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    Monday, May 4, 2020

    LoL Guide Why do I have +11 AD at the start of the game with no items?

    LoL Guide Why do I have +11 AD at the start of the game with no items?

    Why do I have +11 AD at the start of the game with no items?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Hello, I was fooling around in practice tool and trying to learn damage on Akali and I was wondering why I had +11 AD at level 1 with no item that disappears when I buy Doran's Ring?

    Akali is supposed to have 62 AD at level 1

    • If I buy nothing (or Doran's Shield) I have 62+11 AD
    • If I buy Doran's Ring I have 62 AD
    • If I buy longsword I have 62+21 AD

    screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GGeMxR6

    First of all, where does this +11 AD come from? Secondly, why does Doran Ring reduce it? Is this some sort of AP compensation or something?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AuzaiphZerg
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    How I used spreadsheets to help climb from Silver to Challenger in 5 Years (Template link included)

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Over the past five seasons of League I have used spreadsheets to record my games and aid my climb through the ranks. I believe there are many benefits of this, and wanted to share them with you guys. I made a video detailing how to use a spreadsheet to improve your play, and included a link to a template that you can use to record your own progress! Any feedback is appreciated and I hope this is helpful!

    Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnhBC9efvrU

    submitted by /u/TheMasterYak
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    This was so game changing to me that I simply felt the need to create a reddit account to tell everyone (jungle)

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Hey, I am "Gial" a beginner league related content creator/coach. I had heard of this sub on many occasions from certain league discords so already knew where to come. Im a grandmaster jungler on eu(s) and recently I changed something very small about my usual routine of clearing camps, and it really revolutionized my gameplay and general performance.

    As of recently I stopped playing karthus due to the nerf actually making me feel overwhelmed with positioning for counter ganks/skirmishes, I think it was a really good nerf actually. And I started playing more of my other main champs which are graves, reksai and sejuani. That being said I do enjoy watching tarzaneds videos, and what I noticed is that he just stands a LOT compared to me.

    What I did as a jungler, was actually overkiting the camps to the extent that it wasnt even optimal anymore, I basically played like a 9-year-old with ADHD who got hard seeing the character move as they command. (Note for later; when playing karthus you actually have to focus on the camp since your damaging ability is so low cooldown.)

    I sort of relaxed, and stopped moving 247, because thats simply not needed. Especially as graves its easy to just aa and stand still for a second without losing your tempo and still being able to kite camps very efficiently. So when Im just standing, for a literal second, I click to check the lane state. This "check" usually lasts a few milliseconds only (ik its very obnoxious to watch), but since I have freed myself by stopping the adhd movement to the point that I can do this every 2-3 seconds, I get a really good read on the lane, wave, xp and I even get to witness all the cooldowns and skilled abilities. This is very superior compared to the norm of checking your lanes while youre moving from camp to camp, this way you gain access to hell of a lot more information, and is very useful in soloQ or even low communication prem groups.

    Utilizing this strategy has allowed me to elevate my lane reading skills, which then reflects to counter ganking, tracking the enemy jungler and in general counter actions to the other junglers actions. I genuinely think that this will allow me to finally hit c1 on west as well. It is very easily achieved and a simple trick, I just had not thought of it really because Ive been maining karthus for so long and with him you dont really have any time at all WHILE killing camps, only off combat.

    I can later on upload a video on how I do this myself, but its quite self explanatory. It does require quick hand movement and you need to have a certain schema of the lane state before your brain can even process the information completely, so this does require game knowledge to some extent as well.

    TLDR; I check lanes constantly as I am fighting camps allowing me to have a much more immersive grasp of the current game state, therefore allowing me to be a much more efficient jungler.

    submitted by /u/Gial_lol
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    What would you advice me to do when I play top lane and I am ahead in cs and in kills ( for example 3/0) in order to take advantage of it so we can win the game?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    As the title says "What would you advice me to do when I play top lane and I am ahead in cs and in kills ( for example 3/0) in order to take advantage of it so we can win the game?"

    There are times that I am winning in my lane in kills,cs,pushing , so I would like to know what are the best things to do in order to take advantage of it in various situations when my team feeds, when the game is even, when my team is slightly ahead etc.

    submitted by /u/7stefanos7
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    A few tips for Top Laners looking to seriously play competitively in soloQ

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Never tilt-eport; don't use teleport to get back to lane immediately after you die unless you're missing more than one wave, or you'll get a guaranteed kill and/or obj. Using TP to gank is much better bc of recent changes.

