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    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.11

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.11

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.11

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar!

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.


    • Our 101 page, with a ton of free content!

    • Our weekly mentoring thread: We have many users willing to provide free mentoring services!

    • Champion discussions: Check out our previous discussions on champions!

    • Summoner School Discord: A voice and text chat platform for teaching and learning. We also have a mentors who are available for personal coaching.

    • Leagueofgraphs: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • Lolalytics: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more.

    • OP.GG: Stats site - winrates, pickrates and more. Note: stats are for Korea plat+ only, so sample sizes tend to be low.


    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    Scaling with AP and doing magic damage are two different things

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    I've had this discussion with a couple of friends previously and thought that people on here might also benefit from the answer.

    It doesn't matter what an ability scales with, you have to read the actual ability to know what type of damage it does. Ezreal is a good example. All of his abilities somewhat scale with AD, but only his Q deals physical damage. This means an Ezreal that builds pure AD like most people do will still deal a moderate amount of magic damage just because his W, E and R, even if he builds AD, deals magic damage. This works vice versa.

    Warwick is the best example I could come up with. It's common to build at least titanic hydra as an AD item on him, but a significant amount of his damage is magic. This is because his Q and R all scale with AD but in reality deal magic damage.

    You probably already know this if you have some experience with the game but I see some newer players being confused which is why I made this post.

    submitted by /u/SirCucumber420
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    Agency as ADC: Move first to impact the game

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    Obligatory Disclaimer: I am only Plat IV so if you want to just go next then ignore my post.

    Hey guys we all know how frustrating ADC can be. Your supports int, your team flames, and you never get to scale to take over the game. There are obviously things you can work on like mechanics, trading patterns, wave management and the like to help you scale faster and carry harder but what about your agency.

    A common complaint with ADC is that you have no agency. You are a glorified cannon minion early game and you can't put down any pressure without your support landing a hook, positioning properly, forcing trades, and helping you zone.

    Movement on the map gives you agency.

    As the ADC we are sometimes stuck in our lane for the whole game and our team gets smashed and we lose because we never did anything at all.


    In this clip I am playing against a Draven. I spot some action mid and help before he does. I lose a minion wave to my turret, and realistically I should have lost plates, but I get a kill, I save my midlaner, and I still get to farm a cannon minion.

    My midlaner survives, Akali doesn't get fed, and Graves burns his first R for nothing.

    Akali is probably malding and blaming bot diff for losing her game.

    This could very well be enough to tilt the enemy team so much that they lose the game from it.

    Check the map in between minion waves, on your way back to lane think about pathing through the jungle or towards mid to help, and always be the first bot lane to move.

    You don't always need priority to be the first one to help.


    Another clip of me being the first bot laner to move causing myself to get a 450g shutdown and the Enemy Yasuo to flame his botlane in all chat.

    I welcome anyone to add to this topic and expand on this concept

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    Grasp of the undying fasting Senna?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    So LWX employed fasting Senna with grasp of the undying instead of the typical Glacial Augment, building Frozen Mallet as the first item to apply the on-hit slow. It's rising in popularity in Chinese/korean SoloQ. After Mallet, LWX follows up with Executioners Calling and Black Cleaver. Theoretically, grasp is a better scaling rune than Glacial Augment. However, by forgoing Umbral Glaive, Senna loses damage and vision denial but gains tankiness, so that she can withstand burst much better, a key weakness of Senna. The main question mark is how effective is proccing Grasp on Senna. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Peeping_Cat
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    The first step of improvement is knowing you need to improve. A LOT.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    We are all here to learn. The reason all of us are in this sub is to improve and gain higher elo. The most important thing however is to understand that we need to improve. That means 2 things:

    1. Its ALWAYS your fault. Sure, if your team played better you would win much more games, but that's true for you as well. 99% of the games are carriable. It's not your role, or champion, or teammates. Its up to you to improve because you wanna climb. You don't want your teammates to climb, you don't care about them.

    2. Don't play to win. Sure you can play a broken champion or an easier role and reach a tiny bit higher, and the feeling of "improvement" will make you keep doing that. You don't need to win. Losing is much more benefitial to learning and improving than winning. If you play to win, you get to your designated elo, where you belong, and then get hardstuck. If you lose a lot, you become better. You learn and adapt.

    submitted by /u/gitrikt
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    Hello! I am WIZARDPOKERGOD, GM NA Ekko OTP Giving You Tips!

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    OPGG https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=wizardpokergod

    For those of you looking to improve your play, I highly recommend playing a few champs (1-3) and nailing them down if you are just starting to play. As a casual ranked player in the past, I hovered around mid diamond most seasons due to not learning macro and focusing on learning other champions.

