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    LoL Guide Mundo JG guide

    LoL Guide Mundo JG guide

    Mundo JG guide

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Hello! I have been playing Mundo JG for a while now and i'm going to write down basic guide to help anyone intrested get started!


    Mundo is a beast in jungle! He has super fast clear after the first one, he's easy to learn, he doesn't have hard mechanics, he deals tons of damage, doesn't need to gank to get ahead, has carry potential and he goes where he pleases.

    Let's get started.

    Part 1 - Runes


    Fleet footwork is pretty basic and most of the people take it, but it really doesn't scale and you can clear without it just fine. It gives you movement speed which might help you with ganks. It is good rune to get started with and when you know how to kite and clear you will do just fine without it.

    Conqueror is very good on Mundo specially against matchups like Kha'zix, Shyvana, Lee Sin and it scales very well. It gives you good amount of healing and makes you pretty much unstoppable in teamfights. You can stack it very easily.

    PTA a spicy one, it might help you in single target ganks and contesting scuttle EARLY but i would take conqueror over it in almost all situations.

    Phase Rush is good if you need to stick on targets, i would suggest trying it out against some specific comps. However you will be going approach velocity and magical footwear for your secondary, so there's no need to take it most of the time.

    Predator is a fun one for Rambo ganks, but like Phase Rush and PTA you won't need it most of the time and it's just a meme rune for Mundo

    Conqueror would be my main choice.

    You're going to take Triumph all the time.

    Legend Tenacity in 95% of games unless they have no CC and that's when you will be going attack speed.

    Last stand is your best choice in all games.

    For secondary you will be going Approach Velocity and Magical Footwear. Approach Velocity helps you to stick in almost anyone after you hit one cleaver. This is a must in almost every game. Magical footwear is very good since free boots with extra movement speed save you gold and you need movement speed with Mundo. You get 55 movement speed on upraged boots, which is almost same as Boots of Swiftness. You get 70 if you take Boots of Swiftness.

    You can also go Conditioning and Revitalize for extra tankiness, but in most situations AV and free boots are just better. Revitalize helps you with clears too, so it might be good rune to get started with along with Fleet Footwork.

    You will be going 10% attack speed every game and 2x +6 armor or 15-90HP and +6 armor depending on enemy comp.

    Part 2 - Summoners

    Smite needs no explanation. Take ghost or flash.

    Ghost helps you with chasing and it gives you the chance to gank pre-6. Mundo synergizes with movement speed very well and late game ghost is amazing. Having flash helps you to steal drakes and escape places like dragon pit. My personal risky choice is ghost, but i would suggest getting started with flash and trying out what works best for you.

    You will be taking flash most of the times just because of it's safer. You will be punished harder for not having flash the higher up in ranks you go.

    Part 3 - Start of your game and clearing

    As the game starts don't go AFK in your base. Buy talisman, refillable potion and warding trinked.

    Walk straight to their raptors if it's in their top side, ward them, go back and buy sweeper.

    Start W. Sometimes you might start Q if your team invades or you get invaded, so you can slow them.

    You will be starting your raptors without leash. This confuses enemy since they don't know where you start and gives your lanes the bonus of not leashing and getting earlier to lane.

    After raptors get point on your E.

    Next take Red buff. You will be keeping your W up despite it costing HP for faster clear. Then head to your rocks. Smite the big one as late as possible when you're very low since Mundo does more damage when he's low.

    After taking the rocks you should back ASAP. You have around 400g and time should be around 2.30-2.40 after clearing you red side. Buy Hunter's Machete and head to your blue buff.

    You get to take your blue buff just in time to get to scuttle crab when it spawns. Remember to use your cleaver to start the fight, since it does damage based on enemies current HP. You have 2 refillable potions, almost full HP and 2 jungle items so you can contest scuttle100% and you will win almost every time unless you do something very wrong.

    You should not use your W on single target camps, since you will be much healthier without using it. If you know you're going back soon, it's OK to use it.

    After scuttle head to your frog, smite it unless you used your smite on scuttle crab while contesting it. Then take wolves and you have done your full clear. Now you can look for a gank or just go back. Getting both scuttles should be easy and if it can be done you should do it. You should get most of the time at least one of them.

    You should go back around level 5-6. Get your red smite. For some cases if the enemy has something like Ezreal/Nidalee it might be good to take blue smite, but red smite should be the standard. If you have 900g you can just go for the Bami's cinder.

    Buy control wards as much as you can since having vision control helps your teammates avoid ganks and helps you to track enemy jungle, deny them vision and give you better ganks.

