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    Monday, May 11, 2020

    LoL Guide Who was the youtuber who helped you improve the most?

    LoL Guide Who was the youtuber who helped you improve the most?

    Who was the youtuber who helped you improve the most?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    For me it was PekinWoof, a pretty small channel, he uploads full 20-40 minute long games. He explains everything he does and he's not the "clickbaity" type. Pekin also streams on twitch but mostly he uploads commentaries, playing mostly midlane but sometimes autofill (when he was autofilled adc he beat tyler1). A really underrated channel in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/purpey
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    Wave Control Guide - How to get huge leads through freezing, slow pushing, and pulling waves - Challenger Coach

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Hey guys, SimbaADC here! I recently had a game where I was equal in kills to my enemy laner, but managed to get a 60CS lead (and 2 level difference) by 15 minutes through wave control. I made this video explaining the thought processes and concepts behind this, so hopefully it can help you guys out! <3

    Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbRppGLBe8s

    I go over the concepts of freezing, pulling, slow pushing, and resetting the wave and explain why they were the right decisions at each point in the game.

    submitted by /u/TheMasterYak
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    Potential Mid + Jungle Combos???

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    So, first time posting here but friends have been suggesting I do it for my writing stuff for a while. I recently just had a piece published ( http://dignitas.gg/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/14358/one-with-the-wild-a-look-at-some-insane-mid-lane-jungle-pairings ) on some mid + jungle combos but I know there are an insane number of these combos. I would love to get feedback on the types of synergy thought train and would love to hear of more combos that I can suggest to my teammates in the emerald isle and maybe fellow writers.

    submitted by /u/RobsterMonahan
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    Finding a team combo to play on Clash

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT


    Me and my friends are fans of League of Legends, but our lack of ability sometimes costs us lots and lots of games.

    Our average rank is silver(2/3), and what we wanted with this post would be a list of recommendations of teams and champions we could improve on in order to win a whole tournament of clash.

    I will list some champions we know how to play, and if u could create a team with team, and maybe others not listed, it would be great, thank you anyway!

    Top Jungle Mid Bot Supp
    Trynda Rammus Diana Kaisa Taric
    Fiora Amumu Fizz Ezreal Nautilus
    Renekton Teemo Lux Xayah Lux
    Teemo Mater Yi Ahri Caitlyn Morgana
    Garen Evelynn Renekton Draven Blitzcrank
    Jax Kayn Neeko Senna
    Shen Nunu
    Sett Warwick
    Chogath Vi

    submitted by /u/Ehvaskinho
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    General tips and advice on transitioning lane advantages to wins as an ADC in SoloQ?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I main ADC, start of the season went really well (initially played solo) with a ~70% winrate, started duo-ing with my friend who plays midlane and we've been hardstuck high gold ever since - I'll link my opgg.

    I play lane passively( as I don't queue with a supp duo), I feel teamfighting is my stronger suite - but have no qualms with going aggro in lane if the support dictates it.

    I think midgame might be my weakest portion of the game, generally i'll try and group up for picks/roams but my CS will often drop from 9-10 down to 5ish for extended periods, I often get hard flamed if I leave midlane to go farm sides to keep my CS up, but I don't feel like ARAMing is a particularly great way to play the game out when behind, I may definitely be wrong here, is it more a comparison of myself to the enemy ADC? For example I can usually garner a decent farm lead on the ADC and maybe pick up a couple kills, is it worth forfeiting a continuation of that lead to aid the team with my lead when their botlane remains in the bot? I have this argument with my duo often, he says that if I'm ahead in bot I should absolutely leave and aid him/jungle botside to pressure kills, but I feel as a general rule of thumb would it not be better to continue to try and starve out the enemy lane to create a larger relative disparity (excluding dragon fights/objectives etc)? Again I may definitely be wrong here!

    If say botlane is ahead/at least even, how does an adc go about playing the midgame out if I have solo-laners who have fallen behind? As an example in the last soloduo game I played, by the end my duo was 3/10 and my top 3/11 at , I was up against a Vayne that we'd managed to get 3 kills on but left botside to go and assist topside of mid to try and prevent Yasuo getting more fed, we managed to pick up a tower and kill him twice immediately, but as soon as we left mid the Yasuo picked back up and killed mid/jung. I have a feeling it was definitely the wrong call on my part to attempt to roam, and I probably ended up allowing the Vayne/Malph back into the game. Is there a hard and fast general rule to follow as an ADC to try and transition your lane advantages to wins?