    Early Game

    This is quite possibly the biggest reasons as to why many Ekko players (myself included) lose games. Ekko is a champ with a lack luster early game. He gets bullied out by many mages (Syndra,Zoe,Etc) and loses to many melee match ups (Fizz,Talon,Kass). How do you overcome this barrier? You need to give up lots of pressure early. It is quite hard to win against these champs pre-6 so the best way to combat this is through helping your jungler. Many players would advise against this strategy and will look to farm their waves and play passive. What do I do differently? I try to force plays with my jungle 2v1 or 3v1 if we are diving top in exchange for losing minions mid. (if this doesn't make sense please let me know this is my first post)

    Play to your champions strength

    Ekko as a champion starts to ramp up once you can get him into a sidelane. Once your botlane/toplane has taken their tier 1 turret, stay in the sidelane and apply pressure. Ekko's Q is able to 1 shot the backline minions once he has protobelt and is Lvl 9 making it very easy to shove out a wave and rotate to your team.


    This goes with transitioning Ekko into a sidelane split pusher, but making sure you always have a Sweeper Lens will make sure you can land your W's. It is near impossible to be in vision of the enemy and land your W. So making sure you cast it once you are out of vision will increase your chances of landing the bubble.


    I know this was quite an underwhelming post in terms of information. I am a bit confused as to what I should be posting here so I stuck to 3 things that I found to be the most important. If you have any questions in general about how to play against champion xyz or any question/tip in general that you would like answered, please do not hesitate! Thank you for reading and I hope this post can help you improve.

    submitted by /u/quxkiscool
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    I kept hearing that top lane is the easiest role but I feel like it’s the hardest

    Posted: 28 May 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I mainly play mid, sometimes I autofill to other roles as well. Top is the role that I play the least and whenever I play top I either get really fed and snowball the game or I get snowballed over. It's really frustrating to see how inconsistent I perform and many game was lost because of my top opponent getting fed by me. Looking for ganks don't really work either since my jungler always camp bot. So what are some advices I can use so that I can perform more consistently with top?

    submitted by /u/Champloo04
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    What is reworked Volibear's counterplay?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:41 PM PDT


    Today we said farewell to old Volibear and hello to the new one as he just got released into the live servers, he is a juggernaut playable in both top lane the jungle and as a top lane main myself I need to learn how to play against him, I currently play in the top lane Mordekaiser, Jax, Fiora, Renekton, Wukong, Darius, Garen. To those who have played with or against him on the PBE.

    • How do you lane against him?
    • How do you team-fight against him?
    • What are his weaknesses?

    Banning Volibear is not an option for me, since when I play as a top laner I ban Teemo every single game I am top lane. (No, I do not want advice on how to beat Teemo. I want advice on how to beat Volibear)

    submitted by /u/SleepyLabrador
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    High Ping Against a Xerath

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    I play League with around 130+ ping, and it seems like the only characters I have trouble with in lane are people like Lux, and Xerath. With high ping, it seems almost impossible to dodge anything they throw out at me. I know they're not broken, quite the opposite, actually. Does anyone have any tips for matchups like this with really high ping?

    submitted by /u/VitalityKM
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    How to react to lanes that got stomped as jungle?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Silver jungle main here and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to react when one of my lanes loses hard. I've heard that you should look to play around the other side of the map (so if top is losing, play around drag and bot), but I don't know if this is the correct decision making process.

    Part of me wants to help the lane to get them back into the game. Many people in low elo struggle when playing from behind (myself included) so the losing laner continues to get solo killed over and over to the point that the enemy laner often carries the game. What can I do to try and bring the game back when one of my lanes gets destroyed?

    submitted by /u/fly104
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    Are there any people that post videos of games going wrong?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    I feel like whenever I watch a video of someone playing LoL, everything always seems to go right which we all know is not the case at least half of the time. I would like to see a video of things going wrong and see how the player copes. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/rolyaTcaZ
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    Triforce vs Botrk on Jax

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    I have started to main jungle and enjoy Jax but im not sure whether to go TF or Botrk on Jax after jungle item. TFBlade mainly goes Botrk over TF but there are also games where he goes TF first and I'm not sure why. Is TF second item better for Jax in jungle because of the extra mana?

    submitted by /u/Yasanovic
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    How do you counter garen?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    The title pretty much says it. I have a question for the more clever people in this subreddit. I am a silver/gold toplaner and whatever i do, i always lose lane and game versus a garen. My playstyle doesn't matter, if i play super aggressive or if i play purely for cs. I heared quinn is somewhat good but i am yet to master her (i don't play any marksmen so it'll take more time to master her).

