• Breaking News

    Friday, May 22, 2020

    League of Legends My Shop Megathread! Show us what you got and discuss here

    League of Legends My Shop Megathread! Show us what you got and discuss here

    My Shop Megathread! Show us what you got and discuss here

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! My Shop has launched yet again. This thread is here for you all to show us what you got, to laugh, to cry, or to gloat about what you got.

    Some FAQs:

    When does my shop end?

    June 15th at 4pm EDT. Or just go to the shop page in the client for your own time.

    Why is this skin so much more RP than than it normally should be?

    If you do not own the champion, the price of the champion is also included in the price in the shop.

    Best of luck in getting good deals everyone!

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    While everyone is discussing about if flash should be on F or D, meanwhile my girlfriend is playing with "WASD"

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    While playing aram`s with my gf, we talked about the whole flash on f or d discussion and she explained to me, that she is playing with "WASD".

    I was kinda shocked because I though everyone is playing with "QWER" and may change trinket or item keys.

    Afterwards I asked her for her full hotkeys she is using:

    Q is for R (Ult)

    W is the same. (At least something)

    A is for Q (Ezreal mystic shot)

    D is for E (Ezreal Blink)

    E is forFlash

    F is 2nd summoner (ignite) and her camara lock is on s.

    TL:DR: Flash should be on E, because your gf is always right.

    submitted by /u/LpSPredator
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    LS finally snaps

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Turret plates have been an overall success

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    An appreciation post for once instead of just complaining.

    After watching some vods from previous world championships and watching people just base everytime they push out their waves and it just ends in more and more of a farm fest, I'm really appreciating the fact they put in turret plates.

    submitted by /u/Sex_Pistol_Number-5
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    If I can't queue with a player due to their rank, please don't stick people even further from my rank in my games.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    I absolutely loathe that you can't queue with those in gold while in diamond, but you can absolutely get your team filled with them through RNG.

    If you don't want players to have disparate ranks, then please actually block rank disparities in matches. Don't block it only when it's intentional.

    It's not like rank-locking is even a good deterrant for ranking up friends - just make a smurf account, it's what everyone does.

    submitted by /u/Kwahn
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    Evelynn portrait I painted

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Evelynn portrait I painted

    Hello again dudes. More character portraits as practice. This time Evelynn since she has been so requested. I know im changing the characters up quite a bit but I still hope you like it!


    You can find more of my LoL portraits and other artwork on my insta for anyone interested: www.instagram.com/kiyaama/

    submitted by /u/Kiyaama
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    The longest 1v3 you've ever seen.The longest AD shyvana fight I've ever had

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    Fast Boye Jhin

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Infographic - 10.10 Patch Champion Performance

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    League of Legends is by far the most popular intercollegiate esports game, with almost 90% of schools having a varsity team playing it

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Misfits Kobbe on Spring 2020 TSM, how he heard about the Doublelift news, and returning to the LEC.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Lee Sin Double Q URF Combo

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Thanks to league, my vocabulary has greatly increased!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    During my climb from Iron, I have learned many new words and phrases. Yes, my teammates give me plenty of colorful nicknames and use several 3-letter acronyms; however, playing the game has led to an expansion of my linguistic capabilities.

    A- Aegis: the protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization (Jarvin IV W)

    B- Bastion: an institution, place, or person strongly defending or upholding particular principles, attitudes, or activities. (Taric W)

    C- Conflagration: an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property. (Brand E)

    D- Dredge: an apparatus for bringing up objects or mud from a river or seabed by scooping or dragging. (Nautilus Q)

    E- Equinox: the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length (about September 22 and March 20). (Soraka E)

    F- Fissure: a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth (Braum R)

    G-Gale: a very strong wind. (Janna Q)

    H- Hemorrhage: an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel, especially when profuse. (Darius P)

    I- Incinerate: destroy (something, especially waste material) by burning. (Annie W)

    J- Jousting: (of a medieval knight) engage in a sports contest in which two opponents on horseback fight with lances. (Kled E)

    K- Kindred: one's family and relations. (...Kindred)

    L- Lucent: glowing with or giving off light. (Lux E)

    M- Miasma: a highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor. (Cassiopeia W)

    N- Nether: lower in position. (Kassadin W)

    O- Obliterate: destroy utterly; wipe out. (Mordekaiser Q)

    P- Primordial: existing at or from the beginning of time; primeval. (Veigar R)

    Q- Quill: any of the main wing or tail feathers of a bird. (Rakan Q)

