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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    LoL Guide Just disable chat.

    LoL Guide Just disable chat.

    Just disable chat.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    In my 700 ranked games this season I've met one person I added and duo'd with. Meanwhile I've probably heard 1000 insults. Even if you say it doesn't bother you, I promise it takes up "brain space" for example I played on a smurf with chat enabled and found myself thinking about what was said more than what I did wrong immeditly after the game.

    Pings are by far enough to explain what you want. Only ping missing is ward here please but it can be achived by pinging trinket and then where you want them to ward. If they don't notice / listen neither would they if you were typing in chat.

    EDIT: Ask yourself this: What is so complex that you cant communicate it with pings but simple enough that you can explain it in the middle of a game?

    submitted by /u/Cyxana
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    I just hit Gold, tips that helped me climb

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I just hit gold, i play on euw server my account name is ''SKT fakèr'', check me on op.gg and mane sure you type the it with " è ". I wanted to share some tips that helped me climb for those who are interested.

    1/ Play a champion that you win a lot with, i believe kda is somewhat is irrelevant if u get 20 kills but you still lose that won't help you climb.

    2/ Your mental state really affects how you perform, if you lose a ranked game take a break, don't play while having the idea of '' i want to get my LP back right now'' it will put more pressure on you and you will have a higher chance of getting tilted.

    3/ Never flame or answer those who flame in chat, you need to stay focused on the game, the only time where you want to use to chat is to boost the team morale or if u want to discuss ur next move as a team.

    4/ You need to get used to playing lane without getting some help, this is low elo after all we don't roam that much.

    5/ Try to improve how you play in team fights ( ARAM really helps with that), my strategy so far is to stay in formation and to deal as much damage as possible to the closest target.

    6/ Learn a support champion, getting autofilled is inevitable so having support as your second role helps if you don't get your main role, having an autofilled support is always better than having an autofilled adc, if you are a support main i guess you dont' have to worry about that.

    7/ Get a control ward every time you recall vision can change the game.

    8/ If you have enough time try playing a warm up game before starting to play ranked.

    9/ Make sure you always look for mistakes you make and try to work on them, make sure you focus on improving as player more than you focus on climbing, cause as long as you improve, no matter how slow you will do it in the end.

    10/ Life is unfair: you will get afks in your team, you will face smurfs, your mouse or keyboard will stop working during your promos, a lot of things that you can't control woll stand in your way, just don't get tilted or mad and focus on the only thing you have control over wich is you.

    I am sorry this was so long, i hope it was helpful, also feel free to add me if you want.

    submitted by /u/khairisama
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    Why isn't exhaust used more frequently on adcs instead of heal?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    I mean, it's 40% DAMAGE REDUCTION, so if an assasin jumps on you and deals 1200 dmg this is getting shrinked by 480 to 720, almost double the amount of hp heal will give you at max lvl, and in exchange for the ms heal gives you, you reduce their ms by 30%, I can't really see any downside to taking exhaust over heal, so what are your thoughts?

    Edit : mafs

    submitted by /u/MeBo0i
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    Good mental makes games more enjoyable

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Toxicity is really something that is expected of League players, and I think we as a community should change that. I just looked at my match history and realized in the last 20 games probably 17 had a rage afk, inter or griefer (on both my team or enemy team). My win rate is still about 50%, so I'm not saying it is affecting my climb or anything, but it's not fun to play queue up for ranked and expecting a competitive game and instead get trolls or people who queue up just to int. I think that's something all league players can agree on: it's better to have a competitive game where everyone's trying their hardest and maybe you lost because you got outplayed, because you actually learned something from the game and you can improve and feel better about yourself; rather than win or lose a game because somebody ran down mid purposely or somebody ragequit or afk'd.

    We should try to think about our League teammates like the people we play pickup basketball with. Even if you lose a game, that's not a big deal and everybody's having fun and getting better at the game, but if nobody is taking it seriously and just trying to throw the game or raging at somebody, the game would be completely ruined. We as players should all do our part in addition to what riot can do to improve the positivity in the game. It's ok if something happens or you're just having a bad day and playing badly, but you should always be playing your best because every game is 100% winnable. But it should never be ok for you to play badly or blame the support and then rage and run it down. If it is clearly somebody clueless, be firm and tell them what they need to do. For example, if adc is dying every time in lane, and they are clearly behind, telling them they're bad isn't gonna help you win, tell them to go farm a lane or go push or something productive will turn that useless feeder into a teammate who's behind. Sometimes on the basketball court some college player is going to smash you, just take the L and move on. But you had fun and you tried your best and you maybe even learned something from him. It's the same with smurfs. Yes, it is bad for the game and tilting, but don't obsess over it. Report the smurf and move on. Tilt happens, but if you're not gonna scream at a kid for losing a pickup basketball game, don't flame your teammate for being out skilled. Accept that sometimes it happens.

