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    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    LoL Guide So you're feeding eh? Here's what to do RIGHT NOW.

    LoL Guide So you're feeding eh? Here's what to do RIGHT NOW.

    So you're feeding eh? Here's what to do RIGHT NOW.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I'm making this post after playing a game last night where I opened by the first 10 minutes by feeding my ASS off. I mean some serious -100 IQ laning. 0/4 against a Darius, taking my tower in the first 10 minutes. It's not very often I consider AFKing, but damn was I close. Honestly, in that mindset, me being in the game may have been a detriment. However, we actually ended up winning, despite Darius taking his lead and mass murdering other lanes. Here's how we did it, and how I helped contribute to that win.

    Keep in mind, this advice works best in lower elo. As you climb, players know better how to be oppressive with their leads, but its likely by then you've learned how to not feed your ass off and know macro enough to not have to baby yourself.

    1: /mute all

    If you're feeding, you are going to get flamed. That is just the nature of the game. At this point, your team doesn't even consider you a part of their team, but rather some annoying NPC they have to drag along for the game. Muteing chat is a no-brainer. Chances are, they are just going to use chat to try and tilt you even further, so just don't take the chance. If you aren't already muting all at the beginning of every game, you should always do it the second time you get solo killed in lane. The reason you need to mute preemptively is because it takes 1 and ONLY 1 flame to tilt you. If your bot lane just gives you a single "fucking feeder jax", that comment is going to sit on your mind.

    I would also recommend muting pings as well. They are going to "?" ping the hell out of you. Additionally, your team doesn't consider you a member of your team, so they aren't going to use pings to your benefit. It's probably for the best you don't take the chance. Both of these things will lead into #2

    2: Flip the reset switch

    Chances are, you've already pounded your desk, yelled into your pillow, etc. Now, it's time to stop saying to yourself "I want out". Look, I know it sucks to play a game for 20 minutes where you are essentially useless, but you got to learn to get over it and turn back the clock. Get out one last sigh, open your eyes, and act as if the game is starting right now. Think. You need to just think of everyone else on their team as a boss that you cannot possibly beat. Look on the map and think about what is 100% free. If there is even a slight chance that somebody might show up, don't take it.

    3: Farm

    If you are in low elo, chances are the enemy team is going to stop farming around the 15 minute mark. Moreso, you putting them so far ahead means that they are going to look to chase your team down into oblivion. This is your chance to cushion the blow. The one and only one way to get back into the game for you is going to be to farm up and look to get picks to swing the game during teamfights. Remember from above, you should only take farm that is completely free. Keep your eyes on the map any time you are not using an ability. If your jungler is teamfighting (and its not a fight you could directly swing), take the opposite side jungle. Once you've secured a decent item spike, its time for the last step.

    4: Play around your winning teammate, help them snowball

    Even though you may have farmed yourself back into an okay position, you are still going to be behind . The best thing you can do is essentially be a second support for your winning teammate. Now, you're likely going to ask "what if my whole team is feeding?". In that case, you might be screwed. You can try to look to take a bounty to swing, but this is not guaranteed. However, law of averages shows us that you are likely going to have at least one strong person on your team that you can leech off of/support. Especially if you are in lower elo, players always throw. Every game, every time. One of the biggest reasons I see for players not being able to capitalize on these throws is that they didn't do #2. Their mental is fucked and they've just put themselves on autopilot and starting running it down and/or just turtled in base walking in circles. If you focus, and just keep your eyes out for opportunities, you CAN turn it around.

    After following these steps in my game last night, I was able to pick up 2 shutdowns from playing safe during teamfights that I was able to transition into an item parity and eventually an item lead.

    These aren't really super well articulated points, but more how I was able to get out of my rut. I hope it helps someone else.

    submitted by /u/AKzura
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    Let losing lanes bleed.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    This is something I run into often in lower ELOs. Lane losing badly? Jungler tries going up to salvage something, or perhaps even a lane swap ensues. What usually happens is now you've got two losing lanes instead of one in an attempt to stop the bleeding in one lane.

