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    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    LoL Guide Why is Cho’gath usually run as a Tank or AP burst mage, but never as an AP Bruiser or Juggernaut?

    LoL Guide Why is Cho’gath usually run as a Tank or AP burst mage, but never as an AP Bruiser or Juggernaut?

    Why is Cho’gath usually run as a Tank or AP burst mage, but never as an AP Bruiser or Juggernaut?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    Cho'gath is an old champion who fits into a variety of team comps. He has been seen historically as a tank jungler who runs cinderhulk and stoneplate for massive feast damage (although this was nerfed), a Glacial augment AP burst mage mid or top lane with items such as GLP or twin shadows, and as a tank top laner running grasp of the undying into tank items. What's interesting to note is that the different playstyles build and max skill orders completely differently: AP Cho'gath maxes q first followed by w and then e to maximize burst and poke potential, running ap damage items that provide CDR and Mana. Tank Cho'gath generally maxes e first, followed by w, and then q to maximize damage over time, building items like righteous glory or abyssal mask that provide cdr, mana, health, and resistances. However, Cho'gath doesn't see a lot of play as an AP bruiser /juggernaut, even though he has some trademarks in his kit that are similar to champions such as Mordekaiser and Diana, notably his e-vorpal spikes, which do a high amount of additional magic damage attached to each empowered auto attack as well as adding an Ap ratio to the next 3 auto-attacks. Cho'gath also has really good synergy with items typically associated with AP bruisers including Rod of Ages (of which he likes the mana, hp, and ap) and liandries torment (he likes the hp and ap, and q and e both apply slows, and at later ranks e is on low enough cd to hold the empowered liandries torment burn with the damage amplification and slow burn indefinitely). Is there a reason players don't like running setups similar to Mordekaiser or Diana that build damage but are DoT focused?

    submitted by /u/SomeMockodile
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    Is it better to take W over E (or otherwise) as Level 2 Kayn?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    So, basically I start jungling with required items and Q levelled up. I take raptors, and then I level up W for some extra dmg and clearing speed as I move into the red buff. Remember, this is without leash. Then I move to either Blue Buff or the wolves and take it. What's the importance between E and W?

    Edit: Sometimes, if I get leash (on the bottom side), then I take Red Buff and level up W and follow the same route --> Raptors, then Blue or Wolves, then Gromp and Crab. My W and Q are AOE dmg, so I believed it helps with clearing, but my E can help for efficiency (in terms of running over walls).

    submitted by /u/TheChaosKnightmare
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    How to keep track of the cursor?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I've been playing since 2010 as a Jungle / Support main, so I've never had to really worry about APM's, intense kiting, farming etc etc. I recently picked up ADC and its fun as hell tbh. The only thing is during fights, farming, etc etc I'll lose my cursor and keep getting killed because I dont have control.

    Edit also I play on the lowest sensitiyivity my mouse offers

    submitted by /u/xChuchx
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    Jungler - Im genuinely confused on how experience and gold works right now

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hello, so I've been trying a different playstyle. Usually my go to playstyle is gank-heavy. However, I noticed that after 2-3 ganks, I'm lv5 sometimes around the 9-10 minute mark. I felt like this is wrong, so I switched it up into a more farming/counter-jungling playstyle.

    But in my last game, I ended with

    3/3/7 - 183cs - 9.9k gold - lv13

    My enemy jungler had:

    3/4/7 - 137cs - 9.2k gold - lv13

    Shouldn't the gold/experience difference be bigger? I noticed that although I was counter-jungling him, he would take his laners cs. I want to emphasize that I don't tax my laners. Is the difference between minions vs jungle camps that big?

    submitted by /u/PissRainbows
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    Remember back in the day when rushing death cap was a the meta for ap mid laners? With runes giving so much mana would this be viable again?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    The snowball playstyle was my all time favorite playstyle. Back when bloodthirster was a stacking item, back when deathcap first or second item was optimal, back when glass cannon builds were more often than not the best builds.

    Good times.

    Of course over time Riot would change and buff other items. Utility over damage became the new norm.

    Why rush deathcap when I can get morellos? Sure my opponent does more damage with his first item deathcap, but I'll win the long game with my mana regen and 20% CDR. It's a battle of attrition and I'll be the winner.

