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    Friday, May 22, 2020

    LoL Guide Pro tip: always trade

    LoL Guide Pro tip: always trade

    Pro tip: always trade

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Your first pick got hard counter? Hard counter tgeir secondpick.

    Enemy got dragon control? Go for herald.

    Opponents jungler camping bot? Go and camp top or if u cant take his jungle.

    Is your laner roaming? Take turret platings

    Whatever happens ALWAY trade back something. If you just keep last hiting while the enemy outrades you constantly that will decide the game.

    submitted by /u/hefnertes
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    How do I end games before 30 minutes?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Hey I'm a bronze kat main and I like to jump at enemy bronze player and do dagger stuff and take first blood. Then I farm them. Easy lemons. I don't know what to do next. What do I prioritize once I'm fed? Do I keep winning fights and feeding myself further? Do i spam ping my team to take drake even without a key enemy down? Do I pressure other lanes? Even when I'm fed I can't splitpush, so when can me/my team push turrets and end game? What is the absolute best use of my snowball? No matter how fed I get I always manage to drag games way out.

    submitted by /u/Shabix
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    How To Land More Skillshots Using The Z-Axis

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Hi Guys! Moodies here, some of you may have seen my Nidalee Zhonya's Mechanic video that got posted here a few days ago. I just released Part 2 of the Advanced Nidalee Guide Series which covers some skillshot and hitbox mechanics. This video is much more useful to non-Nidalee players, as all of these tips apply no matter what champion you're using!


    This video covers the basics of League of Legends' Z-Axis and how to alter the aim of your skillshots to avoid those annoying moments where they go right through enemy champions!

    If there is an elevation differential between you and the enemy champion:
    * Identify if you're on the low or high ground
    * If on the high ground: aim ABOVE the enemy champion
    * If on the low ground: aim BELOW the enemy champion

    edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/MoodiesNA
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    How do I become less of a coward?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I play top bruisers. So the issue is that I occasionally don't participate in team fights if I feel like it just not winnable. I will only go in if I'm certain we can come off on top, usually when we are ahead. Often I've seen some stupid plays and I've held back, the 4 of them got wiped out immediately and they question mark ping me, in this situation I feel more validated but it's also happened where I've held back and the 4 of them have died but the enemy team are on low health and I know I should have gone in.

    Is there a rule or is it really too up in the air and match dependant, does it just come with experience?

    submitted by /u/krushyn
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    Why do other players get upset if you don't play a champion in a certain position?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I'm a LoL noob (Lvl 25) and I don't quite understand why other players get upset if you play a character in a position that apparently they a not supposed to be in. For example I play alot of Annie Mid and a few other ranged champs, but sometimes I get filled into Top, and I don't know any "Top Lane" champions, so I just pick Annie, I instantly get flamed by my teammates for doing so.

    Why does it matter?

    I understand that Top lane is meant for tankier champions, but surely if you can play really well on that character, it shouldn't matter what champion you pick. Especially as I'm not able to play ranked yet.

    Apologies if this has been asked before. I did try searching about it.


    submitted by /u/Pilbzz
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    Dealing with trolls

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT


    I love LoL, i've been improving my playing since last season, reaching Plat 4 from G4 in 120 games (not the best WR but I'm happy AF) because I improved my mentality. I'm not a toxic player, never rage and always positive about the game, I only use chat to type important things or to make my TM happier (like "wp", "we got this", etc). Even I don't care about losing because I know the fails I commit while playing. I've an excel table and I type things I did bad and what to improve next for everygame.

    The problem is when my teammates troll. This is the only thing that has a negative response on me. I think I interiorize all of the feelings about this, and I start to feel bad, not only with the game I feel bad IRL, reaching the point to even stop playing for 3 months this year.

    I really like this game, I want to keep improving my gameplay, and my mindset. I always try to win, even when someone troll because MAYBE they start playing the game, so who knows! Until one nexus go off, anyone can win! but seeing people suiciding, or being afk at fountain... It hurts. and make me stop playing forever.

