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    Sunday, June 14, 2020

    LoL Guide Can someone explain what each role is supposed to do?

    LoL Guide Can someone explain what each role is supposed to do?

    Can someone explain what each role is supposed to do?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    I just unlocked draft pick and I realized... I have no idea what I am doing. I just used to play mid with Ahri, but now I sometimes get jungle or top or whatever. I don't quite know what I am supposed to do differently depending on my role. Also could you recommend a couple of champions for each role? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/yeyeyeye01
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    Please help a newbie interested in LoL. Not new to MOBAs but has never played LoL before.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Hello! I've been interested in learning to play league but so far, I don't have anyone to teach me. I'm not new to MOBAs, I've tried Dota 2 (my bf is currently teaching me), Vainglory, but mostly I play Mobile Legends since almost everyone I know is in the game and I usually just party with them. I don't have a PC so I center on mobile games atm. With the near release of Wild Rift Mobile, I've been excited to finally try playing the game (or at least a part of it)

    I am not very familiar with the champions but I do know a popular few such as Ahri, Akali, Annie, Jinx, Neeko, Yasuo. Just lately, I saw an unofficial release of the champions in the game and I was interested in the supports specifically Janna or Soraka. For those familiar with ML, I usually play as a tank (Hylos and Uranus), support (Nana, Carmilla, Rafaela), fighter (Ruby), or mage (Lylia and Luo Yi) and I'm in the Legend rank, I haven't had the chance to play lately due to online classes.

    I've been wondering what would be good champions to use that would suit my playstyle? I am not good with being ADC or carrying the game and I prefer babysitting the carry, tbh. I'm fine with being a tank or fighter but not good with sets. I suck at initiating and also at jungling and farming. I tend to avoid assassin and marksmen roles since I am also very jumpy and terrible at 1v1 or ganking. I like skills that are cc or poke. I also like having a champion with unique or uncommon skill sets and not bandwagon ones (I don't like fighting for a champion since the other person might be better at using them so I always prefer uncommon ones or tank/support roles)

    It would also be nice to have a champion for different roles for flexibility. I'm not very comfortable with marksmen or assassins but I did play some and am willing to learn for the sake of adjusting :D

    My main in ML is Ruby. Her skills are mostly cc which gives her high lifesteal from items while her basic attack has none. I like her since no one picks her that much, she can support her team, can be independent without having to fear being ambushed since she isn't squishy and almost unkillable when played well. Her skills are fun to play too and she's very helpful in team fights.

    PS I'm sorry for any errors or any wrong terms. I'm still a novice just trying to learn. Also, I know there's some stigma with ML players but please don't bash me for playing it :<

    Thank you very much :)

    submitted by /u/pepperycipher
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    Why is smurfing such a glaring issue for beginners?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I just started playing today after being annoyed with some of the FPS games that I was playing (Apex, Valorant, etc.). Watched a few videos and did the training tutorial but obviously needed some time to get the hang of the game. In my first 3 games, I got matched against a Yasuo who went 20-0, a Lux who went 11-0, an Aphelios & Ashe who were doing some insane movements and had some incredible game sense, and I was getting outplayed like crazy. I ended up just waiting for some of these games to end in hopes of being able to practice with other fellow beginners. I don't think I'm that bad as a beginner since I've watched YouTube videos and seen some Twitch streams (mostly T1 and PekinWoof), but I was honestly so surprised at how rampant smurfing was at the beginner level. How are the smurfs not punished for this? Doesn't this present problems of growing the game? Has Riot come out to condemn smurfing at all? Is this a reportable offense? I ended up reporting all the smurfs because I think that the information asymmetry and exploiting the matchmaking system is a reportable offense. I left the last game since it was such a huge skill gap and was completely unplayable. It was so disheartening and frustrating I will most likely uninstall. Not a great introduction to the game.

