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    Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    LoL Guide Use your enemy's false sense of security to your advantage! (Especially as a jungler)

    LoL Guide Use your enemy's false sense of security to your advantage! (Especially as a jungler)

    Use your enemy's false sense of security to your advantage! (Especially as a jungler)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    The exact same play can be way better/safer if the enemy thinks they're immune to it. Sounds pretty straightforward, right?

    Let's get into some examples:

    1a) Dragons: Let's say the enemy jungler cleared the botside crab and the first dragon just spawned. If you have a gapcloser you can use it to hop over the wall and sneak an easy drake. The enemy team will subconsciuosly think the drake is safe. This works surprisingly well, even in higher elo (EUW jungler Agurin uses this strat even in Chall 1400lp).

    1b) Rift Herald: You can basically do the same with Rift Herald, but it's even possible to do it without a gapcloser as you can walk into the pit on the upper border of the crab vision without getting spotted by the crab. (Only works for this pit, not drake pit).

    2) Ganks: Do your enemies have a ward that's deactivated by a control ward? GREAT! People tend to play way more unsafe if they have a deactivated ward than without any ward at all. You can go for ganks that wouldnt be possible otherwise.

    3) Baiting the bait: Is an enemy brushcamping in a warded bush? If you walk directly towards them they may be scared off because they suspect it being warded, try to walk in the same direction, but a bit parallel to trick them and catch them offguard. (This one may be the most obvious, but I felt like I needed to add it nonetheless)

    4) This was about wards and their vision, but I was informed that riot changed that, mb on this... Previously wards would still shortly grant vision after being cleared which you could use for mindgames. This is no longer possible.

    Bonus: 5) If you have 2 smite charges and a big objective is up you can waste your smite on an enemy. They are now more likely to start a risky baron or elder (that may cost them the game if failed), because they think you can't steal/contest it. Only do this if you're absolutely sure they can't rush it in the 15 seconds your smite is down though!

    As a final remark I'd like to add that some of these may sound stupid, but I can assure you that they're effective atleast up to D3! I made frequent use of these lil strats on my climb and way more often than not they worked out! Thanks for reading till here :)

    Edit: Nr 4 isnt in the game anymore, thanks to u/ShouyaV2 for pointing it out!

    submitted by /u/ayelashes
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    How to Clear Your Jungle Efficiently (4 Tips)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    I started making a video on how to clear efficiently with Sejuani, and realized how many of these principles translate to other champions. So here are some tips on how to clear efficiently!

    1) Use CC to cancel the auto attacks from camps (especially buffs) and stay healthier

    Ex: On Sejuani, if you don't cancel any of red buff's autos, you tank 9 AAs (450 damage). But if you use your W and E to cancel autos at optimal times, you only tank 4 AAs (200 damage). That saves 250 damage, which is 40% of her health at level 2.

    2) Use AoE Abilities on as many creeps as possible.

    Ex: While clearing krugs on Graves, save your Q cooldown until you pop the large krug into 2 medium krugs. This way your Q will damage 3 medium krugs instead of just the large and medium. Or save it until all 6 small krugs are spawned. You get the idea.

    3) Use mobility spells to scale terrain and get to camps faster\*

    Ex: On Amumu coming from mid lane to raptors, use Q to pull yourself to the camp instead of walking around. *note\* only use mobility spells when you know you won't need them for the cooldown length. Don't use mobility spells to get to camps if you may need to gank, join a fight, or defend an invade.

    4) Use displacement CC to move the camp towards your next camp

    Ex: Use Nocturne E to Fear the gromp towards Wolves if that's where you're clearing to. Or towards tri brush if you're planning on ganking that lane afterward.

    These Efficiency tips may seem small individually, but all together they make a major difference in gameplay! Let me know what other effiiency tips you have, I'm sure I didn't get all of them :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    How to deal with Fiora as Kayle during laning phase?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Title says it all. Learning to play Kayle, got about 30 games on her so far. Most people say she's weak early but I've had great luck playing safe until 6, and poking after forvkill setups, and I've generally been able to setup massive leads early.

    Enter Fiora. I had no answer in lane. She dove me under tower. She slapped me around in lane like I was nothing. She taunted me. I fed her 6 kills before lvl11 and just couldn't even run fast enough from her.

