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    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    LoL Guide Flash paths

    LoL Guide Flash paths

    Flash paths

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    New Player, Random Questions Want Answers.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Hi I'm new to LoL and I've been reading up on ways to improve however even with the semi-decent game-sense I am still having a hard time playing the game. Some of these questions are related to that issue and some are of my own curiosity so hoping some things can get answered here...

    1) Why are the roles Top (Tank/Assassin) Mid (Mage/Assassin) Bot(ADC) and Sup placed where they are on the map? Like what would stop the ADC and Sup from going to the top and the top go to the bottom?

    2) Are there any other setting like Quick Cast (which took me until level 30 to realize existed) that would be important to know, and if so what are they?

    3) How does a Jungler decide their jungle route? From what I've seen in game most of the time leashing happens and then they pick from there but what would be the thought process behind their choice?

    4) When playing a role like Mid, Bot or Top what should when should I be looking to roam to other lanes?

    5) When learning positioning are there any other things I should watch out for other than the minion wave and the other players?

    6) What would be a good time to pick up a control ward? I often see in my games people on either side by that ward and then the other team destroy it almost as quickly as they place it so are there any ways I can avoid this when using one?

    7) What should I look out for when trying to get a favorable trade against a laner?

    8) Playing mostly FPS games are there any tips to getting used to the top-down perspective of this game?

    9) Are there any other essential knowledge like wave freezing that I should be aware of?

    10) Speaking of wave freezing what would dictate where I would freeze the wave?

    Thank you to anyone that responds I will be sure to be keeping an eye on this page!

    submitted by /u/IrisSavant
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    How do you finish out games in Bronze

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Hi I'm fairly new to rank and this season I've decided to take it seriously. I got placed in Iron I and I skipped bronze IV and III to II somehow. I do fairly well in my games. I've been playing mid and top a lot I find that sometimes I tend to snowball hard win my games around 30 mins or under or sometimes even if I snowball we still lose my entire team flames. What I notice a lot is right at the 15 minute mark everyone just tries to group mid and end meanwhile some people are under level because of not staying in lane because of dying and it's just frustrating because I go through a huge win streak or go through huge losing streaks. I feel bad because I know I'm not scaling hard yet so I go split push to soak more exp and try to carry but my team just keeps trying to fight. Here is my profile for my most recent lost games https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/Penta+Chromatic#championsData-ranked

    submitted by /u/fanxyu
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    Help vs equal or greater range opponents as Annie

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Hello summoner school, I just started playing league within the past week. I main Annie because I read about her being great for beginner mid laners. A lot of the time, I run into a problem where I can't close at all without losing trades against players that have equal or greater range, whether it's their auto attacks or abilities. For example, Leblanc's ability to dash in. I don't understand how I'm supposed to get hits on these players and usually just end up getting pushed under my tower all laning phase. Any tips or advice would be appreciated. I've watched some streamers like LS and Annie Bot to try to improve.

    submitted by /u/itseulertime
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    Stop checking OP.GG every game

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Not sure if this has been discussed on here already, but every game I have someone on my team complain about smurfs on the enemy team.

    Stop worrying about smurfs and just always play your best. You can't control the enemy's strength, so don't worry about it.

    submitted by /u/Encrux615
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    Dealing with a fed Garen mid/late game

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    Context: I main support in mid gold elo.

    In a lot of games lately I've seen the enemy Garen top get super fed early on, usually ramping up like eight kills or more by the time mid game comes around. By that time the Garen usually just runs around and gets to do whatever he wants, Feels really out of control. Is there any real strategy on dealing with a fed Garen?

    submitted by /u/Kylovic
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    Your daily motivational post, for if you're feeling down after a loss. Even with someone who intentionally feeds from minute 1, you can win the game. Focus on your own gameplay and help others who are also try to win. Ignore any misbehaviour and keep playing like you always do.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:41 AM PDT


    As you can see the Mundo fed his ass off. He just straight up walked into turrets and was afk in lane. As a team we decided to ignore his behaviour and focus on objectives. We were able to get 4 drakes and baron, and turned the game around. Keep playing until either one of the Nexusses is down, and keep the mental spirit high!

    submitted by /u/flamoestuintje
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    Just played my first ranked and...

