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    Friday, June 19, 2020

    LoL Guide A brief description of champions A - E

    LoL Guide A brief description of champions A - E

    A brief description of champions A - E

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    • Aatrox is a mid-low range juggernaut with a lot of self healing, a slow, and four knockups. He has a short dash that can be cast during his Q to change its position.
    • Ahri is a mid-range burst mage with two skillshots, one of which boomerangs and one cc's, and two auto-target abilities that deal more damage if you're alone, one of which is tied to her three dashes.
    • Akali is a highly mobile close-range assassin who gains stealth while in her smoke cloud, whose synergy with Gunblade gives her a lot of self healing.
    • Alistar is a tanky frontliner who can dash in and knock you up, or knock you away, with a stun that requires him to stand next to you for a couple seconds, and whose ultimate makes him incredibly tanky.
    • Amumu, despite his size, is a tanky frontliner who needs to land his only skillshot in order to pull himself into range for his wide AoE ultimate stun.
    • Anivia is a mid-range mage who can create a wall of terrain. If she hits you with her stun or you stand in her Blizzard when it's reached its max size, her targeted ability will deal more damage.
    • Annie is a mid-low range mage who can stun you with any of her three abilities if the resource under her health bar shows a purple rectangle, most often her ultimate which is a ground-target, mid-range, instant AoE that summons a pet that can auto-attack and deals damage around itself passively.
    • Aphelios is a marksman who sometimes may or may not have a lot of self healing, a lot of range, roots enough for everyone, or a lot of AoE damage. Depends on the gun, but he can't continue to use the same gun indefinitely.
    • Ashe is a marksman who slows with every auto-attack as well as her cone spell. She has an attack speed steroid that grants her bonus damage, and a slow but global-range stun skillshot that will stun longer if she hits from further away.
    • Aurelion Sol shows his range with his stars, which deal the majority of his damage. Their range can be expanded, but not contracted. He has an AoE stun, which he can increase the range and AoE of by walking next to it, and a knockback, both of which help him get you into position for his stars.
    • Azir summons untargetable soldiers that auto-attack in his place. He has one ability to move them and one ability to move himself to them, and his ultimate is a knockback that leaves a wall of terrain after casting.
    • Bard has a slow that becomes a stun if it passes through two enemies OR if it hits an enemy and terrain behind them, a heal pad that can be destroyed by walking on it, and can make it possible for both enemies and allies to travel through terrain (which he'll use to bait his Q so don't follow). His ultimate makes both enemies and allies untargetable, and his passive is a stacking mechanic that makes his auto-attacks stronger throughout the game.
    • Blitzcrank has a long-range pull skillshot that brings you directly to him and a targeted knock-up to follow it, with a movespeed boost to get in position for the skillshot an AoE burst of damage to help secure kills. He also has a shield that activates automatically at low health.
    • Brand's abilities light you on fire for DoT and being on fire grants his abilities bonus effect: His skillshot will stun, his ground-target will deal bonus damage, his targeted burn will spread, and his ultimate which bounces between enemies 5 times will prioritize enemies who are on fire. Getting hit with three abilities will make you take a large burst of %HP damage.
    • Braum's main strength is his passive, which marks you when he auto-attacks or lands his slowing skillshot. The mark increases when he lands more of either, or when his ally auto-attacks you, and at 4 stacks will stun you. He can also create a shield of ice that completely negates projectiles from the direction he's facing, and his ultimate is a knock-up that leaves a trail of slow.
    • Caitlyn is a longer-than-average range marksman who deals bonus damage periodically, or if she catches you in her traps, which she may place on the ground but are visible, or her net, which slows and also knocks her back a ways. Her ultimate is a massive range targeted ability that an ally can body block, unlike most targeted abilities.
    • Camille is a mobile fighter dashes to and then off of a wall, which will stun you. Most of her damage comes from auto-attacks, and her first will grant her a shield for a time,. She also has a cone ability that heals her. Her ultimate locks you in a ring for a time, giving her bonus damage. You cannot leave this ring by any means.
    • Cassiopeia is essentially an AP ADC who uses a fast-casting targeted ability in place of auto-attacks, which deals more damage if she poisons you with either her purple or green spew. Her purple spew remains in place on the ground and prevents movement abilities while her green spew just pops. Her ultimate is a cone of damage that stuns anyone facing her.
    • Cho'Gath is a juggernaut who leans more on the tank side than damage, but gains scaling health throughout the game that also powers up his ultimate. He has a delayed ground-target AoE knockup, a cone that silences enemies, and can cause his auto-attacks to become AoE and slow. His ultimate is extremely short range, but deals a massive amount of true damage and makes him larger if he kills with it. He can also use it on minions and monsters.
    • Corki is a hybrid damage ability-focused marksman who deals mostly magic damage despite building mostly physical thanks to his passive that converts 80% of his auto-attack damage to magic. He has a ground-target slow that he lobs, a dash that leaves behind a trail of fire, and a close-range cone that deals constant damage and reduces defences. His ultimate fires a rocket, with every third one being more powerful. If he is carrying something, it means he has an extra, one-use longer dash that will knock aside enemies.
    • Darius is a low-range juggernaut who makes enemies bleed for damage over time with his auto-attacks and damaging abilities and gains a massive AD boost if he lands 5. His Q, which deals damage in a delayed circle, only applies his bleed if it hits with the outer rim. He has a short-range pull that ignores minions and a true-damage targeted execute that resets cooldown on kill.
    • Diana is an mobile AP fighter, with a third-hit bonus damage passive, and a skillshot that passes through enemies and applies a mark that refunds the cooldown of her enemy-targeted dash if used on targets with the mark, as well as a shield that gains in strength if she's near an enemy. Her ultimate pulls nearby enemies towards her and deals damage around her after a delay.
    • Dr. Mundo is a juggernaut with an ult that grants him a ton of health regeneration, a slowing skillshot that deals %HP damage, a DoT around himself that stacks with Sunfire, and an auto-attack reset that grants him a lot of AD (though that only affects his auto-attacks).
    • Draven is a mid-range marksman who gains bonus damage if his weapons are literally spinning in his hands. They bounce off enemies if they are, and will continue to spin if he catches them after auto-attacking. He has an attack speed steroid and a skillshot that displaces enemies. His ultimate is a global-range damage-only ability that boomerangs back to him.
    • Ekko is a mobile AP assassin with a third-hit passive (which counts his abilities), a skillshot boomerang that slows, an AoE slow that stuns if he steps in it with you, a dash and a blink that grants his next auto bonus damage, and his ultimate returns him to where the hologram following his movements is located, healing him and dealing damage in an area around him.
    • Elise is a transforming champion with a skillshot stun and both %current and %missing max HP damage abilities, one ranged and one melee-range. In human form she can send out a spider that will try to walk to someone and explode for damage. She also summons pet spiders when she's in spider form and can become untargetable while gaining the ability to drop down onto enemies in a fairly wide area.
    • Evelynn is a low-mid range assassin who, past level 6, is invisible all the time unless she's in striking range. The heart she can put above your head without revealing herself means her next attack will either slow or charm you, depending on whether or not the heart filled up. Her ultimate is a magic damage execute that sends her backwards a distance.
    • Ezreal is a marksman in the truest sense, with mostly skillshots. One is just damage but applies on-hit effects like an auto-attack, one applies a mark that makes his next ability or auto-attack deal bonus damage, and his ultimate is global range damage. He also has a blink.


