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    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    LoL Guide When is it more beneficial to buy spell pen over more AP?

    LoL Guide When is it more beneficial to buy spell pen over more AP?

    When is it more beneficial to buy spell pen over more AP?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    Hi So recently got back into league and in quarantine i figured id try climb more seriously then before. Game has changed alot since i last played (season 4) and I can say that I felt atleast before I could climb with ease without thinking about itemizaiton, routes, etc that much if I was good at my champ.

    Netherless, I think the changes are GOOD, and im glad the game has got me thinking and im happy relearning and learning new ways to get better at the game.

    So recently ive bumped into several questions regarding itemization. I play nidalee mostly (bash me if u want I get it but ive done it since season 2)

    Id like to set up some scenarios and where someone could perhaps explain the thought process behind the choices.

    1. I have jungle echo item and nothing else. I have the option to buy sorc boots or a fiendish codex. Im working towards a zhonya lets say. How would i determine what would give me more damage if the enemy has very little or no MR. (This is all new to me the math of it)

    2. Also when is oblivion orb a good early purchase over other AP items or items like sheen if im not going to be building towards morellos

    3. Third questionis more or less to any nidalee players about Electrocute VS Dark harvest, I see the talk about it and people prefering dark harvest but I never read reasons why. Would love to hear thoughts nidalee and non nidalee players on the rune choice on her and thought process. (My personal one is how many stacks of dark harvest do I have to go past for it to be more beneficial then electrocute).

    Sorry for a long post but , hope its somewhat of a convo starter other players can use for guidelines aswell atleast.

    submitted by /u/Twa3nk
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    What to do against Sett?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    So we're now a few months after Sett's release. I saw a post like this before on this subreddit, but that was when Sett was just released (and we all know RIOT makes freshly released champions to be a bit stronger that intended that they will have a larger starting playerbase).

    Although, that was some time ago, I still don't feel like Sett became anything but fair. I'm writing this question here, because the problem I have with him is kinda global lol I can't beat him with either of my mains or other champions toplane (tried Darius, Skarner, Jax, Malphite etc.).

    I always get oneshot by his (not only true damage) W; he outrades me in AA fights; his ult is a ton of damage and big cc, his passive (the regen is really unnecessary I think); if he kills me he stays low health in lane and yet when I come back with item advance and max health he easily kills me with the W; he easily dives out even tanks under turret with his ult, E and W. Just tired of him always beating the shit out of me.

    Thx for any advices in advance or things to keep in mind.

    submitted by /u/Dogmedve
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    When are lifesteal builds worth it?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I started playing LoL only around 4 months ago, and there still are many things i struggle with, that are seemingly very intuitive to other players. I personally really enjoy builds and champions that can survive for as long as possible, but am trying to expand my gameplay beyond tanks. I really enjoy the concept of lifesteal, but rarely see builds focused on it. For example, when i first saw Olaf, especially his W, i expected his item builds and runes to be mostly focused on healing, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'd like some help to understand why, and to recognize when it is worth to build lifesteal on my own.

    submitted by /u/Greatanso
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    How to improve macro as ADC and how to play lane with bad support?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Hi. I am a Bronze 1 ADC, I play Kai'sa, Ezreal, and Lucian, with a little bit of Ashe and Xayah here and there. I like to say my mechanics are pretty good for someone in my rank, I know how to properly play my champs but a problem I face a lot in games is my macro. Sometimes I get this huge lead in games but fail to maintain the lead and end up throwing the game. At times I fail to figure out when is the right time to rotate and roam with my support or when the right time is to push and get vision in enemy jungle. Along with that I don't know exactly what to do when I have a bad support. Should I just play very defensive and play around jungler and hope my mid laner roams? What can I do to take the lane into my own hands and carry even if my support is bad? Along with that, what can I do to better understand when to push and when not to push, how to set up waves so that I'm able to rotate to help jungler or mid laner, and how to play around enemy mistakes? What can I do to make myself more aware and change the way I think when I get into game?

