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    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    LoL Guide How to be effectively present on the map in midgame as a midlaner?

    LoL Guide How to be effectively present on the map in midgame as a midlaner?

    How to be effectively present on the map in midgame as a midlaner?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    One of the biggest issues I face is around the time the bot lane decides to come to mid. I am forced to choose between sitting on mid, sharing xp and losing gold to my adc, or going bot and possibly not being able to join a fight if tp is down or if people get caught out. What is the right way to handle this?

    submitted by /u/murtaza64
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    How do I let go of my ego after winning/losing games?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    After I win a game I feel really good about myself, not in a superiority type of way but just a nice feeling of accomplishment. Likewise, when I lose I feel really bad about my loss. I begin feeling imposter syndrome and I second-guess my skill level.

    I'm trying to remove my emotions when I win/lose and try to see things objectively. I always try to play for improvement and not just to climb but it feels frustrating when I go on a high winning streak and feel super good and then go on a huge losing streak and negate any sense of progress. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/TraZixTV
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    Could any smurfs please explain how they carry feeding teams at low ELO? Is it always possible if you're good enough?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    On a 9 loss streak and I've won my lane with 2-4 kills and out CS'd my opponent by 40 or 50 by around 15 minutes. But even when I'm that fed mid lane is 0 - 7, jungle is 0 -6 and bot is like 2-5 or at best 3 - 2 while the other one is is 1 -3 (rough numbers, you get the point). This happens every single game I play and my team keeps charging into fights. Even if I can take out a couple of them everyone on my team is melted right away and they'll have a crazy fed Talon or Jin that kills me in 2 seconds tops. I can still get pickoffs and stall them taking our base but as the game goes on they feed so hard that I can't even kill one of them by the end and we lose in under 30 minutes.

    And in games where my lane is even or my opponent is better (or just an extremely bad matchup) then the game is hopeless. I'm definitely not a good player (only level 24) but constantly losing like this is extremely frustrating.

    How can I have a bigger effect on the whole game and my teammates instead of just doing well individually? How do I take my lane advantage and really snowball and push with it?

    My loss streak has been as top Garen/Jax. Bottom is so far away I lose a ton of farm trying to help (they usually just hide under the tower when I show up and I have to walk back after wasting my time and loads of CS). Same with mid, they always just hide under the tower so I can't be aggressive and kill them unless I just sit in lane stealing my teammate's XP until the enemy decides to do something.

    How early can I roam/gank? I usually wait until I have my ult and have purchased my first core item until roaming but by then mid is at least 0 3 and a similar situation with bot. Should I be going right away at level 3 when I have my abilities? As soon as I see my mid or bottom is low HP?

    Also what can I do when the enemies just hide under the tower after I come to help my teammates? Anything besides leaving and wasting my time?

    Thank you I reallly appreciate any help I can get on this topic. I'll take the full essay please.

    submitted by /u/LoLShitter69
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    Counter Jungling 101

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    In my 2 years of coaching, one of the most common faults I've noticed in low elo junglers is their failure to counter jungle properly. Most of the time they fail to recognize opportunities to counter jungle, they get caught out while invading, or they don't get maximum value out of their invades.

    Here's the full video explaining how to counter jungle effectively. The most important parts are these;

    • When to counter jungle
      • The enemy jungler shows on the other side of the map: on vision, while ganking, on an objective, etc. This opens a "window" of time while the enemy can't contest their jungle.
      • You have priority in both lanes adjacent to you, and you are stronger 1v1 vs the enemy jungler.
    • How to counter jungle
      • As soon as you see a "window" (enemy on opposite side of map), move towards heir jungle.
      • When they disappear into fog, you have 30 seconds before they can be in the jungle to contest (8 sec recall, 20 seconds to walk). Or death timer plus 20 seconds.
      • Clear the deepest camps first, then work back towards the safety of your jungle as that 30 second timer expires.
      • Place deep wards if you have them.

    I believe effective counter jungling is one of the most important things for low elo junglers to learn. Stealing camps puts tremendous pressure on your opponent.

    If they fail a gank and also have lost their camps, they are extremely behind.

    Even if they're successful in their gank, you deny significant value by stealing camps and deep warding to prevent them from getting future ganks off.

    I hope this is helpful! :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    When to buy multiple Dorans/ starting items?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I often see streamers that I watch at higher levels buy multiple starter items depending on the situation, often multiple D blades on offensive top lane champs like Fiora and Jayce and sometimes D rings for support/ AP champs. I can kind of understand the benefit of buying multiples of these items since they're good all round items with good value for the stats they give, but I still don't understand which situations, the inevitable loss in gold when you sell the items and the delay in item spikes for your core build, is worth it.

