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    Monday, April 20, 2020

    LoL Guide Why APM is important in League - Challenger Coach

    LoL Guide Why APM is important in League - Challenger Coach

    Why APM is important in League - Challenger Coach

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Hey guys its SimbaADC here. I made a video explaining why I think high APM (actions per minute) is an important trait that helps climbing the ladder. I discuss what 'effective' APM is, and show clips from coaching sessions where players would benefit from having higher APM. I hope this clears up some misconceptions about actions per minute in LoL and is a helpful video!

    Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsbWfFX1CJE

    submitted by /u/TheMasterYak
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    Hownto get over ranked anxiety and tilt?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Currently my main league account is unranked, and I only play mostly norms and arams, but Im not really getting better or having fun with the game. Im too scared to play ranked, and Ive been resorting to playing on smurfs, but even then I get scared of losing, and eventually stop playing on those as well, so I dont know my real rank. How do you guys deal with ranked anxiety?

    In addition, Im pretty prone to tilting, and Im not sure how to get over it. Thanks

    submitted by /u/MoneyNatsu21
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    I can only play Warwick HELP

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    The title says it all: I've tried a whole bunch of champions, but this season I've only found success with Warwick. I would fine with this if I was just going to climb ranked, but I like to play Clash with my friends as well, where WW is banned every single game and I end up feeding. Any tips for just not being a liability in clash, or maybe some help with picking up a new champ?

    submitted by /u/rex09x9
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    Low Elo AD Main

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    I was gold last season, and took a break. When I came back to play a week ago, I'm finding myself stuck in low silver again, so something must be wrong.

    After reading some posts on this subreddit, I'd like to make sure that I work on my fundamentals first, then move up to more high elo content. What's some good resources that I can use to get my fundamentals straight?

    submitted by /u/Novasail
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    Sylas with insane healing?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I just faced a sylas in a regular summoner's rift blind pick game , i was kicking his ass at the start , then a teammate asked me to swap lanes with him... 10 minutes later sylas started 1 shotting me , and if i got even remotely close to killing him , he healed 800 hp at a time or some crazy shit like that.... he had the conqueror rune , but i don't think that's where the healing came from , no way it heals THAT much... thoughts?

    submitted by /u/liviu506
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    How can I go against akali in midlane as a Ahri

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    This was probably the worst I ever got destroyed so far. I couldn't do anything and even at the same level early game she was just able to kill me so quickly. What are some things I should do in this matchup to play better it seemed I didn't have a chance?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How to be useful when I get camped?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    Hi summoners

    This post is largely written out of frustration at my last couple of games.

    How can I be useful to the team when the enemy jungler decides he wants to set up a tent in my lane? As I am a mid laner this probably happens more often than it does to other lanes. Usually if this happens then the enemy will lose advantages elsewhere but my last two games it seemed like my team mates didn't want to take a lead.

    This ended up with the enemy jungler making 5 ganks in 10 minutes which caused 3 deaths from me and got the enemy laner and jungler ahead. Which meant I was pretty useless for the rest of the game and we got stomped.

    I understand the advice around preventing successful ganks (set up vision, don't push the wave, jungler tracking) but some of these require a team to work together which rarely happens in my low elo.

    I understand that it is not always possible to carry, especially if you fall behind but I have rarely felt so useless in a game. How can I still have an impact when so far behind?

    submitted by /u/DuckingGator
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    My League of Legends Journey: Champion Pool and Improvement

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    So one of my first posts was a very very similar topic, about champion pools and learning a small couple champions and sticking to them so mechanically they become second nature.

    Since then I've also learned that, especially for low elo like me, keeping the champions simple is also very important. Don't get me wrong, I love my Shaco, but for now I'm thinking of retiring him as his mechanics are more complex and can be distracting from learning the concepts of the game that I still struggle with. I may be also shooting myself I the foot, but that remains to be seen.

    Moving forward, I've selected 2 champions that I've found enjoyable as well as more on the simple end. Warwick and Jarvan IV.

    I've been playing Warwick and found him to be a bit more complicated than most people think. I was also inspired by a guide I watched that went into a lot of detail; the guide was almost 2 hours long, just on Warwick.

    I also found that: - I like his lore - his powerspike is pretty clear - he's consistent

    For Jarvan, it's a little more specific, but: - He has a similar kit/playstyle to Warwick - straightforward as Warwick with flair - a lot if utility - his jungle clear is really good

    Overall, they're both also tanky and are very forgiving.

    But a key factor that I wanted is that they're power spikes and game relevance are somewhat different.

