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    Saturday, May 23, 2020

    LoL Guide If your laner is pushed up and your jungler is coming to gank, don't react to the gank until your jungler arrives.

    LoL Guide If your laner is pushed up and your jungler is coming to gank, don't react to the gank until your jungler arrives.

    If your laner is pushed up and your jungler is coming to gank, don't react to the gank until your jungler arrives.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    I see this a lot, where someone will give the game away by suddenly being super aggressive or even passive (they'll pick up on this and go "nah he's trying to bait me"), which tips them off someone is coming even if they don't have vision.

    You want the enemy to be as surprised by the gank as possible. If you're being aggressive, continue being aggressive. If you're chilling out scared under tower, don't walk up abnormally because you see your jungler coming.

    Literally don't react until its too late for the enemy, then engage with your jungler.

    Now, this is a balance. If you're getting a gank on someone who isn't pushed up, you need to be within engaging distance for your champ so they don't just turn and 1v1 your jungler. However, not so close that you make it obvious they're there.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    How to easily know if a Zac or Anivia has their Passive up?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Instead of clicking the enemy Zac or Anivia and seeing if their passive is up at the top left side corner or just timing if their passive is up.

    You can easily look at the level above the champion and see if the small circle with wings icon is there. Example - the same icon would also show for champions which built Guardian Angel.

    The circle with wings would obviously go away if their passive is down. Example

    This WILL show when the enemy Zac and Anivia's passive are up. The screenshots were only made with my own PoV.

    The same goes for Tryndamere but with a shield icon, but you can easily look at his effects. lol that's all.

    Friendly Reminder: I myself have known this already for so long. I was inspired to post this because I know that there are some people who do not know of this yet. It really should be basic knowledge for the common player, but it is not yet known for everyone. Please do not provoke anyone but rather do educate the people since this is what this community is all about. :)

    submitted by /u/Haquha
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    Quick tip: The indicator on your cursor will turn green when hovering the ward over a brush, showing it will successfully place the ward in brush, useful for placing wards on the edge to maximize vision!

    Posted: 23 May 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    "The indicator on your cursor will turn green when hovering the ward over a brush, showing it will successfully place the ward in brush, useful for placing wards on the edge to maximize vision."

    Title. This tip is useful for when you want to place a ward on the edge of a brush but you're not sure if it'll be in the brush or just outside of it. Works for trinket wards as well as control wards.

    Never mess up a ward again ♥♣♦♠

    submitted by /u/MrsMermaid2000
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    A few tricks/habits athletes have that might help

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    I dabbled in car and motorcycle racing for a bit and due to its high barrier of entry (brakes and tires are quite expensive when you need new sets every few days) and the stakes are so high (the risk of injury), even beginners like me have to take it very seriously. Along the way I employed a few general practice that I now find helpful for my climbing here as well.

    • Play against yourself, not you opponents. Sure, you win a match by beating the enemies but we all know how flaky the matchmaking system is. Staring at the result of a match for too long gets people frustrated. Instead, play a few matches and see if yourself improve. For example, look at specif stats like cs @ 10 min, roaming/ganking success rate, kill participation, etc. I was pleasantly surprised by how many metrics the game now has (I used to play in S3 and S4) and how many apps and extensions collect more data to provide insights into my games.
    • Consistency. We all can carry a game when the stars align and everything flows our way. What happens when our team don't stomp? Can I still cs efficiently when my other laners isn't effectively taking the pressure away? It's more helpful overall to perform not badly on bad days than do well on a good day.
    • Visualization. While preparing for a race, a racer would close their eyes to do a virtual lap in their head while timing themselves. If their imaginary lap time differs too much from their actual lap time, it means they don't have enough details of the track memorized. When I first started playing League, I get so excited for large scale team fights my heart would pound and my muscle would tense up. These effects are fun to feel but are detrimental to our performance. Imagine the possible ways a fight could go. Think about what action you should take. Who should you target first? Is there a secondary priority target if you can't reach the highest value target? Also, don't just use the loading screen to catch up with your favorite anime. Think about the match ups in each lane. Who would be under pressure? Who might easily win lane? Which lanes are volatile enough to easily yield kills when ganked?
    • Being present. Racing is called the lazy people's meditation because you have to pay attention to everything you are doing and be present or you can easily crash. Meditation is the practice to force oneself to be present. It involves tasks like finding the differences in each breath. Once you get used to doing that, you autopilot less and make more conscious decisions. You notice that when you respawn, maybe you shouldn't directly go back to your lane because your wave is pushed up to the enemy turret. Instead, you can use this time to gank and side lane while waiting the wave to bounce back.
    submitted by /u/StarIU
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    Why does Zhonya's have two different final prices?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Zhonya's price is 2900. When you buy the pieces, the final price to finish the item is 250.


