• Breaking News

    Monday, December 30, 2019

    League of Legends Caitlyn outplay I did recently .

    League of Legends Caitlyn outplay I did recently .

    Caitlyn outplay I did recently .

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Jungle XP too low across all levels of play?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:51 PM PST

    Just something I've observed in my own games. I (Plat4) went 12/3 as Reksai in one game and found that I was being outleveled by my 1/5 Midlaner. https://imgur.com/a/xRD2PNe)

    You can see this challenger Korean jungler smurfing in Diamond, doing well on Lee with a score of 6/2/7 and good farm of 160 at 27min, being outleveled by a 3/5/7 Fizz with mediocre farm by 1 level, and also a 4/2/0 Jax by 3 levels. https://imgur.com/a/5VHOFk3)

    In recent pro play (Kespa Cup), there was a trend of junglers being very underlevelled. This (https://imgur.com/a/SysvJvt) is Spirit's Lee sin being out-leveled by 6 at 28 minutes compared to his top laner, while his team is winning. This(https://imgur.com/a/U85oUgd) is KT's Malrang being outlevelled by 4. OnFleek's Jarvan on the winning team stuck at 13 while all other laners have long since hit 16-17(https://imgur.com/a/gEdRFhH).

    In games where the jungler did really well and got fed / got lots of lane XP, they could remain only 1-2 levels below the solo laners. I believe that these degrees of level differences are unprecedented.

    It seems that junglers at the moment have to do incredibly well to stay 1-2 levels below the solo laners, and a normal performance ends up putting them 3-4 levels or even more behind. Perhaps Jungle XP needs to be looked at?

    submitted by /u/feedmegears
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    The ranked rewards merch are so scuffed.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:28 AM PST

    I bought the hoodie with my rank on it and it arrived today. For $100 in total, the quality is so abysmal. I opened it and the hoodie is ridiculously thin and the zipper already broke when I unzipped it the first time! Furthermore, why is my IGN so high up, right below the line of the hood line!? If I hang my hood down, half the rank icon isn't even visible!

    What the heck!

    edit: Is it because I purposely bought an iron jacket for the memes that it's such in poor quality? Should I have bought the challenger jacket instead ?! Does quality increase as it goes up in rank?

    edit: Front (icon is super small) | Back (Tried it on, this is how much the rank is covered on the hood + unseeable IGN)

    Super thin + LQ. Sorry for my camera quality being on par with this hoodie.

    submitted by /u/Yiira
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    Apparently when you get level 30 it shows that you unlock Twisted Treeline 3v3 Ranked

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:16 AM PST


    So, I finally got level 30 on my second account. Then I was shown this screen. It is really funny that Riot didn't get rid of 3v3 ranked being shown as unlocked once you hit 30.

    submitted by /u/xXKingRobertXx
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    Pyke pull gets his entire team stunned

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:47 AM PST

    Playing Annie made me realise how bad im at this game (high plat)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    I have to give it to LS, playing Annie does make you way more aware of the game as a whole. you are playing Annie you have dont really have anything to prove so you dont really try to win lane and instead focus on the game as a whole.

    she relies on Flash to make plays so you quickly learn how to not greedy for kills and actually play for objectives, she has very good roams and no way of fucking them up so you learn how to impact other lanes.

    And overall not having to worry about mechanics at all make you more aware of the minimap and you realise how bad you are for not doing that when playing other champions.

    TLDR: Annie good LS was right

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    Insane display of synergy rarely seen outside of pro-play

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:49 PM PST

    KDA maid cafe fanart

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:29 PM PST

    Interview with GorillA: "Recently, I began to wonder ... Whether I'm slowly away from people's memories. [...] I want to succeed and show everyone I'm still going strong. Smeb is taking a break at the moment. I want to succeed, so I can tell Smeb, proudly, that if I can succeed so can he."

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:40 AM PST

    Swain's Prophecies - Taking a look again at Swain's Interactions

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:20 AM PST

    I was looking backwards for a time and realized something that may be intentional or not, but probably is. Swain's interactions, mostly soul gathering ones, hinted at things. And would you look at that, they are really explained to us. Whatever was teased has come. So from now, where can we get to? We may look at Swain's interactions and predict what content may come in the next year and years!

    What did we get, which was already vaguely teased by Swain?

    • Fragment from Ashe: She claimed it was the Frost Queen's grave. They believed her...

    While this information was shown to us as expected, we did get a series of Ashe comic. We've seen how she got the bow and how she became the Warmother. How she found the "Frost Queen's grave".

