LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.13 |
- Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.13
- Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: June
- I just got plat but I don't have anyone to share the news with. Wanted to share it with you guys and some things I learned!
- Really cool clip of IWillDominate explaining why C9 Blaber doesn't buy a machete/talisman until 0:50 on Olaf
- Generic Top Lane Tips/Fundamentals
- Switching from Top/Sup to maining Jungle, my story and some advice.
- Duoing with a friend in ranked
- Whats the gap between a Challenger player and an LCS player?
- Tier List Based on Level
- So I want to main ADC (Twitch), what are the fundamentals I should hone in on as an ADC?
- New Gnar Mechanics - Fast W/Q/R, Hitbox Dragged W
- made it to silver 1 as adc for the first time but i play so much worse
- How /mute all is helping me become a better player; ADC in low elo!
- How to farm as an aggressive heavy ganking champion
- Champs with similar combo potential as Caitlyn
- What am I supposed to do as an ADC if my team is 24/7 teamfighting?
- When to stack doran’s vs. starting your build?
- How to tell if a lane is going to be volatile
- Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.13
- How do you know your win condition?
- How do you mentally recover from a losing streak?
- Definitive list of who's a support?
- Any Tips Versus Jhin and Xerath Support? (Not necessarily together).
- Struggling as Adc
- Why is it so much easier to get demoted than promoted?
- Anyone who lose feel like Voli is overturned?
Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.13 Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT Hello summoners! In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar! What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here. What you can do to help! For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help! If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place. Resources
Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer. If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve! [link] [comments] |
Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: June Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT If you need help with what roles or champs to play, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well! There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools or advice on what roles to play/swap to. Since these threads are only applicable to a single person -- the creator of the posts -- we have created a megathread to keep more generally applicable threads on the frontpage. If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include a link to your profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers. If you're a new player, consider checking out this page for champion recommendations as well as other beginner advice, guides, and explanations of champion classes/roles. Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't necessarily have to answer these questions, but they do help responders give better advice.
Also be sure to check out websites like and to add some statistical basis to your judgements. Again huge thank you to u/Blasterus for answering a lot of questions! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:07 AM PDT I'm so ecstatic and happy. Been working towards this for a loooong time. All my irl friends either left league, barely play, or are diamond+ so I don't really get to play much with them. I started in season 3 and lost my main account in season 8 due to toxicity. I was in a pretty bad spot in my life, still kinda am, but started to really focus on getting better and being positive. In just half a season I got plat! I always was around gold 3-1 on my main starting season 5 for a very long time and now reaching platinum in less than a year makes it all the better and really shows how much mental health and depression affected me. Now I wanna share some tricks that I know have been repeated many times here but maybe packaging in a nice small summary might make it easier to look back to for you all! So here goes, some tips and tricks I learned were:
I hope this was helpful if y'all have any questions let me know. I am also down to help any new players and share my knowledge for free coaching. I know I am just plat but having around 7 years of league knowledge has to be useful somehow. If you ever wanna play some normals or clash on NA server please hit me up! It really be lonely out here haha. My ign is: SmhGottaCarryBot [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:17 PM PDT Here, IWillDominate is co-streaming the C9 vs EG game. Right now, the meta for junglers is starting red trinket. However, there's this super neat trick for junglers starting red trinket. At the start of the game, start with yellow trinket. Then, at around 00:37ish, start recalling and at the last second, place down your yellow trinket. The instant you get back, swap to red trinket. This is also where you buy your jungle item. This only puts your red trinket on a 90 second cooldown. You're usually not going to be using your red trinket for the first 90 seconds, so it's actually completely fine. Now, not only does this let trick let you get a free pixel brush ward, it also gets you a free recall. While you're getting your pixel brush ward, your enemy typically sees you, so they can see what starting item you have. For champions like Amumu, you need to start Talisman no matter what. However, Olaf has some choice. If you start blue, typically you go Blue -> Gromp -> Red, all single target camps, so you start Machete. However, if you start Red, typically you're getting either Raptors or Krugs at some point, which Machete helps a lot with. If the enemy sees you buy Machete, they know you're starting blue, and if they see you buy Talisman, they know you're starting red. This information is pretty huge. [link] [comments] |