    BT was reworked to stop being a snowball item and instead become what it is now, with Draven being one of the few if not the only champion where rushing the item is still good. If not recommended.

    Rushing whatever item gives you the most possible damage simply isn't meta anymore. Or good.

    But there's one thing we have today that we haven't had for the last 6-7 years... free mana.

    Mana flow band and presence of bind combined give you as much mana as a full item.

    Now obviously this isn't a strategy that is viable for every game. Or even most games. If I'm mid and both of my side lanes are losing then probably don't do it. It's hard to stack off kills if the enemy team is stronger than yours especially since this whole strategy only works off the mana you get from runes.

    But if your team is already snowballing, I don't see why building to snowball couldn't work.

    submitted by /u/DatFrostyBoy
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    A change in mentality got me back to Gold

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    Last tuesday I got demoted to Silver I because of a massive loss streak. During these games and other games in the past I tended to call for or think of a surrender after 15 minutes when it all didnt go too well. I would get frustrated with myself and/or others for playing bad and I wouldnt think about how to turn the game around. From there it all went downhill. More mistakes were made which almost always resulted in a devastating loss.

    Yesterday evening I had some time on my hands to grind back to gold. I won 6 out of 7 games, not because how I played, but because how I looked at the game. My friend gave me some tips to try out. Every mistake I made I brushed away, thinking how I could do that better next time. I wouldnt speak in chat but would just say my thoughts out loud, which made my teammates more calm too. When someone else made a mistake I would just say: 'Its ok, well get them next time.' I noticed a change in my games and enjoyed them way more. Even when we tended to lose I felt encouraged to try harder and not give up.

    I hope this post helps you a little too, to grind to any rank you want. It sure helped me. Good luck out there :)

    (Sorry for my English, not my first language)

    submitted by /u/flamoestuintje
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    Why is Talon so strong?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I'm assuming it's because of the fast-paced snowbally meta on top of duo xp being nerfed which lets him double kill botlane over and over, but I want to know if there's any other reason why he's so strong. Op.gg has listed Talon as a top tier midlaner with a 52% winrate for a while now, and I've been wanting to play him since he's super fun and not too difficult. Are there any nerfs reserved for him in the future or is he worth picking up?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    Is there ever a time when i should tell myself "League just isnt my game?"

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Okay, so first of all i dont want this to be a salt/rant post. I dont believe i am hardstuck because of my teammates, or the meta or whatever else excuse. I am here looking for genuine advice.

    Now that thats out of the way, Im a Plat 3 player on the NA server who has been in or around roughly plat 3~ for about 4-5 years now. Ive tried every role in the book, "mained" essentially the entire roster at one point or another, and i just cant seem to get anywhere. I tried to get a couple coaching sessions but it never really helped me. I identified my issues as having bad habits that work in plat but wont help me climb, but the issue is i dont even know what those habits ARE so i dont know how to fix them. If i die to much, i play safe next game, then i give up too much and have no pressure.

    Ive tried to "play to improve" (although i dont know the full extent of what this means) or realize my mistakes, but its so hard for me to identify exactly what i did wrong in a given game. If i lost a game where i was jungle (The role ive played the most over the course of the last few years), and the enemy top solokilled my top early, and snowballed into a TP botlane which made us lose the game before i could even get any real work done, even if i identify what happened i dont know what i could have done better. Should i have anticipated the fight toplane and played more topside? Should i have anticipated the TP? Should i have tried to trade the toplane solokill for pressure bot and a dragon? The likely answer is its neither of the three, the option probably isnt even in my head because my habits are so bad, that maybe i would have pressured bot and drag, but REALLY i should have been invading the enemy and getting vision or ganking mid.

    Is there ever a point where someone just needs to say "I cannot improve in this game, its beyond me" and just go to another game or play for fun? I am exteremly competitive and i play league only to WIN and because i am DECENT at it. If i was hardstuck bronze or something for this long i wouldnt be playing today, i garuntee. But the fact that im at least plat gives me hope i can really become good at the game.

    I appreciate if you read this whole thing. This is one of the only things ive ever been "decent" at and i really want to go the next level, but its time for me to either flip a switch and figure it out or give it up for good, i think. I Appreciate any feedback.

