LoL Guide Challenger Kha’Zix jungle guide for anyone who wants to learn! |
- Challenger Kha’Zix jungle guide for anyone who wants to learn!
- Jungle 101 - Reset Ganking
- Fellow Low-Elo Friends, Karma is the Answer to Your Darius Woes
- Tip for runes: name your rune page “Dont forget about runes”
- What really make a Hipercarry in LoL?
- How to stop thinking about a bad game?
- Dark Seal in AP Shaco
- How to close games as Jungler
- abandoning my teammates to farm and get my important items. good choice or a bad one
- How to make the most of an AFK member on the enemy team?
- What are ways to get better when new to LoL
- Low-elo seems almost impossible to climb out of, how can I have more impact as support?
- How do I play Ashe into really tanky teams?
- Sweeper vs warding totem
- How do you become a much more competent ADC?
- Runes And itemization
- How do I not get melted by literally every champ when I play Master Yi?
- My team fights without me when I'm catching farm in the side-lanes, should I just ARAM or catch farm?
- How to make Elise work consistently?
- Nidalee as a champion
- Can someone provide tips on what I should've done in my latest match?
- Lack of comeback mechanics? What to do on late game champs in this meta
- Is there anything better than morello to deal with anti healing?
- Ardent censer healing power
Challenger Kha’Zix jungle guide for anyone who wants to learn! Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:28 AM PDT Hello there, My name is Sybr and I'm a multiple season challenger peaked Kha'Zix main on the NA server. I have created this Kha'Zix academy series for anyone who is interested in learning Kha'Zix from the basic to advanced! EP.1 just uploaded First one teaches you guys the basic clear and early pathing of Khazix! Any feedback is appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:20 PM PDT Lots of junglers have trouble recognizing gank opportunities, and they waste a ton of time waiting for something to develop or they force a suboptimal play. I wanted to help by talking about a strategy to add to your gameplay super easily. Here's a video I made that goes in depth and provides examples. These are the main points: Reset Ganking: Pathing to a lane after your teammate crashes the wave and resets. You should arrive as they get back to lane. Why is this good timing?
Note: It takes laners about 35-40 seconds to full channel back and return to their outer turret A successful Reset Gank should demoralize most laners, and will likely create an insurmountable lead for you or your teammate. I hope this is helpful, and I'd love to hear other people's gank strategies! [link] [comments] |
Fellow Low-Elo Friends, Karma is the Answer to Your Darius Woes Posted: 11 Jun 2020 05:17 PM PDT EDIT: Couple of comments saying, why not just play X champion instead? It scales better/does the same thing better. The key point here is ease of execution. This is advice from a low Elo player to other low Elo players. Karma's design is almost tailor made to avoid inting to Darius. She never has to get in catch range ever, and if somehow she does, your escape pattern is simple and effective. Darius is an early game snowball champion. You're paying the cost of not scaling late on Karma to deny him the ability to infuence the early game. Karma may be a poorly scaling support but she will still offer more late game through her utility than a Darius who has been completely denied early gold can provide in damage. I've been playing lots and lots of LoL the past two days since the patch, and I've been on an uncharacteristic hot streak. Naturally over these 20 or so games I've seen a lot of Darius in the top lane. Darius loves the ghost buffs in 10.12 and is a traditional low elo snowball god. My answer to him has been Karma, and its been fantastically effective and critical to keeping my hot streak going. I can leave Darius open comfortably because Karma is so good, not just as a specific counter to him, but a blind into almost anything. The reason for this is that Karma's kit is ridiculously overloaded. She has stupid high base damage, waveclear, survivability, harrass, peel, and great gank setup. There is no niche she cant fill at least somewhat effectively. Specifically as a counter to Darius however, she's perfect. Her range + wave clear from empowered Q keeps her safely out of Darius's threat zone and makes her hard to push in. Her W is built for escaping Darius because if he does get into Q range on you, you can move towards him into his inner circle, negating his heal and bleed stack and making your tether impossible to dodge without flashing. You can also get a nice big heal with your empowered W. Her E adds survivability and speed, negating bleed damage and shuttling you to safety, or bringing your jungler in quicker on ganks. Her empowered E is also great for late game teamfights. Into darius I've been going Iceborn/Zhonya's first and second. (Usually going Glacial Shroud -> Fiendish Codex -> Sheen -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> Zhonya's) From here on in the world is your oyster. I can not stress enough how flexible Karma is as a champion. I knew a guy in season 6 who climbed from silver to plat playing AD karma in the botlane. She has every tool to be an effective Battle Mage/Enchanter/Engage Tank/On -Hit Lane Bully all depending on how you build and if you have the skill to execute it. In terms of runes she's also very flexible. Into Darius I've been running Blue/Teal (comet, manaflow, trancendence, gathering storm - futures market, cosmic insight) but you can run almost any combo of Green, Blue, and Teal trees. Aftershock, Grasp, Glacial Augment, Aiery, and Comet are all very good keystone options. Give Karma a try, you won't be sorry! [link] [comments] |