Generic Top Lane Tips/Fundamentals Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:49 PM PDT Just making this post after recently reformatting my generic list of top lane laning tips/fundamentals for my discord coaching/help. Here's the list now: 1. Top lane is not a pure 1v1 lane. You need to play around the junglers. If the enemy jungler is top side, try to avoid fighting with your lane opponent to prevent yourself from getting dove. On the flip side, if your jungle is pathing top side then it is fine to fight in situations where you wouldn't normally want to if you are sure that your jungler isn't going to get counterganked, like if the enemy jungler just ganked bot lane or took dragon seconds ago. 2. Don't give up too much Hp to hit level 2 first. The point of hitting level 2 first is to get a trading advantage, but if you lose too much Hp from poor trades just to get there first, then it defeats the purpose. In other words, don't push for level 2 in situations where you lose level 1, such as when playing melee vs ranged. 3. When trying to determine whether or not to push level 1, consider where the junglers are starting along with your matchup. If neither player leashes, push based off which jungler clears faster. If their jungler clears faster, they will be top first and you should try to avoid pushing level 1 so you aren't in a position to get frozen on if the enemy jungler pressures you quickly and looking to avoid even trades so you aren't divable. If your jungler clears faster, they should be top first and you can either trade aggressively and slowpush to try and set up a dive, or you can trade defensively and contest the enemies push to set them up for a gank/freeze. Both options are good. If both players leash, the junglers should both path bot side to avoid getting counterjungled. Ward the river right away to avoid getting level 2 cheesed while the enemy jungler is still clearing top, but otherwise play lane like normal. If their jungler attempts to gank you he will have nothing to farm by invading your top side jungle and loses his bot side jungle to your jungler. If only you leash, let the opponent slowpush into you since your jungler will be bot side by the time theirs comes top. If only your opponent leashes, ward to avoid getting level 2 cheesed while the enemy jungler is still top side, but otherwise play the lane expecting your jungler to be top side around levels 2-3. It is important that if one jungler starts top side and the other starts bot side to check your junglers pathing to see if the map gets split vertical. 4. Try to avoid using your cooldowns on the minion wave when your lane opponent is nearby. Whenever you use a cooldown you open up an opportunity to be engaged on by your opponent if you don't play passive afterwards. To maintain lane control, holding onto your cooldowns to deny the enemy from being able to walk up and contest the wave can give you more of an advantage than using an ability to grab 1 minion. Also, remember to look for engagements on the enemy if they use important cooldowns such as Darius Q as long as you are in the position to do so. 5. Be careful about looking for trades when the enemy is slowpushing towards you. Unless you have a distinct advantage like an Hp/Level advantage or having your jungler nearby, taking trades while the enemy is slowpushing puts you at greater risk of being dived 2v1, even if the trade is favorable for you. While one of the easiest ways of setting up a freeze is taking good trades during an enemy slowpush while you have an advantage, if you get ganked while attempting to do so, you will lose all of the gold and experience from the enemy minions you were trying to freeze with or be forced to teleport back to lane. I'm not saying that you should never trade when the enemy is pushing, just be careful about it. 6. When the enemy crashes a slowpush, do not immediately hard push back. Your lane opponent may be sitting in a bush waiting for you to blow cooldowns on the wave so they can set up a freeze. If you see your lane opponent finish their recall and you have the waveclear in your kit to instantly shove the next wave like Irelia/Riven/Singed, then you can hard push instantly, but for most champions you should slowpush the wave back to them, which is guranteed to deny them 3 melee minions from the first waves that meet up after they crash their slowpush and giving you enough minion pressure to crash the wave and get your own recall off. If you are in a situation where you will not be able to prevent your opponent from freezing on you such as being at an HP disadvantage, being at an EXP disadvantage, enemy has TP advantage, enemy is able to buy a strong powerspike such as sheen due to how long the lane has been going on, etc, then it is better to recall as soon as the last minions from their slowpush that crashed are dying to the tower. This gives you the chance to recall with minimal exp losses compared to if they get the time to set up a proper freeze. 7. Do not be scared to take damage if you are already set up to recall since the damage won't stick once you're in base. You don't worry about taking a small chunk of damage to finish crashing a minion wave if you are not at risk of dying. Your HP is a resource that can be utilized to get an advantage, just like your mana. It is better to eat a bit of damage that won't kill you to finish crashing a minion wave than it is to play too passively and hand them a freeze. 8. Escort your minion wave under their tower to prevent freezes. If your minion wave is not large enough to keep your lane opponent from tanking it to set up a freeze, then you need to make sure that you escort your minions into tower range before leaving to do something else. You can lose significant gold and exp to a player who is looking to punish you for leaving without completely crashing a wave. 9. Don't go for a turret plate if it will lead to you overstaying in lane and taking a late recall. If you have teleport, it can be okay to greed for extra gold from plates/minion waves for a key early item spike like sheen, bilgewater cutlass, or phage before a recall, but just know that there are situations where just recalling as if you don't have teleport to hold onto the cooldown is better. It looks a bit cleaner with discord formatting, but if anyone has any questions or feedback let me know. [link] [comments] |