    When you're level 5-6 and have gone back you can solo dragon very easily and you should be trying to get it, since every drake expect infernal (which is very good) is godlike on Mundo. Prioritize dragons over heralds, but getting heralds pre 14:00 is very good and gives you and some of your laners good chunk of gold and maybe even first turret. Herald takes 2.5 plates so you should try to get tower to that and just first turret it with herald. If you get to kill enemy toplaner or/and their jungler and you're around the herald side you should take it 100%. Having vision if their jungler/toplaner is alive is a must. You should solo it, so the enemies don't suspect anything and if your top and mid keeps pushing, enemies can't leave unless they want to lose platings and/or minions.

    After you have your cinderhulk you can just powerfarm yours and enemy's jungle.

    Part 4 - Ganking

    You should avoid ganking pre-6 since you need to hit cleaver to make it work and most of the times farming is just more worth it for you. However if you see a sure gank close to you where you might get summoners or kills it's obvious you should take it.

    Going for counterganks even pre-6 if you're close is important, since Mundo is very strong duelist.

    When you go for a gank it's good to see if the area you're going through is warded. It saves you time, so you don't sit in bush not knowing do they know you're there.

    When you go in you should pop your ulti for the movement speed and to be able to tank enemies, like their botlane and maybe even some turret shots if they get that far. Keep you W on for the tenacity If you have ghost it saves you your ulti and ghost+ulti makes you insanely fast - a monster who can't be escaped. If you have red buff you don't really even need to hit your cleaver since you can just walk to them and slow them.

    Part 5 - Itemization

    You should go cinderhulk every game. Red smite most of the times, but blue can work if they have something to chase. Your cleavers help you with chasing most of the times, so you don't really need the blue smite.

    For boots you can go swiftness if they have slows and not very much CC, expect slows. They're very good if you're ahead and want to chase. Swiftness boots with the magical footwear +10 movement speed and approach velocity make you turbo fast. Going tabis is good if they have fed botlaner and overwall lots of AD. Mercuries are good against AP and CC.

    Most of the times you will go Spirit Visage if they have atleast 1-2 AP unless there's something like Cassiopedia/Brand when you will be going Adaptive helm. Spirit visage bonus healing is good, but Adaptive gives just much more value during those situations.

    Go deadman's plate most of the time, unless they have lots of crit (like Yasuo mid and lucian ADC). Deadman's movement speed is very strong and it gives bonus damage. It's standard item for Mundo. Warmog's is very good, since it keeps you healthy and gives you CDR.

    Thornmail for grievous wounds, it's very good since it gives you damage too.

    Gargoyles stoneplate is good 3-4th item and it makes you beefy boi.

    For damage items (if you need to carry or are just ahead) my suggestions would be Wit's end for the movement speed and MR.

    Phantom Dancer is good if you don't need the bonus MR. It gives you movement speed, able to pass through minions and let's you stick in enemies. The shield is also nice. Your E also increases your AD so the crits will be huge.

    Death's dance is a fun one. It synergizes very well with Mundo, makes him very very BEEFY BOI during fights and having it along with conqueror and your ultimate during teamfights is just absolutely insane.

    Titanic hydra gives you solid damage, AA reset, HP. It's good item on Mundo since the damage scales off your HP, which you will be having a lot.

    Frozen Mallet for even extra sticking to targets, not very good but it's situational. Gives lots of HP.

    Trinity force synergizes very well with Mundo, but it's very expensive and most of the times you don't have the time/gold to get it, unless you are very ahead. Build it for the ultimate carry.

    Going for the damage items is cool if you need to carry and your team really doesn't have enough damage. If you feel like you kill enemy ADC too slowly and you're the only one who can get to him, you should go damage. Full tank build is always less riskier and Mundo's main role is a frontliner, so having tankiness is always good.

    Example builds

    Against heavy AP

    Cinderhulk, Spirit Visage, Deadman's plate, Wit's End, Mercury boots and Gargoyle Stoneplate

    Against full AD

    Cinderhulk, Ninja Tabis, Deadman's plate, Thornmail, Warmogs and Phantom Dancer.

    Against mixed damage team with lot's of damage over time

    Cinderhulk, Adaptive helm, Gargoyle stoneplate, Mercyry boots, Deadman's plate and Warmogs.

    Carry build while you're very ahead

    Cinderhulk, Swiftness boots, Spirit Visage, Death's dance/TF, Warmogs, Deadman's plate and Titanic Hydra.

