• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    LoL Guide The Poppy Global Q Exploit is still not patched and being recreated. Play Ranked at your own risk.

    LoL Guide The Poppy Global Q Exploit is still not patched and being recreated. Play Ranked at your own risk.

    The Poppy Global Q Exploit is still not patched and being recreated. Play Ranked at your own risk.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    I initially posted this in r/leagueoflegends, but I decided that I wanted to post it here as well. In my opinion, this kind of gamebreaking news needs to be shared so Riot can fix it ASAP. Play Ranked queue at your own risk while this is happening. It's a small chance, but it's still a potentiality that you will encounter this in a game, and I don't want people to be risking losing LP or even getting banned over an exploit like this.

    Hi all. I just created a YouTube video entailing the game and what happens:


    Here is the opgg of my account for anyone who would like to see the game/accounts involved:


    So, for anyone who doesn't know, recently an exploit surfaced on Youtube posted by Vandiril. It was a global Poppy Q exploit which allowed Poppy to Q from fountain and hit everything on the map. This exploit is similar to the global Kayn W exploit which was just patched.

    Apparently the exploit required the usage of the rune Hexflash, so Riot disabled it for the time being and made it so if you queued into a game with Hexflash, it would be turned into the rune Perfect Timing.

    However, it is clear that you can still recreate this exploit even without Hexflash, and it's still ruining games.

    What I don't understand is that this glitch has been public (viral, even) for 4 days and nothing's really been done, and no actions have been taken other than Hexflash being disabled.

    This is a gamebreaking exploit that ruins games for everyone. I was on the team that was 'benefitting' from this Poppy exploit, but let me tell you that I had NO fun partaking in that game. It isn't fun to be handed something like that for free while the enemy team just suffers when they haven't even done anything wrong. It just doesn't sit well with me.

    And not only does this exploit take away LP from the victims, it also has the potentiality of getting them banned for intentionally feeding. According to some victims of the exploit, because the game detects their extremely high death count in a short period of time, they were banned for 14 days due to 'intentionally feeding'. These players did nothing wrong, and did nothing to deserve what happened, and instead of getting the loss prevented or something, they get another slap on the face by getting banned.

    This is clearly an extremely large issue, and Riot needs to do something about it. Of course, I don't know personally whether or not Riot is working on this issue at the moment, and perhaps they're about to reach a potential fix for it, but the lack of communication and actions taken is a bit concerning. For the global Kayn W exploit, Riot disabled the champion Kayn before fixing the exploit. So, why don't they just do that for Poppy? I feel like there are so many potential ways that Riot could fix this issue or at least mediate it, but so far no actions are being taken.

    Anyway, thank you all for reading this lengthy post and watching the video. Hopefully this reaches someone at Riot so some action can be taken against these exploits and those abusing them.

    submitted by /u/Crimson_talon
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    Sneaky has been running Cull start with Cut Down, which for some matchups lets him deal up to 7% more damage at level 1.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Sneaky has recently just been running Cull start, which I'm not too sure is that good? Cull hasn't really been changed at all, and it hasn't been a good start in the history of its existence except on Urgot. (An occasional buy on hard scaling toplaners like Vladimir but still rare)

    However, one thing that has changed is that Cut Down is actually viable now. We've been seeing more and more Cut Down in pro play against tanky team comps (doesn't have to be full tank. Since it is based on max health, that means that Cut Down is effective against Black Cleaver or RoA/Liandry's/Morello/Protobelt buyers too)

    One thing Cull does for you is that it doesn't provide max health. As a result, on champions with low max health, Cut Down + Cull gives you a decent damage boost in lane.

    For the 7% number I got, I took Jinx (the highest HP marksman) with Doran's Blade and Caitlyn (the lowest HP marksman, although Yasuo has even less HP) and calculated a 7% increase in damage.

    Of course, if you're Jinx, Cut Down + Cull isn't going to do anything for you in lane.

    How does this compare to Coup De Grace? Coup De Grace is seeing less and less play nowadays since its nerfs. It's an 8% increase when below 40% HP.

    Some really rough calculations, if Coup De Grace is up for 40% of the game (because the cutoff is 40% HP), that means on average it only gives you a 3.2% increase in damage throughout the game. However, even that's an overestimate, since most of the time, people will be using potions so they won't be under 40% HP.

