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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    LoL Guide Update On My Tool To Predict Professional League of Legends Games (66% with sample size of 854 games)

    LoL Guide Update On My Tool To Predict Professional League of Legends Games (66% with sample size of 854 games)

    Update On My Tool To Predict Professional League of Legends Games (66% with sample size of 854 games)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    TL;DR I created a mathematical system which analyzes each team's team composition and win conditions in order to predict the winner of the match. You can read about it in full detail here. Since my last post I incorporated scaling into my tool to make the tool less subjective in the event of mirror matchups. What I found is that having the late game advantage is 3 times more important than having the early or mid game advantage. The prediction rate of the tool dropped 3% but overall I think its an improvement because I removed some of human subjectivity by adding the scaling component to the calculations. The biggest flaw of the system presently is that is does not consider player or team strength. The tool assumes all teams are equal which is obviously not true. This definitely hurts my prediction rate but I haven't been able to think of a way to incorporate team strength in a way that is not extremely subjective (though I'm always open to ideas.) Professional teams are finally beginning to realize that Protect comps are OP.

    Now that week 2 is in the books for LCS and LEC I figured it would be a good time to stop in and talk because I've made a major change to my tool and we've seen some major shifts in drafting strategies. Since my last post, I've incorporated scaling into my tool in order to cut down on the subjectivity of the tool. In previous iterations of the tool if the team compositions were a mirror matchup my tool would use my prediction for the winner. Now, the tool factors in scaling and only takes my prediction into account of the scaling on both sides is roughly the same. One consequence of this change to the system is that the tool's prediction rate dropped from 69% to 66%. While it is a 3% decrease I think the system is overall stronger because it relies on my input less. The less subjective I can make the system the better in my mind.

    What I've found is that having the late game advantage is 3 times more important than having the early or mid game advantage. Before you go picking ultra scaling comps in solo queue though I do want to let you know that I believe this phenomenon is reserved for the professional level. The lower you go in rank the more early game is king. The biggest reason for this is the difference in gold generation on carries. Professional carries typically average 9-11 cs/min compared to the 4-8 cs/min seen in solo queue. This allows professional carries to reach item power spikes much faster which allows them to contest those all-important 3rd and 4th drakes. This is a similar phenomenon to what we see in a lot of other strategy and card games. 6-pools, cannon rushes, mono red decks, etc. all have reasonably high success rates in lower rated play but become less and less successful the higher you go. Scaling is usually king at the highest levels and we see that in League of Legends as well.

    The major flaw of my system right now is that it doesn't take into account player or team strength. The tool assumes all teams are equal which is definitely not true in the majority of professional games. I would like to add team strength to the tool in the future but right now I have not been able to figure out a way to add it without adding a ton of extra subjectivity into the system. Like I said earlier my goal is to reduce subjectivity, not increase it, so until I can find a way to add an objective measurement of team strength the system will have to stay the way it is. I'm always open to ideas if you guys have any thoughts on the matter.

    If you're not familiar with my team composition system I think this graphic summarizes it the best. Basically, there are 5 team compositions and each team composition is strong against 2 compositions and weak against 2 compositions. For example, Attack comps are strong against Split and Siege comps and weak against Catch and Protect comps. If you want to learn more about the system you can watch videos I made on the topic:

    Team Compositions 2020

    Team Composition Matchups

    Clash Strategy

    Note: My system and the MTG system from u/imls are similar but different. The analogy I like to use is one from theology; we're both painting Notre Dame, just from different perspectives. If you want to learn about the similarities and differences between our systems I did a video on that here.

    I think people are beginning to wake up to how important drafting is at the professional level. I know I'm not the only one saying this but I personally believe that drafting will be the next evolution in League of Legends. The power of flex picks, team compositions and win conditions are severely underestimated and whichever teams figure out how to use these strengths first will have a massive advantage over the competition. One of the best examples of this is G2's dismantling of Fnatic in the LEC spring finals. I go into it in full detail here but to summarize in each game G2 picked Protect comps into Fnatic's Attack comps which gave them a huge advantage in the mid and late game.