    Part 6 - How to max your abilities and maximize their potential

    You're going to max your R>E>Q>W. However you will be starting the game with W, then going E and then Q.

    Your E is an AA reset so you should use it as one. You should spam it as much as possible. Your Q does damage based on enemies current HP so earlier you use it the better. Your W gives you tenacity, so remember to keep it on during teamfights. You should use your R at pretty start of the teamfights, since it takes 25% of you HP away, so using it low might just make you low enough to get executed by something like Veigar's R or Lee Sin's second Q.

    Thanks if you got this far!

    If you have any questions or critique - please leave your comments.

    submitted by /u/HungrySomali
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    How/Why Did YOU Pick Your Current Main Champion?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Hello, r/summonerschool! I've been playing since November 2017. However, throughout my years of playing, I still haven't found a champion that I want to main. In the past, I've tried to main some champions but over time I got bored of playing them. Currently, I am exclusively playing ARAM and soulsearching for the time being. I'd love to try to climb in ranked. However, I gave up on playing ranked until I could lock down a champ or two.

    So how did you find your main? Could you also explain why you picked that champion?

    submitted by /u/ItsHiiighNoot
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    why do ad&supp go mid after taking bottom t1 tower?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Im a midlane main and I notice that botlanes usually come mid after taking the first tower.
    I mainly play splitpush heavy champs and therefor I just go bot and create pressure there.

    But I am wondering; how did this 'taking tower and swap with mid' meta develop and what are the advantages?

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA-undecisive
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    How to play on bot after you've taken your tower, so that the enemies don't take your tower shortly after?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I am a supp main, 2nd role adc, and whenever we are on bot side and win the lane, we have to go to other lanes (usually mid) to not get ganked or flanked. However, in most of my games, after we moved away from our tower, it soon falls.

    When we see the enemies are going to our tower, we try and rotate but we either can't get there in time, or we can't go because we can't leave mid alone cuz our bot lane is there too, and that would mean the mid would fall.

    That was just an example, not every game goes like that, but sometimes I find it very hard to keep the tower up after we pushed. What can I do to improve?

    submitted by /u/siko12123
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    Hey high elo junglers, can I ask you about tips about kindred

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Hey, hello so I am a low ranked low level jungler and I thought I could pick up kindred to rank up due to her scaling potential( I know she is not hardest late game carry but she has stacks and a super cool design).

    So can I abuse the fact that you got here and there is a slight change you are high elo jungler (and an 99% change that you are a better jungler than me) to ask you a couple of things about the champ.

    1) How strong is kindred in today meta? Is it a lost cause learning her/him because they are not good?

    2)How many stacks per minute is a good amount, a perfect amount and the bare minimum to remain relevant?

    3)Do you have any tips on how to use her effectively and tips and tricks to bring out her full potential?

    To conclude, kind stranger who has read all my post, thanks for the time and attention.

    submitted by /u/silvanik3
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    Some questions from a weak jungler, advice appreciated.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Hi, I am a low silver Jungler so obviously pretty weak at the game but I want to improve. I've watched guides and stuff and understand that there's not a 'cure all' to suddenly get better which is fine, makes it more of a challenge. I have three champs with 60 plus wr over 25 games on each https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=BigMac15 but there's a lot of situations where I fail pretty badly.

    First situation, I find it really difficult deciding what to do when my team doesn't want to baron or drake after killing some of the enemy players. There was a game I played recently where the game devolved into ARAM, we kill their jungler and I think their mid and support in mid while their tier 2 is up, in my mind we have no siege potential vs their adc and top (I understand it's champion dependent) and rather than baron my team continued farming mid, sharing each wave and practically getting nothing out of the kills. In this situation what's the recommended play for me as a jungler? Is it just see if I can take some enemy camps and maybe take some side lane cs or do I wait with my team in mid as odds are they'll over stay and a fight will start again when the enemies respawn and have full health and mana so we get wiped.

    Second question, how do I learn what style of jungling I should play each game? On pretty much every champ I play I will play a mini game of contesting the enemy jungle as much as possible on their ganks which can be detrimental to me and I'll fall behind personally, often I'll see a laner(s) e.g bot lane are over extended and an easy gank for a freshly recalled enemy jungler so I'll sit in tri bush for 10-30 seconds and intercept the gank for us all to die anyway when I could've just farmed by top side and sacrificed adc and supp. I understand that each game is different but is there a general rule of thumb on deciding whether to get myself strong or try and help my team (I generally always try and get my team mates ahead rather than myself, especially if they get an early kill or two).