    When you have the Stopwatch rune, the final price is 650, and the full price of Zhonya's is 2650.

    Why is that? There's nothing in the rune that explains it.

    submitted by /u/nereidavb
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    Responding to the Reddit Post: "Analysis of a Mock Draft between LS and IWD"

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Link: https://youtu.be/IUDfhpefbXA

    This video directly responds to the draft analysis video made by u/Graapefruit on LS and IWD's mockdraft. There were a lot of points i disagreed with in terms of the draft and the overall logic behind picking the champions, so I made a response video rather than writing down all my disagreements in the comments which would take up space and also not be as clear without the draft in front of us.

    Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/gow503/analysis_of_a_mock_draft_between_ls_and_iwd/

    submitted by /u/Zernos_Park
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    Why is there such a range of "skill levels" in silver??

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    I just dont understand silver games tbh.. some are good some are just straight dogshit
    There seems to be such a vast range of skills in silver, where i can get players that understand the basic's of the game when picking team comp, macro play or even kill priority in team fight but then there is some that have no fucking idea what to do in a fight refuse to ward dont help take objectives or just straight up face check a tank as an ADC

    i might just be complaining at this point but fuck its frustrating

    submitted by /u/good_JUJUTTV
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    How am I supposed to keep my CS up mid to late game as a midlane mage?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Everyone comes into my lane and even the supports take my CS, especially when they're just passing by and I have a cannon just waiting to be killed. When I go to sidelanes I either get pinged by the respective laners or my team decide it's a great time to teamfight on the other side of the map. I play mages like Neeko, Lux and Syndra so by the time my skills get to the minions, the ADC has already clicked half of them to death :(

    submitted by /u/LunarKestrel
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    My summary of each rank

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:01 PM PDT


    I've only played flex against/with iron players and these players are either new to the game or hardcore casuals. They don't understand much macro/micro play outside of knowing that dragons/barons are good and that csing is a positive thing. Their mechanics are also very rusty, seeing iron rank players on the other team is seen as an huge advantage. I would say that most players don't stay in iron forever, evident through the rank distribution.


    I have started in bronze after a horrible promo (2-8) in season 9 and I also have friends who play league socially who are in this rank. Players in this rank generally have better csing mechanics and have some idea of certain matchups. More in depth mechanics such as wave management, roaming and back timing are still non existent in this elo. Mechanics are also pretty bad in this bracket, but not nearly as clueless as iron.


    Most players are probably stuck in this bracket. I would say this is your average player who plays for fun or is maybe 2-3 seasons into the game. In silver 1 atleast, I saw that players did cs a lot better, knew how to freeze (although not always correctly) and warded hot spots. Mechanics in this elo are a step up from bronze but I think most players can't climb out of this elo because they're not playing their champion to the max potential - utilizing the kit to roam or knowing exact powerspikes of matchups.


    Gold IV is pretty much the same as silver 1, there are a lot of players who got carried by friends (for season rewards) or just grinded 300+ ranked games and eventually got lucky and streaked it into gold. However, gold I players are usually miles ahead of gold IV players and this is evident through decent wave mechanics, some relatively solid micro mechanics and one tricks who play like plats but macro like silvers. I would say that to get to gold I, you're already relatively confident with your ability to lane and you also have a decent idea of win conditions.


    Like gold, plat IV is filled with a lot of people who were carried/boosted by their friends. I felt no big difference between p4 and g1. A big red flag when entering champ select is that if your team has players with too many games or too little games played. If you have someone whos 500 games into ranked this season and still plat 4, you might be in for a tough game. Then we get to plat I and this is were I struggled the most in my whole 10 season of playing league. You have a lot of people who are actually pretty good at this game, and you also have a lot of more toxic behaviour because they think they're diamond material stuck in plat. Players in this bracket are usually quite good at knowing win conditions, matchups, warding paths, csing/wave management and roaming. This is kind of the elo where doing silver/gold level mistakes will really fuck you up in lane - things like not roaming properly, not crashing waves properly etc.