    It does seem like more teams in the LCS and LEC are picking up on this idea of team compositions (either consciously or subconsciously.) I've been saying that Protect comps are overpowered since 2018 and it seems like pro teams are finally catching on. The vast majority of team comps played at the professional level are either Attack or Catch comps and Protect comps are strong into both Attack and Catch comps. Prior to this split, Attack comps were picked 52% of the time, Catch comps were picked 24% of the time, and Protect comps were picked 14% of the time. This split, Protect comp presence has grown to 31% while Attack and Catch comp presences have dropped to 35% and 15% respectively. Protect comps are weak against Siege and Split compositions and as a response to Protect comps rising in popularity we have also seen Siege composition presence increase from 7% to 17%. However, the only teams that have actually won with a Siege composition have been G2 and C9 indicating that while many teams have identified that Siege is the correct response teams have not practiced Siege comps enough to win with them on stage. Split comps still are only played 1-3% of the time and I think that most teams evaluate them as too high-risk to be played at the professional level.

    I expect to see Protect comps dominate the meta until teams get better with Siege compositions. I'm still seeing tons of drafting flaws at the professional level (and if even I can see them you know they're bad.) Draft is unbelievably important and lots of teams are completely shooting themselves in the foot not having well defined drafting strategies. Professional teams need to devote more time to analyzing past drafts and running through hypothetical draft scenarios for future matches. While I'm no expert what I typically do with teams is I run through a lot of if/then statements to figure out where are the major weak points in our draft strategy and where we can exploit the other team's most likely draft strategy.

    It is my hope that content creators and the community will continue the conversation regarding draft strategy and team compositions. So far, I feel like we've only scratched the surface on this topic and over the next few years we're going to see a complete revolution in how the game is played. I definitely don't have all the answers yet but I'm hoping that by communicating with each other and sharing ideas we'll advance the game into a new age.

    Note: I haven't released my full system to the public yet but you can see a lot of my raw data here.

    EDIT: Thank you all so far for your recommendations on how to assess team/player strength. I don't think I was completely clear on my reservations. It more has to do with what coefficients I assign in an unbiased manner. For example, let's say one team is 300 "points" higher than their opponent. How much are those 300 points worth when it comes to win percentage and how can I determine that ratio in an unbiased way?

    submitted by /u/RandomoniumLoL
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    A Brief Description of Champions: Because OP Deleted their Account

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Many of you probably saw these posts over the past few days and, like myself, found them useful and informative. I was looking for them again, but the OP went and deleted their account.

    Here's a link to the Google Doc that they linked in the final post, but I'll be posting the text here too for ease of access.

    Anyway, A-E:

