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    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - April 14th!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - April 14th!

    Free Talk Tuesday - April 14th!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:18 AM PDT

    Hellooooooooo, /r/leagueoflegends! Your best pal Icy here with this week's edition of our Free Talk thread! Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend!

    I usually try to avoid talking about current events in these things, but there's no reason that we can't be mindful of our varying situations and how we're all coping with this pandemic. So - let's call this a check-in week! How have you been doing? How have things changed for you over the past few weeks? Are you doing okay? Please, I'd like to know (and if you just want to vent - that's cool too). We're all in this together, y'all!

    Moving on back to our own corner of the world - professional play marches onwards with teams moving closer and closer to claiming their respective split titles. Do you think this is the year C9 finally does it? I'd like to think so, but they've been this close before! Does G2 reclaim their throne or will Fnatic wrench it from their grasp? Let's hear your hot takes!

    That's it from me for this week - thread is all yours, now! Since I always see folks asking - yes, League talk is just fine here, too! All I ask is that you follow our regular FTT rules: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a nice week! :)

    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    Riot is forcing me to change my name due to Coronavirus.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    So I will try to keep this anonymous as possible, though it's quite hard given my current situation. I've been playing League of Legends for 6 years under the alias Squid Corona - squids are my favourite animal and Corona, believe it or not, is my real life surname.

    As I'm sure everyone is well aware, there is a global pandemic called COVID-19 or, as very inconveniently for me, better known as Coronavirus. Trust me, I've heard all the jokes possible from friends and co-workers.

    At the start of 2019 I managed to change my in-game name to just "Corona" as I thought the shorter version of my name was nicer, worked well with telling my real life friends to add me on League, as they all know it's my surname and I think Corona is a cool name so why not have just that. I had to use one of those third party sites to check the name and stay up till midnight in order to secure my family name in League (as a side note, Riot should really consider implementing a bot-detect system to stop name sniping).

    I'm by most descriptions a casual player - I play one or two games a day of normal draft pick, almost always with friends just as a way of relaxing after work. On the 1st of April, I try to login to be greeted with a message telling me I need to change my name in order to proceed. I thought it was amusing at first, as almost every game a player would say in chat "nice name" to me, but I just shrugged my shoulders and emailed Riot in the hopes of them agreeing that it was a funny situation, and my name would be white-listed.

    After two weeks of back and forth with multiple "Player Support Specialists", I was told that they had come to the conclusion that my name would not get white-listed and that I would have to change it if I wanted to keep playing League of Legends. This is specially stupid since in other regions, players with the name Corona are still active and playing.

    This to me is all very disappointing. I haven't chosen the name "Corona" for any reason, and certainly haven't done it during the covid-19 outbreak. I feel like Riot are just sticking a big middle finger to me and telling me that my family name is inappropriate to be a part of their game. I'm posting this to reddit because I want to know if the community really feels offended by the summoner name "Corona", or if I'm right in feeling a mild rage and sense of unfairness.

    EDIT: here's proof of communication: https://imgur.com/a/OE9l8sc Proof of ID has also been privately sent.

    submitted by /u/SquidBolado
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    The Dark Star Event only lasts 4 Weeks, Token gains have been reduced and the Servers had many downtimes. Where is our Token Compensation for not being able to play?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    Title says everything. I am honestly really surprised that there arent more complains about the missing compensation for all the server downtimes on both EU and NA...

    submitted by /u/HelloiamFaker
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    PBE Preview: FunPlus Phoenix Skins

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Patch 10.8 notes

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Azir casually getting a pentakill while tyler1 is busy flaming his morgana

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    87-0 smurf on euw is ranked silver 1 and has gold 3 mmr. Maybe its time to fix MMR gains on new accounts?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Here is the op.gg https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=%CE%99G+%CE%A4heShy

    You would think after 87 games and 0 losses, the system would start boosting his MMR? Working as intended!

