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    Wednesday, May 20, 2020

    League of Legends Accidential Herald placement leads to early win

    League of Legends Accidential Herald placement leads to early win

    Accidential Herald placement leads to early win

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    NA LCS and LEC should be playing more than 18 games a split.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    This isn't even about helping these teams better for international tournaments or something like that. Just as a fan of pro league of legends and have been watching LCS since season 3, there should be more games. I mean Riot has to be the only company to reduce games in a sports league as time goes on, when other sporting brands are trying to add games for more revenue. We started with 28 games and now we are playing 18 games over 9 weeks which in my opinion is way too few amount of games.

    And this doesn't even have to be implemented in a BO3 or BO2, just add in more BO1s. There should be no reason that players only play 2 games a week in a game that is as less physically demanding as league of legends.

    submitted by /u/YBL10
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    The fact that Udyr's atrocious 10 year old base model is still in the game is an embarrassment to League

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    League of Legends concluded its Open Beta and officially launched on October 27, 2009. Udyr was released on December 2, 2009 — barely over a month since the beginning of League. It's been over 10 years since this champion's graphics were updated. His base model is by far one of the ugliest and clunkiest in the game. It's patently outrageous that to even play this champion, purchasing a skin is practically a necessity to make him feel viable in today's Rift. While League has changed over the years, Udyr has not. Playing him literally feels like you've taken a time machine back to the bygone beta version of the game.

    I'm not even asking for a rework. I'm just humbly asking that he not look like a sprinting pile of garbage that you need to pay to get rid of.

    submitted by /u/chemicaltrance
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    Just a casual Yuumi Hecarim URF mirror game

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Lore Theory: A Void Invasion is looming, and it's sorta Ivern's fault

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Now that title might be a bold claim, especially since we all know Ivern, we all know the Void, and we all know these two things don't really mix, but stay a while, read on, and you'll see what I mean.

    But first, some sources.

    The crux of this theory comes from the four places. They are as follows:

    "Frozen Hearts": https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/frozen-hearts/ "Roots of a Poisoned Tree": https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/malphite-color-story/ Ivern's Bio: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/champion/ivern/ Malzahar's Bio: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/champion/malzahar/

    Now this probably seems even weirder. What does a Nunu & Willump story, Malphite and Ivern have to do with anything? Well let's start with Ivern himself.

    Ivern's and the God-Willow

    For those unaware, Ivern used to be a human. A Freljordian human specifically who arrived on Ionian shores over 9,000 years ago. He was looking for magic, some form of power to use against the rising Iceborn empire and their dark masters. We know that Lissandra and her sisters led them and that their masters were the Watchers, but to Ivern, he likely didn't have any knowledge of those details. They were big and bad and he needed something to fight them.

    In this time he was known as "Ivern and Cruel", and so when he landed on Ionia with his crew, he set out raiding Ionian settlements. Eventually the locals pointed him towards the grove of Omikayalan, where the mighty God-Willow resided.

    The God-Willow is a big mystery in the lore at the moment, but based on Rioter comments it's currently believed that it was both sapient (Sentience is the ability to think. Sapience is when you can think like a human), and it was vitally important to Runeterra, though how so we're not sure, though said Rioter comments allude to it essentially being a World Tree of sorts, so we can probably guess.

    Either way, Ivern went in, and he was immediately accosted by the Vastayashai'rei: the legendary predecessors to the vastaya (this could also be the vastaya rather than the Vastayashai'rei, I just don't think so). He got through anyway, and cut down the God-Willow, it's powers immediately flowing in to him, transforming him in to the Green-Father we know and don't see often in our games. He spent 100 years rooted in place reflecting, regretted everything he had done, was forgiven by nature and then went out in to the world much cheerier than before.

    The main take away from this I want you to take is the God-Willow's existence. It's what this theory hinges on.