    My op.gg page: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=AyeAustin

    submitted by /u/milk_tea_addict
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    Should I play Ranked?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I am just learning a new role after i came back to the game. Before i was a Gold Support but now i am learning jungle. Should i be learning while playing ranked(atm i am unranked this season)? I played normals, kinda like 20 normals till now and i am decent but as we all know normals is totally a different game than ranked.

    submitted by /u/hidden199
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    I feel like Ashe does no damage?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Does ashe really do no damage or is it just me? If I were say Jinx, Xayah, Kaisa or any other adc and I have my usual average cs and core items, I feel like I do damage. Basically killing enemies by 6th auto attack but if I am she, it is like I am in my 12th auto and the enemy is still not dead. I go the recommended build.

    submitted by /u/artemis_irelia
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    High ELO Informative Twitch Stream (NA)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Hey guys, my name is Dave and I'm a support main on the NA server. My IGN is Who is Dave. I've been bouncing up and down between D1/D2 and I'm currently sitting at Diamond 2. My main champs are Pyke, Blitz and Thresh and I can play other champs such as Braum, Nautilus, Brand, Leona, Etc.

    I'm new to streaming and my goal is for my channel to be informative. I'd love to answer any questions you guys may have not only about support, but other roles and general league questions as well! I'm attempting to partner with other players to create a community that promotes learning, positivity and competitive gameplay. If this is something that interests you please feel free to stop by, give me a follow and I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have!

    Below are links to my Twitch and my op.gg!

    Twitch op.gg

    submitted by /u/317Dave
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    How do I fight morde

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    just gonna keep this short, I wanna main poppy, I'm new, how do I beat morde. He always just gets all his health back and does like 1000 damage. I cant do anything, he just out trades me constantly and even if im under turret he can just pull me out and take no damage

    submitted by /u/FrxstyBoy
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    Good Mechanics but Bad Game Sense?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    A lot of times when I'm playing League of Legends, I'm winning lane a lot of matches and get fed but I'm not able to carry the team to the end and a lot of times we lose. Players in-game would say (Btw I'm a Zed main) "Zed your mechanics are amazing but your game sense is bad maybe if you have any sense you'd do something"(literally my last game). I think with it being said so many times they may be correct as I'm not able to carry even when I'm fed... What can I do to improve my game sense and carry my team as a Zed main? Is this just a play more type of thing or is there certain things I could study or look at.

    submitted by /u/SpiralOfGames
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    How to be useful as an adc after having to go through a horrible laning phase/how to lane against mages on botlane?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Hi there, I am an adc main (mainly playing Kaisa, Vayne and Ezreal), currently at P4, peaked at P2 some months ago.

    So currently I have the problem that I keep facing mages on the enemy botlane pretty much every game. Either the support or botlaner is a mage and just renders me useless every single time. I have a super hard time csing because one minion means losing at the very least 25% of my hp. I either get poked down super hard and die over and over again or play super safe but am only able to get every like third last hit and still die some times because we are getting dived or for example the enemy Brand decides to flash and press e and maybe ignite on me. Either way, after laning phase I am completely useless, with around 50 cs at 10 mins, while the enemy botlane is super ahead. So what I am then trying to do is to farm up. I usually dont die when taking a wave here and there but my team keeps fighting and dying. Game's doomed.

    This happens in 90% of the cases where the enemy botlane has at least one mage.

    What can I do against this in laning phase? How can I be useful after a laning phase like that?

    submitted by /u/Ahrihub
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    Is Trundle a good early game tank? A good late game tank? Both? (LCS)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Trundle has historically been known for being one of the strongest early game champions in the game. When he's meta, he can outduel any jungler in the game level 2/3.

    Late game though, his damage falls off hard, and he basically becomes an ult and E bot, literally a Trundle support but takes up resources.

    However, Locodoco recently talked about how Trundle is one of the strongest scaling tanks in the game EVEN WHEN THE ENEMY TEAM DOES NOT PICK A TANK.

    Obviously Trundle ult is exceptional against tanks, but Locodoco here is talking about blindpicking Trundle, and this is professional play. When you see the enemy pick Trundle, you don't pick Sejuani, you pick things like Elise. Trundle won't have anyone to use his ultimate on, so he basically just becomes an E bot.

    Are you saying that Trundle E provides more utility than the entirety of Zac/Sejuani's kit?