    He was placed in Iron 2 after his 10 placements with bronze 4 MMR. He played 35 games with bronze MMR, before the system placed him into silver games. Fix your system riot :)

    submitted by /u/xBluebenx
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    The game does not promote reconnecting unless its instant

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    Today 6mins into my ranked game my client showed bug splat error , nothing worked so i had 2 restart my pc . I did connect back and tried my best and 30min later we actually won. But i got -20lp just because the client is a piece of shit.

    So basically if i dc for 5mins , reconnecting or not with give me the same result . How is this fair when your game has so many issues .

    Here i dont even ask for lp , gimme 0lp and a win for mmr , atleast dont deduct it on winning.

    submitted by /u/swaperx
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    It makes me incredibly sad that I will lose my perfect Icon + Border combo in 15 more levels.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Hey /r/Leagueoflegends,

    I'm an Illaoi OTP with almost 3 million mastery points on illao-bae, and the perfect border is the level 300-350 border as it is a bilgewater themed, tentacle covered border. Combo this with chibi Illaoi icon and we get this beautifully perfect hentai-themed masterpiece: https://imgur.com/a/F8TLVBd

    I know there are many threads about "Riot, let us pick from our earned borders!" and while it would be a great function to have, this post is more about the beauty of having this border for the 50 levels I will have it. Appreciate what you have while it's with you, when you have that perfect border use it, flaunt it, and love it.

    Not all tentacles last forever. But our memories sometimes do.

    Thanks for listening,

    submitted by /u/Dirtymobs
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    Katarina is sitting at 52%+ winrate across all major regions in diamond+

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:32 AM PDT


    Aurelion sol was nerfed with a MUCH LOWER pick rate, so how exactly is kata not nerfed yet? The winrate gets even more ridiculous in master tier+ with almost 56% winrate on EUW. There is not a single player in high elo that thinks kat is balanced, except for maybe kat mains.

    submitted by /u/Yeagerlol
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    Satisfying Pyke Hook into Ekko's Q range

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Lee Sin gameplay is so immersive I couldn't even see picks and dodged my promo

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    After declaring Lee Sin as my intended pick, the whole pick section went blank and it made me dodge my promos since I couldn't see anything. Rito truly stepped their immersion game up.

    submitted by /u/Shiftiq
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    Jinx fanart by Koyorin

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    I drew Evelynn and Kindred combined :D

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    I drew Evelynn and Kindred combined :D

    My friends were joking about a Kindred skin for Evelynn and this was made lol

    I might try and combine some more champs, what would be some interesting mixes?


    submitted by /u/paintingtowns
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    If Skarner won't get a skin in the next pbe, that'll officially make his 5th year without a skin

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Last skin he got was Guardian of the Sands on the 26th of april 2015, and the next pbe cycle will end after the 26th of April 2015. Could that be the longest a champion has gone without a skin?

    To be clear this is not a rant but rather a fact i wanted to share, if Bellissimoh told us we'll get a Skarner skin this year, i totally trust him to make one worth the wait =). Peace!

    submitted by /u/Predatoratorr
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    Of Claw and Thorn - Coven Skins Trailer | League of Legends

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    4/14 PBE Update: FPX Skins, Icons, Emotes, & More

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    My new favorite thresh play!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    If Twitch was released in 2020, his E and passive would be merged while having an AD ratio

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Looking at these last 2 years iterations of released champions, it's quite sad to see some abilities be very one dimensional and underpowered at the same time.

    First off, twitch passive, has a very limited scaling, as he deals fixed scaling damage without any ratio whatsoever.

    Although it deals (limited) true damage, it also means that at best, grievous wound will be applied for 3 seconds if an auto applies a stack, which leaves 3 seconds where anyone can outsustain his full stacked passive with a few autos. Also worth mentioning that we're in a heavy sustain era, and everyone has easy access to that sustain.

    Then comes his W and E which work around a passive that all in all just applies marks. His W basically slows and setups for E.

    If it weren't for his extremely powerful Q and R, the rat would stick in the depth of the sewers.