    Play actively, not passively; A perfect example is the dreaded Darius matchup. Due to the heavy nerfs to his E, only the real Darius mains are playing him now. "Exploit every weakness". Use his own words against him, without his E, Darius doesn't get to fight on his terms most times, baiting out such a crucial part of his dueling potential is your opportunity to trade with him. Other champs have similar weakness in their kits, always try to go on the offensive when you see those crucial abilities whiff.

    Ward Deep; this can be said for every lane, but especially for solo laners, since you have no support, you have to handle your own vision, you should almost never have 2 trinkets in your inventory at once unless your playing something like Jax who can ward-jump, and even then you could just buy pinks.

    Don't die under your tower; sometimes it's unavoidable, but avoid dying when you're pushed under tower or when you set a freeze up, you lose much more gold and XP, and give your laner free plates, cs and XP. A single death under your turret could cost you the entire lane.

    Play something with self peel or high durability if you don't have a jg duo; as much as playing against lucian top sucks, he cant do shit if a 2 or 3 man collapses on him when his E is down. So unless you have a reliable jg who can counter gank for you, or the rare shen support who looks at the map, play a champ who has a better chance at surviving ganks.

    Learn at least one tank and one off-tank; this is mainly for lower elo where tank supps and jg are less common, but having a team with one durable fighter is better than a team with all squishies (that one game where every lane is just filled with ADCs)

    When behind as a Juggernaut, build your cheapest viable damage item then rush tank items; to be completely honest, no one likes losing to bs like trynd critting 4 times in a row with 50 fury, or Lucian killing you from full with a few autos and a Q, but building more damage when you're already behind is not helping, building tanky helps you survive longer and doesn't hurt you as much, since Juggernauts have high base damage numbers.

    When playing early game champs who snowball really hard, win ALL of your lanes for your team if you can; just shove and roam. champs with excellent semi-global mobility like Pantheon are good for this, you can just shove your lane and then roam, gold from cs doesn't matter too much since you don't scale as well as most champs. So allowing your carry(s) to snowball is better for your team than just staying in lane

    That's all for now, stay safe, and continue the climb Summoners!

    submitted by /u/Odukomaster
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    Tried to learn the game by playing ARAM... should I stop?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:43 PM PDT


    I've been playing LoL for 3 weeks now, and as I used to play DotA a few years back, I thought I had the "main" knowledge about how LoL works in general (even though I was far from being a good dota player): how to cs, when to attack, when to retreat, when to gather with the team, when to defend or give up a tower, positioning, and so on.

    So, when facing 140+ champions that I knew nothing about, I thought the fastest way to learn about their abilities and roles was playing ARAM, since I thought I already knew the basics of the Summoners Rift. That said, right now I am at level 16, and feeling like I will reach level 30 soon and still won't be aware of the majority of the enemies spells, and therefore won't be able to play Summoners Rift without feeling insecure.

    That said (yes, I said 'that said' twice, awful english, sorry for that), I hope you guys could help me with a few questions:

    1) The title says it all. Should I stop playing ARAM and focus in Summoners Rift, even though I am far from knowing most of the champions? My strategy to play ARAM instead of the normal games was dumb?

    2) I've played Draft Pick only once, but it felt like the players were far better than the ones whom I played with in the Blind Pick. Because of this, I am quite afraid of 'testing' any champion in Draft Pick, so I end up playing Blind Pick with teammates that go duo in bot lane as Master Yi and Caitlyn (yes). And because the roles played aren't designed for each players like in Draft Pick, I struggle to play in the positions that I want, since people pick any champions they want and go wherever they want. So, while I am afraid of playing Draft Pick and messing things up, playing in Blind Pick feels frustrating.

    Regarding the point 2, the questions are:

    2.1) Is it a bad practice (or would I get punished for) 'abandoning' a game if I can't get to play in the role I want in blind pick? I mean... before the game even starts, in the screen to choose my champion.

    2.2) This feeling that Draft Pick is way more serious than Blind Pick is real? When I'm doing bad in Blind Pick I just feel like "nahh, its ok to be 2/3, since one of my teammates is 2/12 and other is afk during the whole game, so its fine"

    2.3) If the answer to 2.2 is true, how could I play Draft Pick with 'harder' champions that I want to be better? I feel like I would just get stomped and the whole team will roast me for losing the game

    3) I really enjoy watching Katarina gameplays, and I know she is sooo hard to be played with. So my question is, is it possible to learn how to play lol AND how to play Katarina at the same time? I know it takes a lot of time to be 'less bad' with her, but I think it would be easier if I start right away, even though i would be stomped in the first 30 (100?) games

    4) About Irelia, she fits my playstyle and I really enjoy her, but i've read from some high elo players that it doesn't worth putting so much effort into mastering her, since other champions do 'the same thing' she does but require less skill/effort. So my question is, does it apply to low elos as well? Because I don't feel like I will get to higher elos any time soon, and meanwhile I see alot of gameplays where people do pretty well with her.

