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    LoL Guide How much is too many control wards?

    LoL Guide How much is too many control wards?

    How much is too many control wards?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    I'm a Support main, currently in my G4 promos, and I came to realize I buy a LOT of control wards. Pretty much every recall I shove at least a single pink, into my inventory, if I have the space and gold for it. I've also noticed that I tend to finish some items rather late, like I don't finish boots until 10-11min (sometimes even 13) and I finish first item around min 15-17.

    After looking at my in-client stats page, I've noticed that my Income/Gold Efficiency is graded the worst, between Map Control and Combat.

    I understand that if I buy less control wards then I'll save gold, at most 150, and hold it for future items, but vision is important right?

    How much is too many control wards? Are there times when I shouldn't buy wards? And as a support main, how do I become more gold efficient?

    submitted by /u/Sabatou3r
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    How to go from ARAMs to normals?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT


    I've been playing league for about 3 months and typically play ARAMs because, to be honest, I don't really have a thick skin and I'm scared of letting my team down in normals.

    I started to get pretty good at ARAMs and realised that I really like playing Xayah, she's more comfortable for me to play than other champions and I perform well on her in ARAMs. I want to get better on her and gain the confidence to play normals, so earlier today I played a game on Summoner's Rift with a friend of a friend who's a support main. Turns out that playing ARAMs and normals is completely different, and I definitely played badly (33 minute game, level 11, went 2/9/2). I've played normals twice before with a friend of mine but not as ADC, I played Ekko and Lux mid. As you can probably imagine, I played terribly in both of those games too.

    I don't think the problem is that I'm just bad on Xayah, I've made sure I know what her best combos are, when to use her ultimate, when to use her abilities, etc. and I've used the practice tool to make sure I'm doing the Q-auto-E combo well. I've played multiple ARAMs on her and played well (I got an A on her in one ARAM and I went 7/3/28 which is good for me at least). Maybe this is the problem but I really don't know.

    Extra information for anyone who needs it, I'm not very good at farming minions at all but I'm already working on this. My runes page for Xayah is as follows:

    Lethal Tempo as keystone with triumph, bloodline and coup de grace with inspiration, magical footwear, biscuit delivery, offense, flex & defence.

    My build for the game was doran's blade, b.f. sword, rapid firecannon, slightly magical boots, caulfield's warhammer & health potions. I'll admit I don't really know what I'm doing with builds so any advice for a good build would be great!

    My support was Lulu and we were against Caitlyn & Senna.

    My main questions are, what are some things people like me (who are new to playing normals) typically do wrong or just don't do at all? What are the main differences between how ARAMs and normals are played? From what I've said, is there anything I've done terribly wrong or that I should just work on? Any advice is appreciated :)

    Edit: added the extra info.

    submitted by /u/SATURNlNE
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    Why you're hardstuck in low elo

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Edit: Always wanted to say this- Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

    Be warned, this ended up becoming a pretty long post.

    Before I start, I'll preface this by saying I'm a D2 toplaner with a 55% wr. I also really only play one champion in one role, so I understand that the scope in which I view the game is limited. I'm not a godlike challenger player and by reading this you're not going to jump from silver to plat overnight.

    That being said, I started playing midway through season 9 and hit plat in 100 or so games, and hit diamond this season with 250 games. I know enough about league to identify the common mistakes I see in plat and below, and give advice on climbing. I've been playing on my smurf with my silver/gold friend a lot lately, and I've really been paying attention to the games and the mistakes I constantly see.

    I'm not going to be asinine and say anything like "only bad players blame their team." That's simply not true. A harsh reality is that sometimes your team is so insanely bad it's actually impossible to win the game. I'm in the top 1% of players and when I smurf in gold I can only keep a 60-70% wr. You should always try you're hardest but let's be real, you're straight up going to lose 40% of the games you play- let's talk about the 60% you can win...

    1. You don't understand wave management: You ever have a nice 1-3 kill lead in lane and somehow still lose a 1v1 to your laner? You were probably fighting around a bad wave, or you didn't use your lead to freeze the wave and deny them experience. Or you didnt make sure the wave would bounce before recalling, or any number of things. Wave management is ESSENTIAL to winning lane and it's just not understood or even cared about in low elo. This video does a great job of explaining it (the video is for mid lane, but the concepts still apply to top and bot.)

