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    LoL Guide Why are some characters not played jungle?

    LoL Guide Why are some characters not played jungle?

    Why are some characters not played jungle?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    I have quite a few weird jungle picks, and it seems like they generally work pretty well.

    For example, Shen jungle works fairly well and has a pretty healthy clear. Full AP Cho'gath jungle with Freeze Ray (aka GLP) is also great, Ornn jungle is really good, etc. Is there a reason these characters aren't on tier lists? It feels like there's a lot of good jungle champions that just aren't listed when they would be mid-high tier and often not only do what a lot of what mid-high tier jungle picks do, they provide that plus they also work really well in niche scenarios (as an example, Shen jungle has good ganks with his E, his R lets you turn fights from any point on the map making counterganking very easy, and W is great against teams that have a heavy focus on auto attacking). Why are these weird picks not played more? Do people just not experiment?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    ADC lane presence?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    This is my first season playing league and I've been wondering if as an ADC, I have any presence in lane without having a good support.

    Example a blitzcrank vs a soraka. The enemy blitz just zones me out and my soraka ends up not being able to do anything. Can ADCs make a difference in laning phase or am I just going to have to rely on my support?

    My matches sometimes depend on my support which makes it very difficult to play the game confidently

    submitted by /u/Sibbzz_
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    Why are early inhibitors bad?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    In a macro guide video, the smurf playing says that early inhibitors are bad and proceeds to explain that they're bad because you can't really use the pressure of an early inhibitor and you're giving your enemies free cs. Now, this doesn't make sense to me for a couple reasons:

    1- how is an extra minion (a super minion, too), worth 90 gold and 100 exp, game-changing in any way? I don't think that a Jax that sees a super minion in his wave would think "aw sweet, a super minion! Can't wait to farm that up, it's gonna put me sooooo much ahead of the others"

    2- even if super minions were worth a lot more than they are now, you're still forcing your enemies to play 4v5 or stay 5v5 but get their base wrecked. Playing 4v5 is insane when it comes to objective and, even if there is no drake/herald/baron up, you can still pressure another lane and force them to come 4v5 and potentially lose or come 5v5 and get a LOT of damage to their nexus towers

    So, can anyone explain me why this is so bad?

    submitted by /u/Zhaxean
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    Tryndamere main and now going for GP.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    I want to expand my champion pool and think GP is a solid choice. I know he is not the strongest now and has a high learning curve though I like his kit I don't know if there any other champions that may come in play. I like late-scaling champions that can farm well, obviously Jax is really good at that but don't really know how to win well in lane with him.

    submitted by /u/unknownsoldier43
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    Why don't pro junglers always smite?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I'm a bronze/silver player, I'll be frank. But watching esports one thing I've noticed is that there's a huge number of junglers that, when uncontested by the enemy jungle but do not have vision near the objective, do not smite a dragon or baron and then recall with smite still up. Is there a reason to not smite an objective without an upgraded smite? It seems to me like if your plan is to recall (allowing for some natural cd time and your blue/red upgrade) that preventing someone from slipping in some cheesy spell steal for an objective would be the optimal use of that summoner.

    So please explain why my logic is off, because I feel like it is but cannot tell why!

    submitted by /u/behv
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    I'm new to LoL and I'm having troubles with playing Junglers..

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    I've started LoL last week to play with friends, but I'm new to the whole MOBA genre and I'm often lost in game.

    I like to play junglers for now (Zac and Fiddle especially) and I don't get what I'm supposed to do: I know I must gain exp by killing monsters, then get gold to buy items, then gank when possible. However, I don't quite get when or how I should gank, or even which items I should buy, and in which situations.

    In some scenarios, my gank fails, as I didn't killed any enemies and my teammates didn't follow. Is there a scenario where ganking is necessary? My friends told me I should gank when my bot/mid/top is outnumbered, but I often end up dying because one champion kills me in one shot.

    Long story short: What are the things I should always look for when I play jungler? What items I should buy? When should I gank? And how can I understand a situation in which my team needs help?

    submitted by /u/Thib376
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    Boot of Mobility is out , now us sp use Boot of Swiftness

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Patch 10.5 is the changing price of Boot of mobility AND also buffing boots of swiftness , don't get me wrong but Boot of mobility still provides good ms but it isn't like Boots of swiftness . Instead of going boots of mobility, boots of swiftness still gonna provide more ms than other tier 2 boots , it have more advantages than Boot of mobility. Let take it this way , you're running down a low hp Lucian with boots of mobility as a sp , with one poke from his auto or ability will make your 90 ms disappear. Boots of swiftness tho will not slow you down with it 65ms plus additionally help reduce slow from your enemy .

    submitted by /u/rimicfinger
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    New to mid. Can't go aggressive in laning, is that acceptable?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    Hi, so I've been strictly a support main but recently wanted to try my hand at mid. Other than the challenge of learning to keep a good cs, and the feeling that I'm the town's centre with champs moving forth and back, I've been having a problem with trades. I just would lose eventually if I trade, so I try to play passive till midgame teamfights (the champs I play have high utility) where I feel more comfortable about doing anything. I may sacrifice some cs for that safety though.