    • Aatrox is a mid-low range juggernaut with a lot of self healing, a slow, and four knockups. He has a short dash that can be cast during his Q to change its position.
    • Ahri is a mid-range burst mage with two skillshots, one of which boomerangs and one cc's, and two auto-target abilities that deal more damage if you're alone, one of which is tied to her three dashes.
    • Akali is a highly mobile close-range assassin who gains stealth while in her smoke cloud, whose synergy with Gunblade gives her a lot of self healing.
    • Alistar is a tanky frontliner who can dash in and knock you up, or knock you away, with a stun that requires him to stand next to you for a couple seconds, and whose ultimate makes him incredibly tanky.
    • Amumu, despite his size, is a tanky frontliner who needs to land his only skillshot in order to pull himself into range for his wide AoE ultimate root and disarm.
    • Anivia is a mid-range mage who can create a wall of terrain. If she hits you with her stun or you stand in her Blizzard when it's reached its max size, her targeted ability will deal more damage.
    • Annie is a mid-low range mage who can stun you with any of her three abilities if the resource under her health bar shows a purple rectangle, most often her ultimate which is a ground-target, mid-range, instant AoE that summons a pet that can auto-attack and deals damage around itself passively.
    • Aphelios is a marksman who sometimes may or may not have a lot of self healing, a lot of range, roots enough for everyone, or a lot of AoE damage. Depends on the gun, but he can't continue to use the same gun indefinitely.
    • Ashe is a marksman who slows with every auto-attack as well as her cone spell. She has an attack speed steroid that grants her bonus damage, and a slow but global-range stun skillshot that will stun longer if she hits from further away.
    • Aurelion Sol shows his range with his stars, which deal the majority of his damage. Their range can be expanded, but not contracted. He has an AoE stun, which he can increase the range and AoE of by walking next to it, and a knockback, both of which help him get you into position for his stars.
    • Azir summons untargetable soldiers that auto-attack in his place. He has one ability to move them and one ability to move himself to them, and his ultimate is a knockback that leaves a wall of terrain after casting.
    • Bard has a slow that becomes a stun if it passes through two enemies OR if it hits an enemy and terrain behind them, a heal pad that can be destroyed by walking on it, and can make it possible for both enemies and allies to travel through terrain (which he'll use to bait his Q so don't follow). His ultimate makes both enemies and allies untargetable, and his passive is a stacking mechanic that makes his auto-attacks stronger throughout the game.
    • Blitzcrank has a long-range pull skillshot that brings you directly to him and a targeted knock-up to follow it, with a movespeed boost to get in position for the skillshot an AoE burst of damage to help secure kills. He also has a shield that activates automatically at low health.
    • Brand's abilities light you on fire for DoT and being on fire grants his abilities bonus effect: His skillshot will stun, his ground-target will deal bonus damage, his targeted burn will spread, and his ultimate which bounces between enemies 5 times will prioritize enemies who are on fire. Getting hit with three abilities will make you take a large burst of %HP damage.
    • Braum's main strength is his passive, which marks you when he auto-attacks or lands his slowing skillshot. The mark increases when he lands more of either, or when his ally auto-attacks you, and at 4 stacks will stun you. He can also create a shield of ice that completely negates projectiles from the direction he's facing, and his ultimate is a knock-up that leaves a trail of slow.
    • Caitlyn is a longer-than-average range marksman who deals bonus damage periodically, or if she catches you in her traps, which she may place on the ground but are visible, or her net, which slows and also knocks her back a ways. Her ultimate is a massive range targeted ability that an ally can body block, unlike most targeted abilities.
    • Camille is a mobile fighter dashes to and then off of a wall, which will stun you. Most of her damage comes from auto-attacks, and her first will grant her a shield for a time,. She also has a cone ability that heals her. Her ultimate locks you in a ring for a time, giving her bonus damage. You cannot leave this ring by any means.
    • Cassiopeia is essentially an AP ADC who uses a fast-casting targeted ability in place of auto-attacks, which deals more damage if she poisons you with either her purple or green spew. Her purple spew remains in place on the ground and prevents movement abilities while her green spew just pops. Her ultimate is a cone of damage that stuns anyone facing her.
    • Cho'Gath is a mage who leans more on the tank side than damage, but gains scaling health throughout the game that also powers up his ultimate. He has a delayed ground-target AoE knockup, a cone that silences enemies, and can cause his auto-attacks to become AoE and slow. His ultimate is extremely short range, but deals a massive amount of true damage and makes him larger if he kills with it. He can also use it on minions and monsters.
    • Corki is a hybrid damage ability-focused marksman who deals mostly magic damage despite building mostly physical thanks to his passive that converts 80% of his auto-attack damage to magic. He has a ground-target reveal that he lobs, a dash that leaves behind a trail of fire, and a close-range cone that deals constant damage and reduces defences. His ultimate fires a rocket, with every third one being more powerful. If he is carrying something, it means he has an extra, one-use longer dash that will knock aside enemies.
    • Darius is a low-range juggernaut who makes enemies bleed for damage over time with his auto-attacks and damaging abilities and gains a massive AD boost if he lands 5. His Q, which deals damage in a delayed circle, only applies his bleed if it hits with the outer rim. He has a short-range pull that ignores minions and a true-damage targeted execute that resets cooldown on kill.
    • Diana is an mobile AP fighter, with a third-hit bonus damage passive, and a skillshot that passes through enemies and applies a mark that refunds the cooldown of her enemy-targeted dash if used on targets with the mark, as well as a shield that gains in strength if she's near an enemy. Her ultimate pulls nearby enemies towards her and deals damage around her after a delay.
    • Dr. Mundo is a juggernaut with an ult that grants him a ton of health regeneration, a slowing skillshot that deals %HP damage, a DoT around himself that stacks with Sunfire, and an auto-attack reset that grants him a lot of AD (though that only affects his auto-attacks).
    • Draven is a mid-range marksman who gains bonus damage if his weapons are literally spinning in his hands. They bounce off enemies if they are, and will continue to spin if he catches them after auto-attacking. He has an attack speed steroid and a skillshot that displaces enemies. His ultimate is a global-range damage-only ability that boomerangs back to him.
    • Ekko is a mobile AP assassin with a third-hit passive (which counts his abilities), a skillshot boomerang that slows, an AoE slow that stuns if he steps in it with you, a dash and a blink that grants his next auto bonus damage, and his ultimate returns him to where the hologram following his movements is located, healing him and dealing damage in an area around him.
    • Elise is a transforming champion with a skillshot stun and both %current and %missing max HP damage abilities, one ranged and one melee-range. In human form she can send out a spider that will try to walk to someone and explode for damage. She also summons pet spiders when she's in spider form and can become untargetable while gaining the ability to drop down onto enemies in a fairly wide area.
    • Evelynn is a low-mid range assassin who, past level 6, is invisible all the time unless she's in striking range. The heart she can put above your head without revealing herself means her next attack will either slow or charm you, depending on whether or not the heart filled up. Her ultimate is a magic damage execute that sends her backwards a distance.
    • Ezreal is a marksman in the truest sense, with mostly skillshots. One is just damage but applies on-hit effects like an auto-attack, one applies a mark that makes his next ability or auto-attack deal bonus damage, and his ultimate is global range damage. He also has a blink.
    submitted by /u/Lowbrr
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    A small neat trick on zac