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How do I stop dying

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I've been playing a lot of adc lately and I'm able to get some of kills in mid/late game, however, I also die too often, in early, mid and late game and end up pretty much feeding the enemy team and giving my team a hard time ending the game with deaths equal to kills, sometimes more deaths than kills. In early game I try to play defensive a lot only engaging without endangering myself and my support too much but as soon as try to push I get killed most of the time. In mid/late game, I always try to stick with my team but I always seem to be the first dying in team fight, sometimes the only one dying. I was hoping you could offer some advice to help me improve.

    submitted by /u/TheBigMasterPigg
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    I just can't seem to win lane or be relevant

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I'm currently in Bronze 1, last season Silver 2.

    I recently started playing in the mid lane and I've been enjoying it more or less.For me it feels like I just can't be relevant to the game in any way.Most of the time I just completely lose my lane and the midlaner stomps our team.In a few rare cases I completely stomp them, but the rest of the team stomps even harder and my lead is practically useless anyway.

    It is getting really frustrating feeling completely useless in every match.I have been trying to improve but it just feels like I'm way worse than everyone and they can just stomp me no matter the match up.

    Is there anyone who could try to help me find my mistakes or give me some advice in general since I can't seem to win the lane whatsoever.

    Edit: I'm playing on EUW.

    submitted by /u/Scaroxa
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    Is poppy jg a good pick?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Just wondering where she stands in the meta. She seems to be able to keep up with the respawn timers and has no trouble clearing camps, but I'm guessing she's more of a situational pick? I'd like to know if she is in a good/bad spot right now and why. Also, how would you build her, tank or lethality? What runes would you take?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    Is playing with unlocked camera really that important ?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Hello i'm gold 2 and i started playing league since s7 . Since then i've been playing with locked camera , so i've seen alot of people (more of them high elo) playing only with unlocked camera . There are also people who told me that will unlocked camera i will improve and i will climb easily , do i force myself play with unlocked camera , will it help me really climb , i main toplane . Can you name me some high elo players / streamers playing with unlocked camera ?

    submitted by /u/teddo23
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    When I shoulde freeze outside my tower?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    I'm a gold three play that recently started with freezing, slow pushing, etc. But one thing I'm concerned about is when I should freeze outside of my tower, and I know I should do that when I want to set up a gank, deny Cs and just zoning them. But where should my starting point be, in the middle, outside my tower? Do you have any tips?'

    For instance, I played naut with varus vs Lucian bruam. Lucian and Braum are really strong together in laning phase, and the only thing I did was I freezed outside my tower, and waited for ganks (but they never came), I never died but somehow he got fed and I lost the game. What could I do different?

    submitted by /u/Fabaldo
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    Routine for attacking moving

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    A good way to practice attack moving.

    Check out this post before reading this.


    This is a routine I've followed for the past few months and have seen great improvement for myself. Obviously its better against a moving target but it helps.


    This is great for people who want to learn a new marksmen or for veterans looking for further improvement.

    Choose your champion of choice with lethal tempo and start with beserkers and five stingers. If you're playing a champion that has no attack speed buffs to reach 2.5 attack speed like Kaisa buy a rageblade instead of one of the stingers.

    Try and do the routine for at least 30 minutes a day, its perfect for warming up before you're first game as well. Try and stay in your max attack range and move around the target with no mistakes. Once you get the hang of it you can start varying the attack speed with the amount of stingers you buy. Also don't forget to use abilities as well.

    Have fun!

    submitted by /u/bhevo
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    Trouble With Passiveness/Macro

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I'm a returning player to LoL, and I use returning very freely because I played only very casually/intermittently before, and usually only with friends. I'm a Top main, slowly getting into Bot secondary, and play champs like Nasus, Garen, Trynd, Jax, and Cho'Gath top while playing champs like Trist, Twitch, Ashe, and Vayne bot. If I were to pick mains this patch it would be Nasus and Trist. Though that would also be a stretch as my win rates in ranked on them are ~50 and ~25%, respectively.

    The problem I'm having is that I just don't know how to improve my macro play and more importantly my style of play. One of my friends who is very good and I learn a lot from tells me often that "top is an island." Basically, I need to farm and prevent the enemy top laner from pushing/scaling so that I can win the game. I do just this. However I am very easily and often flamed by ranked teammates when I put this strategy to work. I will end games with Nasus at like 15-20K damage when the enemy team is doing 40K and my team is doing 20-30 (if we lost), and the difference in damage and kill participation is still there even if we win. More recently my friends and I were playing a match and I look at the charts at the end of the game and notice that I've done 10K damage, even less than our support, and have like 12 kills + assists compared to our teams total 40 or something like that.