    So for the experienced players here who know, please share your knowledge.

    submitted by /u/thijsieNL
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    How do you lane against Mordekaiser?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    You can't all in him because of his passive, you can't poke him because of his w, you can't shove and roam because of his insane waveclear, and you can't get jg help because your jungler is jacking off bot. How do you deal with this? And please don't just list off counterpicks, I know what champions counter Morde. Btw I'm in silver

    submitted by /u/ChickenWLazers
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    Cancelling out teammates

    Posted: 28 May 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    In a lot of my games, I let myself get distracted by bad plays from teammates way too often. How do I cancel out things my team does or how can I get in a mindset that allows me to do so.

    It's really taking attention away from my own improvement, since I feel a constant need to correct plays made by my team. It's making me sloppy and I feel like it really hinders my improvement.

    submitted by /u/ZeroVoid_98
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    Some questions about roaming effectively and carrying

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    I've been playing 90% Katarina and Garen and have run into a few situations where I don't really know the most effective things I should be doing.

    1. I'm Kat laning against Heimerdinger or Yasuao or another difficult matchup where I'm constantly hiding under my tower getting very little CS. This is low ELO so the jungler doesn't help most of the time so what I usually do is stay alive until I get my ult then go roam.
      But a lot of the time the enemies in bot and top hide under their tower so there's no kills to be found. What do I do here? Stick around and help push the lane (but denying XP and gold to my other lanes)? Farm jungle? Go search their jungle and try to fight their jungler (depending on who it is of course)? Either way I'm getting abysmal CS and not having any kill opportunities plus potentially sacrificing my tower.
    2. I'm Garen top laning 1v2. I play safe and outlevel the other 2 but have worse CS although sometimes I get a couple kills. There's too much harass so I can't push the wave and end up under the tower quite a bit. However, bot is feeding 0 -6 each by 10 or 15 minutes and mid is either doing very mediocre (2-4, 2-2, 1-1, etc). Do I just say fuck it and let them take the top tower(s) while I go try and help the other lanes? I've tried staying top but the enemy carry always snowballs and becomes unstoppable. What do I do when I just sacrificed one or two towers to go help another lane and the enemy just hides under their tower and I can't fight them under it? Again, this is unranked at like levels 20 to 30 so usually the jungler is AFK farming for the first 25 minutes or feeding or something. I don't blame them because this game is hard to learn but I'd love to learn how smurfs are able to go 31 - 0 and solo carry the game all the time (I've fought quite a few level 4s and 5s that solo carry the entire game in like 25 minutes or less).

    Finally are there any YouTube channels that break this kind of stuff down for beginners? I just started playing about a week ago so there's a ton I don't know and it would be quite helpful for improving faster. Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/LoLShitter69
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    Focusing while playing

    Posted: 28 May 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Hi, so I'm a noob, and just started playing LoL like 4 days ago. My brother used to play a lot and before he quit he was plat, so he was decent. I've been having hard time trying to focus and not autopilot while playing. This game is overwhelming af and wondering if anyone has tips to not autopilot and focus. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/DarDar33
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    Burst Mage vs Control Mage vs Poke Mage?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    As the title implies, I was wondering what's the main difference between a burst, control, and poke mage? Should you have all three of them in your champion pool, and if so, in which case would you want to choose one over the other? I've been playing Syndra, Zoe, and Orianna and I was curious if those would be good champs to learn these classes.

    submitted by /u/Petricorde1
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    Trying to help out a friend

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    This is my first post here. I'm trying to get as much help for friend as possible. She's trying to play league but she hasn't been doing well.

    She tried playing Ashe a lot but she never really found a way to pick up kills. I told her I am willing to play Jungle or anything on bot to help her out but the core of each game is the champs.

    What champions would you recommend for a beginner to play? I've heard Garen a lot but I'm curious about who else would be a recommended noob champion.

    submitted by /u/Podal99x0
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    Is a huge drop in winrate normal after a rework or champion launch? Is Volibear wr drop, even on the Korean servers, normal? Did this happen with Wukong?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    I haven't followed any as closely as I have Volibear's. Looking at the data from the Korean server a little over 24 hours after the patch went live, it seems pretty crazy, even for Diamond+ which shouldn't be that bad, right? Does this normally happen? It didn't happen with Wukong, did it?