    TL;DR although Cull start has been researched thoroughly already, and has been deemed to be pretty bad, some semi-recent changes (9.2, 9.5, 9.7), the buffs to Cut Down, could potentially change things.

    Note: Sneaky gets Cull start even in games where he doesn't get Cut Down. He just thinks the item is stronger than Doran's Blade all the time.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    Im new and people are not nice in pvp

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Hi, so im new to playing pvp, im trying it out because there is only so much you can do in co-op vs ai. Im learning jungle with Sejuani and I want to know the best way to start the game, which items I should work towards and what monsters I should fight first. the first pvp game I played with my boyfriend and one of the other players on my team kept being a real dick because i wasnt up to his standards, and another game a teammate kept pinging? my level because i wasnt levelling up fast enough. any help would be great, please dont be mean to me i am full of stress and want to be able to have fun with my partner playing league even if Im only level 13 and he is 183

    submitted by /u/IonlyknowSejandMorg
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    Is it worth leveling a basic ability at 11 or 16 in a team fight if you already used ult to get a kill?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I know it's a very specific situation, but let's say I'm kai'sa. I land a w and ult to the enemy Jhin and kill him. I level up to 16, and his team and mine are coming. Should I put the point in my basic ability so I can make use of it in the fight or put it in my ult?

    submitted by /u/toomanynamestaken19
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    Why does Irelia have a 47% winrate while whenever I see her she crushes?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Irelia has had a below 50% for a while in the last seasons top lane but whenever I play top against an Irelia or someone else is top I only see her crush her opponent. Is the champion just that mechanically skilled so that people without "skill" drag the champion down or is it some other issue?

    submitted by /u/HypothermicConscious
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    Guys know that you don't have to get multiple kills to win lane. Play Passive sometimes.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Every time I hopped into ranked I see this happening every time Especially the few times I play jungle once in a while.

    Scenario: Bot is winning lane because of their poking power. Greedy for the kill they keep pushing until the enemy is farming under tower. They keep pushing until jg or mid roams and the bot laners die to the enemy bot laners. Instead of learning their lesson and lane controlling the bot lane mindlessly perma pushes until they die multiple times. After dying multiple times they type in all chat "GGez Jg Diff is insane never ganked once" EVEN THOUGH they are perma pushing when the enemies aren't even that low so the jungler can't even dive.

    Guys I see this happening multiple times in my ranked game and its so frustrating to watch. When any lane is losing I say "hey guys just farm under tower" and they respond "stfu (insert your k/da here) you do nothing this entire game" and proceed to die to the jungler once again. Please learn how to lane control. Just go to youtube and search up lane control guide and it will make the game so much easier to play against hard match up or perma ganking junglers.


    Lastly please farm under tower if your losing lane. Don't mindlessly push. All that is going to achieve is giving the enemy multiple kills.

    Thank you for reading this pretty long post.

    submitted by /u/LOLSOHARDLMAO
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    Adc positioning

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Hey im New to league and New to adc but i like it very much, my only problem is when the enemy support decides to walk up and crowd control me I cant do anything. Its mainly with supports like thresh, blitz, and naut. They walk up and autoattack me and i get rooted and airbored and they hook me and im dead. I can sidestep if they open with a hook like 2/3th of the time but i can sidestep point and click. What can you do as adc vs that bc my movement speed is so much slower at the early levels and my support flame sme my team flames me for dying to that. I play in bronze but i see that in normális as well. My support spends a lot of time in river or under tower while i cs so i think its something to do with my postioning. Can you please tell some tips or a method how can i counter that please.

    submitted by /u/eromier
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    Am i allowed to duo with a friend who's on a smurf account in ranked?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    As far as im concerned its allowed but I just want to ensure it is, just in case riot has updated their rules. And if anyone can redirect me to riots actual policy (if there is one) on duo queueing with a smurf account id appreciate it.

    All I know is if he plays on my account its not allowed (which is not happening).

    For context: we are friends, im not paying him to play with me, but we have great synergy and want to see how far we can go in ranked.

    Im low plat and he is high diamond, playing on a gold smurf account.