Tip for runes: name your rune page “Dont forget about runes” Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:34 AM PDT If you are like me you often forget to change rune page or forget to change mr to armor and things like that. This little trick will always be there to remind you to check your rune page. I know that having only one rune page can be little extra work, but it will improve your knowledge of runes. Its small thing but it may save you from not chaning runes time to time. [link] [comments] |
What really make a Hipercarry in LoL? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:42 AM PDT Hi, guys, I do know some champions that are hipercarry in LoL, specially in bot lane: Vayne, Kog'maw and Twitch (?). But I do not know any other hipercarry in any other role in game (mid, sup, jungle or top). Then, I was wondering what really makes a champion to be good in late game. What really makes a champ scales into late game? Is it that their skills Scales a high percentage over bonus ad or ap? How can we recognize a champion that does great in late game? that champ that will become a monster and carry late game? How can we real specific attributes of a champ and realize that it is a hyper carry? [link] [comments] |
How to stop thinking about a bad game? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:25 PM PDT This is really affecting my mental, like, one bad game, either from me or my teammates, and I'm gonna spend the next couple hours thinking about it. I'm obviously tilted, so I won't be playing more ranked tonight. But how do I get my mind off of one bad game, and focus on the bigger picture of climbing? Like, I know in my head that it doesn't really matter, but for some reason I still find myself thinking about it. What do you guys do after a bad game? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:33 PM PDT So I'm a shaco main and I recently picked up AP shaco. I mostly play AD shaco but AP shaco is completely different. I have a good build for AP shaco but all the guides and other players I see play him never build dark seal. His E scales off of more magic damage and so does his boxes. Is it worth building it if you can keep stacks on it? Are other items more viable for shaco? My experiments with it make him more of a powerhouse mid game with a few stacks but other items could be more effective. Any answers would be greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:28 PM PDT I recently started playing jungle as a way to be able to help my teammates win their lanes and have map presence. I've been mostly playing warwick and learning his q mechanics and ult cc dodge mechanics. I think I play decently well and try to gank when my teammates request. My problem is that even though sometimes I end up 11/3 or even better I don't know how to keep my team going to end the game, the enemy catches up and we lose. How do I finish up a game in a scenario such as this? [link] [comments] |
abandoning my teammates to farm and get my important items. good choice or a bad one Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:59 AM PDT i feel like whenever i only focus on myself and my skalling rather than helping my team with fights(when we are behind) (i still fight but only join them when we fight for drake/baron (smth important)) i think it makes me win more games as im confident i can carry later(at my elo) if i get to cs and get my items. [link] [comments] |
How to make the most of an AFK member on the enemy team? Posted: 11 Jun 2020 08:20 PM PDT So, it does seem to me that if an enemy goes afk for 2+ minutes, theoretically, we should be entitled to winning the game, which in my experience on both sides hasn't always been the case. I'm talking about 2-5 minutes afk not ragequit or for the entire match here. I have lost games where the enemy top was afk for 4 minutes (I wasn't top) and won a game today where, as Janna, I defended bot lane for 5 minutes of my adc being away. What I'm wondering about is what macro decisions should the team do against an afk on one of the lanes, especially support and jungle obviously. Would trying to shove lane and get that turret asap as team help? Ezreal left me at level 3-7 (I levelled faster than the enemies) and through this timespan, the enemy laners didn't really have much turret taking power, so I can see how it can be hard to make use of the advantage they have. I assume they should have forced me off xp range, or called their jungler and dove me if I insisted on staying in lane, but what else would you guys do to turn a 3-5 minute afk on the enemy team into a sure win. P.S. This is in gold elo. I understand that in high elo, even a 2 minute farm advantage is enough to have full control of lane even if your enemy laner is back and what it entails of having pressure on objectives. But I also find it interesting to consider what if the returning underlevelled enemy is something like ezreal that can still play safe after returning or something like champions that aren't too gold-dependent like nunu or zac that would have the utility either way. TL;DR: What can support and/or jungler do when an enemy laner is afk to make the most of that advantage other than their laner getting free farm? [link] [comments] |
What are ways to get better when new to LoL Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT So I started this game around March 31st and I have been getting consistently better. Because of this, I decided to try out ranked for the first time, everyone in there was level 200 and some were even silver and gold and I got stomped. It was really discouraging and I felt like I needed to practice more, are there any specific videos or tips for learning when youre new that arent super dated ? Because it seemed like I was doing everything I normally do in draft but i would just get destroyed and flamed. (I go top/adc/support) [link] [comments] |
