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    Monday, July 6, 2020

    LoL Guide Elise and tower diving.

    LoL Guide Elise and tower diving.

    Elise and tower diving.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    I made a similar post recently that I'm not sure how much of it was really common knowledge, but for anyone who plays Elise, thinks of playing her, or comes across her in game, there is a very interesting mechanic with her that I don't know if people are aware of.

    I always thought people say Elise is great at tower diving because of her quick burst and her ability to rappel up and drop tower Agro.

    When she is in human form, as everyone knows she is a threat from her infamous dreaded cocoon. This ability does no damage, in other words, landing it won't draw tower agro at all. I've put quite a few mastery points into this champ and only just realized this myself. For anyone who doesn't know the champ, this is a pretty huge deal. Locking down someone under a turret will help unload half your abilities for the dive before you are actually taking any turret damage. Ideally I thought you should be going in for the kill, and getting out before the turret kills you denying the enemy a 1v1 trade, but if your quick enough you can successfully gain a quick kill and rappel out before the turret actually lands a hit, or two, meaning you can get out with a kill while remaining healthy should another laner or jger come in, you can escape far easier or even look to dive back in on that champ.

    I'm sure a lot already know this, but for me I've only just stumbled upon this information and it's completely changed the way my mindset is now, for approaching a tower dive.

    The more you know....

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    Kill Stealing as a jungle noob

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    My main role is mid, but I'm trying to learn jungle to improve my awareness and macro. In my first few games with Xin Zhao, I've had a bunch of people complaining about kill stealing whenever I go for ganks. Whenever I'm in mid, I never really care who gets the kill as long as it gets secured. Is this a thing that I should worry about/try to improve?

    submitted by /u/Ikaros1824
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    Inting is rarely bannable, but flaming them is. Try to focus on your gameplay during these games even though it looks doomed.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    This is not a rant / rage post, however it does cover a topic hard to talk about without bringing up Riot's difficulties with it.

    Hey guys, i'm making this post because in my experience, every new friend of mine who has started playing the game has received either a chat restriction or a ban on this topic. Especially those coming from CSGO where everything goes. The tough pill to swallow about this game is that both soft inting and hard inting is pretty much nonpunishable, and it usually doesn't occur to people unfamiliar with Riot's banning systems that you can get banned for calling them out on it.

    The important thing to understand, is that to Riot, It Does Not Matter Who Started It.

    A very famous example of this is VideoGameDunkey being banned for typing some... creative insults to a Malphite that was running it down under towers in his game. This is especially infuriating once you being checking match histories of accounts dedicated to running it down on purpose that simply do not get banned. Unfortunately, you have to accept it as part of the game.

    Riot has said that they are finally working on a system for banning people running it down, but even for if that does work, Nobody Can Be Banned In The Middle Of The Game. So yes, the more expressive of us will be tempted to let loose on them and then report after, but unfortunately you are more likely to get banned because it is So Much Easier To Ban Off Chat Logs Than Gameplay.

    Focus on your gameplay. Focus on your laning, your teamfighting, landing your abilities, everything normal and try to avoid it as much as possible. Is this always going to happen? no, but typing will only make it worse for you. There are no "key words" to avoid banning. anything even remotely construed as flame will result in a chat restriction or banned. Especially Check For Duo Queues Before You Type. As far as I have been able to tell, if a duo queue reports somebody a penalty is issued near instantly.

    Overall, try to remember these tips to stay honor unlocked even in tense games:

    1: Mute people's ping and chats, you can't mute gameplay but you can make it quiet

    2: Disable the chat. This works surprisingly well as most flame is spur-of-the-moment, and having to go find the setting to turn it back on again is usually more annoying than worth it.

    3: Practice weak points in your gameplay. Bad at csing? tunnel in on it. Need to roam more often? Focus on that. Just because somebody is throwing doesn't necessarily (sometimes it does) need to affect how you play in lane

    4: There is next game. Losing sucks. Losing on a winstreak a loss streak or a regular day sucks, but the general rule of competitive games is if you perform well consistently, you WILL climb.

