decided to try and go back to ADC so I could have a better influence in the late game. I can play mid to late extremely effectively and if I go into that phase of the game with a lead or even I usually have much success. My early game however is week and I struggle to get the edge during the laning phase.

    3 - How to nullify a feeding lane. I feel like a lot of the games I'm losing seems to stem from a laner losing out to their opponent and continue if to give kills/cs until that opponent is so strong they can nearly 1v5. I usually try to play around my winning lane to push the advantage however the lower I'm falling in elo the more it seems that my teammates don't know how to play from behind themselves. How do I stop the 10/0 top laner from solo carrying the game?

    Any advice for any or all of these problems or any in general tips to help climb back to gold or beyond would be massively appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Mattysav
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    By FAR, the most easily fixable problems I see include the regular suspects of poor decisions made between :15 and 1:45.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    As the headline states, the most persistent problems I encounter in League (that can be corrected easily, at least) are poor tactics and set up between :15 and 1:45.

    This includes the following, which I will delve into a bit deeper below:

    1. "The game starts at 0:00" (a common post on this sub, but worth including).
    2. You MUST take into account the engage and disengage potential of the enemy team.
    3. Pathing is paramount.
    4. Adjust based on which players actually show up.
    5. Have an escape in mind.
    6. Save your teammates from their own laziness.
    7. 1:45 means planning for your walk to lane if leashing for your Jungler.
    8. Put all of this together.

    "The game starts at 0:00". You and your teammates should already be thinking of itemization during Champ Select and the loading screen. 0:00 is not the ideal time to deciding what items you want to go. Yes, you have 15 seconds to figure it out, but as soon as you leave base about a second slower than you could, you are already placing your team at a disadvantage. This means if your team is trying to invade, you might not be in a position to help secure a kill. Or maybe it means you arrive to a bush slower than everyone else and get spotted, thus ruining the invade. Or perhaps it's 1:00 and you show up from a bathroom run, casually walk to your Red, and then get instantly deleted by an enemy invade. Every. second. counts.

    You MUST take into account the engage and disengage potential of the enemy team. Question: are you paying attention in Champ Select or at least the loading screen? Did you realize at least before the game starts that there's a Blitzcrank on your team or the enemy's? Cause you have to know the invade % of a team with a Blitz goes WAY higher than any other Support out there. Or maybe the enemy team is Lux Mid, Morgana Support, and Amumu Jungle. What do you think the chances are that if they get an invade off they'll insta-kill whoever gets hit by the first bit of CC? You need to consider the invade potential and viability of both teams and be prepared to adjust accordingly. Dont' be afraid to ping the hell out of your teammates. Nothing clenches a butthole quicker in League than a danger ping at :40 while you're staring at your phone sitting in a viable invade path.

    Pathing is paramount. Is this just a "normal" opening? Are you blue side and your Lee is starting Red just like he does in 99% of games? Cool. Make sure you walk in the most direct route possible to the area you want to stand in or ward and then back off. Are you invading? Make sure you are walking in a route that gets you there efficiently as possible. How many times have you seen a teammate just meander around with no particular rhyme or reason or try to join an invade in a route nobody else took? Any LCS game will show you that these players move with specific purpose pre-1:45.

    Adjust based on which players actually show up. It is SO, so common to find out that not all of your teammates (or even you) are ready to leave base right at :15. Is this OK or ideal? Not really, but you can compensate by adjusting what your team does. If your Jungler is MIA to start or your ADC just walked to Bot tower and AFK'd, then why would a Support want to stand at the Buff alone? You can either ward the buff and back off, or you can stand in a bush or open area that maximizes vision while giving you the best opportunity to escape. You should not risk giving up a first blood on an invade by vainly trying to protect a buff by yourself. While it's (YES, VERY) annoying to waste a ward when you shouldn't have to, it's better than gifting FB.

    Have an escape in mind. As mentioned above, you should always be thinking of how you will escape the moment you spot an enemy (if you're defending and get invaded). I cannot explain to you the number of times I see teammates standing in a bush in such a manner that they would not spot an invade until it's right on top of them. As mentioned in the point above, it's better to use a ward than risk standing in a dodgy spot that opens you up to easy targeted enemy CC. But if you stand in a place that maximizes your vision, and are actually paying attention, you can back up as quickly as possible. Will that save you from a Blitz flash hook? Not always, but this is all above giving yourself the best opportunities possible.

    Save your teammates from their own laziness. Did your AFK ADC that's standing by Bot tower decide to show up at 1:15 and is now walking blindly through brushes back to help leash the buff? Ping the hell out of them if there's any chance an invade could have happened unspotted. Are two of your teammates AFK at :20 but your Jungler is still trying to lead a three-man invade of enemy jungle? Ping the hell out of them to get it to stop. Yes, you cannot prevent teammates from making poor decisions. But if you type and ping and urge as much as possible, you might save them from walking into an absolute mess.