    TLDR: Ive been playing for so long and cant improve despite improving being my only motivation for playing, realizing i either need to figure it out quick or just move on to a different game.

    submitted by /u/redeyesdarkness
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    Jungle: How do I know what to kill and when?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    I normally play as a Support Lux, but I decided to learn to Jungle as Rengar. I've been able to take down the dragons with some difficulty but avoid the herald because I keep dying. I play top most of the time until I'm told to go to jungle, but once I'm there I fall 3 levels behind. Someone told me it's bad routing, so I have to ask: how can I route jungle without falling behind?

    submitted by /u/Bobcat679
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    How do I Splitpush in Low Elo?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    I'm a plat katarina otp and I've recently been learning top lane. I've been playing mostly Fiora and I seem to always do fine in lane, but I don't know how to split push effectively. Every time I try to splitpush, my team just fights 4v5 and we eventually lose. I don't exactly feel comfortable team fighting as Fiora, and I'd rather be splitting, but it seems very hard to do so and not have my team go in 4v5 and lose. What am I doing wrong? Any general advice for split pushing that I probably don't know?

    submitted by /u/Amxricaa
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    Explain jungling for someone with slow comprehension of the game.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Hi! I am a plat hardstuck plat IV right now. I don't really like jungle but it really grew on me as I play it more. I wanna play the role seriously I have watched plenty of jungle guide in youtube but I cannot apply them to my game. It is mainly because my reasoning is that every game is different and I cannot apply what is shown in a guide to my game.

    I am maining rek'sai as of now and I still win games with her but those games are either the enemy jungler is really bad or I am just carried. There's no game where I really outsmarted their enemy jungler.

    Problems I always face are:

    A.) Having poor 'rotation' and 'pathing' like my teammates always flame me for

    1. * I still don't understand how to make a good rotation. What I always do is (as rek'sai) I always do red
      > golems > raptors > wolf > blue > scuttle > gank (? or gromp I know it must be gromp but I find it hard to kill at early levels so I reserve it when I am level 4 or after ganking a lane.)
    2. So when all camps are up I always clear them first whichever part I am in (if I'm in top I clear golems > raptors up to the blue camps if I'm bot I do the opposite.) I always make sure to clear them first before ganking.

    Am I missing something with my pathing? What's wrong with it?

    B.) I cannot gank properly. I can't gank enemies with escapes (leb,zed,talon and the likes.) So all I do is farm until a good opening for a gank happens. and At times all my lanes are pushed so there's nothing I can do.

    C.) I cannot track the enemy jungler. So lets say I put a ward in his red side in the raptors area. So the enemy jungler clears it and then leaves the raptors. So what do I do then? He can either go top side or recall and gank bot. That is the problems I have when tracking the enemy jungler.

    D.) I can only gank top if I have taken dragon. I know this sounds stupid but I always make sure to stick to my bot side until I take it. Because at times I go top then the enemy jungler will just solo kill the dragon (my bot doesn't ward the dr). So at that situation I will just take RH right? well no. when that happens the enemy jungler just goes straight to the herald and I will be killed ending up in me losing the game entirely.

    I can think of many more things I wanna ask here but that's all I have. If someone can help me how to improve these problems it will be appreciated. thanks!

    submitted by /u/AnonymousJackfruit
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    Aatrox midgame

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    As they title suggests i need help on how to play aatrox in midgame. I m atm gold 4 and play mainly toplane. I ve picked up aatrox and i learned him go the Point that i can win lane of go even almost Every game.

    The problem is when you start grouping for drakes or when top turret is destroyed. What do you do? Do you say with team or do you splitpush. Do you Frontline or do you flank. Do you go in first or you go for execute?

    I don't seem to find a way to be usefull if i am not 5/0 or 50cs Ageas.