    Note: I just didn't want to overwhelm anyone by putting all 148 in one post. I'll add the links to other posts as I get them done.

    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    New educational video series from a Challenger!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Hey Summoners,

    My name is Value, a few of you may know me, but for those that don't I'm a multi-season challenger player, full-ride scholarship collegiate player, collegiate international grand finalist, and two-time Twitch Rivals champion. I main ADC although can effectively play every role in Challenger elo.

    I am making a venture into creating educational content and made my first video clipped from a coaching session. I am also currently in the process of creating additional original content with an instructional focus. I would really appreciate any feedback you could give me for my first video.

    This lesson is from a mid lane perspective, but it has many concepts that are transferable to any role: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgKorvoynQ4

    If there are any topics you would like to see going forth, just let me know, and I will certainly cover it if I notice a trend in the wants of the student community or a void in current educational content. I've spent many years learning the game and have found much joy in sharing my wealth of knowledge with other people. I have more content on the horizon and would genuinely appreciate your feedback.

    Apologies if my first iteration is a little rough around the edges. I wanted to get started without fear of making mistakes. With a little practice and your suggestions I believe that I can help a lot of players.

    submitted by /u/value247
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    Stop fighting over lost objectives

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    This might have been said before, but I see people do this time and time again. You don't HAVE to contest drakes/towers/baron, sometimes you have to just give it.

    If your jungler doesn't show at drake you're probably not getting it anyway.

    If you're under tower trying to wave clear vs 3 people they'll most likely just run you down when they get tower.

