LoL Guide Beginner Guide to Nunu and Willump (54%+ Winrate) | Tips and Tricks, Runes, Build, First Clear, and More |
- Beginner Guide to Nunu and Willump (54%+ Winrate) | Tips and Tricks, Runes, Build, First Clear, and More
- Current state of Ezreal?
- Why aren't jungle champions viable in toplane?
- Exhaust on ADC?
- Varus questions
- Easy bot gank junglers?
- Having a bad time
- Don't pick for comp if you can't play the champion (Gold and below)
- Update Neeko Guide
- It's the entire team's effort to fight an early game jungler
- Hardstuck and feeling that you do not deserve your rank
- How do I consistently have motivation to play a lot of games a day?
- How does Twitch benefit from Muramana?
- 5v1? Time to die!
- Is there any significance to the color of your checkmark or dot in your promotion series that indicates a win?
- How to Counter Jax Late Game?
- Smiting
- My mid impacts drops around the start of the late-game.
- What to do when you're against a roaming midlaner?
- Tryndamere and Abusing Leads
- Can you select previous text messages in LoL chat?
- How do you beat ghost/heal spellbook Nasus?
- Game feels like a coin flip in Plat 4, never had this experience in other Elos, advice needed.
Posted: 06 May 2020 04:51 AM PDT Here is the guide: Hey everyone, I'm a Challenger Jungler on NA and Nunu and Willump are one of my favorite champions to play. I don't think Nunu is NEARLY as popular as he should be, considering his insane strength, cheerfulness, and the amount of fun he is to play. I hope this guide brings more people to the Nunu hype train! Let me know if you have any questions, Nunu related or otherwise, and have a great day! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 03:04 PM PDT I'm making this post because I'm extremely confused whether Ezreal is decent or not right now. Based on my solo queue experience, he gets picked fairly often, usually into something where mobility is required such as a heavy 'run it down bot' type comp. The thing is I never see one actually do decent damage until 4 items or so and even then its nothing special. On top of that he has piss poor waveclear. Am I just constantly seeing bad Ezreal players (D4 EUW) or does the champion have major issues? I'm debating whether to pick him up on my adc account and I can't decide whether it's worth it. [link] [comments] |
Why aren't jungle champions viable in toplane? Posted: 06 May 2020 05:20 AM PDT For example, champions such as Yi, Lee sin, Graves, Warwick, Jarvan, Amumu, Trundle, Olaf, Vi, Xin, etc. Why aren't any of these viable toplane? They've got great dueling potential, especially trundle and olaf, they can push well with waveclear, most are bruisers/fighters, have decent laning, etc. What makes them not viable toplane? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 01:50 PM PDT As the title says, lately while trying out mid I have been seeing a bunch of adcs take exhaust over heal? Can someone explain to me why? The only time I can think it's viable is when you know the enemy team is just a bunch of assassins in which heal is useless. They tend to do really good too but I would like y'all opinion [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT Looking to pick up Varus but I know jack shit about him so I'd appreciate some insight regarding three main questions I have.
Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 11:50 AM PDT Helloo! I am a fill main, been playing since season four, I've basically mained ALMOST every character at some point, and I have mastery 4-6 on a lot of champions. For this up-coming clash, We have our best player on ADC, as second best, I want to help get us both fed for the 2v5 carry. Normally in ranked, when we duo, we do Mid and Jungle, because mid is so easy to gank, and we get free wins off of that. However, nobody on our clash team knows how to ADC well, so he must be adc. Are there any junglers who excel at early camping/ganking bot? I was thinking sejuani, or maybe volibear, since I've played them before. My successes of Perma ganking mid have been Xin Zhao, and Twitch, with the red -> instantly gank. But am i missing any junglers where its very easy to gank bot? I played vi for a bit, but after taking a month break, i cannot for the life of me, land a Q, i need an easy gank bot laner, someone with a hard to miss ability or just even a point and click, any suggestion would be helpful! TL;DR: any champs that have very easy abilities to use for a bot lane gank, any good ones for camping bot? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 12:36 PM PDT Hi i am a very low elo player Higher bronze, and im having a really tought time to have a bigger inpact on the side lanes, since i play mid. I usally win my lane but i have a hard time figuring out the good timings and situations of roaming bot or top. Any tips on how to learn the different timings of the game and what situations suit a roaming midlaner to leave lane and help the other once out. I feel like that would be a big help for the overall game if i was able to help out the side lanes more effectivlly. I ussally play Azir or Cassio and I have no clue of what times during the game suits these champions to roam. Thanks in advance / noob trying to inprove [link] [comments] |
