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    Tuesday, December 31, 2019

    LoL Guide Happy New Year.

    LoL Guide Happy New Year.

    Happy New Year.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:44 AM PST

    Hey guys, it's /u/Carlboison here again.

    As the year of 2019 is coming to a close the mod team and I would want to wish you all a happy new year.

    In the year that has gone by we have had a lot of things happen. For starters we have had a great set of AMAs from players wanting and willing to take some time out of thier day to discuss different topics with us. See them all here on our wiki in case you missed some.

    Earlier this month the subreddit actually reached 300k Subscribers. That is turning out to be just above 6 million page views per month, that is almost the double the number of page views compared to the start of the year. While we don't have the fastest growth of subscribers, the actual amount of discussion and interaction you all have with each other is pretty amazing.

    As always we will also be participaing in the "Best of" in different categories where we can look back on and award some of the best things that was to offer the subreddit during 2019. So please look forward to that.

    On a personal level while I am happy with the year that has been and look forward to all the things next year have to offer I won't be here to discuss it with you all.

    As the years have gone by I have decided to step down as owner/headmoderator/moderator of the subreddit. I do this becuase while I am still the same person I was when I joined the creator of the subreddit, /u/rsjac, and his moderator team almost 7 years ago I am no longer able to give it all the attention it and you deserve.

    So what I leave you with is /u/KeonkwaiJinkwai and a great set of people both willing and passionate about the subreddit who I know will together with everyone engaged in the subreddit make this a great thing.

    Again, thanks to everyone who posts, comments, helps and challenge each other here in order to make one another the best you can be.

    submitted by /u/Carlboison
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    When running away from Yasuo, Irelia, or Rengar, keep their situational mobility in mind. (+some other advice about running away)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:40 PM PST

    Some tips on running away:

    • When running away from a Yasuo, you should usually try to stay away from allied minions so that he cannot E through them. Here is an example of me running away from a Yasuo, where, if I ran back to my tower through the lane, I would have died.

      This tip also sometimes applies to an enemy Irelia, who can Q through minions to reach you (If she is not too weak relative to the game time, she will be able to Q reset off of ranged minions, even if they are full health). It can also apply to an enemy Wukong in an especially long chase, since Wukong's E is a relatively cooldown if he buys some cdr, and can be used to dash to your minions to get closer to you.

    • When running away from a Rengar (frequently, when he uses his ult), you should usually try to stay away from bushes. My friend is a diamond Rengar main, and apparently it is common for players, even in diamond+, to misplay and run through/toward/near bushes, when trying to escape a Rengar.

    • If you are a champion with ranged auto attacks or ranged abilities, and you are running from someone who bought the item Boots of Mobility and/or took the rune Relentless Hunter, then you should consider trying to damage them occasionally to disable the passive bonus move speed for 5 seconds.

      This is more important against mobi boots than it is against relentless hunter, because mobi boots give +90 more move speed out of combat than they do in combat, whereas relentless hunter only gives +10 to +55 move speed out of combat.

      It's worth noting that some abilities can disable an enemy champion's mobi boots even if they don't deal any damage. These include Anivia's W, Bard's R, Trundle's E, and Ezreal's W.

      This tip about keeping the enemy champion in combat can also be relevant when facing an Evelynn or a Taliyah, because of their passives. Evelynn's passive is disabled for 1.5 seconds after taking damage, and Taliyah's passive is disabled for 2 seconds after taking damage.

      In the case of running away from a Rengar who has Relentless Hunter, you should keep in mind that damaging him to disable the move speed bonus will also allow him to preserve any ferocity he has accrued.

    I would include champions like Camille and Talon here, since their Es are wall-dependent mobility abilities ... but honestly, "stay away from walls" isn't always feasible advice.

    When laning against Camille, you can try to stay near the middle of the lane. You will still be within range of Camille's E, no matter what, but you can give yourself more time to react to it, and hopefully avoid being hit by it.