    1:45 means planning for your walk to lane if leashing for your Jungler. Are you Blue Side, assisting Lee with his Red, while the enemy Twitch Jungle is VERY likely starting topside at his own Red? Then you should be ready to path safely to botlane as ADC/Supp by NOT walking through Tri (even if you have it warded). This is again where you must consider what the enemy team is. Champs like Kayn and Shaco rarely get leashes to start the game, so you should have this in mind.

    Put all of this together. The steps above are not completely foolproof. Enemy teams sometimes will just do an invade really well, and no person is capable of harnessing 100% attention span for all 5 players from 0:00 to 1:45. But the more you try and do this yourself and will your teammates to do the same, the better chances you will have in ensuring this time frame doesn't make your game harder than it should be.

    submitted by /u/chefr89
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    New Players and Encouragement

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    TL;DR: New players suck, but over time they'll get better. Better to encourage them to improve than flame them. Any thoughts?

    Also thanks to those who do encourage. Makes me more motivated to improve.

    As a new player, I just want to say to those who encourage us, thanks. I know it can be frustrating when that Neeko ults in a middle of a team fight and dies before she even completes it because she doesn't know her limits or when that Nami doesn't stay away from that bush because a Volibear is right there ready to fish her out with his claws until it's too late because, well, she never seen Volibear in action before. It's more so frustrating when you have an Annie dying by a Warwick and Ahri for the 5th gank in a row because she never places any wards in the jungle. I know, because I'm that new player.

    When I mean new players, I don't mean those that troll and flame other new players (IMO, those guys are most likely the ones who got banned for that behavior in the first place, so they're not new to begin with). I mean those that are truly new, those that try their best and have to put up with the abuse and hate and mute all their team just to keep their sanity in check.

    I mean those who're the most self-critical when they make mistakes or dying, those who know they suck but blame themselves for their team's defeat regardless.

    The ones who want to improve, but because it's a steep learning curve, it might take them an entire month before they realize that they're dying less, they know what Rift, Baron, Dragon do, and what a blue and red trinket is. Maybe 2 or more months before they can CS properly and increase map awareness.

    That's who I'm talking about.

    I know, it's hard not to tilt when you have that new player, but you can encourage them and give them tips. Of course, I don't mean command or force them, but at least give them some encouraging words. For example, I played as Sona and someone else played as Senna against a fed Jayce and Leona. Of course, both of us went 0/18 the whole game and our Irelia and Vayne kept flaming us, telling us to uninstall and "yeah, keep feeding." Needless to say we lost, but our Azir told us we both did well considering the circumstance and commended us of our sportsmanship. He told us to not listen to the other teammates as they didn't do any better, yet they flames us for the loss. Did that defeat sting sting? Of course, but that Azir's words helped me mitigate the pain and know that that was just a bad game.

    I guess I just want to say that new players are willing to improve, but people have to see them as another person behind the screen who don't know any better, kind of like a person who plays Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh! for the first time. Does that person suck? No, of course not; it's just that he or she haven't broken through that knowledge barrier to know the ins and outs of the game. It's just the same with this game, only that people get more tilted at new players.

    Being a new player is already stressful, don't make it worse by being a douche to them, unless they're a douche then you don't have to. And thanks to those who see that.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Crazy-Ocelot
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    As a low-elo (silver-gold) jungle, how do you deal with a team not listening to you over objectives?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    It's one thing with a team who doesn't follow up during a scuttle/ jungle fight, because you just learn to avoid fighting over unimportant things, but what about important objectives (like drag and harold)? I can't avoid fighting over those objectives or they'll just win the game. Do I have to play a jungle who can easily and quickly solo these objectives even if playing someone who can't like Zac is much more fun/ and arguably better in other situations?

    submitted by /u/Instantpickle25
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    How to Lane as Gangplank?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a Bard player who recently tried out Gangplank because he's free. I really enjoy him, my only problem is that I seem to lose lane every single time regardless of who I'm against, as I seem to get bullied super hard. It's not even that I don't know how to play top, as I play a ton of Kled and do pretty good, but it's this Champ specifically that confuses me. Could any good Gangplanks or top laners give me some advice? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/yanderedevhomie
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    How to deal with mid-lane one shot ranged AP mages (Syndra, Ahri, Lux, Neeko)?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:28 PM PDT


    I've been playing a lot of midlane recently and the one category of championsI tend to struggle the most against are the one shot AP mages, specifically Syndra, Ahri, Lux, and Neeko.

    The champions I often am playing right now are Kassadin, Twisted Fate, and Akali.

