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    Friday, May 1, 2020

    LoL Guide The Perfect Recall

    LoL Guide The Perfect Recall

    The Perfect Recall

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Video format: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZX5lnJPDzw

    Summary of the above video:

    In every game, there exists a really powerful recall timing at ~5:10 which lets you purchase your best early component (BF Sword, Lost Chapter, Phage, etc) assuming you get at least 43 out of the 50 possible cs.

    Other benefits:

    This recall occurs on a cannon wave, so you recall on the most efficient gold value while missing the least cs upon returning to lane.

    Solo laners also hit level 6 off the first minion when returning to lane, which procs Lost Chapter (can spam spells on the wave crashed at tower and regain the mana used) and can enable you to surprise your opponent by engaging when they didn't expect you to hit 6 so instantly.

    The first dragon spawns right before you start this recall. This is only detrimental if the opponent rushes dragon on spawn, but this does not happen often in the current state of the game. If they don't rush dragon, then you become advantaged in a potential dragon fight after you recall because you show up with your strong early item spike.

    How to achieve high cs numbers (and thus get the perfect recall more often:

    Since some of you may struggle to consistently get 43 out of 50 cs in the first 8 waves - here are some things that may help with achieving those numbers:

    -Having a farm matchup (passive laners) such as Orianna vs Azir or Shen vs Ornn.

    -Having jungle pressure to help alleviate the enemy's pressure and set up your recall

    -Playing champions that lasthit easily (Irelia, Yasuo, Caitlyn)

    With all this said, don't try to force this perfect recall every game. Though the item advantage you gain can be a huge deal (BF Sword vs Pickaxe, Lost Chapter vs Blasting Wand), the variance in League of Legends can often be too great a force and getting 43 out of 50 cs AND being able to recall at ~5:10 may not always be possible. Sometimes you need to help your team and that means sacrificing some farm. But doing the above make the perfect recall less of a luxury and more often a reality.

    submitted by /u/Happeeheart
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    Here are some good ward spots and their uses if you are playing on blue side.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:45 AM PDT


    One thing to keep in mind is that some of these wards are pretty deep into the enemy jungle. This this why good supports that work with their junglers to set up plays is so strong and a big part of why they are able to climb in soloq, as most of these spots can be covered by those two roles. In the lower ranks these wards won't mean much, but the higher you go the more people actually start utilizing the map and pings to gain an advantage with deep vision. Knowing where the enemy jungler is or will be is key to set up plays and the pace of the game.

    I wanted to make two versions for both sides but i don't know if there is even interest for something like this. Let me know what you think or have ideas to improve it.

    submitted by /u/Musti_A
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    Grievious wounds

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    I am wondering if I am misunderstanding how grievous wounds is supposed to work.

    Just played and got clapped by a vlad, I got an early executioners and I had ignite, which should halt his healing significantly. The same for the fiora and warwick they had. The healing ,I believed should be significantly less. However, it seemed to not matter at all, they still healed like they ignite/GW was never applied.

    Does GW just not have much to any effect on these champions or is GW just weak in general?

    Educate me please

    submitted by /u/DistChicken
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    I play league with a trackpad. Is a mouse really viable for climbing?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    I'm silver 2 and i think im doing okay playing with a trackpad but a friend says it's much easier with a mouse. Now that im used to playing this way im thinking it's harder to play with a mouse lmao.

    submitted by /u/leartipoptarti
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    Is solo carrying in lower elos in season 10 hard?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Im an ad main in high gold i play a little bit worse than 5 years ago when i was dia5. when i compare bronze smurfing now to then, theres a huge difference. i see more people in bronze playing like high gold and some smurfs. And I see that solo carrying is much harder than before and also that being adc has much less impact. does this have to do with item changes or is it that objectives are much more contested and much more important than winning the lane? I see many more people in bronze playing a lot safer than 5 years ago which makes it harder to snowball. Am I just having bad luck?