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    So lemme get right to the point. Most of you are probably already starting on a warding trinket put it down where you would like to have a ward and exchange it for the ward clearing trinket before starting with your jungling (if you havent been doing this on zac start doing it from now on). When you get into a fight where you can catch someone and potentially kill him and already hit q on him use ur trinket. You might detect a ward that you'll be able to autoattack as a followup to your q and you can draw the guy you catched back in. A friend of me was even suprised that this worked while this was totally normal for me so i thought i might share it here.

    submitted by /u/Hiimzap
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    Here's a little story of two friends that might motivate you.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    A friend of mine started playing this game in season 3 as did I. He started playing ranked games back then but I didn't.

    I was afraid I'll be a "bronze noob" and made fun of by my friends who were high silver elo (which I thought was really hard to get at the time). My friend on the other hand played and ended up being bronze 3. My other friends teased him every now and then for it. He would always reply with this. "One day I will be Diamond, just wait and see".

    Season 4 I decided to play and see what happens and I ended up in silver 3. Where most my friends where so i didn't play any more solo queue. Same friend was playing ranked and got from bronze 3 to silver 1.

    Season 5 I only played my placements and got to silver 4. My friend finished the season in platinum 2

    Season 6 I decided to play a lot more ranked (350 games total compared to 10-15 games), I ended up Platinum 3, my friend ended the season in diamond 5

    Season 7 I only played placements and ended gold 2. My friend ended diamond 3.

    Season 8 I only placed and got gold 4. My friend got diamond 2. (but even hit masters a few times but dropped afterwards)

    Season 9 I didn't play at all and was unranked. My friend stopped playing much too (we basically grew up and got jobs) but he still ended season in diamond 4

    Here we are now in Season 10. I decided to get back to league and grind up the ladder again. I got placed in bronze 4, already climbed to Silver 3 but then stopped for a short 2 week break, will get back into it soon and try to at least end the season in gold. My friend stopped playing too much but still is at diamond 4.

    PS. Our other friends who used to tease, have always hanged around high silver to low gold rank.

    Bottomline is. You want to climb?

    PLAY, PLAY, PLAY AND PLAY SOME MORE! Don't be like me! Don't be afraid of *what rank you are or might end up in now or if other will judge you*. Be like my friend! Focus on where you want to be in the future. Learn, improve and grow. Ofc always with moderation and having your priorities set the right way. League isn't everything. After all it's just a game!

    *edit to make my point more clear.

    submitted by /u/wrezzakya
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    How do I transfer a cs lead into an actual lead in the game

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    I play Jinx mostly (I'm gold IV) and I frequently have games where I am over 100 cs up on the enemy adc by the end of the game but they have many more kills and assists and I cannot match them still. I just had a game where I played Jinx with Lulu support vs Senna Zyra. We played really safe and tried not to get poked out too hard so we could scale up, feeding maybe one kill each in lane phase. I framed up through the mid game and by the end of the game I had a 131 cs lead over Senna. However, my kda was 1/5/6 as opposed to her 10/2/17. It didn't help that my jungler was 1/12/1 either. My point is, how do I transfer mid game cs lead into winning the game because even though I almost always have a cs lead over my opponent, their team is still running circles around me and I feel like I can't walk up or do anything.

