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    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.9

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.9

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.9

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar!

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.


    • Our 101 page, with a ton of free content!

    • Our weekly mentoring thread: We have many users willing to provide free mentoring services!

    • Champion discussions: Check out our previous discussions on champions!

    • Summoner School Discord: A voice and text chat platform for teaching and learning. We also have a mentors who are available for personal coaching.

    • Leagueofgraphs: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • Lolalytics: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • OP.GG: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more. Note: stats are for Korea plat+ only, so sample sizes tend to be low.


    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.9

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    Let disabled enemy wards alive

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Title. More often than not, enemies will try to ward a bush your team has a pink inside. If they cannot afford to go clear the control ward, they will leave it there, disabled. You can walk inside that bush and act as if it is unwarded. Please, don't break that enemy ward. They can see it being broken, thus know you are there. Leave it as it is, they might even come trying to clear your control ward. You will be surprised how many times people give their position away because they try to clear disabled wards.

    However, you want to clear enemy vision if you get spotted in the first place, so keep that in mind. If a baron/dragon contest starts, yes, clear anything you can. The information you will deny will be much greater.

    Just a quick tip to keep in mind. If I am mistaken anywhere, please discuss. GL in the rift summoners!

    submitted by /u/ImUnderYourBedDude
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    Do not get caught up in Enemy Yasuo Syndrome, it will stagnate your own growth in the game

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    What the hell is Enemy Yasuo Syndrome?

    EYS is the idea that only the enemy team is capable of playing well and doing things correctly, while your team is not. This comes from, what once was a joke, the observation that the enemy Yasuo always goes 25/1/32 while anytime you have a Yasuo they go 1/32/0. This mostly comes from confirmation bias, the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories. You will always notice the feeding Yasuo you have and you will remember them, while you may notice finally having a good Yasuo, but it won't stick in your brain. This causes you to believe that 1 in ever 25 Yasuo's you have will be a good one, when in reality the chances of getting a good or bad Yasuo is even on both teams.

    But this syndrome isn't actually meant to be about Yasuo, it's actually about people saying things such as "My team always feeds" , "I permaban ____ because no one on my team can ever play them right, but the enemy will always have a good one" , "I can't come back because the enemy team will play correctly." It's an issue with you as the player, putting your team down and putting the enemy on a pedestal. But you have to remember that in your games, you are all generally the same skill level. Every mistake your team is making, the enemy team is just as capable of making. The same way you sometimes win lane and lose lane, each game is a new set of players, but what doesn't change (besides for smurf) is the skill level.

    If you're Bronze 3, the enemy team is also Bronze 4 - 1. You are all on the same playing field, and both sides have the same amount of potential. By you realizing this, you are more likely to capitalize. You should respect your opponent, but you should also realize they're most likely not much better than you, you two are somewhat around the same level and you should play it as such. Don't put your enemy on a high horse because then you don't believe they can throw, you don't believe they can mess up and now you have given up mentally because you think the enemy is so much better than you and your team, when in reality, you're just missing opportunities to capitalize.

    So don't fall for it. If you feel like you're falling under EYS, you need to reset your mentality because you're hurting yourself.

    Good luck everyone on their climb and self improvement.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    How to farm on low elo.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Hey, I am just an avarage player. I was in gold 5 few years ago and then I stopped playing. Now I am bronze 4 and I have a tough time having good farm. I was able to have 200 cs in 20 minutes on mid with Syndra or Orriana in the good old days. Now my farming skill is slightly worse but that's not the probem. The problem is that after 13 minutes everyone starts araming around and I have to choose between farming or fighting.

    submitted by /u/TeaTeeKaNee
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    Unpopular opinion: elo hell is good for your winrate

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    tl dr: we suck more than we're willing to admit.

    If the elo hell exists, then it is overall good for the winrate of the players that are not part of the problem.

    Why? Because if you're playing in a elo where games are defined by who gets the most inters, then the fact that you are never an inter will give you an important statistical edge. This statement seems to either be considered obvious or scandalous so I decided to create a simple model to get some rough numbers. Let's define elo hell game as follows:

    - Each player (except you) has a 10% chance of being an inter.

