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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    League of Legends If Zac grows with health, Malphite grows with armor, what if Galio grew with magic resist?

    League of FOUR MILLION!

    League of Legends If Zac grows with health, Malphite grows with armor, what if Galio grew with magic resist?

    If Zac grows with health, Malphite grows with armor, what if Galio grew with magic resist?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    His whole point to be a "magic-nullifying colossus." While his kit doesn't really reflect that as much as I wished it did, I still think the idea of his size scaling would be cool. Galio's easily in the top 4 biggest champs in the game, but in game his size never changes. Malphite and Cho'Gath are 2 of the other biggest champions and they scale. Aurelion Sol is bigger than any, but I don't know how he'd scale or if he even needs to scale.

    It's probably been suggested before, but I think it would be cool.

    1 other note:

    The big hitbox would probably be bad for Galio since Riot doesn't want to make him a tank.

    submitted by /u/HurricaneRush
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    As someone who doesnt play ranked but only plays blind, it greatly disturbs me how everyone are saying that a punishment for toxicity should be a ban from Ranked.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    With the recent Voyboy video this subreddit has been having a lot of discussion regarding toxicity and how to target it, and a very common thing I got to read was "they should be banned off ranked for some time".

    I would hate to have my blind / draft be a dumping ground for toxic players. It isn't like we don't already have trolls and inters, and actually we have way more since a lot of people bring up the excuse that it's not ranked so it doesn't matter what they do, while wasting my time and making me as tilted as if someone trolls in your ranked and says "it's silver, doesn't matter".

    Why is Draft pick considered OK to troll in? I'm playing the game just like everyone else and want to get fun out of it like any1 else who plays ranked or ARAM.

    TL;DR : ban them or send them on a real 60 min "low priority queue" instead of banishing them to unranked queues.

    submitted by /u/biokrekka
    [link] [comments]

    NA Grandmasters Lvl 1 Invade

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    The Masked Champion Isn't Yone. Here's Why and Who Else it Could Be

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Ever since teasers for the edgy solo laner who "refuses to die" popped up, theories have run rampant, especially since they're also described as being a "familiar face"; someone who has appeared in the lore before. One prevailing theory is that this character is Yone: the brother of Yasuo, killed while trying to bring Yasuo to justice for a crime he didn't commit.

    Personally, I think the Yone theory is terrible, and if it would happen it'd be catastrophically bad for the game, the lore, and Yasuo himself.

    Now you might be thinking: "Well fuck you for shitting on my dreams of Yone as a champion", but before you go on, I'd like to explain WHY I think this, and THEN go in to a couple of other options for who it could be, so as not to extinguish your hope, but provide you with some potentially cooler ideas for you to get hyped for! So let's get on with it.

    The reasons why Yone isn't the Masked Champion:

    No. 1: There's no Narrative Reason as to How it can be done

    When Senna returned as a flesh and blood character, many of us in the lore community were left scratching our heads as to how the hell that happened, and while the logistics are still fairly vague, at the very least Senna returning AT ALL was effectively one major direction the lore could've gone in, and had been discussed a lot. Senna after all was trapped in Thresh's lantern, meaning she was a part of the Black Mist. This made her undead, not dead, and meant she would have an option to exist as a still active character even if she got taken out of the lantern.

    Yone has no such excuse.

    To the best of our current lore knowledge, Yasuo killed Yone. There was no special magic involved other than Yasuo's own wind technique, and nothing about that gives a means of having Yone return from the dead. Ionia is a place where spirits can grow corrupted and things become twisted, but at present we haven't seen this in relation to bringing people back from the dead, and it also has very little to do with Yone's own story, as it's intrinsically tied to Yasuo's and has no elements in it pertaining to spirits or the like.

    If you want to use some previously unexplained means of resurrection or reanimation, that's best done with an entirely new character, as was done with Pyke, Warwick or Azir, where the established means of them returning is a core part of their narrative.

    No. 2: There's no Narrative Reason at to Why it should be done

    There's also the issue of what bringing Yone back would do narratively. Senna returning was, as said before, always a possible narrative direction. There were things to gain by doing it, no matter what form it took, be she fully alive or a monsterous wraith. This was because Lucian's story was at the time still focused on freeing her from the lantern, and so focus was still on her narratively.