    Thx in advance

    submitted by /u/N1tr0X99
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    How do I carry when everyone on the other team gets as fed as I am?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a S1 Top main pushing for Gold. Up until basically a month or two ago I was an Akali onetrick, I had a brief stint as an ADC and then a Support, then came back to Top where I now play Juggernauts (because they seem to do far better than Akali does when they get fed), mainly Mordekaiser, Garen, and I play Teemo into bad matchups (like Tryndamere) if I can. I'd say I win lane 6/10 times, get camped/go about even 3/10 times and lose 1/10 times, usually because of bad matchups. But even when I manage to get two solokills in lane, it's pretty usual for the rest of my team to not be doing so hot, and I can't carry. I feel like I'm really good at snowball, and if I lose I think I'm decent at helping other lanes and mitigating my own deaths, not just running it down. If another lane is also winning we can usually pull some magic off but as I said, it's usually not the case.

    I guess what I mean to say is that I need to get better at carrying when my team isn't doing so hot. I don't know whether I should leave lane earlier, since I basically only leave when T1 is down unless there's a fight in topside jungle, or play more aggro in an attempt to secure a greater lead? I think I play pretty safe, I don't usually die in lane unless I'm countered or ganked excessively, but maybe I should take more risks, even if they don't pan out. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/ShinyGrezz
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    How to improve map awareness?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    First time consciously attempting to improve in this game.

    During some of my most recent games, I'm in a situation where the only winning scenario for me is to perma-splitpush to win, but there is a fear of the fog of war so I don't push up nearly enough to be a splitpush threat, and I'm in the silver-gold area so wards don't exist on the map. I thought that a way to push the limits a bit more would be to learn the timings to get from mid to top, mid to red, etc. , but this wouldn't be useful if I don't address a larger problem. I don't often pay attention to the minimap, especially when I'm laning, which I think is caused by

    1. No real habit to frequently look at the minimap because I mostly play to relax, not for another thing to tryhard in, so I'm trying to strike a balance.
    2. I pay way too much attention to my own lane. Probably from a lack of familiarity/comfort with the champion/matchup so I have to consciously use more effort on myself and lose track of the rest of the map. I suspect this is the major cause because during the very few times I jungle, I actually look at the minimap fairly often

    Is there a better way to improve other than playing something I'm fairly familiar/comfortable with for a hundred games while consciously forcing myself to look at the minimap a few times every wave to build the habit?

    submitted by /u/PaninosBoy
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    ADCs itemization choices

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I am trying to adjust ADC build as Ashe on the fly. I have some questions on paradigm items.

    When does blade result in more damage than essence reaver? (is there an HP cutoff)

    When does mortal reminder result in more damage then LDR? (like GW benefit vs armor pen)

    At what armor rating does armor pen items become good items?


    submitted by /u/GreenKing7
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    Ok how do you win with this draft?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I played as Caitlyn Adc with jayce, wukong, yasuo and velkoz vs Shen, Malphite, Talon, Ashe and Veigar. I get bot tower go 0/0/0 with 60 cs up but couldnt kill their bot because they play safe as hell. Whole team has a decent lead. What do I do? My Team goes splitting and dying solo to the enemys strong skirmishes. I cant solo farm even under tower because talon and Malph R exist. Team refuses to peel for me. When we teamfight I cant attack because of Malph R and by the time he uses it the fight is already lost. Is there a way I can fight without peel? If we group as 5 malph R and veigar cage hit us all. If we split in teamfight, Talon and Malph oneshot me or velkoz. If we play 1 3 1 Shen R forces numbers advantage and their strong engage can easily force fights. Is this a lost draft? Should I just dodge when I see a draft like this?

    submitted by /u/Gigschak
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    Stop va hold position

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    I was wondering in which situation ine would use the player movement commands for "stop" and hold. Default buttons S ans H.

    They feel like they do the same and wondered why there are such similar commands, unless and this is likely. I'm missing the point of them

    submitted by /u/DistChicken
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    It feels like Im getting worse

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    So currently Im Silver 1 and last Season I was Gold 3 (I stopped playing after getting Gold 3 because the Season was almost over) and Jax main on Toplane. Last Season I saw Hardstuck Silver and then I tried to get better at the game, I was determined to get better and to reach Gold in one month, it happened, I carred alot of my games and didnt have problems in Low Gold Elo and if I had more time I could have probably reached High Gold too.

    But now (in this season) its like I got worse at the game, I let my emotions get the better of me more often, I loose laning phase in easy matchups way too often and back then I didnt have problems with hard matchups in Gold Elo, now I already have problems with easy matchups in a lower elo (Silver and not Gold elo).