    R- Rend: tear (something) into two or more pieces. (Kalista E)

    S- Subjugation: the action of bringing someone or something under domination or control. (Lissandra P)

    T- Tectonic: relating to the structure of the earth's crust and the large-scale processes which take place within it. (Vel'Koz E)

    U- Umbral: relating to shade or shadow. (Aatrox E)

    V- Vigil: a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, especially to keep watch or pray. (Aphelios R)

    W- Wither: cease to flourish; fall into decay or decline. (Nasus W)

    X- (Couldn't think of anything)

    Y- Yuumi: an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

    Z- Zenith: the time at which something is most powerful or successful. (Leona E)

    With these new words, I have ascended to a Grandmaster Linguist....and a Bronze III League player.

    submitted by /u/TheSpeedyspikes
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    I bring you the peak of autofilled gold elo jungling (warning: brain damage imminent)

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    TIL that Vladimir is the last champion whose most recent appearance in the patch notes (excluding skins) was in Season 8. He received a nerf on patch 8.13 on June 27th 2018, and has not been buffed, nerfed, bugfixed, or changed in any way since that date.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    The ADC discussion is the whole Taric/Yi dilemma all over again. A shift in items is necessary to ensure a longtime healthy balance of the role

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    ADCs, struggle the most through their notion of being very support reliant. This is very similar to the funnel problem of taric/yi.

    Yi is not a very good champion of its own. Even though he may be a pub stomper in lower elo, the higher up you go the worse it gets if he is not supported. Yi is basically only enabled by being funneled and protected by taric. He provides insane damage while taric ensures he is safe while doing so (not to mention their broken interaction with his q).

    ADCs suffer from a similar problem: In competitive where teams are coordinated and with the right support behind them they can tear pretty much any comp a new one. Kog´maw + Lulu being a very good example here and even used by G2. Kog´maw on its own is a bad champion with a very curious passive. But whenever he has a lulu and a comp build around him he becomes a god. Insane Damage combined with shielding allows him to be unstoppable. Ardent meta was a perfect example of that. (Btw its called Ardent meta because supports got buffed + their items previously, not ADCs but that's a different story.

    In short ADCs shine with shielding supports behind them and suck without them. Considering the soloq environment the latter more often than not is the case.

    Here a proposed solution with some goals to preface:

    1. ADCs should thrive through consistent DPS, spiking during the later parts of the game. They are not meant to burst.
    2. They should be the tank/tower/baron killer class
    3. They shouldn´t only be playable with a lulu + ardent behind them.
    4. The satisfying and rewarding thing about ADCs is orb- walking and kiting --> the longer they stay in a fight, the better they get.

    As of right now the design of critical strike archives the polar opposite of these goals:

    1. The burst aspect of crit is out of place: Radidfire poke with 75% crit simply junks squishies and represents the thing that people hate the most about ADCs.
    2. Randomness (already been discussed plenty of times).
    3. The incredible scaling of crit items forces ADCs to lack tankiness and makes a peeling support necessary. (Payoff for crazy damage)
    4. It doesn´t really reward staying longer in a fight/ kiting and orb walking (Before people bury me with comments read the next part)

    Rageblade is the perfect example of an item, that rewards the ADC playstyle (I am not referring to the phantom hit part)

    Rageblade as an item requires stacking through auto attacks --> You are rewarded for continuously auto-attacking in a fight. The longer the fight goes, the better your damage output will be. You don´t rely on critting someone with rapid-fire but instead ramp up your damage through the fight. This also means that it is better for tank killing.

    Crit items should be changed to have a stacking passive that increases your damage output throughout the fight. (+ AD/AS)

    1. This tradeoff allows for more tankiness in the ADC class: You don´t have insane damage upfront allowing for more resistance and health (base stats) --> The longer you have to stay in the fight, the more chances the enemy gets (cooldowns) to kill you. If they fail to do so, your damage keeps on ramping up.
    2. Removes randomness
    3. Rewards good positioning and kiting, instead of LUL Caitlyn crit with rapid-fire.
    4. Maintains the late- game phantasy
    5. Better laning stage and mid- game due to better base stats --> not so reliant on peeling support
    6. Good late game damage through "ramping up"

    This isn´t a completely thought out concept. The question remains, how these items and their "stacking" passive should look like.