    - The team with the most inters always loses the game.

    - If an equal number of inters are present, then the probability of wining the game is 50%.

    What would be your winrate over a large number of games ? The answer is 53.6%. Here is some code to brute force this problem but it can be solved symbolically too:


    So sooner or later, you will climb. And if you don't, then it's likely that you were already higher than your skill level.

    To be fair, with this model the rankings of the players would be very variable. If we took 20 players starting at the same elo and made them play 10 placement games + 90 normal ranked games and if they had 53.6% chance of wining any game, their rankings would look like this:


    Some would finish the season in diamond and others in bronze. Hopefully, your skill level in real play matters more than that.

    Note: the exact same point can be used in reverse with smurfs. If you play in an elo with a lot of smurfs, you will have a negative statistical edge since the smurfs are more likely to be on the other team.

    submitted by /u/LKama07
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    Game Analyst Iron IV Naut/Ashe vs Trist/Nami

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I meant *analysis*

    Hey guys,

    Recently I played a Ranked Iron IV game as Naut with my laning partner being Ashe. We were going up against a Tristana/Nami combo. Early game, things were fine until my first engage when I landed my hook onto Nami. I was Lv 4 at the time and Ashe was Lv 5, while the opposing laners were also the same levels respectively. Ashe immediately followed up by AA'ing Nami and using her W. I thought we would win this as we chunked Nami pretty hard.

    However, Trist immediately jumped unto Ashe and started dueling her. I noticed Trist was winning the duel against Ashe, but because I landed my hook unto Nami, I was now out of position. I walked back over to Trist to root her, but it was too late at that point. Nami, of course, still being in the picture re-engaged landing a great bubble capturing both me and Ashe. I realized with Trist being so close to Ashe after jumping on her, it coincided perfectly for Nami's bubble because I had to melee Trist to root her.

    Of course, this engage did not end well and a double kill for Trist was pretty much on the cards. Item wise I believe we were okay. No one backed yet, so both teams were still using starter items. Minion waves were equal on both sides, so no advantage there. Pretty much at this point, Ashe and I were behind and we lost the ability to compete for Dragon.

    Our jungler Nunu, tried to help us gank Trist/Nami, but my goodness, was that double kill a lead we couldn't overcome. Trist once again, immediately went unto Ashe and took her out immediately. At this point, we were trying to lock Trist down, but the damage she was pushing out and the heals she was getting was enough to curtail our efforts. Nunu didn't ULT for some reason, guessing it was on cooldown, and despite my efforts with my ulti it still wasn't enough. Anyways, game ended up being a terrible loss, with my score being 1/7/1 and Ashe being 1/10/1.

    Lessons learned:

    Did not know Trist W does damage

    Trist abilities make her a better dueler than Ashe: Q increases AS, E passive provides bonus damage

    Item wise I believe we were okay. No one backed yet, so both teams were still using starter items. Despite Nami being chunked, she wasn't out of the picture. Minion waves were equal on both sides, so no advantage there.

    Root does not = Stun; Trist is immobilized, but can still attack.

    Did not use Summoner Spell Exhaust fast enough

    Need to get better at using my potions during engages (tunnel vision)

    Didn't know how to approach lane with Ashe being my ADC

    submitted by /u/alienprincee
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    How do you deal with "inting Yorick"?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Had a game yesterday where were were up like 31 kills to 2. I'm playing Ashe. Enemy Yorick is getting toasted by our Morde over and over. Past the laning phase (ignite) Yorick starts AFK splitpushing. We rotate and kill him every time he does this, like 3 times in a row. He doesn't stop. Ever. At some point we try to take objectives. He gets so fed off of CS splitting that his 9 deaths don't even matter. Eventually he can basically kill our whole team. I honestly don't know how to stop someone from dying, spawning, taking 2-3 waves, and dying again until they become a hypercarry. And as an ADC there's no way for me to apply pressure to the map in the way that he was.

    submitted by /u/whiteknight521
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    I seem to have forgotten how to win and how to keep a learning mentality.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, hope you're well during this quarentine. I'm a silver 1 (now silver 2 unfortunately) support main and lately my performance has considerably dropped. I used to get MVP a lot of times and lately I have hardly even won a match. My WR even dropped from 54% to just 51%.