    I often forget Macro stuff, I get too often tilted, I use excuses way too much even when Im playing alone and I get super tilted super fast even though in the past I was so tiltproof.

    I play alot with my friends Solo/Duo Ranked and the others are trying to help us because 2 of my friends are extremely good, probably Diamond Level and the other 2 reached Gold and think they can "coach" as well. Lets just say, my premate who is mid Main gets actually coached by everyone and Im just being made fun of and rarely really given actual tips and they just say "You played that bad, you are bad at the game" and not "you should have done this instead of this".

    I think that might be the reason Im getting more tilted and use excuses and I watch alot of guides and stuff and I try to learn but I forget everything when anyone makes just one stupid comment about me.

    submitted by /u/JanIzzDaa
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    i’m “scared” to play league

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    So this might sound a bit stupid, but i can't win because i'm scared of high elo players. I've been playing league for the longest time now, season 4 until now, i stopped a few times but it wasn't for long, so i never lost touch. i was always a bronze player, ALWAYS, but i've been playing really well and got myself to gold 1, with almost no losses, so that got my mmr really high, and all my games now are with diamonds and high plat. the thing is, i'm wayyyy better than them, like i crush them in every aspect, but because they have such higher elo than me, i get really intimidated by it and it scares me to the point i don't wanna make plays because i know i'll lose, it's really hard to explain but i feel like i underestimate myself, at first i thought it would go away, but it haven't, and now i don't wanna play league, as this ever happened to anyone? if so, what did you do to overcome it? sorry for my bad english and unorganized thoughts, i hope i've been clear enough, thanks!

    submitted by /u/papanitelios
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    Lucidity Boots vs Sorcerer's Shoes?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    I'm a rather new player playing support and am trying to pick up some AP champions that can put out a decent amount of poke damage (eg. vel'koz). I've been picking up sorc's shoes more often than not, but was wondering what my decision making for picking one over the other should actually be?

    submitted by /u/acoluahuacatl
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    New to Rank Games

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:49 AM PDT


    I am looking for a new mid lane champion to help me climb in rank.

    My 2 champions in my pool right now is Zoe and Ekko. I need some suggestions on a 3rd champion that could compliment my 2 mains. I have been playing league casually for a year and have just gotten interested in climbing. I decided that playing only 3-4 champions will help me improve quickly and with less time investment into the game.

    The champion I'm looking for is the ones that can carry games even if my other teams are behind, no matter the play style. I noticed that for Ekko, its much easier to carry my team when ahead, compared to Zoe. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/a-Meme-Activist
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    Need help to transition from Support to Jungle.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    [I know it's long so there's a summary at the end if you don't want/don't have time to read this entirely]

    Good evening r/summonerschool , I'm once again asking for your financi... for LoL advice.

    I'm main support since forever. Mainly Bard, Senna and lately Pyke. Yeah, I love agressive supports.

    But with the latest updates the bot lane has become literally unplayable, so I decided to stick to my old primary role, Mid, and decided to learn Jungle too, and found it quite interesting and funny to play.

    I started with easy champs, Master Yi, Nunu, Udyr... a bit of everything. But then Fiddle rework came out and I loved it so much I got 20k on him in 3 days. The problem with Fiddle is that his early is absolute trash, and if the enemy does an early invade or multiple invades that was it. So I bought Kayn and Jax.

    The route I used for Fiddle was to start with hunter's talisman, health potion and control ward. Placed a control ward on my river side start to be aware of invades. My start clear with Fiddle is: Red + Raptors using the health potion, Wolves, Blue + Gromp and if no camps reset I'd be finished by 3:05, place a ward in tribush or gank bush, do scuttle for lvl 4 and return to base to buy dark seal and boots.

    Now, Kayn can farm pretty well too, I think even faster than Fiddle. But since Kayn's Q makes him move I can't do the same route as Fiddle, since the camps will always reset when I Q 2-3 times. With some practice in practice tool I ended up with this start:

    Start with hunter's talisman and refillable potions, place a yellow ward on the contrary river side I'm starting to see if they're invading, and use the oracle lens to see if there's any wards on my jungle or gank bushes. Do Red with leash, Krugs, Raptors, Blue and I'd be finished by 3:15-3:25 and be able to do scuttle and back for early items, or maybe do an early gank if I see the opportunity (since Kayn has a much better early than Fiddle, with Fiddle I won't gank until lvl 6), continue farming Gromp and Wolves and then back, or invade the enemy jungle if we don't contest on scuttle.

