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    Friday, July 3, 2020

    LoL Guide For anyone who didn’t realise yet, Olaf’s R cancels out Morderkaisers R

    LoL Guide For anyone who didn’t realise yet, Olaf’s R cancels out Morderkaisers R

    For anyone who didn’t realise yet, Olaf’s R cancels out Morderkaisers R

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    I'm sure this is common knowledge no doubt, but I didn't know before now, mord ulted me, just as I had used my ultimate to get to the enemy adc (i think that's why he ulted me to keep me out of the fight) and almost immediately I must have hit a wall because it dropped after about 1 second of up time, followed by the /all wtf messages lol.

    Interesting for anyone that mains Olaf who comes across mords, rarely can I think of a situation where I'm the key target for his ult but nonetheless. Interesting to know.

    For anyone not familiar with olaf, his ultimate gets him out of cc, doesn't let him push through walls, so it likely won't work on J4 ult (can someone confirm this?) It gets you out of Veigars and threshs prisons cause they are stun/slow but morderkaiser ult surprised me as I thought it was somewhat a wall like j4, not a cc

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    Should I have good knowledge of all items in the item shop?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I've noticed that a lot of pro players (and probably most players of league tbh, I'm fairly new) frequently check what items their team and opponents have purchased at the items shop. I don't know much about each item off the top of my head, so would it be greatly beneficial to study them so I can know what each one does off the top of my head when I look at what my enemies are building?

    Also, should I have a standard build for the champions I frequently play, or should item builds be situational based on which champions I'm facing and what items they're getting?

    submitted by /u/99_kp
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    How to push a top lane lead as a jungler? Should bot side always be your go too snowball lane instead?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:38 PM PDT


    I'm a recent mid main who plays at a very consistent level. Would easily be able to climb to mid diamond this season. The issue I have is getting auto filled jungle more often then I get put into my secondary role (top lane). I only had a 32% win rate as jungle and I've lost almost 150 lp in the past month too dodges yet was still forced to play the role way more then I should have. I decided I'd learn the role on a different account.

    After playing almost 60 learning jungle games on my smurf and getting to low plat mmr with a 60% win rate I realized the role is way more interesting and fun then then expected. I decided I'd change it up for the rest of the season and actually main the role

    My biggest issue with the role is taking priority and snowballing the correct lanes. Most games I end up 2-4 levels ahead of the enemy jungler with almost double their cs at 15 minutes. I pick the jungle side with my strongest lane (either top or bot) and always end my jungle clears up on that side to get free invades and ganks. This works in about 50% of my games and only when my bot lane is the strongest lane, if my bot lane is losing and their jungler is constantly bot side I tend to focus on invading top side and taking rifts but despite my cs/xp advantage I tend to lose games due to never having dragon priority and a weak bot lane that doesn't want to play safe.

    I'm wondering if it is almost always the correct play to try to snowball and play bot side as much as possible due to dragon, and If not how do you further your lead top side enough to compensate for loss of dragons and a weak adc/support.

    submitted by /u/supsociety
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    Silver aventures: Cleanse doens’t work on Mordekaiser ultimate.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Hi everyone ! I know that probably the majority of players know that. But to be honest, I was a main top lane bruiser style, and I switched to Mid Mage recently (Vel'Koz) more than anything. So never used cleansed in my toplane matchups before...

    We were in the champion selection.... as I see the enemy pick Morde as obviously the mid position.... the plan was already elaborated, my Vel'Koz was ready, and ... my cleanse too. In front of such a smart move, my teammates in the lobby had no choice but to keep silence in honor of my higher intellect (apparently).

    As we enter the summoner rift, I'm ready, proud of my master plan. My hands are firm, not the slightest hesitation in my heart. The duel begins, I immediately show dominance by pee... I mean by shoving the lane and poking the morde into oblivion pre 6. I majesty avoid two ganks by the enemy Lee Sin trying desperately to help his ,soon to be, fallen comrade. Finally comes the moment I've been waiting for, we are both lvl6. Both with our sums up... the trap is set. I start provoking the armor giant in front of me by an elegant dance with my tentacles. He cannot resist, his reaction is quick. He flash immediately and bring me with him in the shadow realm. "You fool" I think... and with all my might I activate my cleanse.... and I'm still in his world... My entire world shattered as his magical hand softly brought me back to him as if death was giving me a final hug.... BONK: I can't see the colors anymor... I'm cold....