    What compelled me to make this topic was something that happened to me last night. I was playing Fiora into Quinn. I got a kill on her early and froze the lane. She only had 15 cs to my 70 at 10 minutes. I was up a few levels and the jungler decided to gank me, I double killed them. The midlane Zed on the enemy team that was winning quite hard swapped top. I wasn't able to kill him, but by swapping top he completely negated his lead and he wasn't able to get anything done top. He had more kills than me and was making my bot lane a living hell. By swapping top he completely took all of his pressure off of the map.

    The end result? Zed threw his chance to win. Quinn got killed by the midlaner and botlane, the jungler got all of his camps taken after he was killed by me and he fell behind our jungler. Zed and the enemy jungler ended up turning one losing lane into three in exchange for making one lane even. I didn't have to really do anything crazy, in fact they outplayed themselves.

    Now, this is an absolute worse case a scenario, but this is also a great example of how you throw a lead. I've seen this happen time and time again in other situations. Jungler tries to help losing lane, or midlaner tries to go up and help, and they end up losing all pressure that they've had because either they couldn't kill the ahead lane or they flat out got killed.

    This also extends to if you're losing lane. The Quinn was playing smart before the jungler came up. If you're losing just try to stay in position where you're not in a position to get engaged killed. Just soak up CS and wait it out. Let your team carry you, and build for utility if possible. Just by learning to lose gracefully and not help losing lanes you will win many more games.

    submitted by /u/StrangerThanNixon
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    Can we start a weekly thread for league anxiety related posts?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Title. I see a lot of posts every day from new-ish players about how they have anxiety about playing. I find that these posts all cover the same ideas, and generally the post is just 20 comments that are all saying learn to use /muteall. I personally would see this as falling under rule 3 of the sub, so i propose we make a sticky or weekly for players to talk about their mental. I know how important it is to the climb to have a strong mental but I've just found this type of post becoming increasingly common.

    submitted by /u/DeadlyTissues
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    Think about the enemy's response to your movements BEFORE you make your move.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    TLDR; Before you make a play, think about the retaliation of the enemy. What is your plan to kill them? What is their response? How do you beat it? Vice versa - How does the enemy kill you? What is your response? Can they beat it? Don't mindlessly tunnel forward. Create a habit of look before you leap.

    Very often I see a lot of situations that a player should win "if only they ___". This means that they understand what they need to do in order to win, however, they are not thinking about what the enemy is going to do in response. They have no prediction thought.

    For example: I played a game of MF / Thresh vs Senna / Bard and I 100% refused to take Thresh's lantern on any of his engages on that lane. Can you guess why? Think of the lane objectively:

    What is MF / Thresh's goal in lane? Hook = kill, in the most basic sense, correct? What is Senna / Bard's goal in lane? Avoid hooks, poke, lock CC, punish cooldowns, etc - very basic non-kill lane / scaling stuff. Looking for openings more than creating their own. ( My opinion of it )

    If Thresh walks up and lands a hook, then uses W to help their ADC gap close, what is Bard's response? What is Senna's response? Either way, no matter who is hooked, they both have CC abilities that will hit both MF and Thresh, leaving them open for a heavy retaliation. Senna and Bard may not do a ton of extended DPS early, but if you're CC'd by them, they're both hitting you, you've aggro'd their minions AND you have no cooldowns? Yeah, you're going to lose that unless you have huge item/health/level advantage. Again, just my take on it. I'm not Challenger or an analysis specialist and this is just one very specific situation with obvious parallel "what ifs" like Bard missing or Senna being oom.

    Think before you do - Look before you leap - What is it that you are going to do? How does the enemy respond? How do you beat it? And vice versa for if you are on the "losing" end. How is the enemy going to try to kill you? What is your way of beating it?

    Another short example: Zed vs Ahri. Zed going to ult Ahri. What is her response? To Charm behind her and hit Zed, use her ult to dodge his combo, and either survive and/or DPS him. The flip side - Zed ults Ahri. What is Zed's response to her Charm? Instantly flash to the side, dodge charm, and wait for her to ult away and DPS her location if applicable. An even better situation would be Zed ulting her when her charm is on cooldown, but baiting out abilities and cooldown punishment isn't really the point of this post.

    submitted by /u/Focus_and_Improve
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    How do I keep my CS high and prevent the enemy toplaner from ending the game from top?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I play Shen. I fell in love with him randomly and now I just main him. But in most of my games I have this one problem. How do I ult to save someone and still have a decent amount of CS. Also how do I stop the enemy toplaner from pushing in so hard that he destroys a turret before I can return there. I know I have teleport but that every 5 mins and the Ult is 3mins. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/IsDroog
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    What should I be focusing on in wave management for Mid?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    I'm a mid lane playing currently at the cusp of silver mostly because I only started playing a few months ago.So far I only have 70 games on ranked so far but those will definetly begin to slowly increase.