Low-elo seems almost impossible to climb out of, how can I have more impact as support? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:40 AM PDT I really want to go on a 1000 word rant about how shit my are teammates but I know deep down this isn't the core issue, sure my fellow teammates are not the brightest people but neither am I and that's why I am in the same elo as them. I am currently stuck in the elo hell they call Bronze 3 and I can understand why it has the name "elo hell" I feel as a support, I am not able to have a big impact on the game as much as a jungle or a Mid does. Sure I do roam a lot, ward around the map, help teammates secure kills, but it seems every time I do this it ends up a negative than a positive. I feel like no matter how many videos I watch on how to improve, no matter all the positive I give the team, I'm still stuck here. I admit, I am not the best support player and it's the reason why I am in this elo. I usually play Rakan most of the time but I am open to trying new supports. I have noticed a lot of my teammates do not understand Rakan's kit, one person even flamed for not giving them a movement boost to secure a kill so feel I should pick up Rakan again when I reach high bronze / Silver. So, now with my League life story out of the way, how can I change this around and become better support and be able to climb? Many thanks! [link] [comments] |
How do I play Ashe into really tanky teams? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT I struggle a lot against tankier teams even when I build a BoTRK and last whisper I feel I'm literally a pea shooter against them. And what can I build that can help me not let them sit on top of me because volibear is like a magnet and I struggle to kite him even with my slows as Ashe. Any help is appreciated!! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:37 AM PDT I am a gold jungler and I usually start the game by warding enemy jungle/river and then swapping to sweeper before jungle spawns. Is it better to just run warding totem in gold? It feels like if I'm not warding, there is no vision on the map, no one ever puts down deep wards, objectives aren't warded etc. I buy pinks, but it doesn't seem like enough. Do I just give up on sweeper for more vision? Keep swapping between them as needed? [link] [comments] |
How do you become a much more competent ADC? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:37 PM PDT Lately, I feel like I'm not doing a good job whenever I play ADC. I'm often unable to get ahead of the opposite laner to gear up prooperly, and even on games where we win, I commonly end with over 10 deaths. In fact, I feel like I do a better job on the bottom lane with Akali than I do with an ADC. What kind of training should I undergo so I can be a better ADC, outside of having competent support? If it means anything, I pretty much have Lucian as my go-to ADC. I have Caitlyn's, and even though I know she's a much safer pick, she just feels too cumbersome for me. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:30 PM PDT So Hey guys, this isn't a direct post on how to help me, but a request for content towards different things. There's alot of videos nowadays on how to freeze, setup a wave, track a jungler, trade in lane, win losing matchups etc. Aswell as 5 tips to become a master at x champion And they're all really good, I like them, I learned alot from them. So thank you to all the people who are making these content. However I am looking for content towards some other basic things as I realized I am most of the time not really playing optimally towards my runes and items. What I mean by that is that often I take runes because I think they're logical, I take afterschock on a tank with much cc. Because I can proc it and it boosts my resistances. Great, I take cheap shot because I want to burst on top of my cc setup. Or I take biscuits to solve the early mana problems pre tear. Now I initially thought, well I know this, and that's going to give me an advantage. But often there's more to that. Using afterschock also needs you to play around it. Same with all runes, but I feel like I don't always know how to play around it. And I know alot of people in low elo don't either. Like I used to play camille mid, I ran press the attack because I saw that on a couple guides, and thought it sounded good, taking short burst trades. But I never really knew how to play around press the attack, how it works, what it does, and how to utilize it and when. I want to know more about how to get the most out of my press the attack on gnar, or how to use fleet foot work and why it might be useful at times. Why to opt for grasp And how to use grasp effectively. And that's also with the sub runes, like what does ravenous Hunter do. Ofcourse it's hard to fill a 10 minute video on ravenous Hunter, but you get what I mean, we often take it but don't even use things that our runes give to us. The same thing I want to ask about items, how to utilize them and why are they good in which situation. I've played alot of tanks but honestly I have rarely built randuins omen, just because I don't know how to utilize it in a good way, nor know who/when it's good. I know this all sounds so incredibly stupid, like Holy moly can't you read item/rune descriptions, you must be iron 4. Well yeah I mean it's not like I'm a complete morron, I understand some things, I just want to know how to use things to the extreme. As I feel like often times I built items And take runes And not even utilize half of what I have in possesion. Tldr; Looking for content on how to utilize runes And items in a way a challenger will. So I can instead of using 50% of my kit use 100% of it and actually make a difference where I otherwise wouldn't have done that. [link] [comments] |