    The main idea is to keep the enemy champions' situational mobility in mind. This sounds obvious, but even good players who have played the game for years sometimes do not do this.

    submitted by /u/TwitchTV-Zubin
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    If you want to learn more about positioning in lane, click this!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST


    A lot of people struggle with positioning and understanding when they should shift their positioning to gain advantages in their lane. So I figured that I'd make a short and sweet guide for this that covers only the important things for you, so you can spend less time seeking advice and more time improving!


    If you have any thoughts or questions, let me know and I'll respond within at most a few hours!

    submitted by /u/Elodere
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    My friend is bad

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 02:58 PM PST

    My friend is bad. Terribly bad.

    My brother and I introduced him to league 5 months ago or so and he decided to main support. My brother and I are both around gold elo, but my friend just can't seem to understand the game at all. He's level 50, so he's not new, but his mechanics are terrible and his game sense even more so. He's falling in ranked even though he gains 3x the lp per win in bronze 4. He'll hit maybe 10% of his hooks, and has no idea how to trade in lane at all. He's sitting at a 25% win rate with his main champs.

    The worst part is, he really wants to improve. He'll watch challenger support videos or corejj and then try to implement higher level strategies when he needs to focus on the really really basic stuff, like not accidentally ulting 20% of the time when he places a ward, or just using his abilities in general, so all these extra videos are making it harder for him to improve. He usually has a rough idea of what he needs to do, but can't excecute at all or he'll forget he has an ability or something and panic spam during fights.

    His play is sometimes harder to watch than saltyteemo, and it sucks because he got carried in 2 of his placements and is stuck in bronze, and he doesn't want to make a new account. He gets flamed in almost every ranked game, and I'm really lost as to what I can do. His highest score ever was a B+ for gods sake. We've tried to get him to practice csing in practice tool with us before a game, but he still doesn't really seem to be getting better even with his incredible mental game and willingness to learn.

    What can I do?

    EDIT: I don't want to link his op.gg because I know he browses the sub, but if someone wants to dm me I'll give them a link

    submitted by /u/needs_more_rice
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    How Do You Beat Diana After The Recent Patch

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:10 AM PST

    I'm leveling an account to 30 after taking a short break from the game. I'm not the kind of player to say, " Oh ThAt'S sO bRoKeN." So after getting one shot by her within the time I was cc'd by her pull, I thought about counterplay. I sat there for about 10 minutes wondering what I could do. It first happened around 20-25 minutes, and I was playing Teemo top after mid lane LB fed her. I was around 10/1. I'm more just curious on what I could have done in this situation? I can post the .rofl file if needed.

    Edit: typo

    submitted by /u/Anon27651
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    A good few questions about vision and wards

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:32 PM PST

    1. Can farsight wards be seen even if they're in brush (that you aren't also in)? If no, couldn't you just fill the enemy jungle's brushes with blue wards and nobody would be the wiser until they stepped into their brush?

    2. How large is a control ward's "disable and reveal" range? I'm having trouble visualizing it. Is it about the same as the sweeper trinket?

    3. Does CDR affect trinket cooldowns? If no, is there a way to get faster wards without buying a support item?

    4. Who's job is it to deny enemy vision? Given that supports are the only people that can ward with a non-trinket item, using sweeper on anyone else seems like a bad idea because you can only use pink wards to ward.

    5. What influences vision score? Is it just wards placed + wards destroyed + control wards bought or something like that?

    6. Do enemy turrets reveal/disable friendly wards? (They have true sight and reveal camo so yes?)

    7. Should green wards always be placed in bushes, or is placing them in the open good too?

    8. How do you get deep vision of the enemy jungle safely? I've tried in the past, but often the enemy jungler + a random laner comes and kills me.

    9. Is it worth it to ward your own jungle? If so, when/why/where?

    10. Do control wards instantly disable green/blue wards placed inside their range, or is there a delay? (EG green ward placed into baron pit where a control ward is - do they see baron for a split second?) If yes, does sweeper instantly disable? Would a control warded area require another control ward to gain vision?

