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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    LoL Guide Stopped "playing to win;" started "playing to improve;" game now way more fun

    LoL Guide Stopped "playing to win;" started "playing to improve;" game now way more fun

    Stopped "playing to win;" started "playing to improve;" game now way more fun

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    I know there have probably been lots of these posts before, but just adding my unique experience.

    I am not very good, hovering around Bronze 1 / Silver 4, and kept having to take multi-day breaks from being so tilted over my teammates seemingly throwing games. I finally decided I would improve more in the long run if I stopped focusing on the win, and just worked to improve as much as possible each game. I immediately dropped a bit in LP, since I was limit-testing more, but I felt happier.

    Just now, it all felt like it was paying off, when I had a 29% win rate teammate whose name was literally "int" (his op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=%C3%ACnt), but I just didn't worry about it and played normally. The early game went badly, but the enemies overextended in the mid-game and we converted just fine into a fairly comfortable win. I didn't feel pissed when we were losing, and I didn't go nuts when we started winning. It was just chill fun.

    League really feels like a different game to me now.

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    If you like tanks, learn an anti-AD tank and an anti-AP tank for free wins when the enemy team drafts one damage type

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Sometimes in solo queue, teams draft all physical damage, or more rarely, all magic damage. When they do so, if you're prepared and have the counter pick, you can often get a free win if you're just a little practiced on the below champs.

    Jungle: Rammus: Rammus passive and w scale and give bonus armour.

    Mundo: Mundo e gives bonus MR.

    Top lane: Malphite: Malphite W gives bonus armour, e scales with armour

    Mundo: Mundo e gives bonus MR.

    Ornn: Ornn can build two masterwork armour items, Iceborn and Sunfire, making him super tanky against AD.

    Support: Taric: Taric passive, w, and e scale and give bonus armour.

    Galio: Galio w scales and gives bonus mr, gives magic shield

    Edit: I'm talking specifically about champions that are amazing into homogeneous damage comps as counter-picks here. Any tank is great into a comp that deals just one damage type, and many tanks are good into mixed damage as well. As a blind pick, Leona or Maokai can be fine. But if you've already seen the enemy team choose 5 AD champs, Malphite or Taric will be much better.

    submitted by /u/GeneraIKenoA
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    A pair of videos I made for those who want some simple tips to climb the ranked ladder by playing support!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Hi Support Players!

    Here are two support tip videos (Part 1 and Part 2) I've made in the past month highlighting some fundamental concepts that I believe every support player should be aware of. These 10 tips really have helped me climb to Diamond over the past 3 seasons and they really are just the basic fundamentals of the support role.

    The tips I've shared don't require you to have incredibly strong mechanics and aren't champion focused. Instead, they generally just focus on simple macro and laning decisions to help enhance your support gameplay.

    I truly believe that ANYONE can hit Diamond playing support as long as they focus on these fundamentals. I wouldn't say any of these tips are groundbreaking or revolutionary, but I do hope that some of you (Iron to Plat) find value in how I've explained them and that I've provided some extra insight on how to improve your own gameplay.

    Please feel free to DM me, if you have any further questions.


    submitted by /u/ADD_ikt
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    [Jungle] How to read lanes states ?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    hey guys i am a jungle main (P1 peak), and the current skill i am trying to improve is how to read the state of the lanes in order to predict the future of that lane to decide where i should be on the map, i think it's a crucial skill to have as a jungle as it allows me to have more presence and impact, do you guys have any in-depth guides on this topic ? the more detailed the better, thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/LegitNuggets
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    Advice on morgana

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    I wanted to see if anyone could give me advice on my Morgana (i play Morgana mid and supp) i want to improve on her since i want to play ranked with her and be better at her, any help is appreciated, my summoner name is: Nacholibre2

    thank you in advance for any type of help

    submitted by /u/Pokeybro
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    Advice for Vi in Ranked

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    I just started climbing ranked recently, got placed in Iron III and just got to Iron I. I play Vi mainly as a jungler, and I'm looking to improve so I can climb better, and I'd appreciate some advice on how to play better. Here's a bit more info:

    I'm relatively new to ranked, but I am not new to the game. I started last season and I've played quite a bit of normals(I am level 87 currently). I used to play mid a lot, maining Katarina, but I stopped since I've been told i do better in the jungle. I was a casual player and didn't really focus on improving my mechanics or over all skill until now. I think that may have made me develop some bad habits.