    The problem is that I don't think this is the greatest start with Kayn, so if you have a better one please lemme know.

    Also, I don't really understand when to gank wich lane, usually if they're pushed I won't gank but maybe use the oracle lens to see if there's any wards.

    In my other post someone told me that I don't have to gank when the laners ping me to, but that I have to know when I'm prepared to gank and have the opportunity to. The thing with this advice is that it doesn't always work with Kayn, since I have to gank to be able to transform.

    Now that we're talking about transformations, how do I know wich form to take? I know that I have to know it by champ select, but idk how to know it. Usually if there're 2 tanks or more, like Garen and Leona I'd go for Rhaast and conqueror, but then the other people in the game will give me a hard time since they have greater mobility, like Tristana or Akali. And for the Assasssin is easy, if there's only 1 or no tanks I go for him with dark harvest. But when do I go for Rhaast?

    Also, when my laners are dead or returning from base I normally see enemies taking plates and I'd go to defend the tower and deny them the plates, sometimes even getting a kill. But then my laners tell me not to do it??? And I don't understand why. I play all roles, and I'd appreciate it if my jungler used his opportunity to deny plates to my enemy laner.

    Now, I have a question of something that happened some days ago when I was mid. So, I'm Vlad mid against (instert mid laner here) and then the enemy jungler, Rengar, comes, I ping Heca that Rengar is here and ask for assistance, I wait and nothing happens, then he places Herald and destroys my first tower and half of the second one, all meanwhile Heca farmed literally every single camp on the map. Was this a bad decision for him not to come or was it good? I want to know it so I don't make this mistake.

    I know this is long so I'll make a summary:

    1.- I want to know a good start clear with Kayn

    2.- When to gank wich lane?

    3.- Do I always have to gank when someone pings me?

    4.- Wich form to take as Kayn? And is there a specific moment when's better to transform, or do I have to transform as early as possible?

    5.- Is it good to defend a turret/plated turret if I have the opportunity to, when my laner is dead/in base?

    6.- When the enemy jungler pushes a lane with Herald, do I have to go to defend it?

    7.- When and where to place wards in the enemy jungle to track him?

    8.- Control wards, is it better to buy them only to defend drake/herald/baron or do I leave that to someone else and use my control wards to see if there're any wards in tribush/gank bush?

    9.- Any other good advice

    Thanks for your time and help random citizen.

    submitted by /u/Distinger_
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    Looking for help in Solo Q as a top main. (Detailed)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Silver 4 Elo currently on my main, I feel like my weakest points are the amount of deaths I have, and vision in some games. When I am extremely ahead I tend to forget about vision more, and I need to work on that. How many control wards should I be purchasing per game? When I am remembering the importance of vision, I tend to buy as often as I have room and the gold to spare, but on a perfect base I will always get the powerspike over a ward. I find that my early deaths result as I try to test the limits of what my champions are, and get a better feel for the matchup. I am also trying to be more aggressive, as it feels like people don't know how to properly deal with aggression in this ELO, and often I find myself getting huge trades in for essentially free. I am getting decent CS during lane, and trying to balance farm with the silver mid ARAM. Recently started trying to find a new and better champ pool and headed back to the top lane, I have had good success with Tryndamere, Darius, and I just started to learn Mord and Sett. Garen is my backup pick, with teemo and nasus being last resorts (I used to main them).

    I find with Tryndamere I have to get far ahead to carry games, though I can manage a first blood quite often, then it's time for freezing and zoning farm. I find that splitting with him is hard to pull off, and in this Elo team always engages 4v5 regardless of where am on the map. Due to this I feel like he is a better pick at a slightly higher Elo, such as Gold. I tend to be able to secure at least one rift, often two. Where is the most optimal placement for the second rift? Is a t2 bot tower more important than t1 mid tower? With Trynd's mobility I am often able to starve enemy JG off their farm, and average pretty high CS, but teamfighting with him is very difficult, essentially you have 5 seconds to pop as many Squishies as possible, or 5 seconds to tank as much damage/cc and peel as possible. In this Elo teamfights are extremely often and and usually over no objective. This is also where Trynd's strengths lie, while the rest of the game ARAMS, I can push and take towers, rifts, enemy JG, and dragons. Lategame I can also solo Baron, which is never ideal but sometimes the team just has no desire to get it, even when it's free.