    submitted by /u/Deceitful_Penguin
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    Is freezing a wave only for when you're ahead? How do you utilize it when behind?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    So when I play, if I mess up the wave and the enemy freezes by their turret, it's hard to break it and i'm stuck in a bad position. Even if I'm ahead I can't really do anything unless I have tiamat or massive wave clear to force a shove. But say i'm behind or not trying to fight, I try to freeze the wave closer to my turret so I can farm with the safety behind me, but enemies tend to attack me anyways or shove my minions anyways. They don't feel affected by the freeze because they're stronger/better at 1 v 1s and no one seems to care. Only time I can freeze effectively is if i'm ahead because I can zone them and force a long trade or all in. But I have been punished by someone behind freezing on me and I can't really do anything to them. Am I too passive, am I freezing wrong, which I don't know how you do because once you understand a freeze it's basically second nature, or am I not supposed to freeze when behind?

    Some champs that seem to not care are Darius, Garen, Malphite, usually tanky/bruiser champions who can still dish damage. (I play Jax, Fiora and Trynd)

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    I'm a jungle main and I need a mental checklist

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Actually P4 on Euw, was D4 last season and here's a summary of my games played https://imgur.com/a/K3Rg4mX. I used to be an Evelynn main. I simply liked the champ's both playstyle and potential of solo carrying.

    When season 10 started I wanted to try something new and to be honest, I didn't want to be a diamond player just by playing evelynn. Season 8 I mained Jax and peaked P4. Season 7 I mained graves and peaked g2 I believe.

    My main issue is that I constantly try to improve and a lot of people might say it's not an issue it's something you have to do. I can only disagree by saying that even if I'm doing something well I need to improve even more and that's the thought process of a perfectionist.

    During this season, I wanted to stick to Ekko, because I adore the champ's lore and his mechanics, you can disagree with me but to me he's one of the hardest champs in the game and I like having that difficulty. The thing is I'm not succeeding at all : https://imgur.com/a/qD77qGI

    I got coached by a grandmaster friend, he plays on eune and his thought process and knowledge changed how I see the game.

    This was my biggest win streak ever but I was playing in gold elo due to my low MMR. I have 46% winrate over 288 games : https://imgur.com/a/IsI6tqp

    I have knowledge and mechanics is my main weapon that's how I win my games and that's also what annoys me. Basically I just play the game as an autopilot (most of the time) and all I do is keep farming and destroy the enemy by playing mechanically well. I want to know how to exactly counter jungle, what to do if the enemy showed bot and I'm topside I can either take his camps (after tracking his cs score) and corrupt my camp sequencing or continue farming calmly but 'ot denying the enemy anything.

    If I play Ekko and want to scale, if the enemy picks j4 or Lee ( something that can gank a lotv) all I can do is tracking and pinging my lanes.

    I really need something that organizes everything I should do. I farm really well and almost out farm the enemy every game but you don't win and improve by farming your camps.

    submitted by /u/Baylo28
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    Common Mountain Drake Misconception

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Hi friends. It seems that a lot of the time, when people talk about mountain drakes, they say "oh, obviously the tanks benefit from stacking more armor". This happens in Discord, on analysis VODs, and all the TIME in the casting of pro games. However, I don't really think that this is true. So, I decided to analyze exactly how much damage the mountain drake buff reduces.


    The highest damage reduction gain comes around 92 armor, a little more for less stacks of the buff, and a little less for more stacks. Also, the "tank levels" of armor seem to be less effective than the typical "carry levels".


    Let's consider 3 cases. First, is an ADC (say, Ashe) who has built no armor. Second, let's consider a battle mage like Cassiopeia who has built a Zhonya's. Third, let's take a tank like Trundle who usually builds several items of armor. We will use 2 stacks of the buff in our calculations. The levels will be indicative of a common mid-late experience curve.

