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    Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    LoL Guide Kassadin early game

    LoL Guide Kassadin early game

    Kassadin early game

    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Hello everyone. I main kasaadin in gold 1/plat 5. I used to play for fun and not really care but recently I really got competetive in league and started to really think about macro and stuff and actually started to play 1 champion, before i played like every champion in the game.

    I never really liked early game champions because closing out games is my weakness but on kassadin I usually am able to solo kill 2-3 people and just end.

    Now to get to the problem i feel like my early game is really bad. I know that such a hyper scaling champion such as kassadin cant have good early game but is there anything I can do to really be useful? Is it worth to lose CS to follow a roam? Or am i just forced to suck and hope my team doesnt hard lose early game?

    submitted by /u/Perwool
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    Choosing your champion pool, or how having fun is no laughing matter

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT


    I got 900.000 mastery points on a champion before I realized I wasn't having any fun playing it. Go ahead, laugh it out. Get it all out of your system. When you're done, read on to learn how it happens, and why you should avoid it. If you read to the end, I'll even tell you what champion it was.


    Fun and Frustration

    There's a lot of toxicity in League, and a lot of people not having fun. Now, this isn't going to be the cure to every problem you have, but it's been a big help for me, and it might help for you.

    When you're having fun, you're less attached to the outcome of what you're doing, because - at least you had fun right? When you're not having any fun, you can get very frustrated if you fail, because you got nothing out of it.

    Sound familiar? A lot of people are stuck playing champions they don't really enjoy, and you'd be surprised at the many reasons for it other than taking advantage of the meta.


    This Is Tickling My Brain

    When you play a champion you enjoy, you get little dopamine hits (or whatever it is in our brain) that makes you feel happy. For me, it's when I hit the sweetspot on Aatrox's Q, or when I absolutely fry someone with Sett's W, or Q around like a madman with Irelia.

    This is different for everyone. There are people - I kid you not - who giggle like little girls every time they Q you with Teemo, and that's because they need Jesus, but that's besides the point.

    Try different champions until you find one that gives you those dopamine shots when you hit skillshots, when you troll people with Shaco boxes, tilt people with across the screen Q's on Xerath, whatever gets you going. This will make a difference.


    Put the fun in fundamentals

    When you're having fun simply playing your champion the following things happen:

    • You learn much faster and easily get in the zone when playing

    • You tilt much less, because whether you win or lose you enjoyed yourself. This also means when the comeback happens, you're ready for it.

    • You're actually having fun playing a video game, which was probably the reason you started playing to begin with.

    If you've read this far, the champion I got 900k mastery on was Riven. Laugh it up (again). Like I said, there are so many reasons people play champions they don't enjoy other than meta, for me it was "Well she's so hard to play, it would be cool to get good at her." And sure, it was cool. But I wasn't having any fun. I hated losing and the only part I enjoyed about playing was the victory screen.

    So get out there and test-drive some new champions. Go into practice tool, punch some Training Dummies, play some normals or ARAM and watch for those dopamine kicks in your brain. It's okay if the champion is easy to play, that just means you can have a bigger pool so you don't get bored.

    Go have fun! Your winrate will thank you.

    submitted by /u/Wayward_EU
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    How is LoL done, when transferred to professional gaming.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    Im in Australia and wanna start watching the OPL, i know its not as signugicant as worlds but beside the point.

    I dont necessarily understand how LoL is played professionally. Your goimg to have to forgive me with the extent of my knowledge, im an avid sports fan and am use to the NHLs 82 game season that goes into a playoffs to determine the stanley cup winner.

    I hear that its split? Into 2 seasons for each year? Then there's a playoffs or groups?

    Is anyone able to explain the specific format as simply as possible?

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    How do you play against hecarim?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Basically title. I mainly play adc but this question also goes for mid. I just can't figure out what can I do against hecarim ganks. In the early game deep wards kinda help but after lvl 6 with his ulti and ghost he deals 600-700 damage alone which is almost 70% hp of an adc and also fears you for so long. It is so hard to peel your adc against him because he is so fast and has an aoe fear. After trinity, he just one shots squishy targets. I feel like it is just impossible to play aggressive while enemy has hecarim jungle. Also if you are around 50% hp he can just tower dive you and leave with his ulti.