    submitted by /u/AdultAcneBoy
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    How to recognize an overextension/ mistake made by your opponent?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I'm a level 30 Leona main. Currently I'm having trouble with making proper engages. A lot of my engages seem to get me killed, and I have an average of 7.7 deaths per game in my last 20 games as Leo according to op.gg. I know I'm supposed to look for enemies overextending and punish them for it, but I don't actually know WHAT to look for. Here's my op.gg

    submitted by /u/DumbleDwarf_
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    Is it wrong to look up your team mates op.gg before a game starts?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I ran into a duo just starting a smurf account and one of there games had a ekko bot so i said "unleash the nasty ekko bot". I then got flamed and i asked them why but they wouldn't answer me. They ended up dodging after flaming me and I was just confused. Anyone know why?


    submitted by /u/addcell
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    What am I doing wrong? Please help a beginner.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    I am generally pretty good at video games. Is this the hardest game in the world? I started this game a couple weeks ago. I die 10-20 times per game and have usually no kills of my own. I have tried out about 20 different champions in their recommended roles and no matter who I pick I basically die instantly whenever I'm on the same screen as the opposite team. I've watched you tube videos, I've read articles, I've read this thread. I try to focus on farming in the beginning, I try to buy the right items, etc. The fights with other champions happen so quickly that I don't know what is going on or how I am supposed to counter. I generally end up just pressing all my spell keys in a panic. Maybe this game just isn't for me but I would like to try and get better. Any thoughts please share. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/shmillionaire
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    I need some serious help in the Jungle. Any recommendations?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Now, before anyone decides to jump the gun and give basic like "Gank when lanes are pushed in" or "Capitalize when the enemy Jungler gives away their position", listen to my exact situation.

    I mainly play Mid and Top, usually with pretty great success. My positional awareness/mechanics are good, my overall macro is good (could use improvement, but I'm constantly observing the map and using info at hand to rotate or make objective calls), and my objective control is actually on point. My problems typically lay within my interactions with the enemy Jungler.

    My entire goal within the Jungle is to be able to take in all the information available to me to determine exactly where I need to be at any given moment. However I feel that most of the time, the enemy Jungler vastly, vastly outclasses me in this regard. No matter who I'm playing as, if the enemy is an early game duelist like Lee or Warwick, they always seem to know exactly where I am and kill me level 2 without fail, and unless I have some godlike player in any given lane, the game snowballs from there. I also feel that by the time I hit level 3 or 4, the enemy Jungler has already made appearances twice and either secured a kill or harassed my laner to the point that they have to back or face certain death. If I happen to die early to the enemy Jungler, my mentality is typically one of "I need to farm up or I will simply feed more and lose harder", but that just lets the enemy team man-handle the map.

    I suppose my main questions are as follows:

    *How do I develop a sense of "exactly where I need to be at any given time"?

    *If playing from behind, how do I balance the need to catch up with actually supporting my laners so that they don't just lose lane?

    I've looked at numerous streams/vids of guides and gameplay, but all of those look at specific styles of play and often are only showcased under ideal conditions so that the resulting product is just "LOL PRO climb out of ELO HELL with this one simple trick!". I want to be able to adapt to the game around me, and nothing I watch seems to give me the right mindset.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Spiridor
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    I am a gold player that has no idea how to play vs Zac.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    Zac is probably the one champion I do not understand how to play against and I die a lot of times due to not knowing what to do when he's close.

    Let me explain, I understand that the core thing to do is to wait for his Q to go away and his combo that slaps enemy units together, but what i don't understand is how to do that !! A good zac will always wait for the right guy to hit and mess up with his CC

    How do you even deal with him when you're an ADC/bruiser

    submitted by /u/Synaxe
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    What to do in mid game when you play immobile adc but you also have immobile mid laner.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    I m MF otp currently in gold 1 and usually after laning phase is over and tier 1 towers are down i go mid lane with sup and jng and tell my mid laner to go bot/top depended where our top went. And it works out if my mid laner is kassadin/ekko etc. My question is what to do if my mid laner is Viktor/Anivia so they cant rly split i cant split either so what end up is we go 1-4 and we are losing cs and exp on one lane. Is there way around this or is it top laner job to take care of both side lanes in this situation?

    submitted by /u/MZ95
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    If I win top lane, how can I extend my lead to the rest of the map?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I was Plat 3 at the end of last season, now I am stuck in low gold. For some reason it seems this season has not favored me or my previous play style. I notice that I am frequently either winning lane or going even, but I struggle to win the mid and late game. A lot of people tell me it is my fault that I did not carry after securing my lead. So, what can I do to extend my lead after landing phase?

    submitted by /u/Justinraider
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    OP/meta adc

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Hi Guys, I didnt play for a while And i was searching for some tierlist And i noticed that MF And ezreal are in the OP category but is this True?