    Something else that had affected my gameplay is my kinda shitty wifi. I regularly have up to 200ms ping and I'm pretty much used to it. But my game also occasionally freezes in the middle of fights, and I've even had it disconnect on me. I try not to play ranked when my connect is unstable but its not something I can really control.

    I have mastery 5 on Vi with 43k mastery points. In game, I tend to focus on objectives a lot, but I think my ganks are a bit weak and I often fall behind the enemy jungler. In my last few ranked games, I haven't been doing very well and I noticed that I can only really win when my teammates happen to carry. I've decided I want to climb ranked seriously from now(quarantine has given me a lot of free time haha) and I hope i can get to silver in the next couple of months). Any advice will be appreciated! :)

    Also, my IGN is JeliBeanne on league if anyone wants to check my op.gg.

    submitted by /u/JeliBeane
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    Low Elo: How do I stop "mental boom"?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I'm currently S2 and have only been playing since last December. I know there is a lot that I can and will improve overtime! However, I find myself losing games for no reason at all besides a poor mentality. If I get First Blood I almost ALWAYS win that game but if in the early game before the 10 minute mark the team score is 0/5 my mental is just GONE and I don't know what to do anymore, any tips on how to avoid this?

    submitted by /u/disruptedgod
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    Minion aggro and how to properly use trading stance without tanking.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Will try to explain this the best I can. I am decent at trading stance and cooldown punishment and I practice it every game. The biggest issue is my lack of understanding when it comes to minion aggro. I'll step up to land one auto on the enemy then the wave is hitting me and I have to run far away to de-aggro. This will eventually slowpush my wave into the enemy ( or so I've noticed ) and put me at a great disadvantage in lane. I'm sure it's a simple error, I just can't figure it out myself.

    submitted by /u/FrustratingSoloQ
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    trynd counter

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    hey so i play top fiora and irelia, and trynd is a champ that is very hard to deal with. irelia has her e and ult, but not a reliant escape where as fiora has her q to get away, but no cc. i sometimes build thorn vest, but it takes so much gold and then i do no damage against him to even get him low enough to kill him after. what do i do? i'm even willing to buy and learn a new champ just for the counter.

    submitted by /u/JustHaxs
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    Why am I constantly matched with high level opponents?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I'm already used to play vs high level premades in almost every blind (that's unranked games after all), but something strange happened once I got level 30. Nearly 10 games in a row both my teammates and opponents have levels in range 60-200 with silver/gold/plat ranks. I played dota so I'm not new to MOBA games, and I have 56% winrate in LoL now. Maybe that made the system think I'm a smurf or something? I don't think so though, but if it's a loss streak it seems too long. I still lack the understanding not only the macro, but also just proper trading and laning stuff in general, and I'm still learning to play mid, but last 3 games I was obliterated by way too stronger opponents. I also tried to play draft, but there are always premade teams with better communication and teamplay. So I wanted to ask: what is the best way to progess? Should I go ranked as soon as I get my 20th champion? I don't think I'm ready for ranked, and normal games seem a better place to learn, but as I said, balancer just went crazy :o

    submitted by /u/TheEvilCasual
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    How to play in general.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    I just got this game. What are the basics, how can I get better? I still dont really understand how everything works. I dont even know how to get new people. Does anyone have any people that are good for begginers. And I'm sorry I dont know what you call the different characters. If you could reply or link a website it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Thedragonborn41
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    How do you cancel Master Yi’s Q animation?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    How do you cancel the animation for Master Yi's Q? I see a lot of people cancel it in order to start auto attack again and getting the true damage from his E, but I can't figure out how it's done. I feel like it's a very useful mechanic and honestly not even 100% sure it's still in the game, but if it is could someone help me out?

    submitted by /u/Rnewo
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    Help laning as Azir

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm really new to league, (not level 30 yet so no rank). I started out playing ahri but she just felt too weak so I started playing Azir. I kinda didn't really know how hard he was to play. I can contribute during team fights really well, but when I lane, especially when I'm queued with my higher rank friends, I get absolutely naenaed by everyone. I find myself always taking a ton of damage, and with no mana from trying to punish people for trying to trade too close to me. Can I get any advice on how to lane better as Azir?