    2. You don't focus high priority targets in team fights: I really can't exaggerate the amount of times I've seen low elo players blow everything on the enemy (insert tank here) in a team fight while the enemy (insert fed hyper carry here) proceeds to get a triple or Quadra kill. Press tab, look at who's doing the damage, make sure your team is aware.

    3. You don't listen to pings/pay attention to the minimap: Yea, in low elo your mid lane might not ping that the enemy talon is missing, but they also might. Do you pay attention and stop over extending? A tip a friend once gave me and something I used to do before it became second nature is to find an hour long soundclip on youtube of a ping every 10 or 15 seconds. Every time it goes off, look at the minimap and take in information. Good questions to ask yourself: are you overextended when your jungler isn't nearby and the enemy mid is missing? Is the enemy jungle showing? Do you know where he is? Do you have vision on the river?

    4: You don't ping: did your laner suddenly run out of vision? Ping it. Did the enemy jungle show on the map somewhere for a split second that maybe your low elo team didn't catch because they don't look at the map? Danger ping. Are you pretty sure you're about to get ganked/dove by the enemy jungle? Assist ping. Your team won't always listen, but sometimes they will.

    1. You play too many champions: I got to diamond playing one champion. The fact of the matter is, there are 148 champions in the game, and the way each of them interact with all of the others is unique, and it's just too much for most people to learn and keep current in your head. Not just the way they interact with eachother, but the way you lane, team fight, macro, etc is different. I'm not necessarily recommending to ONLY play one champion, but if you want to climb effectively, you really need to stick to 1-3 champions on one role.

    2. You don't end games: I really can't stress this one enough. I see it ALL THE TIME in low elo. Players think they need every single last tower, dragon, and baron before they can think about autoing the nexus. A common example: you have a wave pushing mid and the enemy team has an open mid inhib and the third dragon is spawning. You team fight and ace their team while yours still has 3-5 alive. They're all on 30 second death timers and instead of pushing mid to end the game, you and your team decide to kill dragon and run to baron. Only now, you are all low from the team fight and baron is just making you lower. Their team runs at baron and you guys either have to give up baron to them or die and they get it anyways. The game goes on until next dragon except now their (insert late game hyper carry) has finished scaling and you can no longer win the game.

    3. You won't let yourself be carried because ego(?): what I mean by this is theres absolutely no reason you should be dying over and over again in lane unless the enemy jungle is reletentlessly turret diving you. The only reason you're dying repeatedly 1v1 is because you're overconfident and go for bad fights and your ego can't stand not having a good game. You died once? Play smart, cs SAFELY, and Try again after you scale a bit more. You died 2-3 times? Sit your ass on your half of the lane and wait for your jungler. You died 4+ times? Sit your ass under turret, wait for the wave to push and stop making it harder for your team to win this game. If applicable to your champ, build tanky and be a damage sponge.

    4. You flame at all, even a tiny bit: first off, you're a piece of shit if you regularly flame but also Let me make this clear- flaming ONLY hurts your chances of winning and has never ever once helped anyone win a game ever, and you are not Tyler1. Let me say it again- FLAMING ONLY HURTS YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. By virtue of being the rank they are, players in high elo are generally gonna be much more resilient to flaming thus why you see players like Tyler1 flame and still win games. If you watched any of the early days of Tyler's jungling, you'd notice he did not flame nearly as much in lower elos because he understands that their mental can't take it. When you flame, all you do is make that player focus on how bad they're doing rather than trying to do better. Your top lane is 0-3? They are clearly not happy and all it takes is one little ping of their death timer to send them full-tilt int-push the rest of the game, effectively dooming any chance of victory. Every game is winnable until it's not. Flaming only helps ensure that it's not.

    8.5. You let flame affect you too much. If you have to, mute the offender and move on. Don't have many tips for this one other than people are assholes and you gotta deal with it :/

    That's about all I have for the most common mistakes I see in low elo. There are some others I notice but it gets pretty nuanced and I think these are the best things to focus on. Hopefully this helps someone out, and good luck in your ranked games! Also if you're a top laner and want more specific advice feel free to comment or DM me and I'll do my best to help you out!

    submitted by /u/TheBigDonDom
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    Why you shouln't one trick hard to play and unique champions in and why you should learn to play basic champions to climb (in low-mid elo)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Yo, before I get into the meat of this post I just want to state I'm not super good at the game or an expert by any means, but I have experience on tricking evelynn, rengar, and other champions who are fairly hard and unique when compared to champions like Warwick Amumu Garen and Annie.