    The only two characters with any connections to Yone are Yasuo and, by very tentative means, Riven. Neither Yasuo or Riven are at a place in their stories where Yone's death is something of primary focus, mostly because Yasuo was aquitted for the original crime that Yone was sent to kill him for, and Riven was sentenced for said crime, and is now living a new life with her new adopted family.

    Yasuo right now is searching for purpose, which he confides to in the story Orchid's Blossom in the book Realms of Runeterra. He's lost and directionless, but given how Awaken is set, this will lead him towards standing alongside other heroes of Ionia in the defense of his homeland. He's basically set on a path towards true redemption and becoming a hero himself, though he likely needs a bit of self reflection first.

    Yone would be counter to this storyline. Yasuo's original crime absolved in the eyes of the people, and while he probably still isn't looked at especially favourably, he isn't a wanted man anymore. While he might still feel guilt, ultimately the overall narrative concerning the crimes has finished, and that would be the only storyline Yone would serve.

    Without being able to bring Yone back to tie in to that narrative, there isn't really a reason to bring him back in a substantial way. If you want to bring an NPC in to the champion roster, there are NPCs with narratives better tied in to other narratives far more seamlessly.

    No. 3: Yone is too much like Yasuo

    Yone, in terms of his overall silhouette from his look in Legends of Runeterra, looks like a more refined version of Yasuo. This could create silhouette problems for him as a champion if he looks like Yasuo to such a degree that it's hard to tell the two apart.

    This couples with his the teaser's colour scheme, as if Yone comes out as a red coloured swordsman wearing a mask, my concern would be that he would effectively be Bloodmoon Yasuo released as a champion.

    Every other set of siblings in League is notably different from one another: Garen is a chunky knight, Lux is a gangly mage. Katarina's a redheaded knife lady, Cassiopia's got a snake arse. Nasus is a depressed dog, Renekton is an ADHD crocodile. Ornn is a goat that's on fire. Volibear is a bear with a taser. Yone and Yasuo are just too similar.

    No. 4: Yone's Dead, and this New Champion "Refuses to Die"

    This might seem a bit pedantic, but one point that comes up often is that this is a champion who "refuses to die", implying they've either been on the cusp of death and survived, or been attacked by something with the intent to kill them, and survived.

    Yone is just dead.

    He didn't refuse anything he went down like a sack of shit.

    Even Yasuo's own lore attests to that; Yasuo kinda just completely bodied Yone. He didn't exactly put up a good showing; he died in a single strike.

    Not exactly the most impressive of showings.

    No. 5: Yone Doesn't Wear a Mask

    I'll go in to more later but Yone's lack of a mask in any depiction of him is also a factor. Masks are generally worn for specific reasons, such as ceremony or to safeguard one's identity. Yone coming back would presumably be to go after Yasuo, and he doesn't really need anonymity for that. If anything him wearing a mask would be detrimental to that plan.

    TL;DR: Yone isn't the Masked Champion because there's no narrative means to bring him back from the dead, there's no narrative value in bringing him back, he's too much like Yasuo in appearance, he's dead, so he can't "refuse to die", and he doesn't have any connections to wearing a mask.

    So Then Is That Just It?

    Not entirely, because as I said earlier there are other (potentially stronger) narrative options for who our masked stranger could be. I have specifically two in mind I'd like to talk about:

    General Du Couteau and Doran.

    Edgelord Candidate No. 1: General Du Couteau

    General Du Couteau is one of League's oldest NPCs. For those who are unaware, the General is the biological father of Katarina and Cassiopeia, as well as the adoptive father figure of Talon.

    He's had an interesting development as the years have rolled by. In the original, pre-reboot lore he was an ally of Boram Darkwill, was opposed to both LeBlanc and Swain, and went missing while leaving clues that helped Katarina and Garen uncover corruption within the Institute of War that eventually led to Swain becoming the sole ruler of Noxus.

    In the rebooted lore Swain's role in the narrative has shifted, and with it his relationship to the General. According to Cassiopeia's bio, General Du Couteau supported Swain's coup, which put a lot of pressure on the Black Rose's agents. His relationship with Katarina and Talon has seemingly remained unchanged from what it was pre lore reboot, but his fate is still ambiguous. The lore bit of lore we have on him is this information about supporting Swain, putting his most recent action in the lore as being 7 years ago, in the year 989.