    As the bot lane prisoner I have for long been, I am quite used to hard snowball mids that carry the game or have tons of early pressure at the very least and I just am not that. Is there any point in moving forth with this with no plan to learn to snowball?

    Edit: thanks to everyone for replying. It would seem I haven't looked at it objectively from my other teammates' perspectives. If I play a passive mid, this will probably put enemy pressure on river and subsequently other lanes and objectives and nobody would care what I could have done in a proper midgame then if seven minutes in, everything goes bonkers...

    submitted by /u/Mo_ody
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    I suck at jungle and I want to get better

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Jungle and mid are probably my two worst roles I'm at, which really sucks because I really like a lot of the jungle characters (especially rek'sai) but I just cant seem to play them effectively. The blitz program has helped me figure out builds but I still fall behind in xp and kills

    submitted by /u/Demonbutter47
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    Jungle and fall behind.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    I'm a jungle main and I've been playing for a few years now. But I STILL cannot figure out how to beat an enemy jungler when they are out jungling me. Any tips? Like let's say I fall behind a level or two from the enemy jungle. He takes advantage of that and takes every chance to stomp me. How do I catch up?

    submitted by /u/Ubeerage
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    Can someone explain what playing simple junglers in low elo is suppose to accomplish

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    So I recently started to play Amunu after I posted a 40% win rate on MF and EZ in my placements on my second account. I understand that this will allow me to focus on learning the jungle role instead of worrying bout mechanics but I don't see it. Amunu is fucking broken in low elo (with a competent team). I hit q (it lands) smash R gg we win fight.

    How the fuck does it teach me the jungle role when all I do is it 2 buttons and we clap a 5v5 teamfight. Like no one even punishes amunu early game

    submitted by /u/ratzy88
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    Good mid champ to do my placements.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a quite new player. I've been playing lol for 1.5 months and im having a lot of fun, im lvl 47 currently. I'd like to start doing my pkacements and i decided to go top and mid as roles. Top i'd go with garen or mordekaiser, i play them pretty decently. As for mid i was wondering which champs should i pick and start become good with them. I like katarina and picked her up early, im now semi decent but dont feel like i can play her in ranked. I play talon and veigar pretty well too. Malzahar seems an easy but useful and interesting pick, also vel koz too, and fizz finally is looking strong. Which one should i choose as my mid champ for ranked, considering im a new player?

    submitted by /u/brillo93
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    How to carry as zed?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Sometimes when I win lane hard, like 3/0 - 5/0 and maybe like 50 cs above the enemy laner, they just buy zhonyas and tabis and I can't kill them anymore. Then they end up scaling and doing more in team fights then me, better at seigeing, and their team gets zhonyas and I can't even assassinate their adc anymore. Do I need to always be going for outplays to win (like LL Stylish and Laceration) and is there not a consistent formula? I try to split but usually my team dies and its hard to coordinate in solo queue.

    submitted by /u/TheNextFaker
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    What is the difference between a D1 and a D3 player?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    I've been playing league since season 6 and in season 9 I hit diamond after a long grind. This season I easily reached D4 and later peaked D2. Right now I'm stuck in diamond 3 I can't seem to go above and if I demote down to D4 I easily recover and promote back up.

    I know how to control waves, I know how to time recalls my mechanics are my strong suit and my macro seems strong. I've been working on my mental which has always been lacking and it's getting much better. Yet I still can't reach my goal of D1 let alone, D2.

    What separates me from the rest of the higher leagues? It's common in diamond that the higher tiers have a much larger skill difference than in other ranks.