    Also I have no idea how to climb and I think that gold iv is my "true" elo right now because I have like a 51% win rate on Jinx but almost 500k mastery...but that's a different problem.

    submitted by /u/pk_9
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    Low Damage Per Gold?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    I've been looking at the League Stats page and noticed that my Damage Per Gold was incredibly low compared to all the other stats. For context, I one-trick Azir and all my other stats are well above average. Is there something wrong with my gameplay, or is there an odd way how this works?

    submitted by /u/bruhnard
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    Thoughts on Kogmaw and Nunu mid?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    For the uninitiated:


    Q (caustic spittle) AP ratio: 50% --> 70%

    R (living artillery) AP ratio: 25% --> 30%

    Nunu & Willump

    Q (consume) AP damage ratio: 50% --> 65% to champions

    Q AP heal ratio: 70% --> 90%

    R (absolute zero): Shield now scales with 150% AP

    Do you think either of these champions are now viable mid? I know Kog'maw has been played mid, although it was never good nor was it even remotely common recently, and Nunu was never played mid. I've tried Kog'maw after the changes and so far he still seems incredibly weak and fairly useless early, his only upside being his insane wave clear. Still seems super situational as one game I was against an assassin and a Hecarim who dove me if I even stepped like 500 range out of tower.

    Nunu I haven't tried yet, but LS mentioned on his patch notes rundown that it could become viable especially since Nunu apparently has insane waveclear as well, and now with his added sustain and dueling potential, he could survive more poke in lane and just shove wave and roam. Going full AP means that now you effectively get a barrier on your ult if you are bursted down.

    Thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/lifesucks4
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    Why is Karthus rarely picked bot-lane? Will the massive changes to his wall on the PTR make a difference?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Karthus received huge changes to his wall on the PTR.

    Wall of Pain (W)

    Slow increased from 4s to 5s

    [**New**] Enemies within the wall are gounded.

    [**New**] Enemy dashes which pass through the wall are stopped and these enemies are slowed by an additional 20%."

    I could be wrong but so far as I can tell Karthus is an unpopular pick as a bot-lane APC. I figure that's because he simply gets outclassed in-lane, especially when opposing catch supports. The changes to W should (possibly?) help against a lot of match-ups; Lucian, Leona, Thresh, Ali, and Vayne readily come to mind.


    submitted by /u/dubious_diversion
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    Are you screwed if you don't get a big enough of a lead as a lane bully/early game champion?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Hello, I am relatively new to League and so I wasn't sure about this. Do you become useless if you don't get a big enough lead as a lane bully(Renekton, Darius etc)? If I was playing Renekton and was up against a scaling champion like Jax and I don't get a big enough lead, do I just become dead weight? The Jax can just simply sit there and relax while I try to make active moves against him (which can lead me to being ganked). I realize that I can go to enemy jg and look to do something, but I feel like that is so risky. Mid and late game comes I just fall to the scaling champions. Again I am relatively new to League, so if anybody can clear this up, that will be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Also be sure to make your answer a clear yes or no. I forgot to add this to the post

    submitted by /u/Candy346
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    How do you deal with tk top?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Basically the title. I just played against it and there is actually no way to stop it. His early game damage is ridiculous and I have no idea where it comes from. 3 autos and a q and you're just dead regardless of who you are. If you feed him kills, he just becomes an unkillable juggernaut because it doesn't seem like there's any way to get rid of him. If you play passive, there's nothing you can do because he's just going to get fed off of farm while denying you everything. It didn't help the team that he was on had a yuumi (nerf did absolutely nothing to her btw). So every other lane fed, but yuumi attached to tahm and they won the game. Please help me make sure this never happens again.

    OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=MadrigalKing

    The game is the third one down at the time of posting this (jax 2/12/3), but if you look at my normals history you'll see my problem is beyond kench.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Tips for Communicating Effectively

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm JT! I've reached GM NA in season 10. Communication is important in League, but pings and chat are often misused (even in Master+ elo).

    Here are some tips to communicate properly in League. If you are more of a visual learner, I go over some of these tips in a video linked below.

    1. Ping your intentions. Recalling? Ping that you are recalling and your gold. For bonus points you can also type something like "im b" in chat. Ganking? Ping that you are on the way. Changed your mind and not ganking? Ping danger and ping where you are actually going.

    2. Use pings, don't OVERUSE pings. Ping things that are useful information like when someone uses a summoner spell or ult. Or when the next dragon is spawning. Don't ping your teammates dead body or re-spawn timer (unless there is a good reason like holding off on finishing Baron until your whole team is alive).