    I agree that Riot can do a better job of punishing heavily frequent afks and troll inters, but we as League players should also be doing our part to make our game better. If we can't treat League with respect, how do we expect Riot to take us seriously?

    submitted by /u/kogswain01
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    What to do about Malphite type ultimates? (ADC)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    So I have been maining ADC for a while, and was able to winstreak out of bronze/low silver. However I have hit a wall, and I feel like it is way harder to carry from ADC than tankier positions. I want to keep maining ADC, but when I play people like jinx it just feels like a decent malphite can just jump on me on fights and I get locked down and die instantly no matter how fed I am. I know positioning is a huge thing that I have to work on as an ADC main, but how are people that smurf able to get out of this elo so easily when playing such a squishy role?

    submitted by /u/crowb1rd
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    Math for Maximizing Effective Health for Gold Spent

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Before getting into the details, I want to make clear that keeping strictly to the ideal ratio between HP and armor / magic resist is not super important. If you are kind of close then often having items with the correct special effects will be more valuable. Knowing the general way it math works is however useful for determining what kind of stats you are looking for in your next item and which components to build first.

    The math for ideal effective HP per gold spent on defensive stats using ruby crystal, cloth armor, and null mantle to establish the gold cost of those stats. I only cover the math for dealing with one damage type at a time. How to balance your build to have good durability in the face of mixed damage is left to be a separate topic.

    The post is divided into two sections. The first goes over how to reach the the formulas for the ideal ratio of health to armor / magic resist and is very math heavy. The second breaks the formulas down to point out some important details about them in terms of how to itemize. Do read the conclusions in the second section even if the math in the first is too involved for your tastes.

    There is also a final summary for the very lazy.


    Let 'r' be your current armor or magic resist.

    Let 'p' be product of multiplying all the percent modifiers that adjust how much armor or resist you effectively have (mountain dragon stacks, black cleaver percent shred, percent pen from Void Staff or Last Wisper, etc). As far as I know all these things are multiplicative, so they can be collapsed into one variable. When nothing that modifies the amount of resist you effectively have, the value of 'p' is 1.

    Let 'f' be the flat penetration value of an enemy you are calculating your EHP versus.

    Let the function 'R' be R(r, p, f) = (p * r) - f. It represents your effective armor / magic resistance.

    Let 'h' be your nominal HP. For this discussion that is mainly just your Total HP, but it could include healing / health regen in some contexts.

    Let the function 'E' be E(h, r, p, f) = h * (1 + (R(r, p ,f) / 100)). This calculates effective HP versus a damage type.

    Let the function 'D' be D(h, r, p, f, a, b) = E(h+a, r+b ,p, f) - E(h, r, p, f). This calculates how added 'a' nominal health and 'b' armor/mr changes your effective HP.

    Let 'x' be the X axis of a graph representing Health and let 'y' bet the Y axis of a graph representing either armor or magic resist.

    To get the function for ideal armor to HP we solve for D(x, y ,p ,f, 150, 0) / 400 = D(x, y, p, f, 0, 15) / 300. When solving for 'y' you get y = 1/15 * (2 * p * x + 15 * f - 1500) / p and when solving for 'x' you get x = 15/2 *(p * y - f + 100) / p .

    To get the function for ideal MR to HP we solve for D(x, y ,p ,f, 150, 0) / 400 = D(x, y, p, f, 0, 25) / 450. When solving for 'y' you get y = 1/27 * (4 * p * x + 27 * f - 2700) / p and when solving for 'x' you get x = 27/4 * (p * y - f + 100) / p .


    These formulas are complex, so lets break them down a bit.

    First, we take the derivative of the functions. For armor, the derivatives of y = 1/15 * (2 * p * x + 15 * f - 1500) / p and x = 15/2 *(p * y - f + 100) / p are "2 /15" and "15 / 2" respectively. For magic resist the derivatives of y = 1/27 * (4 * p * x + 27 * f - 2700) / p and x = 27/4 * (p * y - f + 100) / p are "4 / 27" and "27 / 4" respectively.

    The importance of the derivatives is that the functions for ideal armor/MR to HP in terms of gold value is that it shows the functions are linear functions with a fixed slope that is unaffected by modifiers to your effective resistances. For armor it is a ratio of 2 armor per 15 HP. For MR it is a ratio of 4 MR per 27 HP. This is constant and unchanging.