    There are a few things the General has going for him that make him fitting.

    Firstly, because of the absence of lore about him in the last 7 years, it leaves his fate ambiguous. Coupled with the fact that he's definetly made an enemy of the Black Rose, which his own wife and youngest daughter are a part of, this sets up a potential plot about him "refusing to die", potentially because of a Black Rose assassination plot. There are some champions, such as Urgot and Swain, who alluded to the fact that the General was either betrayed by Swain or dead. However there has been no confirmation to this in universe, and the details are still vague and unclear, leaving a lot of wiggle room for Riot to work with.

    Secondly, the teaser clearly shows a sword, and General Du Couteau has always been known as being proficient with bladed weapons, which is where Katarina and Talon get a lot of their skills from.

    Thirdly, let's talk about this champion being masked (See this is why I specifically mentioned Yone's lack of masks). As I said before, masks are generally worn for specific reasons. In the case of the General, it might be to protect his identity. As we discussed above, his actions put the Black Rose, and his wife, in a bad spot, enough that they may have decided to target him. Going in to hiding and wearing a mask might be best to throw off potential assailants, especially in a place like Noxus.

    This is much more theory fodder than true supporting evidence, but some folks are currently putting together the idea that the General is actually The Faceless. For those unaware, The Faceless is a member of the Trifarix; the ruling body of Noxus, with three members who represent each of Noxus's founding principles. Swain and Darius are both of the Trifarix (Yes Darius is technically the joint king of Noxus), representing Vision and Might respectively. The Faceless represents Guile.

    The Faceless's identity is left deliberately vague in the story they have appeared in, with the only indication as to who they are being that they wear a mask that seems vaguely feminine. Some folks believe that potentially, The General entered in to the position of The Faceless under anonimity, potentially to hide his identity, or the fact he survived a potential Black Rose assassination. I feel this ties together nicely with what we know of the General at this point.

    Of course this doesn't preclude the idea that The Faceless could be someone else entirely, or that The Faceless couldn't be the new champion while also NOT being General Du Couteau. At present all of this is mere speculation and theory, so feel free to take what you will from this.

    Fourthly, this would tie directly in to the narrative for Noxus far better than a potential Yone reveal would. The mystery of what happened to General Du Couteau, and his relationship with Katarina, Talon and Cassiopeia in the lore is still pertinent to each of them, as Katarina tries to move past his teachings while Talon tries to stay true to them. Given he was also a supporter of Swain in the coup this also links him to the Trifarix as a whole, and the fact that his wife was a member of the Black Rose means he has ties there too. Basically, the General is a VERY involved NPC currently, and could potentially tie in very nicely to already existing plots.

    TL;DR: the General's fate is vague enough to work for the idea of a masked stranger, he fits the bill of using swords, he could be linked to another masked wearing npc in canon, has logical reasons to want to wear a mask and have had attempts made at his life, thus refusing to die, and is noticeably involved in the plot of Noxus enough to be worth adding to the already existing dynamics.

    Before I move on though, I want to point out something important:

    LeBlanc is NOT The Faceless. This has been outright confirmed by Rioters who work on the Narrative. The Faceless is a completely separate character from LeBlanc to the best of our knowledge. Swain would never allow her in to the Trifarix.

    Edgelord No. 2: Doran

    The next option here is Doran, a character many of you will be scratching your head about. Some context:

    Doran is the supposed creator of the starting items of League: Doran's Blade, Ring and Shield. In the pre-reboot lore he was a craftsman who made incredibly detailed and potent tools, but had an unfortunate incident involving a donkey kicking him in the head. This left him a bit brain damaged, but he was otherwise unscathed, and shifted his focus from super complex stuff to simpler things, hence why he made the three starting items. He was also the creator of Wukong's staff.