    Basically what I often do is rush merc treads to help dodge their skills and alleviate their damage and for the bonus tenacity, however it's not possible for me to dodge EVERY SINGLE Lux Q or Lux E or Syndra QE or Ahri E (although this one is a little easier), or Neeko root.

    I can dodge usually 4/5 of them, but in that 1/5 they will chunk me to 1/2 hp pre 6 and practically destroy me once they hit 6 with their ults.

    So what can I do exactly? When I play Kassadin/Akali, I get poked for every CS I go to, which I know is to be expected but still a pain. The autos aren't the problem for me, the spell dodging is.

    What should I be looking to do?

    Thanks in advance,

    A fellow midlaner :)

    submitted by /u/Mordredhc
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    10.8 jungle xp chart/priority list

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Hey, starting to jungle again recently and trying to get up to date on what my priorities should be in terms of xp/pathing. What are relative camp values and value of counter jingling vs ganking/taking waves? How many camps do I have to take of his to equal a gank in value if I'm trying to cross map for example?

    submitted by /u/iamwussupwussup
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    [Question] Should I continue to play Orianna in Gold/Plat Elo

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Should I continue to play Orianna in Gold/Plat Elo? I Like Ori because her laning phase is decent she scales good teamfight wave clear, is there a better option to choose over her though? I find it hard to carry games, I can typically win lane or at least go even, however since she has not much roam potential im finding it kind of hard, as well as her taking a some time to scale up to actually do some damage. If someone has some insight on if I should continue or maybe another champion I should give a try? thank you.

    Some Champions I also tend to play is Kat/Zed/Talon/Fizz but I am trying to get away from Assassins because if I get behind then i'm just completely useless and 'I've never been able to climb with Assassins, im really looking to improve and start climbing.

    submitted by /u/fexuntv
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    Graves main stuck in plat :(

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Hello guys , my name is eden im an euw graves main . Due to the last changes in graves , i also started going phase rush on him but i can't help but notice that i cannot carry with it if i don't get a lead early, yes movement speed r very important with graves but i just feel like if i don't get a big lead early on i automatically lose the game no matter what ? I can say the same about dark harvest , uhm so i really don't know how i can impact nd help my team anymore, i just feel super useless ? Is it just me , am i doing something wrong ? What do i need to do ? I ve been stuck in plat 2 for 2 months now nd its really ruining my mental. Thank you guys for taking the time to read this , appreciate it a lot 🙏🏻.

    submitted by /u/edentwin
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    At a complete loss with LoL

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Title says it all. I am hopelessly lost with LoL, I love it but I hate it. I am so tilted rn, will 100 percent regret this post tomorrow but wth.

    I have played for years since like season 2. I am hard stuck Silver, have been forever. My main problem I think is tilt, I can't stop playing on a loss streak, I make plays I know won't work, i get so angry with my team mates. I have an elitist, negative attitude to the game, I feel I've learnt nothing in all these years.

    I cant stick to any of the goals I set myself externally from the game to stop tilt. Recently have tried 2 day break from the game, that hasn't worked, in fact it's made me binge on it more.

    Has anyone turned around this sort of behaviour?

    How do you guys deal with tilt?

    What do you do when you are struggling to stick to whatever goals you set yourself i.e not to queue again, not to login in for a day , a week, a fortnight?

    What is the spread of ranked and normals that you play? Like 50 - 50? Any rules like 1 ranked a day or whatever?

    All advice will be appreciated, I just wrote all the negativity on a notepad for me to read tomorrow and uninstalled the game I love. I see no other way, but I also want to see this as a challenge to overcome now. Is this healthy?!!!!!

    submitted by /u/wingit100
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    How to farm in low elo?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, so I'm having this problem. I play mainly adc, and I'm not very good at farming, I've been watching videos, practicing last hitting in the practice tool, with and without bots, trying to be very conscious in lane about the health bar of each minion, where the wave is at, wether I want to push or freeze. I can get 75 cs at 10 minutes, which is not ideal, but honestly I feel like I improved a little bit (my cs was horrible). But I've noticed some things that keep me from getting good farm, especially after 10min.

    I don't know if this is a low elo thing or not but around 15 minutes, where the game is far away from winning (games last an eternity in low elo) everyone starts to make random choices, everyone roaming without a specific purpose, all mid, all dragon, teamfights all the time. And I can't stay in lane farming because if i go adc supp does no longer stay with me, at this time the enemy team is roaming in groups and I could be easily killed or because a teamfight is happening somewhere and I have to be there.