    Again, like the previous two ranks, dia IV also has its fair share of boosted players ... now with the added "hardstuck" player whos 1000 games in this season and doesn't really play to improve anymore. There are also a lot of smurfs in the lower brackets of diamond, you can tell by the low summoner levels and their high winrate. There is no counterplay to these smurfs, theyre usually d1 or masters+ smurfs who can't be bothered waiting for queue times or practicing champions - usually smashing lane/jungle. Most players have pretty good mechanics in this bracket and understand win conditions very well, pushing their champion to its limit. Mistakes are punished ultra hard, especially for bot laners. If the enemy adc gets a double kill, your lane is pretty much over unless your jungler sets up a tent bot lane. If you can't beat Vlad/Kassadin early game as an assassin mid, you're pretty much done unless your team can pick it up.

    Hope this was an intersting take on things, i've never bothered to peak higher than D2. It becomes less fun and more about capitalizing on mistakes the higher you go up. Remember, if two players are equally as good, any small mistake is a window for an outplay.

    submitted by /u/Nut_Flush
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    Pro tip v2: map awereness

    Posted: 23 May 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    The map contains more info than you think and it could be a key factor to reach higher elo

    1.Try to watch your map when you dont have to land a last hit or fight with your laner (every 2-5sec if possible)or before going in a fight. Its like looking in the mirror when you are overtaking with a car. If you see the enemy support (lets say bard) missing its not a good idea to start a fight on midlane.

    1. Always ping for others if you can, because even in plat/dia sometimes people cant see the enemy coming because they have to focus on the laning too much.

    2. Pinging miss when your laner is missing is pretty straight forward nowadays but the reactions arent. Other laners should pay extreme attention this time, not just because the enemy laner can roam but the jungler now only has 2 other lanes to gank so always play safe if you see your opponont or your teammate backing.

    3. You can track enemy jungler by noticing which lane come in late.(because the pull takes time) so if you are top and the enemy bot is already on lane and your top is missing for 5-7secs. The jungler started topside 90%. Always ward out for lvl2 ganks, you dont need the ward later because jungler is going to be botside by then. (Botside should ward out now)

    4. Your jungler is a good reference point for tracking enemy junglers. If you jungler is taking blue the opponents buff has probably respawned as well. Remember which buff he starred at and pay safe if its at your lane. -> ward out.

    5. If you see nothing, no enemies around and lack of ward you should probably rush to herald, dragon, baron and ward it ASAP. Use abilities to check if there is someone in the bush, dont facecheck.

    6. Remember scuttle crab doesnt give vision at the back of the baron/dragon pit, you can take cheeky objectives for free and the opponent can do this so watch out.

    8: Scuttlecrab grants vision for your team. Always try to push in your wave around 3:00. Scuttle spawns 3:15 so you can help your jungler contest it or take it if your jungler is bad. You are gonna have lvl advantage ,restores hp/mana, grants movemrnt speed+vision. Extremely important objective.

    submitted by /u/hefnertes
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    What can I do to get better?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Im a pyke main who is stuck at bronze. I was in queue so decided to check my stays. So I went into a ranked category and saw that nearly everyone had like 30-50 games in rank. While I had 221. I started playing like an year ago and im still bronze. I would have blamed it to my teammates(mostly they are the ones who feed) but there are people who climbed out of this elo hell with same teammates so the problem is me. So how do I get out of this elo? Should I stop playing pyke? (I only play solo. I hate playing in duo)

    submitted by /u/EvilDoritos
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    Botlane: Should I freeze when my jungler is on my map side to encourage him to gank?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I'm currently sitting in gold elo and I want to learn more about wave manipulation. I want to know if I can encourage my jungler to gank me if I for example freeze so he has a easier time to gank me.

    Also how do I force my jungler to gank me when drake is up so we can take it? Junglers tend to ignore drakes in my elo and I'm almost the only one that pings it everytime

    submitted by /u/bloodwork_
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    How to keep farming when lanes are pushed and jungle is cleared?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    So recently I felt like I was learning more and more about the game to get better, but I found myself stuck in lots of situations where I'm just walking around doing literally nothing besides maybe clearing a ward or two.