    I have /all chat disable because I think is useless to talk with the enemy, and I have a really fast mute from my teammates (lol), the only problem I have is how do I deal with people who don't want to win. I'm talking about a few games, not all the time, (maybe 4 in 120 games) but the effect is strong on me.

    thanks you in advance.

    submitted by /u/DeloElCabeza
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    I reviewed my friend's replay and I learned how difficult and rewarding coaching can be.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpV_oovXYyQ

    I've seen a bunch of coaching content out there where the coaches know exactly what to say immediately after they spot a mistake or a good a play in a replay. While I was making this video, I debated with myself whether to post an actual real-time review with the epic-pen tool but found out that I couldn't construct clear and informative sentences without having to think about them for at least 5 minutes. The words just wouldn't come out of my mouth when I want them to. So I had to resort to writing a script to work with the replay.

    I guess it gets better with practice to do vod reviews real-time. But more importantly than that, I found out how helpful coaching someone else can be for your own understanding of the game. My professor in university would often tell me that a good indicator of understanding a concept is if I can efficiently teach it to someone else, which rings true in most cases. If you are a player that wants to better understand concepts like wave management, vision control and champion matchups, then an excellent way to do so is by teaching other people these same concepts until you are satisfied with the level of explanation you are giving them.

    submitted by /u/Zernos_Park
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    Why is Jayce good in high elo?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    So recently i've been watching some of theshy's jayce and decided to try him out and i kinda got shit on every single game. Was just wondering what makes him such a good toplaner and maybe I have been playing him wrong or I might just be dogshit with him idk. I just think that there are a lot of better options like kalista or lucian top if you want to be ranged.

    submitted by /u/envlightning
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    how do I play Evelynn against master Yi

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    hi, every time I play a game against master Yi as Eve I get completely stomped because when I use my E I always get hit with his Q and lose way to much health and such lose the fight, so there is nothing I can do or at least know what to do to contest the jungle pre lvl 6.
    also, i'm pretty new to the game if that wasn't obvious.

    does anyone have any tips on how to deal with him especially early?


    submitted by /u/Nuclearpepe12
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    Miss Fortune Love Tap Passive / Press the Attack Interaction

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I like to play MF. I like that her Love Tap passive helps you farm and increase poke. Everywhere I look, PTA is the preferred rune build, but doesn't that require 3 consecutive attacks on the same target? So if I'm in a teamfight and not ulting, then am I supposed to just focus one enemy until dead? Does PTA go away if I'm using lovetap? Sometimes it seems to make more sense to switch targets if I just zoned someone and they left the fight. Usually on other ADCs where I don't usually take PTA (maybe Jhin or Ashe), I just auto whoever I can to try to get the most damage off. Or sometimes priorities squishies so I can get rid of them quickly. Someone want to describe strategy of who to autoattack playing PTA MF or how to really optimize using the rune? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Squeezings1
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    thoughts on the argument for talon vs nocturne mid

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    So people mostly play talon for his waveclear and roaming potential. So much that he's getting nerfed again for it. He basically requires tiamat to waveclear now

    however we look at nocturne. an assassin like talon. With..

    a tiamat basically on his passive.

    And his Q which can hit ALL the minions that come in a straight line to him (whereas talon has to wait for them to group up to waveclear It properly.

    So from what I'm getting here. Noc waveclears better than talon without tiamat?

    and for the roaming. Noc literally has to only roam halfway to threaten his roam. The only downside to this is just based on his ultimate.