    I'm trying to learn wave management right now but I have no idea where to start.I have no clue about freezing other than the fact that it requires about 4 minions and stopping the minions, but it isn't as good in mid because of the size of the lane.

    Can someone explain freezing to me, and more specifically how and why it works.Also, my knowledge of wave management goes down to shoving hard when no one is there or dead then go for vision or roam.I know slow pushing where you slowly push get a big wave and crash, but I assume it's way better for mages that can use the range to harass.I also know about the cheater recall but I don't use it too often, though I should try it out some more.

    Lastly, I just want to know when and why I should be doing things for the wave.Thanks a lot, I know things may change from champ to champ especially because my champ pool is probably pretty damn unique and different but I'd like to hear your thoughts ;)


    submitted by /u/ControlOnly
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    Viability Discussion

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Bruiser/Assassin Rengar top lane v.s. Smite Bloodrazor AD Teemo top lane. Which has its place in the current, or any, meta? Which build would you consider "trolling," and which would you consider a "viable secondary choice for the champion"? Arguments can be made about viability in the meta, win rate, high ranked player success, etc.

    submitted by /u/icardj
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    Morde top main, what are my good/bad matchups

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm a relatively new LoL player and top main. Morde seems to be my best champ by far so far and I was wondering if anyone can help me out with matchups? Who do I dumpster? Who dumpsters me? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated! Also is lich bane a good item for morde or no? Tyvm!

    submitted by /u/AmPT_HellFire
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    How can I contribute to the team?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    So currently just started play ranked and got placed iron 1, let me tell ya I'm actually a true iron. The problem ive been having is I feel I have no helpful impact on the game which I know isn't true. I've played competitive games quite a bit and my highest rank being champ 2 in rocket league, obviously the skills don't transfer but I do know how to think critically to outplay opponents. I can't stand being iron and getting stomped every game cuz I like this game. I've watched so many videos on how to play better and been playing off and on for a couple years. So for the actual question, what have you guys done to actually learn how to play and do you guys have any tips?

    submitted by /u/blockbelt
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    Can we discuss bruisers/fighters in the bot lane?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    So my buddy and I usually play top/jungle duo and perform pretty well( 58%wr~), but we wanted to try bot laneing together. We tried a few games as typical support/adc and usually always did poorly, so we played some melee fighters/bruisers (wukong/trundle/noc/diana) with senna and yumi support and had a notably easier time.

    I've seen senna and trundle bot lane in pro play and we all know of the other common non-adc carries like casseopia, yassuo,ziggs..

    I'm aware that the ADCs bring sustained damage against some objectives and tanks, and CSing early( and sometimes mid) can be difficult, but this strat seems to have more strengths than weaknesses. Better sustain, better gank set up, better in extended fights. Perhaps my 10 games isn't enough data, we plan on trying with many more champs (xin,aatrox,renekton,ww)

    I'm having a lot of fun playing strange comps and I'd like to learn as much as I can about it. Can we get a conversation going that covers some aspects?

    • Why is it viable(sometimes)?
    • Pros/cons?
    • When to pick/not pick?
    • Best fighter/bruiser to play?
    • Best support to pair with?
    • Any preferred combos you've tried?
    • Tips?


    submitted by /u/Zoott
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    I want to get better but i’m scared of being flamed.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    I usually play support when I play against real people because that's a role i'm good at, but I want to learn to play other roles. I usually make custom bot matches to learn but it's not really the same as playing with or against people. I /mute all before every game starts which is good for in game but afterwards if I do terrible my team asks the other team members or enemies to report me. and it just makes me feel bad. I get tilted so easily when I do bad too, and being flamed after a match or during if I don't mute makes me feel worse.

