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    Saturday, June 13, 2020

    LoL Guide Safely Ward Dragon and Baron Brush (Enemy Side)

    LoL Guide Safely Ward Dragon and Baron Brush (Enemy Side)

    Safely Ward Dragon and Baron Brush (Enemy Side)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I put together a couple quick guides to help you safely ward the enemy-side brush outside Baron and Dragon pits. Play around with it in training and it won't take long to get the spots down quickly and consistently.

    Note that the cursor does not change colors but the wards do end up in the brush and provide vision in and around the area.

    Baron Pit

    Dragon Pit

    submitted by /u/home_subs
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    What are the hardest skillshots to land in the game?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    As you all may know, there are all kinds of skillshots in League, ranging from global skillshots like Jinx's ult, to fairly short-range skillshots like Rakan's Q. Of all of these, some are much harder to land than others. Based on your experience, what are the hardest skillshots to land in the game?

    submitted by /u/k1tk4t52
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    Do changes in "chill" vs. "angry" stance for the blue/red buffs appear to enemies as well?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    This is kind of a weird question, but while planning out potential jungle invade strategies, I've noticed that the red brambleback and blue sentinel change their animation quite noticeably when I get close enough, even if I don't attack. Here are the basic stances they have. It is definitely based on proximity, not vision, because they get angry if you are close enough, even through terrain, as shown here. I am wondering if someone knows for sure whether changes in the idle animations appear from my enemies' perspectives as well. If they do, this would impact some of my warding/ambush strategies, and would also make it easier for me to spot out enemy invades. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    I want to learn Jungle but I feel like it's too hard

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    I've been having a bit of a question on my mind recently around selecting my main role, I'm currently a Kassadin OTP and do enjoy him quite a bit. However despite being a mid laner who one tricks, I've always wanted to be a great jungler who plays in high elo. I'm quite new to the game so I still have so much to learn, but whenever I play jungle I feel so useless and confused around what to do. I always feel lost within this role and don't really know what I doing.

    So I have a few questions to ask:

    • How do I go about learning the basics of jg?
    • What are the fundamentals I should learn for jg?
    • What champions would you recommend for learning?

    And just general tips I guess about learning the role and everything that guys have to offers.

    Appreciate yous a tonne

    submitted by /u/Striking_Comparison
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    Why are all the MR bruiser items kinda meh?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Am I missing something? I main Vi jungle and nearly every item gives like 30-40MR when the armor ones give 80+ and a ton of hp and a ton of passives. Like it just feels pretty difficult to protect against Magic without abandoning damage all together.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/gigigamer
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    Lower the chances of a bad level 1 by going to sit inside a bush near an entrance to your team's jungle.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    You don't need to invade their side of the map.

    You don't need to afk under your towers.

    You don't need to take a shit during loading screen because you will shit on your opponents in game.

    Sitting inside bushes that have vision of the river and are at close proximity to your jungle gives you enough information to avoid cheesy invades and can potentially give you some info on where the enemy team is starting. Ward pixel bush/river, sit and wait until minions spawn. Literally, this prevents most invades from resulting in actual kills.

    If you see 4 people from the enemy team walking towards you, run in advance and if you are jungling go start on the other side of the map. You will always see the enemy team first, so unless they literally blind hook you, you are never going to die/burn flash. If your team doesn't do it and just sits under tower, speak (not advised) or spam ping (works most of the time).

    Alternatively, if your team cooperates and you regard your level 1 as better than the enemy team, sit as 4 in a bush and wait for a potential facecheck. Zero risk, potential good reward play that works every time. Again, if you see you are being outnumbered, run. You will always see the enemy team first.

    submitted by /u/ImUnderYourBedDude
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    If you want the wave to push toward you early on, allow your enemy laner to hit you but do not trade back.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    First wave, you want the wave to push towards you, so you can freeze or be safe and farm.

    If the enemy laner hits you and you don't hit back, your minions will stop hitting the enemy minions and focus hitting the enemy champion, and the enemy minions will continue focusing your minions causing a push towards you due to the hp balance being lower on your side.

