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    Monday, May 25, 2020

    League of Legends Clash LFG Megatrhead

    League of Legends Clash LFG Megatrhead

    Clash LFG Megatrhead

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone, Riot announced another Clash event. The dates are:

    • May 30th and 31st

    This thread is here to help you find people to play with for the coming weekend. It will be split into four different posts divided by region.

    In your posts, please include the following information:

    • IGN
    • Rank and tier
    • Role
    • How many you have/need

    Optionally include

    • Champion pool/mains

    Join our discord if you would like to find people there

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    Champion model in client (concept) repost

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I'm genuinely a toxic fuck but I keep getting Honor Levels. The system makes no sense.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    I flame my support a whopping 4/10 games I play (or 2/5 if you're a nerd).

    But I still get honor levels. I don't understand. The system, while a novel idea, clearly doesn't work. I got busted down and chat restricted once (Bravo), but I'm now back to Level 3 and I have not changed a bit.

    This isn't to brag, this is to point out that the honor system has just been a genuine failure in my point. Me and every other salty AD angry that their support is horrid (and thus they can't do anything) shouldn't just be coasting by the honor levels while being dicks to people.

    It's, again, a novel idea.

    But it just doesn't work.

    Ranked, behavior-wise, is worse than its ever been. Nobody gives a shit about a Pink Warwick, that's no incentive to hover over my head.

    "Man, I really shouldn't tell this dude he's genuinely the worst Taric I've ever fucking seen, I really want that pink Warwick."

    ^ Who thinks this?

    I don't think I've seen a single person in months with the little Honor badge, or better yet, someone who cares about having that little honor badge. The little ribbons from back in (what, Season 4?) about Honorable Opponent / Team Player / etc. felt more rewarding than the Honor Levels.

    They, too, didn't mean shit. But they were neat.

    That's likely just nostalgia in effect though. Fundamentally, what's the point of the system? If it's to encourage people to not be assholes, the promise of a Chroma at the end of the Season holds absolutely zero bearing to me while I'm in a game and irritated.

    Noone can look at my profile and tell I'm a tiltlord either, based on my honor level. So what's the point? If Honor Levels were at least viewable and you could generally surmise-

    "Shit, this dude that wants to duo is Honor Level -8. This guy's probably a douchebag, hell no."

    ^ That would hold slightly more weight.

    Or, what if Honor level unlocked different ques for you? Similar to DotA's Low Priority Que.

    Nobody likes Low Prio que except the same folks who enjoy smearing themselves in shit because their parents told them not to. Folks that actually want to play a good game of DotA try to trailblaze their way out of Low Prio que to get away from the Riki supports/cyka blyat/etc.

    As it stands, the Honor System is toothless, rewardless and the detection is just wrong.

    I don't care about Pink Warwick.

    I do care about getting to play with people interested in playing the game and not having meltdowns mid Dragon fight.

    tl;dr honor machine broke, add a low honor que and make levels visible

    submitted by /u/SerAtman
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    A classic fake recall strat

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    I made a new League of Legends Training Tool

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Why can't Spirit Guard Udyr have his stances upgraded at rank 5 like he used to?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Why can't Spirit Guard Udyr have his stances upgraded at rank 5 like he used to?

    Hello there,

    First and foremost I wanted to state that I don't want this post to have anything to do with commenting on the current state of Udyr, I just wanted to make my point and hopefully y'all will join me in on this one.

    So what's the big deal? The Spirit Guard Udyr skin has always had two forms of every stance, one that he would start with and one that would replace the default one after maxing out a certain stance.

    About a year ago, Udyr got a mini-rework enabling him to put up to 6 points in each ability. Now from what I remember, this at first didn't affect the skin dynamic and so he still needed only 5 points in a stance to "upgrade" it. But Riot decided to change it.

    Why? I don't know. I guess the whole maxing out theme had to be kept up with and it's pretty understandable, but there's one huge issue and that's average game length.

