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    Friday, April 24, 2020

    LoL Guide When you hit level 30

    LoL Guide When you hit level 30

    When you hit level 30

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Hi guys. New player here about to hit level 30 for the first time. Just want some clarification around what happens in norms once I hit this level. Will I get put with players from 30 till max level or will it still stay close to my level? Just need to know so I can pick my game up so I don't get flamed by people who have been playing longer.

    submitted by /u/GamerNate117
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    Hi, I just started playing and would like guidance.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    League is fun but can be tricky playing on your own, especially with all the toxicity going around. I wanted to take quarantine as an opportunity to learn the game but could benefit from someone who knows the game. I want someone to play with (I'm on NA servers) that I can not only actually play with and have fun, but who can teach me not to throw or feed, and what items/spells/whatever can be beneficial for my legend at the right time. If interested, please let me know. all I ask is that you're over 18. Thank you kindly

    submitted by /u/_UserOfNames_
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    Is Shaco balanced around the idea that he HAS to counterjungle?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    It is really amazing how quickly you can become useless as a jungle Shaco, unless you snowball in the first 10 minutes. Even with his new boxes, his jungle clear isn't the best, and he will quickly fall behind the enemy AD bruiser/assassin jungler if he does not capitalize on the very early game. A 0/0-Wukong is usually way more useful than a 0/0-Shaco, regardless of his buildpath.

    That's my story so far. However, maybe I have a relatively low success rate with him because I rarely use Shaco to counterjungle. I prefer a mix of ganking and clearing. And the game pretty much singlehandedly depends on whether my ganks succeed or not, nothing else. There appears not to be a plan B. Which is pretty meh.

    So, I want to know: Am I handicapping myself by leaving out the aspect of counterjungling? Of course, all champions can counterjungle to a certain extent, but sometimes I believe Shaco was not even meant to clear his own camps. Could this be right?

    submitted by /u/Basket_of_Depl0rblz
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    Educational content for Kha’zix players!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Hey guys, my name is Sybr. I am a challenger peaked player for multiple seasons! I want to let you guys know that I'll be frequently posting educational content in forms of streaming or videos onto my YouTube channel and my Twitch TV channel! Feel free to drop any questions related to Khazix or jungle overall down below! *Focusing on Kha'zix for now, future I'll be doing a lot more champions for jungle!

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sybrlol TwitchTV: https://www.twitch.tv/sybrlol

    submitted by /u/Crazyavenger20
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    Should I Continue with Darius for Ranked?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    I'm nearly at ranked level and I mainly used darius to get there. I've been dominating and nearly felt OP. I then did some googling and found out its cause "darius harshly punishes when opponents make lane mistakes"

    Will Darius fail to succeed in ranked as I expect people to be more diligent and aware?

    submitted by /u/funny-number69
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    Laning abuse

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Hi guys, this is my first post here. Infact i only discovered this subreddit today. So i wanted to ask how i'm supposed to deal with champions on top lane that simply do not allow me to farm. For example i play nasus toplane, and i get a vayne that autoattacks me every time i come close to minions (especially early). I barely get any cs if any even and sometimes they freeze the wave so it sits under their own tower and i also can't come close because they counter me or have abilities that close the distance or pull me in (for example darius).

    When the enemy is overextended my jungler barely ganks even when i ping, and i know we could kill them because i haven't died yet or am not in too much of a disadvantage in terms of items or just damage in general. I get bullied on lane as i can't do anything about the enemy toplaner and my nonexistent jungler also doesn't help that. What about if i'm already 0/2 and the enemy can kill me easily under turret? Should i help in teamfights or keep farming? BTW i am not blaming the jungler as i understand my own game needs improvement.

    I have problems coming back from a disadvantage and i don't know how to deal with freezing or the wave coming under my turret VERY slowly or being able to freeze the wave when i'm under my own turret and they can still do heavy damage to me without me even being able to farm. Can i get some tips on how to deal with waves and bullying champs or just to prevent ruining the whole game?