    That's it! Thank you guys for the help, and sorry for any english mistakes!

    submitted by /u/goosebump5
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    Why are 2 players bot every game?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    The only reasons I can think of for sending two players bot are that drake spawns before herald and bot towers dont have fortification. But if those are the only reasons wouldn't there exist a few cases where you want your 2v2 (or 2v1 if the enemy doesn't match your duo) toplane instead of botlane? I think specifically ranged vs melee matchups could get an early lead more easily if their lane doesnt have foritfied towers.

    submitted by /u/zoe_shinobu
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    I fell from plat to nearly bronze: help a jungler to get better, please!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Hello fellas! I'm David, a 26 yo jungler from Italy.
    In the preseason i've reached Plat3 and i used to carry some matches but, since i stopped for just 2 months or about that playing LoL, my performances has been dropping SO BAD, to the point that i'm now Silver 4.
    I know, this sounds incredible. My impression is that in silver EVERYONE is so skilled now. They know how to invade, they identify you on the map, they have decent mechanics.
    I remember that, 1-2 year ago, a jungler in silver was literally a DOG (so i was, lol). But now things has changed.

    Actually, i understand that I AM THE PROBLEM. And i want to improve. I realized that i'm really good with my champ mechanics (kha zix), but obviously i miss the "logic" of the jungle. I would really appreciate if someone can tell me where i can find a really good guide/course to learn THE LOGIC of the jungle.
    With "logic behind jungle" i mean that i do not need just videos of people who go 20/0/5, i think they got small sense if they dont exlplain really deeply what they're doing and why.
    I need something which makes me understand the rationale of the moves, the champ selections, the jungle invading, the warding and so on.

    Thank you really much to everyone guys, i appreciate your help.
    P.S. = If someone wants to play, just tell me ^_^
    remember that i'm always an ex- platinum xD

    submitted by /u/Dra794
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    Why arent we playing Muramana/Lethality Jinx?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Varus is played right now and is considered one of the most OP picks in the game.

    What makes him so strong is his Q poke.

    Varus Q:

    MAXIMUM PHYSICAL DAMAGE:» 15 / 70 / 125 / 180 / 235 (+ 165% AD)

    10 seconds cooldown at level 5, 6 seconds with 40% cdr.

    Misslespeed: 1850.

    Channeltime of 2~4 seconds and he is slowed for 20% that duration. Full damage only after 2 sec of channeling.

    Is AoE and can clear wave.

    1650 range overall.

    Jinx W:

    10 / 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 (+ 160% AD)

    slows enemy hit by 70% at level 5 for 2 seconds.

    4 seconds cooldown at level 5, 2.4 seconds with 40% cdr.

    Misslespeed: 3200.

    can proc Muramana.

    not AoE.

    1450 range overall.


    W max on Jinx is huge because she can cast it 3 times before Varus can cast his second one, but it sucks at clearing a wave. in a siege scenario you would want to have jinx W more than varus Q. the 70% slow makes her midgame extremely dangerous for her jungle follow ups.

    submitted by /u/mokura
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    How do you go about the game as a tank midlane?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I'm a marksman mid/ADC player, and I want to learn some pocket pick tanks (malphite/Galio) for mid when my team needs more engage. My question is; how do you effectively use tanks mid?

    Should my priority be pushing/freezing, roaming, power farming, etc.? I usually handshake mid and just farm+roam, but should I be punishing late game carries early game more, or using their weak early to fast push and get pressure elsewhere?

    submitted by /u/Pkch42
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    How to play against lethality Thresh top

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I played a game about 15 minutes ago where I was up against Thresh, playing as Shen. It was the hardest I'd ever lost a lane. He managed to kill me with his jungler, Jarvan IV, very early on. After that I played shen like I usually do. I thought that since Thresh is mainly support and Shen has good early trading I could easily trade with him to get his health down, despite my earlier death. I was dead wrong. By about 9 minutes Thresh had gotten 3 kills on me and my jungler and the lane felt over, since he poked me for 200 damage with a single auto, and I couldn't even farm under turret. The entire game was honestly embarrassing.