    Getting your stances unleashed at levels 16/17/18 compared to the previous 9/11/15 is a total bummer. With all the changes such as turret platings and double Rift Herald, nearly half of the games end before you upgrade even one of your stances and it's completely underwhelming.

    I really think that this skin is one of the coolest skins in the whole game, but why even bother choosing it if you'll be looking way worse than (for example) the Dragon Oracle Udyr for the vast majority of the game if not even for the whole game if it ends before you reach lvl 16.

    Now why does that even matter? Because it's one of the few ultimate skins and it should have it's justice, especially if the whole change boils down to pretty much swapping a single digit in the code.

    Anyways, here are some pictures if you guys wanted to see each of the stances and their upgrades. Lemme know what your thoughts are.


    Stay safe, I'm out.

    submitted by /u/Betonator1
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    Tyler1 AFK in fountain and ruins the game

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Start of the AFK:https://www.twitch.tv/videos/631576446?t=07h02m27s

    Game was at 16 minutes, 7-11, down 5k, no one else on his team was opening with him

    submitted by /u/keepmynamelowkeyfam
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    TFT rank shouldn't be shown next to your name in custom games

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Let's be real here, TFT and league are completely different games. If you are master in TFT it shouldn't say "Master" next to your name in custom games. That's like it says Diamond next to my name in league of legends custom games just because I am Diamond in Overwatch, makes no sense and is misleading.

    submitted by /u/Sorest1
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    TFT content shouldn't be part of League passes

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    TFT has own pass now, why should stuff like Little Legends Egg be a part of pass if I never bother with TFT. It's completely different gamemode and the rewards do nothing for me in Summoner's Rift or ARAM. It's like buying TFT pass and getting Valorant skins.

    submitted by /u/NeonAttak
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    Since we dont have MSI here is a classic Worlds preformance

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    From GrabbZ with Love | Every Jankos Death in LEC 2020 Spring

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    little Cait vs Ezreal ult play i made :)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    It's 2020 and Spirit Guard Udyr still has not his special interaction with champions

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Season 2020 Honor 5 Chromas

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    I did a little Miss Fortune sketch

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    I did a little Miss Fortune sketch

    I love using her in legends of runeterra and it's sorta inspired me to play her in League. Its been really fun... especially in urf


    submitted by /u/Paper_Mars
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    Saved by the Honeyfruit

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    I recreated a part of Demacia using voxels as I feel like there should be more environment fanart

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    I recreated a part of Demacia using voxels as I feel like there should be more environment fanart


    I felt like League of Legends needs more environment fanart. So I sat down for a bunch of hours and worked on making this image using voxels. My main reference image was this drawing from the Universe Page. I hope you guys like what I made :)

    submitted by /u/knos__
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    reactions of a god

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    League Of Legends Radio Station Project

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Hey Guys!

    I just wanted to let you know about this league of legends radio station i been doing/making. I have spent 100's hours making/designing the website & spent thousands on licensing (No Joke) that im able to finally bring you Jarvan Radio - The league of legends radio station.

    I would appreciate if you checked out Jarvan Radio and who knows, you may just like the radio station!



    submitted by /u/JarvanRadio
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    JDG LokeN talks about his friendship with Chovy, 2020 Mid-Season Cup, what JDG vs T1 and JDG vs DRX might look like, and what life is like for Korean imports playing at the LPL | Ashley Kang

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hecarim pays Rammus to deliver his food

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    A day in the life of Yuumi main haha

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    I wake up, half asleep I check the time. It's approximately 6 AM, the perfect time to queue up for ranked. Without missing a beat I jump into my DXRacer, I quickly select my two roles, support and jungle, while yuumi jungle isn't good, I'd be curious to try it. I get into champ select, support. Those lucky mfs. I quickly ban my adcs first hover, Ashe, because I think MF is hotter. They lock in kog'maw, it'll do. The game commences and I quickly bind to my friend, back into bed I go.