    Next, if we replace 'y' in both formulas we solved for 'x' with "f / p", then we get the HP value at which HP and armor/mr give equal EHP if our armor/mr is effectively zero after accounting for enemy penetration. For armor this yields x = 750 / p and for magic resist it yields x = 675 / p.

    This gives us the X axis intercept if we were to graph the formulas in terms of H being HP and Y being armor/mr. This means if you are at the ideal armor/mr to HP ratio and your opponent builds Void Staff or Last Wisper, you need a fixed amount more HP to be back at the ideal point. So for magic resist and Void Staff (40% pen), you would need (675 / (1 - 0.4)) - 675 = 450 more HP than previously.

    For Flat Pen, you adjust by building more armor/mr to match, keeping in mind percent adjustments. So a null mantle (25 MR) exactly counters out the 15 flat pen from oblivion orb on an enemy that also has Void Staff (25 reduced by 40% is 15).

    One important note is that if the enemy has more pen than you have resistance, you are only getting value for the amount a resistance item brings you above zero. To for example, if you buy a null mantle and the enemy has enough pen that you effectively have 1 MR after buying it, you would need 16875 nominal HP for that 1 MR to have the same EHP per gold ratio as buying a ruby crystal. This is because pen stops working after making your effective armor/mr zero. The exception would be flat reduction, but those effects have been phased out of the game and would be applied before penetration.



    - Early game Health is best for surviving burst. Early resists are valuable for more extended scenarios where potions and health regen come into play.

    - The ratio of heath to armor / magic resist only depends on the cost of items and the amount of stats they give. Effects that reduce or increase the effective amount of armor / magic resist do not change it.

    - When the enemy gets percent pen or percent shred, you want a fixed amount more HP based on how much pen or shred. On the other hand for things that increase resistances like mountain dragon mean you need less health to reach the threshold

    - Armor / magic resist are good versus flat pen if you are buying before they have more pen than you have armor / magic resist. After that point the value drops quickly, so if you are going to by armor / magic resist it is best to do so before they have excess pen. In the very early stages of the game health can still be better than armor / magic resist even if your opponent gets early flat pen, but it also depends on what items you will be building.

    - Various forms of healing and shielding work as health, and having access to those in meaningful quantities makes armor / magic resist more valuable.

    submitted by /u/SkiaElafris
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    Power Farming Junglers

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    I was just able to hit plat for the first time by playing ad shyvana. I had a lot of success with this play-style, I focused mostly on power farming and taking every drg/herald. Late game i was usually 2 lvls up on the enemy jg and ahead in items as well.

    Now, I don't want to only onetrick, plus it has come to my attention that no one in high elo even plays ad shyvana. It doesn't mean I'll stop playing her but I'm also looking for someone else that plays similar in the sense that I can power farm and outscale. I know that yi is pretty much a better version but I hate that champ so i ban him all games.


    op.gg link https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=DiegoVP1

    submitted by /u/EzClapEz
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    How does Faker pick?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Faker plays shit ton of champions in mid, obviously some champions are better picks against the enemy laner, but his picks sometimes seem to be random, is he just picking different picks for the sake of just doing it or does he have something behind every single pick? If so how does he decide that?

    submitted by /u/shinolight
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    How do I lane against each class of champion?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I'm a Bronze ADC main, and I first learned the game playing marksmen like Sivir and Ashe. Since bot lane is a pretty homogenous lane of just marksmen and supports (and Yasuo), I'm having a hard time adjusting to laning in other roles, especially with melee champs in top.

    When I play top, I often find myself getting forced out of lane or solo killed. If I'm fighting a tank, I find that they can easily engage on me with their cc after poking me down for a while. Against bruisers like Darius or Fiora, I can't really keep up with their sustain or kill pressure.

    When I play mid, I constantly get poked down by mages, especially when I play an assassin like Zed. If I'm fighting an assassin, then I often get engaged on and dove under tower.

    Any tips are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jjray588
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    Maokai Midlane

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I know that some of you will hate the thought of this but hear me out.