    One short trade or an AA will save you a lot of grief when trying to survive that lane bully.

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    As a Jungle Main, i cannot play any other role.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Hi, i've always wanted to learn ADC/Top which i can play to a plat level with a few champs and others gold 4.., however i'm an evelynn one trick in diamond 3/2 and yah, thought i would be able to play lane a bit better than i do currently. I struggle with trading specifically such as punishing peoples last hits when playing ADC, my CS isn't bad as you might expect from a jungle main, just being pressured and out traded 7/10 games. >.<<<<<<<<<<

    submitted by /u/KaneJyoutube
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    Seriously, how do you play against Garen?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm a low plat top lane player, and I genuinely cannot figure out what to do against this champion. I know this question has been asked a million times before, and I'm sorry you have to see it again. But legitimately I don't see how this champ is not broken. I get that if I was masters or something the problem would magically go away, but for the life of me I can't figure out what his weakness is.

    He can build full damage and seems SO tanky and hard to kill anyway. In lane, it's like walking a tight rope. If you make one mistake, there goes 2/3s of your health and you have to back to avoid being all-in'd. God forbid you drop below 60% health and he hits level 6. Flash q e ignite ult. Doesn't feel interactive. Teleport is on such a long cooldown that it doesn't seem feasible to back every time you are chunked. I end up several levels and 20+ cs behind. Is that what I'm supposed to do?

    It just feels like the juggernaut player ALWAYS dictates the pace of the lane. This goes beyond garen. As a class, it just feels frustrating to play against juggernauts. People make it seem like ranged top laners are the scourge of top lane, but the people saying that are usually just juggernaut players upset they can't stomp the lane like usual. For everyone else the bane of our existence is juggernaut players themselves.

    But back to garen, even if you don't feed him any kills, he just gets his items and then is unkillable mid game. Even 2v1. People say his teamfighting is subpar, but he can just run in once all engage has been blown, q e ult your adc, and then clean up the rest of the fight. Playing top lane against him just feels like a losing battle from the start. I don't want to have to rely on banning a champ, I'd like to learn how to actually play against him. I ban wukong every game anyway, because that champ is even more disgusting imo.

    I play hecarim, fiora, and shen top. I know Fiora sort of wins early, Shen wins early, and from experience lately hecarim loses lvls 1-3 but can do okay after getting tabis.

    I'd like to be able to play against Garen without feeling like he owns my soul and dictates the lane. I don't want this post to come off as complaining, I'm just very lost on what to do against him.

    Thank you for any advice!

    submitted by /u/readytofly68
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    It’s kind of annoying seeing bad players answering questions in bad ways.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Not going to drag this out because that is exactly what I am going to rant about. These silver 3 "shadow knigt637s" with a 41% wr who answer questions like "hey I just started the game and wanted to learn how to jungle, any suggestions." They give the most shitty advice that I see going around some of my silver friends. It's so fucking annoying seeing this shit. It's a main reason why 70% of the player base is below gold. The only reason they get upvotes is because they write monster paragraphs to wack off their league boner with bold captions with generic ass statements.

    Welp this was longer than I expected...

    I guess I'm a hypocrite now.

    submitted by /u/moistylarva
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    I'm at least 0 - 25 against Yasuo. What can I do against him?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    I main Katarina but have also fought him with Sett and Zoe. Not once, not one single time have we won a game let against him let alone survived laning phase unscathed.

    Every game he shoves the wave hard and I can't clear it so he out CS's me like crazy. He's too tanky and does too much damage even from level 1 to trade with at all with anyone. All I can do is sit behind tower while he slowly pokes me with tornadoes and I can't feasibly see any counterplay. And if I get tornado'd past 6 that's a free tower dive kill.

    80% of the time my jungler will not gank and the other 20% he's so far ahead in CS (and often he's killed me at least once) that he just gets an easy double kill. 100% of the time he wins lane and 100% of the time he wins the game. Fuck this champion.