    I now hate Fiora.

    In the end I just kept my farm going and eventually did my scaling thing and we ended up having an easy comeback once I hit 16, but damn I don't want to make it that hard on my team and that easy for Fiora again.

    Any advice for laning against her? Rune suggestions? Early items?

    submitted by /u/swakhammer86
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    Losing games when I am behind or being constantly invaded as a Taliyah jungle , what are my options?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Hi, I've recently picked up Taliyah in the jungle and noticed I've been doing decently in games where I get a lead or get to farm a lot. It might not be a surprise to say that I lose most games where I fall behind or don't get to farm a lot, but the thing is I have not won a single game so far where those scenarios have happened unless a lane was smurfing and solo carried the game.

    Because of Taliyah's early clear, I feel like it is so hard to get back into the game if u fall behind. If I get invaded on my buffs by the lvl 3 lee sin enemy jungle or whatever and die, I find it so hard to clear just raptors and krugs without using all of my mana. I've had games where I just get outjungled so hard I can go over 10+ deaths if I fall behind early. This doesn't happen with other junglers I play, so I'm wondering what I can do to try and come back. If it is to any help my roles are jungle & support, I play on EU and I am currently gold 2.

    submitted by /u/Ghost-Doge
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    Playing passive with an aggressive support?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    I recently played a draft/normal game as Sivir with a Thresh support against Vayne and Leona, and had a question on how the optimal lane phase should have gone.

    My mistake was committing to bad Thresh hooks which killed us both (there were a few other points to learn from which I can elaborate on). Vayne got an advantage and used it to kill jungle/mid when they came down so it was a short game.

    How should I play the lane phase? My idea was to just poke and farm but Thresh went for a lot of hooks and was playing more aggressive (which I followed up in a bad way).

    Is it the wrong move to sit back and poke? Is there any point which I should be following up on the hooks?

    I'm new to the game (~lvl 34) so any advice helps. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/tyrostoken
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    How do you effectively stop nasus from stacking?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    I confess that I never thought nasus was that great because I suck at the game, but I honestly have no idea how to keep him from stacking. Even if you try to punish him he just walks up and lifesteals. After he has sheen, he's super hard to fight and if he has ult, it's impossible unless you're up 5 kills. It just feels like the dog does what the dog wants regardless of your efforts to stop him. For reference, I've played darius and urgot into him. I realize darius is a counter to him, but after he has sheen it just feels like you can't fight. Even before he just withers your attack speed down and shreds your armor.

    Tldr: idiot getting fucked by late game scaler and can't replicate the success so he doesn't know how to stop it.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    So, how do Ashe crits work?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Title. I've been arguing with my friend that Ashe does do a lot of damage building crit, but he insists that she only gets more slows. Is that true?

    We've been reading the passive for a long time but how does it work really? Does she do less damage or more building crit compare to a normal character?

    And how does Q interact with her autos and crits? Is it just a bonus on top of the frost shot amplification or is there any way to calculate this?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Mr_Dunk_McDunk
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    Should a jungler take mid wave if the laner is in base?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Let's say both midlaners reset and there's an even mid wave arriving. I know if you try to last hit the wave will slow push towards the enemy by the time your midlaner is back and the enemy could set up a freeze. So the option is to either leave it untouched and both midlaners come back missing 1-3 creeps OR the jungler can push the wave and let it crash to the turret. With the first option I think your midlaner would be more happy because he can get gold+xp on the dying creeps but there is a loss of half a wave that no one gets. With the second option your midlaner loses gold and exp but the whole wave goes to the jungler. also if it's a cannon wave, there could even be an exp difference of a whole wave between your mid and the enemy mid because the enemy would arrive to their turret in time for all it of. So what option would you guys do in this situation and why?

    submitted by /u/D4ZZL3
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    Brand new to the game? What are my priorities to learn?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I picked League up just a few days ago, and I'm enjoying Miss Fortune right now. My main question is what tutorials or tools would you recommend to get to a decent understanding the game? I know last hitting and over-extending are some significant problems I'm working on, but understanding which champions do best in which roles or which abilities to upgrade when would significantly help. Also, is there a practice mode where I can just try out other champions without it affecting my overall win rate?