    I'm currently silver 2 with gold MMR so i play mostly against golds as i have a fresh account and it's giving me an easy time for now. I also play on EUW.

    submitted by /u/CoverlessTripod
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    How and Why You Should be Playing Phase Rush Graves (The Build that Pushed Graves to #1 in the Jungle)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys, my name is Arfreezy. I am a relatively new jungle content creator with an emphasis on educational content. I know that word gets thrown around a lot, but I try and make it a point to go over not only the things that advanced or intermediate players need to know about jungle macro, but also what beginners would find useful such as clear optimizations and why certain build orders are better than others. I have posted a few other educational jungle videos on here such as How to Beat Early Game Junglers as Graves and How to Beat Scaling Junglers as Elise.

    Due to the recent changes to Nimbus cloak and Deaths Dance, a new build has emerged for Graves which is powerful in every stage of the game. The build is Phase rush with Precision Tree secondary (overheal+lifeline). Build order is as follows: Warrior->Lethality Item 1->Deaths Dance->PD/RFC->Situational final item. If you get fed early you can also go for an optional second lethality item before transitioning into bruiser with deaths dance and PD. There are other variations to this build, but in my humble opinion, this is a great one to start with and you can play around with build order to fit your playstyle. Recently Graves reached the #1 spot in the jungle according to OPGG and this build is a large reason why. I will summarize what makes this build strong below:

    Early Game: Phase rush is insanely powerful in early game skirmishes over crabs and drakes because most champions don't have boots and they also have long cooldowns on gap closers. In addition, phase rush counters many popular junglers right now such as trundle and Olaf by providing slow resistance against what could otherwise be difficult champions to kite. Pair phase rush with early lethality and you can go in, burst a carry, and then run out with phase rush. Alternatively, you can chase down champions that normally very slippery like Lee Sin. In combination with nimbus cloak, you can run down almost any champion in the game during ganks.

    Mid Game: By mid game you will have one or two lethality items and working on or finishing a deaths dance. Not only do you have incredible damage with early lethality items, but the shield from overheal as well as sustain from lifesteal in addition to phase rush make you quite durable in larger skirmishes over baron and drakes.

    Late Game: After your powerful early and mid game, by late game you will have completed deaths dance and a situational item such as Maw/GA/BC/armor pen and you will be basically be bruiser Graves which is a standard build on graves (normally with fleet footwork) and is quite powerful late game do to having a short cd dash, heavy built in sustain, and high dps against front liners due to itemization. The shield from overheal and combined sustain from deaths dance and lifeline make an insane combination on an already tanky champion such as Graves due to armor from his E and recent base MR buffs.

    To summarize: This build on Graves will make you a Ranged Assassin Bruiser Hyper Carry with Phase Rush, how can that not be broken?

    I recently posted not 1, but 3 videos on my youtube channel which cover the build and also provide examples of how it is powerful. These videos have educational commentary which can also be useful for any jungler (or so I like to think). Since I am a relatively new content creator, please let me know what you think of the video not only in terms of content, but production quality. All feedback is appreciated. Of course I am also happy to answer any questions you may have about the build or Graves in general. Please comment directly on youtube with questions related to the build so others that come across the video may see my responses. Thanks for watching!

    YouTube Link: This Build Helped Skyrocket Graves to #1 in the Jungle

    submitted by /u/Arfreezy_LoL
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    Is Volibear a Legitimately Strong pick in Top Lane?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I've seen him at the top of top lane win rate statistics for a while now, and the few times I can recall laning against him, I got smashed. Is Volibear actually strong, or is he just benefiting from his opponent's lack of matchup knowledge? Do you think he is a good champion to main or a situational pick?

    If you are a top lane Volibear player yourself, I have a few questions for you.

    • What does Volibear's trading pattern look like?
    • What does Volibear offer that other champions in his role don't?
    • What are Volibear's biggest power spikes?
    • What are some build variations that you personally think are strong?