    In terms of duoing, my midlane doesn't like to roam botside, do I need to start pushing for more synergistic roams, is there a good rule of thumb to follow for particular plays to set up as an adc/midlane duo? Do I perhaps even just go back to playing solo to allow for a more synergistic set of duo roles in the game (i.e mid/jung)? Am I just delusional and actually really bad for my rank?

    It's just starting to become incredibly frustrating to try and climb playing ADC (for myself at least), I love the role but I feel really gimped currently when trying to impact the game, especially early midgame - is that just me or is this a wider problem a lot of ad mains face? Any thanks would be much appreciated, cheers!

    submitted by /u/Caramana
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    Blue trinket as a toplaner?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I watched a video of Glacierr doing another one of those clickbaity "how to climb low elo" guides but there actually were a few things he did that intrigued me. One of them was taking farsight alteration as a toplaner, and he used it to set up defensive vision in his jungle etc. I assume it's because low elo players(specifically low elo supports) don't ward and he's using it as a makeshift useful support especially since blue trinkets dont expire. Is there any other reason why he takes blue trinket and should I try using it too?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    (Silver 4 ADC main) I often find my team winning early but then dying 1v3, 2v4 and such in middle until we're behind. What can I do?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Very many games recently, my team has the advantage in midgame. Maybe one or two drakes, won 3 out of 4 lanes or something like 5 kills over. Now we go out of laning phase. Maybe our jungler is trying to steal the enemy's jungle and gets collapsed on, maybe our support is alone warding in river and gets caught, or our midlane flashes on the enemy adc which he thinks is alone and chases too far, dies. Sometimes we are grouped in our jungle, but our toplane is farming, and someone jumps the enemy and we fight 4v5. Maybe our jungle, mid is trying drake with no controlwards and gets caught and dies. Now we have slowly lost our advantage and the enemy wins the game after some time. What can I do to prevent this? How can I contribute to the team as an ADC when I have won lane? I mostly play Miss Fortune and Kai'Sa.

    submitted by /u/Koroichi
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    Tryndamere Vs Darius (as Tryndamere)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Hi guys I really have a problem with Darius.

    He just do his combo ( grab slow then Q which touch automatically with the edge BC of the op slow) and then what do I do ? I already have 4 stacks BC of all of this... Trade back ? I got the fifth stack and get him mid life when I simply die. Go back ? Four stacks+ his combo, I'm mid life I can't cs bc he zone me out from the farm so I can't regen... Should I engage ? He do the same so there's no point

    Also bc of the no time-cast of his q spell I never have the time to dodge the edge.

    After 6 ? He has phage so he just has to slow me when I R and I can't close the distance between us.

    Then he gets his BC and just spam Q spell.

    Later the game goes ? He just destroy me and when I R he has the possibility to kite me...

    I'm really lost I don't know what to do every tips are welcomed cause I just want to improve.

    Thank you :D

    submitted by /u/Xdape
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    6 tips for being a better jungler! Enjoy!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Freeze (not the ADC pro player) here again! I did a post about 5 tips for climbing in ranked games exactly a week ago and you guys seemed to liked it so I decided I'd make another post. :) I'm playing league since the end of season 1, my current rank is Diamond IV on EUW and in this post I want to give you 6 tips you can use to improve your playstyle as a jungler and get better at league of legends.

    Let's start:


    As soon as the loading screen pops up you want to think about how the lanes will go in the early game. Try to understand the lane matchups and who will have priority (push advantage) in lane.

    Look for the lane that is the easiest to gank. Usually the lane that brings the most cc and damage is the best to gank. It also depends on the enemy champions aswell. Does he or she have an escape tool? A bunch of cc? Take these factors into consideration.


    Everytime you go into a game of league of legends you should think about your winning conditions. A winning condition is nothing else than something specific that increases your chance of winning the game.

    The thing you should ask yourself is: What can I do this game that wins the game for me?

    In most cases this will be a lane you want to get ahead such as hypercarries like Kog'maw or dueling matchups like for example a Fiora vs. Irelia toplane.

    It can also be to shutdown the enemy such as a Twitch ADC or a Fiora top. It really depends on the champions drafted and the team compositions around them.