Switching from Top/Sup to maining Jungle, my story and some advice. Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:07 PM PDT So picture this. Toplaner, maining tanks like Ornn and the like. Always do okay in lane, but don't really win (unless the enemy disrespects Ornn's ability to clap ass early). Provided everyone else does well/neutral too, I can make impact once teamfights start, and generally win those games. Problems happen when the rest of my team doesn't do well. Can't do much there, and unless the enemy makes massive mistakes I can't do a whole lot to steer the ship away from the rocks and my team loses or FFs at 20 from mental boom or being outscaled. During all of this I started realizing something: It's jungle diff. It's always jungle diff. Other lanes doing well almost always coincided with us having a competent jungler, or at least more competent than the enemy jungler. More and smarter ganks, more objectives that boost everyone's stats, etc. Story's the same on support too. I can win lane/do neutral in botlane, but again jungle issues or outskill on top/mid means we still lose. So I decided: I'm tired of it. Tired of jungle diff. Tired of my other lanes losing with me having no real say in it besides a long cooldown TP and slow-ass roams. So, rather than hope for the RNG of getting a good, non-autofilled jungler to work out in my favor, I'm going to be the jungler. Everyone thinks jungle is a scary role and begs for swaps whenever they get autofilled. How damn hard can it be? I'm going to do my best to make sure the jungle diff is being said in my favor, that the enemy cannot do anything without me rolling up at the worst possible time. So I started doing research. How does this role work, how does it farm and what should I be doing? Watched videos, read guides. Found champs that I enjoy (Rammus, Amumu, Ornn), and started playing normals queuing jungle. Instantly I realized several things:
And so I ask: Has it always been this way? I've got 250 hours, almost 650 games, and yet never really tried jungle (I'd be that person dodging or swapping if I got autofilled). Has it always been this easy all along? Why is everyone so scared of it? Why do people that get autofilled struggle so hard if they don't dodge/swap? It's not even that different from laning! Currently spamming jungle and sitting on a crisp 70% average winrate. I genuinely play it better than any other role I have in the past! Anyway, to make this educational, here's some laner->jungler advice for anyone who wants to make the swap like I did:
I know this is a bit long, but hopefully it convinces some of you disgruntled laners to switch to jungle! You get other perks too like big dick energy ("Yeah baby, I play the most unpopular role in League on purpose because I'm cool like that ;) "), instant queue times (I've never had a queue longer than 8 seconds on primary jungle), and more. [link] [comments] |
Duoing with a friend in ranked Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:36 AM PDT So basically, I have been duoing with a friend in ranked recently. We usually play Nami Yasuo botlane, with me as Nami. My duo is a Yasuo onetrick. I kind of feel like I'm getting carried because we always stomp games, but my duo also only play Yasuo adc when we duo. I'm worried that I don't have the actual skill and deserve to be in this elo because all we did was play meta/broken champs. For reference, I was gold 3 and when we started duoing I am now in my gold 1 promos. My IGN is: Nami and Yasuo. You will probably find my duo pretty easily. Should I stop duoing and find my real rank or do I just take the wins? [link] [comments] |
Whats the gap between a Challenger player and an LCS player? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:20 PM PDT Its kind of obvious that Challenger players are complete experts on basically every aspect of League of Legends without any weakness in their game considering they are top 200 players in their world region. The skill level in these tier of players is so high my tiny diamond 3 brain couldn't comprehend the amount of things that goes through these players brains every second while playing. My current understanding is they are so good that the gap between a diamond and challenger player is greater than that of an iron and diamond player. Just how good are LCS players that only very few top ranked in world region challenger players can even dream of becoming one? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:10 AM PDT I'm trying to get comfortable with early character interactions, like invades or just early trading in lane and I'm trying to get a feel for how characters match up based on levels. For instance, I know Olaf generally is the strongest lvl 1 jungler, but I don't know how any other characters match up in that regard. Or I know that in bot lane, all of the hook supports are super strong lvl 1, while most melee supports that use abilities to engage don't come online until lvl 2. Is there a good resource for this info that already exists, or do I just have to consume enough community content about the game that I start to get a second sense for it? [link] [comments] |
So I want to main ADC (Twitch), what are the fundamentals I should hone in on as an ADC? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:15 AM PDT Hey all, this is my first season of LoL currently and I'm currently playing a lot of twitch and have for around 20/30games ish. I have amounted a 67% win rate and really love playing him out of all the adc's, I believe I want to one trick this champion as I love him so much. However I believe its more important to develop my basics before I start getting into all the flashy things an ADC can learn from what I've seen. So I just have a couple of questions:
Thanks :) [link] [comments] |