    submitted by /u/spoicymeatball
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    What's the goal/win condition as Graves?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    I main Shyvana and Evelynn and I know my goal/win condition is get level 6 and fuck'em up. Now I wanna get better with Graves and I wanna learn what's my general goal is. So far it kinda feels like jack of all trades master of none in the areas of burst, sustained damage and tankiness.

    submitted by /u/Cruciattus
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    Crit AD Carry Question

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    So nowadays I've been seeing crit ad carries who usually build stormrazor (think Caitlyn or Jhin) skip it entirely and opt for IE into 2 zeal items. Why is that? If i had to assume, it would be for the movement speed for jhin or all of it just being a cheaper alternative to get to 75% crit faster. Is it actually better than just getting Stormrazor into IE or RFC? Just wanna wrap my head around this to help some itemization thoughts. I appreciate all the answers, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Muzzik48
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    Problem with flex and soloq matchmaking

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Hi, i have a problem with ranked in lol. Since i hit level 30 i get matched with higher elo and level than me. For example i am level 55 and my support is level 30 and against we get a level 220 and a level 180. Can you explain me how can i play a match like this?

    P.S. Please avoid answer like: ''Do not play ranked if you are bad."

    Because if i can play ranked at level 30, i play ranked at level 30.

    submitted by /u/Cikuozzo
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    I think I'm getting stucked [Nearly Diamond]

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Let me introduce myself. I peaked Diamond I 45 lp in the S3, but I played less and less from that point until I totally stopped playing 5 years ago. I've come back to League of Legends mainly due to the quarantine. I've managed to climb from Bronze III to Platinum II, but I feel a bit stuck right now.

    When I started to play again my mechanics were very rusty. I didn't know what a lot of champions do and I didn't play very well. While climbing I've improved a lot, but I'm sure I'm a bit far from my old skill level. Also I've noticed that everyone has improved a lot. Back in my times people in gold didn't know how to farm, trade or even ward. Nowadays even in silver you can find people that farms 150+cs and uses their wards.

    Although I started playing every role, lately I've been playing the support role a lot. I normally play Nautilus or Leona. I like how straightforward this champs are. You engage, you kill. I use to build full tank. I usually start with a sun cape in order to deal more damage in lane engages. After that if their team has 4 or more ad champions I build thornmail and I'm mostly able to kill all of them (even 1v1). Later on I might get Warmog or something like that to be almost unkillable. In teamfights I engage and I force their entire team to focus me in order to not let their ad/ap carry die. Then my thornmail halves their healings and while I tank and maybe even kill someone my team is free to destroy them.

    Every elo needs a strategy to climb and this has worked to me until now. I know it has it's flaws. In first place, the support items are cheap and help your team. The items I buy are expensive and are made to fight the enemy team instead of helping mine. My build is hard to achieve when you fall behind, and I tend to fall behind more commonly lately. I've been trying to build support items and I don't know what works better for now. Building support means depending on your team. You change your role from warrior to stunner and buffer that allows your allies to make more damage/survive more. The thing is that I find A LOT of people that don't play very well so when I go support I normally stun and buff people that mostly runs back and forward trying to click in the enemies.

    Let's get back to the gold issue in my build. I tend to win less my lanes lately. It might be a bad streak (I even have been demoted from P1 to P2) but I think it means that people knows how to play better so I get less fed. People plays much safer in high plat. If they have to lose some cs or xp they sacrifice them in order to not dying. Also they always stay behind the minions. They poke together (making me go back or rely in my adc), ward more, and dodge better.

    I got bullied in lane much more than in lower elos. This are my laning bad situations:

    -When I come back from the pull their adc normally pushes more than my adc and me (even when I help him). After that they will reach lvl 2 before so I can't fight. Their support and adc try to harass us and my adc tries to farm even when they are 1 lvl ahead/are about to lvl up, and loses half hp. Then I can't engage cause if I do my adc dies due to his low hp. After that we get slowly poked cause we can't heal/shield but either we can't all in.

    -Sometimes (much less frequent) I find the opposite. Adcs that let the others push but know that they have a dissadvantage so they have to wait a bit and miss some cs. This is good cause we don't die but if they manage to permapush it's hard to break it unless the jungler comes. Specially if I'm with a vayne that has no push potential.

    -The third bad situation is when we manage to push the first waves but my adc never stops pushing. We have and advantage, we maybe even got them low hp, made them flash, heal or whatever but he keeps pushing. A lot of times in this situation my adc farms worse than the enemy, even if the other is under turret. I can't engage cause the lane is always pushed and we are more susceptible to ganks. I tell them to freeze in our side or push slowly zoning them to make them lose xp/gold but they autopilot push.