    If all my lanes are pushed up and everyone's trying to take advantage of upping their CS/Gold/XP, is there anything I could be doing in order to contribute to the game without feeling like I'm lost and waiting for a wave or fight to happen? I'm almost always playing a non-support position.

    submitted by /u/yddademkrum
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    How to Play from Behind as teamfighting champ?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title. For context, I'm a silver 3/4 jungle main and pretty much one-trick Amumu. I notice that I lose a majority of my games when I (or one of my lanes) falls super behind early game. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do to bring the game back. After looking at my op.gg, it's pretty clear that I struggle with playing from behind, as all my loses have 9+ deaths and all my wins have no more than 6ish.

    I think that I struggle with decision making. This often causes me to not know what to do, so I am unable to generate early game leads and my mid/late decision making is not great either because I'm not sure how (or if) to teamfight when behind.

    submitted by /u/fly104
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    How to learn unlocked (screen)?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    I've been trying to learn to ease into unlocked but i still get overwhelmed with it. Every game I try to play unlocked, I lose. I like to play bot lane adc and I know i'd be 10000x better if i was flexible. Please dumb it down for me. Ive been so discouraged lately. I'm using semi-locked and I still get anxious bc its too much all at once. Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/kailurz
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    Why is unsealed notebook popular now on Nasus and what's an efficient way to use it?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I like to try out different champion and builds hoping to learn aspects of the game that I'm not good at yet and I notice that Nasus is really good now particularly in low elo and his most popular build seems to be with unsealed notebook so I decided to try it.

    I found out that when I'm in game I feel really weird using it and was hoping someone could lead me on how to use it well throughout the game or point me to a guide or gameplay commentary or something that would help me?

    submitted by /u/I_lick_movies
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    I need help with playing adc

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Hello, i main Jhin I'm level 69 rn, at low levels i used to be able to trade and poke normally but when i leveled up and started getting matched with more experienced players between 100 and 300 1.i can't trade or poke without losing almost half of my health and some times even failing to trade autos at all 2.my win rate turned to shit since i lose my lane almost every game 3.i always fail at trying to auto the enemy Adc

    submitted by /u/TheHuntedGhost
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    How do you cope with the cursed feeling?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Every single season I've reached my objective and mostly easy. Last season I decided for the first time to aim higher than getting the victorious skin and after around 120-150 games I reached Plat from Silver. This season I decided to aim to Diamond and I'm having a hard time leaving Gold 4. I'm losing the confidence in my ability cause most of the time I feel cursed. I can confindently say I never get completely destroyed. I either win my lane or play safe yet I have long loose streaks of completely destroyed games. Everything around me falling apart. Shitty plays and skirmishes being played out that I neither have control nor I think I should. On the other hand I always had a mantra:

    "You want to climb, carry it yourself".

    Climbing is a matter of statistics and if I go neutral-win my lane for most games I should end up climbing? Even games I loose horribly, I might get carried by a teammate yet I feel powerless and playing with the crappy cards for this whole season. I try to be self critical and I've been trying to improve my macro play. Yet I also am aware I'm wrong, friends of mine, pro players, etc.. create smurfs and are able to have scary high winrates while I'm not able to even have an above 50% one which is a huge dent to my ego. I then go on high loosing streaks even though I follow plenty of "tilt rules" like stop playing for the day at 2 losses, break between games, etc... This loss of confidence is leading me to start rankeds already nervous and its not being enjoyable anymore to feel this powerless yet when I'm outside the game I love the competiteveness of it.

    I think the best for me is to stop playing solo queue this season yet normals don't provide an enough challenge for me.

    Anyone else feel this way? Any suggestion?

    submitted by /u/dinasxilva
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    Wave Control in Mid Lane

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    So I'd like to improve my mid lane wave control, and I think one of my problems is starting off in a bad place. When the first waves of the game collide in the center of the mid lane, how do I approach farming? I tend to wait to last hit the minions instead of pushing the wave. Should I continue to do that?

    How do I treat my wave after a kill? What about when I want to recall for health and/or items? Here's a general idea of what I've been doing:

    After a kill: fast push wave and recall. If the wave is on my side, I usually don't really know what to do, so I either leave it or push it. (bonus question: what if they have TP up? what should I do then?)