    His kit seems very outdated. For a poison themed champion, all he is is a sneaky auto-attack turret. He doesn't work around a "poison". He applies non damaging marks through a passive and one skill that is barely useful for another ability.

    Maybe it's time to shift a bit of power towards his theme ?

    If Twitch was released in 2020 :

    - current passive would have an AD ratio

    - W would probably deal damage on hit

    - E would have that passive integrated.

    submitted by /u/CerbereNot
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    #LEC 2020 Spring Finals - Who will reign?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    As a seven-year League of Legends player who was never punished for ingame behavior, I genuinely don't understand my fellow players who act toxic.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, long-time lurker here.

    As someone who has never got their account punished, I can't wrap my head around why some players spout expletives and slurs in chat, run it down mid with 6 tears, etc. and get banned as a result of their actions. Maybe it's the fact that I've been playing League since 2013 and amassed a skin collection hundreds of dollars on my account, so I've got too much to lose from being permabanned.

    I also hail from a background of competitive sports so encountering in-game toxicity, especially the more egregious scenarios such as death threats and racist remarks, is all the more appalling to me. That kind of behavior just doesn't fly among athletes, not nearly as openly compared to League at least. Among athletes, it's confined to the locker rooms and has no place on the wrestling mat or football field. If acting like an asshat doesn't get an athlete expelled from the team outright, it's the easiest way for him or her to draw the ire of his peers or get temporarily disbarred from competition.

    I'm not gonna claim that I never get frustrated with the game or with my teammates (cause this is League of Legends we're talking about, lmao), but I've never said or done anything in my matches that would warrant Riot punishing me. And while I do understand the rage that this game elicits from its players is significant and at times wholly justified -- everyone's endured their fair share of feeders, trolls, etc. --, I still believe it's nothing worth losing one's account over. Hell, I don't think it's even worth the investment required to buy a fresh account or level one to 30.

    Flaming or inting games can be done in like what... minutes? The punishment for those poorly-spent minutes span days or weeks. Toxic behavior has the potential to ruin months or years worth of blood, sweat, and tears. And no matter how much I get angry playing League, I never become myopic enough to lose sight of that fact.

    I felt compelled to make this post because I feel toxicity has gotten worse lately and people have been more vocal than ever about it on this subreddit. I'm opening the floor to y'all in order to have a discussion.

    submitted by /u/Kelltulis
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    "Little Light" {OC} Lux Fanart by me.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:53 AM PDT


    I've been working on a series of realistic portraits for characters I play / like for the last few years and am still learning so it'd be awesome to get suggestions for who to do next or things I can improve on!

    submitted by /u/Zyeine
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    TIL that different rank emblems are represented by the different regions in Runeterra.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    High Noon Swain Fan Concept

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:48 AM PDT


    Hey guys, first time posting here.

    This is my fan-made High Noon Swain skin.

    It was a very fun project but there is always room for tweaks ( and maybe I'll make his ultimate too..)

    I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback :D

    For more of my art you can find me on:



    submitted by /u/mehdi52
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    Conqueror stacks gained when proccing an on-hit passive

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    I have checked every champion with an on-hit passive for the amount of conqueror stacks gained on proccing the passive:

    - Diana gets 4 stacks from passive proc (2 melee + 2 passive)

    - Mordekaiser gets 4 stacks from passive proc (2 melee + 2 passive)

    - Bard gets 3 stacks from passive proc (1 ranged + 2 passive)

    - Miss fortune gets 0 stacks from passive proc (0 melee + 0 passive = BUG)

    - All other champions get 1/2 stacks from passive proc (1 ranged/2 melee/2 spell + 0 passive)

    Conclusion: Only 3 champions in the game get conqueror stacks from the on-hit passive.

    Intented or Bug?

    EDIT: It is all about the ONHIT passive procs


    - Diana's 3th auto triggers her passive which gives 4 stacks: 2 for the passive, 2 for the melee hit

    - Velkoz 3th spell triggers his passive which gives 2 stacks: 0 for the passive, 2 for the spell

    submitted by /u/xMisuto
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