    Thank you for all responses.

    submitted by /u/mademyaccforthispost
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    Trollpicks that are not troll

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Fiddlesticks Tank Top,Gunblade Voli, Ad carry Bard and Brand Jungle are Examples I can think of right now. What do you enjoy and think is totally viable that other people might call a trollpick despite it working very well. I just like some very off meta picks that are lots of fun in normal game.

    submitted by /u/CeemoDeNiro
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    Low ELO Jungling - Higher Skillcap Champions?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Hey! I'm a relatively new player to the game, having played for around 8 months now. I main jungle, and have played the role for about 4 months (after playing support initially). I'm currently in bronze 2.

    I mainly started jungle using the champions that are supposed to be "simpler", like Warwick, Amumu etc. However now I'm starting to play some other champs, like Evelynn, Graves, and Olaf with varying amounts of success (I do find I have less impact overall on these picks).

    My question is, is it better to stick to the "easier" champions to get out of lower ELO before switching to the more difficult champions, or is it OK to switch to some of the more complicated champions now and stick with them, with the hope that playing them more will eventually get me out of low ELO too (potentially taking longer though)?

    submitted by /u/SAFC_Hardy
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    Responding to flame?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm still a newish player. I've been playing for about a year but am still hesitant to play much ranked. This is because if the amount of flame in ranked games. I am an insecure and emotional person, and I take flame very personally and its not uncommon for me to get visibly upset. I know this seems really stupid but I find it really difficult to not let the toxicity get to me. My boyfriend tells me just to mute all, and I know this is probably what I should do, it just makes me really anxious that people are talking about me behind my back. Does anyone have any tips for not getting so upset about these things and not taking it so personally? Even though I like to play league, often after a particularly toxic game I end up getting super upset. I want to get over this. Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/akekai
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    Can someone please help me? What am I doing wrong as a jungle. I’m always the lowest damage on my team even when we win.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I think my play style or mechanics are wrong Mx my damage is always one of the lowest in the games. And I'm not sure why. Am I just no fighting correctly? Am I not autoatacking correctly in team fights? I'm so confused about this and it seems to be consistent in all of my games. Would love some insight. This has to be a mechanical thing because even in game's when I go 7/1 or something my damage is always low

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How should a team tankier team with less damage approach fighting a squishy team with more damage in team fights?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I recently had a few flash games where my team was built quite tanky vs high dps teams in a few scenarios. We ended up winning one of the games and losing another after a misplay.

    I'm curious if I find myself in this situation in solo q in the future how I should go about winning out these games. I play tanky junglers such as Nunu or Rammus/Galio.

    submitted by /u/nondirtysocks
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    Which champions on the enemy team should grievous wounds be rushed for?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Being relatively new, it's hard to know all champions that rely on heavy healing and when it is a problem. Some are more obvious but there are definitely many others with abilities that provide significant healing that I am unaware of. Below is what I can think of off the top of my head:

    • Soraka, Yuumi, Sona(? - not sure on this one)
    • Dr. Mundo (his ult), Sylas (his W), Katarina (but idk why, I believe I was just told this), Nasus (and others that build significant life steal), Vladimir

    What are others that I cannot think of that are worth mentioning? It would be great if a mention of their ability could also be included. I am a support main so that is my main perspective but I think that this is very useful information for all roles so we do better as a team.

    submitted by /u/burcue
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    Bot lane keep getting ganked(bronze 1)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Thanks to his sub i was able to climb from iron 4 to bronze 1 and I've only been playing a couple months(?). I feel like I'm still doing well in lane but now i feel like the problem is that i keep getting ganked in lane. I place wards but they run out then I get screwed or mid lane won't ping lane missing. What can I do so I stop getting ganked as much? Any videos that might help? Thanks

    submitted by /u/A4_Ts
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    I have a problem with my premade jungler

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    He used to play midlane and won every single laning phase, because it's extremely easy to get kills since everyone is an assasin over there.

    For about the last 100 games he's been playing jungle. Tones of pressure, always wins his jungle, always has really high KDA. But this is because jungle is the second easiest lane for KDA, you literally pick your fights and ganks are basically kill opportunities.

    I started playing league 300 games ago, top lane only. I still have lots to learn but like he says that a level or a kill advantage isn't a lead. He expects me to get as fed as a midlaner would. It doesn't help that I mostly play split push champs.

