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    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    LoL Guide So! You're new to league, and you want to play ranked.

    LoL Guide So! You're new to league, and you want to play ranked.

    So! You're new to league, and you want to play ranked.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    This post is dedicated to the many, many posts I see here from new players who want to jump into the most competitive arena that league of legends has to offer, but don't know where to start. There are a billion guides out there on how to climb, on what roles to play, on what to do, but so many of them carry assumed knowledge of the game that new players don't have. So, as a reasonably new player who's gotten over the initial brutality of ranked, I figured I'd have a crack at explaining what the fuck is going on. I'd post my op.gg, but if you're just starting your ranked career it won't mean anything to you, and if you're an experienced player you will wonder why the fuck someone in bronze 4 with a sub 45% win rate is making a guide. So without further ado....

    Ranked is a totally different experience to normal game types, whether it be draft, blind pick or coop vs AI. Draft is definitely the most similar, however remember that people take ranked extremely seriously and with that comes a lot of frustration. In your first games, this WILL be levelled at you. This is not something I am going to sugar coat - the first 20 games of ranked at LEAST are going to be really, really tough.

    If you are a genuinely new player, you will have played a lot of summoners rift. You have probably played a couple of hundred matches on there at this point, and you may even be feeling quite confident in your abilities. Here's the thing - your first 10 games are called "placements". See, in order to make league matches fair, you have a hidden ranking in all modes called your MMR. The LoL placement matches begin at the "average" MMR, which is approximately silver 1 or Gold 4. Now, as a new player, your mechanical ability will (probably) not match these players. However, your game knowledge will DEFINITELY not match them. You are going to start off your league career by taking some absolute fucking beatings, and I'm sorry to say that there is very little that you can do about this. You will be upset because you are playing against players with much more experience than you. Your teammates, who are trying to do their best to succeed, will be even more upset because they are now at a disadvantage. There is nothing you can do about this, I am sorry. I propose muting literally everyone in the game, playing the absolute best you can and ignoring their attempts to vent their frustration. Report anyone who is especially nasty though - remember you have a right to play this game, and this is not your fault either.

    After your first game, you will be given a "provisional" rank, usually about Iron 1. However. Your MMR will not match your rank, because these two things are seperate. These next games will not be any easier - you will likely face Silver's for the entirety of your placement matches. I went 3/7 in my placements, and ended at Iron 1 with 70 LP. Those 3 games I won were games I simply farmed under tower and stayed the fuck out of everyone's way and let my teammates carry my stupid ass. Once I finished placements, I continued to play ranked. It took me about 15 or 16 games total until I was no longer guaranteed to be the worst person on my team - just probably. But, I have to say -

    it was around that time I really, genuinely started to enjoy these games. They were brutal, tense, and engaging - a huge improvement over normals. In unranked matches I had rarely seen masteries over 4 or 5 - in my ranked matches everyone had a mastery score of 6 or 7, and I watched people do shit I had never considered possible. The big difference between normals and ranked, I think, is the way people pilot their champions. I remember playing against a Yasuo as a new player and thinking "why does everyone hate this champion? His wall thing is annoying I guess but he's not that tanky idk". The difference between someone playing a champion for the 10th or 20th time and someone playing them for the 1000th is very, very different. I had to relearn my lane matchups from scratch.

    "oh yeah right Caitlyn's traps are annoying why the fuck does she place them everywhere" becomes

    "Ah, this Caitlyn isn't using her traps, ok well I'll push her and... Net, trap, I panic flash, she ults and I'm dead. What the fuck is this?"

    Ranked is a different atmosphere, a different level. When you find an ELO you belong in, pilot a champ you understand against someone else who's doing the same? Its an incredible game, truly it is, and normals will never be the same for you.

    New players - I recommend getting into ranked as soon as you can. You can play a thousand hours of normals but they'll never really prepare you for what you are going to experience. Be prepared to lose till you can win, and remember that one day the situation will be reversed. Good luck out there.

    EDIT: This one goes out to the people either commenting here or privately messaging me asking me to delete this post (lol). Telling new people not to play ranked is super stupid. When can you play ranked then? When you understand all the abilities of every champ? When you have 5 champs at Mastery 7? I have heard some truly, truly fascinating bullshit since this post went up and I would just like everyone who feels the urge to say "new players shouldn't play ranked" to think about how it feels when the people in the tier above them says "god everyone worse than me at this game just shouldn't play it".