    It's like I can't think correctly and that even if my team gets some early kills it feels like it doesn't really matter since we always end up throwing. Granted lately solo queue has been giving me some quite troll teammates the past couple of days , but in the past I've won lots of games with trolling teammates. It's like I can't do it anymore.

    I end up feeling discouraged because I put quite a bit of effort into learning the game and becoming good and I'm still in silver,while my friends who don't research much and just watch cool league montages get to high gold.

    At the beginning of the season I had quite a good learning mindset and climbed pretty fast to my peak rank last season (silver 1) but it just looks like I can't get over it.

    In team fights I get desoriented and lost, fail skill shots and engages or not even engage at all, I sometimes get caught out warding, I've started to do these dumb errors and they've become more frequent. Currently I feel like I'm more reactive than active. I sometimes feel like I'm almost autopiloting.

    I don't feel the mindfulness I usually feel when playing.

    So, can anyone help me? I've sworn to myself that I would get to atleast gold this season and I don't intend on giving up.

    If anyone has any tips I will gladly read them and note them.

    Thank you all in advance and sorry if the post is a bit of a mess, English isn't my first language.

    Here's my OPGG if any more info is required:https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=InvaderZix

    submitted by /u/InvaderZix
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    My friend

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    How do I tell my friend that he's not being aggressive enough as a support, I've owned with him one game and we got fucked. He likes to stay in line with his ADC's bearing in mind he was Leona I was vayne vs a Yasuo and a Xerath. He was full health the whole so I told him when Yas hoes for CS go stun him let me land my triple hit and we back off but he just wouldn't. When he finally did we nearly got a double before a panth missing mid fucked us. I really love playing with him but his passive nature makes you feel like 1v2 bottom. I am not usually a bot laner I just thought I could do better if were together. I like to play top and jungle and normally do well when I take the roles but often see our ADC's flame him. It's like he's scared of damage

    submitted by /u/Querney
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    Just dropped out of challenger, and looks like I won't achieve It again. (TIP)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I wanted to give some advice on the things I learned when I was on the journey for challenger, when I got It and why (probably, I want to discuss It too) I dropped.So, over 7 months ago I returned playing LoL. I stopped playing because I had to study and was tired about the game ( I was challenger and at the time I stopped I was at master's again). Okay, I returned playing It again and with that, I became obsessed (again, maybe?) for improving and was spending all my time with that. But just 2 months ago I was capable of getting It again, well, "I was" because after 1,5 week I dropped again.

    The week I went from d1 to challenger 566 PDL - I was pretty tilted as I've played the game for so much time and still wasn't on my desired elo, after a lot of suffer I'm capable of going from d1 to masters (which is ridiculous, as the past year I was with 500 pdl on the season's end). Well, I really wanted to improve so I watched all the defeat VOD's on my history, every loss I would watch It and see what I did wrong. Well, even though I was studying the game, I was still doing basic decisions wrong again and again, so I watched pro's VOD's too. Still was stuck on 100-0 LP on master. "Why would I one time have 500 LP, other time be on D2?, I hadn't stopped playing since then..." . I was totally stressed and had no more expectations on getting a good elo or improving at all. When my sister called me to hang out, eat a ramen and talk a bit among our family. A day off after 180 of pure training and felling like an incompetent. What happened? Well, the rest of the week my mind was entirely focused on It. Every VOD I watched, every game I played I could see my mistakes perfectly, that week no complaining was written inside of my head, every day felt like a birthday, challenger was in my front, but I let my expectations low cuz I was chasing It for a lot of time. There I was, not believing I was challenger again.

    Why I dropped (my theory) - As I got into challenger, I started streaming and there I was again, spending all of my time with LoL and was even more tryhard wanting to be with 1k LP.Results: 2 Accounts on master tier.