    20 minutes later and I see I've died twice, my top lane is 0/0/0 with 200 cs though, so I know we're in good hands. "Wtf kog?" i type quickly, before muting all to prevent tilt. I actually start trying now and begin zooming kog, after around .2 seconds of hitting every Q, I get bored, and begin looking at my phone. I figure this 5v5 near baron is a primetime to check Clash of Clans, my townhall 20 has been destroyed countless times, the level 1 walls did nothing, thats why I don't upgrade them. After a few more minutes of mourning the losses of my villagers I glance back up at the screen, kog is kinda low on hp, so I fix that. I pop my R too cause i like the noise it makes. Teamfight won. I go back to base after killing the purple worm thing and buy rabandons deathcap. Imagining yuumi wearing the big hat makes me laugh, so I always get it first.

    All of a sudden I get a knock on my front door, I remember I have to give my friend a ride to the airport, LAX to be exact. I type in chat "brb" and out the door I go, I return two days later to see a blue victory screen. GG EZ baby. Another 15 LP for me, maybe this will be the week I finally hit Masters.

    submitted by /u/420mb420
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    I'm pretty sure I just heard Tyler1 scream over here in Europe after losing his challenger game

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    As he surrenders and the nexus falls, the 5ft giant stands up, runs outside, grabs a tree and swings it through his yard, screaming out in pain knowing the journey to diamond 1 starts here. After 1776 games, Tyler1 loses his challenger game in an absolute stomp of a match. Slowly crawling back to his pc, Tyler1 sits down again. He queues up, while typing to his top 10 challenger jungler coach, angry, blaming him for making him play Trundle. Meanwhile NB3 and IWD have already joined up in one of their mansions, cracking open one of their most expensive bottles to celebrate todays victory.

    submitted by /u/GU_Mushu
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    I got a yellow chroma so I dont have to feel poor.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    I faced a team with all prestige skins. Project Irelia Prestige Top, Prestige KDA Akali Mid, Prestige Valiant sword Riven JG, Prestige Pulsefire Lucian ADC, And Prestige Pulsfire Thresh Support.

    I thought it was the coolest thing but the game was a bit toxic with Riven complaining about how trash her champ is even after she gank and double killed me and my jungler Lux but thats just League at this point, I made peace with it and just try to be nice and have fun with it.

    I felt kinda insecure at first because my team all had skins and I was playing Lucian without a skin cause I don't own any. The enemy team and my team started making fun of me all throughout the game. It was a stomp from the first 3 minutes since thresh invaded with his team and Prestige Lucian got a tipple kill.

    For some reason my team decided to take there frustration out on me when they singled me out for not ffing at 15 cause I insisted its just norms we have a chance at winning if we work together. So they started doing passive aggressive things to me outside of typing slurs at me, Zed playing rock, paper scissors with his shadow in the river, Lux ulting to snipe away my minions so I couldnt farm, Tahm Kench eating me and spitting me toward the enemy (they were nice and just ignored me cause they saw I was being bullied), And Yuumi just AFK'd on me calling me poor and stuff (she should really have an eject button).

    Eventually they all decided to just group up and go where I wasn't because I wasn't "part of the club" cause I didnt have a skin. The enemy team was super chill when they saw what was going on and how I was actually trying so they drew the game out to make it fun. But eventually had to end.

    The score was 3 to 46. Those were my 3 kills. They reported for me but I didn't bother cause it wouldn't change anything. The Prestige Lucian friended me and said he got the notification that someone was punished and it sucks that I got teammates like that. I said it was fine and enjoyed the small moments in the game. He asked if I was saving tokens to get the Pulsefire skin like he had but I told him no cause I cant afford to spend money on the game, and I only have time to play 1 or 2 games if Im lucky a day.

    He said he didnt have much but he gifted me 650 RP and said to get myself something nice. I bought a yellow chroma for base Lucian so I could feel like I have a prestige skin too, it aint much but its mine and its even more special cause it came from a new friend.

    submitted by /u/RK9Roxas
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