    One tricking is an incredibly useful and powerful way to get better at the game, master a champion inside and out allows you to focus less on their specifc gameplay, in either skillshots, powerspikes, or playstyles, and get those more trivial gameplay aspects out of the way of general micro, macro, and other important universal concepts. This is, in general, applicable to most champions, if I can one trick jinx to climb, I can then carry over alot of matchup knowledge, wave manipulation, and other ideas to other champions and roles. The reason I say in general is because some champions are so unique or difficult that it can be hard to even see these general and universal league skills.

    For example, I've played evelynn for a long time, in norms and ranked, and climbing with her, but the problem with that is that at a point playing those games I was no longer learning league of legends, I was learning evelynn. Specifically, I mean stuff like positioning, its very easy for me to autopilot and blatantly over extend and get punished incredibly hard, because I am used to playing that far up, or blatantly walking over vision, because I'm used to being invisible, or even trading patterns, as I notice on many mages I will instinctively run away once my cool downs are blown like an eve rather than stay at a fixed distance till they come up again. This makes learning proper position, kiting, and team fighting harder than it should be for me who has played this game so much. Other examples could include an Ivern one trick not being able to kite camps or clear effectively on other junglers, kassadin one tricks playing too far up, or overestimating their mobility, and probably more.

    In addition to these bad habits from playing unique champions, hard champions can impose mental blocks making them focus more on hitting a cool gp barrel combo or perfecting their shaco clone misdirection and completely neglect fundamentals like wave management, csing, roaming etc. An example of this is a when I played with a low low elo one trick gp while learning to play annie, he was a bronze/silver gp who was hitting and throwing around the nuttiest barrel combos while losing the game by randomly roaming bot for 3 minutes at minute 12 letting set get his turret, all 5 plates, and free farm waves while he split exp bot and mid. He has obviously worked hard to be good gp putting time into his barrels but playing gp has put gp mechanics in the way of actually improving and getting beter at the game. Another example of this was when I was very new and decided to one trick rengar, and I thought to get better I should spend all my time in the practice tool perfecting combos and clears, when in reality those wouldnt help me as much as learning to reset before dragons, how invading, jungle tracking, and other skills worked.

    Though I do want to distinguish unique playstyles from unique champions incase of confusion, something like positioning in/around teamfights to flank/assassinate is very unique and only applicable to a small amount of champions, but its transferable and semi universal in the sense that all (most) assassins will generally be looking for a flank. as opposed to positioning on someone like evelynn who has an insane and almost unmatched liberty to walk anywhere on the map without needing to worry about being spotted by wards or getting seen by someone (besides pinks obv).

    To clarify, This isn't to say dont play these champions ever, if the only thing you enjoy and generally want to play is Xinsert main hereX or the only champ/champs you enjoy are hard/unique then by all means play that champ. Additionaly, this isnt to say you cant one trick something like yasuo, akali, or nidalee and climb and learn/understand the game better, because people obviously can and have, but you make it harder on yourself.

    This is a combination of my personal experience in combination with my elaboration on the climbing advice of "just play annie" that some people jsut dont fully understand/listen too. If you feel like I'm wrong or overlooked somethings please do let me know>

    submitted by /u/ytJosephLOL
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    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Hi! Video can be found HERE

    Right now Jax is one of the best top laners for soloq. He always had an insane combination of damage, mobility, and tankiness, but recent changes to BotrK and Death Dance buffs made a monster out of the already good champion. Now Jax also has an incredibly strong early game and he's unkillable in the late game. However, Jax's win rates show that he has one small weakness: you have to know how to play him to abuse him. This is why I translated a guide from LCK pro top laner Lindarang (ROX, HLE, Jin Air). Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Help on Playing ADC Midgame

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a D4 ADC main that well, needs advice on a few points:

    1. Should I be pressuring sidelanes?; Most of the time, I see myself only leaving bot when we get the outer turret. Then I just go rotate mid and farm. Should I be staying bot and pressuring the inner turret? Should I rotate top instead?

    2. Should I join fights?; I learned from Saber teamfighting as adc pre-30mins is hard because I don't have enough items/don't deal enough damage. But I still group with my team pre-30 because I'm worried if I don't, they would tilt and spam ping me. But then I get outcs'ed by the enemy ADC. Should I prioritize my team's mental or just keep farming and join fights when I know we can win?