    Frozen Hearts

    In the story Frozen Hearts, Nunu, younger than he is now, is talking with his mum Layka. It's all lovely stuff, but something crops up that's interesting, this passage:

    "...What is that in front of you Nunu? Can you catch a dream on your tongue? Or find glacial tunnels that branch, as if tracing the shape of a world-tree our ancestors destroyed, and buried in ice. All these things you can find, if only you look. You can go anywhere you can imagine."

    Layka is an interesting figure. She was sought out by Lissandra due to her knowledge of the yeti, since Lissandra stole the yeti's magic to seal the Watchers in the Howling Abyss, and now the ice is melting so she's in dire need of more. To our knowledge this makes Layka, aside from Nunu and Lissandra, as the only living humans with knowledge of the yeti's ancient civilization, which in turn gives credence to the fact that Layka somehow also knew about Ivern.

    The line could mean some other event; perhaps Runeterra has had many world-trees, but the fact that it calls out not only such a tree, but also Freljordian ancestors who destroyed it, draws immediate parallels to Ivern pre-transformation and the raiders he brought with them. Going by this, if we assume Layka is in some way talking about Ivern and the God-Willow, then it also gives us some interesting ideas to consider:

    The God-Willow's roots might've spread across the entire world, reaching back from Ionia to the Freljord and beyond

    With the tree gone, the roots will also be gone, and as such there might be a great network of caverns left behind, also spreading across the world.

    Now as said, this all hinges on some assumptions in regards to what Layka is referring to, and given her source of info would be over 9,000 years ago, it's safe to say she's not going to have 100% accurate information. I choose to believe it's true, based on how Layka is presented in the narrative, and also her implied knowledge of the yeti, something very few characters can attest to, so for the sake of this theory, let's run with this.

    Roots of a Poisoned Tree

    In the story Roots of a Poisoned Tree, a Shuriman surveyor named Shoorai encounters Malphite. He warns her not to dig in the place they currently are, cuz it's infested with Voidborn. The exchange goes like this:

    "I know them," she said. "But they only dwell in the deserts of the southern continent."


    Shoorai looked uneasily at the ground.

    Now this is notable for the description Malphite gives, as it once again draws parallels back to the idea of tree roots spreading across the world. This is especially notable because in all of Runeterra's history, we've only seen void rifts remain in 3 known locations without being sealed later: the Howling Abyss, Icathia, and the Marai Territory, the place where Nami comes from. The story itself takes place near Zaun, which is hundreds of miles removed from any of these locations at minimum.

    Just like with Layka, Malphite is a character who knows his shit. During Shurima's war with the Void, the Ascended named Ne'Zuk created the Monolith: a floating fortress of elemental power, and unleashed it against the ruined Icathia. The Monolith ultimately fell, but a shard survived, which became Malphite after some centuries of dormancy. He's always retained some instinct for destroying Voidborn wherever he can, so he'll have been at this for a long time. The fact he notes that the Voidborn are spreading across the whole world is important, to say the least.

    There's also the nod in the title of the story itself. Riot doesn't name their stories randomly, I mean just read "The Bow, and the Kunai", and then think on why it's named that way, specifically with a comma. So the fact Riot has this story titled after a direct quote from Malphite in the story shows that this detail is important somehow.

    So, if we're going under the assumption that there's a cavernous underground left behind by the now dead God-Willow's roots, and Voidborn are in it, the question is: How?!


    Malzahar is our answer, and it's honestly pretty simple to explain:

    Among the nomads of the deep desert, he found his first disciples. Before their astonished eyes, he used his new Void-given powers to rend the very earth itself, summoning chittering, nightmarish creatures to carry away any who dared to deny him. Within a matter of months, strange rumors began to travel with the merchant caravans; rumors of men and women gladly sacrificing themselves to unseen powers, and of powerful quakes opening up the bedrock of Shurima in new fault lines hundreds of miles long.

    Basically, Malzahar's using his magic to rip open the earth and create earthquakes, allowing for further Void rifts to be opened. It's not a stretch to say that he might've inadvertently, or deliberately, breached the God-Willow's old root system, and from that, allowed the Voidborn to start scuttling their way across all of Runeterra.

    Ok, so TL;DR?