    What is your opinion? I just wanna play the OP/meta to improve And climb

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/CoachSpiervin
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    I'm level 170. I know pretty much every matchup and have a diverse champ pool, but the one champion I *always* lose to is Tryndamere.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    You can't run from him because he slows you for trying.

    You can't fight him in lane because he gets free crits to punish your arrogance.

    You can't fight him post-laning unless you get your whole team to collapse on him and even then he can just walk at your backline and two-shot them.

    You can't out-push him thanks to his tower take and following his rotations is impossible.

    He reduces the game to a stat contest and it's so fucking annoying. I can't soloqueue into him because he always tilts me and I know the team won't have the coordination to deal with him once he starts spiking. I can't even beat him as his counters (Darius, Aatrox, Teemo, etc) because he always finds a way to play the fight, get away, come back, then kill me. Stacking armor only works if I'm even or ahead because he can just buy a Last Whisper if he's snowballing and completely nullify my efforts.

    Normally, my approach to this is "play the champ and figure out his mindset" but there ISN'T a mindset to Tryndamere. You right click on the person until their health goes away, then right click on the turrets until their health goes away too. If you feel like you're losing you can press R and you now have five extra seconds to erase your fuckups. Still not winning? Spin away like a goddamn Nordic beyblade and get enough health back to survive almost any DOT that follows you as long as your healing isn't reduced. And when you survive, just tell your team to reset and come back from fountain to try it again.

    He is literally the bane of my soloqueue. If I play someone like Teemo or Rumble that can counter his ult with damage over time, he just engages on me too hard for me to run away. If I play someone like Darius or Aatrox to stop him from dancing around me and out-sustain the fight, he just gets me to half my health before flying back up the lane and healing half of his healthbar. If I play someone like Urgot or Master Yi to hopefully outscale him he just pressures the entire map and I can't follow up.

    Please help me. I hear "My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!" in my nightmares.

    submitted by /u/LITTLE-GUNTER
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    Support (Rakan)main who was silver last season struggling to translate a winning lane into the rest of the game.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I am currently bronze 2 rakan support main, I play rakan mainly but I also play Morganna and brand. I was silver 2 last season and I constantly play at a high gold MMR, but when I play solo rank I often find myself winning lane or going even but there's a 0/9 jungler or laner. What am I meant to do about this am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Vadamm
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    Wondering when I will get fair games

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    I'm extremely new to league. I'm level 13, so maybe this is too early to really ask this, but when exactly am I going to start getting into fair games? Every game I've been in so far the win has been decided solely by what team has the better smurf carry.

    Have I just not played enough games so far so matchmaking doesn't know who to queue me with? Do normals just not have skill based matchmaking? I have lots of things I need to improve on, including really basic stuff, but it sucks feeling like I have basically 0 impact on the outcome of a game. I really would like to enjoy playing league, but so far the experience has been less than great. I'm willing to stick with it, of course, but I want to know if this is an issue for other people as well.

    submitted by /u/BioShoyen
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    I'm almost level 170, know nearly every matchup, and play a healthy blend of control mages, assassins, tanks, marksmen, and supports. The one champion I ALWAYS lose to is Tryndamere.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    You can't run from him because he slows you for trying.

    You can't fight him in lane because he gets free crits to punish your arrogance.

    You can't fight him post-laning unless you get your whole team to collapse on him and even then he can just walk at your backline and two-shot them.

    You can't out-push him thanks to his tower take and following his rotations is impossible.

    He reduces the game to a stat contest and it's so fucking annoying. I can't soloqueue into him because he always tilts me and I know the team won't have the coordination to deal with him once he starts spiking. I can't even beat him as his counters (Darius, Aatrox, Teemo, etc) because he always finds a way to play the fight, get away, come back, then kill me. Stacking armor only works if I'm even or ahead because he can just buy a Last Whisper if he's snowballing and completely nullify my efforts.