    Have a safe day!

    submitted by /u/marqoose
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    What can you QSS?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    I can't find any threads that are from before 2016 on this subject. The conversation started w/ a friend when we were in a game against a vi and a zed, and we were wondering if qss would work against their ults.

    I also read somewhere that you can qss nocturne ult.

    submitted by /u/strato1981
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    Play champs you're good with, or play champs you like?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    I've been playing since S3 or so, and have always been pretty casual. I still am fairly casual, no need to get flamed in ranked, but I still would like to get better. I've been researching different things like timers, wave management, jungle strategy, playing different lanes to learn about them, etc. In all that, I've found that there's two categories of champs I like: champs I like, and champs I'm good with. There's definitely some overlap, but my favorite champs I'm other not very good at or are deeply out of the meta currently. So to get better, should I play champs that I can consistently perform with on a basic micro level, and then learn the macro stuff doing that, or should I just play a champ I like and deal with the pain?

    submitted by /u/impossiblecomplexity
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    Please teach me whats my role in the jungle?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Quick backstory: I downloaded LoL back in early 2019 and played like 4 games(not even close just saying how inexperienced I was) and just stopped and I just recently got back into it, I'm currently playing poppy mainly and I consider her my main I guess. I'm level 14 and I wanna try jungling, since its the one role I've never tried yet, and well people sometimes consider poppy to be a jungler so I'm deciding to try it.

    the problem is... SIR WTF IM I DOING.

    I usually just run in there and kill monster most of the game and then come out at the late game like i just woke up from a coma. I have no idea what my role is and I basically just call it Jungling.

    Someone PLEASE(!) explain to me whats my role as a jungler and how.. well, I can do that role efficiently, any support appreciated.

    submitted by /u/azari-marz-frl
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    How to play around an inactive jungler

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    So the title pretty much says it all. How do I play around a jungler that doesn't contest objectives and simply power farms while the enemy jungler shuts down all the lanes? I feel like every time this happens we lose simply because of a player who refuses to play the role assigned. It often triggers me and I don't know what I can really do.

    submitted by /u/AhriMainsLOL
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    8cs per min??

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    How the FUCK do people average 8cs per min as marksman? If I try and clear a sidewave my team thinks its time to go skirmish in their jungle or if I try to stay mid to farm near my team like a good boy my midlaner or jungler just swipe it from me. I don't feel like I lose a lot of cs in my laning phase, I think I have decent practice of good back timings. How do people do it??

    submitted by /u/sleepystevie3000
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    Junglers are NOT always available to gank

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    I'm getting pretty tired of being spam pinged as a jungler in the early game. It is NOT your junglers fault if you dont have prio or you're losing your lane. Some match-ups are difficult and it is your duty to play safe in that situation.

    I get constantly spammed with pings and blamed for not ganking early. Why dont people understand that different champs have different paths? If I'm playing karthus jungle I'm doing a full clear, dont expect a level 2 cheese gank because your laner is over-extended.

    There is so much more to jungling than ganking, and its super easy to get behind if you're not pathing and taking your camps correctly. Is this just a lack of knowledge because of my elo, or do laners just not understand the jungle role and assume we are always available to gank?

    I'm really looking for some genuine insight from laners on this. Have you ever blamed your jungler when really you know you lost your lane? Do you look at the jungler you have in draft and understand when they're going to be available?

    I personally think its a laners responsibility to understand the jungle match-up and play accordingly. If you have an amumu and the enemy has a xin zhao, get vision and play safe early.

    I think junglers are a very easy scapegoat when you're losing lane. If you die in lane its your responsibility, nobody elses.

    Rant over for tonight boys and girls!


    submitted by /u/Hyphron
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    How to play against Syndra?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    Hi there. I'm a Silver midlane main in BR server, and I've been finding some problems laning against Syndra specifically.

    Her stun is kinda hard for me to dodge, and I can't focus on dodging all of her Qs in lane when I have to farm. She can easily snowball after one kill, to the point where a QWEQR just kills me.