    I'm not doing bad in games, but I feel like i can't take advantage of this free resource and the game is defined by which team has more kills when this "teamfight phashe" starts.

    submitted by /u/Gaspo14
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    How to effectively escape in jungle

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Sometimes the enemy gets caught and run into my jungle so I, the jungler, mid and often top collapse on them but then they miraculously escape nowhere to be found. Often but not always it's a talon. We use the vision plant, check the bushes/blindspots and nothing. Where do these people go? How can I escape like this myself?

    submitted by /u/_HelicalTwist_
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    I’m a new player and need some explanation on Jungle.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    So I have a good understanding of top mid and bot lanes and how to progress throughout the game. But when I tried to jungle I realized I wasn't getting gold and leveling up nearly as fast as I should be. What are some things a brand new jungle should know? Since I don't have minions to kill how do I level up and get gold fast as a jungler? In the beginning it seems all the monsters are too powerful to kill so how do I start my match?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How to improve effectively and gradually?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Hi guys, it's been a while since i played LoL: started playing in season 3 or something like that,just casually with friends, and my highest ranking placement was Gold (but didn't play a lot of ranked games). Then i stopped playing years ago, with just some games here and there over the last 3-4 years. Now i started playing again (because lockdown) and i really want to improve; that said, i was placed Iron in solo queue, then climbed to Bronze 1 in the last few days thanks to Jinx. I watched a lot of league guides and some ADC coaching but i just get confused more and more on what to do, and can't find a more simple and direct guide on how to improve, what is micro/macro, and other stuff like that. I feel like watching Challenger ADC and other roles coaching or gameplay feels a little bit overwhelming, and i just want to focus on the basics and how to get them right. Have you got any tips, or maybe some good educational channels that cover more basic stuff? I think my greatest problem is decision making,i kinda feel confident on my mechanical skills, i can attack move and farm at an average level. Thanks for all the tips!

    submitted by /u/Hi_Im_Izan
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    Hybrid Shaco? AD Shaco tips/tricks?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I've recently started maining Shaco and I've been experimenting with builds and I've tried both AP and AD. I've had a bit more luck with AP Shaco, so far. But I've never seen a hybrid build, despite his ability to go either AD or AP. I've found going Runic into his jungle item gives a decent power spike on his E and his ult but then obviously AD works on his Q crit and AAs. Can hybrid work, or does he generally need one or the other? And I've had better success with AP Shaco, and felt hindered on AD, so any suggestions on AD Shaco? I feel like no damage with his E and ult messes with him too much, but then full AP has no AA or Q crit damage. I want to get better, so any suggestions would be well appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/toxicnerve
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    When ahead as the top lane TANK/JUGGERNAUT should I just say "screw it, just splitpush" or attempt to teamfight when your team is getting rekt?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    I have been a top lane main for several seasons, last season was my peak at Diamond 3 (yay)

    Now however I have fallen farm from grace and landed myself at Plat 4 0 lp with warning about my demotion shield expiring

    Last season I played mostly tanks and juggernauts. When ahead, I could definitely pull 2v1's and when ahead, I'd just ARAM to victory, win or lose that playstyle eventually got me to Diamond

    Now however, I feel this playstyle just isn't working anymore. Maybe it's because I'm playing with lower elo players who simply fall TOO far behind. Not sure.

    Regardless, the most common answer I see to top laners when their team is feeding is: "Splitpush, no stop". Unfortunately, I don't really play these godly tower destroying monsters like Tryndamere.

    I generally pick juggernauts who can teamfight decently, or full on tanks like Mordekaiser, Urgot, Darius, Garen, Shyvana, Trundle, Maokai, Malphite, Ornn, Sion, etc. Win or lose my lane, I can still contribute to teamfights as long as I'M not the one inting my ass off in lane with these champions

    While these champs are certainly of splitpushing, their real strength is teamfighting/skirmishing which is why they fit my style, but if my team is pretty much just feeding their asses off by 15 minutes and has no dragon control, do I just keep going?

    submitted by /u/ZCYCS
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    How to balance health and resistances

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    I know that 100 armor and mr reduces the damage by 50% but by going over that it starts to fall off, i mainly play bruisers and build full health and damage cleaver, mallet, steraks, edge of night, cinderhulk. How ever i still take so much damage and die fast, is there a chart when its time to buy health or resistances. Btw when im building armor i always check is my health too high or armor so do i get the ruby crystal or armor first.

    submitted by /u/RedditAmulet
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    New meta with ADCs: Exhaust summoner spell instead of heal.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Noticed that on some EUW Challenger/High Dia streams, many ADCs have started running Exhaust instead of heal, so I asked a challenger adc main and he just said that it's op right now. Exhaust has a way higher chance of actually making the difference of you living or dying instead of heal right now even if you are in a duo lane...so yeah I guess exhaust>heal.

    submitted by /u/FabioSxO
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