    Darius I find that most matchups I can win lane pretty hard, but getting kited is his major downfall as always. I can't properly Frontline with him, and just like trynd I feel like I have to join teamfights late if flash is down, and look for more of a cleanup. I feel like positioning is the make or break of this champion, and a heavy CC enemy team can make him absolutely useless in fights. Ideally I would wait out their CC, and then go in but the game is not always so clean.

    I just picked up Sett, he feels extremely strong early game, but in teamfights I am more of a peel/engage bot rather than an assassin. I find that often I engage and die without the team following up, and that I should probably look to find safer engages rather than a suicide run to coinflip the teamfight. I am getting the vibe that I should wait for a carry to be dove, then ult the diver away back into the enemy teams Frontline, or deeper into our own team to secure a pick. After I start going for heavy trades in lane my opponent becomes too scared to fight, and I often have them sitting at 20% hp soaking xp. Jg in this Elo doesn't always come to gank, and Sett can only close so much gap. I get that they are still getting further behind with less gold income, but I would rather take them completely out of the game, take their turret, then extend my lead and rotate back top to catch waves.

    I just picked up learning Mord last night, as I often lose lane to him. I feel like he has a lot of subtle carry potential. The ability to ult anyone and take them out of the equation can have a huge impact. Enemy JG contesting an objective? Ult to secure smite. Fed assassin diving on backline? No problem, Into the realm you go, you're my problem now. Getting ganked? Your 2v1 just became a 1v1 where I have your stats. I feel like the ability to nullify one of the enemy team for 7 seconds is an absolute game changer, and if used properly can completely change the game. Worst case scenario I force the carry to pick up a QSS and have them deal less damage as a result.

    I have two accounts as of now, and my new account has such an easier time climbing. It is in gold MMR and though I was scared in those games, I feel like I was able to have more impact overall, even when behind. I tried to support and peel for my carries, and it seemed to work! Even won lane against a plat player, which felt pretty good.

    Here is my Main


    Any help, advice, tips, or relevant resources are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time in reading my post.

    submitted by /u/summerld9
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    Does having fun with a character correlate to how well you do with them even when compared to strong solo picks?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    I'm a mid main who doesn't enjoy a lot of the champions who are considered good or "meta" and the same stance goes to other lanes that I've tried as well. But there are some champions I really enjoy that aren't so great in mid lane but it's hard to stick with characters that are known for carry potential in low elo. I was wondering if there were some potential in champs that aren't so good compared to myself playing what's meta? I've tried coming to this sub to ask similar questions about this topic but it always gets deleted due to it being considered common questions and if it does end up getting deleted oh well.

    submitted by /u/Zannex-
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    Identifying and Executing win conditions in Patch 10.8 as a Jungler: how to not get caught up with the EXP Camp Buffs and stay true to your identity

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Yo! Hope you guys have been safe and chilling. I wanted to share my educational VOD review video, where I go in-depth on how I identified and executed my team's win conditions as a jungler.

    With patch 10.8's jungle camp exp buffs, I've had a couple of friends talk to me about how frustrating it is to lose against hard-farm champions that will be two levels ahead of you and out-scale you to oblivion despite you pulling off a large amount of successful ganks. I wanted to share my video here to shout out to the gank-heavy junglers that you can still have a great impact in the game! But, you have to be conscious of where you are spending your resources at, and if it makes sense for the bigger picture of your team comp.

    Video: https://youtu.be/UhDeofT2tJ4

    It's quite a long video, and I'm looking to make the videos shorter and more to-the-point in the future, but hope you guys enjoy and learn from it. I recently got to Diamond 1 for the first time since playing league in season 4, and am planning to post a brutally-honest summary of how I finally got out of being hardstuck. (I know I'm still hardstuck to some people!)

    Stay safe all. Any feedback / comments are much appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/jiggsfox
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