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    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    LoL Guide How to manipulate minion waves?

    LoL Guide How to manipulate minion waves?

    How to manipulate minion waves?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    So in my last post a lot of people were telling me to freeze, slow push, hard shove and to be completely honest... I have no idea what this means. I am a top lane main and would like to know how to manipulate waves to my liking and when I should do these certain things for them. If you could please provide me with definitions and how to's of this strategy that would be much appreciated :D

    as always thanks for your feedback!

    submitted by /u/ElitheElien
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    Don't counter pick for the sake of counterpicking

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    To give some background, I main Yasuo and am in Gold 3 right now. Not someone you should take advice from but one thing that I have noticed very often is enemies picking a champ that is strong against Yasuo ,Malphite, Malzahar, Annie and Renekton are the most common ones, but then lose to me because they don't know how to play those champs. You'll maybe think that you have to pick another champ because your main will definitely lose to Yasuo (I'm talking about this specific situation right now but you could replace Yasuo with any other champ) although I've been curbstomped by champs Yasuo should counter before just because the player knew how to play them really well. What I hope you can take away from this post is that counterpicks only work when you know how to play them (one trynda player made a similar post here some time ago). Also this is not very topic related but learning a champ that you have a hard time against will make it easier to understand it's weaknesses and limits that you'll be able to abuse when facing them.

    submitted by /u/iamgaybut
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    I Always Thought of League as the game where you don't "need" voice comms. Thoughts?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Everyone on a team has a map and has access to the same information. Most plays just need pings but its easy to type a more complicated call like "split push, yorick." Or "1 3 1".

    Of course me and my matchmade team aren't perfect so we miss information from time to time- but that's something you work on.

    Anyone hard disagree that you don't need to be on discord to play as a team?

    Edit: a lot of comments are taking this as "does solo/duo ranked playlist need voice coms" which is not something I had in mind when making the post.

    submitted by /u/MutinyMate
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    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Hi, first of all I want to preface this by saying this post is not a rant although it has my opinion in it <3

    My question is "is pyke justifiable". Essentially I have had a few games recently where a pyke has gone mid lane and crushes the game. Normally I think it would be fine but all of these pykes have had about 40 farm at 20 minutes and around 100 farm at 30. Is it fair that a champion can refuse to farm, which allows them to constantly roam or spend 100% of their time damaging the enemy without worrying about losing out on farm.

    I generally dont like the idea of an execute especially one with such a high thresh hold.

    My example is that I was playing twitch adc and I had 130 farm and 6 kills at 20 minutes and the pyke came bot and missed everything except his autos and then he did 600 damage with his ult. I understand other assassins can destroy adc's as well. It just felt unfair.

    That is sort of my point, that pyke had 40 cs and only a ravenous hydra or tiamat I dont know which and it didnt matter that he was over 90 cs behind at 20. Is that sort of thing healthy for the game, fair or justifiable?

    Just to add on, he loses xp by roaming but if you roam botlane and your bot dies, chances are they have done enough damage to get the the 600 hp threshold and an easy double so roams gurantee kills unless they have flash and heal up.

    I do not want to seem ranty, just share my thoughts and ask if I am missing something.

    submitted by /u/blackmage35
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    Midlane mentality and playstyle question.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    Hi. Long story short, every time you watch coaching sessions from good coaches they always say the same thing to the bsg-plat players: you need to get good fundamentals, you need to learn how to trade, how to manipulate the waves, if you're not killing your opponent at least once during the lane - you're bad. So I've tried to play like this and it worked like 50% of the time, didn't work another 50%. TLDR: I've never climbed.

    Then I came across LS coaching random Viktor player. Usually, LS says the same things I pointed out earlier, but this time he told him: farm the wave, ward, farm chickens, farm next wave, don't force anything - just wait for the mistake and then punish. I've tried to play like this and literally went from plat4 to dia4 in 2 weeks.

    Here is my question: what is the right mindset? Should I try to be the next Faker and try to get kills every game? Should I just chill out cosplay Samsung2017 and afk farm waiting for a mistake? I'm so confused.

    p.s. My champions are Malzahar and Ryze, but even when I play something like Orianna/Irelia/Fiora I always get a better results when I just chill, farm, and wait for mistakes.

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    What is the best gamemode to practice a new champ/role?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    The four standard modes I guess are Coop vs AI, Blind, Draft and Ranked and none of them are fit for purpose to just simply practice a new champ or role.