    3. What do I do when I can't farm?; When my team hard loses and every lane gets pushed into the inhib towers, I get almost no solo gold/farm because everyone's trying to get every scrap of gold they can, even the jungler takes cs when all his camps are gone. Every lane then ends up getting pushed out and I can't take any farm, therefore can't scale effectively. Should I be looking for fights instead? Or should I just sit in one lane and hope nobody else comes?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/unreIated
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    Why tf do minions walk around the entire wave to attack another minion

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    I'm trying to practice last hitting minions during games and I notice that some minions don't pause when they see another enemy, but rather walk around half the entire minion wave to target some other random minion, and its like dafuq u doing little guy? Let me kill you.

    I understand there's an AI preference with minions fighting champions but that does that go for other specific minion types also?

    submitted by /u/voxelexe
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    Video Guide: RANK 1 WARWICK GAMEPLAY ANALYSIS. We'll cover the decision-making of ParnellyX, who peaked Challenger with Warwick Jungle, and also look at his teamfighting, target selection, and pathing efficiency

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:55 AM PDT


    ParnellyX is the rank 1 Warwick NA, who has hit top 50 in Challenger multiple times.

    Here are some key areas where I think we could learn a lot:

    • Ability Usage
      • Rather than using Warwick's E and Q early on for damage and crowd control, he saves them until mid-skirmish when he maximises damage efficiency. By using the damage reduction and CC from E while low on health, he is able to increase his damage output and surprise enemies with Warwicks' lifesteal and damage.
    • Post Ganks
      • After ganks, he always adjusts the lanes for his teammates. He either crashes it so the wave will bounce back. Or he leaves the wave so they can maintain a freeze.
    • Target Selection
      • In skirmishes and teamfights, he always gets onto the priority target and makes sure they aren't able to threaten his carries.
    • Pathing Efficiency
      • ParnellyX sets up his clear so that he doesn't waste ANY time. He knows his gank windows, executes, and then is back into the jungle right as camps come back up.

    I hope you can learn something new and implement it into your own games! If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment on my video or down below. I've been coaching for a little over two years, and I'm happy to discuss anything pertaining to the jungle. :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    How is ADC's farm more important over kills ?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    I know, 200 farm and 0 kills is better than 80 farm and 12 kills blahblahblah...

    But how is farm better than some kills ? Does it bring more gold ? XP ? Tower HP ? Because, if someone has almost the same farm as you do (like having 10 or 20 of farm over his) yet has 2 or more kills, how does it differs ?
    I really want to understand this, thank you.

    submitted by /u/BaumE__
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    My problem with control wards

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Im a Silver player which ego tells him his at least Gold, and that he isn't climbing because of little errors (when the errors are huge, basically I play on Autopilot every game).

    But im not here to talk about this. Im here to ask you if im buying too many control wards, thus delaying my powerspikes. I basically buy as many control wards i can every time i back. Ok, im using them for ganks when Oracle isn't available or to ward objectives, but am i doing it too much?

    submitted by /u/Ryxor25
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    How to farm in the mid-game in low elo as an ADC?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    How to farm in the mid-game in low elo as an ADC? I was reading mobalytics and they said this

    ''If you are not the primary source of waveclear and do not require protection from your team to farm, then you should look to farm in a side lane and not mid lane. Carries need protection while farming and also need to be able to rotate to fights quickly, so it's best if they're farming in mid lane instead of having to travel from side lanes. When choosing which side lane to farm, ask yourself who can join a fight faster by travel speed or globals like Teleport, and put them bot lane so that you're not giving up Baron pressure to farm.''

    The reason this won't work is that people won't go to the sidelanes to farm. They'll stay mid and won't let me get the CS mid. So If I decide to go to the sidelane I won't be with my team and the enemy team will be able to win a fight since I wasn't there. So the best choice is to farm the jg. But that won't work since my jungler will also lose CS. So any tips to farm in the mid game and even late game as an ADC in low elo?

    submitted by /u/Haris1C
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    Is it ok to deal the least amount of damage on your team, if you blew past everybody else on damage to turrets and objectives ?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    So I just played a game, complete shit storm. The Yi went 2 in 13 with 111 cs in a 30 min game. And my bot lane gigafed the xayah. They start flaming me for not grouping with the team. Every guide that I search up on YouTube about how to carry useless teamates ends up with telling me to split push. So I did and ended up taking the inhib turret before having to recall to protect our inhib. I ended up doing more dmg to obj and turrets then my whole team combined. So is it ok to have the least amount of dmg to champs if you have the most dmg to turrets and obj? I was playing Garen BTW. We just didn't win teamfights because of how fed the Xayah and Warwick were.

    submitted by /u/Jamez12154
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    Help with jungling

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Everytime I jungle I couldn't balance my time between farming ganking and getting objectives

    For example by 10 mins in, my buddy playing to got ganked by warwick and killed, but I have nowhere as much kill potential since im Sylas.