    Thresh build was only lethality early on, starting with Sanguine blade, but then he went for Rapid Firecannon and Infinity Edge which let him one-shot our adc.

    How do I win lane against lethality Thresh? Am I expected to win lane or should I avoid fighting and farm defensively?

    submitted by /u/supe56
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    Toying with a quirky Vayne build for Arams...would love thoughts on how to best make it work.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Hey all! I'm toying with a Vayne build for aram which would be most effectively used when the team has another ADC or other sources of AD damage, or is lacking in CC. The concept is move fast, slow down a champ, pump shots into them.

    I'm torn between a typical marksman build with approach velocity, or:

    hail of blades to leverage Vayne's rings, approach velocity, frozen mallet to slow, PD+TF or BC for speed along with her passive, and the rest a typical on-hit AS build. Pros compared to build#2 are tankiness from mallet, more natural AS. Cons are having to build mallet.

    the other build is similar in concept but forgoes the mallet for glacial augment, with precision runes secondary. Approach velocity, BC/TF, on-hit AS build stay the same...less burst/attack speed but maybe more sustained long term attack speed, lose the 700hp but can build another item instead of mallet.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/seanlee50
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    When should you use smite offensively?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    I have a bad habit of using smite offensively too much. I'll use it during a gank to help secure the kill and then will all too often not have it for the next objective. Should the rule of thumb be don't use smite offensively unless you have two charges?

    I've read many guides that say you want to use it while ganking with nimbus cloak and I feel like I always run the risk of needless 50/50 objective fights.

    submitted by /u/mustachiolong
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    How can I improve mid-late game farm

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    I ended last season gold 1 as support and I've been practicing adc as i want to switch roles and i think i can climb higher . The only problem I'm having is how to manage waves mid game. I know how to use freezing slow pushing and pushing early but not after laning, if someone could explain how to catch waves mid game i'd appreciate.

    my avg cs a game is 7.4 a minute, idk if that's useful

    submitted by /u/hehexdlma0
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    How/which junglers can I fight or have a decent chance at fighting with Nunu & Willump?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I've recently started playing N&W and I love the duo, super easy, great cc, great abilities, but of course after some educational videos.. and of course some experience, Nunu isn't really a fighter (surprisingly for having a huge beast) Is their and tips for making my survivability better or even getting more kills in the jungle or overall better tips for kills?? Any tips are appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/azari-marz-frl
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    Questions about a few specifics on leashing and first minion waves

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Many lanes can be won or lost simply due to the fact that one side missed xp for the melee minions from the first wave due to giving too long of a leash.

    My questions are:
    -How long does it take, on average, to go from a buff to lane in any role
    -When do the melee minions die if left alone?

    submitted by /u/Top-Nepp
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    Trouble Nasus

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Ok, so I am having issues with nasus, if there is a nasus in the game I have so much trouble, feels like I cant shut him down to easily, either when laning vs him or there is a nasus jungle, during mid game he just does so much dmg and is so tanky.

    For example when I play squishy stuff like assassins mid or adc I cant deal enough dmg and when he gets close he just Qs me a few times and slows me with wither over and over and I am dead, how do I go about dealing with him?

    submitted by /u/mrobstinate3
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    How to lane/poke as Kai'Sa, and other ADC questions.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Good morning summoners,

    I'm currently Silver II NA, and in SoloQ I've been maining ADC with a 45% win rate, with my Main champ, Kai'Sa at a 51% win rate. I love her late game scaling, but in order to get there, I need to lane well. I feel my poke is pretty irrelevant as my Q will target other minions within lane. I don't want to reposition myself where I can be targeted by the enemy support and away from other minions for me to CS. I try to save my W for actual trades so I can get my passive off.

    • So what do I have left to work with? Just autos? Or should I use my Q or W? I do run Hail of Blades, which I think may help with poke, but I think I should just auto once since that is the window of poke when someone goes out for CS.
    • How do you change your lane style vs aggressive laners or passive laners?

    Further, I'm trying to learn how to attack move click, and attack move on cursor. I'm trying to figure out the best hotkey placements to use. What Is everyone's ideal placement of these commands?