    Glad you asked! Basically:

    • Ivern cut down a giant, magical tree called a God-Willow.
    • It's roots potentially spread across the entirety of Runeterra, and when the tree died it's roots rotted away, leaving a vast underground cave network.
    • Malzahar is using his Void powers to rip open the earth and create earthquakes, which has opened up access to the God-Willow's old root system.
    • Voidborn are now using the root system to spread across all of Runeterra.

    Now of course this isn't an iron clad theory, there's holes to pick, like the fact that Layka might not be specifically talking about the God-Willow, or something else I've otherwise overlooked, but either way I do wholeheartedly believe this theory. I wouldn't have thought of it without Malphite's story "Roots of a Poisoned Tree", and while I'm here, go read it. It's a nice story all things considered!

    As an aside, even though in the title I say "This is sorta Ivern's fault", and it technically is, it's also something that's like 9,000 years removed from Ivern's own actions, and Ivern's spent those last 9,000 years repenting for his mistakes and making the world a better place. I could never actually blame him for this, it's just kinda amusing to me when I say it like that.

    Some of the biggest revelations and mysteries you find in League lore come from the most unlikely and esoteric of places!

    That's all I've got at present, so thanks all for reading, and I hope you have a great day!

    submitted by /u/Sharjo
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    That's what teamwork looks like. (Diamond 3 Solo Queue)

    Posted: 20 May 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    Evil Geniuses Reveal New Logo and Jerseys

    Posted: 20 May 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Sylas can permanently steal Shyvanna's ult in urf since he never runs out of mana. By 18 minutes, the game recognizes him as Shyvanna, not Sylas.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    Kalista vs a fed and bad Malphite

    Posted: 20 May 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    League really needs more items

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Dont get me wrong I love league and still find enjoyment in the game as a whole and have for a long time.

    New champs and reworks are cool and interesting I just wish riot would slow those down in an effort to make the game a little more diverse. I'm a top lane main so I feel theres a good amount of matchups that keep the game entertaining however I just wish I didnt see the same ap items every game where mages just go (generic ap mana cdr item into zonyas into more ap cdr) and adcs didnt just go maybe bork into full crit and ad assassins didnt just go 1 out of the 4 lethality items into another of them into another of them. Tanks in general are just not really good outside of a couple that are too good so I dont see a lot of them. I think the only role where i see a lot of flexibility in items is support.

    I'm not a big fan of dota's gameplay however the one thing I do feel they do a lot better is items. Each item in that game feels super unique with a lot of identity from the item.

    submitted by /u/StrugglingAMN
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    2020 LCS and Academy Summer Split Schedule Update - MNL moves to Fridays!

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm Duke, Head Coach of Team Vitality LEC team! AMA!

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    UPDATE: thanks everyone for your questions! The AMA is now over, see you in a few weeks for the actual games!

    As some of you guys saw, we announced our new LEC & LFL (French championship) rosters yesterday.


    Top: CabochardJungle: NjiMid: MilicaADC: CompSupport: LabrovSupport (sub): Jactroll


    Top: YoppaJungle: SkeanzMid: SakenADC: LuckerSupport: Steeelback

    As we are perfectly aware that roster changes might raise a lot of questions from supporters and the community in general, we wanted to take advantage of this very active League of Legends subreddit to give you guys an actual opportunity to have all these questions answered!

    Usual proof: https://twitter.com/TeamVitality/status/1262820587388514304

    Today, this is Duke, our LEC Head Coach that will be there to answer all your questions, may they revolve around our LEC squad, LFL squad, overall League of Legends Vitality project or day to day life of a LEC Head Coach.

    Duke will be there starting at 20h CEST approximately (in 1 hour), so don't hesitate to ask your questions in the meantime!

    submitted by /u/Team_Vitality
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    A long time ago, I commissioned a painting to my friend Alex Leon about Pyke, he liked it so much that he used fluorescent paint and gave me permission to share it, here is the result.

    Posted: 20 May 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Doinb Statement on Stream: "Tarzan (Griffin) will probably come to the LPL. Khan and I will find him so that we can eat a meal together."