    Normally, my approach to this is "play the champ and figure out his mindset" but there ISN'T a mindset to Tryndamere. You right click on the person until their health goes away, then right click on the turrets until their health goes away too. If you feel like you're losing you can press R and you now have five extra seconds to erase your fuckups. Still not winning? Spin away like a goddamn Nordic beyblade and get enough health back to survive almost any DOT that follows you as long as your healing isn't reduced. And when you survive, just tell your team to reset and come back from fountain to try it again.

    He is literally the bane of my soloqueue. If I play someone like Teemo or Rumble that can counter his ult with damage over time, he just engages on me too hard for me to run away. If I play someone like Darius or Aatrox to stop him from dancing around me and out-sustain the fight, he just gets me to half my health before flying back up the lane and healing half of his healthbar. If I play someone like Urgot or Master Yi to hopefully outscale him he just pressures the entire map and I can't follow up. My only options are to hope he's blind picked and I have the chance to play Malphite or just dodge.

    Please help me. I hear "My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!" in my nightmares.

    submitted by /u/LITTLE-GUNTER
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    I'm almost level 170, know nearly every matchup, and play a healthy blend of control mages, assassins, tanks, marksmen, and supports. The one champion I ALWAYS lose to is Tryndamere.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    You can't run from him because he slows you for trying.

    You can't fight him in lane because he gets free crits to punish your arrogance.

    You can't fight him post-laning unless you get your whole team to collapse on him and even then he can just walk at your backline and two-shot them.

    You can't out-push him thanks to his tower take and following his rotations is impossible.

    He reduces the game to a stat contest and it's so fucking annoying. I can't soloqueue into him because he always tilts me and I know the team won't have the coordination to deal with him once he starts spiking. I can't even beat him as his counters (Darius, Aatrox, Teemo, etc) because he always finds a way to play the fight, get away, come back, then kill me. Stacking armor only works if I'm even or ahead because he can just buy a Last Whisper if he's snowballing and completely nullify my efforts.

    Normally, my approach to this is "play the champ and figure out his mindset" but there ISN'T a mindset to Tryndamere. You right click on the person until their health goes away, then right click on the turrets until their health goes away too. If you feel like you're losing you can press R and you now have five extra seconds to erase your fuckups. Still not winning? Spin away like a goddamn Nordic beyblade and get enough health back to survive almost any DOT that follows you as long as your healing isn't reduced. And when you survive, just tell your team to reset and come back from fountain to try it again.

    He is literally the bane of my soloqueue. If I play someone like Teemo or Rumble that can counter his ult with damage over time, he just engages on me too hard for me to run away. If I play someone like Darius or Aatrox to stop him from dancing around me and out-sustain the fight, he just gets me to half my health before flying back up the lane and healing half of his healthbar. If I play someone like Urgot or Master Yi to hopefully outscale him he just pressures the entire map and I can't follow up. My only options are to hope he's blind picked and I have the chance to play Malphite or just dodge.

    Please help me. I hear "My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!" in my nightmares.

    submitted by /u/LITTLE-GUNTER
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    I'm almost level 170, know nearly every matchup, and play a healthy blend of control mages, assassins, tanks, marksmen, and supports. The one champion I ALWAYS lose to is Tryndamere.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    You can't run from him because he slows you for trying.

    You can't fight him in lane because he gets free crits to punish your arrogance.

    You can't fight him post-laning unless you get your whole team to collapse on him and even then he can just walk at your backline and two-shot them.

    You can't out-push him thanks to his tower take and following his rotations is impossible.

    He reduces the game to a stat contest and it's so fucking annoying. I can't soloqueue into him because he always tilts me and I know the team won't have the coordination to deal with him once he starts spiking. I can't even beat him as his counters (Darius, Aatrox, Teemo, etc) because he always finds a way to play the fight, get away, come back, then kill me. Stacking armor only works if I'm even or ahead because he can just buy a Last Whisper if he's snowballing and completely nullify my efforts.

    Normally, my approach to this is "play the champ and figure out his mindset" but there ISN'T a mindset to Tryndamere. You right click on the person until their health goes away, then right click on the turrets until their health goes away too. If you feel like you're losing you can press R and you now have five extra seconds to erase your fuckups. Still not winning? Spin away like a goddamn Nordic beyblade and get enough health back to survive almost any DOT that follows you as long as your healing isn't reduced. And when you survive, just tell your team to reset and come back from fountain to try it again.