    Games are for fun. Ranked is competitive, but it's also for fun. I'm sorry to tell you that if you think the new players in your silver ranked games are the worst thing to exist, then I would like to remind you that if you wish to play this game in 5 years, those new players have to stick around and being pricks to them will not help you.

    2nd EDIT: I deleted some deliberately inflammatory shit I added in the first edit, people were being mean and I lost a lot of clarity in my cranky edit rant thing.

    If you wanna get shitty at new people in your game, just remember that they don't want to be there either. Blame Riot for thinking that newbies should be forced to go through the absolute cluster fuck that is this experience instead of starting at the bottom.

    submitted by /u/squeakypeeky
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    How bad it is to abuse a strat to climb?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Recently i saw a video from xFSN Saber about some new HoB CDR Ashe strat and i've been using it for some free LP.

    Some background story: last season i made it to platinum and this one i was lying at a disgusting 40% winrate on Solo queue in gold 4. Since i main ADC, i was having a really bad time playing the game so i changed to mid. It didn't work well because of that shove and roam meta that i don't fit AT ALL (i only like scaling mages like vlad), so i tried top too (i am very good at irelia, renekton) but my toplane macro isn't as good as my adc is. So, after seeing that ashe strat i came back to the botlane and have been abusing it: i've played 10 games and i won every single one, jumping from gold 4 to gold 2 40 lp in two days, carrying even games that seem doomed.

    I am very good at csing (if i farm very badly i get 6-ish cs/min), i have good decision making, lane assignment, know about rotations, good map awareness and vision control, however i have average trading patterns when playing non-aggro supports, maybe i'm playing too passive sometimes (i hate playing with enchanter/mage supports, i don't trust their damage dealing when it's based on skillshots).

    The thing is: i believe this style is totally different compared to the normal adc (the build is more utility oriented) so i'm afraid this will bring me some problems when i get to higher ELOS because i would be too used to abuse a specific strat so i will forget how to play champions with different identities and will struggle to play more micro demanding matches. What is your advice? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/HighestPrice1
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    Can anyone explain how lethality works?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Can anyone ELI5 lethality?

    I'm under the impression it's basically just penetration for enemy defenses?? So how many items is needed from the enemy to make you get lethality?

    I made a post on the jungle main sub asking about Jarvan help and one person mentioned, if I'm not getting help from my damage dealers become the damage and go full lethality. Someone replied what's the runes for lethality Jarvan and someone said electrocute. But in order for me to do that, it means I would have to decide before the game that I was going to go full lethality right? Which then seems kind of counter productive of what I'm thinking it's used for, and is countering enemy defenses (which are non existent in champ select).

    Not to mention I don't see lethality builds in my games so I have basically no experience with them. Any guidance or insight is appreciated thanks.

    submitted by /u/Liteboyy
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    Advice for support players

    Posted: 21 May 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Please, please, please stop default building Spellthief's Edge if you can't proc it in lane. This is something I've seen a lot of with auto-filled supports, but in general it's just the default item-builds mindsets.

    Yes, Lulu, Janna, Sona, and many enchanter supports have Spellthief's as a recommended item. Please don't buy it if the lane is a difficult lane where you can't poke the enemy botlaners without losing lane. For example, if enemy is Caitlyn/Zyra, Draven/Neeko, etc. Take Relic Shield instead, it gives 5 AP and allows you to execute minions instead and to be honest, it's a lot more reliable than Spellthief's.