    If enemy team is doing baron, sometimes it's better to just let them if you can't get your team there.

    It literally got me out of silver that I didn't just mindlessly run down to drake for a 4v5 even tho they just took drake anyway. Teamfights are often a 50/50 scenario, and if they already took drake just back off.

    submitted by /u/Nyholmen
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    Tip: As a laner, you should be able to lane respectably without your jungler helping you.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    Yes, your jungler should help you, but if you are reliant on jungle presence every game in order to be effective at laning, you need to improve.

    I play mid lane and jungle an equal amount, and something that helps me a lot as a mid laner is going into the game expecting to not receive ganks. If there's an opportunity for one I'll definitely communicate with my jungler about it, but if he/she doesn't gank I won't get upset and claim that I'm losing lane because of "jungle diff". Yes, there are counter matchups in which you WILL inevitably get behind if you don't receive help but there's a difference between simply being down in CS & a kill or two versus giving your opponent 6 kills + the tower within the first 15 minutes.

    When I play jungle there are definitely times where I do poorly and it is "jungle diff", but when I simply don't gank a lane for 8 minutes for whatever reason and my teammate gives up 6 kills and starts typing "jg diff" in all chat, that is 99% their fault for being unable to lane respectably without help. (The one exception for this is if they're being constantly tower-dove by the enemy jungler--then your jungler should either be helping OR doing a ton of work on the opposite side of the map since it's free).

    Forgive me if this comes across as a bit rant-y. Kobe & Dash briefly touched on the topic in This or That and it prompted me to post my thoughts on it.

    submitted by /u/Swagsparian
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    leveling, normal games and the community

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Wauw did today blow my mind.

    I quit league at the start of S8, I got to D4 as a support/mid main and I quit as I went back to my old gaming crush WoW. So this is just to say I am in no means a "very" bad player. (even tho I get slurs thrown at me right now which is basically saying I'm less than dogfood)

    my nephew who just turned 15 wanted to start playing league, his father knows that I used to play as when they used to visit us the smoll one went to my room with an extra chair to watch me play and we had fun. Now he was old enough according to his dad to be allowed having his own computer and thus being allowed to install the games he finally wanted to play.

    So 2 weeks ago my nephew whatsapped me to ask if I wanted to play league. Since I'm bored with quarantine I went ahead with it, and created a new account together with him. And hoooooooooooly christ has it been a hell of a ride. We're lvl 18 right now, so we have played probably played around 40 matches. And every match there seems to be 1 challenger/mastertier/D1 smurf stomper in the matches making it incredibly frustrating to play when they aren't in your team as you'll easily go 0/18 with the difference in skill. And instead of others being any form of polite or helpful nah that is too easy. The amount of toxicity is a new low for the human kind that is being shown in these matches.

    For me this was already frustrating and I can't imagine my nephew or even other new players. There is no hidden MMR for lvling games at all and you just get paired up with whatever is playing at that moment, I would much rather queue up and get in matches with lvl 30+ players that have bronze/silver mmr for the boy to learn to game, they say you should always play against people better than you to improve but there is just nothing you can do to improve, this is just to frustrate you/others into quitting. Needless to say my nephew uninstalled the game and went on to other games.

    However I am kinda stuck with wanting to continue to play but I am just baffled by this skill difference at this gameplay, lvling is basically stomp or get stomped, there is barely an inbetween anyone has any experience to share in tackling this or what to do about this?

    submitted by /u/Sevyen
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    is it my fault if i win-lane but loose-game as a top laner

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    i play a lot of tryndamere top and all too often i semi-hard win lane but mid and/or bot and/or jungle lose and i can't really fight the whole enemy team while they hardpush mid while my team spams surrender. i really try to carry sometimes but can never really do it, is it something i should be able to do or is it just a lost game?

    submitted by /u/Herso50
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    Am I really bad or does public match making not protect new players?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I've been playing the game for two days now. I started off playing co-op vs AI after getting stomped in my first two matches. Then, after easily coasting through intermediate difficulty I got bored and went back to PvP. I'm getting my ass well and thoroughly kicked in this mode. The matches are incredibly one sided and my team usually has 1/3 of the kills the other team has. It's not even close. Basically I'm losing as bad I beat the AI. I don't know what to do. I've just been putting up with it and trying to learn as much as I can but it's not fun getting destroyed like I am. These people are definitely not my skill level.

    submitted by /u/DigiQuip
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    Exotic champions

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Hey !