    In the post-reboot canon he still made Wukong's staff and was a renowned weaponsmith, however he's also confirmed to have been a resident of Wuju; Yi's home town, and to have died during the Noxian Invasion of Ionia as a victim of chem-tech bombs, just like the rest of Wuju's inhabitants. Beyond this there is also a line from Ornn that states he taught Doran everything he knows. Doran's race has never been confirmed, so he could be a yordle, vastaya, or some other long lived race. Alternatively the line is just a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously. I DON'T TAKE SUCH HALF MEASURES but you guys take that for what you will.

    Now there's a few reasons as to why I think Doran would be a potentially good candidate.

    Firstly, the teaser itself. The two teaser images display a large amount of swords planted in the ground, and one planted in a tree, which then begins glowing red. Personally I like to imagine this as a representation of Wuju's people or the Wuju Blademasters as a whole.

    All but Yi died among the people of Wuju and the Wuju Blademasters, and in the short story "Homecoming", Master Yi is depicted kneeling before graves, each marked with a sword, so I feel this is worth noting. An alternative take on the above is that the swords are representative of Doran's capacity as a weaponsmith.

    Secondly it would be far more narratively significant to Yi and Wukong's stories than a potential Yone return would be. Yi has yet to fully process the grief he feels for his dead friends and family, which is counter to Yasuo, who has passed this point in his narrative. Yi's grief is actually a detriment to his own story, as currently corrupt spirits are growing in Wuju's ruins, preying upon other spirits that come by. Yi needs to burn Wuju to the ground to deal with this, but he can't let go of the past, and keeps putting that off, despite the situation growing worse with each passing day.

    Doran returning from this corruption, representing Yi's inability to let go of the past and how dangerous that is in Ionia, could be an incredibly powerful plot, especially when factoring in Wukong, who is the future of Wuju and thus will need to help Yi come to terms with this, put Wuju to rest and deal with a potential Doran situation.

    There is also the factor of the second Noxian Invasion of Ionia, which seems fast approaching. Having Doran return as a living reminder of the war crimes Noxus committed against Ionia, to wreak vengeance for what had been done to Wuju, and indeed all of Ionia, could help hammer home the dire nature of not only the war itself, but imbalance in Ionia in general. It is the concept of Balance between the Material and Spirit Realms that keeps such corruption at bay, and with Noxus returning to disrupt it even further the results could be catastrophic.

    Now of course there is the fact that Doran has no relation to masks, and also, as I stated with Yone, there is no established means of resurrection for Doran. Doran is confirmed dead, and while as stated with Yone, corrupt spirits are a thing, we haven't seen anything regarding that and the ability for dead people to come back.

    HOWEVER, if Riot does want to approach this idea of a person returning as a corrupt spirit, Doran would be a much better choice than Yone, because of his relevance to not only the Noxian invasion and the Imbalance of Ionia leading to corrupt spirits, which are interwoven with the current Wuju narrative, but Doran would also be more of an important factor for Yi and Wukong's stories if he were to return, rather than Yone would for Yasuo.

    I've been doing a lot of comparing between Doran and Yone here, deliberately so, because I feel that everything people would want from a Yone reveal would be achieved, but in a stronger narrative with Doran.

    Now this doesn't mean Doran is the ONLY option here. Some other Ionian options include Kusho, father of Shen and former leader of the Kinkou Order, with some other details about him revealed in the ZED comic that I won't spoil, and potentially Lito, Zelos, or another member of Irelia's family. These choices could fill similar roles to Doran; Kusho on the Imbalance side of things, Irelia's family members on the Noxian Invasion and unprocessed grief side of things. I do think these options are weaker than Doran, but they are both potential candidates.

    TL;DR: Doran was a weaponsmith, has narrative tie ins with the ideas of death, corrupt spirits, the balance of Ionia and the narratives of Yi and Wukong to stand on his own as a potential champion in League.

    In Closing

    Personally, I really detest the idea of Yone coming back as a champion. I feel it would devalue a lot of Yasuo's character development, and I don't feel like he could be distinct enough from Yasuo to really serve the narrative of the game very well, and I think that bringing him back would be way too big of an arsepull to be done convincingly.

    I still believe Yone COULD be released, but I definitely hope he isn't.

    Between General Du Couteau and Doran, I personally think the General would be the more likely character to see the light of day as a champion, and I think based on what I can drum up as evidence for my theories, he's the one with the most grounding based on the small amount of information we currently have.