    Recall: I try to push wave under enemy turret and recall. If the enemy is pushing I drag ~3 minions to my side and recall without damaging them (i think MidBeast recommended this). But what if I'm low on HP and the enemy is pushing? Do I take the farm at the risk of dying under turret? Or do I sacrifice CS to back?

    submitted by /u/cosmic1132
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    I Made A Top Shyvana Guide

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    After getting inspired by this guide: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/zoe-support-to-diamond-571732 , I decided to make an in-depth guide of my own about my main, and how I play her. Feel free to criticize this guide and tell me your opinion. https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/shyvana-top-lane-guide-and-how-to-dominate-low-mid-elo-573628 Note: There is a reason why Shyvana isn't a Top laner so this guide is aimed at low-mid elo, and play her a lot in normals before going to ranked.

    submitted by /u/sKarisiIL
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    A while ago, SimbaADC shared a spreadsheet here.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Hello, /r/summonerschool!

    I've been playing League of Legends since Season 1 and back in Season 5 I hit my absolute peak of Platinum 2, before losing enough LP before the end of the season to finish in Plat 5. Ever since then, my goal as always been to get back up to Platinum in SoloQ, which means playing alone, and Season 6 through Season 9, I've been unsuccessful.

    I entered Season 10 after having played World of Warcraft and the 8.2 Patch for half a year, so the map changes were daunting to me, but, I eventually started learning about them and once the new season started I hit the rift. Starting in Silver I hit Gold 4 quickly enough and started my climb, but, found myself losing my games as a Top Laner, so, in fear of getting demoted I hit up Jungle and played almost solely Olaf, with a touch of Graves and others.

    This got me to Gold 1, then, thinking that I was familiar enough with the game again I went to Top lane again, which in turn sent me on a loss streak, spiraling down to Gold 4. That's when I really took a thinker about the game, wondering if I was the issue. So, with some help from Youtube coaches, such as ZenCoaching and the occasional RTO video along with a Spreadsheet from SimbaADC I decided to take this game seriously.

    I had just been on a winstreak and I was out of Gold 4, thinking that if I could climb to Gold 3, I could climb to Gold 2, right? Yes.

    With the help of Top lane focused videos from Zen and RTO and armed with the spreadsheet I stole from SimbaADC I hit the rift again, and I started winning.

    Instead of picking my favorite champions, such as Aatrox, I decided to go with something simpler. So, I dumbed it all the way down and went with Garen.

    And boy was that the right call.

    Here you can see my statistics for every single Ranked SoloQ game that I played, the Champion and the matchup as well as the goal I had for every match. I didn't go as in depth as I could have in the sheet but I didn't want to overdo it.

    It took me 54 Games, out of which I won 36 and lost 18, which puts me at roughly a 66% win rate, unless my math is bad. But, 54 games was all it took of me focusing on learning the game and at the same time climbing because of it. I am now, back, it may have taken five seasons, but I am back in Platinum.

    TLDR: if you find yourself stuck, write down your games, write down your stats when you win and when you lose, Kills, Deaths, Assists and CS/M. Go back to the basics, play simple champions and focus on the mechanics of the game, and not your character.

    If your brain can go on autopilot playing Garen and focus entirely on winning the game, you'll find a lot more success than having to focus more on your champion than the game.

    Here you can find a link to the Reddit post with a Link to the Youtube video

    submitted by /u/SwedishNorweigan
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    want to come back to league

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Sorry my english not my first language :c

    I want to come back to league, i havent player in a while and when i played just played aram, i want to come back i play ranked and stuff

    used to be a supp main, but now i want to learn jungle or top, any advise, youtube chanel o dunno

    submitted by /u/Daeniy
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    Even when you’re not leashing, wait a few seconds before going to lane.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    When laners go directly to their lane at the start of a game, it's a pretty clear tell to the other team's jungler which side his opponent is starting. By watching the buff camp for a few seconds after spawning, you not only help protect against a camp steal, but also keep your opponent in the dark about where your jungler might be in the early stages of the game.

    submitted by /u/ablesix
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    As a new player who has lvl 5 Mastery Wukong, how do I get good with Tryndamere in the top lane phase?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Wukong caught my interest because he has options that can make him auto attack the opponent without having to risk himself as much due to E (requiring less kite), W and his Passive doing their job of getting into the opponent when I want to without losing much HP in the process. Especially since I find Q to be a good answer to my opponents since it can poke decently.

    For Tryndamere, since I only have one movement ability, and a lack of attacks with longer range, I feel like I can't do anything towards anyone with poke even with my Ult in top lane, which makes the laning phase all the more annoying while I try to build my rage until I'm behind and can't do anything. At least I can farm but ehhh.

    So how to I get good with him?

    submitted by /u/BulletCola
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