    5: Complain to your duo / stream. If you play with somebody, complain to them, it feels better to say it out loud and talk to somebody than angry typing in the darkness, if you play solo, consider streaming to air out frustrations While Staying Withing TOS

    6: Report anyway. While it is a slim chance, you may be able to get them banned. Remember you can Go To Riot Support's Site To Ban Post-Game If You Forgot.

    Good luck out there everyone, and try to stay clean on the rift!

    submitted by /u/ShadyBoi47
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    Attacking In LoL

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    So I just played one or two game and notices that it's really hard to attack in LoL, Even my enemy said "Don't forget to use attack next time, kay?" but I was right clicking, so i searched about it and found out that there's more than 1 way to attack.

    I honestly doesn't understand it and want to ask about them. Like which attack is which and what button i push for it. And lastly which is the most optimal way to attack.

    Thanks a lot

    edit: Oh shoot that's not what I meant by attacking. I mean is there a way to attack/basic attack other than to use right click right? Use A if I'm not wrong. And want to know the difference and which is the optimal way to attack/basic attack

    Edit1: I'm not talking about skills and anything like that just basic attacking

    submitted by /u/Terrific_Tranquil
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    Been playing lots of ARAM lately and realized... I don't know much about items and stats? Like, can you stack 4 Armor Penetration items to take down tanks? Why is Lethality not the same as Armor Penetration? Same with AS, can you stack AS infinitely? Pls help

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    So as the title says I've been playing lots of ARAM lately to get rid of my fear of Team Fights and operate better. But ARAM plays completely different from SR in that everyone tends to go wild with their builds, like a Sett with 4 Warmog, a Veigar with 4 Rabadon's or a Jhin with 6 (and I kid you not) IE.

    1) But how is that efficient? For example, that 6 IE Jhin one-shotted almost everybody, why isn't that OP?

    And that takes me to my point, how do items and stats work AND stack?

    2) Like, is there any difference between items that give you a flat stat (i.e 70 AP) vs items that give you a % (i.e 40% AS)?

    3) If so, is there any limit? Like, idk, 300 AP? Or 200% AS? How about things like Lethality, Life Steal, Crit Chance or Armor Penetration? Did I miss that in the tutorial or do they even explain that somewhere?

    And finally, when everyone goes wild, how do you counter?

    I've seen crazy stuff like full armor Nunu, whom against my 6 items Jinx can't do shit against, like literally, any attack barely scratches him. So my team starts saying "Don't focus on the tank!".

    4) But if the tank focus on you, what can you do? Can I build full Armor Penetration to at least stand a chance? But, in that case, wouldn't I lose on other important stuff like LS, AS and AD that give me sustain? An alternate question would be "How do you kill tanks?"

    I just realized I need to learn a lot, so please help?

    submitted by /u/SirAerion
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    If I win top lane and take tower what should I do?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Bronze 1 in solo silver 1 in flex. Sometimes I will win top lane as Mord or renekton pretty early, like lvl 10-12. Help from the jungler and we take turret. What should I be doing afterward? Should I switch with bot? Continue to stay top and slow push waves? What should be my goals?

    I've been staying top mostly, but I just feel like I'm not spreading my lead. I'll keep the other top down and steal top side jungle from the enemy jungler. I just don't feel like I'm impacting anything.

    submitted by /u/dnl647
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    AP vs AD Assassins

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Hey guys. I was hoping if you guys could tell me some of the general differences between AD and AP assassins, in their strengths and weaknesses and the like. That is because I have been doing some searching around in op.gg, and it seems that AP assassins have been having a much higher win rate than their AD counterparts. Could someone explain me what exactly in the meta favors AP over AD Assassins and why?

    submitted by /u/Orcus_The_Fatty
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    Do you enjoy watching league of legends streamers or LCS/LEC/LCK/etc? Start paying attention to the map to reinforce good habits.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Fact is that the game is played while looking at the minimap, not the other 90% of the screen. Not sure if anyone has the clip, but theres an old vod of an LCK game (i think) where an enemy shows from fog for literally 0.1 seconds and literally all 5 members of the team ping the enemy on the map.