    You can also have multiple winning conditions. For example: As Shyvana your main priority is to secure the dragons because of her passive so this is your winning condition number 1. Your second winning condition could be to deny the enemy botlane Kog'maw Lulu from free scaling. This means you will have your priority in botside and should jungle around that.


    As previously mentioned, you try to play for certain winning conditions that increase your chance of winning the game. Try to path to the things that have the highest priority to you.
    Let's go back to the example from before:

    You are blueside Shyvana and your main enemy winning condition is their Kog'maw Lulu botlane. Your winning conditions are to secure the dragons and stop Kog'maw from scaling.

    In this case you most likely should start at your bluebuff and jungle your way down to botside to build vision control in the botside river, secure the scuttle crab so it's easier for you to do dragon at level 5 and to look for ganks on bot to shut down the Kog'maw Lulu lane. You also give your own botlane vision and you are around for a potencial countergank.

    Always try to combine clearing camps with something else you can do on this side of the map.

    This can be:

    • Ganking
    • building vision control in the river or the enemy jungle
    • counterjungling
    • taking objectives like drakes or heralds


    Tracking the enemy jungler is a very helpful thing you can do to prevent your laners from getting ganked. Most of the time laners won't know where the enemy jungler is so it's your job to tell them where you expect him to be.

    Try to think of it this way:
    What would you do if you were in the enemy team as a jungler? What would be your winning conditions? What would you play for? As soon as you do that you will have an idea of what the enemy jungler might wants to do.

    Also watch the enemies coming to lane at the start of the game to see which lane came a little late. This in most cases tells you where the enemy jungler started his clear and where he will be heading.


    More often than not I see people watching their champion slaying those juicy jungle monsters instead of checking what is actually going on in the game.

    Use your F-Keys to hover over your allies and see how their lanes are going. How is the wave status? Is the wave pushing into my toplaners tower? Will he get dived?

    Is my laner getting zoned from CS and needs me to push out the wave so he can reset? This is crucial information for you as a jungler that you want to use to decide where you will be heading next.

    Of course kiting jungle camps is quite important aswell so you don't lose as much HP from farming your jungle but you really want to know what's going on in the game and what opportunities you have that you else would've missed.


    After successfully ganking a lane, try to get something out of it. The mistake I see a lot in low elo is to succeed in a gank but not taking anything after. Get some damage on the enemy tower or maybe take it down, take the drake or herald, maybe try to steal enemy jungle camps and build deep vision.

    Thanks so much for reading.
    Of course there are way more things you can do to be a better jungler, I will probably do other posts from time to time and mention other things aswell. I really hope you learned something from this and can be a better jungler! After all, all I want to do is help you guys improve in League of Legends, the game I have been playing for almost 10 years now and love so much.

    submitted by /u/NeoMontana
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    Macro Play 101 - Creating an Advantage With Teleport

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Hey all, I created an introduction guide where I explain the meaning of "Macro Play" and give an example of a well executed macro scenario.

    Originally posted in (with images and scetches): https://legendscoachinglol.com/macro-play-101/

    Macro Play 101 - Creating an Advantage With Teleport

    This macro play guide will introduce the meaning of "Macro Play" and the basic guidelines for a successful game.

    Macro Play vs Micro Play

    League of Legends can be divided into 2 scales. One of them is connected to the mechanical skill of a player, how they execute combinations, how accurate they are with skillshots, how good they dodge abilities and so on. This scale is called the "Micro Level" since it is narrowed down to one player and their ability to control their Champion. The "Macro Level", however, is determined by the ability to play the big game, making the right decisions, attacking the right objectives, having a good sense of timing for objectives, and basically creating advantages without the necessity of directly fighting the opponent. Our Macro Play guide will provide a basic understanding of what you should keep in mind in the future.

    An Example of a Well Executed Macro Play:

    In our example we will take a look at neutral objective control, map rotations and teleport usage. We take the scenario where you are a Toplaner, playing Maokai with Teleport playing against another Toplaner, a Garen who chose Ignite over Teleport to dominate the laning phase. By choosing Teleport you will have the advantage of quickly helping your team and securing neutral objectives like the Dragon or Baron while being at the opposite side of the map. In this scenario it is currently the 30th minute of a close game that could go either way. You realize that in order to win the game you will need to secure the Baron. Instead of grouping in the midlane and wasting your time trying to push the midlane you need to think of a way on how to use your abilities to an advantage.