    submitted by /u/saxxy_assassin
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    How important is a frontline in team comps ?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Ranged toplaners are becoming really popular and meta junglers are assassins, it has led me to question how important having a tank in your team is, because you always see people saying "we don't have a tank, it's lost" but is it really mandatory to have one ? Illuminate me please

    submitted by /u/Kumigarr
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    Any tips for fizz mid against ranged champs?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Whenever I play mainly fizz or melee champs with no ranged ability and go up against a ranged champ like ziggs or Azir (somewhat ranged) I always find myself getting zoned out from cs or getting half my health chunked for 1 wave. What do you guys think I should do to counteract this?

    submitted by /u/yyeeeeeet
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    Remove unfun champs

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Why don't they take the approach wizards of the coast took


    Aetheworks marvel banned. A card that didnt really have a dominant placing in the competeitve scene, I mean it was up there, but it was banned because "it wasn't fun"

    and thats' what it should be. It's a game first. The point of this game is to have fun. Not to mention the regular players far out number the competitive players, so it should be balanced based on fun. A lot of the older champions aren't fun. Idk what the designed philosophy back then for people like lux, teemo, syndra, but they need to be prioritized rework asap. Not because they are op but because it isn't fun. It's not fun having one part of the game just be irreverently written off because certain champs dont like interaction

    submitted by /u/Much_Most
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    Jungle Questions

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Hi all

    So I'm looking to learn the basics of jungle so I can at least play the role in case of auto fill and also just trying out new things. question 1 I heard that gank focused junglers are better in low elo (iron 1) so WW jax and trundle and to stay away from Yi, zac and farm heavy junglers is this true or both styles viable in low elo? question 2 Is jungle pathing that important after like level 6 or when you have items? I mean pathing seems important in your first and maby secound clear but how important is it after that?

    Any other things I should now as a new jungler? feel free to tell me.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/1Grant1
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    ADC matchup tips

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I'm an ADC main in soloQ and I've gotten really frustrated because of losing certain botlane matchups that just don't feel fair. The one that comes to mind right now is especially tristana. She's strong enough early that I can't harass her down early (with caitlyn) and after a few levels she just jumps onto me and I die in a few seconds. Is there something i can do against this ?

    submitted by /u/n00btagger
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    Which champions now/don’t take Guardian?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Basically, which champions now drop their current keystone for the new guardian or switch from guardian now that it's lost it's move speed buff?

    Specifically, champs like Taric and Rakan benefited from the move speed guardian gave them to help with their engage. Is that still the best keystone for them?

    submitted by /u/GamingBotanist
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    How Do I Deal With Tanky Midlaners?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    So this is probably one of my biggest matchup problems as of right now (except vs. Yasuo LMAO).

    I can't seem to get a grip when I'm playing against tanky champions in mid. Someone like Galio is a nightmare to lane against for me. He denies cs with his q and on top of that it does ludicrous damage. Something like Garen mid (a pick i've been seeing a lot lately) seems impossible to kill mid-lategame 1v1, but maybe that's the point.

    If I see someone playing something like Cho, Garen, Galio in mid I usually pick Annie. She's my go-to for staying in lane and picking up a solo kill or two against tankies. Otherwise I'm picking someone like Zed or Leblanc. If I pick first I feel like I'm screwed when I see a tanky mid in champ select.

    I'm down in lane kills and CS against these guys. In some of the worst cases I've even been too weak to even roam. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/canigetitonspoofy
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    How do i improve my jungling skills ?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    i main diana and khazix but i feel better in jg with kha, this is what happens in a good game vs a bad game scenario. ps i am a low elo s3 on my way to gold soon tho.

    in a good game 1 or 2 at least team members will be playing safe and because i am playing in a low elo the enemy wont be focusing on warding resulting in easy ganks so i get fed or my team mate getting fed so easier objectives and an easy game.

    but that doesn't happen that, much most of the time exactly the opposite works and with no kills i become "playing an assassin jg" useless mid game and if i fall behind its so hard to get back so if so i either end up with a very high or a very low KDA and i am wondering how can have a more stable performance not that dependent on my team mates.


    submitted by /u/Dumbfoundead69
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    Draven axe mechanics

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    I am curious about how Draven's axes function. I think I have a general idea: if you walk in a certain direction after you've thrown the axe it will land at the spot you would be if you kept moving in a straight line in that direction.