Don't pick for comp if you can't play the champion (Gold and below) Posted: 06 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT Gold elo player here, I've lost count of the times this loses me games. Gold is the elo where most players have acquired a grasp of what champions would round out your team composition and what would counter the enemy; unfortunately this doesn't mean you can necessarily play the champ you think would be ideal. If you are top and you see your midlaner go ad, don't pick Teemo blind unless you are comfortable on him. I play quite a bit of Ziggs bot and I've lost count of the times my team locks a random ad champion they don't know how to play. Don't get into your own head, basically. I've lost games where we had the "perfect" comp, I've won games with a fiddle top, I've won games with a full ad comp vs Malphite, I've lost games in late with a scaling comp just because I was caught out of position. In gold your comp doesn't matter, or rather it isn't nearly as important as being comfortable on the champ you are playing. Games are just a fiesta and you need to be ready to capitalise on enemy mistakes while making as few as you can. tl;dr Most games gold and lower come down to whoever ints the hardest. Play what you know you can play rather than forcing yourself onto an uncomfortable pick "for comp". [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 May 2020 11:20 PM PDT Hey guys I am Neeko Neeko Niii, a 1 Million Mastery point neeko main. I have finally gotten around and spent some time adding more to my neeko guide. Every build in the guide has it's own pros and cons. I have tested hundreds of games on these runes and tweaked them based on patches and metas. This guide will help explain and give people an idea of when a specific build is more helpful and will aid your laning phase compared to other like electrocute snowballs best into easy matchups or melees or comet into long ranged matchups. I really want to help out new neeko players and also peak the interest of other people who have not played neeko yet. If you disagree with anything I will be happy to have a debate about it or explain my reasoning for what I have on here. [link] [comments] |
It's the entire team's effort to fight an early game jungler Posted: 06 May 2020 07:45 AM PDT I don't quite believe tiers matter in low ELO but each champ has their own power spikes. You just can't win an 1v1 against Olaf or Trundle so the smart thing for the opposing jungler (e.g. a farming jungle like Master Yi or Kayn before transformation) to do is to counter gank or invade the other side of the map. The thing is that by definition these champs are much less effective in ganking by definition. The team needs to know when to expect a gank and when and where to ward. Every unsuccessful gank is a big loss for the jungler for they could have used that time to farm. It's easy to give away 5 kills to Olaf and just say "jungle diff" at the score screen but that doesn't win you any game. [link] [comments] |
Hardstuck and feeling that you do not deserve your rank Posted: 06 May 2020 03:20 PM PDT Hello guys, I'm a diamond 4 player who mains Lux (ironically i don't even play Lux often in ranked games). I feel like i don't really deserve diamond (unlike people who think they're higher, i personally think i'm lower). Here's the reasons why : 1 - I main midlane, but in rank, i mostly play support, this is mainly because of my playstyle : 2 - The playstyle i play is basically : don't take the kills, don't try to take the farm for yourself, don't be egoist, and let the hypercarries (JGL/TOP/ADC/MID when i don't play it) do the job and simply peel or engage for them. Resulting me having really low farm, low kills/high death/high assists in KDA in both support and midlane but also resulting me sometimes buying athenes/ardent censer (when i play Lux mid for example). Now the problem is that i'm so used to this playstyle, that when i try to carry as a midlaner, i just don't know what to do and can't do anything -> this gets me the feeling of being useless and not deserving my elo because i need to rely on others and not myself. 3 - I don't try to dodge, i mainly play the games even if there's a counter pick, because i'm always like "maybe we can win this", so my MMR is really low (D4/P1). 4 - Both my midlane/support pool is really short : with my playstyle, i mainly play control/utility mages like Lux/Lissandra and peeling supports like Janna/Nami/Lulu/Sona, and i feel just so powerless in the later stages of the games with basically only peeling or engaging. This is mainly because i feel like i don't know the other champions enough to play them in soloq (whereas in flex my champion pool is way larger) 5 - I'm playing League since season 6, and until season 9, i always was a gold/silver player who was having a hard time climbing the ladder to get the victory skins, but in season 9 (i don't know how, but it suddenly came ?) i climbed really fast (skipping some ranks like G3), and i (without regret) abused the Lux aftershock when it was OP. And now since it isn't anymore, i feel like i just used some meta champion to get higher when i actually don't deserve that elo. I actually managed to climb back to D4 playing my usual playstyle, but now i'm hardstuck and it's really difficult for me to even win a single game. I'm trying to slowly become a mid main again in soloq opening my midlane champion pool but it just doesn't work out since my playstyle is so bad or different and not adequate for the champion i try play (Zoe/Syndra/LB/Orianna). Do you guys have any tips for me ? I'd like to practice more against diamond players with a new playstyle because i mainly think that this is the biggest reason holding me back. Thanks for reading and helping if you will ! [link] [comments] |
How do I consistently have motivation to play a lot of games a day? Posted: 06 May 2020 03:14 PM PDT Before I start playing I always tell myself I'm gonna play 5-10 games today yet when I get around to doing it I usually just stop after 1 or 2 games, even if they're wins, and I don't know why. It's not motivation and I'm not burned out since I do still like playing and I still enjoy climbing but I don't know how to just keep myself playing. It's not tilt either, since I don't really tilt too much or too often. What could I do to sort of keep myself motivated to queue up again? (Also, the demotivation really just comes after queueing up, in-game I'm completely fine.) [link] [comments] |