    3. Don't abuse your ping privileges. Teammates can mute your pings if they want to. Don't give them a reason to do so.

    4. If death is looming over you or teammates don't be afraid to max out your pings. Try not to be obnoxious but if the fed Katarina re-spawned and will probably be at the fight soon, ping that she is alive and ping whatever else you need to so that you can get others to back off. Sometimes people won't listen and that's just part of life. Just make sure that you are pinging properly.

    5. Shield your mentality. Adopt the "mute and move on" motto. If someone typed or pinged something that bothers you, just mute them and move on. If you get tilted you'll communicate less and you won't care as much about what your teammates are communicating. If you start to get annoyed because of a teammates chat or pings, mute them. This is especially important if you find yourself getting in chat battles or getting distracted reading chat. I've found that 90% of the time in my games chat is useless and irrelevant. Instead of disabling chat I'll usually mute all of my teammates chat manually at the start of a game. That way I can still time summoners and make calls. If it's one of those games where everyone is abusing their chat and ping privileges and you are bothered by it, then /mute all. Maintaining your focus is the most important thing.

    6. Use chat to convey information that is relevant to the current game. If you find that you are often typing to teammates about their win rates, mistakes, or any information other than things that will help you win the game. you should probably disable team chat.

    7. Disable all chat. I think most of the time team chat is used for silly things, and all chat is used for things that don't matter even more often. I think the thing all chat is used the most for is to try to tilt opponents. So I'd suggest turning it off. You should be focusing on getting better, not winning through tilting your enemies by typing to them. It also shouldn't concern you to know if the enemies are typing "open" you'll be able to see if they have all AFK'ed so don't worry about it. Because if they haven't all AFK'ed then it isn't really an open mid.

    8. Type "MB" after you mess up or if something may be perceived as your fault. Typing a simple "MB" (even if it wasn't entirely your fault) can make a huge difference in the way your teammates view you. Honestly, it helps a lot.

    9. Ping enemies that you spot or other things you notice that your teammates may not have. Ping if something is warded, ping if you're suspicious of a brush. Please just ping more often.

    10. Ping objective timers and ping if you think your team should contest an objective that the enemy team may be taking.

    Put these tips into practice and I'm confident that you'll feel positive when playing and win more often.

    I've also put together a short video on this topic that is educational and (hopefully) sorta funny. https://youtu.be/1f_38KsyphU

    submitted by /u/JT_LoL
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    Climbing as support

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I generally play pyke support and while I haven't played much ranked I've felt like it's super hard to do well if I can't coordinate well with my adc, they go for bad trades, or other stuff like that. I know it's not just them and it's my fault too sometimes but I feel like how well I do is so contingent on my team that I can't consistently win. Any tips on how I can be more effective in games to win as support?

    submitted by /u/hawk8001
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    How do you play ADC vs 2 fed solo lanes?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Just off of the back of my previous game:

    I'm tristana, I leave lane 20m at 6/1 - that's pretty fed for an ADC right?

    But I'm against a nunu top 7/1 and a qiyana mid 10/0

    How can I play into that?

    Both of my solo laners are a level BELOW me (the adc)

    Is it even possible to win that kind of game? It just ended up with them saving all their abilities for me, and I just got CC'd to fuck in every team fight and ended the game 8/4

    I just felt so...powerless?

    Just looking for general advice i guess, I'm aware that positioning etc. Play a key role in ADC team fights

    submitted by /u/KaffY-
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    What's the hotkey that TF Blade uses?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    I've watched a few of his streams now noticing this. And I think it would be super handy to know. He basically walks to the side of his opponent down the lane where he moves and simultaneously attacks as he chases them down.

    I think this is to avoid falling behind your opponent due to your auto stopping you moving. To give more detail, it also procs the basic attack range.

    Is it simply him pressing A then left click? or is it something else? Because every he clicks, it's a movement animation of green on the cursor rather than a red sword or a red crosshair.