    However I personally prefer Doran for the position, as based on what I discussed above, he could help explore some champions and narrative concepts that could use more of a spotlight, and potentially become an incredibly tragic and compelling story to tell.

    Beyond that though, that's all I have to say on this topic. Again I do want to say that I don't mean to bring anyone down who's really excited for a potential Yone release coming up. I'm glad you can be happy for it! Personally though it's just not for me. Also my thoughts here are by no means iron clad, nor are they the only options. I only talked at length about 2 characters as options, but really there's at least 6 NPCs who could fit this bill at the moment, maybe more that I'm forgetting.

    So now I leave it to you all. What do you think?

    TL;DR: General Du Couteau, father of Katarina, Cassiopeia and Talon, or Doran, deceased friend of Master Yi and creator of Doran's Blade, Sword and Shield, are more likely options for "The masked stranger who refuses to die", rather than Yone. Other options include Kusho, Zelos and The Faceless.


    Just some late edits because talking with people here reminded me of some things.

    Doran was also referenced in a recent Ask Riot in a really ominous way, and I will take that as theory fodder cuz having a headcanon is about grabbing every bit of evidence you can! Here's the link: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/ask-riot-making-fiddle-s-vo/

    People mentioned Ledros, and he's also a potential candidate. I didn't include him because he doesn't aesthetically match the teaser that we've been shown, being a wraith of the Shadow Isles and all, but he's a vitally important lore character that could also be a champion in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/Sharjo
    [link] [comments]

    Voyboy responds to video accusing him of “being part of the problem”.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Kled instant Triple Kill with Titanic Hydra

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    Player's obsession with dragons is costing them games.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Every single game theres at least one member of my team that is OBSESSED with dragon. We could have the lowest priority team (twitch bot, kassadin mid, enemy has a Lee Sin jungle, etc) and they would rather get dragon while getting clean aced instead of LETTING THE DRAGON GO and taking other objectives.

    I had a Twitch botlane that said in champ select if we dont get the first 2 dragons I am afking. This mentality is everywhere and its so frustrating

    submitted by /u/jdolan98
    [link] [comments]

    Regarding Voyboy's video - part of the reason soloQ is so toxic is because there's no incentive to be respectful, and the reactive rather than proactive approach taken by Riot in combating toxicity

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: Just my opinion, not claiming that I'm an expert in any aspect of LoL or behaviour.. By toxicity I'm encompassing trolling/griefing/soft inting etc as well as hard flaming

    Edit: This isn't meant to be a hate/negative thread towards anyone, simply suggestions/opinions on what could be done. The message also isn't "Rito free stuff pls" People as a whole should never need incentive to be respectful, however the fact that we have this problem means by definition some people aren't on their own.

    Banning out toxic players is a good reactive response to take when it comes to quality of games, however there should be just as much of an emphasis on rewarding players who are respectful and sportsmanlike in the league scene.

    The 'new' honour system clearly isn't working, and part of the reason for that is because the only discernible benefits to being high honour are for cosmetics eg. yearly ward skins, the odd few key fragments, and the ability to participate in Clash.

    Maybe if Riot decided to take both proactive and reactive approaches (buffing/revamping the honour system to make it more impactful alongside increased bans of griefing/toxic players) then the community as a whole would have more reason to keep calm and stay respectful. I'm also interested to see what effect the ranked changes Riot have planned will have once they're revealed.

    This could be done by increasing the rewards given by the honour system eg. the chance to receive skin shards etc, increasing the penalty for being low honour eg. soloQ timeout (I've never had my honour level reduced so again not too sure about the current penalties), or even prioritising matching people of similar honour levels in lobbies together (a drastic approach obviously).

    I also think there's a really bad culture of "this guy is having a bad game so let's flame him" mentality that is propagated heavily by streamer culture and click bait titles for YouTube vids etc, but although relevant that's a whole different debate

    Anywhere there's my opinion, would love to hear your suggestions!

    submitted by /u/Musashi28
    [link] [comments]

    Upcoming changes for 10.10 with preview

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    A follow up from the previous post

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the preview changes for patch 10.10

    Patch 10.10 preview with some tentative changes.