    Ashe (Level 13, no items, armor rune): 74 armor -> +2.79% dmg reduction

    Trundle (Level 14, has built Sunfire and Tabi, armor rune): 159 armor -> +2.65% dmg reduction

    Cassiopeia (Level 15, has built Zhonya's, armor rune): 127 armor -> +2.77% dmg reduction


    While the difference is far from earth-shattering, the notion that because the mountain drake multiplies armor/MR, then tanks benefit more, is in fact a misconception. The highest beneficiaries in all cases are carries with 0-1 items of armor.


    ^^ this is an image of the change in damage reduction vs base armor for each stack of the mountain drake buff

    submitted by /u/TypicalRide
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    My friend thinks when inhib is down, baron is useless. Is he right?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    My friend thinks whenever an inhib is down and you have total map control, there is no point getting baron because instead of getting baron, you can farm up, get xp and push the lane with no inhib. He thinks they will defend the lane with their life no matter what, and getting baron won't change the outcome, and instead of getting it, you should just push the lane with no inhib. I think he's wrong but I have very little game knowledge and aren't fully sure.

    submitted by /u/KSpaceBear
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    Mid to late game macro as support in lower to mid elos

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Hey sup guys,

    I'm a supp one trick that mains leona/naut, nami and rakan. I'm in fairly low elos (like bronze-silver) as this is my first season playing ranked but I am climbing at a really good rate ftm (maybe it's the new account boost though). At the moment, I am trying to hone my knowledge of the game as i am not much of a mechanicaly skilled player. I think my macro in laning phase is... decent but definitely up to improvement (i set up my roams with fair success and the timing is usually good, i'm fairly confident in my vision game and jnglr tracking early but i tend to ks and steal some farm trying to set the wave). This leads to me and my ADC getting a early lead quite often which i immediatly throw with what i know to be bad macro in the mid/late game and stupid, unecessary deaths trying to ward while I'm playing ARAM mid.

    What would be the best plan of approach after we get the tier one turret bot (given we have the lead or whenever laning phase is fading away if we don't)? Should we keep on pushing the lane with deeper wards for safety in order to get prio for drake? Should we do just that but with the sole ambition of getting tier2? What often happens is i push the wave to tier 2, i go for a quick gank mid (if not for deep wards or drake/invade with Jnglr) and we end up staying there sharing Xp and Gold and starting a ARAM. I often call for a split push to get towers or set an OBJ with my adc, but i then rely on his good will and it kind of feel unoptimal to bring my big frontline leona butt to a sidelane as there is an ARAM going on... Besides, i'm not too sure when this decision is actually wise and when not to proceed. And while we are stuck in ARAM, what does an opportunity to ward (shallow for flanks as well as obj) look like?

    Most guides I have tryed to watch was from the top laner's POV which he is more likely to be able to split by himself... which I can't really do with a support champs.

    Would it be better for me to just leave the ARAM or not engage in it at all? Should I, on recall, to go back to our sidelanes for farm/pressure with my adc or is a lane switch preferable? Should we always stay bot and only try to impact the map when we have prio to max the CS efficiency? Do i just have to suck it up and try winning the ARAM?

    I'm looking for individual things i can look out for as a support as i don't want to rely on my teamate for the climb...

    To those who'll take the the time to read and anwser, ty... it is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MrClipper2000
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    Bad mechanical player looking for advice

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I've been playing the game on and off for a while now and have been plateued in low gold for as long as I remember. I main jungle and would consider myself to be above other in my rank in terms of early pathing and controlling objectives throughout, but cant consistently carry games.

    Im 99% certain this is because of my mechanics. Even when I am able to get huge cs leads over enemy junglers, put them behind, and ward off enemy ganks, I dont feel like I am able to press that lead much beyond shutting out the enemy jungle. For example, even when I hard stomp jungle and end with the best kda on my team, Im not the one doing the most damage (usually behind my solo laners; adc as well if the game goes long enough), which I think shows my weakness in maximizing my damage output and impact in fights.