    I also tend to play pretty passively in both top and bot lane. I hang by tower, let enemy waves push, and even if I'm playing ranged champs that could hypothetically poke like Ashe or Trist I find that my enemies are too aggro and I lose trades, even if I just got a kill and have item advantage. I also don't really know when its time to group and as a result my team fights a lot without me, resulting in just getting flamed more. Here are my four most recent games

    1) I was a Nasus playing against Shen. The entire game, Shen forced me under tower playing super aggressively, and I could not damage him due to his aura. I was forced to play very passively as I would essentially be giving up free kills. He denied me a lot of CS while I just hung by for xp because I didn't see another option and jungler was helping mid and bot more. Got flamed by the Shen (on the other team) for playing too passively.

    2) Nasus playing against a Darius. My jungler ganked but the gank failed and both of us died to him. Darius was up 2/0 and suddenly I couldn't touch him. Tried hugging tower while farming but he absolutely destroyed me one more time, rotated for one team fight and killed 3 other people on my team to be 6/0. He ended the game 16/1 against my 2/9. Was flamed by my team for feeding him and not stopping him.

    3) Played Trist bot with Janna supp against Jhin and Shen. I actually won a few trades early and was up on the Jhin, but team fought and lost a fight. They said I needed to stick with them, which I started doing. Thing started going okay, but their top lane was too fed and carried the game. Not really my fault, and I wasn't flamed, but at the same time my team noted my macro needed work.

    4) Played Trist bot against MF and Malphite. Tried to play a bit more aggressively from my usual "farm under tower" mindset and actually I had 2 kills up on MF, things were going solid, but everyone else was slowly losing lane except for our top laner. Enemy jungler (Fiddle) comes up to our tower, and I start hugging tower. But Fiddle stays, circles around, next thing I know I'm dived and killed. Flamed by entire team that I need to make better decisions and be more responsive to pings. However, because other people are losing lanes and jungle, our base is under heavy pressure and I find myself mid near end of mid-game farming to avoid the tower being pushed. My team pings Baron, and me and sup high tail it over, but by the time we get there its too late, team is dead, and Baron is lost. I'm pinged for not sticking with the group and I quote am called "worst decision maker he has ever seen." Flamed for not shutting down the sup Malphite, whose "cc lost us the game," direct quote.

    I'm looking for general advice on these two specific roles, as well as more specific advice on macro things like sticking with the team, knowing when to roam and trade, et.. Nasus and Trist mechanically isn't too difficult, and I find myself able to play them, it's just I know that I don't serve any utility to the team because even though my damage potential is high, my damage and kill participation is low. I consistently get "10th" on the OP.GG analysis in the game and it's a little bit frustrating.

    I love the game, but constantly getting flamed is really frustrating me and any tips would be welcome.

    submitted by /u/throwawayLOLRoomie
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    Stop Buying Boots on Yuumi

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    So something I see pretty often in lower elos are support Yuumi players building boots, and then upgrading them into Ionian Boots later on. The thing is, Yuumi rarely needs extra move speed due to her ability to latch onto to other players, the +45 move speed bonus you would receive from the Ionian Boots of Lucidity is essentially a sunk cost, and building it slowly doesn't provide any tangible benefit.

    5 item components - Forbidden Idol, Glacial Shroud, Fiendish Codex, Kindlegem and Ionian Boots. They provide 10% CDR, as well as additional stats, but 3 of them provide stats you don't need, and only 1 of them doesn't build into anything useful for you.

    For example -

    Forbidden Idol, as you probably know, gives you 10% CDR (unique) +5% heal/shield (unique), and +50% mana regen, and is 100% gold efficient

    Glacial Shroud gives 10% CDR unique, 250 mana, and 20 armor, making is ~113% gold efficient BUT Yuumi doesn't need the armor, so we take that out of the equation.

    267 (CDR Gold Equivalent) + 350 (Mana Gold Equivalent) + [400 (Armor Gold Equivalent)]

    This makes it only around ~69% gold efficient

    So for the Ionian boots, more than half of the gold value comes from the movement speed, essentially wasting half your gold, and leaving you with a dead item. Building it by buying boots first, then upgrading it later is even worse, as you waste an item slot for move speed - that you don't even need.