    And later, when bot have a great ganking oppotunity, which i took and failed, then all the sudden im 20 CS behind warwick.

    One second bot wants gank one second top wants gank, and enemy is taking objectives, and then im also down a dozen farm from the enemy jungler.

    How can I balance my time and what/when should I prioritize.

    Getting flamed by your own buddies ain't good feelings

    submitted by /u/TEHCUDE
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    As a top laner, when can you splitpush in midgame?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    Say for example, there's two towers down, the first dragon has been slain and botlane now starts to roam. I'm behind my enemy laner, but they started to roam because I just auto farm minions, not giving him a room to do anything. When can I splitpush in mid game in general, as a top laner? I play Camille mainly...

    submitted by /u/htiaf_eener
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    Noob question: is there a way to use quick cast with range indicator for just the q ability only?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I just started playing last week and picked up syndra. I like how I can just press q really quickly to quick cast it and hold it for the range indicator. However it shows the range indicator for my w and e as well. Is there a way to get rid of the range indicator for w and e as well?

    submitted by /u/crimsonlord123456789
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    Best HUD Size/Cursor Size?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Is there a HUD size in League that is objectively the best? For example does having the HUD size down to 1 give a player a tangible advantage compared to having it at 100, or is it negligible and I should just stick with having the HUD at its max size?

    Also for the mouse cursor, a large cursor may be easier to see but it may be too big and block vision of what you're trying to click, and vice versa with the smallest cursor size. Is there a methodology for finding an "ideal" cursor size, or is there a clear winner?

    Is there possibly a perfect combo of HUD and Cursor size?

    submitted by /u/Marogareh
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    LoL Analyst

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I was recently scrolling through my YouTube recommended when I came across a Zed tips video, I recently bought galaxy slayer Zed (boredom) and so I decided to check it out. It turned out to be a really good yet simplistic video, starting with basic combos and slowly telling you how to play the whole game. Impressed, I decided to look at the channel and found quite a few similar videos which are all the same quality and caliber of the Zed one i watched. I used to play Riven (pre-nerfs) and i found a video for her as well, and even though I have hundreds of hours on her I still learnt some things that i had seen but had never been taught. They make a guide videos that don't expect you to be a complete newbie, yet also don't assume that you are Faker and gives you the hardest things straight away.

    The link to the channel is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKf-KbM8gmRwfcIzMrrjoaA and I would highly recommend checking it out as they seem to be making new vids every few days.

    TL;DR: I found a great youtube channel which seems to be slowly making both new player and experienced player guides to all the champions in the game. Would recommend checking out.

    (also sorry if someone has already mentioned this here)

    submitted by /u/bentao8o
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    How to close out games on Early/Mid game champions?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    I've started playing a ton of Pantheon lately as I find his abilities and auto attack animations to be very smooth. However, In the 30 or so games I've played on him I don't feel like I'm the one who closes out games. I've had games where I've gone 15/2 or 17/4 but I just can't seem to finish the game out, and I often rely on my other team mates to come online to help finish the game which I've been trying to do. Any thoughts or tips to help finish out games by yourself on Early/Mid game champions?

    submitted by /u/HypothermicConscious
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    Top Lane's carry potential on HIGH ELO

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    I personally believe that top lane is the straight up strongest role in low/mid elo, but it seems like people just learn how to play against a snowballing top laner higher the elo goes. What do you guys think? Am I just bad or is carrying from top lane actually harder compared with other roles when you are not playing against bad players

    submitted by /u/Heyhov
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    A Nasus Guide by a One-Trick

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    This is a guide for players that are interested in playing Nasus and some information on countering Nasus!

    Nasus was recently buffed this is probably the strongest state he has been in years. He does pretty well into a lot of match-ups top and this guide is mostly for novice or intermediate players of Nasus (Gold or lower players).