    submitted by /u/Anon_Abi
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    How / when / why to freeze at t2?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    Hi, there are many games where I feel it would be very beneficial to slow the game down by freezing at t2 after losing tower early. This is for bot lane especially. However, many times I try and it ends up being awkward e.g. when dragon comes up. Would somebody be kind enough to give an example scenario when it is a good decision?

    submitted by /u/benwodan
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    When to use and when to NOT use jungle plants

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    I've seen lots of situations where junglers don't use the jungle plants properly, so I made a guide to help make sense of things! Here are some of the key concepts:

    • Early game/laning phase
      • Never use scryer unless the enemy already knows your whereabouts
      • Deny enemy jungle plants as part of your counter jungling checklist (except scryer unless already seen)
    • Objective setup
      • Deny enemy plants during your drake/baron setup (deny vision and entry into pit)
      • If enemy is posturing for objective, save plants until you absolutely need to use them (for vision and entering the pit)

    Video link: https://youtu.be/sBX2O4szQyo

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    How to play against garen

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I am a gold jungle/mid lane main and I played against a few garen tops. although he wasn't in my lane I still roamed/games him a few times, got the kills and left. But later on during the game once Garen got triforce phantom dancer and deadmans, he just ran our whole team down with no effort. Any tips on how to play against garen outside of Laning phase?

    submitted by /u/-SebbyLaw
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    What am I doing wrong? (Jungle)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I've been putting in a lot of games as Rek'sai lately and, even though I have been greatly improving, I just can't seem to win games as consistently as my more carry-centric junglers. It's not like I'm not trying, I gank a lot at lower levels, usually netting a kill or flash from my attempts, I cs pretty well early on, and I have pretty decent control of objectives. However it feels like far too often my laners fall behind regardless of my efforts and the game just spirals out of control from there. So I ask, what am I doing wrong? Should I be focusing on camping one lane only? What do I do if I've established my win condition but another lane is feeding it's ass off?

    submitted by /u/SketchtheHunter
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    How do I ward against Zac or invisible champions?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Zac's jump range seems to be INCREDIBLY far. I try to ward bushes, but he'll hop over the wall, so I'll ward there, and then he'll come through lane. And with invisible champs, I try to ward their camps, but sometimes people disappear off the map for a while, or my wards die.

    I basically suck at vision. I try not to fight when I can't see anything, but sometimes i'm blind top side and have no wards and see nobody, so i play like i'm scared.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Confused about Kayle (and some other stuff)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I know these things are discussed often, but most answers I find on the google are from 2019 on a good day and league is an ever evolving game. So:

    Kayle has an AA with an on-hit and a fire wave. Do things like Wit's End proc on enemies hit by the fire wave? Crits? Hurricane and Rageblade - What do they do? What do they not do?

    Also, do the phantom hits from rageblade apply to things like mord's passive AP AA damage? Ekko's passive and W? Does it have to say on hit?


    submitted by /u/seanlee50
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    What to do when up against an ADC top lane?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    TL/DR: - What do I do as a melee champ in top lane if the enemy picks a ranged adc? What's to stop them auto-ing at range/ kiting until I'm dead?

    I'm still really new to league so apologies if this is a pretty stupid/ irrelevant question. I've been playing top more or less exclusively recently and I've really been enjoying it, I'm lvl 22 and I feel like I've progressed decently for my level.

    However one situation that I really haven't been able to get my head around is out when my enemy top laner is an adc. I realise that this is only ever going to happen at a low level in draft pick/ elo in ranked but recently I've come up against people taking champs like Caitlyn, Kai'sa/ other ranged adcs in top for some reason. I'm not really able to counter pick them in draft because I wrongly assume they're playing bot lane. So I guess one part of my question is; what's stopping an adc playing top lane? I'm not suggesting that it's viable, just a genuine question.

    I understand the main reason why is because they're squishy compared to most top lane champs. But what does it matter if they're squishy if I'm playing a melee champion and I can't even get close to them without them just standing far away and auto-ing me down to low health? And even if I played a tankier champ and actively chased them couldn't they just kite and get me low until they were under their turret range?