    In conclusion, I need some advice.

    submitted by /u/Mundane3
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    Want to improve, but have a hard time finding resources for higher elo players

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I'm a support main who peaked at d2 last season. I made a new account this season and reached d4 pretty easily with 65% wr and i wanna try to break into d1/master eventually. Looking online, I can't find any resources catered to my situation, most guides/tips/etc. are written/filmed by low elo players or d4 at best. Guides made by pro players feel catered to newer/worse players than me (which makes sense as they are a larger audience).

    I want to improve my general game sense, find common strategies used in higher elo soloqueue, how to more efficiently use my wards, how to play around the 4-man bot meta when I'm on the receiving end, how to win my lane in certain matchups etc. but it feels like I cant find high elo players who are willing to make detailed guides on those, not at least without playing on smurfs and showing us how good they are at stomping people way lower rank than them.

    I recently found out I can download recent games from people's profile in the league client, but I feel like I don't learn as much from replays as I'd like to.

    Basically my question is: Where can I find resources to help me get better and break into d1/master as a support main? Also, what are some ways I can learn from watching pro player replays (or even my replays)?

    submitted by /u/bot_in_20xx_lul
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    What to do when Support leaves you?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, so I've recently started playing adc and about 1 and half mins into laning phase my support told me I was a **** adc and left me for the rest of the game. I think it was because I didn't follow up on one of their engages but like I said I'm kinda new to adc so I'm still learning.

    So here I am, 3 mins into the game starting and I'm in a 1v2 lane and if I try to play safe I just get dove under tower by the two enemies and die.

    Please can I get some advice on what to do in this situation. Do I have to just give up tower? Any help is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/RealSlumShady
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    Need help with riven

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I have played league for awhile. I am currently hardstuck in gold. Never really been super competitive and used to always run ranked with friends and goof off.
    I recently started to get focused on trying to climb for once and want to do so with riven. I grow bored with most champs fast but she seems to keep me interested. That said, I suck. I think i have won my lane maybe once since i started playing her lol. I just feel like other rivens i see do insane amounts of damage. Yet when i play her i cant seem to find my rythm with making trades, and when i all in with the fast combo its never enough damage and i just get clapped.. I don't even know what i am asking at this point, how do other rivens find success with alot of these top lane matchups. Even with proper combo why does my dmg feel like ass.

    submitted by /u/konkussion
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    How to climb from iron to gold (from a mid laner who's recently done it). My low elo jungle tracking/mid lane macro guide.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm Ignix0 a streamer who's made the climb from iron to gold relatively fast (4 months) and wanted to share my experience and any concepts I feel that are worth mentioning. This is not some climb quick, 1 week guarantee scheme. These are just concepts I feel haven't been mentioned (much) on this subreddit and other learning platforms for league. Keep in mind I've made my climb playing mid lane so a lot of what I'm about to say is mid lane exclusive.

    1. Basic jungle tracking.

    The most important part to climbing in low elo is (in my opinion) learning to jungle track on a basic level. THIS IS NOT HARD! You just have to keep trying to track until you've mastered the art. So? How does 1 track. Well I usually ask myself 2 questions:

    1 what kind of clear does this jungler prefer?

    What I mean by this is, does this champion full clear or likes to gank/contest scuttle? If he likes to full clear you don't have to be worried much early game. If they have an early game ganker/bruiser be sure to track very carefully and ward/position accordingly (more on how to do this later).

    2 Which side leashed?

    This should be very easy, just check the map at around 1:35. You can easily see which sides leashed so you atleast know where the enemy jungler started. Keep in mind some champions start on either raptors/wolves.

    When you combine these 2 questions you should (almost) always be able to know where the enemy jungler is.

    The enemy jungler is master kayn and Im playing Talon vs veigar mid. My jungler is evelynn and she started on red. We see that both sides didn't leash. Where is kayn at 3:40 (we haven't seen him on the map yet)? Well if you ask both questions then you should know that kayn started raptors (standard kayn start without leash) and that he likes to fullclear so he should be at scuttle right now.

    1. What do we do now?

    So, we know where the jungler is/is gonna be, what should we do now? Well like I said we want to ward/position accordingly and in some cases manipulate the wave in our favor. Let's go over the 3 one at a time.

    1 Warding accordingly

    This is actually quite easy, if you know that the enemy jungler is gonna come into the river in about ~20 seconds, that's the perfect time to ward! You know you're still save and you'll know if he's doing scuttler/looking to gank/ etc. Ofcourse this isn't the only reason/way to ward but I think it fits really well with the theme of this post (and is quite simple to execute since this guide is meant for low elo players).