    Should have some more updates later in the week with directions we're testing for bot and mid lane.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/SAOotB5.jpg

    >>> Nerfs <<<



    • Cooldown: 9-7 >>> 11-7



    • Mana cost: 50 >>> 60

    Kayn Rhaast


    • Healing: 34.5-43% >>> 30-40% of damage dealt


    Base stats

    • Health: 594 >>> 570



    • AP ratio: 55/70/85/100 >>> 55/66/77/88% AP (based on champ lvl)

    Miss Fortune


    • Max movement speed: 60-100 >>> 40-80


    Base stats

    • Health per lvl: 90 >>> 85


    • Bonus armor: 10-20 >>> 10-14%

    >>> Buffs <<<


    Base stats

    • Movement Speed: 345 >>> 350



    • AP ratio: 40% >>> 50%

    Twisted Fate

    Base stats

    • AD: 49.954 >>> 52


    • Mana cost: 150 >>> 100



    • Damage: 70-230 >>> 80-260



    • Damage reduction: 10-22 >>> 13-29%


    • Aura damage: 10-20 (+10% AP) >>> 20-40 (+20% AP)



    • Mana restore: 80-140 >>> 110-150



    • Damage: 75-215 >>> 85-225


    • Health refund when rejuvenated: 60-100 >>> 80-100%

    Lux Support

    Bumped to 10.11 changes needed testing

    >>> Other <<<

    • Position changes are not in 10.10 - giving these more time to be tested

    Bot buffs

    Mid nerfs

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Grand Starfall

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Hey there,

    Figured I should post here. What started as a simple environment scene ended up looking like that. Still some stuff to fix but I had to move on to something else. So here is Pantheon ulting to god knows where.

    I have some ideas for some other stuff ;)

    Cheers !


    submitted by /u/Dusmuss
    [link] [comments]

    I drew a KDA cover of KPOP girl group

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:04 AM PDT


    Well I love KPOP girl group named Mamamoo and I wanted to draw KDA girls with the same outfit. I wish Rito makes another super KPOP song for KDA.

    submitted by /u/cyblix
    [link] [comments]

    mousesports vs. AGO ROGUE / EM 2020 Spring Playoffs - Quarter-Final / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:25 AM PDT


    Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    mousesports 0-2 AGO ROGUE

    - AGO ROGUE move on to the Semifinals where they will face the winner of LDLC OL vs. BT Excel!
    - mousesports have been knocked out of the tournament.

    MOUZ | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
    RGO | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

    MATCH 1: MOUZ vs. RGO

    Winner: AGO ROGUE in 25m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    MOUZ sett aphelios trundle pantheon aatrox 38.9k 3 2 None
    RGO irelia kalista akali ekko yasuo 49.2k 16 10 C1 H2 O3 H4 M5 B6 M7
    MOUZ 3-16-8 vs 16-3-24 RGO
    Tolkin ornn 2 1-4-1 TOP 3-0-5 4 renekton Szygenda
    Obsess jarvan iv 3 0-1-3 JNG 1-2-4 3 sejuani Zanzarah
    LIDER azir 3 1-4-2 MID 10-1-3 2 syndra Czekolad
    Jeskla miss fortune 2 0-3-1 BOT 2-0-5 1 varus Woolite
    promisq thresh 1 1-4-1 SUP 0-0-7 1 tahmkench Mystiques

    MATCH 2: MOUZ vs. RGO

    Winner: AGO ROGUE in 26m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    MOUZ sett thresh trundle braum cassiopeia 40.8k 5 2 H5
    RGO irelia aphelios akali ornn taric 52.3k 20 7 I1 H2 M3 O4 O6 B7
    MOUZ 5-20-18 vs 20-5-55 RGO
    Tolkin maokai 3 2-4-3 TOP 4-0-10 2 renekton Szygenda
    Obsess gragas 2 2-4-2 JNG 1-1-17 1 sejuani Zanzarah
    LIDER yasuo 2 1-5-3 MID 8-1-6 3 syndra Czekolad
    Jeskla kalista 1 0-3-5 BOT 5-2-7 1 varus Woolite
    promisq galio 3 0-4-5 SUP 2-1-15 4 tahmkench Mystiques

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

    submitted by /u/adz0r
    [link] [comments]

    5/5 PBE Update: Splash Art, Loot Assets, Tentative Balance Changes & More

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    With the release of Legends of Runeterra, shouldn't we have a multi-client thing?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:43 AM PDT


    not trying to be mean or something, and Im not gonna talk about TFT (even thought it same thing could be said to it), but since we are getting a LOT of new games made by Riot Games, isn't it time for us to get a global client? Just like Blizzard and Steam have, where you have every single Rito Game and download them/access them.