    The closest I've come to doing anything against him is by poking with Zoe but he gets away with low hp, regens, comes back and dashes into an insta kill. With Sett he just cuts my fists right off and with Katarina it's absolutely hopeless. If I so much as chuck a dagger his way he's on my ass and I lose half my health in a couple autos while none of my spins do nearly enough damage.

    None of this is even taking into account windwall, his stats are just too high for me to contest.

    The worst part? He's in more games than almost every other champion. I was permabanning him for a while but thought it would be worthwhile to try and get experience in the matchup (then I lost another 10 games).

    P.S. This is bronze ELO. If Iron and Bronze Yasuos can fuck my day up this hard I'll have instant PTSD the second I fight one that's actually good.

    submitted by /u/IFuckedAllYourMoms
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    Is improvement too slow?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Hi there

    For context, I'm a trash gold 3 player. So take my words with a grain of salt because maybe I'm just bad and I should lulgetgood.

    That being said, I feel like improvement is too slow in this game. I usually like improving at games, because you see a direct result. But league doesn't feel the same way. For example, if you're a mid laner player and you want to improve on cs. Maybe spend the next 10, 20 games really focusing, and you find that your cs has drastically improved. But how does that change the game's result? You have like 1k gold more than your laner, assuming you went even in lane. Okay? Then what? Your bot lane still feeds, your jungler still prioritizes farming over dragon... so what did improving get you? I feel like improvement doesn't come either as fast or as effectively as it should. What are your all thoughts on this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/benandsamss
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    Do lunges get knocked down?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    A few moves (darius r, garen q, warwick q, udyr e, and sion r 2nd cast) provide small dash-like movement effects classified as a 'lunge'. As I understand, these effects are NOT treated like dashes in any way and thus shouldn't be affected by anti-dash effects (grounded, poppy w, etc.). The only exception i know of being that Darius R can't be cast while grounded.

    I'm not sure if any of the other lunges are effected by grounded (ww and sion are unstopable, and garen's and udyr's are auto attacks so I assume not? More importantly though, are these effects stopped by knock downs or other dash-hate moves? Will a poppy W stop the leap on darius r? How exactly does this lunge mechanic work?

    submitted by /u/Cebo494
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    Roaming as Support?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Hello! I haven't been playing for long, and I mainly go for mid or support with the occasional top in between. Lately I've been playing support more because I got tired of mid laning.

    It was brought to my attention I should roam more to help my teammates, but I've only done it a few times when a lane is seriously falling behind and I just came out of the base. I also only go top or mid when the towers of bot have gone down, but at that point it's always too late because one of the other lanes has already fallen behind, or we are always in team fights so it's not really roaming in my opinion.

    I guess my main questions are:

    - when is it a good time to roam as a support? As in, when can I leave my ADC on their own without bot lane falling behind?

    - on contrast, when is roaming not a good idea?

    - how do I tell I'll actually have an impact on a lane and not be useless/make it worse?

    I'm a newbie, been playing for around two months and only started supporting around one ago. Also, I mainly play Lux support cause she's the only sup champion I own that I actually enjoy using (as opposed to Yuumi or Sona). My warding is decent, but roaming is the one thing I can't grasp yet cause I have the map awareness of a potato.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/vampire-jesus
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    How did this Blast Cone get there?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:14 AM PDT


    I was going towards the enemy base and that thing was right in front of their base. I've never heard of an ability or item which lets you spawn those things. I didn't use it because I was scared that it's some kind of massive bug and it'll crash my game or something. I'm probably just missing something, but I've never seen this.

    submitted by /u/YoooJan
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    What Mages are good against tanks?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    I just played a Syndra game where the enemy had a really beefy Galio and Volibear which both were stacking MR and wouldn't let me anywhere near their squishies without running me down, and I ended up dealing a pretty miserable amount of damage throughout the game. We won somehow, despite our jungler's best efforts to troll and undermine it, but I was wondering which midlane pick would be optimal when matched against such huge damage sponges.