    He is literally the bane of my soloqueue. If I play someone like Teemo or Rumble that can counter his ult with damage over time, he just engages on me too hard for me to run away. If I play someone like Darius or Aatrox to stop him from dancing around me and out-sustain the fight, he just gets me to half my health before flying back up the lane and healing half of his healthbar. If I play someone like Urgot or Master Yi to hopefully outscale him he just pressures the entire map and I can't follow up. My only options are to hope he's blind picked and I have the chance to play Malphite or just dodge.

    Please help me. I hear "My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!" in my nightmares.

    submitted by /u/LITTLE-GUNTER
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    I'm almost level 170, know nearly every matchup, and play a healthy blend of control mages, assassins, tanks, marksmen, and supports. The one champion I ALWAYS lose to is Tryndamere.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    You can't run from him because he slows you for trying.

    You can't fight him in lane because he gets free crits to punish your arrogance.

    You can't fight him post-laning unless you get your whole team to collapse on him and even then he can just walk at your backline and two-shot them.

    You can't out-push him thanks to his tower take and following his rotations is impossible.

    He reduces the game to a stat contest and it's so fucking annoying. I can't soloqueue into him because he always tilts me and I know the team won't have the coordination to deal with him once he starts spiking. I can't even beat him as his counters (Darius, Aatrox, Teemo, etc) because he always finds a way to play the fight, get away, come back, then kill me. Stacking armor only works if I'm even or ahead because he can just buy a Last Whisper if he's snowballing and completely nullify my efforts.

    Normally, my approach to this is "play the champ and figure out his mindset" but there ISN'T a mindset to Tryndamere. You right click on the person until their health goes away, then right click on the turrets until their health goes away too. If you feel like you're losing you can press R and you now have five extra seconds to erase your fuckups. Still not winning? Spin away like a goddamn Nordic beyblade and get enough health back to survive almost any DOT that follows you as long as your healing isn't reduced. And when you survive, just tell your team to reset and come back from fountain to try it again.

    He is literally the bane of my soloqueue. If I play someone like Teemo or Rumble that can counter his ult with damage over time, he just engages on me too hard for me to run away. If I play someone like Darius or Aatrox to stop him from dancing around me and out-sustain the fight, he just gets me to half my health before flying back up the lane and healing half of his healthbar. If I play someone like Urgot or Master Yi to hopefully outscale him he just pressures the entire map and I can't follow up. My only options are to hope he's blind picked and I have the chance to play Malphite or just dodge.

    Please help me. I hear "My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!" in my nightmares.

    submitted by /u/LITTLE-GUNTER
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    Liandry's Torment on every champion possible

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,
    Lately I started thinking more about my itemization as an AD carry. I mainly play Ezreal and in some games I think it is better to get some AP in the later stages of the game. That is why I started buying Liandry's Torment (ok it's also LS) and I think it is such an OP item on every champion that has some AP ratios and has consistent damage output, for example Varus, Kai'sa, Ezreal, Azir, Vel'koz, Kog'Maw etc. Why isn't it the most popular item on all of these champions? Is there anything that I am missing?

    submitted by /u/mielak
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    The more I play, the worse I get.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    I started playing league in 2018, I was pretty good for someone new. Played ranked got bronze 1 and was playing in gold mmr. As i kept playing i started losing game after game after game. In the end I stopped winning at all. I quit the game for 2 months. Created a new account for a fresh start and started playing again. I played 5 games of my placements, won 2 lost 3 with current rank being iron 1. It's really rare to find a game were my performance is decent. At this point i have no enjoyment playing the game because of that.

    When it comes to game knowledge I would say decent since i watch a lot of streams, yt vids, and even research things. However I can't seem to be able to put that knowledge into practice. I rewatch my games and am able to tell most of the mistakes I'm making. Overall as the title implies, the more I play the worse I'm performing. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to deal with this problem.

    I'm a jungle main and a Kayn one trick. I play different champs and roles from time to time to help me learn them. It doesn't matter what I play i still underperform.

    Not sure if this explains my situation well.

    submitted by /u/SmasherTato
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