    After 10 years playing this game, i've been kind of tired of playing regular champion on their lane, I don't know perfectly every champion, but playing another regular mage midlane is kinda the same for me now.


    Therefore, I want to know, what is the weirdest matchup you guys have had ?

    Why were you surprised to see them play it on your lane ?

    How did you manage to win ?

    Or why did you lose ?

    What made the opponent weak ?

    Strong ?

    Why do you even think it has potential ?

    I will actually try to play at least 10 games on every champs you lads will tell me, i'm listening !

    I hope you guys will surprise me as much as you've been surprised in game !

    See you on the rift, love !

    submitted by /u/Niniyux
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    is thornmail a bad item to complete ?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Hey everyone , since thronmail gives so little hp and okay ish armor for its price , its sole purpose is the grevious wounds which can be acquired by getting bramble only , so should it be skipped and finished as the last item or is it not as bad as it seems value/gold wise.

    submitted by /u/exiledguamila
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    Tips for VI

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:33 AM PDT


    I'm a jungle main (G3) one-tricking Eve and I'm currently looking to expand my jungle pool (I can play Elise decently but she's kinda bad in this elo, Warwick and a bit of Kindred (Diana too if she counts)) and I've been looking a lot into Vi because she's a very different from Eve and I really like that.

    I'd like some tips regarding playing her and some cool stuff she can do

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/honey_drops
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    Ezreal guide by ex-KZ/RoX PraY

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 01:53 PM PDT


    "I farm well, don't die much, have good kill participation and yet I can't climb",- a lot of ADC players can relate to these words. I play league for five years and this problem always existed, because ADC always had one fundamental problem: they can die in a matter of seconds due to their glass cannon builds and low mobility.

    However, Ezreal has this fundamental issue fixed. The invention of Blue Ezreal build gave him everything: damage, tankiness, and mobility. This is why Koreans always adored Ezreal.

    Recently Ezreal became hot pick again. He's so good that a lot of players even prefer him to Aphelious. However, this champion isn't one of those that you can just pick and carry - you have to know how to play him. This is why I translated a guide from one of the best Ezreal players PraY's (ex RoX Tigers, Kingzone DragonX, KT Rolster). Hopefully, you will like it!

    Video can be found HERE!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Cassiopeia is a slept on mid lane. She is possibly the best scaling champion and she still has very good early game potential.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I recently started playing again after about a 4 year hiatus. I picked up mid lane as my main (I previously mained top, with mid being my second). I started playing Ahri almost every game until she got banned and I decided to play Cass. Now I am climbing through the ranks (got placed Iron 3 and now I am bronze 2, so take that with a grain of salt) with Cass and ahri.

    Cassiopeia's early game is much stronger than the typical late game champ. She has extreme burst, healing, and cc. Her e also makes it easy to farm without using a single drop of mana (as long as you do it correctly). The only mid laner I have had a problem with is zed. He counters you due to his ability to easily dodge your q and ult. Other than that, she can handle most matchups easily. Fizz can also be a problem, but I almost always ban him.

    Now on to her mid-late game. A 2-4-3 Cass can beat almost any champion that's, let's say, 4-0-5, as long as she lands her shots. If you land your ult as a stun instead of slow, you can most likely melt them before they're in stunned, even if you aren't fed. I have had the most comebacks as Cass than any other champion. Even if you don't finish them before the stun is done, you likely got them very low and can finish them off if they stay to fight. Then you have your e heal to sustain.

    Late game Cass is a beast. Once you get 2-3 AP items, your E (while they're poisoned) will deal around 500 damage and have less than a .5 second CD. Let that sink in. A typical AP/ADC will have around 1500-2000 hp depending on their lvl and items. Your boosted E now deals 1/3 of their health and has only a .5 second CD. On top of that, you're now healing for around 50 hp per E. Again, with less than a .5 second cd.

    Mid to late game cass is one of the most powerful champions and can easily come back from being behind. I have gone from being about 2-3 kills behind to getting a triple kill in one fight, and walking away full health. Once you have seraph's and zhonya's you are virtually unkillable.

    My tips on Cass to a new (to her) player:

    •Watch your mana early game. If you are missing the final blow on minions with your e, you will run out of mana fast early on.

    •When poking the enemy, watch your mana. It is easy to get caught up in the moment by spamming e and run out. A few e's after your q is good enough to make them scared. You don't need to go all out unless you're going for the kill.

    •Speaking of going for the kill, don't do it unless you know you will have enough mana. Cass is 100% useless without mana. Her AA's barely deal damage and her e is pretty much useless also unless they are poisoned.