    There are definitely times when Spellthief's is good, like when you're trying to hard snowball a lane you know you have an advantage in, but it's not always good and if you're unable to proc its passive in lane regularly, you're going to activate your wards ~4-5 minutes later than the enemy support, which means whatever objectives and rotations your team tries to do are going to be at a major disadvantage. This is how your team loses tempo even if other lanes are winning.

    submitted by /u/Head_Haunter
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    Challenger Mid/Top/Adc breakdowns / Faker/Rookie/Nuguri/TFBlade/DL

    Posted: 21 May 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Breakdown of pro players in solo queue (NA/KR server) - I talk the following:

    • General match up openings
    • Jungle openings
    • wave opens relative to JG starts
    • General lane theory / space - trade - warding - jg tracking, etc
    • advanced wave manipulation
    • What the pro player did correctly vs. what he did not do


    Doublelift ADC Breakdown


    Faker Midlane Breakdown

    Rookie Challenger Midlane Breakdown

    Faker Midlane Breakdown #2


    Nuguri vs TF Blade Toplane Breakdown

    NA Viper Challenger Toplane Breakdown

    I hope this helps, GL in solo queue.

    submitted by /u/ZenCoaching
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    Does Diana AA after her E?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm new to Diana just wondering if she auto-attacks between abilities or do I actually for example need to right-click on an enemy champion after I Dash (E) and activate shield (W).

    I usually go Q - E - W or R- then E again when they try escape. But i never right click I just kind of spam those abilities in a more or less orderly way xD


    submitted by /u/Catcut123
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    What happened to the 'core' idea of lane picks?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Weird title phrase, I didn't know how to summarize this. Basically. I'm wondering what happened to champion choice in relation to specific lanes. There's always been the odd random pick that doesn't seem like it belongs (like an adc mid or a top laner supporting), but in S10, it seems like every lane is completely off meta. Mages replace adcs, adcs go mid, tanks go wherever they want, anything can jungle, support never includes real supports, etc.

    There used to be a "standard" of lanes - for example, mid lane was for the person who scaled really well with levels and wanted to be actively moving around the map. ADC was for the late game champions who wanted to safely farm and didn't care about xp, just gold. With the current picks, none of this really holds up.

    Nautilus mid doesn't seem like the kind of character who scales really well, Syndra adc would fall behind in levels, and a lot of other common picks are basically doing the same thing. What happened, and why is the meta shifting like this? I get solo queue being allowed to do something like Nautilus mid to cheese the CC and then have ganking pressure, but in a Worlds situation, it's no longer cheese, and it's a well thought out strategy with a successful track record.

    submitted by /u/xTraxis
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    Sylas jungle can actually clear with ~full HP early, even without a leash

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Sylas has a reputation for having an extremely unhealthy first clear, which tends to scare newer junglers away from trying him out in the jungle, despite the frequency with which pro players still pick him in solo queue. I just wanted to demonstrate that Sylas actually has fairly viable early clearing, even without a leash, and while still saving second Smite for Scuttle.


    I end this clear at 3:05 with ~450 HP remaining with one smite and pot left, which would be nearly full health heading into river with both pots used. As you can see, I even made a couple big mistakes in this clear - my first Q missed one of the little Wolves entirely, and my Raptor kiting was a off (didn't delay my auto after Q to keep Talisman ticking longer, so the DOT ran out for a bit). With a properly-executed clear, you can end with fully 100% health even without a leash, and with your second Smite still up. I chose to use my first smite on Blue here for the sake of convenience because this was leashless, but you can use it later on in the clear if you get a leash.

    It's not a fantastic first clear by any means - Sylas is still pretty slow early - but it's actually very workable given a bit of practice. There's nothing too complicated going on here, but just to break down a few key points that make this clear healthier than what you typically see from Sylas players -

    1. Sylas outranges Blue buff (as do all 150+ range champions), so if you space your autos correctly you can actually avoid a pretty solid number of its autoattacks. As you can see at the very start of the clip, as well as a couple more times throughout the Blue kite, I manage to stay out of its autoattack range completely. All 150+ range champions can do this to Blue buff, especially the ones with higher attack speed, like Jarvan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ifzhDq8Uk
    2. Raptor health pack. This is a technique Talisman junglers have used for a long time for free HP. Because Sylas has to step in to proc his AOE passive in full, you want to employ a more advanced form of Raptor resetting. If you watch my movements, I don't just stand still hitting Red - I actively weave back and forth, stepping closer to Raptors when my passive auto is up, and then backing off to the other side of Red to minimize the damage taken from Raptors.
    3. Raptor delay. As you can see, I don't actually stand and auto-attack the Raptors. It would speed the clear up slightly, but it's not at all worth the health loss. Sylas has to wait on his next rotation of abilities to clear out the camp either way, so you may as well just run around healing off of Talisman rather than tanking Raptor autos. I actually do this poorly here - at 1:32 into the video, I Q-auto the Raptors. The auto-attack here is really poor, because it means my Talisman burn times out a couple seconds before my next ability rotation is up. What I should have done was waited a couple seconds after my Q, kited out, and used my AOE passive auto at the corner when reversing directions. That way, the Talisman burn would apply all the way until my abilities were back up.