    What should I be looking for in a situation to warrant buying multiple starter items?

    submitted by /u/ElZed-
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    Why doesn't Kog'maw build Nashor's tooth?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    In theory, Nashor's tooth provides Kog'maw with all the stats he wants: Attack speed and the onhit passive is obviously pretty strong on Kog'maw, CDR is pretty good for his ability pool (more uptime on w, and r, q, and e can be used to poke more frequently), and all of kog'maws abilities scale with AP and do magic damage. But Kog'maw players almost never build this item, not even in later parts of their build. Is the item underrated or is there good reason why people don't pick it up? People pick up Guinsoos Rageblade often, which is another AP item with attack speed and onhit focus, but that item is considered to be core on Kog'maw in most builds, so why doesn't Nashors ever get built as a substitute or as an augment (second or third item) with Guinsoos?

    submitted by /u/SomeMockodile
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    Why does it feel that "odd" bot pairings work best?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    I main Senna and Nami support and over 1500+ games have found games where I am paired with a non-standard adc pick (Yasuo, Syndra, Ziggs, etc) to be the most enjoyable.

    Is this because these "adc" picks are self-reliant most of the time so I don't have to babysit them 24/7 or is this because in Silver most people get badly thrown off by anything unusual?

    submitted by /u/-quakeguy-
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    Struggling as a new player.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I am a new to leage , i start playing it in quarantine because of my friends of course , i managed to get to level 49 , i am really bad at the game tho. When i first started playing the game my friends sent me to play blind until i could play draft , and when i could i started playing with them. I only played with them against level 100 players , and i felt super bad at the game , i couldnt do anything against these experienced players. I started playing TOP cause my friend told me its the easiest lane and he will help me by ganking a lot , he told me to play garen , darius and champs like that but i didnt really enjoy that kind of game style. I started playing Teemo which i really , really enjoyed , but ofc i was getting beat every time.After leaving top behind i started playing amumu jungle , which i enjoyed a lot , it had a really easy jungle clear that i couldnt mess up , my friends told me i was pretty good with using the ults in teamfight , but i wasnt using my ult enough (still a problem today) . This was always a fear for me , fucking up an ult or a flash , cuz of the long CD , i am always so scared to use my ult in any fight i have gotten so much shit from random players at the start for fucking my ults up that it built up a big fear for me.I reached level 30 with amumu played 2 ranked games , got bronze 4 lost a game where i played bad and my team flamed me , so i quit playing ranked , only played draft after that. I quit playing jungle because i had too much pressure on the map and i had to pay attention to everyone and i could fuck up the whole game by being bad. I already quit TOP cuz i am bad at 1v1ing and i am heavily dependent on ganking. I played a few mid games before , but the same with jungle i have to much pressure on the game so i dont even wanna play mid ever again. I only played adc when i started and now that i think back , i dont wanna try it , i dont wanna fuck up my supports game by being really bad (because supports cant really carry). Now i am here maining support , it has been going alright , i main tahm kench , soraka (sometimes Leona , yuumi). I enjoy tahm kench the most in the game , i managed to get Mastery 6 with him but OFC its tahm kench all my friends are flaming me for liking him and playing him , i really want to stop but i just like tahm kench soo much. I eventually quit playing tahm kench i was pretty good with him , but i had to try super hard to be efficient with him . Here i am maining soraka , i cant really mess up healing and ulting in fights where its needed. But i am still so bad at the game , i ward when its needed i can call back in the right time , i can poke fine with soraka , i can heal in the right time , i look at the map , my team's health every 5-10 sec and still i am soooo bad i dont know when to engage , i am still scared to use my ult ,i am scared to play aggressive . I just dont feel like this game is for me.... I wanna give up this game but i also wanna play with my friend. I really feel like this game could be fun but i am just having so much trouble with people and the core mechanics and the fact that this game is soo punishing if ur bad , it makes u soo scared of trying to improve. Atleast for me i am a pretty nice person irl , i dont like to hurt feelings , to ruin peoples fun. Sry for any typos and my english , I hope you get the point , any help is appreciated. Thanks to everyone for reading!

    submitted by /u/RecoOfficial
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    As a jungler where do I ward?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    So, like the title says, im a jungle main and I want to know where to ward, specifically with pink wards. Youtube tells me to ward either of the top or bot side pixel bushes, so I have been doing that but I have a few questions:

    1. Which pixel bush takes priority? Bot side or top side? How do I tell? I have been mainly going for bot side pixel because it gives vision for drags and I don't see top getting ganked as much as the adc so I think the vision for my bot lane is more important
    2. If I get the chance to pink the opponent's blue or red buffs, does this chance take priority over warding the pixel bushes? Additionally, is it prudent for me to ward the bushes in the river right next to the top and bot lanes if I notice my laners are not keeping vision there?
    3. When do I ward drag or baron pit? I can only have 1 control ward up at a time, so if my team is setting up for drag, where does my control ward go? I feel like the pixel bush gives better vision if they try to contest, but warding in the pit will help prevent steals.