    •Don't even bother to e the champion unless you land your poison. It's a waste of mana.

    •Your e refunds mana cost if it kills the enemy, so farm with it, but make sure you always last hit or you will lose too much mana.

    •Even if you mess up your ult, and only slow them instead of stun, you can still easily melt them before they can escape.

    •Most importantly: rush tear of the goddess and then Archangel's Staff. You shouldn't get any other item until then, other than wards and potions.

    My item build is as follows:

    1st back: Tear of the goddess, control ward, start building towards Archangels Staff.

    2nd back: Lost chapter, or finish Archangels Staff if you can. Again, control wards. Wards save lives and get kills.

    3rd Back: Build towards Liandry's Tourment, getting Haunting guise first.

    After Archangel's Staff and Liandry's Tourment, I will typically build Rylai's crystal scepter, then Void Staff, then Rabadon's Deathcap if I have time. Zhonya's is a situational item that I will only veils if they have a heavy ad team, or I will start building it immediately after Archangel's Staff if I am up against an AD mid laner. Occasionally I will get rabadons before Void Staff, but that's only if they have no tank/aren't building MR. Liandry's does give you some Magic Pen, so if they aren't building too much MR, void staff can wait.

    Full build example: Seraph's Embrace, Liandry's Tourment, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap, and Zhonya's.

    submitted by /u/Melssenator
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    How does bot lane make an impact?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I don't play adc (I love jungle) but I had some questions on it. I notice in almost all of my games that the adc and support, for most of the game, are like 2-3 levels below everyone else cuz of shared xp. I play in low elo, and find it easy to gank an even fed bot lane due to my level advantage. When I duo with a bot lane friend he almost never split pushes to get his xp back and come back into the game

    How does adc make an impact being 2-3 levels down?

    How does support make an impact (example lux) if they don't have defenses and only offer some cc, but risk getting one shotted because of level disadvantages?

    submitted by /u/farqwastaken
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    Why do i keep letting myself get baited by my team?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    I swear i have a savior complex or something. Even when i know something is a bad call, like a jungler diving enemy turret without minions at level 6 when i as adc don't have ult yet (thanks duolane xp!), I have this knee-jerk reaction of following up on a bad play. This makes a bad situation worse - instead of 1 kill the enemy gets 2, and i lose the lane. But if i don't follow up, there is always the chance of the jungler tilting and inting for the rest of the game. It's a catch 22 and you only have a split second to make the decision. How do i unlearn this behavior? How do prevent myself from trying to save doomed teammates, when there are really no good options available? This behavior is costing me so many games and i don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Applejuice42
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    (Un)obvious reason why you can be hardstuck _yourrank_: copying your average opponent

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    TLDR: You are hardstuck because you do the same things as your average opponent. To climb effectively you need to watch a lot of best behavior patterns from high elo and try to perform them in your games to break yours, and as more you watch and perform them, the faster you will get results, as you will autopilot them.


    Do you know or remeber a definition of insanity by Vaas from Far Cry 3? Simply saying, you do the same behavior patterns in ranked games expecting that you will climb. But more important: you do the same behavior patterns as your enemy has. And here is a reason: you unconsciously do that.

    League at first is a game about consiousness of your actions... But I think after a while it's no more, you autopilot it anyway. Every game you watch what your opponent doing and if you mind to answer yourself what they are doing, you will notice, that each division has it's own behavior patterns in very most of cases (exceptions: smurfs or \cough*boosted animals*cough**) [that's actually explains big frustration when we facing smurfs -- your behavior doesn't know what to do in this case].

    Our brains like autopiloting a lot, so... You guess it, your brain copies these patterns for you and if you playing a lot in the same division, you start to do the same things over and over again. And now, if you are only playing, your mind limited with only that patterns.

    The way to break this thing is simple: watch (a lot) how a high elo players play the game and perform their patterns in your matches. At first you must ask yourself what they actually doing and consiously repeat that things. After that you will start to do it in autopilot. But it's better to do that autopilot things from Challenger rather than Bronze/Silver/Gold/etc, eh?

    Good luck in your way.

    submitted by /u/Asgard_Teight
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    I need help when I get autofilled as support

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    My problem is that I do not know when to roam as support. I main jungle and top and my playstyle is very focused on ganking other lanes and also invading the enemy jungle which in my elo really works ( i know when to, when not to and as a top laner with Morde I am used to doing herald solo a lot when ultimate is up).