    11. Can any champion shield a ward to prevent it from being destroyed?

    Thanks to anyone who can answer some/all of these. :)

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    How do I turret dive properly?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:25 AM PST

    Could anyone explain to me how to turret dive properly? I am a gold jungle main and I heard that diving is always a viable form of ganking. However, whenever I go for these types of ganks, they always feel super awkward in the way they are executed. Are there any general tips to go along with this? Also, when should I flash to drop the turret agro? I can never get the timing right.

    Thank you for the help!

    submitted by /u/BarcodeCutter
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    Ok how am I supposed to build Jax?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:43 AM PST

    From what I understand tri force is god but I feel like I'm not buying it. What's wrong with bork? Or rageblade? Those items provide insane tank busting stats and increase his R dmg bc of attack speed.

    and why do I need titanic Hydra again? Just for the waveclear ? Isnt the 1v1 threat more better ? I think there are better items.

    So what items should I be getting? and more of his situational builds

    tldr: I don't feel like tri force titanic Hydra is god and I want to explore other builds for different sit. My problem is mostly teamfights

    submitted by /u/sjsjsjsjssakososs
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    ADC how to do anything vs assassins or heavy dive

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Okay so I am a plat 3 adc player and i mainly play Caitlyn. I feel against certain champions or team comps that I just get exploded instantly even if I itemize defensively with ninja tabi, pd and a chainvest. Specific champions I struggle to play against include: Rengar, Master Yi, Kha'zix, blue Kayn, Irelia, Tryndamere, Ekko, Graves, Hecarim and AP Malphite. I also struggle vs heavy dive compositions like Nautilus, Vi, Lee sin or Jax plus one or more assassin. For example, Master Yi is a common pick and in teamfights he can run straight at me and I cant outrun him because of his ult and then he can dodge the first cc anyone throws out because of his alpha strike - and if I am the one alpha striked i'm dead in literally 2 autos. Sometimes if you flash you can outplay the Yi but it has a 5 minute cooldown and he can also flash if he has it up. I am wondering what other adc players do vs Master Yi because it feels like he only has to do a basic combination of R and one alpha strike in order to completely shut down an adc whereas I think that I have to basically hope somebody will peel for me which is out of my control anyways.

    I also seem to do poorly against highly mobile champs like kha'zix, kayn or hecarim who have outplay mechanics from invisibility, invulnerability and immunity to cc combined with high movespeed or huge gapclosers. Its a similar thing where if these champs get close to you, it becomes very hard to do anything because you cant even auto back due to invisibility from kha'zix while his Q comes off cooldown or Kayn while he ults you.

    To be clear i'm not trying to complain - I am just trying to make it clear what i'm find it hard to play against, i'm just wondering how I can play better vs these champs/comps because I do a lot better in games without these champs but I understand that learning to play against these champions is super important for improving.

    submitted by /u/weewuh
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    Is "Don't attack towers unless you're certain it's free" good advice?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:31 PM PST

    I'm a long-time league player but a new ADC. I've been watching videos online to help understand how to play the role correctly and I stumbled on this video by xFSN Saber from Dec 2018 (Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EUUH28FLJU). One of the main points he makes in the video is that you should never attack a tower unless you're certain that you won't get engaged on. That seems sensible enough, but he emphasized it a lot, saying that you should really only be doing it when the enemy is dead. He even said "You should treat hitting the tower like starting dragon randomly-- you just don't do it". How seriously should this advice be taken? I understand playing safe but I feel like there are times when it makes sense to take shots at the tower. I think it's sensible to attack the tower if you have good ward coverage and can back up before getting ganked, if the enemy are in base and you can get a free plating, or if you're crashing a big wave on the enemy tower and you can get free tower hits while the enemy tries to CS.

    submitted by /u/GabeSteffe
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    What’s the use of the Jungle in Summoner’s Rift 5v5? Also, what’s the use of buying things in the shop/how do we use items from the shop?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:06 AM PST

    Hello! Sort of a newbie here. I usually fight in the mid-lane with Ahri. After taking a pretty long break from LoL (i only played like 5-7 times?) I decided to start LoL again, this time with a new account for a fresh start. However, there are some things I still don't get. What importance is there for the Jungle? Also, what's the use of buying things in the shop if I can't use them? Is there a way to use them? What is the importance of each item?

    Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/oneredlelmon
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    “At least I won lane”

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:52 AM PST

    I'm a classic case of a low elo (Gold 1) player that tunnel visions on lane dominance and fighting, only to keep getting successfully ganked, and get caught out multiple times over-extending in general, even after laning phase.

    I KNOW I need to ward more and have more map awareness, but I keep telling myself "I can kill this guy 😂." Along with playing more carefully in general, are there other practical tips someone could give about warding/vision control and just not getting caught out all the time?

    (I play mainly Mid lane Viktor, Fizz and Mordekaiser if that means anything)

    submitted by /u/redsolocupss
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    Normal too easy, ranked too hard, any suggestions?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:21 PM PST

    Hey all, I'm a 'half-casual' player, as in I play for fun but my idea of fun is a bit higher skill level than just playing normals. But just a bit higher, and I'm noticing ranked is very intense and people are extremely serious, too serious for my clown-foolery and wanting to experiment and just overall lightness. So on one end, people throw and give up way too fast and are often inexperienced in normals so I feel it's not enough of a challenge, but then in ranked people are so uptight (I understand why) and so serious that that doesn't work for me either, and while I enjoy a harder game every now and then to get better I don't like being that 1 guy that drags everyone down because I'm only half-committed to being the very best ever, which is how ranked feels. They say you shouldn't be the smartest guy in the room (because you're not learning) if you want to grow, but I feel bad being the dumbest guy in the room, or on my team, as that does negatively impact my team, but how else can I get better? Does anyone have any idea what I can do or what game mode to play?

    submitted by /u/hox_blastien
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    Is it okay for laners to take jungle camps early-mid game?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:49 AM PST

    So I'm a jungle main, and all the time whenever my laners roam they usually farm my creeps. This is usually in the early-midgame, where monster hunter doesn't let me farm minions effectively. I just don't know if I should be telling them to stop or if its an okay thing. (I'm in gold)

    submitted by /u/Raz48
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    How do I determine which champion is best for a particular game

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:56 AM PST

    So for a little backstory, I'm diamond 2 and I've been diamond for few years. I've been playing league for at least seven years and I have a huge champion pool. I can play any role and a LOT of champions. Even vs. Counters or hard matchups I usually win Lane, because I'm a heavily mechanic based player. though, I feel like if I chose better champions games would be much easier. does anyone have suggestions on choosing my champion besides just looking on lol counter or something? I don't necessarily want to counterpick my Lane, but I want to learn how to pick the most effective champion for my team and against the enemy team.

    submitted by /u/nilesh
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    How To Play Support (Potential Resource For You)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:20 PM PST

    Due to the lack of resources for support players that want to either learn the role or improve at it, I have started a "How to Play Support" Series. I peaked Grandmasters 200 LP in Season 9 and have been playing support since Season 4 so I believe that I can help provide valuable information to the general community.

    If you are interested in learning how to play support check out my first episode here: https://youtu.be/X0fa4WE_vSw

    submitted by /u/BlitzoIogy
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    No matter how much I play, can't seem to improve at Warwick

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 02:56 PM PST

    So I'm a very casual player at league but have just started playing more seriously and consistently recently. I first started playing about a year ago, been really on and off ever since.

    Warwick's always been my main. But when I first started playing, MANY matches would go like this: I'd farm, around lvl 10-12 get life steal and attack speed items, and be super OP. Carrying and S rankings weren't uncommon.