    I'm dying to know what this might be.

    submitted by /u/PotatoSaladFails
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    How do you not go down 30 cs to a lane bully who mostly all ins but doesnt trade often, like Darius?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I was playing Jax into Darius and I had to give up a lot of CS because if I went for a minion that was too close to him, he'd just all in me. So I avoided taking bad CS and it put me at like 60 CS to his 90 CS. There was no jungle interference from my jungler so it was all me. I ended the laning around 0/1/ to his 1/0 and then I went and helped my team and finished the game fed because I didn't let him kill me more than once. But, I find that happens a lot where i'm up against a very strong 1 v 1 champion, so i'm giving up loads of CS because if I step up they'll all in me. Is it okay to be down that much CS? I watch pros play the same matchup but usually they have junglers help them which doesn't seem to happen too often for me.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Reach Platinum IV

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I would like to climb till Platinum IV this season. I always have played normal games and just a few ranked games to be in Gold IV but this season I want to go a little bit further, so I would appreciate every tip you give to me, experiences, what you have done for reaching Platinum IV, what are the differences between a low gold player and a low platinum player... In essence everything you consider important for getting that rank. Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/YagoCL10
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    How a hardstuck silver 3 got to gold in a couple days.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    So my story is i played league before but it was for fun only and i played on eune.My friends told me that eu west is better and i decided to switch to it partialy bcs of that and bcs a lot of my friends were there.I started playing ranked and i got to gold last season.This season i didnt play much at the start but i kinda had time to spare during lockdown so i played.Ive never had a main role or a main champion.I just played what came to me and ive had 300 games and i was silver 3.In other words i was hardstuck and i literally couldnt go above 50 lp.Here is what i did to get myself out of that situation.Ive got on a 27w/4l streak and got to gold.Here is how i got there.

    Ive picked a role.U need to play and focus on one role.Every role is different from each other and having one role that ur really familiar with helps.The best roles to carry might be mid and jg bcs they can impact the map a lot so i chose jg.Top is ok if u play some hard 1v9 champ and supp and adc are good if u are premade with someone.

    Chose a few champions that u will play.It is good to know a lot champions but its waay better if u can play 4 champs on the highest lvl possible.Bonus points if those champs are easy and dont require u to think about mechanics.I can recommend some champs for jg:Olaf(really easy and u dont have to mind about cc and enemy cooldowns,is really good early and has good ganking but falls off hard late),Trundle(a good tank champ that can steal resists and kill someone very fast even if they are a tank,decent ganks and a good tank with some peel for carries with your e),Graves(great if u can adapt to his playstyle,fun to play),Kayn(pretty strong in meta,can be versitile and red kayn heals for insane amount,might get a bit boring after some time tho),Ww(good starting jg that teaches u to look for ganks,has cc has heal has damage,not the best at any stage of the game but pretty good at all parts)

    Dont focus on teamates.Ive thought that i am being held back by others.U need to realise something.If u are good u will for sure get out of ur elo.Every mistake is ur mistake.Do not expect others to always help u with someone even if u have vision and even if u can 1v2.Do not relly on people in soloq but see who u can trust in as the game progresses.Also if a guy is inting u sometimes gotta accept the loss and move on.

    Communication with ur team.I am ashamed but i was one of those people that are getting tilted by any mistake my teamates make.As soon as i ignored them and started using chat as its intended i started improving.If u are playing jungle a part of doing it is to keep track of enemy jg.If their jg is coming bot what u have to do is:ping where he is and type it just in case,countergank if u think u can 3v3,do objectives and his camps on the other side of the map.I feel like this helps a lot and that most of the time my team is able to avoid a gank like this.Encourage ur team.Im not sure does this work but it for sure is better than focusing on the negatives.Type a wp or well done or whatever to ur team after they make a good play.Also dont get salty after a bad one and type that its ok.It doesnt hurt and it keeps their mindset in the game.Im not saying this will work as some people will inevitably get tilted after they die but its worth trying.Type what are u planing to do.

    Also a viable tactic that is kinda scumy is to make enemy team flame each other and make them tilt.I do not specialise in this kind of tactic so i have no specific examples but u get the point.Its low elo people have ego and they blame others.

    Champs i used to climb are:Olaf,Trundle,Graves(explained earlier),Shaco(fun comfort pick),Lee sin(im not the best with him but i can do some cool moves so hes fun and pretty good in soloq),Ekko(strong but needs some practice) and Shyvana.I recommend having ap,ad and a tank so that u can take what ur team needs.

    submitted by /u/AlphaPotato2137
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    I Need Help With ADC Itemization

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    I know which items to buy and when however I am more concerned with the components. Let's say I recall or die with 1000 gold early game and I am wanting to eventually get an IE. Would I buy a pickaxe and boots, just a pickaxe or go back to lane and wait for a BF sword?