    Tonight, I decided I wanted to try to learn to play mid and thought that Blind pick would be a good choice because *most* of the time people follow etiquette and if you're fast you can get the role. Well, out of FIVE games I had to deal with 2 instalockers, and the not once did my team have a jungler. They were basically auto-lose. They were *ok* for practising laning, but once laning was over it was just a complete snooze fest where I had to wait around another 20-25 min because the enemy team doesn't know how to close the game, and my team won't surrender. When you don't have a jungler it's extremely difficult to get people to go after objectives and they kinda just sit around in lane doing nothing.

    I've tried draft in the past but it's really, really irritating only getting mid in 50% or less games due to the popularity of the role.

    Finally I decided to give Coop-vs-AI a go and forgot you still need to deal with instalockers who will literally force you to wait around while they ruin your game before you can have a legit opportunity to practice.

    So far I've played 5 matches of blind and one match of Coop and not had a single legit game that wasn't ruined by an instalocker and/or not having a jungler.

    It really feels like there's no game mode fit for purpose for just practising a new role.

    submitted by /u/_HelicalTwist_
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    I'd like to main Kayle

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    I would like to main Kayle purely for the sake of I like how she looks, I dig the whole angel vibe. I've played her a bit before (She's at mastery 2 but I haven't played her in forever.) On champion.gg it said that she has a really low ban rate and an almost even w/l rate, which makes me feel like I could win by just learning and playing her well enough. Her most picked roles are Top and Support which, the Support role doesn't seem the best, so I'd love any playstyle/item tips I could use for Top lane, or if I should just give up on playing the character because it's completely unviable and whatever some top player says on the character must be gospel.

    submitted by /u/ImJustAHealer
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    Low kill participation

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    I'm a gold 3 top laner, and my kill participation is usually under 50%. Am I not putting out enough influence in the game? Even with the low kp I manage to go positive and win games, is it that I'm just being carried? Curious to know if I'm doing enough as I read I should have high kp.

    submitted by /u/Spike5831
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    As a very new Jungler, my team taking my camps makes me feel like there's no point even trying.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    I recently went from a Support main to a jungle main. Today is the first day I played Jungle in ranked. I'm starting to hate playing with people in general. My rank is Bronze 3 and in multiple games, by midgame, I have no camps and get flamed and called toxic if I complain or catch a wave. I'm seeing it common with Yasuo players that clearly have an ego in need of attention. No offence but taking your Junglers camps just puts them behind, putting the person with the most agency behind is stupid. Why is it being done and what can I do about it? Having my farm get taken and then getting flamed for complaining has really tilted me and I need advice. I play Nunu, Evelynn and Fiddlesticks.

    submitted by /u/DarkHuntress152
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    Jungling - First Clear help needed

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I've been playing a lot of Ekko and Kayn. Can someone explain to me why I'm always so much lower health than the enemy jungler when I get to the scuttle. The path I usually do is:

    Bot side: red -> golems (smite) -> blue -> gromp (smite) Top side: Blue -> gromp (smite) -> red -> golems (smite)

    I try to save my 2nd smite for the scuttle but I usually find I need to use it on the gromp/golem cuz my HP is so low and I already used my 2 pots. I take standard runes for each champion so there must be something I'm doing wrong

    submitted by /u/Lync6
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    How do i roam with mages at mid lane ?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    I'm a mid lane main and i play only mages (Ori , cassio , viktor) i don't like assasins and , i only farm never roam . I'm scared if he pushes me or my tower too much , if fail to roam , how can i fix this ? Whenever occurs skirmish in the jungle i don't seem to help and i know i have to . It's really a big problem for me and for my climbing

    submitted by /u/teddo23
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    Questions about shields resistances and true damage?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Questions about shields, resistances, and true damage?

    Does barrier absorb ignite? Do shields absorb true damage? Does armor/resistances reduce damage that shields take? Do shields like Riven E absorb ignite? Are there any other things that would be helpful? I gotta have 250 characters here or it will get auto deleted :(

    submitted by /u/sophies_nutella
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    How to play againt pyke in botlane (without relying on your support)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I played a game just now with Jhin/leona vs Pyke/ashe.
    The pyke was playing really good and I really didn't get how I can play against him. He would just always use his w, get around our wave up close, and press e. E is as far as I know not really dodgeable with jhin without flashing. After that he would hook me. Sometimes I got an ashe r in my face too, being stunned for about 8 seconds. Now I know, the Leona should be very able to prevent this just by pressing q on the pyke (pls correct me if I am wrong). But the Leona was very new to the game (I am lvl 90, she was 26... what is wrong with lol matchmaking) so she mostly stood around doing nothing but helping me farm with her sup item occasionally.
    So I was wondering what I can do in a situation like this. I can't rely on my support, if I try to farm + trading with my 4th auto, I will just get engaged on and probably die. Just camping under tower and farming from high range seems in my eyes to be the only option. But that would mean losing lane since I can easily get denied cs.