    I know the League of Legends client has issues, but it just feels wrong to have 3 different apps for 3 different games when they could just be all stored in one single client.

    LoR was in beta, so it was acceptable to have his own Laucher (Like Valorant has now), but since it got finally released, why isn't it connect with their other Riot Game (LoL) in a Launcher?

    I play all current 3 (4 with TFT) Riot Game's games, and plan on trying out every single next one, but I don't think I should bombard by PC with a bunch of Launchers when the solution is a lot polisher and logical.


    Not to mention that whenever I start LoR, it just feels like a completely different game. Even though my friend list is still the same as LoL or Valorant, Its just like its a isolated game, just another one on my pc.

    submitted by /u/Juno_Cipher
    [link] [comments]

    Is Anyone Surprised That Dark Cosmic Lux Won?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Let's set aside the fact that the darker skins have won the previous Versus events. The bias in favor of Dark Cosmic Lux was clear from the start.

    Which Lux skin was featured to promote the Twitch Prime rewards? Dark Cosmic Lux.

    Which version of Lux was made into a unit in Teamfight Tactics? Dark Cosmic Lux.

    Which icon was included in the 100 Prestige Point bundle in the Event shop? Dark Star's, while the Cosmic icon was just a regular one in the Event shop.

    I mean, Cosmic Lux doesn't even smile in any of the media she's featured in. Not in her splash art; not in the story illustration.

    Seriously, which one did they expect people to gravitate towards?

    submitted by /u/jayjaybird0
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    Neace rage quitting a master tier game in LAN and then ends stream

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:25 PM PDT


    Neace is currently smurfing in LAN in Master Tier MMR, when he gets matched with us all he does is rage and flame towards our teammates. The game was really winnable, his team was only 1k down and 1 tower down. He didn't even go out for a "run", he just proceeded to queue off-stream:


    There was one time where plays off stream in LAN and told us to kill ourselves:

    https://gyazo.com/d3fdf790e542f7f5bb8fdc100a2e6f30 example right here

    I understand he comes from a more populated and competitive region, but does he really have to come into our region and flame us because we don't know better?

    Sorry, English was not my first language. I am just a LAN player that occasionally gets matched with him from time to time and it's annoying to see him stream consistently flaming us

    submitted by /u/rickandmortyLAN
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    Making Maokai statue with cement

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    LDLC OL vs. BT Excel / EM 2020 Spring Playoffs - Quarter-Final / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:08 PM PDT


    Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    BT Excel 0-2 LDLC OL

    BTXL | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
    LDLC | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

    • LDLC OL move on to the Semifinals where they will face AGO ROGUE !
    • BT Excel have been knocked out of the tournament.

    MATCH 1: BTXL vs. LDLC

    Winner: LDLC OL in 26m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    BTXL syndra graves senna bard yuumi 40.1k 4 3 H2 H4
    LDLC thresh ornn varus kalista draven 50.8k 16 9 C1 O3 I5 I6 B7
    BTXL 4-16-7 vs 16-4-35 LDLC
    Send0o sett 1 2-4-1 TOP 2-1-4 4 renekton Bando
    Taxer lee sin 2 0-5-3 JNG 4-2-8 1 trundle Tynx
    Special leblanc 2 1-1-1 MID 3-0-7 1 zoe Vetheo
    Deadly miss fortune 3 0-4-2 BOT 6-1-5 2 ezreal Hades
    kaSing nami 3 1-2-0 SUP 1-0-11 3 lulu YellOwStaR