    My first graves game I played in ranked ended pretty badly with my adc raging and level 30 supp taking cs which triggered the ADC. The adc had like 20 cs at 10 mins or something and I was dying to yi/yummi in jungle. I fell further behind because to stop ashe tilting I was giving up my camps to her so I was getting weaker as the game went longer, is a game like this just doomed? I feel like there should be at least something I'm learning from games like this and something I can do to improve as a player but I can't see it myself.

    Thank you to anybody who reads/replies.

    submitted by /u/BadJungleratm
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    How to deal with Draven as Xayah?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I can't seem to be able to lane against this fellow. He's somehow able to chunk my health, whereas I seem to barely do anything. The only trades I was able to actually win were when Exhaust was used on him.

    How do you match his damage? Or if you can't, how do you lane against him?

    submitted by /u/Kontorted
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    How do you counter pyke?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Hello summoners!

    I have a quick question for you. Playing as an ADC/Support without mobility abilities, how do you counter pyke? It feels like either he goes invisible and E's through you and if you don't have Caitlyn's E or Xayah's R I feel like you're immediately caught in its stun. If you're bad at kiting he will Q you and E you, and if you don't have flash this combo seems unstoppable.

    So how do you counter him?

    submitted by /u/MountainJiwish
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    Practical Ward Placing/Destroying? in mid lane & elsewhere

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Hi r/summonerschool! I just started playing over quarantine, and I'm hooked on Neeko mid -- reaally close to mastery level 6 on her, too. I've been researching advice on how to get S- rankings (highest so far has only been A-), I see that warding and destroying enemy wards are a pretty significant chunk of the formula.

    I've hit two roadblocks and I'm wondering if y'all have some pointers:

    1. Where should I be expecting to find enemy wards and as a mid-laner, should I be expecting to destroy a lot of them or maybe a couple every game?
    2. Other than the river entrances and pixel brushes, I feel a bit lost on where the best locations to ward even are -- especially in the early-game (I always ward at the beginning of the match, but i feel like it's useless). Where should I be looking toward first?

    Really just looking to wrap my head around this; any related tips that don't answer the questions above directly are very welcome. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/EmberAurora
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    When playing low-mobility squishy mages mid, when should I push out a sidelane by myself instead of safely grouping with my team?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Hi guys, for context I'm mostly a Vel'Koz one trick who has been playing since season 5 but mostly arams; I only started playing ranked this season. I've played about 40 games of ranked and I just hit silver 2. I'm pretty happy with my micro/teamfighting, but my cs during late game falls off significantly.

    My question is - once towers start to be taken my adc usually comes to farm mid, which makes sense because they need to be safe and they need to cs. What should I be doing to cs during that time? I'm wary of dying to a collapse if I push in a side lane without pressure other places from my team. Should I take jungle camps from my jungler? I'm also afraid of missing out on important teamfights if I go off by myself.

    My name on league is calypso angel if it helps.

    submitted by /u/charflight
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    Why are so many challenger players ADC mains?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Why are so many challenger players adc mains? This is the worst role in the game, yet so many challenger players main it (the role). I know that they can position properly, kite well and all of that stuff but still. I guess that people in higher elo (diamond 2+) know how to peel for them? For clarification I am diamond 3.

    submitted by /u/Senpai_com
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    Trusting too much in my teammates

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    I think like 'now if this Evelynn does this, so I can do this, and then we can do this...' so I bait the enemy, but my teammate disengages, let me die, or ruins the situation somehow %90 of the time.

    This wasn't as much an issue when I played in high diamond last season. But now I'm stuck in high platinum and this happens all the time and I lost too much because of this, I don't know how to change my mindset about this.

    submitted by /u/qtpoison
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    Can someone help me understand the midlane meta?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Hi summoners! Silver 3 midlaner here. If there are already current, lengthy explanations about this topic, or I posted incorrectly please let me know right away haha.

    I'm an Ahri main, and recently I've had a lot of trouble succeeding with her in the midlane. I feel like even with electrocute, I don't do any damage. My current understanding is that even though Ahri herself hasn't been adjusted in a while, other midlaners have and their numbers are just higher. I'm sure there are other reasons why she's not as strong, like other lanes having metas that counter her, the current state of the game, etc., but I've never really had a good grasp on what the hell is going on. I don't really know what's good right now, and I don't really know how the lane is supposed to be played, like at all. I've been looking to climb a bit, and in order to do that I need an understanding of the meta and how to utilize midlaners correctly. Can someone help me out?