    Creating Pressure

    The perfect Macro Play in this situation would be to push out the Botlane, which is on the opposite side of the objective and lure one or more enemies to that lane. By doing that, you create pressure on a lane that is the furthest away from the objective that your team needs to take down to get a lead. The enemy team has to react sending members to the Botlane to match the Maokai otherwise they will lose their botside turrets.

    Once you pushed up the wave you need to be careful. Pushing without sufficient vision puts you in a vulnerable spot so make sure to keep an eye on the minimap and keep track of the enemy team. If you notice that you lost vision of one or more enemies it's time to back off. Eventually an enemy will show up at the botlane to clear the wave. This is your time to shine!

    Using The Teleport to Create a Numbers Advantage

    Walk into safety and look for an opportunity to make a flank TP or teleport to your team to start a fight.

    If the enemy jungler shows up at the bottom side of the map you can practically already go for the baron since the chances of it being stolen are very low due to the fact that the enemy does not have smite.

    In our example, Janna and Jinx decided to clear the botlane and now you have a small window of opportunity. While they are busy clearing the minions, you can either try to flank the rest of the enemy team by teleporting behind them if there is an opportunity or teleport to the baron.

    The best case scenario is if you manage to engage on the enemy team because you will have a huge advantage in numbers. Since Janna and Jinx were just spotted on the botlane, they will not be quick enough to join a fight around the Baron area. The highest priority should be killing the enemy jungler so you do not run a risk of getting the baron stolen. Once you kill the enemies you can go on and start the baron. The only threat would be Jinx and Janna but you should be healthy enough to zone them away or even engage on them if they walk up too close. If your team is not healthy enough to do the baron after the 3vs5 fight you will need to reset. Do not risk getting killed by the Jinx since this will help her snowball the game.


    As you probably notice, macro play is all about finding ways to create an advantage for your team and making the right decision at the right time. There are many methods and possibilities, map rotations and teleport plays is just one of them. It is important that you remind yourself to actually think about which objective your team needs to take down next and how you can make it easier for you team to get there. If you don't look at the big picture you will lose a lot of valuable opportunities. Making macro decisions is not easy and it takes a lot of effort to think about possibilities and evaluate whether or not they can be used to get an advantage. The more you learn and the more experience you gain, however, will make this process much easier and will help you grow a lot as a player. This was an introduction to.

    submitted by /u/SwaggyBone
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    Objectives matter more than kills (Proof!)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    So just won a game that I went 2/7/6 on fiora and our team had 26 kills to their 37 kills.

    We won because our ahri farmed really hard and carried teamfights (12/4/8), our jhin didn't give up (4/12/11, but second in damage to champs), our jax did a great job getting dragons (we got dragon soul) and rifts and I telported bot three times to take towers.

    First off a jax rift herald spawn got inner tower and inhib tower, next on a teamfight mid I got inhib and inner turret, and then after a baron pit fight i recalled, healed, and tp'd and we all pushed for the nexus which we got right when they spawned (I died but jhin finished it off!)

    Oh and yuumi did yummi things all game.

    Really great team win even though we were behind in kills (ended up -1000g behind). We lost 26-37 in kills, but won 9-3 in towers. (Plus the nexus)

    (Edit: this is low silver, so like, people don't know how to respond to the TP. Wouldn't happen in higher elos. and yeah!)

    submitted by /u/TaoistAlchemist
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    Former Dota player looking to get into League

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    So a bit of background: I used to play Dota a huge amount (3134 hours logged on my main account, another 3-400 on smurfs) and I was very average at it. My MMR was about 2.5-3k which I think corresponds to gold in League. Now, I quit Dota just under a year ago after TI not because I don't like the game but because it's simply too hard to keep up. Dota requires you to play as if it was a full time job just to stay at your very average level and I frankly don't have that time anymore.

    Now, that being said, I have found myself having an urge to play a Dota-esque game and since HotS no longer exists, League seems like the obvious choice. I played League a bit before (maybe a dozen matches), mostly with the Drow ranger Xerox hero and the robot-ninja hero (wuju master?). I also usually watch the world championships as I like to keep up with eSports. I'd like to learn to be at least decent at League, and be able to play at a respectable level with friends so my questions are:

    What are the main things I should know/keep in mind in comparison with Dota?