    If you practice and properly employ the techniques above, and don't miss Q on wolves like me, you can end this clear leashless with 80-100% HP quite consistently, even while saving Smite. Hopefully this helps out anyone curious about trying Sylas jungle out but scared off by his early clear.

    submitted by /u/phylaris
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    Malzahar vs assassins mid?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    How do i trade (if at all) vs mid assassins (kass, akali, diana etc) when i cant deal damage to trade (i come for e or q and get jumped on and lose trade, and even when i do hit, my damage is laughable at best).

    I guess i try to shove and roam bot but anyway, what do i do?

    submitted by /u/Moanguspickard
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    How do you use Minion Dematerializer

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Title basically.

    A lot people run this minor rune and I take it sometimes but I don't actually really understand how to use, and why it helps laners. I usually just use it for cannon minions but is there some sort of method that you should be using when you use this rune?

    submitted by /u/Woop3r
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    Learning5s signups for the next session is open NOW! Free coaching in a team environment

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    [Click Here To Join Our Discord!]

    What is Learning Fives?

    Five players and one coach join together for six weeks of FREE team based learning and practice.

    During those six weeks, teams meet together at least twice a week for 2-3 hours and their coaches will spectate the games, working to create a well-oiled machine out of 5 chosen players. Our production staff will be hosting events each week including showmatches. Any team is free to participate in these events and it's a great chance to show off exactly what you've learned on the Rift.

    How do I signup?

    To sign up for Learning Fives, you must join our Discord server, which can be found at the very top of this post. After joining, the signup forms can be found in the #program-info channel or #announcements. Once you reach the end of the signup form, you are all set!

    Upcoming Dates

    Sign up period - May 20th - May 23rd; signups end at 11:59pm EST on May 23rd.

    Team selection - May 24th 29th - May 29th

    Start to End Dates - May 30th - July 5th

    For the most up to date information, please visit our Discord! You may also visit our various social media. Twitter @learning5s and Facebook @learning5s.

    How does selection work?

    Coaches; After you complete your application, you will be put in a private unnamed team room along with our senior coordination staff. After sign-ups end you will be assigned a personal coordinator who will guide you through the team creation process.

    Understudies; Should a coach desire an understudy, they'll select one from those signed up. You'll receive a Discord PM from a coordinator offering you a position. If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. Unfortunately, there are usually a smaller number of coaches than understudies, so it's impossible to put you all on teams.

    Students; During Team Selection week, coaches will be building teams to their specifications. Once they have found a mix of players that they are happy with, Discord PMs will be sent out to notify you and you will be added to the coach's team room where they can tell you more about the schedule and their coaching style. Please ensure you put your Discord name on the signup form! This is necessary for us to contact you!

    If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room by the end of team selection, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. It's unfortunate but the number of student signups we get means that it's impossible to find coaches for all you motivated players. Keep signing up for the sessions as they come and you'll find your way onto a team!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. Do you have to be ranked to sign up?

    A1. Yes, you must be ranked to sign up.

    Q2. Does this program run in all regions?

    A2. Yes! We do offer support for teams in any region although the majority of our sign-ups come from NA and EUW. If you are not from either of these regions we highly recommend telling your friends and signing up anyway to increase the chances of a team being put together.

    Q3. How will we be contacted?

    A3. You will only be contacted via Discord PM by a coordinator. Please make sure you put your correct Discord name on the signup form. Make sure your Discord PMs are open.