    But what about when standing still (after the first one of course)? Is there somewhere a more technical description? E.g. (movement speed) * (2 seconds) units in a straight line from the point of where the attack was performed in the direction of initial motion. And something similair with standing still?

    I find it interesting to know on a more mathematical basis how the champions function (e.g. percentage ap numbers on abilities).

    Tldr: What's the math behind how Draven's axes land?

    Ps: English is not my first language, so if something isn't clear just ask me what I mean and I'll try to rephrase it.

    submitted by /u/MiDaDa
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    If you tell someone that they shouldn’t use a champion because they are “hard”, then you’re not helping anyone and you should leave this sub

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Title says it all, if someone asks if they should buy a champion like Katerina or Zoe and you say you shouldn't buy them because oh "they're hard to use" or "oh you're only in silver 3 choose someone else" no, just buy the goddamn champ, it might take some extra learning and practicing but you'll get there. And there are so many tools to help you if you want to main a hard champ. Don't let anyone say who you can and can't use. People told me to stay away from Zoe because she was too hard and I did just fine with her in my games and I was level 35 when this happened. But if someone is just starting the game and they say, "I want to use katerina " you should say I think you should stick to easier champs before you get to the hard champs. Or just let the guy buy the champion. You don't have to be a pro with the champ, you just have to be decent at your own level with the champ.

    submitted by /u/alive_user_of_reddit
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    How do I play gank reliant junglers (like Warwick) without getting too aggressive and feeding?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I feel like my Warwick games go one of two ways:

    1. We start off really well and I am able to gank a lane and get super strong early

    2. I end up getting too aggressive and feed a lead to another enemy

    How can I learn to play safe and aggressive at the same time. Right now this is holding me back. My games are either me dominate or I'm getting wrecked. Seems like a general low elo problem. So hopefully someone has some good resources for me

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How to play against Hecarim (OP)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys I've played a lot of mid and adc lately with hecarim in the games as enemy jg.

    I have no idea how to deal with him.

    He always flies in at a million speed and either comes behind me and fucks me, or even if I'm hiding on turret he just runs in and kills me anyway taking only one tower hit.

    If I try to kill him in his jg he just runs away

    I really don't know how to play vs him, the champ seems very OP

    submitted by /u/Stud_Boy69
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    Having a hard time pushing through to Platinum

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    So I started playing League a few months ago and decided I wanted to try climbing, so a month ago, I did. I main Lee Sin, Fiddlesticks and Irelia and have a few other pocket picks, but mostly those three. I made it to Gold, and was Gold II a week ago, but I've been struck with a horrible losing streak and went all the way down to Gold IV. I just can't seem to carry anymore, my teammates start feeding before I can even finish blue buff, and if I manage to steal dragons and take objectives as even the top laner, I get blamed for the loss and I end up tilting to oblivion. I've been playing normals whenever I get too fed up but as soon as I feel like I'm ready again the same thing happens over and over.

    I'm currently trying muting all and playing with friends, but I can't seem to play and end with a gain instead of a loss. What should I do at this point? Are there any major things I should be doing to carry harder? How do I push through to higher ranks?

    submitted by /u/rewindxdd
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    Question about cs

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Is it okay to have less cs than your opponent? I played a game as an ashe agaisnt a Lucian and he had more cs than me (70 more cs) I honestly tried to farm but it was difficult since the enemy team had an Evelynn and annie who could constantly 1 shot me , I tried to clear waves that our really close to our turret but other than that I let my other teammates push them(ryze, Darius) was that okay ? Or should I have aimed for more CS and pushed waves ?

    submitted by /u/Thefifalegend21
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    Surviving assassins as ADC

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    I just played an Ashe game where i literally went 1/10/3 as the enemy (blue)Kayn was hopelessly fed after laning phase (i.e. I didnt feed him), and I just had no idea how to survive in fights or in general. Yuumi would hop onto him and he would move 1000 mph and with edge of darkess I cannot CC him before its too late. My team could not peel him off me as he literally just has to touch someone squishy in order for them to die.

    The obvious answer would be "play safe" but how does one do that vs someone that literally walks through walls? staying out of the fight is out of the question as he would just kill someone else in stead, leaving the same result.

    submitted by /u/presidentgarf
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