    Warwick - a solid early game - best at the mid game - struggles with team fights

    Jarvan - solid champion rarely picked - good early game - meh mid game - excels at team fights CC

    Between the 2, I can begin to learn concepts better by having similar gameplay so my macro play can evolve. It also forces me to read match ups better to make sure I pick the right champion based on team comps.

    This post is meant to be a commitment to myself and whomever finds this interesting that these will be my only jungle champions for a long time, preferably atleast the rest of the season as I figure things out.

    The only other champion I will be playing is Azir, as hes been a favorite since his concept and I've always had a special place in my heart for him. At the moment I will consider him more as my alternative if I need a break from jungle, not a competitive pick. I know I don't need to worry about his complicated mechanics. I'm by no means a master, but I know him well enough that playing him is like riding a bike.

    That being said, the point I'm trying to make is for anyone struggling in low elo like me, who want to climb, start simple and at the very basics. Commit yourself to a couple champions and do thorough research before you do and practice with them. Make sure you can tolerate them before you fully commit or you're either going to go back down a bad road by playing too many and never learning champions (I'm very guilty of that). Or you're going to hinder yourself by making yourself play a champion that you don't like, which is an easy way to get tilted.

    I was inspired by a recent guide I've watched (link at the end of this post) that also brought to light things I'd never considered for climbing in low elo. The guy says he used to be a coach and he talks about your mental state and how you should look at a game. He also gives you some tools to try and help improve your game. It's a bit of a long video (45 minutes) but I highly recommend watching all of it. With that being said, I hope you guys learned something, or atleast enjoyed my ramblings and I wish you all luck in your games!

    For runes, as I mentioned, are for Warwick and Jarvan IV, along with 3 different Azir builds that I want to test in normal and see how he performs when I need my break from jungle. I also still have my 2 pages for shaco, but they have been placed on the back burner for now until I know I can add him to my roster.

    Also, here is the link to the video (https://youtu.be/i9tEH5S5FOo)

    submitted by /u/toxicnerve
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    Trying to play different ADC's

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    As you can see in my username, I mainly play Jhin in general. I have like 400k Mastery Points and last Season I finished in Gold 3 or 4. My main problem is when playing Champions like Jinx or Xayah I just dont use the full potential of my attack speed.

    Sometimes I also missclick and don't attack but just start moving into 5 enemies because of it. Jhin has a way slower kit when it comes to autoattacking. I hope I described my problem well enough to get some help, thanks!

    Edit: Here is my op.gg profile if you want to look at it. I don't play that much ranked right now, this explains the lower rank I guess. https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Jh%C3%ACn%20bot

    submitted by /u/_Jhin_bot_
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    What do fighters do that tanks don't?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    In an ideal game, fighters would be the class that deals damage while tanks would be the ones taking it. With champions like Ornn and Maokai doing a lot of damage while being super tanky and surviving through so much damage, what do fighters such as Riven or Irelia do that tanks are bad at?

    submitted by /u/formanuclearthrone
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    How could I have done better?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    So, I was playing this game where I was tryndamere jungle because I personally think he's an amazing jungler and I got autofilled. I get drag when it spawns, rift as well. I invade his jungle and by 25 minutes I have 100 cs over the enemy jungler. I got 8 cs per minute that game and we still lost. Any tips on how to improve?

    Edit: I'm bronze 4 btw in case anyone is curious

    submitted by /u/TheMemeImprover
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    How-to Kha'Zix by 10 Master+ Kha'Zix Mains & Tinjus

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Greetings Summoners, the folks over at /r/KhaZixMains and myself have finally put together our yearly collab to bring together 10+ different Master-Challenger Kha'Zix Mains to break down optimal Runes, Evolutions, Jungle topics, itemization and more.

    For those unfamiliar with what the Kha'Zix Seminars are, they're basically an organized discussion covering various topics related to Kha'Zix that is told from the perspective of high elo Jungle mains, the best Kha'Zix one tricks of their regions and many others!

    It's a series that we regularly host on our discord that's usually in a Q&A format with commonly asked questions from the community. Also some memes here and there.