    If it helps, I'm bronze trash just trying to be a little less trash (maybe even silver trash), and not tilt the fuck out of my laners.

    Here's my op.gg in case it helps with my builds and when I buy pinks etc:


    submitted by /u/tankboi4444
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    What would be the appropriate time to roam when the laning phase ends or stop farming CS in lane, and what to do then?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I think I struggle alot with figuring out what to do after the laning phase, as an ADC main, I can get hella good early game kills on the bot lane team, and out farm the enemy etc, but if I get a big lead, I struggle to figure out what to do when the laning phase ends early.

    This is probably confusing, so I'll give an example of a situation.

    I'm Jhin with Naut against Miss Fortune and Leona, she doesn't poke good, misses alot of CS, and the support always messes up engages, and misses skillshots. We get a huge lead CS and Kills. We take bot tower earlier than usual because we were bullying them so hard. The laning phase ends so I begin to roam and get deep vision on their blue side, pink ward drake, etc. I go mid, take a tower with my team after we win a big teamfight by a mile, and then go back to farming in lane and helping JG with drakes. Now, the game is coming into early early late game. I struggled with what to do, so I took two top towers. Sadly the enemy team surrendered because we had too much of a lead making it unwinnable unless they were five-man premade.

    Are there certain things I should make a 'mental checklist' of after the laning phase I should recognize?

    submitted by /u/PolygonEssence
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    Is it worth playing champs you are good at, but don’t enjoy?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title. While I do want to climb (kinda new only been playing for 6 months places bronze 3) I also want to have at least a little fun doing so. Yes, the majority of the fun is seeing the victory screen for me, however enjoying myself while I get there is important too. Do you guys think that playing champs I like and having a better mental will develop better skills over time, or should I just play champs I'm decent with right now, and ignore the more boring games to just hard climb?

    submitted by /u/Fixx0816
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    Why is Varus banned so much?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    The trend starts at plat+ where his banrate highly spikes, specially on Korea and NA. And the higher the Tier is the higher his ban priority becomes. After Yuumi/Kassadin/Graves Hes up there with the high presence champions can anyone explain this reason ? https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?tier=diamond_plus&view=grid

    submitted by /u/Frooster2
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    A few tips for the new Volibear + 3 minute video

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Hello /r/summonerschool!

    I've made a 3 minute video guide/showcase about the new Volibear rework!

    Link: Video


    • Q and W act as auto attack resets.
    • You can hide the E animation in your other abilities or auto attacks.
    • Turrets don't change aggro while the are deactivated.
    • If you play jungle Volibear, you can use E to pull camps together, to make better use of your passive.
    • You can use E to facecheck bushes.
    • Your Q empowered auto attack is a mini dash, which lets you jump some thinner walls(see video for examples)
    • This dash range scales with your auto attack range, for example the buff your ultimate grants(or rapid fire cannon,... but don't build that in my games please).

    Have a nice weekend!

    submitted by /u/boostedFluegerl
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    How do I deal with an invade?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    So I just got fucked in the ass. I was playing graves jungle (my third game on him) and it was looking like it would be a good game. I got friendly teammates and had a leash for bot side. Then when the blue buff was about to be killed Blitzcrank hooked it and I had to run away from 4 players. It set me back immensely. And I think that lead snowballed into an ff 15. I was useless the entire game because I had to back due to being low health and I was also behind on farm. I didn't help that my teammates weren't doing to well but I think I was the most behind.

    I had never dealt with this before (I'm new) and I'll be sure to be more thoughtful in the future but what can I do to predict when this will happen? i.e. what champs invade most often? Also if they do invade what can I do to punish them? And if that doesn't work and they get a successful invade off what can I do to make sure I don't fall to far behind?

    submitted by /u/Romanator3
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    What to learn?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Hi all

    Im an iron 1 ADC main and I mostly play Ashe, MF and sometimes Caitlyn. Ive been playing since December 2019 about when Aphelios was released, anyway my question to all you experienced ADC players is what a new ADC player should learn. Im playing ok and wining about 60% of my games (https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=xThEiRoNwArDeNx) but I dont really know macro play and when to trade, slow push, fast push and stuff like that.

    Just looking for advice on what to learn and in what order.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/1Grant1
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    Moving from screen locked to unlocked

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I have been playing with screen locked since season 4. I've tried playing screen unlocked in the past, but I usually end up locking my screen again after 3 minutes. Are there any tips for changing to unlocked?

    I mainly play screenlocked out of fear for losing track of my champion (I know about spacebar, but when stressed/jumpscared I forget in the heat of the moment).

    It has never really bothered me when I played mages in midlane, but now that I play adc often, I noticed that I can't seem to find kills or see champions approaching because my screen is locked (I know about the minimap, I look at it, but I'm talking about people appearing from the top or bottom of my screen and I can't see them because they're behind my GUI).