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I'm a level 44 support main and I just played my first ranked. We were a group of three playing flex, but we got paired with two people that were playing solo, I mean, they weren't a team. We got paired against a premade team of 5 people where 2 of them were gold. We got completely wiped and our other two teammates have started falming us saying that we were trolling while the other team just laughed at us.

    That's it, just wanted toet off steam. Hope it gets better with time :/

    submitted by /u/kaaiser33
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    How to deal with disengage champions as an aggro player?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    So with the meta seeming to threaten to switch to enchanters being popular again, I was hoping for some help on how to deal with them as a player that almost exclusively plays aggro champions (I main thresh, otherwise I play things like Leona or alistar). I remember struggling into matchups like Lulu or Janna and nami, and any advice would be great for me and maybe players like me. (Just joined recently so sorry if this was already covered)

    submitted by /u/TheKajiking
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    How should I use tier list, and should I?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Sup, Im a silver player and I trying to make a champion pool based on tier list (because I want to rush elos) but Im in doubt in get based by siver tier list or platinum+ tier list, my point is that the majority part of the champions on silver one are there because people don´t know how to play against and not because they are really strong at the meta. Should I try to main champions based on my elo or in always get based by the highers?

    submitted by /u/ParkingAlternative8
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    Question about how LP gain / loss works...

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    So yesterday myself and my duo play two ranked games and win them both. For both games we gain 18lp each and stopped playing there, both of us at Gold 3 36lp.

    Today we decided to play some more. We won the first game and only gained 16lp, then played another game and lost 20lp.

    We've duo'd every game this season, so we have the same win rate over the same games - roughly 52% win rate total. What changed overnight for our lp gain / loss to change so much? We're now at less than we started the day on because of one loss.

    Anyone have more information on how this system works this season?

    submitted by /u/StonedWooki3
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    How do I proceed after first blooding mid laner/ when should I go for first bloods?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    So I am a katarina one trick and am quite used to taking fights early on.

    The issue is I will either die or get the kill and it's 70/30 usually in favor of me so I go for it. I have never really thought about minion control and having the wave push back to me if I die or if they die. But I faced a smurf a few months back and I first blooded him but got killed by the jungler and came back to lane with a 1 and half level disadvantage and don't understand why, but he clearly did and abused me for it. (The clip is on the smurfs YouTube if anyone wants I can dm it to them and they can give me tips on my timings etc)

    So my questions are as follows:

    1. When is the best time to go for the all in? Is It just when the enemy is low and you know you can win the all in? I know if I have a lot of minions and it's a 50/50 it might even be worth because if I get him low enough he will have to back and lose the xp.

    2. Suppose I kill the laner and he does NOT have TP? If there is no way I can push the wave in time is it okay to kill a few castor minions to set up a slow push into me?

    3. Suppose I kill the laner and he does have TP? Do I just stay in lane and proceed or do I shove it in and back anyway losing a decent xp lead to them?

    TL;DR: various scenarios of "back or push?" when enemy laner dies

    submitted by /u/CrackBabyCSGO
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    How to come back after an early double invade and losing both buffs

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I just lost one of the most unfun games I ever played.

    I was playing Zac against Lee Sin and he instantly invaded and smited my Red buff after I did my raptors, he then immediately went to my blue and smited it while I was doing it as well. Lee now had quadruple buffs, I had lost jungle pressure and was forced to back with little to no HP or gold.

    He then proceeded to get extremely fed off of the support who refused to ward and play safe, even after being camped. Meanwhile I was trying to salvage my jungle all game just to not fall behind in gold, which was inevitable anyway.

    How do I deal with such agressive invades when I have no real way to fight them early?

    My mid and top did come to help(we were in voice comms), but top took way too long and mid decided halfway through that they'd rather chase an Ahri instead of helping me not completely lose jungle from minute 1.

    submitted by /u/ZeroVoid_98
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    Duelist Shaco?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I've been making jungle Shaco for a while now and my Playstyle is chilling and farming in my jungle until a gank opportunity arrives. This chill Playstyle didn't bring me far at all and I want to focus on a more invading the enemy mingler and duel him style and I wondered what kind of build I should use.

    I thought of instead of getting tiamat before finishing jungle item getting full ad redsmite and then instead of tiamat static shiv for the stronger duel and movement speed. What I'm not sure about are the runes, I can't decide between hail of blades or electrocute and I'm not sure if I should take ad or as.