    Generally, when I think of countering a champion, I think of abusing their weaks spots. But what is Syndra's weak spot? Her Q has a really short CD, so I can't just trade when she misses one (she'll have other one soon). I feel going aggressive against her only makes her E easier to land.

    So far, I've tried Viktor and Zoe (my most "safe" picks and the ones I'm most confident with) against Syndra, but it doesn't go very well.

    I've been training some Katarina, Pantheon and LeBlanc recently, are they good against Syndra? Or maybe my problem is more on the playstyle rather in the champion I'm using?

    submitted by /u/Chowdex
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    Rune Choices for Fiddlesticks?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    I'm thinking of playing some Fiddlesticks, but one of the things I've been unsure of is the runes he wants. For someone like Rengar, I believe the standard is Electrocute; with Conquerer for more tanky match-ups (as an example for various rune choices). What would I do for Fiddlesticks? Is he just an Electrocute user or are there other rune builds for different situations like Rengar has? Besides tanky vs squishy match-ups what do you look at/where do you look for different variables that determine your choices?

    submitted by /u/toxicnerve
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    How much does the meta matter?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I've seen many videos on youtube regarding the meta, talking about which champs, comps and items will become stronger or weaker each patch. Mainly watching pro guides, they seem to make it sound like it's a big deal. When I recommend my friends, who are around silver to gold, what to pick they tell me it doesn't matter as long as you know how to play your champ. I am aware of this fact, if you play a champ nicely and enjoy it then you don't have to play champs in the meta. Is the meta as important as pro guides or many other videos on YouTube make it seem to be?

    submitted by /u/LampEye
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    Best picks or strats to beat nasus in mid or late game?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Hey all I've been having a hard time with nasus, his built in sustain and ult + Q steroids can be a little unbearable in the mid to late. I usually play bruisers like Darius, and while I can usually crush him early game. He just farms up and goes GG I'm nasus. I get it's worth getting an early executioner's but what else can I do? Freeze the wave and get him off of it? What if I need to group with my team. Do I need to play poke heavy?

    submitted by /u/ynot269
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    How to unlock myself, deal with tremendous lose streak and finally break it?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Hi guys,
    Like in a title, i'm completly blocked, i feel that no matter what i do, i can never win a game. I went from being in S1 Promos to S4 in just 2 weeks (Gamers hate him, check how!). Currently, i'm on 11th lose solo/duo game in a row (i don't count normals, where i just have silly ideas with friends). What can i do, because i'm slowly losing it...

    submitted by /u/Sefarini
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    Why does Apdo/Dopa main Orianna?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Apdo/Dopa is often considered the best solo queue player of all time. His two mains champions for a while have been Orianna and TF. I know that he likes to play a more calculated, risk-averse, and macro-oriented playstyle that focuses on wave control and helping his team.

    I'm sure there's a more technical reason why he mains Ori besides just having a personal preference and liking her. I'm wondering if someone with more game knowledge than me can give a more elaborate or in-depth answer as to why arguably the best solo queue player mains her above every champion (besides TF).

    submitted by /u/chemicaltrance
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    Is ganking early not as effective and rewarding? (Gold 3 jungler)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Hello, I am a Gold 3 jungler, played about 120+ games in gold 3 this season.

    This is my first season playing jungle and really 50+ games (never had time before).

    I like to play Gragas (61% 28 games), Elise(57% 28 games) , and lee (44% 25 games).

    In terms of my playstyle, I reach level 3 asap (3 camps, including red and blue) and try to gank whichever lane that seems possible to gank. And overall I like to play a gank-heavy play style because I mean not only does it help me not get flamed but I feel like taking the early game would increase my chances of winning.