    Is it beneficial to play screen unlocked at this point?

    submitted by /u/Xayahbetes
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    Late game hypercarries

    Posted: 30 May 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title. Im somewhat new to the game but I feel my favorite type of champions are ones that can have a lackluster early game but come online after 2-3 items and can take over a game. So far ive tried master yi and hes alot of fun but I run into the problem of needing to mute too many teammates who don't understand I cant match an elise in my amount of ganks and begin to spam in chat. I recently had a game where my voli top flamed in all chat cuz I only ganked him once in 15 mins while their jungler ganked 3 times, he even afked in base after i ended up getting a penta later that game which sucked, so im not really enjoying scaling junglers. Ive also tried vayne adc, and shes fun but i was wondering if anyone knows of any other champs that work in a similar fashion.

    submitted by /u/tortoise_inquisition
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    How do I dodge Diana Q

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I've been playing league since season 3 and I still cant figure out how to dodge diana q.

    Its some weird q that can be manipulated. Do I walk forward or do i have to stay all the way in the back? Not sure how to do it. If anyone could describe how to do it that would be amazing!

    Thanks, Cricket.

    Edit: I'm a TF main if that is any useful info

    submitted by /u/Capable_Cricket
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    Should I play Annie if I really don't enjoy myself?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I'm iron and my plat and silver friends, along with a few youtube coaches, have convinced me to try Annie for 50 games. I'm several games in and it just feels like absolute hell. I usually end up 0/4 or worse by end of laning phase, I die over and over and over so I get no time to cs, fight, use macro, etc.

    I realize this champion is actually not easy due to her low range, but I can't seem to adapt to it at all during the first 10 minutes of the game. Every time I try to poke with autos + abilities, I run out of mana. My last hitting with Q is atrociously bad. I think I have like a 25% accuracy on my R? It feels like I play like a 3-year-old but when I go into the next game, the same mistakes happen, I'm still inting lane, and no improvement is apparent.

    At this point, I enter the rift with Annie and my brain is already filled with "I suck, this champ sucks, my enemy will smurf on me, this game's already over." Even in games where I get fed by the enemy Yasuo, instead I think, "Well obviously I got fed, I didn't do anything right, the enemy just ran it down, plus this champ is broken when it comes to snowballing."

    I'm perma tilted and I just want every game to be over before it begins when I play Annie. But every time I play other champions, there's always a reason I should instead go Annie according to my higher elo friends. Neeko is too safe, Veigar doesn't have agency in lane, Rumble and Fizz are bad for fundamentals, etc.

    So who do I listen to? Myself, who has been hardstuck iron for almost 2 years? Or all the "reliable sources", which offer good advice for most players, but not necessarily garbage players like myself? Any comments appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Vigil_the_Protogen
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    Not Trying to get Flamed again

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    So, I played my first ranked game recently (I'm still in placements), and it went pretty poorly. I fed kind of hard and at the end of the game, everyone spammed top difference and though I got autofilled. They were Golds and Silvers. I'm used to playing normals where I leash the jungler and stay in my lane. But I noticed a lot of people go for ganking the jungler at the beginning of the game? Is that something that I should do with my team or should I just stick with my lane?

    A general run down of how the timeline of a ranked game should go would be nice, I'd like to not have that happen again. I didn't expect it to be so hard, I can usually do pretty well in normals with my mains (although I've been on a pretty loss streak + I'm trying to learn a new champ so I can still play mid after Fizz gets banned.)

    submitted by /u/sleepytvii
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    Why can’t I refund volibear?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I wanted try his new rework like I did with fiddle sticks. After I was done testing I wanted to refund but it says I can't. I never had this problem with fiddlesticks, does anyone know why. One thing I saw said it was because it apparently gave me a skin so I should just have to refund it before I refund volibear, but this didn't work. The game won't let me refund the skin like the guide told me to. Also I am able to refund people I bought before him so that's not the issue either. I don't like the champ all that much so if anyone knows I way to get rid of both him and the skin, that would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Hermaeus-Miraak
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    If you are going to play a new champ or a new role play practice tool>Co op vs ai>Normals and then come to Ranked games

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    It maybe a low elo thing, but in Silver and around many players just blindly take new champs into ranked or play on a new role (jg or adc or supp) with literally no knowledge. I am not saying like one should have challenger level knowledge but basic knowledge of what a champion builds, how he/she plays, what are some combos,.. are essential. Personally I do see many one tricks with 200k or more mastery points messing up games too, but imo their numbers are far less when compared to these new champ tryout ones.

    Sure many players don't bother about LP and plays the game for "fun", but why to go 0/10/0 in 10 mins for the fun? Do you agree with this?

    submitted by /u/urarakauravity
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