    2 Position accordingly

    So, we know that the jungler is at bot river. How should we position? Well when you say it like that it seems quite obvious doesn't it? We should position ourselves on the other side of the lane. This way if he ganks you can just walk away into the brush or even try to 2v2 with your jungler and/or support. If you don't know where their jungler is I recommend hugging the side of you jungler (making it easy for him to countergank).

    3 Manipulate wave accordingly

    This one is a bit more complictared than the other tips, even I as a gold player to be honest am not even close to doing this well. But I can give 1 basic situation which happens almost every game. So what I think is really good to do (and I've almost never seen on reddit/youtube) is to push the wave if you know that scuttle fight is about to go down. How do you know if it's about to go down? Well if you tracked well, you can just compare their junglers position to your junglers position. If they're both at scuttle get mid priority! This is so simple yet so good. If the enemy mid laner is stuck under their tower you're almost guaranteed to get that scuttle setting your jungler ahead massively!

    1. Some other tips

    These are a couple of things I wanted to mention in the guide but couldn't fit anywhere.

    1 When should you recall?

    Im gonna assume everyone has heard it a thousand times but why should you actually recall on cannon wave? Well think about it what's gonna happen when you recall on a standard wave? The enemy champion pushes it in easily and it's gonna crash under tower making you lose a lot of minions. Cannon minion waves are harder to push in cause most aoe wave clearing abilities aren't as effective on a single target.

    So, I should ALWAYS recall on cannon right? Well no, if you absolutely have to (really low hp /+ about to get ganked) you can ofcourse not risk it. Also if you're gonna miss the cannon (against insane wave clear champions) you'd rather lose an entire wave than 3 melee minions + cannon right?

    Keep in mind when you recall to never keep your lane in a freeze (for the enemy). A freeze is when 1 side has 3 or more minions than the enemy. This way the enemy minions are gonna die really quickly. So if you have 3+ minions more than the enemy and you recall you're gonna lose a lot of minions.

    2 What do I do outside of laning phase?

    I'm gonna be honest this really depends on your champion but generally you want to push out a sidelane and then look to group with your team. The enemies have 2 options: catch the wave or not. If they don't catch the wave you pushed in they're gonna miss out on exp and gold. If they do catch it you can group mid with your team and force a 5v4 fight. Keep in mind I generally play Assasins so this definitely isn't the way for every champion.

    I'd love to write even more but I'm sure that everyone is getting tired of this already haha. I really enjoyed making this and am sure I'm gonna make more of these :).

    Quick shameless plug: I stream daily at My twitch channel I try to both be informative and entertaining so come and swing by if you want (live around 12-6pm CEST)!

    For more champion specific tips:

    My zed guide and My talon guide

    submitted by /u/svonnie
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    Roam Roam Roam

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm a support-ADC main in Plat 1. I've been supporting for 5 years and playing ADC for 3. The current spot of the ADC role is not very good and especialy for low elo supports it is essential to understand why.

    Recently shared exp got nerfed, reducing the exp bot laners gain and therefore making it harder for a bot laner to gain levels. This situation causes even the ADC's that are ahead to be 2 levels behind from the mid laners, making ADC's extremely squishy against them.

    Now, how to prevent this? The answer is simple, you give your ADC solo exp as much as you can. This is not the case for every support - Soraka, mages in general - but most support don't require that much levels. Try to roam when it's safe for your ADC to farm and let them take solo exp.

    Support is - at least in my opinion - the strongest role in the game, and that is because of their roam potentials. A good support can essentially win bot, jung and mid at the same time. Top is not off limits as well, but since that is a little more advanced, let's ignore that. Try to pressure the enemy jungle, roam mid, place deep wards in enemy jungle. This will help 3 lanes at once.

    Edit 1: Support ults are really valuable early game. Roaming before 6 usually ends in an unsuccesfull roam and a late 6.

    Early game, try to help your jungler if he/she is need but leaving your lane, especially before mobis, level 6 or 9 is only logical if enemy mid is brain-dead and a kill is certain.

    Edit 2: According to another post on Reddit, leveling up gives you at average around 585 gold worth of stats (I know it's an old post but most likely it has stayed realively same through the years). So if you soak enough exp to deny your ADC a level, you basically steal two kills worth of gold from them. That could help when putting things into perspective.