    Note I main mid, I appreciate any tips and pointers people can provide me, thanks.

    submitted by /u/bhevo
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    cannot win in d4, sudden plateau. coaching necessary?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I've been in my diamond promos 3 times now in the past week and I legitimately don't know how to win anymore, ive played around 50 ranked games all in low diamond elo. last month i was doing quite well, like 70% wr and now all of a sudden Ive just been getting rekt every game, and to make it worse a lot of people just tell me to grind out d4 because theres so much "coinflip" and because the games are so chaotic its hard to tell what directly causes losses. well the problem is that I think I'VE become the coinflip and i have lost a lot of my confidence in the past few games ive played.

    things i know for sure i'm doing right: -tracking enemy jg and pinging location, counter ganking when possible -prioritizing objectives depending on what side of the map is winning (early dragons if possible) -not being negative and toxic, though i seldom type anything super positive/uplifting either

    things i know i'm doing wrong: -literally everything else -falling behind in levels (at least once every game im behind 1 level after lvl 6, i pretty much never tax exp from lanes pre 20 min so that is probably why) -my champion pool sucks


    i know opgg's aren't much information to work with but replays have been down for a while and at this point i just want to take any advice i can get in case there is something i can fix easily

    submitted by /u/oddloop_lol
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    How can I protect my turret as a low damage toplaner against sustain champs?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Let's say I'm playing malphite into garen.

    I cannot trade with him as he outdamages me, but even if he didn't his sustain is unlimited while my shield cannot recover hp so I'd lose the trade after a few seconds of healing.

    Since I can't trade with him I need to wait for my wave to come into me and farm it, I cannot freeze it however since again, if I'm freezing he'll just come to me, slap me a few times and force me back (since I can't win the trade).

    So everytime a new wave comes my opponent can shove it and while I'm under tower farming it he can start to tear my tower down.

    There's no point in me attacking him while he's demolishing my turret because

    1) I have no kill pressure so he can just heal it back up when the next wave comes

    2) I would end up taking a lot of damage from the minion aggro and also lose the farm.

    I get that as a tank I'm not supposed to win the lane as I scale better, but there has to be a way for me to avoid giving away all the plates for free.

    I have the same problem with tryndamere too.

    I also cannot avoid letting him shove the wave, what's the point in contesting the shove if I lose 40% of my health bar in the process? I cannot heal it back up unlike him, and after the second time I do this I either die from ult or have to back, which means guaranteed loss of experience and farm and if we're past 10 minutes losing the tower too.

    Ganks are not up to me so I cannot rely on those to avoid giving away first tower for free, is there any way that I can deal with this?

    submitted by /u/JustJohnItalia
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    How to stop a stomping toplane?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I'm currently in Bronze 1/2, sticking around here for a while. I'm mainly playing jungle primarily with Kindred, and atm learning Hecarim. In many ranked games I have faced the problem that my toplaner is getting stomped, in many cases even without ganks. This leads to the enemy getting herald, using it on toplane as well and they are standing at the inhib tower after only 15min. Is there any way to stop it? I tried to camp mid or bot instead since I would most likely feed the enemy toplaner as well, but it seems like I have to contest herald at all cost? How can I avoid losing a game to a fed toplaner that has no issues to get herald?

    submitted by /u/devilshelpmate
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    Does every team need at least one champion that can split push?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    This happened to me in a game and I'm wondering what I could have done better.

    Say you have 3 tanks/bruisers that excel in team fights like Sion/Malphite/Maokai(in my game it was Nautilus, Sion and tanky Olaf), a squishy mage(syndra in my game), and a hypercarry adc(Jinx). None of them can splitpush except maybe Olaf(me) but I was the Jungler and even if I wanted to splitpush I had built MR against a fed Sett. Their team had a Kassadin and Morgana. We ended up losing the game because we could never peel Jinx against a black shielded Kassadin.

    The game made me wonder if I had picked someone like Yi who could easily 1v1 Sett and splitpushed for towers we would've had a chance at winning. Or if the enemy team didn't have a competent Morgana, who countered 3 of our champions.

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    What am I doing wrong on Ezreal?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Context: I'm a low gold ADC main

    I really like playing Ez, but I seem to always either pop off really hard and carry (rare), pop off but not able to do much when laning phase is over (sometimes), or fall miserably behind and not be able to do much (relatively often). I have 25 games on him so far with a whopping 33% win rate (op.gg for stats here https://na.op.gg/summoner/champions/userName=Tupples). I've resigned to stop playing him because I'm sporting an above 60% WR on other ADCs.

    I feel like I don't know how to use him at all in teamfights. I can't seem to deal enough damage to the frontline, and can't reach the backline without blowing my E and getting caught out.