New Gnar Mechanics - Fast W/Q/R, Hitbox Dragged W Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:05 AM PDT Hey guys! Thing in the Ice here. I wanted to share some lesser known Gnar mechanics that I discovered a while ago, but have finally figured out how to replicate them 100% of the time. Ever since Gnar's E bug (redirecting bounce) was fixed for a second time, something changed with his animation cancels as well. For those of you who don't know, Gnar's E bug was in the game two years ago, got patched, then recently was back in the game, then soon to be patched out once again. For some reason, Gnar's E was either intentionally changed or whatever they did to fix the bug caused these new mechanics to be possible. They add an entire new layer of depth to animation cancelling that, in my opinion, give the player more options when animation cancelling. For those of you that don't know what animation cancelling looks like normally as Gnar, this video does a good job explaining it. Now, let's get into it... You can perform even faster versions of E's animation cancel for Q, W, and R. Let's start with W: Fast WWhat happens is W goes off as soon as your bounce connects instead of during your transform animation after your bounce connects. This makes it even harder for players to react, but has a shorter range compared to normal animation cancelled W. Difficult to time, but it feels natural with practice. Here's how: Auto attack at 96 or 98 Rage, your auto will start to travel, then Hop onto whatever the auto is traveling to, the auto connects as your bounce connects making you hit 100 Rage exactly at the same time, then press W right after it connects and both abilities are combined into one. Your Hop MUST bounce as your auto connects or you'll just get a normally timed animation cancel. This only works at 96 or 98 Rage, nothing less and nothing more. What you get is a W that casts as bounce connects, literally combining them into one animation. The cast bar for both abilities even disappears. Example: You can do this with Q and R as well doing the same exact method above. Here's examples of both: Now let's get into the bug. I'm very sure that this is a visual bug that was added in more recently (not sure of the timing), but I wanted to point out that this seems to be unrelated to what I mentioned above. This can be used as a mechanic just like old E bug was. Hitbox Dragged WOkay, this is where things are going to get a little more complicated explanation wise, but I have an example below that should clear everything up. You can manipulate where your animation cancelled W hitbox will be in comparison to the visual that you and your opponent sees. Here's how: Start auto attacking a target and get ready to perform a normal animation cancelled W, keep your cursor still as you auto attack to gain Rage, now cast Hop and as the bounce connects quickly move your cursor to where you want the hitbox to be and press W soon after the bounce connects. What happens now is the visual of your W will be where your cursor was when your W animation started + the range of the bounce and the hitbox will be where your cursor was at as the bounce connects. I know this sounds confusing, but here's an example to help: (slow the video down and watch the cursor as bounce connects and when W is cast) But wait… things get even cooler and a bit more complicated. You can also combine Fast W with this bug as well. Fast W + Hitbox DragI'm not going to bother explaining both of these again, but to do this you have to combine Fast W with a Hitbox Dragged W. What you get is an even harder W to react to. Here's an example: This doesn't seem to work with Q or R. If you have any more specific questions or if I missed something, please let me know! Also, sorry for the overlays in the videos, I used OBS to capture them. Special thanks to tunki#4379 (Discord) for messaging me back and forth at 3:00 AM trying to figure out specific details! [link] [comments] |
made it to silver 1 as adc for the first time but i play so much worse Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:32 AM PDT literally don't understand what's happened to me it's like im not playing the same game anymore - it's like im so much worse than everyone else and i don't know how this has suddenly happened because i was doing okay in silver 2 i can visibly see and feel my level of play has just gotten so much worse and i have no idea why it's happening i think i might take a break for a bit cause idk how else to fix this [link] [comments] |
How /mute all is helping me become a better player; ADC in low elo! Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:36 AM PDT It's okay to disagree with the points in this post, and I want to formally accept any debate or discussion about it! These are my opinions and experiences that I've had since becoming a /mute all player. I will also address my concerns going into this play style and how I over came them! What is /mute all? /mute all is a command you do in in-game chat that completely negates any form of ping, text, or emote communication from the nine other players in-game. Personally, I've had all-chat off for a very, very, veeeeeeeeeeeery long time (like two seasons) so I'm only muting my own team. My Concerns My main concern was communication. Just like everyone else who has been in this position, it sucks when you miss vital information like someone shot calling, MIA pings, OMW pings, and more. I also put it upon myself to try to be the morale ring leader and anytime someone got tilted, I'd try to type it out with them and help them chill. Most of the time it worked, but not always. Here are the pros and cons from my personal experience as a /mute all player! Pros
For example; I'm in a lane where it's Caitlyn/Naut and I'm playing Jinx with a Yuumi. Yuumi can't save me, and one wrong move and I'm caught. It's REALLY difficult for me to watch the map and think about a lot of different things while also paying very close attention to Naut. He could flash Q or flash auto me at any moment and Caitlyn could get a double. There have been many times in games since I've muted my own team that I've died to a mid lane roam or a gank I wasn't expecting and when I watched the replay, it was SO OBVIOUS by how the enemy support/adc started to act.