    • Fragment from Bilgewater: They fight the mist above the seas, never looking beneath.

    I think this is about Pyke and the Swimming City. Pyke was the next champion after Kai'sa, so it only reinforces my guess!

    • Fragment from Cassiopeia: Payment of her suffering in Shurima, a Black Rose.

    Not much but Cass got a bio update about how she got involved with Black Rose and transformed into what she is now. Not we're looking for though, a bio update is too small.

    • Fragment from Freljordian: They squabble as the winds howl and the wards fade.

    I don't really remember why I added this one but I think it's because of the story "The Eye in the Abyss" and generally the Freljord story continuation we had. Didn't we had a Lissandra bio update with Nunu&Willump which focused on this particular subject? We had... That was the reason.

    • Fragment from Galio: His secrets died with his sculptor...

    It seems they didn't! Sylas has discovered how to use his powers the way he wants thanks to Lux, and thanks to the book Durand left behind. Though indeed we don't know how he came to be alive.

    • Fragment from Garen: Ignorant of the very magic you carry into battle. How Demacian.

    It was always a two way between if Garen was a mage or only that his equipment contained some magic, maybe even that petricide itself was magical. But this was shown in the comic and used by Sylas against him. We can take a deep breath now that Garen is not a mage, only his equipment because of petricide contains some.

    • Fragment from Kassadin: So he's heard the rumours, the girl who came back...

    Obviously as guessed from that time, this is referring to the girl who totally is not Kassadin's daughter. She was the right next release after Swain and over all because how straight it was, it's basically a confirmation. But it was confirmed with Swain.

    • Fragment from Riven: She held their hands as they died, hoping they would drag her with them.

    Not much, like Cass one, but it did lead to the Confessions of a Broken Blade, one of the only consecutive stories that made a major progression in story.

    • Taunt against Piltover: The truth beneath the gilding. Only war, can bring profit.

    Now this a bit of a stretch but we know they've been working on Ixtal for a looooooong time. I think it was ThermalKitten herself who said they've been holding themselves back from revealing stuff about new region back in 2018 PAX Q&A. So I don't think it's impossible to assume it was about how Piltover claimed "war" to Ixtal for resources.

    • Fragment from Warwick: She was closer than he realized.

    Who are the champions Warwick is connected to?

    • Fragment from Jinx: Faces... fading in the flames... It was all her fault.

    What show are we getting next year? In what setting and with which champions? EXACTLY!

    All those happened as foretold by Swain, but what may we get next year?

    • Fragment from Aurelion Sol: What is this about... siblings?

    Even after 4 Targon releases this year, we didn't get much Targon info. This seems like a big deal and it'd be nice if we got some hints through bio updates... Stay strong my Targonian friends.

    • Fragment from Camille: My-my, does your dear grandniece know what "C" has been up to?

    Same with Warwick and Jinx fragments but I put it here because we don't know if Caitlyn or Camille will be in the show. We did see a picture of Caitlyn with her family in the teaser though.

    • Fragment from Fiora: She spurned so many suitors... A wonder they did not see why.

    All the Demacian content this year sadly skipped most of the Demacians. We are yet to see the reason of this interaction. I saw many people speculating it's because Fiora is interested in woman instead and it makes sense to me. But still, we won't know for sure until further notice.

    • Fragment from Ionian: Magic spills from their land like blood from a wound.

    What I'm interested here is the comparison. "Blood from a wound". It's pouring into our world without stop. Again, why? How? What happened in the first lands even before titans from the sky descended?

    • Fragment from Kalista: The first oath, the one she made to him...

    I was wondering where to put this because while this may of course refer to Ruined King... Can't it also refer to Ledros? We shall see, in the Ruined King game perhaps?

    • Fragment from Katarina: He asked her to do what she could not. To kill me.

    Two interpretations of this one. Either General Du Couteau asked Katarina to kill Swain, which was failed by "she" OR General Du Couteau asked Katarina to kill Swain, which Katarina failed. I am still in debt of the person that opened my eyes to the second interpretation, which I believe is the correct one. But one thing is for sure. Katarina's father wanted Swain dead. After supporting his coup, why? Maybe he decided to honor the coup to not get exposed but then again... why? He isn't even approached by the Black Rose. His own wife, Soreana, was trying to hide from him. They didn't even try. Where does General stand in this equation?

    • Taunt against enemy Katarina:Do they know who killed your father? Or do they still blame me?