    Pro players get so comfortable with their champions (and the capabilities of the enemy champs) that they can basically play the game using their peripheral vision and keep their eyes focused on the map.

    If this is something you struggle with, try to reinforce these habits by continuously checking the minimap even when you're not playing, especially if you enjoy watching pro play. Being able to see what's going on outside of the observer view will enhance your watching experience as well.

    submitted by /u/genecy
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    Is there any strategy guides to dodging games?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I hate to ask but in league dodging actually seems important especially in low elo where you can get some really troll teamates. Is there a Point where it's bad to dodge to much? I understand that it will lower my LP but really MMR is much more important.

    When is it ok to dodge, when is it ok not to dodge, and how much is too much when it comes to dodging ranked games?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How to kite better

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    So I'm your average low elo scrub, but I've seen pro plays with insane kiting, and I was wondering how they pull that off. When I kite, my inputs are: click them to aa, click behind me to move away, click them to aa, click behind me to move, etc. But this feels so so slow compared to the hyperspeed kiting you see in pro play. Is that just cause they are faster with their mouse movements? Any tips are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/themuffinman023
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    How to ban when unfamiliar with your Lane's champ pool?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm pretty new to the mid lane and don't know the champs as well as I do bot lane champs. Because of this I have absolutely no idea who to ban. I main ahri and have seen a lot of places to ban yasuo since he can easily block your entire combo. However after playing a couple games against a yasuo I feel like I have a good feel for how to counter him.

    Is it better to ban a champ that is good against your main, or ban one that you haven't played against and don't know how to counter, even if they aren't at all a threat to your champ in particular?

    submitted by /u/Zapstars
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    How to deal with Death's Dance champions?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Just had a game in which I was doing alright. I was playing Orianna and I had a luden's echo, an oblivion orb, a large rod and the pen boots. The opponent Riven had the 300 gold boots, black cleaver and yes, a death's dance.

    After using my whole combo onto her, she just lost around 50% of her health, without ever using her shield. My bot lane Yasuo was also pretty fed, and couldn't do much damage. Only my Master Yi damaged her, I guess it was because of his E true damage.

    How do you deal with these bruisers that build this item? I find myself constantly underperforming against it.

    submitted by /u/Joe_Goat
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    Best 1v1 champ?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    I need help with finding the best 1v1 champ in howling abyss till nexus. Just to be clear this is not for a tournament or anything its just so i can win 1v1s against my friend.

    The champs my friend plays are mostly top lane champs like urgot/yorick/sett Also what should i build and which runes should i go for?

    submitted by /u/Kank01
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    Does Bloodthirster have a valuable niche, or is its niche ill-defined/outclassed by other lifesteal items?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    From what I can tell, Bloodthirster is never quite the optimal choice, as each of the other lifesteal items have a niche they fill wherein they outperform Bloodthirster.

    • Ravenous Hydra is practically a straight upgrade (sacrificing 2% lifesteal for AoE melee damage), albeit being limited only to melee champions.
    • Death's Dance provides tankiness that offsets the more limited healing; both the dual resistances and bleed effect that prevents being oneshot are tremendously valuable for both brawlers and squishy ADCs.
    • Blade of the Ruined King provides a tremendous amount of utility with the slow as well as tank shred and attack speed.
    • Mercurial Scimitar is a dedicated anti-magic item with a tremendously valuable active.
    • Sanguine Blade is a great splitpushing/dueling item for assassins and lethality champions.
    • Bloodthirster provides damage and lifesteal equivalent to Ravenous Hydra's and grants a small overheal.

    It seems like the only time I would choose to take Bloodthirster would be if I'm an ADC who has a strong frontline and who isn't afraid of being dived by an assassin or otherwise one-shot, and just values pure damage and lifesteal. Unfortunately, that seems like a pretty theoretical scenario, as most of the time when rubber meets the road I feel I'd be better off taking Death's Dance to ensure my own safety.