    Posted: 20 May 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    I can't find a version of this video that's translated. And I'm not looking to translate the whole video. But the important takeaway here is that high profile pros like Doinb feel quite sure that Tarzan is on his way over to the LPL. It especially makes sense that Koreans looking to come over from LCK would get in contact with imports like Doinb who've immersed themselves and successfully made a life for themselves in the LPL - which would give credence to the idea that Doinb would have an inside track on these kind of transfers.

    In which case, which LPL team do people think Tarzan would probably be going to?

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3met1mbQdUg&t=23s

    submitted by /u/Yubisaki_Milk_Tea
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    Im sure the 30hp buff to ADCs will help a lot

    Posted: 20 May 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    #LEC Pop Quiz - Guess the Champion

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Sylas jungle can actually clear with ~full HP early, even without a leash

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Sylas has a reputation for having an extremely unhealthy first clear, which tends to scare newer junglers away from trying him out in the jungle, despite the frequency with which pro players still pick him in solo queue. I just wanted to demonstrate that Sylas actually has fairly viable early clearing, even without a leash, and while still saving second Smite for Scuttle.


    I end this clear at 3:05 with ~450 HP remaining with one smite and pot left, which would be nearly full health heading into river with both pots used. As you can see, I even made a couple big mistakes in this clear - my first Q missed one of the little Wolves entirely, and my Raptor kiting was a off (didn't delay my auto after Q to keep Talisman ticking longer, so the DOT ran out for a bit). With a properly-executed clear, you can end with fully 100% health even without a leash, and with your second Smite still up. I chose to use my first smite on Blue here for the sake of convenience because this was leashless, but you can use it later on in the clear if you get a leash.

    It's not a fantastic first clear by any means - Sylas is still pretty slow early - but it's actually very workable given a bit of practice. There's nothing too complicated going on here, but just to break down a few key points that make this clear healthier than what you typically see from Sylas players -

    1. Sylas outranges Blue buff (as do all 150+ range champions), so if you space your autos correctly you can actually avoid a pretty solid number of its autoattacks. As you can see at the very start of the clip, as well as a couple more times throughout the Blue kite, I manage to stay out of its autoattack range completely. All 150+ range champions can do this to Blue buff, especially the ones with higher attack speed, like Jarvan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ifzhDq8Uk
    2. Raptor health pack. This is a technique Talisman junglers have used for a long time for free HP. Because Sylas has to step in to proc his AOE passive in full, you want to employ a more advanced form of Raptor resetting. If you watch my movements, I don't just stand still hitting Red - I actively weave back and forth, stepping closer to Raptors when my passive auto is up, and then backing off to the other side of Red to minimize the damage taken from Raptors.
    3. Raptor delay. As you can see, I don't actually stand and auto-attack the Raptors. It would speed the clear up slightly, but it's not at all worth the health loss. Sylas has to wait on his next rotation of abilities to clear out the camp either way, so you may as well just run around healing off of Talisman rather than tanking Raptor autos. I actually do this poorly here - at 1:32 into the video, I Q-auto the Raptors. The auto-attack here is really poor, because it means my Talisman burn times out a couple seconds before my next ability rotation is up. What I should have done was waited a couple seconds after my Q, kited out, and used my AOE passive auto at the corner when reversing directions. That way, the Talisman burn would apply all the way until my abilities were back up.

    If you practice and properly employ the techniques above, and don't miss Q on wolves like me, you can end this clear leashless with 80-100% HP quite consistently, even while saving Smite. Hopefully this helps out anyone curious about trying Sylas jungle out but scared off by his early clear.

    submitted by /u/phylaris
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    League is a 5v5 game where you barley play as 5

    Posted: 20 May 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    With all the recent #SaveLeague talk I've gotten to think about SoloQ and found 2 issues with it:

    • You get random teammates (yeah no shit)
    • You can't play the game to its fullest. You are 5 individuals playing on the same team as opposed to playing as a team of 5. This game is super complex yet we never get to play the full game, make the macro calls we want, and we have no choice but to focus on our game only, our lane, not the map as a whole.