    The guide reviews several topics:

    • Primary strategies & small tactics that help champion select and early game
    • Nasus's dueling power
    • Runes and Builds
    • Primary weaknesses

    Strategies & Tactics

    Goals: Your overall goal on Nasus is survive the early laning and to be a cumulative threat over the course of a game in which your dueling power is unmatched except in instances of a 1 v 2 or more. You do this by stacking your Q. This permits you to take towers uncontested.


    • You primarily spike in the 8-25 minute mark of the game. You scale OK in longer games, but your overall goal is to "close" a game before 35 minutes. By that point the enemy typically had armor penetration and anti-healing which will cut down your effectiveness. Notably the enemy will begin to focus CC you if you are a big threat.

    • You typically will split-push but you can operate as a zoner or a tank for your team if they are strong

    • Stacking Q is important but should not be your primary concern once laning is over. You will naturally stack after building CDR.


    • Bans - Strong Nasus bans are Darius (IMO #1 ban now), Jax, Illaoi, Aatrox, Sett, and Urgot. All these champions are hard to play into as Nasus. Jax is a skill based matchup that gets really hard the higher you climb. I ban Darius, dodge if Illaoi is picked, and tend to play into the other three. Urgot is a lot harder than you would think and has very few weaknesses in early laning against Nasus. ALWAYS DODGE IF YOU SEE RENEKTON + ELISE. If the Elise player is smart they will tower dive you at you at about level 2 when they are both three. It's one of the easiest dives in the game and becomes very frequent the higher you go up the ladder. The worst scenario is if you don't have teleport walk to lane and elise is doing your team's krugs waiting for you to walk by while renekton proxies. You will simply die again and be out of the game for almost 15 minutes. If you have TP make sure you TP after elise is gone. Otherwise they will kill you again.

    • Beginning in champion select ask to trade champions to get the last pick and or as close to the last pick as you can. Picking Nasus early can be really rough. He has a lot of champions that counter him pretty easily. I always ask to trade for bottom pick except if the last pick is the mid-laner. Always type the person's name that you want to trade with and make sure to specify you want to trades champions and not roles. I type "Hey (insert summoner name), I plan to play Nasus. Can we trade champions?" I use to not type names directly and no one would respond and I use to just ask to trade and people sometimes interpreted it as trading roles. Just make sure you are very clear and as specific as possible. Most people are willing to trade. Supports and Junglers are typically the most inclined to trade.

    • Don't be afraid to dodge. You don't have to dodge every game, but you ALWAYS want to put yourself in the "best position to win lane" as Nasus. That means if you are facing something like Vayne top (a lane you can't win on your own easily) just dodge. If you think you can't win your lane just dodge. Makes things a lot easier. Maybe you struggle against Riven, but you can probably win lane against a Riven without help. However, against some champions if you really struggle against them just dodge.

    • Nasus cannot win most 2 on 2s prior level 6 AND he can't typically leave lane without dying. This means if your jungler gets invaded he is on his own until you are level six. At the start of games I type "if you are invaded (champion) I probably can't help until level 6." Most junglers will adjust their start knowing this information. Even if they don't adjust their start, they will be less likely to rage if they are invaded. I think since I started doing this in season 8 I have only had less than 10 junglers rage at me for being invaded. Prior to that it was almost every time it occured :/.

    This doesn't mean you won't help on invade, but typically if you are lower elo just avoid helping all together until your judgement improves. Also extended ganks that turn into a 2 on 2 should be avoided. You will lose almost all of those prior level 6. Ward your jungler's buff at about 1.23-1.28 and walk the safe way to lane. Always ward the top side for your jungler throughout the game.

    • Learn and execute wave management. I had to learn how to manage the wave when I was silver to have any success with Nasus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSQWcHIl5oc&list=PLzHaU28zdQ4GAMfVf_aASyiB4dheLsONx&index=2. This is a basic video that still largely holds up. This kind of transformed out how played the lane. Just make sure that you know which direction the wave is going in at all times. ONLY last hit the first wave. Make sure you know when to push the wave to avoid a freeze. Between levels 4-5 you should try your hardest to get the wave to the enemy tower without dying to avoid a freeze. If the enemy keeps hard pushing though you don't have to worry about resetting the wave.

    • Try to last hit when the enemy goes to last hit. Makes farming WAY easier if you time your last hits to their last hits.

    • Learn how to farm under tower. You will be spending A LOT of your time doing that on Nasus. This means rarely using your pool, which will skew the health of minions and make farming under tower harder. Use your pool as little as possible at early levels until you get comfortable priming minions

    Nasus's Dueling Power

    When is Nasus strong? Nasus three hard spikes that all occur at the same times.