    My questions:

    1. Even though I gank early, I feel like it's not as rewarding as I like it to be, especially when the laner feeds even after I ganked to get a kill or help the enemy laner burn a flash. I wasted my time and xp by ganking him and that laner feeding is not only frustrating but I feel like at that point I feel lost as to how I can help the team win. ex) enemy twitch or graves jg players would just farm while I gank lanes, so the enemy jungler gets ahead of me while I get behind ( this is almost always the case). Please don't take this as complaining bc I want to figure out what I'm doing wrong! And when laners don't have pressure (even with the help of my ganks), we lose objectives and laners would say (jg diff gg they have a better jg) and I don't know what to do.
    2. Should I drop Lee especially bc of my rather low win rate? I think people don't trust the ACE/MVP system in opgg, but I always thought that the system quite accurately reflects my performance (whether I play bad or well). To my point, whenever I play lee, I get laners ahead (I as well) but our team fails to end early and lose (perhaps how to win game early). So I either get a MVP or ACE sign quite often, regardless of the result. Quite confident with my ward hops and kicks too...
    3. As a follow up to question 2, should I just play Graves or Karthus to scale? I guess this is similar to my first question but wondering if I should try new champs that scale harder than Elise or Gragas (although I think Gragas is great late game; I honestly think that's why I have the highest win rate on him than on elise and lee)

    This was a lot of info, but thank you in advance to everyone who would be willing to help!

    submitted by /u/swattie62
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    Jungle Objectives Guide

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    I just uploaded a guide on how to efficiently clear Herald, Scuttle, and Drake as Warwick. Lots of these tips are useful for all junglers, leave a like if it's helpful for you! :D


    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Is it worthy to lose communication with your team?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    I've been playing league for a few months and i noticed that even tho its a team game and communication being a real factor to take into account, it really is just a waste of time and patience. I like to be able to communicate to my team and help take control of the game reminding of the win conditions and setting up early leads. Problem is im in low elo and most games people don't care about the bigger picture and stats seem to be the only pleasure that players get. I like the idea of mastering the game and climbing the ladder. I started playing league against smurfs having little experience in mechanics but knowing how the game worked in general and it gets tough to continue mentally well has every game is a proof of toxicity. Every game is like the flip of a coin where for some cases its worth to have chat and the others its pure mind inducing pain. I decided that if i want to continue playing this game i should cut communication completely as it will only get you chat restricted even if you point out to your teammates a mistake and asking to play safe.

    In one of my games, i commit a mistake and die to a wukong early and my jungler dies diving him under tower giving more gold to him by trading kills. I ask jungler to play safe and not giving a lead. The fact that i had the ability to control the wave and zone him out forced him to roam. This is where it goes critical. Wukong gets more kills by roaming and i answer by roaming and assisting bot lane when my wave is pushing or punishing wukong by taking plates. Even tho, wukong gets way to fed and my jungler takes herald with no priority in either top or mid lane. Enemy top, jungle and midlaner take mid tower and wukong has the freedom to carry the game to victory while i try to play safe, farm and help other lanes scale but it doesnt go that way.

    I start to get flamed for "feeding" a opponent which got the lead from ganking an overextended top laner and jungler who ignored my pings and MIA warnings in chat. The same players blame me for a loss and continue to throw toxicity at me and i made the mistake of responding and try to reason with them poiting out how what they said made no sense. But the fact that you have a large ammount of kills means you done well ignoring the fact that you died a lot too (their menatlity). Next day chat restricted for questioning the actions of toxic players.

    I don't question the fact that a teammate feeds cause i already took noticed that the only way of climbing low elo is by instead of flaming them, try to give them resources, impacting their lanes assisting them getting kills and not taking them all for you. Setting up ganks helping scale. But it seems that its not worthy to take the risk of having chat enabled and falling into the trap of a toxic environment.

    submitted by /u/Atsoc17
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    Should I stop lol? Is it possible it's not a game for me, and I won't get better?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I'm new to lol, I mostly played against bots, but a few days ago and yesterday I tried pvp with a friend. I'm very aware that I play like shit, and I tend to get enemies of much higher levels than mine. I feel like I'm the only actual beginner there, and that I ruin everyone else's play. I really don't want that, I want to be useful and become a better player, but I'm not sure I can be good. I got flamed by someone in every match I played, expect one maybe, and it really kills my self-confidence. I can get anxious as hell, and I tremble and panic when these things happen.