    We ask that Students…

    • Be teachable
    • Be team players
    • Be motivated
    • Never talk down on teammates during games
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    We ask that Coaches…

    • Do their best
    • Ask for help when they need it
    • Cover most of the major team concepts
    • Avoid frustration
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    As always, we want to hear your feedback about anything. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions not covered above feel free to leave a comment, or join our Discord and shoot one of the admins a question. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/licorices
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    How can I solo objectives with ivern?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. I'm a jungle main and recently picked up ivern. I have played tons of games with him already and in ranked I went on the longest streak I've ever had. One problem that I've been facing however is objectives. It seems like even at level 6 I still cannot solo a dragon or barely do a rift herald, and even if I manage it, it takes so long that I eventually will get collapsed on. I always do objectives with him after ganking or if I see enemy laners back and ping assistance. Understandably though my team can't always rotate, and sometimes the perfect opportunity to take an objective gets passed up. So I was wondering, does anyone have any tips on how to solo dragon/herald, and at what level should I try to even if possible? One strategy I did try is at level 6 to use daisy to tank and shield her as long as I can, but that's all I know haha. Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/BStreicher23
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    Adc main moving over to top lane, please help!

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    I started playing at the end of season 8. I learned the game on Adc and I'm not bad with some mages either. Now I'm doing top lane and I'm having a really hard time. I'm playing poppy and irelia. Melee Champs are really hard for me.

    First is the CS. If I try and farm, I just get beat up by my enemy laner. I always lose the fight, and if I try to walk away they just keep farming while I have to linger and hope for some XP. If they're gone I can either try and get all the CS possible, and have the wave crash into the enemy tower, but then I get ganked or they just get even freer cs when they get back, or I can freeze the wave and cs slowly but I'm still behind a ton. If I let them push into my tower, I can CS as irelia but it's still really hard on poppy, not to mention my tower takes a beating. Then since I'm behind in CS and/or XP, I don't scale as hard into the mid and late game. If I try to split push I'll get ganked, if I stay with team I'm just behind.

    Second is engage. As a marksman player my mindset is always sit back and click on the guy who needs a good clicking, while I have front liners to soak up damage for me, especially since I one trick ashe who has the second longest marksman range. But as a melee champ, I have to walk up to the enemy to deal damage, during which I take a bunch of damage myself and die.

    submitted by /u/Noodles_fluffy
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    How do you get back into a game if behind as a Jungler?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Whenever I fall even one death behind, I feel like there is nothing I can do that gets me back into the game. When I try and just power farm and get back into the game, I either get invaded through pink wards and my lanes don't protect my jungle or the enemy just farms faster than me because they're higher level. If I try and gank I lose my ganks because I'm underleveled.

    submitted by /u/grahamster00
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    Hey it's me again. Educational Irelia Jungle Gameplay, 3:10 Full Clear, First Blood, Lvl 6 @ 6 mins.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    A lot of you asked for gameplay.

    I got a 17/4/6 KDA, got first blood, and fullcleared by 3:10.

    Here it is:



    I'm going to be compiling Irelia Jungle videos into a Playlist, which can be found here:


    You can expect more playlists like this one in the future for other Champions!


    I also made a couple of subreddits. I feel like we need a place to push the meta forwards, and also a place to upload these awesome clears we've been seeing lately from many different people on Summoner School.


    For people trying to optimize and upload Jungle clears, to almost speedrun levels.


    For people who want to push the meta forwards in new ways.

    submitted by /u/bquipd
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    When to pick each ADC?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Hey, I main adc, currently silver 1, gold 3 mmr, I was wondering if any of you know of a list/guide somewhere explaining when to pick each adc against an enemy comp, like, I have my own list, I'll pick vayne if they're tanky but not too much burst, tristana if I'm 1st pick, jinx if they're kinda squishy and don't have the likes of a zed, etc.

    Just wanted to like have a look and compare. If there's no such thing, if any of you wants to give your "list" I'd be happy too

    Thanks Boyz

    submitted by /u/TheFabiocool
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    some basic tips that fixed my hardstuck in low elo

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    to start off, im not high ranked, and im not an amazing player. i know strats, some decent itemization, and the mechanics of my roster pretty well, but im currently bronze 1. for the longest time, ive been hardstuck at bronze2 , would win a few games, get close to placements or even in them, then drop back down to like 10 or less lp after tilting. last night i finally ranked up! so close to silver now!

    my duo recently got some free coaching tips and shared them with me. we tried them out, and, in his words, "I've never felt MORE in control of a game."

    basically -

    1. check your map more. no, like actually MORE. like are you afk farming a wave/camp while nobody's opposing you? just watch your map while you do it. we've been using this video in the background, which literally just says "map" every 5 seconds for an hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7GXTxzs-ts&start=32s

    2. turn off chat under in-game interface settings. you don't need it, and people just tilt you. communicate with pings and the thumbs up emote (and bind them if you haven't already)

    3. assume your team is braindead in every engage, if you don't think you could make the play, don't do it.