    I would love to get some tips and suggestions on how to improve this build.

    submitted by /u/Aietjenetouls
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    How to win trades with Senna?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:18 AM PDT


    I wanted to improve my sup role and I found Senna to be very interesting.

    I guess I am keeping improving, however, I am not a good support. First of all, what is my main prio in lane? How do I trade? I ended up with maybe Q from time to time or one AA, if I tried more, I ended up very often in staying in range and getting CCed or a lot of dmg when I tried to poke more. I improved on that, but as far as I remember, I should focus on ADC and try to punish him every time he walks up to last hit? Also, should I focus more on buying items, that could work vs enemy team, like early executioners, BC maybe if they have 3 tanks etc.

    I was wondering, if early Frozen Mallet does make any sense, when I am playing with glacial? These passives stack and this slow is bigger or not?

    Any other tips on her would be great! Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/piersimlaplace
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    Adc keybindings tips for effektive kiting and vision problems.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Hey, I've played league for many years completely casual and pretty much only caster assassins like Kassadin. Now I'm heaving problems with the adc position and high attack speed Champs like ashe.

    In the next section I'll talk about some special keybindings and benefits and drawbacks in certain situations.

    The attack move action is important! Right? Attack champion only is a very useful option! Right? So how do we effectively use them?

    Good kiting refers to attacking at your max attack speed while placing movement commands in between attacks targeted away from the enemy champion if kiting backwards or targeted towards enemy champion if hunting down fleeing enemies. The movement command in between also functions as an animation cancel after the projectile of the ranged attack is spawned to maximize attack speed. This is substantialy easier with the attack move command than simply just right kicking, because it allows for mouse movement errors and it often simply needs less mouse movement and it instantly attacks enemies which walk inside your vision and range without the need to press anything else. That's at least how I understand it.

    There are now two situations where this system fails, or at least is very inconvenient to use and I would like to hear your thoughts and solutions for this:

    Number one: Vision:

    Enemy walks into unwarded bush. You have no ward ready. You use attack move in or besides bush to instantly attack if enemy goes visible. Enemy places ward nearby. Attack move will target ward. Bad situation. What's the solution?

    Number two: kiting in minions:

    You either get chased or chase an enemy champion which is surrounded by enemy minions. Attack move will target minions. -waste time and attacks, very bad situation If you use the target champion only action during this time your attack move will still target minions. Only right klick will target the enemy champion. So this makes the attack move command useless in this scenario right?

    So any ideas, suggestions to these problems? How do you use attack move and target champion only? And on what hot keys you use them?

    submitted by /u/_Pryor_
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    Vayne vs Kaisa in Iron 1

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Hi all

    Im an ADC player in iron 1 and im still trying to learn champs and the game in general, I mostly play Caitlyn, Ashe and Jinx and sometimes MF. I Like both Vayne and Kai'sa and i know they take some work to learn but what do think is better as a lower elo ADC or should I just stay with Caitlyn and Ashe and work on perfecting them before i move on?

    Thanks in Advance

    submitted by /u/1Grant1
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    Every low elo Mid/Bot lane needs to read this about Dragons.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    This is a copy and paste directly from the wiki.

    Killing dragons is one of the main tasks of the Jungle icon Jungler. Junglers often require assistance from their team for this task, and the champions best positioned to provide this assistance are usually the mid laners and bottom laners. When a team attempts to kill a dragon it usually gets weakened during the fight. Given the nature of the dragon pit, the team attempting the kill has limited escape paths. For this reason it's usually a good idea to gank the enemy team when they're trying to kill a dragon. A good gank may score several kills, steal the dragon kill, or both.

    Please, when you are afk attacking turret, ward river. If your jg pings you to do dragon when the enemy jungler is dead, go to it and help him.

    submitted by /u/D1ll0n
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    New player, can’t play with experienced friends.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Started playing a couple of weeks ago, not outright terrible with some MOBA experience but obviously not great. Losing a lot and struggling to enjoy the game with my friends; they have 2-5+ years experience each and we get matched with similar players. Have been playing support. Don't really enjoy playing on my own, or can't spare the time. Are my only options just to grind it out on my own, or is there anything else people have done in this situation?