In conclusion, in low elo, no one is going to ping properly. No one is going to have anything to say worth your time to read. Most people get tilted and spread negative energy and effect your own gameplay. You will get to a point where you can watch your map 90% of the time and be able to read exactly what is going on with your team as well as predicting the enemy's movements. I've had this ability for a long time. Macro is my forte, so taking away all outside influence, I've become more confident in myself. Stop being dependent and reliant on other people in the game and start taking responsibility for yourself! I know this won't be for everyone, but damn, it has worked for me and I'm glad I finally made the change. [link] [comments] |
How to farm as an aggressive heavy ganking champion Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:08 AM PDT Hello! I just started playing jungle and I am really enjoying it, I just have one problem. I can't farm with heavy gank champions! The reason is I am ganking a lot. I know that with early game junglers I can't farm as well as a noc karthus or graves but for me is hard to even reach 100 cs even though I have a huge lead. Any help with that [link] [comments] |
Champs with similar combo potential as Caitlyn Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:09 PM PDT Title may be confusing. I've started playing league again and saw what saber could do on Caitlyn. He's insane even after the bug fixes and I want to find someone who plays an adc with similar potential and at that level so I can find another adc. I was thinking maybe ez or lucian is similar in terms of high damage combos with dashes but thats about as far as I got. [link] [comments] |
What am I supposed to do as an ADC if my team is 24/7 teamfighting? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:53 PM PDT As a support it's relatively easy to control my team by proactively warding around objectives I want them to take/warding to allow my ADC to farm safely. As ADC? I get a ward every 2 minutes and I need farm badly, especially if enemy botlane is stronger early game. But when I try to farm, I either get my jungle/midlaner coming to my lane to steal it, my team is diving a 4v5 far from any objective, or there's no wards to farm anywhere but near my towers. And i can't fight as I'm behind in assists/kills/CS due to enemy adc being way stronger early game. [link] [comments] |
When to stack doran’s vs. starting your build? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT Hey guys! Top main here. Just wondering if anyone had advice on situations where stacking a few doran's blades is better than starting your build. I almost NEVER stack doran's when I back even with only ~500 gold. I'm sure there are situations when getting a start on your items is more advantageous than getting 2-3 blades, but I do not know when! Thanks, and see ya on the Rift! [link] [comments] |
How to tell if a lane is going to be volatile Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:13 AM PDT League noob here, really enjoying playing in the jungle and I've watched a lot of videos that say to focus on more volatile lanes, and you should be able to predict which ones will be at the start. I was just wondering what info you guys would suggest I use to make these predictions and improve my jungling. Thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:05 PM PDT Please do not reply directly to the thread.Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.
Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here. For all the previous weeks: Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses. Teacher: Summoner Name: Previous Week Threads: General Guidelines for Students
General Guidelines for Mentors
[link] [comments] |
How do you know your win condition? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:46 PM PDT I keep seeing that, but I have no idea how to find the one thing that will win us the game? Like, there are so many variables, how do you pinpoint it? Like say these are the teams Renekton, Kayn, Fizz, Ezreal and Thresh Vs Illaoi, Hecarim, Yasuo, Kaisa and Braum What's the win condition for each team? For team 1 feed Fizz so he can assassinate Yas and Kaisa before they can kill others? With team 2 the Braum + Yas and the Hec and Illaoi ult combination win the game? But the lanes can go either way, different dragons, rank of each player, mastery I don't know. I have no idea how to go into game and look at the whole game and go "GOT IT! I know how to win." I can find the condition more so in my own lane 1 v 1, but not the whole game and every champion. [link] [comments] |
How do you mentally recover from a losing streak? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:53 AM PDT Hey everyone! As the title suggests, I've been on a big losing streak. I'm a support main (proud one too - I think the role is incredibly engaging and super fun), and this is my second year playing ranked. Season 9 I was alternating between mid and support, peaking at Bronze 1 50lp as a Fizz/Ahri main while playing Rakan support. This season, I started in Iron 3, but managed to peak at Silver 2 98lp. I one-tricked Brand in order to carry from the botlane when my ADCs weren't great, but I elected to finally shift to utility supports (like Leona, Nautilus, Senna, etc). In doing so, I've managed to climb well! I even thought Gold was a possibility this season. But recently, I'm on a huge losing streak, something like 4-21 over my past 25 games. I've done everything from going back to comfort picks in Brand and Nautilus, to trying more healing supports like Yuumi and Nami, and even making sure to keep things positive by having fun on Bard and Leona. I enjoy having a wide champ pool, even at the expense of climbing. But now I'm almost afraid to queue up for ranked. Of those 25 games, I'd say around 15 of them I played poorly. I want to improve, but I'm timid about losing now. I'm all the way down from Silver 2 to Silver 4, maybe 4 losses away from demoting to Bronze (idk if that's how it works). How do you recover from a losing streak? I know taking a break, playing normals, learning from VODs all help, but I want to know how others deal with the mental hurdle of losing this much. My OPGG if you're curious -> [link] [comments] |
Definitive list of who's a support? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:25 PM PDT I know that positions aren't exactly set in stone, but I've started a long term pet project of getting to mastery 7 on all supports. Now that begs the question of who's a support, I never really think of vel'koz and galio as being supports but I see them come up in tier lists. What would be the best way of making a definitive list of supports? [link] [comments] |
Any Tips Versus Jhin and Xerath Support? (Not necessarily together). Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:35 PM PDT Gold ADC main. I prefer Jinx and Vayne. I duo when I can but generally I'm solo. I don't think either has an explicit advantage/ disadvantage versus Xerath, naturally Vayne's tumble is quite useful at times though. The issue stems from my supports generally hanging back and letting Xerath poke us without recourse, eventually I get whittled down and end up falling behind in CS. Both of my ADCs are notoriously weak in-lane, it's difficult to punish aggression (for me anyway), especially with a random on support. I do spec appropriately for this match-up, but it isn't enough. How can I better prevent myself from falling behind? Jhin is another issue I have, but less so than Xerath, it generally comes down to the support match-up (champ + skill). Regardless he is quite oppressive in-lane and his wildly powerful snare is a real cheap shot given how one has to dance around 1-2 support CCs and the junglers during a gank. I tend to let him shove if flash is on CD, but that's not always a viable plan. Any tips? Also notably, I've looked at stats and Jhin is literally just OP it looks like. He has no ADC counters (unlike literally everyone else). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:33 PM PDT Tldr : been playing Adc since season 3. Peaked at plat 3 last season. And I am now struggling to get out of gold 3. I feel like my role is completely irrelevant as by the time my role is useful the game is most likely over. I feel completely useless for good 30 mins where either the game is over or I win the game. Should I switch roles or continue as ADC? [link] [comments] |
Why is it so much easier to get demoted than promoted? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:59 PM PDT For instance, you need to win a best of 5 or best of 3 to get promoted, but when you reach 0 LP, you don't get to play a best of 3/5 to stay in the league, you just get demoted. Even though I have a slightly positive winrate (around 52%), my standings haven't increased in the past 2 months because the games I win are badly "timed" in regards to wins, for example they are games at 97 LP or they come in series wins, before a losing streak that gets me demoted again. If it's harder to get up than down, isn't the rank distribution not in perfect balance? [link] [comments] |
Anyone who lose feel like Voli is overturned? Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:43 PM PDT I'm a garen main and whenever I go against Voli I feel useless. He can a ton of damage with just sunfire cape. He's extremely tanky and a lane bully. Whenever I go against a Voli top it feels like it's game over. He can get fed outside of laning phase. In theory I should be able to smack him in lane. But it doesn't feel that way. [link] [comments] |
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