    Thank y'all!

    submitted by /u/zsayin123
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    Games where mid just pushes and never stops

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Had 3 games in a row that my enemy mid (I'm playing Qiyana, they're playing Ahri / Diana / Annie) just pushed down mid. They get to lane, kill the minions quickly, and hit my turret. They start at 3:00 and then my tower is gone at like 12:00 and then second turret is gone at like 16:00. They just push down mid. They might dip for a second if there's a dragon fight or something, but they're mid under my tower hitting it 95% of the time. I can't fight them because the jungler (or the support a few times) is waiting for me - I watched replays, one game the enemy Zilean cleared and waited in my bot side pixel brush for 35 seconds expecting me to jump on the Ahri. That same game, Rammus sat in the top brush of mid for 20 seconds when I hit level 4, waiting for me to engage. Every game they just push, with jungle backup, and I'm sitting there trying to farm under tower, falling behind in cs, if I roam the turret dies faster, if I stay I die faster, and it seems like a hard lose situation. All 3 games I pinged both my turret or the enemy (both in 1 game), and no one left their lane to help. The Ahri game where she literally took the last 30% of my outer turret and 100% of my inner turret amazed me - I was called to help a dragon fight, died for a kill, and she just sat there and took 2 towers. No one stopped her or even tried to go near her.

    What's the play when the enemy just pushes to your turret and you can't get any deep vision to try and get kills?

    submitted by /u/xTraxis
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    Is support the hardest role to climb/carry with?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    By support,i mean with champs like Janna, Soraka, Nami so not things like Zyra and Brand. Win rate wise all roles look roughly similar with their highest win rate champs yet there is a big perception i feel that supports will find it harder to climb.

    If you were say a D2/D1 smurf would you still win the majority of games playing enchanters compared to say if you went kassadin mid and just steamrolled the enemy team. I ask as i play support quite alot as you never get autofilled and it's nice not focusing on cs, even so i don't want to feel like i'm wasting my time trying to climb on a role that would make climbing feel noticeably slower.

    Again i'm not talking about hard engage supports or mage supports for that matter as right now i've only been playing enchanters as i prefer them generally speaking and was abit disheartened to hear they are worse for climbing/carrying, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Otamintis
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    Help I'm getting crazy

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    At the minute 3:47 doublelift is trying to kill karma , and before he uses heal and gets ms from Nimbus and Summoner Spell Heal which gets is MS to 547 then drops to 413 , suddently he gets is MS to 474 out of nowhere , Correct me if I'm wrong but It couldn't be heal and nimbus cloak cause they already proced and tresh didn't use anything to give him speed .

    Aphelios spells or weapon switch doesn't give ms , to my knowledge , again correct me if I'm wrong.

    I would love if you can help me to know where did he get that MS from thank you!


    Min 3:47

    submitted by /u/BSalgado98
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    As a squishy assassin, how do you deal with carries having strong backlines ?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Title basically, I'm reposting this in a calmer manner, this is an occuring scenario, it tilts me every single time and often ends up as a loss, how can I be effective in a teamfight against a team that has a very strong backline playing around their carry ?

    Here's the problems I encounter :

    - Even if I can get to their carry, their backline will CC me, shield/heal the carry, and insta kill me.

    - I can't fight fire with fire and just peel for my backline because they are more effective than us.

    - I can't wait for the teamfight to be almost over and then cleanup because my team will get erased in no time if the carry is not dealt with asap

    I see no winning scenario in such matchups, It's easy in lower elos, I just get picks on them before they group, or can just dodge their backline cc/damage with pure mechanics, but as I get to Diamond, I just can't do anything.

    Any miracle solution ? Apart from relying on teammates since this is soloQ and I need to improve myself and need something I can practice in such situations

    submitted by /u/Landiesth
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    I just solo lost a game. Was it salvagable?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:30 PM PDT


    Basically I fed the enemy katarina and things got out of control. When I gave the 3rd solo kill I muted chat and tried my best to salvage the situation by prioritizing vision and keeping her off my other lanes. It felt like I was just delaying my inevitible doom. How would you recommend playing after giving an enemy assasin 4 solokills?

    I'm not worried about tilt since I'm going to bed now, I just feel pretty guilty.

    submitted by /u/whosurdaddies
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    I don’t understand how to get high cs past 15+ mins

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    This is something I've been trying to improve on for the past two weeks, I've taken a brake from ranked to figure out some ways I can improve my macro but for some reason my farm always falls behind my expectations. I unserstand that you have to hit side lanes and push waves when your not fighting for objectives but I can't seem to hit the mark I've set for. I average around 6-7 cs per minute and idk if this is true but a friend explained to me that it's harder to get more cs per minute in low elo. If there is any other explanations on how to get better cs while still being a large percentage of team fights it would be greatly appreciated! (Mid main just in case if needed)

    submitted by /u/Zannex-
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