    submitted by /u/Batoche33
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    How do I deal with poke so I can actually play the early game? (Top lane)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    So, I play strictly melee champions top. Darius, jax, and sett. Only one of them has one ranged ability and it isnt exactly something I can poke with. Lane usually goes a little something like this. I try to go up to last hit a minion, the enemy smacks me with a poke or aoe ability. Rinse and repeat until there is no hope of fighting them and i wind up dying even if i don't take the fight. Either that, or i stay back so i don't get poked and then they push the wave to my turret and then poke me out anyway. I honestly have no idea what to do and I feel like this is my biggest detriment at the current moment. I've noticed this is a major problem on jax, but it happens when I'm any champion.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Is there an up to date list that classifies how good champions are based on the current game phase? (early mid late etc)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Recently i've been feeling like my ability to play well has been on the decline. Some of it could be attributed to being at an elo where people make less mistakes and punish them harder, or maybe the fact that this season has had had big meta changes that I didn't adapt to, but I know that i've also been a bit sloppy for some time.

    I feel like most champions i'm up against scale better, or spike harder, so I'll often try to force early leads, leading to me sometimes picking bad fights and dying, giving them a lead, which they then use to freeze and/or win lane and now the game's over. There'll be matchups that are supposed to go my way that i'll lose trying to abuse the fact i'm supposed to win, then there'll be matchups that are bad for me but i'll go more or less even but still lose because I can't really impact the game.

    I know that many of those things are things you're supposed to learn just by playing & climbing, but given the fact I don't play very mechanically demanding champions & used to be way more passive in lane I feel like a lot of "matchup experience" i've got from winning comes from just being matched against bad players. Winning every lane gives you an idea on how strong you can be, but when your opponent is always autofilled or first timing or whatever it's hard to know weither I just messed up this time or if I just got lucky every time before.

    I think having clear insight on how the lane is supposed to go would alleviate the feeling that I HAVE to win early game because if i'm losing and my team isn't ahead, we'll just lose due to having worse champions. Knowing things ahead of time like "you lose early but once you get X item you go even/win", "you lose at all stages unless jg camps you so just try to farm", "if you dont get a lead pre6 you lose", "abuse X every time or you lose", clear "goals" like that would help me make better game plans & hopefully get good again.

    Obvious answer would be to look up guides for whichever champion i'm playing but they're not always very in depth and sometimes it feels like you only win the matchup if you understand perfectly the nuances of the matchup/the opponent isn't playing perfectly so i'm not too sure about the reliability of guides.


    tldr is there some recent list/spreadsheet/whatever that shows the general item/level powerspikes of each champions? (Like lv 1-5 weak lv6 strong lv7 8 9 strong if has [item], average otherwise lv 10-13 very strong if even/ahead, etc)

    submitted by /u/BlueVestGuyisafraud
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    How to ACTUALLY improve in league

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    I wanted to share a learning technique I used to climb. I believe it will also help you out.

    I started the game at bronze 4 and climbed a rank division every season using this technique until now, in dia 3. And I accomplished this feat by watching high elo vods. Thats it.

    So how is this really worth a post? Well I want to explain how I watched these vods to improve. Im gonna use math as a comparison to improving on league.

    When reviewing a math test, you don't just stare at the incorrect answer, hoping you will magically understand why it is wrong right? Same goes for league. Reviewing your own vods is flawed because you can't recognize the mistake you made. You review by looking at the correct answer, and try to logically connect the dots as to why that answer is correct.

    In league, the answer sheet is the high elo vods of your champion. You must watch these vods with the mind of pointing out the differences between their play and your play. Constantly ask yourself WHY the high elo player did the play they did and connect the dots. This is how you consciously learn.

    I think most people can agree that concepts are best stuck in your head when you can figure it out yourself. I recommend watching vods with minimap open, no commentary, and challenger elo gameplay.

    If you have questions/feedback please ask. Thanks.

    Edit: many people note that reviewing your gameplay is helpful if you are able to recognize your mistakes and I agree. I wanted more so to emphasize that you shouldn't review your game mindlessly and to have a high elo gameplay reference to compare it to.

    submitted by /u/macgamerdude
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    How does Athene's Unholy Grail work?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Does the blood charge split among allies healed/shielded? Say that I stored 200 blood charge, then i heal 2 people at the same time, does it split evenly to +100 each, or does each of them get +200?

    For example like Senna's Q and Senna's Ult, does the healing and shielding from blood charges that apply to yourself and your other allies got split?

    submitted by /u/VisualDinner
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    Is Mordekaiser Jungle good?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I've been playing a bit of mid elo (gold-low plat) Mordekaiser Jungle with Conqueror, ToB, Ravenous Hunter building Cinderhulk->liandrys->other tank items.