    Edit 3: This could help any new players to build their fundamentals about roaming and help older players realize their mistakes, I highly recommend watching it.


    submitted by /u/swumpinator
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    Best junglers for bronze?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I first came on here when I was iron 1, and have managed to get to bronze 2 in around two weeks thanks to your help! I've found a lot of success playing zac and graves, but want to diversify with some new champs.

    I'm looking for champs that scale well into late game (because games in bronze rarely finish early), as well as champs with good gap closers/ stuns because I oftentimes find my lanes overpushed making it hard for me to gank.

    Any recommendations would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/farqwastaken
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    A question from a support/jungle player learning the other roles...

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT


    For context, I am a relatively new player, I had just bought a pc a few months ago, to which my buddies happily agreed to teach me lol and I've become focused to learn support/jungle. I'm lvl 41, and hypercarried by my lvl 130-220 friends and most of my time in game is not giving a care in the world about cs. I've begun to try out mid and top, but have been feeding and throwing games to much more proficient enemy laners. My friends usually advise to play safe and focus on getting cs so I could be useful later, but I absolutely suck at getting that last hit in. If it helps I play Viegar mid and Garren top usually. Thanks for any help guys!

    submitted by /u/JCMJones
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    Should I be focusing on my lane?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I play ADC and I am wondering If I should be focusing on my lane or the map.

    Right now my playstyle is to just sit there and look at the map for the entire game. I have really good game sense and can tell when the jungler is bot side and when the mid lane disappears and when the jungle goes for a skirmish I can be the first one there.

    I know I am definately missing out on a lot in the bot lane though. Like trading, harssment, positioning, and to some extent cs.

    I am pretty good in the 2v2 but I just don't play the game as a 2 v 2. I don't look at my lane for most of the game and instead pay attention to the minimap for the majority.

    Is this a sound way to play the game?

    I feel like I could be winning bot lane so much harder, taking a lot less poke, and getting bigger advantages bot lane.

    I kind of trained myself this way playing Kayle for a long time. You don't really play the game until level 11 and just try to not die.

    I am currently in Plat 4 for reference

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    As an adc how should I respond when my support won’t let me freeze?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Really just trying to figure out the best course of action for when I'm trying to freeze a wave to deny the enemy but my support won't stop throwing spells at the wave or hitting their relic shield stacks too early. It makes it impossible to hold the wave, so should I just commit to a quick shove or try to keep it slow pushing as best I can? It feels awful to give that exp and gold back to their ad but I'm not sure how to continue to capitalize and deny.

    submitted by /u/Xayahstar
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    What determines that a champion/team scales better?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I'm a fairly new player and have been watching higher elo players talk about their games. They often mention that a champion scales better than another champion, or that the team is better for late game.

    I kinda get why there are champions that do better early (due to the damage they can give out), but what makes a champion scale better than others (ie. If they even build the same items)?

    submitted by /u/BrightLives
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    How can you be useful as late game champ during the early game?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a Silver Veigar OTP and I just recently played against a Pantheon mid and died twice to him so I decided to keep my cool and farm until I hit my power spike/late game, but then he started roaming with his Ult and got fed by killing other lanes even though I pinged every time he went off. They ended up winning because of that.

    I'm not trying to rant here, I'm aware that I should be the only factor when it comes to winning games and that I shouldn't rely on my team if I want to improve and thats why I ask, what was I supposed to do there? How can I have a bigger Impact in the game early on as a hyper late game champ?

    submitted by /u/Askus_
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    Doran's Blade vs Shield on a Ranged Toplaner

    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I'm in and out of toplane, and recently started trying a ranged top-laner(lulu/vayne). If I end up against a vayne, quinn, or teemo, should I be taking Doran's shield instead? At what point is the healing over time from the Dhield better than the lifesteal and attack damage bonus from the Blade?

    Any and all tips regarding this are appreciated!

    submitted by /u/deuseyed
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    Itemization is Hard on Graves for Me

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I don't know how to itemize for Graves properly. The pros build so many items and each coaching/guide/game play I watch leaves me more confused. Here's what I understand.

    Warrior Jungle item - Huge Power spike this is a given.