    Video Here

    Check out our past Kha'Zix Seminars here


    Viable Keystones

    Optimal Secondary Runes

    Evolution Breakdown

    Pathing & Jungle Priorities

    Meta Jungle Matchups

    Itemization choices

    General Q&A

    I'll also try to answer any questions personally on Kha'Zix or refer to other Kha'Zix main redditors hanging around the community so feel free to ask away.

    submitted by /u/SKT_KhaZix
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    How to deal with burst mages like Syndra

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I was a top main, decided to start maining mid. I've always been interested in playing Azir so I decided to learn him. It's been a couple of months since i picked him up and I still can't deal with Syndra and other burst mages, also Zed and Talon (the reason I'm only pretty much mentioning Syndra is because she's the only burst mage I've been going against). How do i deal with those champions as Azir/those champions in general? I've been trying out stuff like Vel'Koz and Aurelion Sol against then but I'm not that good at Asol. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Cukinator
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    When to pick hail of blades

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Lately hail of blades (HoB) has been highly popular on marksman these days, with kalista varus and kai'sa all building it these days to get quick stacks in. Now I'm wondering whether this would work on other champs as well. I can imagine it would be good on xayah for a quick root or in vayne for a quick W proc. What are the main criteria for HoB to be a good or even the best keystone to pick?

    submitted by /u/killawil80
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    Yasuo mid

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I am new in this amazing game and I just became lvl 30 so I started playing ranked. So as you can suggest I am not so experienced and don't know the mechanics in the game. I play yasuo but I can't feel him like I know his combos, his passive, but I don't know why I can't show it in the games. I'm sure I am not the only one who is struggling with this. Also I watched videos in which people say you need to be patient, just farm, but when I do that someone ganks, enemy mid kills me and I am the loser. Pls give me some tips that can be very useful. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/denis40101
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    Keeping up as an adc

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I play mainly adc in b4 right now.

    I'm really struggling to keep up in terms of cs, kills, pressure in general.

    There are games where I farm just fine (50-60 cs @10) and completely demolish my opponents in lane and I'm at 13/3 at the same time.

    Then the games I had too much on in the last times where I just go 0/5 in lane get towerdived (or dove?) at min 3 and I can't come out with a kill. I end those games with 25-35 cs @10.

    How do I stay consistent? I play the same champions (MF, Ashe, Sivir sometimes, and Varus from time to time).

    There is just this huge leap in my games, where I really don't know how to win it and my bot lane starts to roam and get kills on every other lane while I fall 20 cs at 7 mins behind, I'm not et even lvl 6 as a lvl 9 Cait comes at me and I'm being blamed. Mostly it's correct, but I don't know what to do different, as I would do if I knew my mistakes.

    Hope somebody can help me.

    submitted by /u/M0ney2
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    How Do I carry better?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I've been stuck in the lower elos for a while now, (I play top) and I've worked on all my skills like farming, split pushing, wave control, and objective control. I can usually get a lead early, but where I struggle is trying to play into a 6/0 Caitlyn that got out of hand, I try to TP bot but I usually tp to late, or it's down. I've started to play more hard carry champs, right now renekton, morde, garen, and shen if my team needs a tank. It's helped but I'm just curious on how you guys recommend playing when you team is far behind, what I usually do is splitpush if my team is far behind, it helps but should I fighting, or looking for picks? Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Zakvir
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    How to play midgame as support in current meta?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Hey pals,

    Long-time support main here, peaked Plat in season 6 but have taken a long break from the game. I'm coming back, mainly playing Morg/Bard, and finding it had to push any advantages in the mid-game especially with tankier turrets and top lane importance. It used to be "win lane, get drag, tower, move wards into river/enemy jungle, go mid, get tower" and then keep up the rotation/pressure/aggressive warding. Now even if we win lane it takes forever to get the turret down and I feel like I can't roam as easily. Had a game last night where I crushed lane and also got our midlaner 2 kills, but we ended up losing late game to Nasus/Yi, because we didn't convert our gold advantage to pressure.

    So please help a scrub, how do I snowball my leads?

    submitted by /u/PurpleVNeck
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    Ahri help

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm really new to LoL, and I've been maining ahri. I'm just having a lot of trouble keeping people at a distance and being able to get hits in and get kills. I get a ton of assists but I can never seem to be effective by myself or like one other person. Any tips? I'll take anything really, like items, runes, etc.

    submitted by /u/spoicymeatball
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    Ezreal's Armor with certain items

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Core Armor Items/Abilities:
    Iceborn Gauntlet: 60 Armor + AOE damage/slow passive
    Guardian's Angel: 40 Armor + Revive

    Possible Items/Abilities:
    Zhonya's Hourglass: 45 Armor + Stasis
    Ninja Tabi: 20 armor + 12% reduced damaged from incoming auto attacks
    Death's Dance: 30 armor + stores 30% of damage as a DOT over time.