    Nowadays, I struggle to even stay a few kills above my deaths. Most games I get 6-10 kills and equal or a few away from equal deaths. Compared to the 20+ I used to get. When I get a score like that these days it's super rare and always because the other team is pretty bad.

    I jungle, seem to keep up pretty decent in terms of levelling, but usually struggle at ganking lanes pre lvl 6-10. At the end of the game my CS is always high. So other than that I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I would've thought a year of experience, even if it is on and off, would make me much better than I am rn.

    submitted by /u/WhattDoIDoDood
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    Best strategy for junglers that are being invaded?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 02:30 PM PST

    Scenario: You're being invaded and can't beat the enemy jungler. Your team isn't helping you. What is the best thing you can do?

    I personally try to ward my jungle as much as possible to avoid dying and try to farm safely. However, if you fall behind as a jungler in the current meta, it's very hard to come back. What are the best strategies?

    submitted by /u/HellenicLady
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    Is there such a thing as too many control wards?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    I am a Gold support main and I've always been of firm belief that vision control wins games. I often forfeit buying early items like ruby crystal, boots and pots if it means I can get 2 pink wards on a back.

    One of my more recent games I noticed I bought 17 pinks in 40 minutes. Most of my games I buy 10-13 pinks every game and I wonder if I should tone it down a tiny bit?

    submitted by /u/Senna_best_waifu
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    Wave management as a Support

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:29 AM PST

    Recently been playing off-role as a support on a smurf because I love the agency and game impact you have with engages and peeling. While playing I noticed I often had a better understanding of wave management than my ADC, and despite me pinging or typing that we should freeze/shove the wave they dont always listen.

    A recent scenario (In mid gold elo) is early into the game we manage to get a double kill, but have a large creep wave as opposed to their smaller one. I ping to push the wave so we can crash the large wave and have the next couple stack and bounce back, as leaving it would set up a big freeze and we would deny ourselves almost 2 waves of xp/gold. As both of us are low hp I undertsand the urge to back, but seeing the enemy J4 show topside and given the enemy syndra is visible mid it would in theory be safe to push. Now that my adc has recalled despite my pings to shove what should I do? I know the best play is to shove and to not would be throwing our lead, but is that the best play as a support, or should I leave the wave and let it freeze for the opponent?

    I understand conceptually the right play (being a midlaner) is to push it on my own, but my stubborn adc might think otherwise and proceed to tilt/grief because I took the cs. What do I do as a support?

    submitted by /u/reRiul
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    Is there any value in playing in a higher mmr than I belong?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:47 AM PST

    I don't play ranked. Maybe I'll try to get into it some other day, but right now, I play norms almost exclusively. I right now sit at iron 1 in rank, after getting fed up with toxicity after losing 5 games. In norms, I generally get placed with gold players, and I can do pretty well. However I have friends that are mid diamond. When I play with them, it matches me vs someone wayy better than I am. Should I do this more? I feel like I could learn more from these guys than I do from fighting gold players. Is it worth the frustration?

    submitted by /u/Caelanv
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    How to play Cho'gath

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    So just like the title says I just picked up Cho'gath and was wondering if anyone had any tips. I play him top like normal but it's been hard for me to keep up level wise and I never know when to use feast or any combos so those would really be appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Mumphord123
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    Wit's End on ADC

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:36 AM PST

    okay so wits end has always been a shit item on adcs. ive always thought there was no circumstance which it should be bought, but, in kespa cup today Teddy bought wits end...

    it was against a magic damage heavy lineup, but, were there really no better options?

    open discussion about wits end in general, i just want some opinions

    submitted by /u/Feed3r_Her3
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    Multiple Cloak of Agilitys on ADCs. Why and when?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:36 AM PST

    I've seen and heard it couple of times that after the first crit item, 3 cloaks are a valid build for some ADCs.

    Why is that build useful, on which ADCs is that good and when should I think about building it?

    I hope that's enough information! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Steinechse
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