    Boots - Zerks if I'm ahead, regular defensive ones if not

    3rd Item - Ghostblade Vs Cleaver vs Glaive I don't completely understand when to do which. A video told me to build the ghostblade when ahead and I think I also build it to kite. The vision utility is God like on the glaive. I think I build BC into tanks because they don't care for my lethality in 2 items. I think I get a maw here if they have a lot of ap or an ap champ that's popping off.

    4th item - I think I get a duskblade if I'm going the lethality build or Deaths dance if I need sustain.

    Other items I dont understand when to build but kinda do at the same time. GA - last item or turbo ahead 2nd item. Mortal Reminder - when they heal too much Edge of Night - when that malphite engage is too strong. Infinity Edge

    Not a damn clue Infinity Edge Phantom Dancer - I think it's another turbo item Rapid Fire Cannon - haven't seen this one in any recent videos

    I also don't understand when to build each item to maximize the usage for the item without giving up an early gold lead or damage efficiency.

    Can I go maw after ghostblade? Edge of night 4th item or should I get it sooner? Can I just sit on a hexdrinker 3rd item and carry on with other items or is that inefficient?

    Please help, I'm Gold 3 atm and I'm just outskilling the enemy jungler. I feel like I could be winning harder and snowballing harder if I knew how to build better because I'm just faking it towards plat.

    submitted by /u/KrytTv
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    What should I do if my opponent attempts to freeze lane early (like level 1) (Mid)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    I've been playing Nocturne mid for a couple years now. Hit gold last season because he wasn't that popular midlane so I had the element of surprise. Now it seems like everyone knows a thing or two about facing him and even though i'm in silver i get some midlaner attempting to let me shove the lane level 1 and keep the lane under tower as much as possible. This kind of affects my cs and makes me susceptible to ganks. This is also early game so i can't really roam except helping with scuttle ganks, what can I do if someone attempts to freeze under tower?

    submitted by /u/shockprime
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    Mute the Enemy Team

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    My issue that i seem to have often is being tilted by the enemy team after I get outplayed or mess up or just in general but I like having my team chat still on. Today I found out if you use /mute enemy team it'll actually mute just the enemy team instead of having to manually mute them or just doing /mute all. I hope this helps someone.

    submitted by /u/Chuthulus_Footstool
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    Why does Pekin freeze in this scenario?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:51 AM PDT


    At 5:50, Aatrox dies and the wave is closer to Pekin's tower. My gut reaction would be to hard shove to make Aatrox miss the wave, but then Pekin goes on to say that he freezes to make Aatrox miss as much cs as possible. How does freezing in this scenario accomplish this?

    submitted by /u/GarrisonMcBeal
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    How to deal with ranked anxiety?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Hi guys! I have a really big fear of losing LP and be demoted from gold to silver (now I'm G4 37 LP). In the past I was playing mostly duoq, but my duo partners were toxic, so I decided to stop playing with them. I'm really inconfident in my skills and feel that I'll lose ranked only. I don't have this problem on ranked flex when I'm playing with my friends.

    So I have question - how to deal with this? This fear is killing me. Thanks for help!

    P. S. Sry for my English. It's not my native language.

    submitted by /u/Katsukom
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    Who are some junglers that can take dragons solo pre-6?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I'm trying to find junglers that can clear drag at earlier levels so I can sneak the early dragons to help my team. I'm currently able to do it with my graves at level 4 after first back. Any suggestions? And could the new volibear be a possible candidate?

    submitted by /u/buenoskiddoosh
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    Isnt Jayce supposed to be a lane bully? i usually fall behind early and come back after first item

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    I dont know if i may be doing something wrong but he seems to do so little damage before he has lethality, like literally minions outdamage me, i hit the enemy laner and just get ignored and eventually get outraded by the casters.

    Im not used to playing ranged toplaners at all so there is that but i cannot seem to make it work, after some games im starting to just farm it up until i have some levels and lethality, is that how it goes?

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    When do you build Tiamat on Lee Sin?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    What things should I consider when looking to buy or avoid Tiamat?

    If snowballing off an early kill or two, do you build Tiamat, or is the item more heavily focused when falling behind? I'm sure everyone has their preference, but I'm curious if there's any reason to purchase it first or second recall?

    There are three main options: Tiamat, Phage, Warhammer?

    Do you prefer building one into a specific enemy jungler?

    Farm focused vs ganking focused?

    Died early while ganking?

    Thanks everyone! and happy climbing this season.

    submitted by /u/2fingerz
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