    Am I misunderstanding the item or does it just lack a clear niche at the moment?

    submitted by /u/HeirToGallifrey
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    AP Malphite Midlane

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Why is almost Noone playing this? Waveclear is fine and shield helps u get to lvl6 where all u need to do is land one q+e than r q e autoattack reset with w and the midlane is dead. Roams are brutal and the ap scaling is fine in my opinion. His W also helps with tankyness later on. Also it's just big fun when ap malph go brrr on 3 targets and they all disappear.

    submitted by /u/CeemoDeNiro
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    Jax Jungle Playstyle

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    (Not sure how to add Jax flair)

    Bronze I jungle main here, I mostly play nunu and yi. With yi I just powerfarm until rageblade and with nunu I pretty much take buffs and run to the most gankable lane, and in ranked ive found nunu to be more consistent.

    Anyways, is jax more of a farmer or ganker? When playing him he felt good at both and I wasnt sure if I was farming too much.

    Also, if it matters I was using bloodrazor triforce build

    submitted by /u/teddydawg
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    Leashing a Graves

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I was playing blue side top earlier today and leashed for Graves on his blue because he pinged me. Do I really need to leash Graves? I would have done it willingly were I playing a ranged top laner with some mobility but overall I pretty much never leash Graves because of his passive that knocks backs camps (also, does Graves even start blue? Typically I see most Graves in my games starting on red buff). Is it worth it to shave a few seconds off of Graves's clear, or should I just go straight to top? I pretty much always bush cheese level 1 on Trynd btw

    submitted by /u/PlazmaHawk
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    Need help with playing Jayce in the mid lane - Some questions.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a Jayce one trick pony and due to my lack of viability top lane I've been playing him mid recently. I'm currently Silver 2 and my MMR and LP gain has plateau'd at Silver 2/1 for the past 20 games or so but I'm looking to improve my game.

    Over the past week I've found some issues that I can't seem to solve:

    - I really struggle against poke lanes that outrange me e.g. Xerath, Ahri, Vel'Koz. Normally as Jayce I like to use my ranged autos and W to slowly poke down the enemy but they outrange me - their wave-clear is better and poke is better so I almost always end up being low HP and low CS numbers farming under turret where I frequently back and lose even more CS. Hard to push and roam also when my waveclear is melee vs their ranged harass.

    - Warding - There's bushes on either side of the river and the jungler can be on either side of the map, if I haven't seen the jungler in a while how do I know where to ward to prevent dying from a gank? \

    I thrive in lanes like Talon and Katarina where I outrange them and I can get ahead early. I seem to feel useless in a lot of other lanes though.

    My op gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Jayce%20QE

    submitted by /u/ripthisaccount6
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    Why not guard at the start of the game?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Hi there! I am currently Silver 1, ADC main, but hopefully will be able to claw my way out soon. In many of my games, midlaners, and sometimes toplaners, will not guard the pathways to the buffs. There are 4 roads to blue and red buff in total, all coming from the river. Guarding until 1:15 leaves plenty of time to get back to lane. This means that guarding the buffs for the jungler is a no-loss situation. It gives intel on the enemy team, gives an early warning for invades, and allows for readjustment. The only time it is truly risky is when the enemy team has a Blitzcrank imo.

    Can anyone explain what the thought process, and potential benefit is, for not guarding, and instead spending the first 1 minute and 30 seconds standing under one's turret AFK?

    Maybe it is just low elo mentality?

    submitted by /u/NickolaiHDC
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    Some questions about shaco

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    1.) How do I close out a game on this champion? My early game is wonderful, I routinely get a kill or two in all three lanes, and as a result usually get all 3 towers, first few drakes, herald, etc. I feel very comfortable with my early game on shaco. But then midgame happens, towers are down, team fights start happening, and I just have no clue what I'm supposed to do. If I try to teamfight with my team, I just get instantly nuked the moment I try to go for a carry. If I split push, I get raged at because fights are 4v5. What do?

    2.) What is the right build on shaco? It seems that everywhere I go, there's different suggestions. I see suggestions for lethality, I see suggestions for warrior, I see suggestions to skip jungle item upgrade entirely and go for tiamat into trinity force, it just seems like its kinda all over the board. BTW -- I prefer hail of blades AD shaco for his early game damage. I'm just not a huge fan of any variant of AP shaco. Just doesn't fit my style.