    What are some good heroes to play? I was a hard 1 when I played Dota, and I played very mechanically demanding micro heroes like Meepo, Arc, TB, Ember etc. My strengths were farming patterns and Laning - I could win lanes against people 1-2k MMR higher than me on a good day. What heroes/positions should I play with this in mind?

    Is there still the ridiculous region lock in this game?

    Is there a dotabuff/opendota equivalent for league?

    What are the trinkets/runes/flash that people keep talking about? Are they p2w?

    Anything else I should know?

    Thank you for taking the time to read, and I look forward to being a part of this community!

    submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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    Getting Camped Bot lane

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Hey, so I was wondering how to deal with the enemy camping my lane. Lately, I've been getting camped in all my games regardless of how well I am doing, and honestly, it tilts me to see the enemy mid and jungle just diving me over and over. I'm mostly wondering how to deal with it when my jungler or mid doesn't come to help us while we keep getting farmed by the enemy. I'm trying to figure out the best way to not keep dying while still trying to not fall really fall behind. I'm in bronze if that would affect your answer.

    EDIT: I'm open to playing different champions if that will help me learn more. Right now I play Ezreal, Kai'sa, Jhin and I'm experimenting with Viktor and Xerath bot.

    EDIT: I really appreciate the feedback, I'm definitely learning a lot!

    submitted by /u/TheBIGD0nald
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    I really need help with Kayn.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    I'm currenty Bronze III. After I switched from Support to Jungle a week ago I started playing Kayn a lot. I now have 30k and mastery 6.

    I don't know if I don't understand how I'm supposed to play with him, or if I'm buying the wrong items, but I can't do much more than 20k damage with Kayn, even in a 40min match. No matter how good my score is.

    For example, my latest Kayn games:

    13/3/8 - 17.226 dmg - 6.4 cs - 29:08 min - Red

    8/1/7 - 21.903 dmg - 6.9 cs - 41:36 min - Red

    7/9/13 - 16.511 dmg - 6.4 cs - 33:58 min - Blue

    4/7/11 - 18.593 dmg - 5.6 cs - 38:59 min - Red

    8/3/17 - 17.115 dmg - 6.6 cs - 27:43 min - Red

    (you can check my porofessor gg: Distinger, eune)

    These are all games I had in the last 2 days. As you can see I can't get much more than 20k damage. Let's say 18k's what I get normally.

    For Red Kayn I use: Conqueror, triumph, tenacity, coup de grace ; Sudden impact, ravenous hunter ; AF, AF, Armor. And build skirmisher's sabre: warrior first, then ninja tabi or mercury threads, black cleaver, and then (the order depends) death's dance, spirit visage and guardian angel. Max order: Q W E.

    For Blue Kayn I use: Dark harvest, cheap shot, eyeball collection, relentless hunter ; Nimbus cloak, celerity ; AF, AF, Armor. First build stalker's sabre: warrior, then mobility boots, youmuu's, drakthaar, and then normally edge of the night and sterak's, maybe maw of malmortius or guardian angel depending on the situation. Max order: W E Q.

    I try to balance farm and gank, you know, clear one side of the map, gank, go b, repeat. Usually I transform by min 12~.

    I have a pretty decent map control, trying to track the enemy jungler, warding his jungle or river or objectives, if I see him top I gank bot and do drake, same goes for herald. If I see him at drake and I'm close and have smite I'll try to steal it, if I'm far away I'll go for herald or invade his jungle.

    By mid game, having 2-3 items and boots I can do a lot of damage if I focus 1 champ, sometimes if I have good lead I can 1 shot combo squishies and leave normal champs pretty low.

    I've watched a lot of Kayn guides, and it's not the first time I post for jungle help in this sub. Someone told me of "Karasmai" and it sure helped me a lot.