    • The purchase of sheen
    • 80-100 stacks
    • Level 6.

    All three of these occur at about the same time (about 6 minutes) if you farm well at early levels and avoid dying. Usually if you can check ALL these boxes you can 1v1 almost every single top laner if your health is full. If you want to be conservative, wait for about 150-175 stacks and when you are a bit more comfortable.

    I will recommend that usually having the ghost summoner up makes your dueling power it's highest. Without ghost you might not be able to finish off the opponent unless they stand there and fight you.

    I will say getting about 350-500 stacks at 20 minutes is the goal. 400 is sort of the spot that most Nasus players can easily crush most champions n 1v1s.

    Typically I recommend Maxing your E for enhanced dueling power over the W second. The pool's armor shred is very strong and while the AS slow seems powerful and potent you don't need additional points in it for dueling strength. The damage and shred is what you want early.

    There are a handful of champions that Nasus cannot 1v1 easily. The first is Master Yi if he has his ultimate. You can't slow Yi with wither and he can literally melt you because he does True damage, AD, and AP damage with the on hit effect of rage blade. Just avoid him completely unless you are super ahead and he is behind or you have assistance. Trynd, Fiora, Jax, Illaoi, can all be problematic, however, if you use your skills at the right times and build properly into them you will win most 1v1s if they aren't ahead.

    Runes & Builds

    • Take double resistance runes by matchup and the CDR rune shards. If your opponent does mixed damage early (say Jax) you can do one for MR and one for Armor.

    • At this point the popular keystones are unsealed spellbook, conqueror, and grasp. I also see people run phase rush. I think runes are mostly personal preference on Nasus. Two of the top NA Nasus players run Conqueror (https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Juvenile and https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Psychopathic+Top) one runs unsealed (https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Novawa) and the top EU Nasus runes unsealed (https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Carnarius+V2). Nasus doesn't have a great keystone. All of them are pretty "average" on him. I run in the tank tree and take grasp even though I don't like the keystone. I really like conditioning or second wind, overgrowth, and demolish. Demolish just helps you take early plates and towers without over staying. Overgrowth makes up for the fact that you have really low scaling health (it's the lowest among juggernauts) and second wind can get you through laning phase while conditioning makes you VERY tanky after a certain point of resistances. I do highly recommend that as a second tree you go into the resolve, inspiration, precision, or the sorcery tree. I prefer cosmic insight and biscuits in the inspiration secondary, but the other runes are really good too. Resolve you want probably conditioning and overgrowth. Sorcery you want nimbus cloak and the cdr rune, and the precision tree you want triumph and tenacity, triumph and bloodline, or triumph and coup. I think picking the rune sets on Nasus for how you play is better than just picking the most popular ones. Most champions have "optimal runes" and Nasus just kind of has several good ones but not great ones. Pick what you like.

    • I am going to push TF over IBG - I think both are good on Nasus. One of the top Nasus players in the world builds IBG every game. I think though if you are in lower elo you want to put yourself in the position to carry and TF has way higher carrying potential than IBG. IBG is a "role-player" or "survival item" to help you get through laning. IBG has a hard spike and then you have lower splitting power, dueling power, and tower taking power than TF. However, if you are severely under CS'd IBG is a viable option.

    • Strong additional items include: Tank boots (tabi over MT), SV, steraks, RO, FH, TM, Righteous Glory, Adaptive help, Abyssal Mask, DMP.. Nasus typically just wants defensive stats. The items that provide the best defensive stats are his go to items. I think right now TF, Tabi, Steraks, and SV are the four best items for Nasus right now if you are ahead. If you are even or slightiy behind then it's TF, Tabi, SV, and either FH, TM, or RO). DMP and RG are for chasing or splitting power. Abyssal Mask is a tank item for teamfighting when you have a mage on your team that's ahead, and Adaptive is for very specific types of magic damage. Nasus rarely needs too MR items. Sterak's also acts an an "anti-burst item" for AP damage dealers.

    Nasus's Weaknesses

    First understand that you lose almost ever single 1v1 until level 6. You can 1v1 Kayle and Maybe Vladimir if they over commit. After that though you just lose. This makes Nasus pretty easy to play prior level 6 because your job isn't to trade, it's to farm safely, get XP, and get stacks. His early laning is very bad. Any champion except those two can just kill you buy autoing and casting their first skill.