    I am looking forward to see what you think.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Alphabethur
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    When playing a long game, what should you do when you've maxed out on full build items but still have tons of gold?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Played a game last night that went on for like 50 minutes. I had full built 5 items plus boots but was sitting on like 4k gold still. Decided to sell boots and get another full item, but I don't know if that was the best idea. What should you do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/IKillerBee
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    Situation for picking champions in my champ pool (Top G3)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Hello summoners,

    I hit P3 last season as an ADC, but for this season I decided to switch my role as Top as I am just a bit too tired of playing as ADC (just for many reasons) and currently at G3.

    So far I have been enjoying and learning a lot about Top lane, and decided on these champions (and have practiced to become somewhat alright at them) to play:

    Camille, Fiora, Akali, Poppy

    If possible, I would like to keep my champion pool to be around 4~5, but having a bit trouble on deciding when to play them. I permaban Darius because he is annoying.

    So I have two questions:

    1) I'm honestly not too worried about climbing up fast, but more like trying to improve my game at the Top lane, Is there a one champion I should add to my list for the top lane? I am considering to learn one of these champions:

    • Renekton (I think this is the important one)
    • Sylas
    • Gnar

    2) Generally how do you decide what to play in that game? So far this is my mindset:

    • Fiora / Camille - This is the one I have trouble in. Currently I am picking them whenever I feel like playing it (because these champs are so fun), but I feel like there are times I am choosing them into the losing game (or obviously I am not playing to their full extent)

    • Akali - If our mid is an AD or the enemy ADC is someone that must be assassinated

    • Poppy - If our team needs a tank or the enemy champion is a direct counter; e.g., Camille, Aatrox, etc

    submitted by /u/beat4lifez
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    a strange question

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    is it acceptable if i unintentionally feed every ranked game as fiora? i just wanna learn her but she is hard for me to learn. i seem to feed every game with her (0/10, 2/8). i feel like im naturally bad at this champ but its most fun champ i ever played. i just wanna learn her please riot :( also im gold

    submitted by /u/CocaineInMyAss
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    Problems As A Silver ADC

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:25 PM PDT


    This is my first time posting on this subreddit and I would just like some general tips and advice. This isn't advice on how to get out of silver, but rather, is the ADC role even worth playing in my Elo. I have been hardstuck silver for the past few years and i took a break from League because of school and life, but because of the Coronavirus I've had more time to play and thought maybe I would finally give it a shot at trying to finally get good at this game.

    Here's my OP.GG : https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Your%20Oppa

    At the beginning I placed Iron IV which wasn't terrible because I knew that I could carry myself out. It only took me about 2 weeks to get from Iron IV and back to Silver IV with the role of ADC and here lies my problem.

    After reaching Silver IV I kept going back and forth from Silver IV to Silver III a total of 6 times before I would finally hit Silver II but then just drop down again. After my recent games I've dropped all the way back down to Silver IV again and I've been considering to learn a new role because AD just isn't cutting it.

    The Problems:

    - I feel like whenever I play ADC in this elo it's a lottery for who gets the better support. In the game, I often times get support picks that aren't really "support" picks. Most of my supports I get paired up with end up being Senna who I for the love of god feel like is the most useless support pick and I end up having to 1v2 the lane most of the time. All she ever does is just auto my creeps and sometimes to the point where I just miss cs entirely because of it.

    - I'm not always crushing my lane. I can safely say that sometimes I will not come out ahead in lane, but I can confidently say I will at least go even if not ahead for most of my games. But that's the bad thing, If i come out even I often times don't have any impact on the game state and we end up losing. Jungle help is essentially non-existent as well so i end up having to give up a lot of farm trying to not die and some times having to give up the tower as well.

    - ARAMing is a must. I know side laning is a thing to try to get a lot of farm, I've watched countless tutorials and guides to learn how to position, how to kite, and how to cs effectively in the mid - late game but that doesnt really matter when my entire team just goes mid after 20 mins of laning phase and dies every 10 mins due to teamfighting and then i end the game with 5 cs a min because if I don't at least help them we end up losing regardless.

    - I can safely say that I'm good, just not good enough to carry myself out of Silver. I feel like that's my mentality at the moment, I know not dying is the ADC's job, to wait out CC and position in places where I can dish out damage safely, but even regardless, when I position behind my team's front line, if the enemy team has any kind of diving backline champ, I often times die due to lack of peel or my team was too focused on the enemy backline as well.