    4. if your team/teammate goes into an obvious bad engage, let them die. maybe try some safe peeling, but its better the enemy team only get one kill/shutdown than two.

    5. check scoreboard while moving between lanes, compare your cs and items to your lane opponent.

    6. don't get mad, look at bad engages honestly, recognize your faults, realize when a teammate isn't helping or a lane is lost, and move on, don't just rush to reengage and lose more. think of deaths as free cs for your lane opponent, not just you missing farm.

    7. (mostly for jungle) learn lane priority. don't waste time ganking your 0/3/0 lane unless you're confident you can solo that gank, they've lost and their counter probably has a significant farm lead on them. they're tilted, and probably can't help you engage anyway. plus, they need to focus on safe farm to get back in the game.

    we started working on these (kind of obvious) strats and noticed that we IMMEDIATELY started playing way better. like, we went from a win 1 lose 1 streak to winning 3, losing 1, and winning a 5th for the promo.

    submitted by /u/st-shenanigans
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    Do's and Don'ts in top lane?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm a support main trying to get into top lane, I think top lane is one of the hardest roles for me since it's not as forgivable as other lanes, once you get behind it's hard to get back and I'd like to know the do's and don'ts.

    Everytime I go top I seem to get smashed, I know it's not the case but for some reason I seem to be out DPS'ed everytime, no matter the matchup, I don't know if that's because I'm scared to trade and therefore I do it poorly, or my champions are usually not that good at trading, say Ornn, Nasus and Cho'Gath, so maybe that's the reason, I'd like to get into more complex champions such as Irelia, Riven or even Fiora.

    What are the main tips you would give to a new top laner? Current rank: Silver 1, I usually do well in my elo, but when I duo with my gold 3 friend (I'm usually gold every season, so I should be able to do well in there) I get my ass handed to me or at best I go out of lane 1/0~2/0, but that's about it...

    submitted by /u/DatGuyNerd
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    How i managed to become way better on midlane in 2 months

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    So i've been gold for around a month and decided to start playing some serious ranked games,and it worked wonders,i started in gold4 2 weeks ago without any knowledge on how to play mid at a decent level,so i queued up and got demolished from not knowing how to manage lane,so i started doing research on the topic,imo the best way to learn to play something is taking 1 aspect of that thing at a time,so i hopped into another game after watching some guides and focussed only on wave management and ended up with a 40 cs lead on the enemy midlaner,which pissed off the enemy laner and made him go afk on minute 12,which made the enemy team surrender at min 17,the next games i did the same thing and always ended with a decent cs advantage and sometimes with a kill or two from a gank,after that day i started learning when to push waves to deny as much xp as possible,which lead into me walking out of laning phase with not only a gold advantage but with a 1-2 level advantage too,that was really good but still not enough for me to carry games,since there are always games where a lane just happens to run it down for fun,so i started playing more aggresively to secure an even larger gold lead,which made us secure drakes in most of the games from having mid priority,i slowly started climbing to mid gold 3,there was one more important aspect i had to learn,when to roam and when to split push,that took me a while and i am still trying to polish it but the thing that worked for me was calling my roams 20-30 seconds before so my laners could set me up(or just not listen because im still in gold and people here don t know how to play properly)besides that i kept watching youtube guides on the topic,after learning that too i started polishing every aspect of my game,and it paid out,i am winning lane every game now,i know hkw to extend my lead to other lanes and i climbed with ease,i will try hosting an AmA in a couple of days just so my fellow hardstuck gold midlaners can finally climb out

    submitted by /u/costipui
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    How to deal with large tanks in top lane

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Hi everyone . I'm a garen main who keeps coming up against these big tanks that I can't kill in lane even though I often out farm them . As a result I'm not dominating the match up and it allows them to stay in the game . How do I deal with these super strong tanks champs like mao Kai and mundo. I do build executioners calling though I'm unsure as to when to get it , do I get it after boots or do I get it after my first item ? Any help would be much appreciated

    submitted by /u/highmarshall40
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    Help me get over imposter syndrome / afraid to make plays early

    Posted: 21 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    opgg link : https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=smurfblanc

    I'm a onetrick leblanc, and I've been hardstuck high silver/low gold for years, and just recently have done much better in my games to finally rank up to almost plat elo, which I am very proud of.