    And this is it (sorry for being this long), this is my current playstyle with Kayn, I hope someone can help me out with this, give me some tips and tricks and things like that. Or maybe it's just that Kayn's like this and it's normal to have these damage numbers.

    submitted by /u/Distinger_
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    What are the bot/adc specific skills I need to improve?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    So I've been exclusively playing fill in ranked this season, partly because I was bored of spamming jungle last season, but also because I wanted to expand my overall game knowledge and versatility. It's going well for the most part, but my weakest role, which I'm also given the most by far, is bot/ADC. I can just about manage by playing mages, but more often than not playing an ADC is beyond me. are ADCs just bad right now, or are there specific skills I should look to improve to get better with ADCs and in the bot lane in general?

    submitted by /u/admiraltarook
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    How to Close Out Games as Mid. Diamond Mid Laner VOD review.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I've recently did a VOD review of a Diamond 4 mid laner(Aatrox OTP) where he got insanely ahead and failed to close out the game over and over. This seems to be a reoccuring problem for a lot of people so I thought I might as well record it and post it to YouTube! Anyway, here's the video!


    submitted by /u/LeagueOfFrixen
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    Lucian Cassio R interaction

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:15 AM PDT


    so idk where I read this but, when you ult with Lucian and then you move (while you are firing), altho the model is always looking at the same direction, it's still coded as Lucian itself is turning around.

    Very simple example: if you ult to the right, and then you start moving to the left, Lucian is actually looking to the left as well.

    So I was thinking: if you ult towards Cassio, then you start moving backwards, can you or can you not be stunned by her ult? No you can't?

    submitted by /u/Zekutsu
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    Should I build Zeke's Convergence if my bot laner is AP?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    I play champs like Rakan or Taric who usually buy zekes. Since the zekes passive makes the adc's auto attacks stronger, it makes sense to build it for ad bots but how about for ap bots like Heimer/Ziggs/Syndra? Is zekes still worth the buy despite those champions relying on abilities rather than auto attacks?

    submitted by /u/SpiderAsa
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    Two questions from a beginner on Xayah

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm a beginner in this game (been playing for 2 months). Just last week I got a Xayah shard so I'm trying to level up just to get enough BE to get her.

    Question: Is she good for beginners? Seeing her gameplay she seems like a lot of fun. I'm just wondering what I have to worry about as a beginner with her.

    Also, I play mostly Ashe and MF as ADC, but I do better with Ashe as I like her CC. Who would Xayah compare to better, if that's an accurate question?


    submitted by /u/Crazy-Ocelot
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    How to play immobile mages?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I love the play scaling high damage mages like veigar, viktor, and malzahar. Yet I find it very hard to be successful with them in the mid lane compared to melee champions or any champ with high mobility. Yasuo, Irelia, Diana just dash on to me and I can't disengage at all because my damage is so low early game. How do I play safe in lane while still being able to cs reasonable well and trade without causing my opponent to go all in and just destroy me?

    submitted by /u/UrAverageProletariat
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    Is it a good idea to play Pantheon in the Top Lane?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I'm a player who effectively mains top and plays in lower elos, specifically Bronze IV, and I usually play champions such as Garen, Darius and sometimes even Teemo. So, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to learn and play Pantheon top as of now. I like the look of his kit, but I just can't gauge whether or not he'll be a reliable pick in top lane.

    submitted by /u/MathMaster99
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    Dont understand how to play darius

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Im a toplaner that has been playing top for about 5 months, and been playing league for about 7 months. Im bronze 3, and play just fine on my mains, like Urgot.

    But Darius eludes me. I know he is supposed to be easy, but I can not understand how to play him. Somehow, it feels like i get easily outtraded and then irrepairably lose lane.

    How do I play darius? I want to play him because he seems fun and is broken.

    submitted by /u/Ayozzinnia
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    Thousands of games but something I can't seem to grasp

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Hello summonerschool, mid-high plat jungle/top here. Been playing this game on and off for some time now, roughly s4/5 I started. Just about anything to do with matchups/waves/pathing/builds/teamfights etc you name it, I would say I have a better than average understanding of it compared to most even in higher elos than myself but macro just seems so foreign to me. There are the obvious things you pick up through learning jungle (this objective is coming up at this time so I should be around then) but transitioning in to mid-late game the games just seem to collapse in to nothing. A basic explanation that I've been using so far is just go for whatever the easiest objective is (situational of course) but any explanations of more advanced macro just turns in to "watch challenger demos and copy what they do" but it I cant wrap my head around why they're doing what they're doing. Any educational content anyone can recommend or some more general tips I can apply to gameplay? thanks friend

    tldr; how do i learn mid-late game macro in higher elos

    submitted by /u/slinK-
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