    I love lol, it seems such a complex and fun game, I was looking forward to growning in it when I was just playing against bots. Now I cry even if I think about opening the game. In most cases I played support or adc against bots, and I wanted to practice these roles in pvp further, but I'm actually afraid of picking Tristana or any other adc because all I can think of is the massive flame I'll get. I don't want to ruin any team, I'm not a troll, I don't want to feed anyone, but I just can't be useful for my team. Every enemy just eats me to breakfast. So I play Nami as supp, because then at least I can heal someone and feel slightly less useless. I still get flamed tho.

    Another thing I noticed, is that those who flame me play worse or just slightly better than me, and it pokes me so hard. Like, I was Tristana once, and I got a Lux support. We could get a double kill in the first 5 mins, but he let me to die. All he'd have to do is auto attacking twice, but he left the fight when both the enemy adc and support were attacking me. Some mins later he started flaming that what am I even doing (tbh I don't know at what did he say that, because I didn't messed up anything when he wrote it), I told him politely that that was only my third pvp match, I'm a beginner. He started ranting and telling everyone to report me.. In that moment, he died more times than me, had 0 assist and 0 kills. So I told him he isn't very better to be fair, and he reacted with random polish swearings and a "pyke has 20hp and you can't kill him". Yes, the Pyke who was 2-3 levels ahead of both of us during laning phase, and who we could kill, if he helps. I get it, I'm the Attack Damage Carry, I need to lend the most attacks, but I'm not a fucking god dammit 😅 In that match, the Lux ended with 4/15/X and me 4/14/X+1, and I put way more wards than him. Both of our stats are horrible, so I don't understand at all why people need to drag others down, when they aren't even good at what they should do.

    In another match as Nami, our Zoe mid flamed me for missing my R (I wanted to put E on a teammate but fucked it up), and from onwards I missed every fucking R in that game, because I got stressed out. When once I was actually hitting an enemy with it, I swear they walked into it so I feel like less of a shitman. Surprise or not, I really don't know, but the Zoe had terrible stats too, in the whole game. Slightly better than mine, but still under average.

    So when I play Nami, I can get like 10-15 assists, but I die 10-15 times too 😅 And in the most stupid ways really. Once someone starts to flame me, I become extremely stressed, and I make stupid decisions, and/or miss my skills, or level up the not-as-important one. And there are times when my teammates literally use me as bait, so they can get somewhere, but then start pinging and flaming if I can't help later on, because they putted me on time out. They do it not just to me, but others too, and then they don't understand why we can't help them push the mid or anything. I "happily" die if my team profites in any way out of it, but when they pick unwinnable teamfights, or throw me in front of an enemy so they can escape (and die 2-3 mins later) I don't see how that worths it.

    I don't understand these people at all, but they are everywhere and it's awful. They think they play well, and they act like as if they are pro e-sport players and we are in LCS or something. When it's not even ranked. I would get their anger if it was ranked, because players only should do it if they are experienced and useful in their role with their champs, but normal people still wouldn't flame, or at least not through the whole match. And if you play in normal mode, you should expect some beginners to pop up, I guess 😅 Sorry I ranted for a long time 😅 I feel really bad about these things, and I want to ask if I should just forget lol, or if it gets better. I know I'm too sensitive and I need to work on that, but getting flamed isn't helping with it, or my anxiety. I read from some players that they mute the chat and it solves things, but I have to communicate somehow with my team. I'm not experienced enough to only rely on what I see and the minimap, I feel safer if I see the pings and chat too. And I can be extremely naiv, and I feel like if I mute the chat, I'll miss wonderful people too.

    submitted by /u/OneMackerel
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