    I know this question is a bit vague, so if anything is unclear please ask questions and I'll try to clarify. Thanks for any help you can offer! : )

    submitted by /u/CSnare
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    when to gank?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Hi I am gold 3 and hardstuck gold jungler. I play farming junglers like Fiddlesticks, Yi, Graves. Fiddle/Yi are hard to make plays pre6 graves is ok. I get flamed kinda a lot cus early game dictates most these games and I usually try to gank and fail and get behind since I could have farmed. I also try farming then their enemy jungle does so many plays. I get confused when I should gank? Is it ok to gank after I clear my entire jungle?

    Fiddlesticks ganks are horrible pre 6 probably the worst out of the 3 junglers. He literally does no damage just CC and the CC is just 1 second with no way to follow up on because the W burst at the end they can just walk away from. I love playing fiddle after 6 but so many times the game just gets out of control.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/he34311
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    Why can't ADs pick TP?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I am tired of being harassed for picking TP with Jhin even though my win rate is 75% in Ranked (20+ games). I can split push, force enemies to go def, counter gank, tp and kill someone with my huge ulti range, etc. Why can top and mid pick teleport if it's so important to have a heal in order to win the game? This is especially annoying because I used to pick TP 4-5 years ago for top and mid (before everyone started copying pros and tp was nerfed).

    Is it not important for mid and top to win their lanes?

    submitted by /u/mintysoul
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    Dealing with vlad in lane as an ad/ap assassin without much range?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I mainly use assassins such as talon and zed but struggle with vlad matchups cuz it feels as if he just pulls random damage out of his ass early and mid game until he gets fed and just never dies.

    That plus crazy sustain makes him almost unkillable unless I 100-0 him. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/kevin_the_cub3
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    What are some things I need to have "Mastered" before I play Ranked?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Hey y'all! I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible- So i'm seeking some helpful tips and guidance on things that I seem to be missing when playing Ranked Solo.

    So far I have only played 3 ranked games and am sensing an unfortunate pattern in my personal gameplay. In all three games I have chosen top lane as my primary because it's where I feel I perform best whenever I play casual PVP games such as Draft or Blind. I also have been able to select my main champ (Jax) so my confidence going into these games is pretty optimistic, however, that all begins to change when i'm met with my opponent. It's more or less the same, to put it bluntly- I get my ass handed to me very quickly.

    What throws me off and frustrates me is that in the casual games, most of the time, I see myself performing very well. Yes, I know that these are non-competitive games but nonetheless, sometimes there are difficult matchups. I know it's ranked for a reason but even in the lowest tier, I find myself struggling and feel bad because it raises suspicion to my teammates that i'm throwing the game.

    Not sure if this context was needed or not, but to ask the question; What needs to be practiced as much as possible before entering Ranked Solo- specifically Bronze? I'd love to hear your responses and advice on this. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Kyleghrb
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    What are the new bot "buffs" supposed to accomplish for ADC's?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    As many Bot players would agree, the role feels critically weak in its current state and I agree. I play mainly ADC and I've improved a lot with advice and insight from you guys, but even with everything I've learned, I still can't seem to find anything useful from these so called "buffs". Maybe it's my relatively new status in the game, but I just don't get it. 3-5% AS and 30 bonus base HP plus 5 per level seems negligible, mainly the HP. I'm not trying to complain or rant, I just really want some genuine insight into what exactly this is going to do, if anything, for ADC's.

    submitted by /u/MuMuSapien
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    about macros in league

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    so couple of days ago i started using my mouse's software and discovered how the to use its macro buttons which helps me in valorant so i decided to try it in league practice too so i found some epic stuff you can do with since sometimes when i press down the keys on my keyboard it doesnt register which misses up the combo and i die. so i went to practice tool and tried it out on zed and it felt good so i tried in in a normal match and it wasnt hard to use so i googled it up and some people say that you can get banned for which really confused me so am here to ask if am allowed to use those buttons or they have any restrictions or they are totally banned to use? in other words, i want to use those buttons without breaking the game rules, so am asking about the bounds of using them?(how far can i use them) am using g502 hero

    submitted by /u/GoodGuyHentai
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    What are you suppose to do after you get first tower top?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    I peaked silver 1 last season but that was from playing mid lane

    In top lane if I win lane hard and get towers I usually end up throwing my leads because I don't know what to do with them. I feel clueless on what to do next after I get the first tower. So what should I be doing after I get top tower?

    Also, if you are losing in top lane, what do you do if the enemy gets your tower?

    submitted by /u/ChandlerAM1
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