    I kind of understand his power spikes (small one at manamune, kinda big one with sheen, big powerspike with maramune + iceborn and huge spike with maramune + triforce). But after that 5 or 10 minutes following my 2 item power spike, I feel utterly useless in teamfights. Small skirmishes feel a bit better and I can usually win a 2v2. Most people say Ezreal has a good late game, but I'm simply not feeling it. Even completing BORK as my third item doesn't feel good and I don't feel a difference in damage output.

    I guess like I feel I'm not dishing out enough damage in a short time span. I'm used to blowing up squishies in 3 autos with Cait, but I can't seem to do that on Ezreal.

    Does anyone know of some good guides for Ezreal or has some tips on pressing a lead with him, positioning in teamfights, and generally how to play him past laning phase? Thanks!

    I usually play Caitlyn or Xayah. I heavily favor passive, safe playstyles (which is why I like Caitlyn so much). So I'm thinking I can't play Ez because I don't know how to play agressive, up in your face style without getting caught and dying.

    submitted by /u/Tupples-
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    Why is everyone picking Eyeball Collection over Zombie Ward?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    So, both Eyeball Collection and Zombie Ward give 1.2AD per milestone, and after 10 give a bonus 6 AD to a total of 18AD.

    however, Zombie Ward also gives a small ward that gives vision while eyeball collection does nothing.

    do you really get the 10 stacks on Eyeball collection THAT much sooner than the 10 wards destroyed? Seems to me like most of the time I would kill someone then destroy at least 1 ward, and sometimes I destroy wards without killing anyone, so how does that work?

    I'm talking about junglers, was mainly looking at kha'zix and rengar runes.

    submitted by /u/gitrikt
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    Does it makes sense using smite when being leashed?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    So I play sup and top, so I'm quite often leashing my jungler. But I help leash until the monster is nearly dead, and walk away, but then see the jungler still using smite even though 1/2 AA's would be enough. Isn't that a waste of a summoner spell which he can use on a next camp where he's not leashed?

    submitted by /u/Mouwsraider
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    How do I optimize damage with vel’koz

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I recently picked up vel'koz I'm currently level 49 and I've been using face check, and it says that I do less damage than the average vel'koz. I feel like I'm doing everything I can in games but it still says I do less damage than the average vel'koz. Please help me.

    submitted by /u/fuzzykarp
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    Tracking Help

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Hello Summoners!

    Over the past few days, I have realized almost no one tracks in low elo. Sure, there might be a couple junglers who track but for the most part it's nonexistent. This post will be a mini guide to help junglers and laners alike to learn tracking. And yes, this post is inspired by a question posted recently.

    1. Play jungle

    To understand the enemy jungler and what they will do, you have to become them. Play jungle for ~10 games and watch a couple pathing guides on youtube. Do some research, you can use this sub or r/Jungle_Mains. Basically, try to get a base understanding of jungling.

    1. Always check the junglers CS

    Whenever the enemy jungler shows on the map, hold tab and look at how much cs they have. Each full camp gives 4 cs, which means it's very easy to infer what path the jungler took(see step 1). If they have 12 cs and their a trundle with machete, they most likely did red-blue-gromp/blue-gromp-red. If they are a karthus and they show on the opposite side of the map finishing scuttle with 28 cs they definitely did a full clear and will be resetting to catch their camp respawn. Feel free to drop a ward to confirm your suspicions.

    1. Type if you have to

    I don't just mean tell your team where the enemy jungler is. I also mean typing "28g 32b 36w". This means "28 cs if he takes gromp, 32 if he takes blue after, 36 if he takes wolves after that". This is a tracking strategy King Nidhogg, a challenger Nidalee main uses. Here is an example. This helps you visualize the enemy's path and gives your teammates info if they know how to read it. You should be muting all anyway, so you shouldn't be complaining about your teammates thinking you're going crazy.

    1. WARD!

    I touched briefly on this in step 2, but warding is incredibly important. You can never be 100% sure about something if you don't have a ward to confirm it. Wards can also spot unorthodox paths that are not as used as very often, such as wolves-raptors-krugs or blue-wolves-raptors-red(yes I understand this is used much more than the other path, it's just less efficient than 3 camps for level 3).

    This was very brief and there are many more things you have to learn about tracking, but I hope you learned something to help you start!

    submitted by /u/Michat111
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    [ADC - Caitlyn] How do I transition my lead to midgame?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    I am in gold 3, and I consistently get ahead in lane (i.e. first blood, plates, and usually atleast 30 cs lead). However, I feel that it is very tough to transition this lead into the midgame.

    What should I be doing in the midgame to push my lead as far as possible?

    submitted by /u/sayhisam1
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