    This hurts my heart. I STILL DON'T BELIEVE GENERAL IS DEAD AND IT'S CONFIRMED DIRECTLY IN A VOICE INTERACTION :( But if he is... How? Just questions and questions... But that's why this post is for. Half of the interactions have been hinting at things that happened or will happen soon(like Arcane).

    • Fragment from Poppy: So many obsessed with the hero, tell me of the hammer.

    Hammer of Orlon, founder of Demacia. Gave the hammer to his friend, Poppy and she marches on to honor his friends dying wish without looking to herself. But as Swain says... what is so special about the hammer? Who made it? Who gave it to Orlon?

    • Fragment from Shadow Isles: A king remains in the mist, and another marches...

    Back in the day we thought this was referring to Ruined King and Mordekaiser. But now? I have no idea besides it was retconned. Mordekaiser was still thought to be connected to Shadow Isles when they made Swain rework, it's my best guess. A lot of things changed while Mordekaiser was in development for rework.

    • Fragment from Vastayan: Those born of magic rarely realize it's curse, until it is too late.

    We have yet another Vastayan coming but there was Neeko at the end of 2018, Neeko. Was the cataclysm that came to their island because of this curse? Or is it something we can't even predict?

    • Fragment from Void: A pattern, spreading... It has learnt to be alive.

    As said by /u/SSMBBlueWisp we don't have much Void content. In 2019 we only got Kha'zix color story and it was told by the eyes of Rengar! Here's to hoping this monster champion is a void creature and fills in the blanks a bit about the Void in 2020.

    • Taunt against enemy Darius: It was only a matter of time Darius. Do what you must.

    What will Swain do to make Darius change sides? We currently only saw him as respective and loyal to Swain.

    • Taunt against ally Darius:Your trust may be misplaced old friend, but it is appreciated.

    What are you planning Swain...

    • Taunt against enemy Demacian:All roads lead to Noxus, but all visions, to Demacia...

    There are world runes in the forests of Demacia, hidden by Ryze. There is of course Petricite which is a valuable asset. But why does his visions lead to Demacia? Is the secret to defeating the dark fate he fears can be prevented by something in Demacia?

    • Taunt against enemy Urgot:Your message is your power. You have learned nothing.

    There is another reason Swain sent Urgot to Zaun other than preventing him from interfering the coup. What? We still don't know.

    These are the ones I found to be hinting at something/hinted and came true. Of course Swain has a lot more interactions than these. So, what y'all think? Which one of the future ones are gonna be eliminated by Riot next, or will they?

    submitted by /u/Lewanor
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    My Illustrations related to LoL in 2019

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:26 AM PST

    My Illustrations related to LoL in 2019

    Sayonara bye bye 2019 and happy new year 2020!
    This is B.c.N.y. Sadly I am not a LMS fan anymore because LMS is disbanded lol.

    I think it might be a good time to review my illustrations related to LoL in 2019 since I haven't posted some of them to here. Let's get it started!

    MSI seires
    I am still happy that I was able to watch the finals of MSI in person in Taipei where I lived! It was also excited to see this major event happened in my hometown.




    This is a work that showcased the performance in the finals before the games.

    I am still happy that I found the exciting idea that portrayed G2 crowned as the champion with its logo.

    Worlds 2019 series
    >>Group stages
    I thought the games in group stages are the most exciting games in every worlds. Although LMS teams were not that bad, I was sad that no one could get through the group stages successfully.





    After group stages, it's getting harder and harder to draw since there are too many things happened in one series of games. With the limited time and space, I have to figure out what to draw, what should be focused the most.








    \FPX/ \FPX/ \FPX/


    Although LMS is gone, I am still going to watch PCS, the new league with 5 teams from LMS. and see what will happen next.

    Another thing I want to share, even though the work wasn't made in 2019, my Annie illustration had been displayed in game during the League 10 yrs Anniversary Event! It was super cool to see my own work in the actual game!


    And here is the original work:


    If you have any feedback on my works, welcome to leave your comment. Hope you like the works!
    You can find more on my art on:

    See you next time >__'

    submitted by /u/bcny
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    Poro ate me just before i died and the camera stayed zoomed out for the rest of the game. Was i cheating?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:08 AM PST

    Why Wukong Yuumi ADC is good [Dong Huap]

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:28 AM PST

    Playing a game without an ADC is fun for like 15 minutes until you realize you don't have an ADC

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:02 PM PST

    For how "garbage" ADCs are it sure is hard to win a game without one

    Unless you have someone like Ziggs, Syndra, or Cassiopeia bot who can keep up with the dps an ADC provides you will get outscaled so goddamn fast.