How does Twitch benefit from Muramana? Posted: 06 May 2020 02:55 PM PDT I was playing ranked with a friend, when a Twitch with Muramana stomped us. My friend and I tried to replicate this thing, but we don't know why is it so "broken". Someone knows? P.D: Btw, I tried to investigate and saw this video today [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 12:15 PM PDT So recently, I've been in team fights. However, 70% of the time my team gets their butts kicked and it's just me to 1v5. But my natural instinct is to go under the turret because I can hit them but they can't hit me. But it's the waiting that hurts the most. I wait for my teammates to respawn so that we can push back and hurt them. But by the time they respawn, we lost the inner turret or inhibitor/inhibitor turret. So, in the "waiting for my teammates to respawn" timeframe, what do I do? Do I just keep hitting the enemy or do I just go in guns blazing and try to slow them down by being the annoying player that I am (CCing, distracting them, fast pushing minion waves)? And while you're reading, let's say I'm going for an objective, Baron, for example. I go to the camp only to find the whole enemy team there and I'm forced into a 1v5, what do I do? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT I was playing in my promotion series and won my first match. When I went to the ranked section of my client I saw that my dot and the checkmark below my division shield were a golden color as as opposed to the blue color I'm used to seeing. Does anyone know why this occurred or if it has some kind of meaning? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 06:47 AM PDT I don't understand how. I was playing Ekko the other day (wanted to try him out for the first time) and I was up against a Jax jg. The man literally went 2/9 in the early game, but the game went on to late and he started 1v2ing people without losing even a quarter of his health. He eventually went 10/9 and we lost the game because we couldn't kill him and he kept on diving us under turret without breaking a sweat. So how do you counter Jax late game? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 01:29 PM PDT So I just played a game where for whatever reason late I just could not properly smite objectives. I got all the drakes with well timed smites but we were doing late game baron and lux ulted the baron away then we were on elder and rammus rolled in and smiled that away. If it's just me doing an objective I know how to calculate my damage smite combo but for whatever reason I struggle with doing it in a team taking obj scenario. What do you guys look for to calculate smite? I don't know when to smite when I have to calculate my teams full damage. And even when I do try sometimes someone won't throw out an ability and stuff. Idk I'm just kinda tilted by that how do I do better? [link] [comments] |
My mid impacts drops around the start of the late-game. Posted: 06 May 2020 09:34 AM PDT I am practically a Katarina main with sometimes some yasuo games. My problem is that I often get a lead early/mid game when I get my gunblade and that I start to roam bot. However after the laning phase I feel I don't have any impact I can't seem to get picks and when I encounter an enemy I usually get picked off. I am playing around bronze/silver my vision is not bad compared to my other teammates. Another question is that I want to be able to play another champ when I know that I am going to play vs a katarina's counter, is there any champ that covers katarina's bad matchup ? [link] [comments] |
What to do when you're against a roaming midlaner? Posted: 06 May 2020 04:39 PM PDT Say I'm Orianna vs. Fizz, and I see him moving toward the river to roam bot, but I don't have vision in the river. If I follow him, I run the risk of him just killing me, but if I push and get tower plates, he or the jungler can come back and kill me while I'm at their turret. What do I do in this situation. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT I'm currently a high gold player with interests in learning Tryndamere. During the past few games I've played him, I've noticed I've been able to get quite ahead, but I realize I'm never sure how to abuse that lead as Trynd. Sometimes, I feel that if I keep splitting, it leaves a huge window for my team to get 5v4d... but when I try to teamfight, it feels as if I just get cc'd and stalled out to death? How can I carry with Trynd? [link] [comments] |
Can you select previous text messages in LoL chat? Posted: 06 May 2020 04:14 PM PDT Like when you typed something, hit enter and forgot to copy it. And you don't want to type it out manually again. How to do it? Oh and can you teach me how to spam ping at max speed (e.g. enemy missing ping) or any stuff that you piing with Alt+MB1. Thanks lads [link] [comments] |
How do you beat ghost/heal spellbook Nasus? Posted: 06 May 2020 08:39 AM PDT title really just says it all, he just runs me down everytime with 0 care in the world and gets out perfectly fine and gets to scale better as the game goes on. i tried freezing on him early and denied him some cs but it didn't really stop him from tearing my ass apart with 700 MS and wither every 6 seconds. [link] [comments] |
Game feels like a coin flip in Plat 4, never had this experience in other Elos, advice needed. Posted: 06 May 2020 04:04 PM PDT I'm at Platinum 4 at the moment, which is the highest i've ever gotten, normally because I would stop playing ranked after getting it. Right now with all the quarantine stuff I made my goal to try and reach Diamond. My experience right now is really bad, allmost all games are stomps for either side. My win rate is at 50% when in gold one I had 59%. Never have I experienced so many fragile egos trolling or afking before, so it's kind of hard mentally to grind knowing well that I can't do much before the game is over (yeah i play ADC, you got it lol) and getting 15 lp on wins and losing 21 on Ls. I don't feel like I'm worse than the other players either. So I wanted to ask you guys advices on this Elo: what does people normally lack at this league? what should I be focusing more now that I need to be better? [link] [comments] |
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