    My most recent game as an example, I played Kayle against a Caitlyn. I didn't do my job properly as a top laner; I didn't farm minions since if I pushed up to last hit them the Caitlyn just stood at a safe range and auto'd me, I couldn't go for trades as I did no damage early game compared to her and I wasn't tanky enough to take hits in exchange. So it just ended up with me sitting on my turret, losing plates and cs while she farmed and bought items, and getting dove by their jungler + Caitlyn's ult to finish me off. My jungler also only ganked once the whole laning phase and I was dead when he did so. So what do I do in that situation? I just got really annoyed at myself for losing lane to a champ that isn't viable top lane. I understand that that's an extremely specific example, especially since Kayle has a weak laning phase anyway, but I still want to learn what I should have done.

    Any feedback is appreciated, I know it's not a situation that's going to happen a lot especially as I get to a higher level but still, I'm just curious as someone learning the fundamentals of League.

    submitted by /u/ElZed-
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    Macro decisions

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Hello summoners. I'm a diamond 4 top laner and I had a question about macro. I know macro differs from each game and the choices will never be the same but if I play a champ like Jax or Garen and I win my lane hard while bot side is losing. I get first turret and I back. What do I do next? The enemy top laner will just perma push trying to get that turret if I attempt to roam. If I swap with my bot, I can't 1v2 the enemy bot. If I go top. How am I using my lead?

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    ADC item questions

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    I'm pretty new to this game, being only lvl40 and Bronze 5. I am a little confused about the build path of the items I want to buy. I use this app called blitz which automatically imports builds and when I play Caitlyn or Jinx, I usually go IE first item and the app tells me to build bf sword first, but I usually get all inned early because that they see that I am trying to save gold for a bf sword right after Doran's blade. So, what should I buy right after Doran's blade when I'm playing ADC?

    submitted by /u/RichStillPlays
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    How can I keep better track of my champ in team fights?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    This is something that has gotten me killed time and time again.

    It seems like I simply can't move my char, keep my camera moving and select targets and attack all at the same time.

    I've gotten better with it over time but I still really suck at it.

    Are there any ways for me to get better at this?

    submitted by /u/TellMeToStudyPls
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    What can I do when my team wants to ARAM on Summoners Rift?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    You know the drill, it's silver ELO (or below), it's 25 minutes into the game, you're down to your tier 2 turrets or maybe even your inhib turrets and you NEED some objectives.

    You're even on kills, but the enemy team seems to be just a little bit more savvy about rotating around the lanes to get them pushed. You go to top/bot to clear the wave and get it moving but meanwhile, you see 9 players begin to congregate around the mid lane. You go to meet them, because you know you'll be at fault if you don't. You have some strength with you and you push the wave straight into the enemy tier 2 turret, which the enemy clears easily. You now all stand around doing little dances BUT WAIT, the enemy Leona ults, the Yi has snuck around the brush to flank you and you've just been aced.

    Chaos ensues in the chat and on the Rift while you're sat there thinking 'I SAID it's not an ARAM guys...'.

    What can low ELO players like myself do to help dissuade my team from looking for fights we can't win when everybody just seems to be bored enough for a teamfight? Over the past 10 days I've dropped from the top of S1 to the bottom of S3 and I'm trying to reflect on the common problems in my game, as well as the macro as a whole. These early Aces are a huge turning point in the game and I'd like to try to avoid them.

    submitted by /u/MrMosstin
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    How do you deal with Cassiopeia?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Every time I play as or against this champion, she always seems stupidly broken.

    She has no mana problems early unless you're trading heavily, due to the mana refund on E. This makes it extremely easy to last hit and maintain high mana in lane. Her W prevents so many champions from actually getting on her. Her R functions the same way.

    This champion just feels insanely oppressive whenever I play as her or against her. You don't really beat her early since she'll just let you push in, then farm with E and never have a problem. After she gets Tear and/or Lost Chapter, it becomes nearly impossible to beat her at all because a Q hitting you immediately leads into 2-3 E's hitting you, which will not only heal her, but deal around half health to most champions mid lane, then prevent you from trading back with her W.

    I just feel like this champion really has no weaknesses, yes she's not mobile but she has a flat "no" button on R and W, she gets free mana back for hitting E so it's hard to get her out of lane, she wins nearly all trades by virtue of insane healing from E, and she doesn't really scale because once she gets Tear she wins nearly every matchup.

    What can you do against this champion?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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