    There are arguments to be made for buying the item, such as 1. You need the extra Summoner Skill CDR 2. You spend a significant amount of time detached & walking around

    This post isn't about why the item is bad, it's about why there are BETTER uses for your gold, and item slot. When purchasing items you need to remember that there's an opportunity cost - what other items could you have instead of that, and would that item be better?

    Having that slot for a redemption, or deathcap will most likely give you more tangible, useful benefits.

    submitted by /u/entrapped_
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    When to split, when to not?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    Hello guys, so I was playing a game on a Gold IV smurf account today with a friend and we won early and mid game. During the mid-late game however, our mid and support got caught out a couple of times and all of a sudden the game is a bit harder now.

    In this game, we had a Yorick vs Urgot matchup in the top lane and Yorick won his lane hard. Having 9 kills and only 3 deaths under his belt, he managed to push all the way into their base and destroy their inhibitor. This is where it got interesting though, as after mid and support got caught out, I asked him to group with us and pressure either mid or bot. He, however, refused to group and opted to splitpush.

    And then, as the game went on longer, the enemy jungler, Kha'Zix got strong enough to oneshot me, Vayne. We lost the game.

    Here I want to start a discussion about splitpushing.

    The Yorick had 9 Kills which was a good chunk of the total of 36 kills we had and him refusing to teamfight with us caused the loss of 3 dragons and ultimately a Baron as he ended up getting caught 6 times in a row, from being ahead to underleveled.

    My reasoning behind asking him to group are as follows:

    1. There wasn't an objective to take top as their top inhib was destroyed.
    2. He represented 1/4th of our gold and with him not in teamfights, we cant pressure anything as they can 5v4 us while ignoring him.
    3. We can force teamfights and have a higher chance of winning due to him at one point being 2 levels ahead of their top laner.
    4. We had Zac and Yasuo in our comp, really good in teamfights.

    I'm not here to blame but I just want to talk about when you should group with team and when you should push, as players up to even Platinum don't even have the slightest idea sometimes.

    submitted by /u/NightRoseVayne
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    Athene's Unholy Grail & Mikael's Crucible

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I'm trying to learn more about itemization instead of just choosing the most popular builds. I play support (Nami, Sona) and was looking at Athene's Unholy Grail and Mikael's Crucible. I'm reading that Athene's has an ability called Dissonance that disables Harmony which is on Mikael's Crucible. My question is, should I try really hard not to take both Athene's and Mikael's in a game or is it not that bad that it disables Harmony?

    I usually go Athene's Unholy Grail as a core item but I'm wondering if I go up against heavy CC comps and am opting to go for Mikael's Crucible, if I should skip Athene's Unholy Grail all together. Is having both of these items and having the Dissonance cancel out Harmony okay to do or should I choose one or the other?

    submitted by /u/ParaFish
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    Button Smashing

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    Every now and then, in extended fights or in big teamfights, after landing my combos about two to three times, I tend to simply stop thinking about my abilities, resulting to button smashing them. (maybe I'm just dumb idk)

    Is there a way to break this habit of button smashing abilities whenever you feel confused or lost in the middle of a big fight?

    submitted by /u/skimoo__
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    How can hit my shots/be more unpredictable? (Mid)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I'm a fairly new league player, started playing late February of this year. I started as a top lane Darius because he was a good lane bully (and conq makes him S T R O N G). I am also in the process of learning mid (Annie, Ahri, Neeko, Zed) and support (Lux/Janna).

    When playing, usually in mid, I find that it's hard to hit something like Annie Q stun or Ahri E on any semi-competent enemy laner. Most of the time they either dodge it or run away which causes me to go after them in a dumb way and get killed by their jg (I REALLY gotta stop doing that).

    I guess my main question is how can I be more unpredictable so I can hit good skill shots/abilities? I've tried just farming and waiting for a good opportunity, but most of my enemy laners play more aggressive than a bull jacked up on steroids lmao

    submitted by /u/canigetitonspoofy
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    Move only click

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Hey, I main draven and I use attack move click (on space). Alot of the time i make mechanical errors when I right click to move somewhere and click on an enemy or usually an objective (like the wing of dragon) and it attacks the enemy instead of moving to pick up my axe. Is there any way I can make it so right click only moves me and does not attack enemies?

    submitted by /u/CyberyCBY
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