    It's kind of crazy that the only competitive 5v5 mode we have is clash (I know you can play as 5 in flex queue but you're probably not going to face an other 5 man team and its really not as competitive as it should be)

    So yeah clash is awesome but personally, I find once a month isn't enough.

    So I am building a simple app to help us organize tournaments. And I'm not talking about Battlefy tournaments with prize pools where you can realistically only hope to win if you are diamond+. If 86% of players are gold or below why are all tournaments plat+ ?

    I'm talking about a tournament system that could just replace your games of soloQ when you feel like it. You login as a team or just single player LFT, get in queue and we'll find you an instant tournament , where 4 to 8 teams compete just like clash but right away.

    That way, you don't have to report your 0/6 Kayn pushing top when the enemy is getting ocean soul, and you can learn a different way to play the game. Playing as 5 is not the same and I found it really refreshing.

    I am even thinking of setting up:

    • A separate ladder system that would be initialized with your solo queue rank and grow with your tournaments win
    • A service where you can rent a coach (the next step is the LEC right ?)
    • An optional prize pool similar to poker where selected tournaments require a certain entry fee and the winner takes all.

    What do you guys think ? Would people even be interested in this kind of unofficial ladder ?

    submitted by /u/ArthurlaConfiture
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    Deft on ADC: Bot lane became like a hunting place for other laners

    Posted: 19 May 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Deft and DRX have a AMA going on here

    Deft was asked his thoughts on ADC:

    Hi, Deft. The LOL patch 10.11 will be a focus on improving ADC champions. As an experienced ADC, how do you think about it?

    I think previous and current patch show the importance of bot lane in late games. Bot lane became like a hunting place for other laners

    Thought it was fitting he described bot like that lol

    submitted by /u/RedditAnalystsLULW
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    idk who might need it, but I made X-Rays for Ahri's tails based on her in-game model

    Posted: 20 May 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    Just in case if anyone wonders what the layout and positioning of her tail bones are. Or maybe she gets a check-up after an intense fight on the Rift.

    I used her newest skin for reference, and I noticed the point of contact between her tails and body seem to change in different animations, which means her tails start out from deeper inside of her body. Of course, bones cannot just float around in flesh and they must be connected to the skeleton structure, so I put them on her Pelvis, Sacrum, and Femurs, while trying to stay as accurate as possible to her in-game champion model.

    [Full Skeleton](https://i.imgur.com/SWYuYxi.jpg)

    [In-Game Model](https://i.imgur.com/8ZvX6ya.jpg)


    I'm not sure if this even counts as fan art, but it's made with GIMP using stock photos online.

    submitted by /u/Sahri4feedin
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    Lol wiki has been hacked by political messages

    Posted: 20 May 2020 05:58 AM PDT


    First a disclaimer: this is not propaganda for any political party, I am not from the US and am therefore not involved in their politics.

    Now for the actual thing: the League of Legends wiki ( https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki ) has been edited by someone to display "this wiki is sponsored by Joe Biden".

    This does not occur on all of their sub-sites but I have found two:

    -Tryndamere wiki page (https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Tryndamere), screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Ur8iPI0

    -Rapid Firecannon (https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Rapid_Firecannon), screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/ElxLIRd

    I didn't know where else to post it, so I'm posting it here.

    EDIT: u/JohnnyJayce has found that the Jayce page is also affected ( https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Jayce )

    EDIT 2: hack --> edit (can't change the title)

    EDIT 3: The wiki's moderators know about the issue and are working on a fix!

    submitted by /u/HaxRam
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    Ranked ladder properly visualized [Satire]

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    Ranked ladder properly visualized [Satire]


    Usually there are a lot of questions and confusion regarding how ranked ladder works and why it's so hard to climb. Here's a quick infographic for you folks to better understand the inner workings of SoloQ machine.

    Bonus round: whoever can identify the source of this magnificent data, gets one less feeder in their promo game.

    submitted by /u/TrueMinoshiro
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