    Plus nocturne has more versatile builds as far as I know. So couldn't you just sub nocturne over talon?

    submitted by /u/ahsnakksmms
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    As a tank how am I supposed to counter Mage Healing?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Today I realized despite the rampant amount of healing in the game, there is no way for tanks to counter mage's healing. The only form of grievous wounds a tank gets is Thornmail, aaaannnddd Thornmail only procs off of Auto attacks. Who autos the least in the game? Mages. Sylas, Fiddle, Ahri, Cassiopeia, Karma, Morgana, Soraka, and Vlad are all uncounterable by tanks. But you can counter them with stacked MR, Void Staff and some of them will just keep healing and then they are basically a tank vs a tank except one actually has damage dealing abilities. SO I come to ask you wonderful people, as a tank what am I to do against mage healing?

    submitted by /u/xKosh
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    Some questions that I have.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! For context I am a platinum 4 last season player that mainly plays Katarina , Riven and Lux . This season I quit for 1 month cause of some health problems and I decided to get back into League (mainly ranked). The problem Is I can't seem to play good anymore , I lose my lanes plenty of times from stupid mistakes , I farm but still end up losing the whole game from a bad teamfight or bad baron push . What should I do ?

    I want to get better at this game but don't know where to start , any tips that I could follow?

    submitted by /u/supportisbae
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    Is it easier to improve in ranked or in casual?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I am a very new player (lvl 32) and I mainly play bot lane. As far as trying new champs or roles I always run casual as I don't want to hurt anyone's ranks with a champ I end up not liking but when it comes to improving as an adc should I be hard grinding ranked or casual? I'm a rocket league main and in rocket league ranked is the way to go but league seems to be much different. I haven't finished my placements (played 8) and It says I'm bronze 4 but for some reason every one of my games has been in silver 1 or gold 4. So I ask this question because it seems like If I keep queuing with considerably higher elo players I'll just continue to get stomped or get way too far behind early game. Should I keep running ranked or just play a couple hundred casuals until I get better ?

    submitted by /u/Gsepanik91618
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    ADC player playing it too safe.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I main ADC Kai'Sa/Xayah. Kai'Sa is my soloqueue pick or when I'm duoing when I am not playing with a support and Xayah is my duoqueue pick which I play with a premade Rakan most of the times. I am Silver 2 this season with 280 games and a 53% winrate and I was Bronze 2 last season so I improved a lot! (climbed from Iron 1 to S2 this season) But I don't know how to stop KDA wh*ring and start bringing the pain. My damage is really low but my KDA and Survivability and durability are really high. I am playing too safe in lane if I'm playing Kai'Sa because I do no damage until 2-3 item spikes, and with Xayah if I'm in a hard matchup I can't do nothing. Any tips?

    I play on EUNE and my summoner name is oLukeyy.

    submitted by /u/lukzsha
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    Katarina Discussion

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! This place seems really peaceful and extremely useful! I am a low elo kat main who has level 7 on her on 3 accs, with a total of over 350k points. I was wondering, is she still good after her recent nerf? I also want to ask you guys how to play katarina in late game,like seriously. I usually become really useless late game because I don't know what to build. I usually go full ap and the usual build on kat, I rarely buy tank items or situational ones. Please help! I also have trouble playing against nasus and tryndamere. Like they are my biggest fear...

    submitted by /u/Razvan1604
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    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Some of you might have seen this post in some champion main pages but I still haven't found my 3 champs yet. Yes, I know the rules of this page. No questions about champion pool etc. But this is the only page I can turn to really. So. Here goes.

    The reason for this post is because I've been playing league for at least 7 years now. And:

    Unfortunately I am wheelchair bound because of a disease in my muscles. This also means I have a hard time playing very mechanical champions. (Small things like self casting my abilities are already impossible for me, Orianna ctrl+E for example)

    For my hands to get used to abilities etc I have to play a champion for a long time. So. There are a few things I hope you guys can help me with:

    1: 3 top and/or midlane champions that are always viable. In every patch. Regardless of meta. 2: useful when behind/always (semi) useful? I need to know this because well, like states above. Mechanics are hard. So sometimes I will miss time flash etc.