    TLDR: Problematic synergy between peeling supports and ADCs. Solution: Buff base stats (tankiness); remove crit and replace with stacking "rageblade passive" --> less damage upfront and more damage the longer the fight goes, fulfilling their goal of sustained damage.

    submitted by /u/IPhyroxI
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    I personally feel that AR URF was better that URF

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: AR URF > URF

    I'm tired of URF.

    People just refuse to have have fun, innovate or try weird strategies. They know what's broken, and they instalock it.

    URF is meant to be a for-fun gamemode, but in the end, it has become a "Let's see who can pick the most unfun, unfair, broken and unpleasant to play against champion"

    It feels like they don't lock on certain champions because they like to play them, but because they find joy in other players not being able to do anything (League community full of psychos I guess)

    How many times Yuumi was somehow open and both teams had one? I can tell you, yesterday playing with my friends there were 8 games with Yuumi open and we saw 14 Yuumi.

    At least in AR URF you didn't lose hope in humanity every game you play. Random champs forced people to try new things and strategies, and some of them were actually fun or even viable. You never knew what you were going to see, and that made the game interesting. And even if some lucky player got a Shaco or a Maokai, well, they were just lucky, not a degenerate who locks on that every other game.

    TL;DR: People don't play to have fun, they play to win. I'm tired of seeing the same 30~ overpowered champs of barely a 150 champion roster. Randomness made the game more enjoyable because it didn't let people abuse certain strategies/picks

    Edit: I personally never complained about AR URF. I just wish it had bans. All the comments saying "yeah when AR URF is up you complain about how normal URF was better and vice versa" are pointless. I'm sharing my own opinion, not the general one.

    Also, is really that hard to be respectful? You can either agree or disagree, but come on, don't insult each other. Being in the internet doesn't somehow give you a rudeness-pass.

    submitted by /u/GoragarX
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    Łukasz "Puki style" Zygmunciak have won poll for Poland's Favourite Sportsman!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    Quite recently the biggest and most popular sports tv station in Poland - TVP Sport - have organized contest for #FavouriteSportsman (#UlubionySportowiec). After series of polls where Puki have beaten Kamil Stoch (ski jumping), Mariusz Wlazły (volleyball) and Andrzej Gołota (boxing) in group stage, Robert Lewandowski (football) in semifinal and Jakub Błaszczykowski (football) in final, Puki have won title of Favourite Sportsman.

    It caused quite a discussion on TVP Sport Facebook fanpage. Quite a lot of people haven't ever heard of Puki, they claims esports are not comparable to real sports. Still, it's nice how Puki and entire Polish LoL stage get some well deserved, wider recognition. Congratulations and all the best luck in the future!




    submitted by /u/FinitoHere
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    I think those who want Nexus Blitz back want what it offers, rather than the mode itself.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Nexus Blitz gave a large portion of the community something they wanted for a long time, a simple mode where any champion can be slotted in and played in a low risk environment. I personally think this is were a lot of the NB loves comes from on this sub and I think it's something needed in the League community

    As it stands right now if you want to play a certain Champ you have to sit in a 5 min Queue/ Select, hope you get a role they can slot into, hope they don't get banned, and then hope they don't get picked. If any of the above happens you have to play out a 30-40 min game or dodge and wait another 5 mins for another chance to get your pick.

    The same trend drips into learning champs, especially in higher elo. If You want to learn a champ you have to: Queue for a game that you will likely be outmatched in, make a smurf if it's a different role, or go into practice tool/bots and grind out combos, which will only get you so far.

    Nexus Blitz helped fix all this, the mode allowed people to play what they wanted, it allowed my diamond support maining ass to play Azir at an enjoyable level without going through 50 SR games of misery. It gave people a relaxed setting to learn and have fun, which is something League desperately needs.

    Whether it's Nexus Blitz or some other arena mode, League needs a PERMANENT mode outside of Aram allowing players to learn, goof off, or just have a quick 20 min game.

    submitted by /u/LoneLyon
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    Arcane comet AP Thresh NASHOR STEAL! (missclicked runes in lobby)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT


    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Welcome, Sacre! - 1907 Fenerbahçe signs with Sacre and Japone.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Can someone explain the most recent shop to me?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Opened and got mostly skins on champs I haven't played in a while.

    Why? The discounts are no where near as good as the last ones

    And no skins for the champs I have been playing a lot of. Did they change how they work? Btw I don't really mind the discounts but just weird that most of the skins are for champs I have not been playing

    submitted by /u/ZrglyFluff
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    1 minute video of cho'gath chasing blitz

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Urf Yuumi parody

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

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