    I think a lot of my losses are because Ill sometimes drop 1 or 2 deaths midgame in skirmishes where I'm confident i SHOULD be able to win a fight but misplay it and die, losing a lot of momentum.

    Do you guys have any tips or resources for me?

    tldr; im decent at getting leads in the jungle/knowing when my power spike is, but my mechanics and ability to focus on the right things in fights is holding me back.

    submitted by /u/kripparyan
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    Bad mentality = bad games ?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    I've been hard stuck thus season in Silver 2 and I just can't get out. To make it worst I am now stuck in silver 4 because when I have odd matches (won my promo then next game I have unranked players, bronze, iron or something weird somehow I would loses all the games)

    I mean, if you're gonna ask me why can't I carry ? If I can carry a full new players or unskilled players team vs a team where they somewhat know what they are doing, I would be in plat or high elo. So like, I just can't get out and I haven't been playing well now.

    What do I need to do to make a change ??

    submitted by /u/Its-me-Ned
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    How to play lane when support is constantly behind me?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    A majority of the supports that I play with in solo queue are constantly behind me, forcing me to eat a lot of damage from the enemy adc and their support with little retaliation. This leads to me having to sacrfice CS and playing under tower the majority of the lane. By being under tower and not having prio for the jungler, it leads to him getting invaded and I would have to sacrifice a ton of CS dying to tower to help my jungler. What do I do in situations where my support plays behind me the whole time?

    submitted by /u/walrus_annefrank12
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    With the ghost buffs, will high damage bruiser builds become *slightly* more viable?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    This is what I mean:

    Before, it wasn't very usable to build something like full AD Darius or Sett. Why? Because they don't have gap closers, meaning they can get kited to death because they dont have their usual tanky builds.

    But now... everyone gets a miniature highlander. So theoretically you could build bruiser champs in a more assassin way now, right?

    Lethality Darius? Crit Darius? Crit Sett? Glass Cannon Garen?

    Obviously they still wouldnt be as usable in a teamfight, but they should be more usable than they were before, right?

    submitted by /u/my5thacountbyatch
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    Who to play jungle?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Hi I am a Master Yi one trick and Im currently Gold 1. Master Yi doesn't get banned much but when he does, I have a really hard time finding out who I should play instead of dodging. I've tried out Shyvana and Nocturne but I didn't really like the feel of their champion. I've literally lost every game on Shyvana because my team doesn't understand that I can't gank early, and that I have to farm a lot. Noc just feels off and he doesn't seem to fit into any team comp. I would pick random champions to jungle with now and then, but all the games are a coinflip. I am open to all recommendations ty.

    submitted by /u/Kcraken
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    The potential of new ghost on an ADC (video example and discussion)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    When reading 10.12 patch notes, I got pretty excited with the ghost changes and have been thinking how the spell is supposed to be used: Using it early in a fight and getting new resets with every takedown.


    Earlier today I've got an opportunity to do just that and wanted to share with you how effective it is and discuss if there is a better use or another good uses for it.

    submitted by /u/6ASG
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    Training for Midlane Laning Phase

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Hello! I was wondering if there is anyone who is a D4+ (or even lower, I don't mind) midlane main that would want to practice 1v1s for awhile. I've been diamond in the past seasons but I am on quite the struggle bus this season. I feel like I always lose laning phase but tend to do better in the midgame, so I would like to get better at laning. I'm down to practice any matchups. I am on NA and my ign is AFartingPanda.

    submitted by /u/AFartingPanda
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    How do you deal with ap malphite as a melee laner without mobility?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    He just slows you with q, gets the free comet proc, and then ults you and one-shots. I can't really think of any counterplay to it. I know his ult is technically flashable, but it happens instantaneously so there's not any opportunity to do it. Even with that, the q poke makes it almost impossible to lane.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    What is the counterplay to graves?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    That's the question. I'm not a noob (I'm D2 right now), but every game there's a graves in my game he just gets fed and carries the game. He's super tanky, does A LOT of damage, clears incredibly healthy and fast and is strong early and late game. What am I missing? He's only missing hard cc, but with everything he has, that's not a weakness?