    -The forth and worst scenario is when I engage and my adc simply doesn't follow. I don't think I'm the typical guy that complains about this while engaging while his bot is 20% hp/the jungler is around. Sometimes my adc is focused in farming and I grab but he comes too late/doesn't come at all. Sometimes he thinks we cannot win the trade so he simply doesn't come. This ends in me burning a flash or needing some potions.

    I'm focusing in the bad parts I want to change, but obviously not every lane is like this.

    I got the feeling I should change my playstyle and my attitude. Lately I've been afraid of engaging cause I didn't think my adc would follow. I feel like I have less weight in the games. This is my opgg if you want to check it https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=ZNK+Mew I play 90% my games alone.

    If any adc that is in my elo range want to play with me and tell me what he thinks about my playstyle and which mistakes do I make I would be very grateful. If someone wants to spectate that would be nice too. I don't know if I'm playing too aggressive, too passive, if if I'm building terrible, if I got bad macro, micro or I'm just bad. I'm even starting to think I've climbed due to the fact I just got lucky.

    TLDR: Read black letters

    submitted by /u/Homerbola92
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    The current state of ADC

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Lately, I've noticed that adc is, at least in my elo (low plat), unsatisfying. I've looked into why adc feels weak right now and I've found this:

    • Bot lane (as a whole) gets less xp than solo lane, which results in 2-3 level gap
    • Mage items give more stats for the same amount of gold
    • Supports do a lot of damage

    I also feel like that:

    • a 0/3 top laner can one-shot me. (Why?)
    • the games are sometimes decided before 20th minute
    • I can't impact the game unless I snowball in lane
    • when every lane is winning I don't have any impact
    • as long as top and mid win, the game is won (unless the enemy adc is fed or your team donates gold to the enemy team)
    • supports have more impact on the outcome of the lane than the ADCs

    ADCs have strong points:

    • range (but nowadays many champions have a bunch of dashes and gap-closers so in some match-ups it isn't very impactful)
    • late game scaling (but then there's a kassadin or vladimir who has better scaling)

    Well, this is my opinion and I would also like to know the other side of the coin and why these points may be wrong.

    submitted by /u/Inasis
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    What are the ways to improve in lol?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    The title might sound stupid, but for example in a game like CS:GO if you want to rank up you download an aim map and just practice on them. Or learn certain lineups for nades and also practice them. These are just a couple of things that are just necessary to improve in Cs, but what can i do in league?

    There isnt really a good way to practice skill shots except for some honestly bad browser games.

    In terms of Macro, every guide is just too general.

    Also, how can I practice certain combos im not too familiar with? If I do it in a match I often times dont get the opportunity to actually use it and if I get the opportunity and dont hit the combo it may cost me my life, an objective or maybe even a whole game.

    If you want to practice things like this the practice tool is also completely useless.

    Target dummies dont move and bots dont react like normal humans and even if you try it with bots, if you do it too often they just die and you have to wait a minute for them to respawn just to practice it 2 to 3 times again.

    submitted by /u/ettwrekcuZ
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    What is considered excessive minion kills?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    I was thinking about odd bot lanes and remembered a few seasons ago when both laners would take a gold generating item. Looking up Relic shield online I see that Riot have added the effect:

    " Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills. "

    Does anyone know what this means number wise?

    The overall questions I want to answer with this are:

    Is it always a bad idea to run relic shield/Steel Shoulder guards bot lane?
    Would a limited funnel strategy be viable? (bot lane last hits as necessary and mid/jungle get the lion share of cs)

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/bouncydancer
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    Looking to start playing again as support

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:43 AM PDT


    I've been platinum 1/diamond 5 a few seasons ago. And with the quarantine and a lot of friends playing I'm also looking to start playing again.

    This time around I would like to level a new account as the only role that I never really got into, support. And I was wondering what would be good support champions to pick up along the way in the current season.

    All advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Hruon
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    How should I prioritize an item spot for a control ward?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    If you only have one open item spot, what do you do with it if you can buy a control ward or a component for an item? Is the vision worth it more than the 300g dagger? The 800g cloak? Does the time of the game matter? Late game control wards more valuable to team than a component? What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/AllQsNoAs
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