    Recently i have been playing a lot of Mao mid in normals to test it out and had a pretty decent succes s with it. Especially against assassins although i struggle a bit early against heavy poke like xerath or azir it isn't too bad. Tge only negative thing would be not having enoigh damage in a teamfight so you either need a good adc or a top/jungle that deals enoig damage. I usually go for aftershock against assassins and have been experimenting with electrocute but i prefer the first one. Preferably i get sunfire or spirit visage first, then ROA and after that i itemize according to the enemy team. Sometimes righteous glory, dead mans, liandrys, or any tank item i like. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

    submitted by /u/Adermann3000
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    I Have Created A League of Legends Ranked Guide Series!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    My name is eBrixton, but you can call me Brixton. I am a Gm top laner and I've been masters+ since season 8. My goal with this series was to give back to the community after I decided to quit playing competitively(although I'm starting to feel like I should do it again.) I try to get right to the point and it's all off script so you know the info I give is straight from the heart. I try my best to only touch on saturated topics a little bit, but focus on topics that are either neglected or unknown in the community to begin with. I hope that this series helps everyone who watches and I hope everyone gives it a complete try before you knock it!

    You can watch the 1st episode here @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSSkbiq8nyY&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/Iambrix
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    Ekko or Evelynn?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Hi guys, so I'm an Ekko/Evelynn two-trick, but I'm struggling picking between the two in games.

    They both play somewhat similarly (run in, assassinate, get out, go back in). Ekko is a lot more versatile and hard to kill, but Evelynn just does wayyyyy more damage. Both like to farm and scale really well with items.

    What team comps should I pick these champions into? Generally, I've been picking Eve into tanky teams bc she does a lot better into tanks with her W charm shred compared to Ekko. Is this the correct way of approaching it?

    Thanks, gold elo btw (sorry for formatting, im on mobile)

    submitted by /u/UCsPleaseTakeMe
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    "Bonus" HoB attacks

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    So, I've been playing some Hail of Blades Vi recently, and one thing made me confused. In the match ending screen, in the runes page it said I've landed 117%, 109% and generally over 100% of Hail of Blades attacks. I don't get it how i can do more than 100% of auto attacks. Can someone explain me how this thing works?

    submitted by /u/Clonkward
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    The benefit of watching high elo games?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Ok so one of the tips i see thrown around a lot from people on here and coaches and any number of high elo players is to watch high elo/pro games and try to copy them to get better.

    Sounds good, but whenever i try the games look so entirely different that i don't even know what i'm looking at. I cannot tell what they are doing better than me and i don't know why they are doing it either.

    I played a Jhin into cait as an example and she just poked me right from the beginning and i end up spending half the lane hiding under tower, fall massively behind, any time i try to take a minion i get hit for half my hp. So i watch a challenger game to see how they deal with this and Cait is sitting 3 miles back not going anywhere near him pretty much from level 2 onward.... so what can i take from this?

    I assume there is a very good reason why she can't do this like she did to me, but since it does not appear in the game how am i supposed to know what it is?

    I know someone is going to be tempted to reply 'oh his level 2 is way stronger etc etc' or something to that effect, but i'm talking concepts here not specifics. How do i identify this myself?

    There are countless other examples i could give, I'll die to something that feels so unbeatable that a new player could beat Faker by right clicking then leaving to get a drink at level 2, but in the high elo replay they never even attempt it as it is obviously not as unstoppable as i think, but why?

    I've looked at some unranked to challenger gameplay to see if i have any better luck, but to my eyes the good player is just right clicking them at level 1 and immediately getting a kill somehow? I don't see what they see.

    So what do you look for watching high elo players? how can you tell why they do what they do? why does a challenger Garen not just instantly Q you and then sit in the middle of your minion wave at level 1 spamming laugh and still winning the trade if you try to fight back like they can in gold?

    Thanks for any replies!

    - The most hard stuck gold4 player of all time.

    submitted by /u/Lugash1
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    Trying to get better at top but feeling like I get outplayed in the grand scheme of things every single game

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    I've been an adc main for years and I'm trying to transition over to solo lanes due to the current state of bot not suiting me too well.

    I'm enjoying top, but only can really win if my lane opponent is MUCH worse than I, or if I get ganks to push me ahead.

    It just seems like such a delicate laning process compared to bot and I'm not really sure what to work for with regards to back timings, wave manipulation, etc.

    I find myself in shitty situations so much and cant ever break out, then subsequently end up a couple levels or sometimes even 3 levels behind because the enemy can just deny me so hard.