    Nasus is highly susceptible to CC and being kited out. You may not encounter kiting issues until Platinum or high gold, but generally speaking dodging CC and using ghost or righteous glory effectively is how you secure kills and avoid getting kited. I think the wither change helped a lot, but Nasus's ultimate makes him a MASSIVE target for CC. You will sometimes have difficulty moving at all in a team fight.

    Nasus lacks ANY early agency. He can't do much if you shove your wave to his tower. He can't roam at early levels. He can't stop invades without risk of dying. He can't TP to respond to opponent's TP unless he is level 6. Overall, it's easy to build a CS lead against Nasus. If you use that lead well by either denying him stacks, killing him, or punishing his team severely you will have and easy time winning against him.

    Something to note as well as Nasus is super slow and can't move from place to place. Very often if he is out of position you can punish this. Many nasus players will slow push waves to get every stack. Let him do that if he isn't near any objectives and just fight and kill his team. Most lower elo Nasus players obsess over stacks and tend to "throw their team to the wolves" in persistent 5v4s.

    My best advice to stopping Nasus is:

    • Maintaining wave control

    • Kill him as often as you can

    • Shoving and roaming if you cannot kill him

    • Using TP to help secure early towers or objectives

    • Pressuring the enemy jungler

    If you can start a snowball before Nasus hits his power spike it won't matter too much for him scaling if his entire team is behind.

    I hope this guide helps new Nasus players and players interested in how to play against him!

    submitted by /u/Swiftstrike4
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    I really suck at top lane. How do i get better at it?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Ever since i started league back in season 3 ive always been really bad at top lane. I started really hating how every top laner had very high base stats and could 1v1 very easily. I play jungle and mid as a secondary and hit plat 1 last season with a 67% win rate on rengar. Im not a TERRIBLE player I definitely can work on alot but i do understand basics pretty ok. I just got auto filled into top and no one wanted to switch with me so i was stuck. I picked sett and proceeded to get crushed. Every time i played top in my league career after i died once itd be over. Id be so far behind in gold and and exp and id just keep dying and get so angry and tilted. I ended up 0/6/0 and my team also got brutally stomped. Ive watched a lot of guides on top lane but i just dont get it and its making me so angry. Its not like i cant play a solo lane because i do very well mid lane and im usually never behind. If i end up behind i can get even in cs and roam to make up for it. I just feel so stuck in top and once im behind the game is doomed and i have no impact. How do i play top lane?

    Edit: even though im decent at rengar in the jungle, when i play him top lane even though i have a lot of experience on the champ i will still hard lose because the matchups are always different and i just feel like i have a massive mental block vs top lane champs.

    submitted by /u/droovieboobie
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    Looking for some insight for teamfighting/fighting against grouped opponents as an assassin.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    So one of the things that I'm not quite sure about/struggle with is dealing with enemies that are grouped when I'm playing a fragile assassin like Talon/Khazix/Evelynn and the like.

    With Evelynn specifically, I usually just hover around the edge waiting invisibly for my engager tank/bruiser to engage, then try to carefully W and Q someone.

    I find it difficult to really contribute anything significant even if I'm fed because of Eve's short range and fragility (if I go too deep or get caught I get demolished and have to ult/flash out).

    My entire ability to "do assassin things" is kinda negated as soon as they start grouping. I can basically farm people if I'm even remotely ahead during laning phase because that's what Eve's good at, but get 2+ people together, and I suddenly cannot kill them unless I can one-shot one of them then ult away. Too fragile to stick around.

    Even trying to pick someone out is dangerous. Seems as soon as I appear everyone just goes "Oh look it's the 4/1 Evelynn, better completely disregard her engaging team so we can nuke her from orbit right quick". Can only charm one person so preventing retaliation is hard.

    Any guidance from assassin mains?

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    How to deal with playing poorly in Ranked?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Losing games when you play well and are having a good game are frustrating, but not nearly as frustrating as knowing you played your lane badly and are a primary factor in the reason why your team fell behind and lost. When I get solo killed in lane or fall behind in CS or exp, I feel bad and stressed out - not because I let my team down, per se, but just because I'm disappointed in my performance.

    I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to handle playing poorly from a mental perspective. I think its quite the impediment to my enjoyment of this game.

    A bit of a side question, but could any high Diamond/masters players share their experience with climbing in terms of having bad games? Did you ever int even in MMRs much lower than your current one, and if so how did you deal with it?

    submitted by /u/legendarypopcorn123
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