    My preffered supports are lux and brand. Lux is very popular here and brand counters her as far as I can see. They both can be very significant here if you know how to. Engage with Lux's Q and Brand's ultimate can carry a teamfight in the jungle and also the fact that if other team mates go AD you deal a lot of damage.

    When I play support I rotate a lot and secure kills for my bot jg(also drake) and mid. I end up being level 4 when others are 7. If i return to bot there is shared xp and catch up exp will still take a lot to get to other players' level.

    Is securing kills in the early game for my team mates but losing xp worth? Can it be punished easy in bigger ranks? Should I just help my jungler kill the enemy jungler and let him do drake alone?

    submitted by /u/Eric--------
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    can you be accurate with drastically different sensitivities?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    So I have a 3200dpi 50-in game and this has always worked great for me. I am able to dodge skill shots and move the camera pretty comfortably. The problem is that I am now playing fps games like valorant and rainbow six siege. In those games I cannot be accurate with anything higher than an 800 dpi (and low to mid in-game sens.). For shooters, it seems it is widely agreed upon that sensitivity is really important and it needs to be on the lower end whereas it doesn't matter for mobas and most pros play on the higher end.

    I have also heard countless times that it is good to have ONE sensitivity to develop muscle memory across all of your games. Have any of you had this issue? any way to mediate between the two?


    submitted by /u/j7reyes27
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    Mocking Shout

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I had a game that wasn't going well so i changed my skill order to max mocking shout giving myself a hidden advantage my opponent would not be aware of and these were the results. Wanted to share as i think it's a good example of unconventional strategies to salvage a lost laning phase.


    submitted by /u/CommandoYi
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    MF fatal Q build

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    I do not know much about builds but do know that if you combine certain things you can get one of the champ's abilities to skyrocket in damage. I've done it with Caitlyn's ult and it took half someone's life in one shot. Is there a build like this for Miss Fortune's Q? Sorry if I sound fucking dumb.

    submitted by /u/makeuleave
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    Question: how do I improve communication with teammates

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I am a bronze jungler. I try to improve step by step. Last week I was in iron and by improving my farm I grew a bit.

    However in this low ELO I fail at objectives and gank because communication with pings is minimal.

    I struggle with the whole press g and drag mouse to right and doing that a couple of times. Also At moment I get invaded in my jungle I can do it quick enough

    Even if I do all of this in time. Most lanes don't notice.

    Also I don't notice pings either.

    What tips are their to improve my awareness and my own warnings and instructions

    submitted by /u/superbros6
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    How do I punish Syndra walking in my minion wave.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    I played as Xerath into a Syndra, not a bad matchup for Xerath. But she just walked into my wave every time I channeled q, easily hitting her stun. I was fairly even with her until their fed bot rotated, then I was behind her. I feel like there was something I could do to punish her overaggression, but I don't know what it is. Was there something I could do to punish her playing so aggressively? I did take advantage of her E cd, but is that all I could do? I am Bronze 1 for reference.

    submitted by /u/whityyboi
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    Wukong great pick to carry right??

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I got tired of playing against yas kata syndra ekko and all the annoying mid lanersso i switched back to top lane whit better wave manegment and game knoladge played nasus and garen but wanted a more inpactfull champ and one day i played aram to improve my unlocked cam and got wukong. He was super fun and easy.

    Played him in practise tool and so went to draft so to ranked. I have smashed many games with him but still not sure if i can carry harder and more ofthen. Sometimes i am behind early and struggle to keep up with renecton or jax i fell tjey counter me. And if i play against nasus i can win early but i need to be able to finish the game before he stacks up to 500. Thats why i ban nasus every time. I want to get some tips on how i can play against jax and rene and some tips on how to carry harder. Like taking towers and dragon at what time.

    P. S: I will ignore tipd i alreary know like: matching cs. Dont trade if you are low ect.


    submitted by /u/Eivind4romnorway
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    Weird button command

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    In heated games, I usually start button mashing sometimes. And I used to sometimes get a weird interaction where I wouldn't be able to click on anything (like a Jax Q) but could throw an ezreal Q.

    The highlight interaction also disappears (when you hover over minions etc), and if you left click it doesn't do anything, except on objectives and minions, where it pings them.

    After further doing it by mistake, I discovered that it was the button on the left of my (1) button. Idk how to take a picture of it and post it but I'd love to if it can help me figure out what it does, what the command is and why this is used. It doesn't help me auto attack and it shows a small red cross next to my cursor.

    I haven't found any discussions about it in the in-game setting, or on the internet, so please help!

    submitted by /u/Marcotii
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