    I scanned Korean Challenger games for more than 12 hours before I found a winning match that I could post on YouTube. I went through 11 losses before finding the win. That's not what I was expecting.

    submitted by /u/match_replay_alytics
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    Are some games won solely cause of the team composition

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    My team was a pantheon jungle, talon mid, galio top, lucian bot and Leona sup (Leona was feeding) Vs Teemo top, rhaast jungle, malz mid, morgana sup and kaisa adc Top mid and jungle were doing really well and only botlane was having a hard time

    But in teamfight we just kept losing and we eventually lost the game

    submitted by /u/Ebiic
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    ADCin2020 no more

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, just wanted to share an ezreal build that my friends and I recently experimented with.

    Assassins and bruisers have been tearing it up in the current meta, so for all my ADC mains out there crying #ADCin2020, here's a solution to all your problems.

    Tankreal has definitely been around for a while, but I'm hoping this build is the first of its kind. It maximizes the use of muramana's bonus AD from mana passive and transcendence's bonus CDR => AD.

    The build is:

    Muramana, Iceborn Gauntlet, Frozen Heart, Death's Dance, Maw of Malmortius, and Tabi's/Merc's

    From just items and runes alone, you get:

    +20% iceborn gauntlet

    +20% frozen heart

    +10% death's dance

    +10% maw

    +10% transcendence

    =40% +30% over CDR cap => 36 AD from transcendence

    +1000 mana muramana

    +500 mana iceborn gauntlet

    +400 mana frozen heart

    +500 mana presence of mind

    =2400 mana => +48 bonus AD from muramana

    Muramana +35+48 AD

    Death's dance +50 AD

    Maw of Malmortius +50 AD

    Trascendence +36 AD

    Gathering storm +29 AD

    =+228 AD

    Armor: +205 (+225 with tabis)

    MR: +80 (+105 with merc treads)

    At level 18:

    375 AD

    286.5 Armor (306.5 with tabis)

    118.5 MR (143.5 with merc treads)

    Now in order to make up for the lost damage in items, the runes must also include Conqueror, Alacrity, and Cut down.

    Cut down is extremely important as this build also provides zero bonus health, and as an ADC, you're likely to be a lower level than 3 other enemy players, which means lower base health and more damage from cut down. Supports and mages are often building some health items (morello or redemption), which means cut down will apply to pretty much every enemy champ besides the opposing ADC.

    Alacrity is good in that the build has no built in AS (besides Ezreal passive) that we typically get from triforce or Botrk, and we're looking to make up as much damage as possible while retaining the tank stats from items.

    Note: if the enemy team has a lot of healing, it is ok to forgo the maw for a mortal reminder. Sometimes cutting healing is more important than some more MR.

    Give the build a go and comment on its success!

    Here are some previous games that my friends and I have played experimenting with this build.


    submitted by /u/mattwangerzzz
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    Why is Viktor so hard to play?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I can hold a 45-50% on most champions I play. On Viktor, I hold a 20% winrate in 30 games. I farm well, I don't die an egregious amount, and I try to help others.

    I just can't win games, I'm past blaming my teammates and I am at the point where I think that champion is cursed.

    I can play late game champions like Kassadin and Malazar but not Viktor?

    I have watched youtubers like Dun on how to play him and Coach Curtis for Mid lane fundementals. The worst part about it, is that I actually like this champion and find him fun. Its not like Ahri where I win lane and the game and not have any fun doing it.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    What are Janna's strengths as a support?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I've been playing a lot of ADC and I tend to not do as well with a Janna Support, so I'd like your advice on her strengths and ability to play into them.

    It feels like she doesn't make space for farming advantage, doesn't poke much, and is worse in a fight than the usual kill supports: but that could be my skill level or coincidence talking.

    What does a good Janna do, and what should the ADC do to play with her?

    submitted by /u/Galgus
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    How do Boots of Swiftness work?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    This might seem like a dumb question, and im actually a long time league player but i genuinely dont know how the slowness reduction works. Does the slowness reduction remove up to 25% of a slow? Meaning that if youre being slowed for 30% it makes it a 5% slow? Or does the slowness reduction work like a percentage, meaning if it is a 40% slow it loses 25% of it, making it 30%. I genuinely dont know and it isnt very clear and ive been wondering about it for a while now.

    submitted by /u/spazzxxcc12
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    What will be the impact of the marksmen changes in patch 10.11 and beyond?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    It seems to me that +30 hp and +2 health growth, along with the zeal items movespeed aren't going to do much. Is this patch just Riot testing the waters, or are they actually going to make the first big meta shift in season 10 in the following patches?

    submitted by /u/LECAGO
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