    submitted by /u/redcheesedip
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    ADC in low elo Solo Queue Tips?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I know this must be a reoccuring topic here, but I'm a returning player and I wanted to try to main adc. I used to be a Plat jungler a long time ago and am now silver, which I am ofc completely fine with.
    However, I dunno if it's the current meta or I'm just really terrible, but as of late, ADC feels like the most terribly random role to me. I've red a shitton of guides and watched videos, but in the end it feels like I either have the team that coordinates ganks to secure drake, or the ppl that shit all over everyone, start flaming, and splitpush as malphite top with no tp.
    The quality of my supports also feels incredibly random, and I specially hate playing vs snowbally catch supports like thresh or blitz bcs it feels like in lower elo, people do not know how to stay away from them or stay with me when playing a tanky support.
    I can't roam, and it usually just boils down to me being either stomping my lane and hopefully able to even out the feed on the enemy team or I go even and then it's just praying to the gods that my team does as well.

    TL;DR: ADC feels terribly random and unrewarding. I feel like I'm much more than any other role completely reliant on other people and I don't really know how to improve bcs it feels like there are so many random factors.

    submitted by /u/DannySlash
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    Champion identity with regards to drafting.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I dont have this idea fully fleshed out, but I will try my best.

    Bad drafting in solo queue has led to a frustrating time for many league of legends players. I see several threads complain about champions like Katarina or Ekko and I do not dispute that these champions might be overtuned but I would like players to analyze champion identity when discussing these champions and how to counter them.

    Katarina was designed with the inherent potential to wipe an entire team with her reset mechanic if executed properly. With this identity, a team fight is not won until katarina is dead. The problem is that many players draft without considering Katarina's identity. By picking Soraka or Aatrox, you are enabling Katarina's kit which not only has high burst, but built in grievous wounds. Instead, melee supports with high cc and tankiness like Alistar can completely win you a game simply by keeping Katarina in line. Ask any Katarina main how it feels to play against an Alistar.

    Another example is Ekko. Ekko and Sylas are similar in that they dont have the one shot potential of a Qiyana, but they have tools to sustain through a fight. When you pick a short ranged Mage like Ryze into these champions. You are enabling them to get onto you easily, deal their damage, and gain more value off of their sutain. Instead, it would be better to pick a champion like Xerath, Ezreal adc that can poke out of range of their heal/shielding ability. Or, you can simply hard cc them to death.

    This is why champions like Zed, Katarina and Ekko dont have much success in pro play. Pro players know the identities of these champions and draft entire comps that limit their kits. Other examples(from pro play) are:

    Counter: Azir into Aatrox (disengage hampers aatrox, rylais slow if built)

    Gangplank into Miss Fortune (terrain morphing prevents miss fortune from standing still to ult.)

    Gragas into Varus( varus must blow flash every time in pro play to avoid gragas engage) same with Aphelios and some others.

    Synergies Kayle with Olaf and Kaisa ( engage into kayle ult)

    Xayah, Rakan, Gangplank, Syndra (terrain morphing/defensive)

    Renekton, Gragas, Qiyana, Rumble(pre 6 single target burst). Specifically the Qiyana and Rumble combo won game 1 for FPX in the Worlds bo5 vs IG.

    Note: This is more than just matchups and counter picks. These are counters that transcend roles and look to impact the overall identity/theme of a team comp.

    TLDR and Takeaway: Do not simply draft to counter ur lane opponent. Think of abilities and micro interactions that can increase your synergy with champions on your team and limit enemy options.

    submitted by /u/wi1drness
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    Is there any good method for ganking Illaoi top?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I am a Silver 3 jungler maining Warwick, Nocturne, and Yi. Often times my top laner seems to be doing decently against an opposing, pushed Illaoi, and I want to gank. However, I know she "enjoys" being ganked, and it does indeed backfire quite badly when all the tentacles go nuts. Are there any safe principles to follow when ganking her? For instance, is she vulnerable before hitting level 6? Post-6, could it work to get in, bait her ult, flash out, and then try to re-engage? Or is it better just to leave her alone during laning phase and just play around her ult in teamfights later? Thanks for any tips!

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    Are boots really necessary?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    I'm kinda new and I still don't understand why everyone buys boots. They only provide a small speed boost and a little bit of damage reduction maybe. Why does everyone always buy them before other more helpful items. I usually buy them last because I just don't see the need for them. Why are hey so important?

    submitted by /u/TheGodMithrim
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