    MATCH 2: LDLC vs. BTXL

    Winner: LDLC OL in 27m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    LDLC thresh ornn syndra maokai rumble 52.6k 11 11 H2 C3 H4 I5 I6
    BTXL sett graves zoe bard yuumi 41.4k 4 2 O1
    LDLC 11-4-23 vs 4-11-10 BTXL
    Bando gangplank 3 2-2-6 TOP 2-2-1 4 gnar Send0o
    Tynx lee sin 2 3-2-7 JNG 0-0-4 1 trundle Taxer
    Vetheo leblanc 1 5-0-2 MID 0-5-3 2 corki Special
    Hades ezreal 2 1-0-2 BOT 1-2-1 1 varus Deadly
    YellOwStaR rakan 3 0-0-6 SUP 1-2-1 3 braum kaSing

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

    submitted by /u/PanicImANurse
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    Reasons to try ARAM, and some strategy tips

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Some thoughts on ARAM from an ARAM player.

    Hello! My name is XxAngry ToastxX, and I'm a predominantly (but not exclusively) ARAM league of legends player. I started playing it as a combination of the fact that I was getting a bit burned out jungling, and when I heard TheShy actually used it as teamfight and skillshot dodging practice (and it is INSANE for both of those things). I now have ~2,100 ARAM games played, and as such, despite being far from a gifted player mechanically, have some thoughts on ARAM that might persuade you to give it a chance, or might change how you approach your games if you're the kind of player who plays occasionally.

    The good of ARAM:

    As mentioned above, while typically not a mirror of the exact teamfights that take place on Summoner's Rift, ARAM is still stunningly good teamfight practice, due to a couple reasons:

    1. ARAM's insane variety from game to game forces you to adapt to ever changing dynamics of possible teamfight scenarios. Every game with a Yasuo on the enemy team is different. You learn how to keep track of the kinds of ability triggers to watch out for. Likewise, every game with a Yasuo on your team is different. Teamfights just unfold drastically differently depending on which champions are involved (duh), and so getting endless variety can help you almost unconsciously improve your teamfighting.

    2. ARAM teaches you how to expand what might otherwise be a somewhat linear perspective on the types of teamfights specific to comps. Finding yourself on a poke comp in ARAM is EXTREMELY different from a tank comp, or a carry comp, or a combo comp, so on and so forth. And of course each of those comps plays differently depending on the kind of comp you opponents have. You'll find yourself learning the nuances of the differences between poke vs poke, and poke vs tank.

    3. It can give you some serious perspective on the types of gameplay experience other roles/champions have besides what you normally play. I have a friend who's an adc main. I main jungle. When we used to duo, I was ALWAYS getting confused about why he'd get lit up in a fight that seemed super free, and was SURE it was only mispositioning or some other easily corrected mistake. Yeah… play a game of ARAM as a carry champ like Vayne against a team with good engage and just see how it goes. It can be ROUGH if you and your team are not on the same page.

    The bad of ARAM:

    1. Random is as random does. Sometimes, you end up as a team of squishies with minimal engage/sustain vs a team of lux, vel'koz, varus, a tank, and an enchanter….. and you just get absolutely pummeled into the dirt. It sucks. Unfortunately, the very same randomness that brings what I believe to be valuable variety sometimes betrays you. If you play a lot of ARAM, you learn to just let these games slide off. Keep your mental. And just play another one. Or take a break if you want.

    2. Maybe this is just my own problem, but I really enjoy trying to do my best with what I'm given. It's why I like ARAM. What you get from game to game changes, and you work with what you have and see what you can do. You will find a LOT of people who absolutely do not share this mentality in ARAM. The amount of times you will hear "it's just ARAM," "go play ranked if you want to try," or some variation of this mindset is incredible. I for one to not quite understand why anyone would take the time to queue up for a game of any kind if they had no intention of trying to do the best they can. ARAM is an exciting change of pace from summoner's rift. It's its own game mode with genuinely deep and unique strategies, and diverse experiences to be had. Why would you just treat it like this throwaway, pointless, game mode, even when some of the best players in the world are using it as a training tool. It just doesn't make sense. No one is stopping you from making or joining a custom where people share this mindset and will build 6 zeal nami right along side you, but why are you going out of your way to ruin a game mode for 9 other people. I don't see how people can get upset about players who build full AP riven in summoner's rift but think it's totally fine in ARAM, as if ARAM is some garbage can you where you're allowed to mess with other people's game experiences because you feel entitled to.

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