    I hope you guys can help me^

    submitted by /u/zombiecrisps
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    Feeling helpless as support

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I'm currently trying to climb as support (bronze IV right now. Brand main, Thresh Secondary) and some games I just feel helpless. It goes well in bot, maybe have a little lead but then towards midgame I see how it has gone for the other lanes. It's either a fed mid or a fed jungle, sometimes a fed top.

    By then I just feel hopeless as a support. What do I do against that? For now it's just "well this game is a loss". Next game, same thing happens again....

    Is there anything I can do as a support? Or do I need to pray to RNG for good teammates?

    submitted by /u/D0ubleX
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    Getting better at macro by OTP?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    Micro and macro management is something I still struggle to grasp. I mostly play jungle. I win some and lose some. I have pretty much all jungle heroes but decided to focus on a select group. I wanted 2 ap junglers (ekko and Evelyn), I play ad junglers (vi and j4), I have 2 tanky heroes (volibear and mundo), and Xin and warwick also on my bench. I am not 1v9 ing at all. So there is still lots to learn, both macro and micro part.

    But how can you best approach learning and getting better. I would like to know whether you guys think that Being a one trick could help you get better at macro. My logic surrounding this is that you freeze the micro learning because you just learn and improve that on one hero. This could give more attention to the macro aspect of the game.

    Do you guys agree with this or am I missing the bigger picture

    submitted by /u/superbros6
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    How can i be more impactful as an adc?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    I recently got into ranked after some friends convinced me to try it out. In norms I usually play with low to mid gold players, and the game feels like it has a very mechanical flow to it. In ranked though, I'm currently bronze 3, which I don't mind but I've ran into a lot of issues. I usually win lane decently well. About 70% of the time recently. I understand low elo, especially in ranked, can be a coinflip sometimes. I'm currently sitting at 6 wins 18 losses however, and even though i'm usually doing pretty well, a lot of recent games I've been in the range of something like 12/6 with around 50-60% kp, but we always throw late game. I don't want to make this post super long, but what are your guy's tips on being more impactful in the late game? My team just tends to turn to playing the blame game and won't listen to much of anything. I get that this is a major problem in low elo, just is there any way around it? Would building a tank item earlier help? I do what i can to help keep the teams mental at a pretty calm state and try to help make decent calls on build and what to prioritize but everyone just seems to want to do their own thing and try to be the carry rather than play as a team. Any help is appreciated. TIA

    submitted by /u/hkfan1215
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    How to OTP in top lane

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Hey guy. So in the past few months I've been trying to shift my mentality from trying to climb LP and rank wise, to just trying to learn and improve at the game.

    I've read from multiple posts that playing 1 or 2 champions at most, is the best way to learn the game. The problem I have is that the champions I enjoy are mechanically difficult ones such as Camille or Riven. I want to one trick one of these champions but if I just blind pick them every game I get counterpicked often and just stomped, so I can't really exlusively play 1 champion. If I pick a less counterpickable champ such as a tank I feel like I rely too much on my team and can't carry as often.

    So I guess my question is, what would be the best approach to just learn and improve at the game, playing top lane. Should I just spam Camille regardless and learn the ins and outs of every matchup?

    submitted by /u/andirosas
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    A couple questions

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    1. Is there a reason (some?) monsters afflicted with some kind of burn (like Hunter's Talisman) won't die at 1 HP? Sometimes I find, especially with blue/red buff, that the burn doesn't kill the buff; the most it'll do it drop is down to 1HP. Is there a reason behind this? Or is my burn effect somehow perfectly reducing the HP of the buff down to 1?
    2. Does enemies/allies health bar size/"stacking" change based on who YOU play? Like I'll be playing as an ADC, for example, and the enemy Annie's health bar is packed. But when I'm playing Annie it's spread out...? Does this even make sense??
    submitted by /u/cosmic1132
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    Is it ever worth camping topside as a jungler?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    with dragons and the new soul system in place, it just feels like even if I camp topside, we wind up losing due to losing too many drakes.

    Yes, rift herald is an important objective, but I just feel like its always worth staying bot then going top.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/stupidcsstudent69
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