How do I not get melted by literally every champ when I play Master Yi? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:18 PM PDT I recently started using Master Yi and it seems in every fight I just instantly get melted by the enemy. How do I avoid this with positioning and targeting? Should I be entering the fights after my teamates or should I be the one leading the fights? I see how he does so much damage but what good is it if I instantly die all of the time. Clearly I'm playing him incorrectly. Any tips? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:30 AM PDT In the mid game when we have waves crashing the enemy team always initiates a fight and even when I ping my team and tell them not to fight, because I'm fixing the side waves, they still try to fight 4v5. However, whenever I am there we never fight and I just fall behind. Whenever I lose an early turret and just farm minions in my lane, the enemy botlane rotates mid and takes up to our inhibitor tower, but if I go mid i'm splitting XP and farm. It doesn't feel like there's a right thing to do a right option because my team picks the best way to screw me up. [link] [comments] |
How to make Elise work consistently? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:17 AM PDT Playing Elise is fun but I have a hard time with consistency. I'm playing in Gold 4 and I can have games where I'm just meeting junglers every time they come back into their jungle and killing them. If I can kill them once it's really easy because they always immediately go to the opposite side of where I just killed them. I kept a Nocturne at level 4 until he quit this way. Then I'll have games where I just seem to flat out lose for some reason. Two examples here, the first one I fought an Akali who had only a revolver and doran's shield where as I had my full jungle item. We were both level seven. I hit all my abilities and once I'm done my autoattacks are just not enough to finish her and she kills me. The second one is a Kindred who I saw ganking mid and then walking into my blue side. I hide in my blue buff bush and she cones over the wall with literally like less than 40% HP and I'm at full hp. We are level 3 and she does have a long sword and red smite over just me having blue smite. I hit my stun and all my abilities on her and take her by surprise, but she just auto attacks me and walks backwards while I continue to spider autoattack her and once she hits her 3rd or 4th hit proc w/e it is it literally does like 270 fucking damage to me at level 3 and she kills me before I can finish her. Like my max hp is only 666 and idk wtf that shit was. My point is sometimes I feel like I can hunt people down and sometimes I feel like I just hit all my spells and they just laugh at me despite me having an item advantage or being equal. Another problem I face is actually ganking through the river. It feels like I can't really get around the minion wave without them just walking back to turret or missing my stun because they're so far away and have so many minions in the way. It feels so thin and slow to come out that if they try to dodge at all it will fly right past them. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:26 PM PDT My first question is if she is considered OP or broken (something like a Diana). And how hard she is considered to be. Is she like azir level or like mundo level? Also, how viable is she compared to from bronze to gold compared to gold+ From my experience (I'm a nidalee main) I snowball with a couple early kills and then can literally one shot everyone provided I obviously dodge some abilities and whatever. However if I don't snowball them I'm just a soraka with a pointy stick. Is this how it's meant to be? [link] [comments] |
Can someone provide tips on what I should've done in my latest match? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:21 PM PDT tl;dw effectively I was against a Varus Brand combo, where the Varus was building his Lethality build. The lane felt too oppressive, so I remained very passive and sat at my tower for an overwhelming majority of the laning phase, the only breaks were to quickly grab a plate and back. Varus himself managed to somehow snowball out of control and become a menace. What could I have done better? [link] [comments] |
Lack of comeback mechanics? What to do on late game champs in this meta Posted: 12 Jun 2020 02:19 PM PDT So I've been away from league for a couple of seasons and it seems that snowball is now the name of the game. I pretty much exclusively play Anivia, Vlad and Karthus mid (rip) and it used to be that you could just sit back, farm up, give away objectives when necessary, stall and outscale. Now with the new dragons, dragon souls and elder it seems like it doesn't matter if one team scales better, if the other team is early and gets the dragons and soul they will scale equally as well if they don't end early anyway. Not even mentioning the faster snowball from plates and more damage in the game early. What are you supposed to do now on late game mages? Try to contest early objectives on Vlad and Anivia even if it's not optimal? [link] [comments] |
Is there anything better than morello to deal with anti healing? Posted: 12 Jun 2020 02:56 AM PDT I just got done playing a game as zyra support and knowing the amount of healing my opponents had(sylas, bloodthirster draven, pyke, nasusetc.) and I built morellos immediately and it still feels like grievous wounds did nothing. Am I doing something wrong? It feels like my morellonomicon never does anything whatsoever [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:19 AM PDT Need some help ardent censer healing question i was wondering does the healing power from those support item work on self heal abilities such as vlad q and other champion healing does it increase the healing or the healing power increase is just on external healing abilites [link] [comments] |
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