    3.) Can people see your jack in the box go down if you drop it when you're stealthed?

    4.) Can people see you use your ult when you're stealthed?

    5.) What's the best opener on shaco for both blue side and red side starts?

    6.) Whats the best path afterward?

    7.) When SHOULD I pick shaco, and when should I definitely NOT pick shaco?

    Edit: I'm high silver, low gold typically -- so keep that in mind when making suggestions. Don't tell me to do diamond+ level stuff, because I probably can't execute it like you can. Keep it low elo friendly please!

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Every lane is losing I don't know what to do(jungler)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:32 AM PDT


    I'm diamond support currently learning how to jungle on my new account.

    I am mostly playing conq/dark harvest khazix.

    I easily climbed to plat 4 with around 70 win percent. Now riot started to mm with around dia4-plat1 elo but I just can't win. I just did a 6 lose streak from my promotions. I don't know what to do. Every single laner loses.(past 5 game 1 game was my fault enemy jungler dominated me) So every game I think about what's my win condition.

    I choose a lane to gank and gank him repeatedly. But even I gank the "chosen one", they somehow gives first turret etc. I am at my wits end. I can't win. The worst thing is I make sure my "chosen one" gets ahead of enemy laner. And somehow they die to enemy laner 1 vs 1. This really bothers me and affects my motivation badly

    I tried many things namely: didn't gank only farm(gone bad), play for objectives(couldn't see the 4 drag they ffed@20), only go for counter ganks(it was ok until my teammates flame me till hell).

    ps: I am mentally strong I don't flame I mute them all I ping I try yo keep my teammates morale high. But I don't know. They just want to ff the game. I scale hard I keep tell them we scale we can win but all they want is ff and go next.

    submitted by /u/thecontactt
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    How to play safe in a range vs melee matchup when behind and set up ganks?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    In my past couple game, I plays against range Champions with Camile or Riven against kennens. A situation I found myself in is when my jg gank level 3 I try to go in to stun the enemy (Kennen) and my jg ends up behind me and don't do any damage and we end up chasing the enemy which in this case is Kennen and then my jg got counter gank and we die give the enemy double buff and 2 kills.

    Now I am a level behind and the enemy top is 600 gold ahead and I am told to play safe. How do I do that? The enemy pokes me under tower and can just eventually tower dive me with their jg. This has happened twice in a row in rank now and I can't come back against this.

    submitted by /u/AGamingBoi
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    Help a silver out

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Hello, this is my first time posting here so i am not sure if you can ask about this but here goes nothing. Here's my op.gg:


    Also please excuse my username, as i have picked it 3 years ago and never bothered to change it.. Anyways back to the question. My question is, why do fall so much as of lately. Let me elaborate, see last week or more it has been a steady climb from bronze 3 to silver, only to get crushed by a 7 loss streak. Now i know what you are thinking, "This silver kid is just a hardstuck yasuo main" and i wouldn't blame you, just look at my scores. Getting a bit out of subject here, i need some tips as to how i can stop that snowball of losses, how can i improve, should i change the champ pool that i currently have? Or is there nothing to worry about? I try to play mid and jungle because these are the roles i am most comfortable with, but as you can see i tried playing some top, but failed misserably. What should i improve on? How can i stop this lose streak? I know it has something to do with me because i have noticed my playstyle gradually deteriorating. I am not pointing any fingers at my teammates, although i have been getting some afk's here and there, but for me these are meaningless. I will be eagerly waiting for your tips as to what i have to change! Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/agamhs
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    What do you do as a scaling jungler after first clear?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Say I'm playing ekko and can full clear my jungle + one crab. At this point, if none of the lanes on the side I end up at are gankable, ill just back and get jungle item. If enemy jg shows, ill counter jungle him or at least get deep vision and then back.

    At this point, im not sure whether I should full clear my jungle again, play one side of the map, or just look for counter ganks and clear just one side of my jungle. I know that this is also very dependent on the jg matchup and lane-states, but I feel kind of lost at this point in the game so any general advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/kripparyan
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