    It just feels like I'm always playing to not die rather than playing to gain a lead for myself, and I'm not quite sure where to begin getting better at the role.

    submitted by /u/Kyser_
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    How to learn jungle effectively?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Heyyo I'm a silver 3 mid/top main. I feel really bad for my team whenever I get autofilled to jungle cause I tend to always end up 2-3 levels behind the enemy jungler who always seems to be a step ahead of me

    I would actually really love to be able to jungle decently and I've been spending the last 2 weeks watching jungle guides almost every night and playing (feeding mostly) as jungle in normals but nothing seems to help me play/learn the role effectively :(

    I'd be so grateful if any junglers here could drop a tip or two about how they learned to play this role well :))

    Thanks so much in advance!! (Btw Ive played warwick and fiddlesticks as my jg champs

    submitted by /u/bpercuelles_21
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    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Hello again! I noticed that if i wanted to improve, I should know how to buy items and build good runes. I use runes and buy items that i saw on the internet, but if i didnt have those informations from the web, I would always lose and never get a kill. I wanted to know how and where (websites or tutorials) can I learn to build ap, ad or tank, how to assemble good runes, that kind of stuff. I searched it online and the tutorials always start by assuming you know the basics (which I don't know). I wanted to learn ap and ad shaco, and when should I build him ap and when ad. I appreciate all answers. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Jesterlly
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    When should I be hard pushing, slow pushing or freezing as an adc?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Hey! I know how to do all three of these wave management techniques pretty well, I just don't exactly know when. What I've generally been doing is hard pushing if we can harass under tower and our jungler isn't bot, freezing if our jungler is bot or we lose the 2v2 or slow pushing if I don't really know what to be doing. Advice on this would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MotherVehkingMuatra
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    Warding as a jungler

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Pretty new to jungling and was wondering what some of you guys do/how you approach warding as a jungler. I feel as though the ward trinket doesn't give me enough wards throughout the game to keep as much vision as I can any tips on how to maximize vision?

    submitted by /u/hawk-vll
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    How do you watch your replies

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    So obviously, watching your own replies is an integral part of your growth as a player and developing much quicker but assuming you don't have the option of a mentor or someone else reviewing it for you, what do you focus on when you rewatch them? -Especially being a jungle main like myself what should I have in mind aswell when I watch them-


    submitted by /u/Unchart3disOP
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    Mid game csing

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    My mobalytics says I struggle more on mid game csing as it's my lowest one early and late are pretty balanced. Since low elo is more fr@g hunt how do you balance this in and still contribute skills to team? I know you can get sidewaves and jungle camps but sometimes you just can't leave team to catch the side waves otherwise it goes down hill

    High bronze low silver elo bracket

    Playing Mid/bot lane positions

    submitted by /u/John_boy_90
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    Any tipps or guides on how to match the roam of enemy mid without losing too much cs?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    In soloq i often times ping hard when my opponent is missing but they still get to snatch a kill once in a while and get their teams ahead while im stuck not knowing what to do.

    Should I keep farming and push and deny farm while they constantly pressure top/bot and often times play champs with lots of waveclear like lux?

    Or do I roam myself losing the farm i need to get ahead because in most games its impossible to solo kill their midlaner because mechanically im not much better than most other players and am not experienced in every matchup to make this my win con.

    Is this maybe a problem of wavecontrol where im constantly stuck and cant match their midlaners movement? Im in high gold and it also seems like no matter how hard I ping no one plays safe tbh. A game I had yesterday the enemy midlaner walked through wards multiple times and still got a kill 20 seconds later while I was trying to farm off my wave because he was just a bit faster than me and it clashed into my turret. When I was done farming he was already top/bot and my tp was used to get back to my lane because he pressured me out of it with ignite. What to do particularily in high gold/low plat elo?

    submitted by /u/Feenrir
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    How do I choose runes and items?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    So I'm not exactly new to the game but I'm by no means good at it. I think a problem that I have is how I build my champions each game. Usually I go online to search up runes and items but I'm not sure how to change my items and runes according to what the enemy has. I've heard people say it comes with experience but I feel like I'm not really learning anything or experimenting when I only use the builds I find online but I don't want to throw a game because I tried to make something work even though it probably never could. I also wonder how many of the streamers I watch create their own builds that work really well. Any help with itemization and runes would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/McDonaldsBig
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    I'm an anxious person and League is not for me anymore

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm Kat main OTP and I'm hardstuck in Plat(generally Plat). I'm hardstuck in Plat because I'm an anxious person and I can't play very well right now. I think 8 months ago I created other account and I played like a god. When I achieved Plat, players became better than me, they laning and teamfighting better than me and I feel anxious. These players who are better than me they blame or flame me for doing silly mistakes and I feel anxious, they also spam with alive pings like Katarina-Alive 6 times... which is annoying. I don't know if I'll quit League or not... I really enjoy and having fun with League.

    submitted by /u/K4tarinaKR
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