    submitted by /u/Sakkara1
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    How to get used to League’s camera angle?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I'm more used to fps games, but I want to be able to enjoy this game with friends that do play this a lot. Note I'm using unlocked camera. I feel like I lose track of my champ and what's happening on screen. Any tips on mouse sensitivity or how fast the camera moves when moving the cursor around? Is there like an ideal setting or is this just something I'll get used to the more I play?

    submitted by /u/sasagoyan
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    What do you guys consider high mid and low elo?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    I'm personally around g2 and always thought that I was a bit better than the average player (not much better but at least a little) but recently I've been watching streams like TF Blade, Yassuo and Tyler1 who call diamond "pisslow" are they just over dramatic is diamond really not as impressive as I view it?

    submitted by /u/AlphaChadJungle
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    What’s team composition?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Hey guys. Sometimes when I play w my friends ( who are much more experienced and advanced as me ) say oh their team has really good comp or our team has good comp. What constitutes as having "good team composition?" Like, are their certain factors the team has to have all around?

    submitted by /u/mommysprout
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    Is it better for inters to AFK?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Not a troll post honestly. The last two 4v5s I won the inter went AFK and the four fed players remained. I'm wondering is it better sometimes can a player do more harm than good on a team?

    When I think about it. The dude is more likely to int harder than to stop inting and start carrying right? But his inting would not exist in a vacuum. He'd be creating map pressure if he was alone in a lane drawing enemies to come kill him and possibly us to his defence in a stupid fight. In a teamfight he might get caught out and that could bait our team into a bad engage trying to follow it up.

    Since the dude went AFK the rest of us could focus and win

    submitted by /u/_HelicalTwist_
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    How do you play Tristana early game?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm a returning ADC main from 2014, currently level 44 and trying to establish a solid champion pool before jumping into Ranked. I would consider myself a Caitlyn Main, but I enjoy a lot of ADCs including Vayne, Kalista, Ezreal and Kai'Sa.

    With none of these I've been having as much difficulty picking them up as with Tristana. Frankly, I only picked her up a day ago and I don't know if I just had bad luck with my autofill supports, but these times I've played her have gone atrocious. I've felt impactless, like dealing no damage and couldn't even farm under my own tower because that E splash damage ruins my last hits.

    I've run her with both Hail of Blades and Press the Attack, and I kinda like Lethal Tempo so maybe I'll try that out too, but how the hell do you play her in lane? Her gimped Attack range early game makes it hard for me to get any sort of trade without the opponent just running out of range when I use my E, and the slow-mo animation on her W makes it really hard to use it. And like I said, even playing safe and farming feels bad because of the E splash damage, and I don't know if I'm missing something, but that kinda makes it impossible to freeze the lane.

    With all of the other ADCs I feel confident playing both safe and aggressive, with Tristana I feel like I can do neither, but after going wild with her in an ARAM I kinda fell in love with her, and none of the tier lists I've looked at explicitly state she's bad or Lulu-Only like Kog'Maw, so it's clearly me who's doing it wrong.

    Help me out please?

    submitted by /u/YameroReddit
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    Need help in picking new champs

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I am a jungle or top main (or go any but mid with friends) My jungle mains are skarner and udyr mastery 7 with skarner and 5 with udyr. I am starting to fight actual players and I would get dominated on skarner against any good jungler. On udyr i can do some work. Any suggestion on other jungle champs I may like? Meanwhile, in top I play Kled and ornn only mastery 5/4 on them any other good tops?
    I tend to pick tanky champs looking from my mains.

    submitted by /u/Srageus
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    Why does Veigar builds AP?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    (it may look like a joke, but this question is serious)

    Why does Veigar builds AP? why not Tank? or any other build?

    Nasus stack up damage by himself, and he builds tank (plus trinity)

    Senna stack up damage by herself, and she builds tank (plus black cleaver)

    Veigar stack up damage by himself, and he builds... ap?

    i'm really confused :/

    submitted by /u/Freladdy11
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