    First clear is great starting 5 camps and leveling Q-E-W being 15 sec early for scuttle. Later scuttles and drag fights are really good because morde passive is permanently up from dragon, scuttle, rift, etc and with the ult, your target HAS to flash over a wall with you being so tanky and having conqueror stacked so fast.

    Morde farms very quickly and healthily, ganks are pretty decent, rift herald is a breeze, and he has no awful matchups that I can think of. Is he good? Any high elo players see a problem with him in jungle?

    submitted by /u/from__thevoid
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    Gold ADC has a problem to improve

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Hello guys,

    Im currently gold 2 on euw and i have a problem.

    I cant see and dont think That i improve. So i think i need help, i wanna know how you can really improve espacially as an adc in this elo but also in general in the game.

    I appreciate your help.

    I feel like saying go vod Review... and so on. Wont help if i dont know how to.

    submitted by /u/babyupset
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    Left click auto attack move

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm trying to make my auto attack move to left click whilst being able to confirm my spells with left click. So far, when I bind auto attack move to left click, I am unable to confirm my spells, items etc. For example, on Irelia, I am unable to Q or E and I am unable to use BORK. Can anyone help with this?

    submitted by /u/Re-Todd
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    Sett’s difficulty compared to Garen?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    I've gotten alright at Garen since I started playing a couple days ago. I've learned his basic moves and items and I feel like I can do well with him. However, I want to branch out. I tried Yasuo out but my reaction time and gamesense isn't high enough yet to use him without being a hindrance to my team. Sett's design attracted me and his kit seems simple to use and fun to play with, with built in shield and healing as well as heavy damage potential. Is he easy to use like Garen is, or is there more hidden complexity to him? And for any Sett users, do you have any suggestions on how to use him well? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/spencerthebau5
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    What to do if enemy has baron + soul + inhibitor in the late game?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    My team is often behind in the late game, with the enemy having taken the baron/soul/one of our inhibs. We have a tough time fighting back especially because of the minion waves crashing. Is the best bet just to surrender in this scenario? How is it possible to come back?

    submitted by /u/jlin02
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    Trying to keep focused during games

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    I don't know if any other low elo players have this problem but I have a tendency to go on autopilot while playing. Where I'm not thinking about what I should be doing or actively looking at what is going on. I'm basically just mindlessly clicking the screen. A good examplw is that we were near the end of the game and were setting up for dragon in preparation for a team fight a dragon. I was playing soraka support. Instead of logically thinking we need to establish vision and do so carefully from behind the wall of the pit as not to die due to the fed kindred. How big dumb brain went into autopilot and instead thought "me need vision me walk through jungle and place wards." I subsequently died throwing the game and further tilting my duo partner. Is this a thing that I can train myself not to do this or is my brain not big enough to handle league.

    submitted by /u/theabyssthatcalls
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    Is Kennen really weak right now?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Have not played Kennen for a long time. Just try him again and he was just awful. I remember I used to be able to bully melee in top, but not anymore because his damage seems to have been significantly reduced. I used to be able to kill the top champ at level 6, but now even with full combo and full duration R they can still walk away safely. And Kennen is no longer safe in top since he does not have MR/AM buff on his E any more.

    submitted by /u/hsm4ever10
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    what makes a champion scale?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    how do i know if a champion scales or not, and what makes them scale? for example, i know that jhin scales really well because he literally gains bonus ad per level as well as bonus ad from crit chance and attack speed, meaning the more items and levels he gets, the more powerful. but another scaling champion, jinx, has no clear reasons to me why she scales into an almost unstoppable monster late game.

    on the contrary, why do certain champs fall off? olaf, for example, is a monster early game, but falls off during mid-late game. why is that? shouldnt he get stronger with more items just as many of champs do?

    submitted by /u/zekemacaroni
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    Do fixed skill caps exist for individuals? And if so, is there evidence?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm currently a silver player but I've seen a lot of fixed-mentality statements thrown around regarding ranks and limits. It seems especially common from europeans but that could just be me. I hear a lot about how a lot of people would be wasting their time trying to improve out of diamond because their skill cap is in diamond or how only a tiny sliver of the population is even capable of reaching challenger regardless of what they learn or improve off of because of genetics. How true are these ideas and is there any evidence to back these ideas up?

    submitted by /u/sniffablecow
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    Kassadin smurfs

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    As a low elo player (gold-plat) I see a lot of kassadin smurfs in mid lane. I usually play ad assassin champs like talon, zed and qiyana and the kassadin smurfs would always play safe. Most of the time I would just shove lane in and look for roams or for the enemy jungle or just give deep vision, and early-mid game would go fine. However as the game go into 25-30 ish minutes the kassadin just farms the wave on the side under their secondary tower, and our team would just to get objectives, but by the time we do, kassadin is stronger and he just 1v9s. How do I deal with them?

    submitted by /u/vindicatorraccoon
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    Playing with unlocked camera

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    I've played LoL a lot, but never rankeds until recently. I'm absolutely used to play with locked camera, it makes me comfortable as I can see where my abilities go from the exact position of my character at the middle of my screen; but I know I need to start playing with unlocked camera as it gives you a better vision of your surroundings.