    submitted by /u/LiftingJourney
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    MMR/LP gain

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    hello so i'm r8now plat3 nearly plat 2.. i have 55%wr with 300+ games (started silver 5) i had huge winning streak last 2 days but my lp increased by 1 ( 15/16+) and before my winning streak i lost 20 lp.. now my last 20 games 15 where wins and after first 2 loss i was at -21 and now after lose nr 5 i got -22? how is this possible? i mean i win most off my lanes .. never the underdog i have high winrate on my mains but my lp gain is getting worser and worser.

    can some1 explain me how i can fix my mmr? or am i doomed and need to wait for new season? and will i get let's say if i win 6 out of 10 games in placement next season prob be in silver or what?

    submitted by /u/savagejesusttv
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    How to Counter Linear Playstyle?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    I have trouble dealing with champions who have a linear playstyle such as Garen, Renek and Diana. The most common advice I get is "just ban" or "just dodge her Q" or "just pick a ranged top lane bully," which really doesn't help if I am first pick or had to use my ban for someone else. Another common advice I get is that because I know exactly how these champs are played and what they plan to do (eg. Diana will engage you after marking you with Q or Garen will run up to you and silence you before spinning etc), I should anticipate it and play accordingly. What does it mean to play "accordingly," just to back off everytime Diana or Garen uses Q? What if a champion with a linear playstyle never uses their crucial spells, do I just have to somehow bait it out or give them respect during lane?

    submitted by /u/KiaraKawaii
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    First ranked matches - why am I matched against G4s?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I've just made level 31 and unlocked enough champs to play in ranked. My first two games in ranked and I'm matched against G4 players with over 1k games played.

    Shouldn't the provisional games start people out matched better than this?

    Team mates are toxic as hell because I am not on the same ability level as my opponent, but it really isn't my fault as I'm not on a boosted account or anything like that. The only other game I've played ranked that I've really cared about is Rocket League. In RL your provisional games start you against the lowest division and/or other players that are in their first placement game.

    submitted by /u/Warmahorder
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    inflated MMR - how to use this to improve?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Hi. I have been playing regularly with friends and i've been able to relatively consistently carry them cause they're pretty bad and we go up against pretty bad players, but my soloq mmr seems to be really inflated cause I go up against players that seem to be too much better than me for my team to win unless they can do a 4v5. How can I use this as a way to improve, and how can I make an impact (even if it's a small one)?


    idk if my op.gg is necessary , but from a quick glance it seems like i have only done good in games where i was with my party, and i have mostly losses (if not just bad games) when I am alone.

    I mainly want to get better at Yorick/Elise jg. I don't think I'm good at any particular part of jungling, and I also feel so lost that when I do bad I don't have much of a clue how I could have avoided doing as bad except by just having more knowledge or something like that.

    Also, I come from being an Arachne jg main in Smite & I have 2000+ hrs there, if that's useful.

    submitted by /u/Kotios
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    Training TOPLANE Laningphase

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys and girls :)

    I really want to improve my gameplay during laningphase. All I need is a trainings partner. We could play the laning phase in a pratice game and after 10 min see who won/lost the lane. Afterwards we could give each other tips on what to improve.

    Any ELO is welcome :)

    I am a P4 Ornn/Urgot/Illaoi Main

    Add me : Colva#EUW

    submitted by /u/Hawx_
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    What can i do if im suddenly matchmade with way more skilled players than me and i always end up 2/10?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    Lately i've been getting matchmade with people about as tryhard as ranked (jungler comes in at me at lvl 4 , steals my gromp and blue buff and then kills me). There is so much micro management that i can't handle and this feels like a really fucking stupid difficulty spike. What can i do about it?

    submitted by /u/liviu506
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