    Also if I need grievous wounds is the item worth getting over another item I can finish? For example, if I am against deaths dance users or another healer should I buy an executioners calling over finishing a zeal item?

    Finally, I find myself never knowing how to buy a GA. For example, if I have only one item slot left and I want a GA which component do I buy? I know if I'm facing a fed rengar or zed I would buy the stopwatch but are there ever situations where I would just buy the BF sword instead of a stopwatch?

    submitted by /u/xaneh
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    Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all the types of cc in game?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    I know some of them are obvious like stuns and slows, but I feel a lot of new players might get hit with a Warwick ult and wonder exactly what "suppressed" means, or the difference between a knock up and a stun, or even just simple things like the difference between hard cc and soft cc. I'm not sure if this has been asked before, or if it even exists, but I reckon it'd be pretty useful to know all the different types of crowd control in a game absolutely packed full of them

    submitted by /u/CarelessCrusader1099
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    The climb is frustrating, and I'm starting to become toxic the more matches I play. Any tips on how not to lose my sanity and/or improve my play?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    As the title says. I've been playing for some time now (3 years? more or less) and I've always been hardstuck silver. Last season I decided to grind the last two or three weeks of the season trying to get to gold (I really wanted that aatrox skin) and ended up like 20 lp short to the gold 4 promos.

    I feel like I'm close to that desired gold border (and skin), but this season feels more like being held up by the teammates that I get instead of my own ability. It feels like 3 of 5 matches are decided by which team has more lvl 30-50 fresh accounts that are not smurfs.

    This fresh accounts of legitimately new people obviously end up losing their lane/jungle and enabling the snowballing of the enemy team. Last season this wasn't common at all, and I used to help these guys in game giving them advice and protecting them from flame. Nowadays I start tilting when I see one or two accounts in my team within level 30-60 because I know that there's a high chance of losing the game.

    At first, I started to try and adapt. I usually play top/jg so I began to play team-oriented champs (that I usually didn't play). Shen, Ornn, helped me but I felt that I wasn't making any difference. Then I thought that I should pick more carry-oriented champs so I switched to Garen, Darius, Tryndamere but that didn't help either. Eventually I went to less meta champs in top (Tristana, Warwick, Ezreal) to which I found some success but they fell off quickly when the enemy started to group up. I lost my confidence as a top laner and started to queue for different positions in hope to make anything work. ADC, mid, support, nothing worked (obviously). Those aren't my roles, and it shows in my matches.

    I took a break from ranked and went to play with some friends that are new to the game, but I started flaming them.I felt bad about that and stopped playing with them because they don´t deserve that.

    I'm stuck. I really took a hit to my confidence as a league player. This season I managed to get to silver 1 at more or less 70 lp. The last match I played dropped me to silver 4.

    I really don't know what to do at this point. I'll be taking a (forced) break for a couple of weeks from ranked due to final exams at uni but I'm afraid that my own confidence is lost. I like league, and I don't want to stop enjoying it.

    So /r/summonerschool, what should I do? I really want to try and get to gold, but I don't know what else can I do.

    I'll link my op.gg if anyone wants to look at it (I play in LAN). Link

    Mandatory apologies if any errors in my english.

    submitted by /u/Dew18
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    Hod do i learn to itemise

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    All the tutorials I can find start by assuming that you know the basics of the buying items, which I don't. They tell you why to build, but they don't tell you how to build or what to build. "Use items that will give tou more xxxxxx", yea but what are those items? It's not begginers guide if you assume that begginers know what every item does. I tryed reading the description of the items, but that doesn't help me. A lot of people in comments are saying that they are experiencing the same problem. I build the same set of items every single game. I don't know why they are good, or why I build them. I only know that some website told me to do so. Can anyone tell me how they learned to itemise.

    submitted by /u/okosoky
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    How to carry?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    I find myself a lot of times ahead and winning lane hard but not able to win because the rest of the team is not doing as well. Just last game with Kayn I had 95 kill participation and got pretty fed. I got the first two drakes early and helped the laners but they kept getting solo(bot 2v2) killed in their lanes and still it seemed winnable because other than MF they weren't super fed. I even stole a baron late game and we pushed a bit. I ended the game with most damage and 95% KP and lost.

    How do I translate my lead to the entite team better and how do I hande late game ( especially team fights) when I an the fed one who might carry?

    submitted by /u/LickLickMyDubDub
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