    Well, I think my story can be helpful to others cuz It's probably an example of what burnout can do to your mind. I'm writing this cuz today I tried to watch another VOD, and I simply couldn't retain one single information from It. Play when you want, put your health on first place, have fun and rest when you think you need.This is what I learned from my story, to have at least one day without worries every month.

    Well, I'll test if I'm wrong now, good night ppl! Will return here after some time to say the results.

    Sorry for the english, I'm a self-taught young brazilian.

    submitted by /u/roxasjls
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    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    I am so confused when it comes to graves. Like why is he so good right now in the meta? Is it just because of death's dance or is it something else too? What are his powerspikes, is he a early game jungle or late? What type of playstyle should I have when I play him?

    Sorry for posting so many questions I just really want to learn and understand this champ.

    submitted by /u/jharris480
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    Cs'ing post lane phase in low elo.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I play a mixture of champs and have been hovering around silver for a while, i find that in low elo normally our farm is alright - we normally rack up around 70 in the first 11 mins or so, but once people (including me) get to about 120 cs we sort of just stop and our cs'ing starts declining rapidly - i mean like 180 farm in 30 mins.

    Can someone help us out on how we are meant to farm post 15 mins when the rest of our team starts grouping either for objectives or for random fights which make no sense - if we dont follow our team will lose a 3v4 and if we do follow then our cs starts to nose dive.

    Sorry if this is on a wrong thread - im not the most experienced redditer.

    submitted by /u/Wellycopter
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    One of the most powerful items in the game only costs 75g. Stop leaving fountain without it.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    There are so many kills in low ELO and it is a direct causation from low vision scores. Think of the last time you got ganked in lane... it's likely due to an unwarded river. A control ward will save your life more often than an extra dagger or potion.

    It doesn't matter which side of the map you are on. Each tri bush should be control warded for your team. As Top or Support consider this an early objective before rift and first drake. Once they are up use your control ward to do the objective. Don't clear enemy vision until you've completed the objective so the team gets zero information other than you killed it.

    submitted by /u/swisher_69
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    What can I do against Tryndamere?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Anytime I pick a melee champ toplane and don't ban Tryndamere, I feel like the game is lost. Because there is no way I can keep up with his farm, a very slim chance that he won't kill me at least once in lane and get ahead in level as well and still successfully outscale me because I'm extremely behind. It doesn't help that his lane sustain is up there with the best in the game and his damage is also extremely high if he can get lucky with a crit or two. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/ohmanishotmarvinn
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    How are there people so hardstuck in Low Elo when they've been playing for so long?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    I'm around level 100 myself after playing League for 8 months by now. But something I see often that scares me are people who are level 400+ and still HARDSTUCK in Silver. Hell, I've even seen someone around that level still stuck in Bronze.

    I've also noticed that a lot of these high level people also usually have a champion or two with a huge amount of mastery points. My friend played a ranked game with a 1.2 Million mastery Teemo who inted the game and was still Silver 3 or something. I've also seen examples just like his Teemo in my games too. And here's this lvl 600 1.5 M Lulu who gets placed with Irons and still loses because she can't play support properly.

    I thought one-tricking champions in low Elo was OP and helped you climb! Because you get so used to your champion that it gets easier to focus on macro play. Like there's denial sparks flying around in my brain that these people aren't climbing, is it like a learning disability or something? Can someone please explain how this phenomenon exists?

    submitted by /u/OneTrickPoony
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    Why are Trist and Xayah Weak/Less Picked Rn? Esp. Considering They Are Safer Than Some ADCs

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    I'm an ADC main in Silver atm (got to gold last season, but I know it was an easier season to get gold in), and my first main and my main-at-heart is Trist. Now, I've noticed that both Trist and Xayah are not doing too great right now (maybe things are changing with the slight buffs to them?), and I've been trying to figure out why.

    They both have self-peel (Xayah root and Trist ult) and Trist has some mobility (though not as much as say Lucian or Ezreal). These seem like great things to have, especially in lower elo were you aren't as likely to get help from your teammates, but in even low elo their winrates are pretty low.