    My issue is that I now realize that my skills are nowhere near as good as I used to think - I am constantly feeling like the least-skilled person in the room, and am basically throwing games by not making plays or harassing my laner as much as I should. Crazy as a leblanc player, right?

    On paper, my stats are amazing - high winrate, high kda, high kill participation and obj control, but I am super passive in lane and basically only go for scuttle/drag when its up and farm in between. I feel like I am cherry-picking kills and only going for sure things, and am basically relying on my teams to carry me.

    I just lost three games in a row that I know I should have won because I played too safe and didn't take any risks. I haven't been in this elo since s3, and people have much faster reflexes and play smarter, and I am having a hard time capitalizing on opportunities to trade and roam when I should.

    submitted by /u/nasurak
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    If no objectives are up after you or the enemy laner takes the first tower, you can freeze and punish at both ends.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    If dragon isn't up, Rift, or baron.

    And for example you lose first tower. You can recreate a lead by freezing the lane at second tower on your side of the map. If the enemy laner trys to break the freeze, you can A punish because of your gold and xp lead from the freeze or B have a jg gank where he cannot escape as hes too far on your side of the map.

    The other side of the coin is you broke first tower, and the enemy laner is trying to shove the wave towards you to get your tower, you freeze and if he overextends, you A; Kill him or B; Gank him as hes too far from tower.

    Remember to freeze even after the lane phase, it harms the enemy more than you think. Its also a great way to deny super split pushers like Tryndamere and Nasus from coming online.

    Shove the wave to apply pressure and prio when objectives are up or if you have baron siege going.

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    What are your best hotkeys binds?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    I play adc and i binded the attack move to the middle button of my mouse, my q spell with indicator to the side button of my mouse, i lvl up spells with shift q w e r and i binded allies camera to shift 1 2 3 and 4, binding hotkeys better seems like a good way to gain time/ performance easily.

    So what are your best hotkeys binds?

    submitted by /u/donatello_but_cooler
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    Ahri Top

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Ahri top

    Explain to me why ahri top is not good without being toxic. I play ahri top and it has a positive wr for me, ppl tell me it's not good to play ahri top because it is magic damage and it's not a tank. Why is it so important to have these things. I currently main ahri and occasionally lux but I would like some champ recommendations so I can have more options in champ select.

    submitted by /u/EnergyFlurry
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    Spellthief's UP in many matchups?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    Enchanter main here. A while back I started noticing that enemy tank/catcher supports are making more gold from their support item (relic shield/shoulderguard) than me, even when I'm constantly sticking my neck out in dangerous lanes to get some procs.

    In bot lane right now I see a ton of long range carries like Caitlyn, Ezreal (when are those two not ubiquitous?), Jinx, Varus, Ashe. These guys outrange a lot of my picks such as Janna, and if they play at their maximum distance as they should there's no way I'm getting any damage onto them. When paired with an engage support, you really have to expose yourself to their substantial kill threat to put stacks down, and if you don't do this multiple times per wave you begin to fall behind in gold compared to the enemy support.

    Now I've already accepted that the right thing to do in these matchups is just buy Relic, have an extremely passive lane phase and stay dead even in gold and levels.

    My question is just, why are the support items configured this way? It used to be that by upgrading to Frostfang you could start to make a good bit of gold for yourself, but now Relic/Shoulderguards outpaces Spellthief's for the entire game even though it's the completely risk-free option. The only supports who it seems can actually use the spellthief's line nowadays are mage supports who outrange even the long range carries, champs like Vel'koz and Brand (who still gets all three stacks for hitting one spell even though this was supposed to be removed).

    Alright I'm done complaining. Let me know what I'm missing if you think I'm wrong, or if you agree that Spellthief's has become clearly suboptimal for enchanters in most matchups.

    submitted by /u/Reason-and-rhyme
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