    Most of the time he either ganks toplane once or none at all, and instead relies on counter ganking or ganking lanes that are winning more than me.

    The problem is that on toplane a kill or a level is a big enough lead to where a gank will mean you win the lane, but it is also a very losable lead.

    It's very annoying because I win lane early most of the time but lose the lead because you can lose leads very easily on toplane. So then I start losing a little in the midgame and always come back in late.

    He sees this as me losing the lane.

    It's not that I don't know how to keep a lead. I have good wave management, don't chase kills unless I know for sure the enemy jg is botside or that I can 1v2, I have good vision, I know when to back off from split pushing and how to pressure the opposite side of the map from the biggest priority objective, etc.

    So like I would like to know what to do to carry harder. Because top is just not a lane where you get kill after kill after kill like mid or bot is. Plus, there are 10000 different matchups to learn. I know my matchups on most popular champions.

    I main Sett, I am learning Renekton and Tryndamere. I've learned and mained other champs in the past too.

    submitted by /u/merlinh2o
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    question regarding unusual game and tristana building

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:05 PM PDT


    Hey there, today I played quite an unusual game which you can see on the screenshot. Just for some context, I first picked trist and then after the full champselect was done I was pretty sure it's unwinnable game and I was suprised to see noone dodged it. Game started, and here's my question, the thing is that normally my build for Trsitana is IE>RFC>PD>DD(coz it is pretty broken now ,ik that its nerfed tomorrow:D)>optional, since we got 2 adc and pyke on mid(XD) and their team was pretty beefy and kinda stacked armor I knew that even if i win lane I wont be able to do much dmg to enemy, let alone carry this hella weird teamcomp, the thing is that on mid pyke was just 24/7 dying to fizz, mumu didn't do much, and draven even tho bullied mundo on top , he couldnt do much coz he was perma ganked and mundo stacked armor. On bot we played pretty much straight 2v2 for pretty much whole early game. We dominated it( played vs yasuo and aatrox supp, pretty weird ngl). But even tho we won the lane as I looked at scoreboard i just wanted to straight up ff, but my team and wanted to keep play, So I thought to build Tristana this game a little bit differently and after finishing Ie i went for BotRK>Guinsoo>PD> here I wanted to finish with DD(since as I said is pretty broken and I needed to stay alive coz it was kinda 2v8) and also guinsoo + botrk to melt the tanks, didnt felt like building lw. So ye somehow with this build i managed to carry the game, my question is , after you know the whole story, do you think my build in this game was correct? Or would you change anything??

    Also second question about more standard tristana build, what path is better? SR>IE>Zeal or IE>2Xzeal(rfc+pd)? I find IE 2xZeal pretty nice,but havent tried the SR yet(fell like this item is kinda weak and zeal items after buffs are just perfect fit for tristana)

    If anyone managed to read all this, congratz and thank you:D

    submitted by /u/Skowyt
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    Taking one for the team. Yay or nay?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    So I'm taking risks on Zac jg to build confidence but don't know if they're considered the right play.

    The situation is this. Bare with me while I try to paint the picture.

    Our aphelios was very fed. Carry level fed. His support thresh wasn't great. Terrible in fact, couldn't peel a banana for shit. It was 4v5 in there jg, our aphelios wasn't with us, he was coming down mid lane, and us 4 we were grouped, and getting chased out of the jg we were the ones retreating. I made a split second decision to turn and slingshot into the group of them splitting 2 from 3 and then Ulting them even further apart. I then proceeded to arm grab whoever I could from the party of 3 I was now solo with, and further cc them. I died pretty quick after my rotation was on CD. This created a situation where it bought aphelios enough time to assist my other 3 team mates to decimate the 2 I separated towards them and had the other 3 turn on there heels. We ended up cleaning house and took the win in a very even game it was kind of a make or break play.

    To me this was one of those Zac plays that was pre damn good that it worked, but if it didn't work it was just plain dumb.

    Question is, it did pay off, and probably secured us a win in an otherwise loss.

    Should I be looking at refining these plays of playing the suicide bomber on a champ that can. Or is this as I said, just dumb, lucky, but dumb and should I be getting away from this mentality?