    I've tried, but I'm not used to it so I lock it again. Does anyone knows how to start playing with unlocked camera correctly? Or is it just playing until you get used to.

    submitted by /u/Hacharma
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    How to play against Talon mid

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    Whenever I play against a Talon mid (Diamond 3/4 elo for context) while I'm a mage the Talon always seems to be able to rush tiamat, shove, roam, and snowball from other lanes. I try pinging it but people still end up dying due to the sheer amount of times he can roam and I always get flamed for "not doing anything to stop him" but never get told how to actually do something. Generally I can never shove the wave before he does as I cant really walk up to close without fear of being killed on the stop, any advice helps, thank you.

    submitted by /u/Frankie-Doodle
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    Some wave management and Micro game decision problems i have...

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Hey guys. So i actually don't know what should i do in some situations on League Of Legends and i actually don't understand somethings that why High elo players do that. I will make a list for my questions and i hope you will help me.

    1. When i watch High Elo Vods (Dia-Master-GM-Challenger) The first thing i want to ask is "The first minion wave". When people come the lane,they do different things all the time.

    -Some people just let 3 melee minions hit other 3 melee minions and don't hit anything until last hitting on first minion wave but why ?

    -Some people just auto attack a melee minion 1-2 times when melee minions meets together at middle and after that,they stop attacking and wait for last hitting but why ?

    -Some people just instantly hit 1 melee minion on first minion wave but why ?

    -Some people just try to hit all of them (hard pushing) on first minion wave but why ?

    -Some people just trade instantly and don't care about minions on the first minion wave and when they trade they start to hit minions after that but why ?

    How the hell can i know what should i do on first minion wave ?

    2- I sometimes having hard times to decide should i just recall or should i just keep farming can you give me tips about that ?

    3- I only know that we can hard (fast) push the wave if: -Enemy recalls -We can roam -We can recall -We can go for objectives This is the all reasons i know when we want to push the lane but the strange thing is i have a really huge anxiety about just slowpushing the wave or just fast pushing it always eats my Mind. How can i avoid that.By the way if i have no reason for fast pushing i only last hit the minions and slow push. Is it right ?

    submitted by /u/emreegesen
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    Why do mage items get so much HP compared to ADC items?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Just seems like mid/late game mages end up with like 2500+ HP. Just by building Morellos, Liandry, Rylias, ROD, or even protobelt.

    Then get beefy and deal the safe dmg an ADC would provide while none of the risky of being squishy.

    Why are mage items given so much health? Doesnt seem fair in comparison.

    Just because adcs lane with a support doesn't mean that support is actively trying to defend them. If Riot wanted that then they would deal with AP supports bot lane or make better items like locket/knight's vow.

    submitted by /u/Muhon
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    Jungle warding

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I was sick of playing adc with bad/throwing supports and laners who feed hard and am now switching my primary role to my previous secondary role: Jungler! I hope to have more impact on the game like that and boost laners who we need fed to win.
    I picked up Shyvana, as she is farely easy to play and also deals tons of damage. Other than her I main evelynn (love her). I plan on picking up a tank jungler too, maybe zac or trundle.

    I played Shyvana for roughly 10 games now, and am getting A Ranks mostly. Now of course, I aim for that juicy S rank. my score usually sits around 6/5/7, 8/4/10 or something like that. Definitely have to improve on not dying and knowing when to jump in with my R. But what I found is my biggest weekness, is warding. I always ward the bush next to the mid long bush in front of my blue. Then I reset and buy the red trinket so I can gank better + safety when going around corners etc.
    Of course, I buy control wards. I playce around 3 Control wards every game. Mostly at the river bush next to the long mid one, or on top of the scuttle crab spawn to deny vision.
    But how can I improve my vs? I am playing in low elo/normals and there are not many wards placed so I only destroy around 2, maybe 3 per game.

    I'd be glad if you could help me out!

    submitted by /u/Alphabethur
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