    Why aren't these champs strong/picked more? What would it take for them to come back into the meta (a shift in the meta, buffs to them specifically)?

    Thanks for any input!

    submitted by /u/Sadiew1990
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    In game chat not working

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I just signed in to my account earlier and now I'm not able to chat in games anymore. I am able to see the chat, also messages from both teams, but I'm not able to press enter to write anything. I have looked through the settings and can't find anything wrong. I haven't gotten any note that I am chat restricted either. I couldn't find a solution to this anywhere, so does anyone here know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/poteterleverihavet
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    I don't understand how to stay ahead as Lee Sin

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    I don't understand what it is I'm doing wrong but it's getting frustrating because I play a very agressive Lee, I steal one buff from the enemy jungler at the start of each game so I have 3 in my first rotation. (I also go back and steal it a second time most games as well.)I'll be ahead and have jungle item and BC done by 12-14 minutes. Does dragon or rift herald not give enough exp? Despite the items difference they can still fight me because the enemy mid or top will be 2-3 lvls up on me. I usually take Drag at like 6 minutes and rift herald around 9-10ish How do I scale into mid game not under leveled? Is it just a trade off of focusing too much on ganking to fall behind? My frustration boiled over when I went against a shyvana and she was a level and a halfish ahead of me while only being 15 cs up. She was 0/3 because I counter ganked and I was 2/0.

    submitted by /u/KrytTv
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    I need help with Taliyah jungle

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Well i play nunu jungler as my main but Im trying taliyah in jungle too. I played few games with her and im getting used to kiting. Most times when i flash W i tend to miss and my ult positioning also needs to improve. I can do basic combos with w and e after animation followed by q. Could I get some tips like which jungle route is the best and is rylays necessary ? Also what are the green jelly timers that spawns at the river.

    Here is my op.gg https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=invalid+love

    submitted by /u/AlanMoney
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    A list of tips/guide on how to play into Fiora.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    I see a lot of people expression frustration at playing into Fiora toplane, as she can be frustrating sometimes and pull a lead "from nowhere".

    I wanted to put together a few tips as a main and fan of her as to how to play against her and minimize her ability to dunk on you.

    First, a summary of her abilities and what she does:

    Her passive makes little arcs, vitals, appear around you periodically when she's near you and can see you. Hitting these arcs with an autoattack or one of her abilities heals her a little, and deals bonus true damage. This is percent max health true damage that scales with her AD, 4.5% per 100 bonus AD. Hitting these repeatedly is how she pokes and sustains in lane, and how (later game) she can demolish even tanks. Since it scales with AD, when she's full build hitting one of these can do double digit %max health true damage, demolishing people in a similar vein to vayne. The heal is flat, but if she has stacked conqueror or death's dance she will heal for the true damage she deals, this can grant ridiculous healing against health tanks and make her able to solo them if they have the misfortune to end up in a 1v1 with her.

    Her Q grants her mobility and poke. Dash a distance, stabbing a target. Prioritizes vitals and enemies it will kill. Applies on hit. Basically a dash and auto. This is how she chases people down as the CD is reduced if she hits something. It's also her primary way of hitting vitals during fights and in laning phase. When it's maxed with 40% CDR its cooldown is extremely short. Not exactly yasuo dash short, but pretty short.

    Her W is Riposte, this winds up, making her immune to everything (CC, damage, debuffs, etc) for a bit less than a second, then stabs where she aimed it. Just using this and not blocking CC, the stab will slow and cut attack speed by half for 2 seconds on the first champ hit. If she blocks immobilizing CC with it (stuns, roots, charms, fears, etc), the stab instead stuns the first target hit for 2 seconds. This is a hard ability to use well as it has to be timed pretty well to avoid the CC or damage aimed at her, but if she can parry well it makes her extremely hard to fight and dangerous to engage on. The disadvantage is that it has a super long CD, especially early on, and can be baited out. This ability is the fight decider, if you can bait it out then CC her, she gets wrecked, if she can properly parry your CC and stun you, you get demolished. As this blocks everything, she can even avoid stuff like Ignite and skillshots with it.