    Yeah your mage bot lane might have killed Caitlyn a few times but she's gonna be laughing her way to your nexus as she kills your entire team with a few headshot procs

    Goes to show that ranged crit champions will always ranged superior no matter what

    submitted by /u/DeadNames
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    Hanwha Life Esports vs. Afreeca Freecs / KeSPA Cup 2019 - Quarter-Final / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:32 AM PST

    KESPA CUP 2019

    Official page | Leaguepedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    Hanwha Life Esports 1-2 Afreeca Freecs

    AF | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Twitter | Facebook
    HLE | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

    MATCH 1: AF vs. HLE

    Winner: Afreeca Freecs in 33m
    Match History | Game Breakdown | MVP: Kiin

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    AF yuumi heimerdinger cassiopeia ekko quinn 63.8k 23 10 C1 H2 M3 I4 I7 B8
    HLE miss fortune akali xayah thresh zoe 51.4k 6 3 H5 I6
    AF 23-6-39 vs 6-23-16 HLE
    Kiin lucian 2 10-1-5 TOP 2-3-2 1 ryze CuVee
    Spirit qiyana 2 6-2-6 JNG 1-4-4 3 lee sin Haru
    Fly syndra 1 2-1-7 MID 2-6-2 2 nautilus Tempt
    Mystic jhin 3 4-1-12 BOT 1-3-4 1 varus Lava
    Jelly tahmkench 3 1-1-9 SUP 0-7-4 4 senna Lehends

    MATCH 2: HLE vs. AF

    Winner: Hanwha Life Esports in 30m
    Match History | Game Breakdown | MVP: Tempt

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    HLE lucian tahmkench akali renekton pantheon 62.5k 24 11 O3 H4 B6 I7 B8
    AF cassiopeia yuumi syndra quinn camille 46.6k 6 1 C1 H2 I5
    HLE 24-6-53 vs 6-24-12 AF
    CuVee aatrox 3 5-2-11 TOP 3-5-0 4 hecarim Kiin
    Haru qiyana 2 3-0-8 JNG 1-5-3 1 elise Dread
    Tempt rumble 2 6-1-11 MID 1-4-2 3 zoe Fly
    Lava miss fortune 1 10-2-8 BOT 1-6-3 2 varus Mystic
    Lehends rakan 3 0-1-15 SUP 0-4-4 1 braum Jelly

    MATCH 3: HLE vs. AF

    Winner: Afreeca Freecs in 33m
    Match History | Game Breakdown | MVP: Spirit

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    HLE lucian akali nautilus rumble camille 52.6k 4 4 M1 H2
    AF syndra cassiopeia miss fortune morgana senna 63.1k 15 11 I3 C4 B5 C6 B7 C8
    HLE 4-15-6 vs 15-4-35 AF
    CuVee aatrox 3 2-4-1 TOP 0-0-9 3 ornn Kiin
    Haru elise 1 0-3-3 JNG 5-1-7 1 qiyana Spirit
    Tempt pantheon 2 2-6-1 MID 7-1-5 4 orianna Fly
    Lava heimerdinger 2 0-1-0 BOT 2-2-4 1 xayah Mystic
    Lehends yuumi 3 0-1-1 SUP 1-0-10 2 rakan BEN

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

    submitted by /u/epicxkidzorz
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    Arcsecond on why new Diana tilts him and why it won't be played in competitive

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:44 PM PST

    Actually sad that Atlus and LS have no information what is going on regarding the massive delay (KESPA cup)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:08 AM PST

    Audio issues for over an hour is really unacceptable in this day and age. The casters are just being left out to dry and can't do/say anything apart from putting it to an ad break...

    Edit: Apparently LS is sick now.

    Edit 2: Cancelled today xD

    Edit 3: Its back on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsoE1RSKLI0 after midnight Korean time lol

    submitted by /u/Previous_Advertising
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    Heard you guys like funny Skarner ult interactions

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:46 PM PST

    Mundo goes where he pleases (D1 NA)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:26 AM PST

    Mind Numbing Rammus Outplay.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:36 PM PST

    yeah i'm liking the new diana rework

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:45 PM PST

    "We Are The Champions" - Doinb - The Players Tribune

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:54 AM PST

    What did you spend your free 400RP when you first started playing the game?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:05 PM PST

    I was the biggest noob and didn't know what skins were so when I saw karma on sale from 785 rp down to 385rp instantly bought here having no clue what she does, just because it seemed like a good deal.

    submitted by /u/LiquidPoachedEggs
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