    I know there's a lot I need to improve, and hell, if I was a good ADC I would have carried myself out by now. But I haven't and I know it's cause I'm not good enough to do it. So what I'm asking is not for how to get out of Silver quick, but rather, what is it that I'm missing from my play that's preventing me from climbing the ladder as an ADC main.

    submitted by /u/jwtann
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    Click closer to your champion

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    My micro has always been what has held me back from climbing more steadily. Recently, I started paying close attention to clicking very near my champion, and I have even gone into the practice tool to kite around a training dummy whilst clicking very near my champion to improve my positioning and control. I can already feel the difference in ranked. I'm dodging skillshots more consistently and my positioning and kiting are improving. When you consciously focus on clicking near your character to direct movement, you naturally feel more in control of the game. My goal is to practice this skill until it is second nature. For anyone that suffers from poor micro, I suggest you try it out!

    submitted by /u/Hi_ImToxic
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    Advice for jg needed.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    I have been playing kayn quite a bit. I find in my games where I'm up against a xin zhao, or a lee sin, or an Elise, champs that have strong early damage and build the early game upon repeat ganking, how do you counter this on a champ that's not quite as good at all of the above?

    Lanes are getting gank camped, while I'm furiously trying to farm, stealing his farm while he's ganking, doing my best to track the jger to anticipate lane gank counters. Yeah it sucks he's missing out on some crappy jg exp and cs, all the while the lanes are getting further and further a difference.

    I'm trying to paint a scenario where my laners are making it far too easy to be ganked and in doing this, making it even harder for me to get a gank.

    Next minute, we have 1 drake and 1 rift but in the grand scheme of things these are ultimately a waste of time when everyone on there team are far ahead we can't even contest the remaining drakes or baron.

    I understand it's just a classic poor match up in jgers, and a lee sin will fall off, but does that even mean anything when they're 6 turrets deep into our base?

    Looking for any advice on how I can come out on top.

    Edit: i usually go rhaast over shadow, cause everyone else wants to be the damage dealers, I'm happy with rhaast, and will usually pick a different champ pending I get last or second last pick and can pick a viable jg champ relatable to ours and there team comp.

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    What's the correct way to play against Fiddle toplane aside from counterpicks?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I can't believe I'm unironically asking about fiddle toplane, but here we are.

    I've seen this pick quite a bit recently, and every single time I lose lane horribly. He pushes the wave pretty hard. He can deny trades with his fear on a very low cooldown (if any?), and even if you trade well he just heals up with drain. He doesn't run out of mana due to corrupting pot and as opposed to other heavy lane bullies like Renekton, Fiddlesticks is actually a massive lategame threat even when built tank, due to his fear and still very respectable damage.

    submitted by /u/dystariel
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    Midlaners and Spellbook

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Who are the best champions to use Spellbook on? I really like the rune and would like to see my options. In addition, what about them lets them utilize spellbook? Thank you!

    Is there a "best" secondary tree to dip into? I see a lot of resolve tree, but I was wondering if that was set in stone as optimal.

    Finally, is there ever a bad time to pick Spellbook? You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/HopeForCynics
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    Fiddle top rant

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    OK so whats the counterplay.

    I just played vs him as trynda, built executioner and i had ignite on top. Didnt seem to affect his healing whatsoever. While going full tank, he still did decent damage, decent cc and is immortal. And the most important: he is ranged. He can poke you in lane and even if you do the perfect lvl 1 and 3 all ins, he just fears and heal back up. I dont see the counterplay of this champion. Theres no downside to playing him.

    submitted by /u/axexxl4
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    To the boosters and smurfs who intentionally ruin our low elo experience: I’m that guy who now has been ruining your high elo experience

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    We "low elo trash players" are always dealing with toxic behavior from you smurfs...and I'm talking the about the real low elo majority (silver and below). For some reason you guys especially enjoy being toxic on your smurf accounts when playing with us sheep. Probably because you're hard stuck plat and can't get into diamond you want to project your frustration on us...that's fine. Since you have enjoyed 1v9ing our games, I've recently had the opportunity to return the favor and 1v9 counter-smurf your high elo games. I've always wanted to know what it's like to play higher elo games and now I know! Due to fortunate circumstances recently, Ive had free access to a few mid to high plat accounts that I warmup on or practice new roles/builds before playing on my low elo bronze main. If you've recently remembered flaming someone in your plat elo loss for inting or trolling, that was probably me..even though I was actually trying my best. After a handful of games, I can see why smurfs do it and how it's fun for y'all because I'm having a blast counter-smurfing. I'd love to take it to the next level eventually and counter-smurf diamond games. If anyone wants to support my cause, let me know. #lowelolivesmatter

    submitted by /u/schleemdinglebop
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