    Her E is an autoattack reset and helps her stick to people, and gives her a bit of burst. Her next 2 autoattacks are empowered, the first slows, the second crits. Not much more to say, just keep in mind that she can crit at lv 3. The slow helps her stick and can help her hit her ult easier. Speaking of her ult:

    Her ult reveals 4 vitals around you, and grants her speed while she's near you (she doesn't even have to hit vitals to get the speed, this will prevent you from just walking away). The vitals work the same way as her passive vitals, dealing the same damage + healing. If she hits all 4 before they fizzle out, a big healing field appears that heals her and all allies nearby. The main advantage of this ult is being able to proc her passive rapidly 4 times. Late game, when she has something like 400-500 AD, hitting all 4 vitals can chunk you for 60% of your max health in true damage. Needless to say, this is her "I delete you now lol" button. DO NOT underestimate her power when she has you ulted. Even a slightly behind Fiora can delete you if she ults and rapidly hits all 4 vitals. Generally, the rule of thumb is: If she ults you and you aren't significantly more fed than her, run the fuck away, preferably with abilities and to a tower/your team.

    Another tip is to keep one side pressed against terrain so she can't finish the ult. Of course Zhonyas helps too. She can even towerdive super well if she can finish the ult due to the massive heal. Do note however that if she just straight kills you without finishing the ult, the heal field still happens. And again, with stacked conq or Death's dance she heals for the true damage she's dealing with ult. During teamfights this can make her annihilate your tank while lifestealing so hard you can't kill her unless you hit CC. It also has a very short CD late game, she'll have it about once per teamfight.

    Misc tips:

    • Biggest main thing to fighting her during lane phase is to not let her stun you with Riposte. It not only blocks the CC you tried to hit her with, but also stuns you for 2 seconds, one of the longest stuns in the game. She will clap your ass if she can stun you (you will like hilariously badly lose the trade or straight die). In exchange it's pretty hard to hit (she has to time her riposte to receiving some kind of immobilizing CC), but if she does hit it, and it's a 1v1.... Ripperoni, even early game. (This should hint to you that it's a bad idea to play champs with predictable hard CC into her, as she can intentionally take it to stun you) Also keep in mind that it cripples your attack speed even if she whiffs it, so she'll out DPS you for a bit.

    • Try to avoid letting her hit her passive for free, it's how she pokes and sustains during lane. Sometimes the passive vital will appear facing her, if it does back off a bit so it goes away and a new one spawns. Side ones are okay so long as you watch her movement, she can quickly dart to your side to hit it. Hitting it grants her movement speed to run away with, so it's hard to trade back, but if you can preemptively trade into her as she goes for it you can land good damage.

    • If you're playing a tank, you want to rush Ninja tabi (as this blocks part of the true damage, the only item that can) and bramblevest to cut down her healing. Once you have those two she shouldn't be able to full-on meme on you, but she can still kill you, so be careful. Building those two just makes it even.

    • Generally early on you want to build armor and not health or health + armor, because if you don't build health she gets less value from her passive (and thus, conq/DD healing). Forcing her to kill you using only her passive will slow down how fast she can kill you massively. Frozen heart makes it extremely hard for her to kill you unless it's late game (as later on her damage becomes more and more % true), so it's not bad to grab first if you're a tank.

    • Focus on landing CC on her when she wastes her riposte. She's quite squishy if she can't auto to lifesteal. It's possible to bait it out by whiffing a CC ability on purpose, then using another. Whatever you do don't form a pattern with your CC (eg as sett don't E her immediately on reaching range, she'll pick up on that and stun you next time you do it).

    • Mind her powerspike. Every fiora worth their salt will usually rush Ravenous hydra first. This grants a huge chunk of AD and lifesteal, as well as minion shoving power. If you were previously struggling prior to her building this item, this is where she straight runs you down, so be careful. A secondary powerspike is finishing DD or trinity force. Some Fioras will go DD second item then trinity, others the reverse. Fiora more or less gets a powerspike with every item she finishes, and having an item lead over her opponent makes her monstrous. From there she can either build crit if you have squishies or more pure AD for her passive if you're tankier, or some more bruiser items (steraks, Guardian angel, etc) if she's struggling to stay alive.