    Base Stats/Runes:
    Runes: 6/12 armor (I'll use 6 as in general I see most take only 6 armor not the full 12)
    Base Armor: 81.5 at level 18

    Adding the Core and the Base up he would have 187.5 armor, compared to the highest armor stat ADC with a Guardian's Angel, Draven, which is only a measly 131.1 armor. Ezreal is, in my opinion MUCH easier to play than Draven with his already good mobility and main source of DPS not showing his pathing.
    (BTW the difference between 131.1 armor and 187.5 armor is 131.1 reduces incoming physical damage by 57% and Ezreal reduces it by 65%)

    For the introduction of Possible items, it would vary because not all of these items will be built at the same time so I'll make a chart depending on items he gets:

    Zhonya's Hourglass Ninja Tabi Zhonya's Hourglass Total Armor
    ✔️ 232.5
    ✔️ 207.5
    ✔️ 217.5
    ✔️ ✔️ 252.5
    ✔️ ✔️ 262.5
    ✔️ ✔️ 237.5
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 282.5

    His armor as an ADC is insane and MUCH higher than any other ADC even if he gets no of these possible items. His utility and tankiness vs. AD champs is insane and unmatched in the marksman role.

    For fun:
    An Ezreal building all 5 of these items + 12 armor runes instead of + 6 would have 288.5 armor. Using Riot's equation of Effective health=(1+ (Armor/100)×Nominal health, since an Ezreal would have 1962 health at level 18, he would have 7622.37 Effective Health vs. physical damage.

    If we factor in Tabi's 12% auto reduction passive as well as Death's Dance 30% damage reduction as a burn instead, a 1000 damage crit would immediately only deal around 192 damage (If they had no armor pen/lethality)

    PSA: This isn't a rant, I think Ezreal's pretty fun to play but I for the people that he's the hardest ADC to kill as an Assassin (AD that is), this proves that not even needing to factor in his blinks and kiting potential.

    submitted by /u/Ben_Shrap1ro
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    Sylas Top(?)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Hello. I'm a Top Lane main and I was always bored to play Tank champions who play in top so that's why I prefer ad bruisers; but I was always looking for something "different". So, I started playing Sylas top as I had seen in different videos and streams and it works since I have 40 games and 69% winrate with him, all the way from Bronze to Plat. And it seems that it still works, but I have the feeling that is not a good pick for Top Lane and it will be more and more useless as I get higher in elo, idk why. What is your opinion?

    submitted by /u/Pathet1c_
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    Low Elo mid main looking for tips

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Hello all, I am a silver 4 Yasuo + Sett main who play Kayn jungle as his secondary role. I climbed from Bronze 3 to Silver 3 in a span of a few days and had a breeze. However, my main trouble is taking my lane advantage and using it effectively to carry games. In some games I can understand my team did not do as well, but even with a huge gigantic lead sometimes it's hard for me to maintain the momentum and carry. I also feel like I've learned a lot of leagues advanced techniques and strats. Thank you for any tips in advance.

    submitted by /u/GV-Raikuga
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    How do I kite correctly on top

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    all high elo players always say that these low elo stompers are pretty bad in high elo because they are "kite victims" but how do I actually kite all these Garen's, trynda's and nasus? I would say I'm pretty descent for my elo with attack moving and moving between Autos but I don't know how to prevent Nasus of running me down. For example I'm playing fiora against nasus and the he run at me and use his slow. I use my Q get distance between us and my Q is on a cooldown but I still have a huge slow on me and nasus can easily close the gap between us and Q me to death.

    So how do I kite them correctly that there can't kill me or forcing me to recall especially when there get some kills?

    submitted by /u/Kyurl
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    Help for a silver playing about to play in diamond

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Edit: silver player** in the title

    Hey this is a strange request. I'm currently sitting in silver 4 solo/duo ranked. I'm a Vladimir mid main. Like most low elo players, I believe I am better than players in my rank. Amongst my friends group, I joke about this quite often and inflate my own skill, for fun and banter.

    One of my friends who's GM peak and hits masters every season has challenged my to play 1 ranked game on his account which currently sits at diamond 3 MMR. He's going to stream the game and 5-6 of our mutual friends will be watching (and likely laughing).

    What are some tips so I can do well? I'm playing the game in roughly 90 minutes. Here is my current opgg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=kspstadair

    My game plan is gonna be simple: not feed. Since I scale, I'm just gonna look to farm well, and under turret if necessary, and group for objectives. Basically try not to get caught out

    submitted by /u/controlwarriorlives
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