    Edit: I just want to mention that my train of thought was that we were in narrow corridoors of the jg, i saw it as opportune to cc chain them to pieces, rarely do I get a chance to cc chain all 5 members of there team together in one rotation.

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    a very weird question about warding/moving around

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    Hey, y'all!

    I'm a Level 30 noob Nami player who decided to try ranked for the first time yesterday, and... Ugh.

    Context: I've been doing pretty great in normals - my vision score is usually 50+, I have Mastery 6, and usually feel like I'm contributing to the team really well.

    So.. I won my first 2 ranked games against gold players, did surprisingly okay/good, and went into the 3rd one feeling pretty optimistic.


    They were playing very aggressive and I was scared for my life from minute 1 - doing my best to evade attacks, and dropping my trinket in bot bushes (cause going for the river bush was too damn scary).

    I felt like I couldn't do anything more but was told to "go ward goddammit" so I tried to take a few walks through our jungle/river before coming back to lane.

    That didn't end well for me.

    At all.

    For the rest of the game, I kept being yelled at for going to "bad" places (even when I tried to come help a teamfight and got killed afterward).

    The question is...

    Is there some kind of a secret warding/moving around technique that you do that makes it "safe"???

    For most of the game, I personally felt like moving around would be stupid AF but was repeatedly told by gold players to go do it so I don't really know what to take from that.


    A Very Confused Noob

    submitted by /u/self-love-and-squats
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    So how long does it take to demote between brackets

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I have just recently got to silver 4 after like a fucking year stuck in bronze. Went back and forth between b3 - b1 for like the past 6 months. I finally got into silver but it seems the issues i faced in bronze have gotten worse in silver. More AFKS more trolls and getting auto filled. I just want to know how much i need to gain to not derank again cuz if i get put in bronze again ill just uninstall

    submitted by /u/CrazyQuyen
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    When can you pick soraka adc?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Hi guys and gals,

    I am a sad Jinx one trick that currently looks for some other options.

    I am currently silver 2 and I would like to climb to gold/platin this season before it ends.

    Here is a link to my OP.GG profile: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=JLunaut (feel free to give me tips on any other bad behavior that you see)

    I am of course not talking about AD Soraka but rather about Athenes into Redemption into Shurelyas.

    I played her 4 times in ranked now and I got a 60% winrate I know that I cant carry I need teammates that I can support. I like it (ik its disgusting and I am sorry for every player that has to play against soraka leona/senna) and I wanna play it more if soraka is not banned since i think its fun and lowkey broken. is that a correct assupmtion or am I completely of course here?

    Is it something that you can climb with, or do you rely to much on your teammates? When would you definitly not want to pick soraka adc?

    Any help is appreciated


    submitted by /u/J-Lunaut
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    Bot lane early pressure

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    I know the first person to hit level 2 mostly controls the lane early as long as nothing happens, but if I get level 2 first do I need to apply pressure of rip or does that mean I deicide to keep priority for dragon and keep them at tower with proper ward controls.

    submitted by /u/FracturedCavity
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    Question about Guardian EoG stats.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    So I took the Guardian keystone on shen jungle. The end of game stat was 4,200 shielding from guardian alone. What is this really telling me?

    Am I mitigating 4,200 Dmg or is my total shielding from Guardian 4,200?

    When I try to test it in practice mode, it doesn't seem clear to me what the stat on Guardian is saying. I seem to get inconsistent numbers each time I use it.

    Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/NervousNuggs
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    Baron is easier than sieging both nexus turrets

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Just lost a game where we were ahead in gold the entire time. About 40 minutes into the game the enemy had 2 inhibitor down so my teammates decided to try to end the game.

    The problem was that we were a full AD team and the enemy had 3 tanky bois (Sion, Gnar and Shen). We couldn't kill their tank and couldn't reach their Lux or Veigar because they were under their turrets. I ended up being the only one leaving the fight alive. The enemy killed our nexus before my team respawned. Even then our team was still a few thousands of gold ahead.

    We could've pressured baron. With super minions pushing our bot and mid lane. The enemies had a lot of pressure and can make mistakes much more easily than sitting under their own turrets. I recognize the importance to force fights and end game earlier than later, but it seems to me that low ELO players really don't like killing baron.

    submitted by /u/StarIU
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