    • If she's unable to teamfight, she'll splitpush. Her splitpushing is legendary, late game she deletes towers. Hell, early game she can get like 3+ plates from a single enemy back due to her ability to crit towers and all of the autoattack resets she has. Send preferably someone fed or multiple people, sending someone she's even with will result in her ulting them and deleting them, much like Yorick.

    • As she scales like Vayne, the best medicine for a fed fiora is an ended game. Don't let games go on too long or let her reach full build as she scales extremely hard (again, like I said earlier, her ult chunks anyone for most of their HP, if she has any kind of team, she wins).

    • Building anti-healing items is a good idea. She sustains by lifestealing like crazy. Constantly having Grievous wounds on her will reduce her ability to 1v9. Thornmail is especially good.

    • Once she finishes Ravenous she is capable of soloing dragon decently quickly. At full/near-full build, she can solo baron/elder drake (slowly). If she's missing for extended time, she's trying to yoink something.

    Hopefully this helps and grants some insight. Let me know if you have any questions or additional tips you've used that help.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    On-Hit/Crit build as an ADC

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    So recently I've been playing Kindred adc, building Manamune, Berserker's, Runaans, IE, Bork and in one match I was struggling against a fed ap champ, so I built Wit's End. I could blow squishies with 2-3 autos and I had so much dps it felt insane. Now this got me thinking about the crit and on-hits builds on adcs. I would like to know when should I be picking crit and when on-hit (not just as Kindred, but when picking a champion). What purposes do these builds achieve, is 50% crit useful, do they change the playstyle, etc. I would appreciate all the imput about the builds. An unrelated question (I give priority to the previous one): I have read that the ideal champion pool to climb/master the champions consistently is about 2-3. Would 2-3 in Top/Mid/Jungle/Support be equivalent to 4-5 in Bottom, as the playstyle of marksmen is more homogenous than the other roles, or am I wrong and there is no such equivalence? Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/eurongreyjoy4
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    How to win games as Evelynn?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    I love evelynn i think shes really fun, im currently silver 4 and main jungle, maintaining an almost 70% wr with taliyah in the jungle. I've been playing eve for a while and have noticed my win rate is below 50%. My games today have been pretty horrible with her, I consistently get the most or second to most kills in my games and with a pretty good kda unless all the enemy team is fed. I try to take out the adc before any fight or in any fight if possible but i feel like im doing something wrong, I dont know what it is but it seems like I cant win games with her despite how many kills or jungle objectives i get. any tips appriciated :p

    submitted by /u/KillerStrafe
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    Help when enemy freezes lane

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Just as it sounds, how to i even farm when the enemy freezes the lane hard. (First time I've had it happen this bad)

    I just fought against Trundle top as a Nasus and he was freezing the lane by only killing 2 minions at a time.

    And since he regens from anything that dies near him he didn't really take damage. I couldn't push because he had way more cs and damage than me. Anytime i tried to kill a minion he would wipe half my heath in a couple swings.

    submitted by /u/themudorca
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    my fov is low

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    my monitor is 1080x1024 and my fov is low i feel like that is a disadvantage is it or is it not i want to get a rank but i feel this will effect my preformance the game runs at 80 fps 40 in teamfight would i be able to climb or not should i buy a new monitor or not

    submitted by /u/bishr_the
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    Some thoughts on kalista

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Ok so I'm a simple bronze 1 player and I recently started playing kalista. I love to play this champion! It's so incridebly fun but there's just one thing that always pisses me off. Why doesn't her e show, just like pyke's r, when you can kill the champion with e? It's so frustating when you either tower dive or you think they will die after pressing e but the enemy survives with 1 hp. In team fights for example would be extremely helfulll. You think its ridiculous and i should just get more familiar with the champion? Its so frustating sometimes.

    submitted by /u/abigothiel
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