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    LoL Guide How to properly use minion dematerializer ?

    LoL Guide How to properly use minion dematerializer ?

    How to properly use minion dematerializer ?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I started to play Twisted Fate and people say the minion dematerializer is used on caster minions to get the permanent bonus in damage in order to one shot them with one Q late game. So I have a few questions for experimented players:

    • Is it used for the same purpose on other champions? I mean is it used on canon minions to fast push with other champions?

    • Should I use it as soon as possible on TF?

    • Are there timings to use it (for a tempo advantage)?

    • Is it used to manage the wave? I guess I can dematerialize one caster minion to have a caster minion advantage and wait for a slowpush, but I'm not sure of that.

    • Can it be used on different minions with champions who have bad waveclear? The first bonus is 6% and 3% if used again on the same type of minion. 6% on each type of minion seems good to me.

    submitted by /u/SSj3Rambo
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    What is out play, high skill, and how much does it matter?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Hello all. I always see people talk about skill floor, skill ceiling, a champions ability to outplay and skill expression. I understand skill floor/ceiling are metrics to give a player an idea of how much time needs to be invested in a champion to fully utilize their kit.

    However, when it comes to high skill champions and skill expression, how much does this actually relate to the champion, and does it matter?

    For instance. I'll play against two Annie's in one day. She's supposed to be an "easy brain dead champion". But, I'll obliterate one Annie player and then get stomped by the next. If she's so brain dead, how are players able to show such distinct skills compared to eachother with the same champ? Obviously some of it comes down to their ability to cs, wave management, macro etc. but at the end of the day they're using the same champion.

    I have friends and see people on reddit who discourage people from using "brain dead champs" with the argument that if you master a high skill champ with high skill expression you'll be able to carry more. But, Reuter's even Is a high skill champion? Often people just list anyone with a dash. Is a dash really enough? Is dashing all skill expression is?

    I also see people who argue to avoid high skill champions. Because they're just "hard for no reason" and you can win on a brain dead champ just as well and easier.

    So what ultimately is the truth here and how much does it matter? Are terms like high skill or brain dead just, silly phrases the community uses to discuss how quickly you can pick up a champ?

    Besides learning curve of how long it takes you to master a champion, is there any benefit for going with high skill champions? Are playing brain dead champs limiting your ability to display skill? Does it not even matter?

    Thanks for anyone who takes the time to clear this up for me!

    submitted by /u/FarmsOnReddditNow
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    On the Importance of not Dying

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Something I've noticed in low to middle Elos is an ignorance to the importance of not dying.

    I have linked the highest ranking ADC, Support, Top, Jungle, and Mid mains op.gg's on the NA server. Something that is immediately apparent is that these players have very few deaths. The highest average for any player on their most played champions is just 4.7.






    We can contrast this with a Platinum ADC main's op.gg I encountered on my smurf: https://imgur.com/a/2lZWGWC

    Even Zven's highest death champion is much lower than this person's lowest death champion. While some of this can be attributed to the differing play-styles of challenger and platinum Elo, there is a greater truth.

    Let Me Paint You A Picture

    It's 15 minutes into the game. You're playing Tristana and have played safely against Draven. You're down 10 cs but still 0/0/0. It's a close game. The enemy team has 4 kills and your team has 6. The second infernal drake has just spawned, and along with your support, mid, and jungler, you move to contest. As you clear out the wards, the 3/5/1 enemy Darius TP flanks your team, securing the dragon and getting a triple kill.

    Not ten seconds pass until your top laner, the 6/5/0 Riven goes to chat, flaming your team saying how you've "lost him his lane" now.

    On the back of the now-fed Darius, the enemy team proceeds to win the game with ease, as your team devolves into bouts of tilt and frustration.

    Occurrences like this happen all the time in Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and low Platinum. Most of the time, its a solo-laner or jungler playing hyper-aggressively, taking 50/50 fights to kill their lane opponent.

    Most of us have expercienced a 7/6/0 Kayn or 8/7/1 Irelia on our teams coming out of lane at 15 minutes "fed" but still ultimately failing to carry the game. Much of the time, these players blame their teammates, claiming their teammates "fed their trash opponent."

    The root cause of this phenomena is a player's inability to understand the concept of relative power. Going back to our first example of the 3/5 Darius and the 6/5 Riven. In lane, Riven is clearly stronger than the Darius and will likely win their duels. After all, Riven is more fed.

    However, what high-death league of legends players fail to realize is that comparative to the rest of their teammates, the 3/5 Darius is actually fed. By playing aggressively, high-death players are in essence giving the enemy gold/power in exchange for slightly more gold/power.

    Do You Like To Gamble?

    These players essentially make two bets:

    1. They are betting on themselves, believing they can utilize this power they gained to a greater extent than their respective laner.
    2. They are also betting on their champion, believing that their champion outscales their opponents'.

    If either of these two premises are false, then their actions are detrimental to the team. If the opponent can leverage their power to a greater extent, all the high-death player is accomplishing is enabling their opponent. And if the opponent outscales the high-death player, then even by winning lane, all the high-death player is doing is expediting the stronger scaling champion's powerspike .

    The Final Truth

    Beyond these two premises, players must understand a final truth:

    • As champions accrue more gold, individual gold leads become less meaningful.

    We can take two hypothetical lane states. In the example, we have Irelia, Fiora, and Irelia's mid Galio:

    • It's 10 minutes into the game, all champions have 100 cs but Irelia is 2/0 and Fiora is 0/2.
      • Each champion has about 2400 gold from CS, about 1000 gained passively and started with 500.
        • Fiora has 3900 gold
        • Irelia has 4500 gold
        • Galio has 3900 gold
    • In another game, its 10 minutes in, both champions have 100cs but Irelia is 4/2 and Fiora is 2/4.
      • Each champion has about 2400 gold from CS, about 1000 gained passively and started with 500.
        • Fiora now has 4500 gold
        • Irelia has 5100 gold
        • Galio has 3900 gold

    In both situations Irelia is 600 gold ahead. However in the first situation Irelia has 15% more gold than her opponent. In the second, Irelia has less, just 13% more than Fiora. Likewise, in the second scenario Fiora now has 600 gold more than Galio whereas in the first example they were even. Or in other words, by dying, despite still being up two kills, Irelia not only lowers her own relative lead compare to her laner, but she also lowers her teammate's relative power.

    The Moral of the Story

    I'm not advocating for people to play scared. There is a certain aggression necessary for League of Legends. However, players much be cognizant of the risks and rewards involved in fights and understand when and why they should take risky fights as well as understanding when they put their teammates at a disadvantage.

    submitted by /u/aZealousZebra
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    How important is it that our team has a frontline tank in low elo?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    So I'm a top lane main that's still relatively new to the game so I'm still only in mid bronze, but I find myself often picking champs based on what our team needs rather than a champ that I prefer picking blind or want to pick against my lane opponent.

    I get that obviously at high elo it's probably more important that a team has more balance with one or two tankier champs a good AD/AP balance etc. but I don't know how much that importance translates to low elo. My champ pool right now is mainly Ornn, Aatrox and Jayce, I have the highest win rate with Jayce and he's the champion I like to blind pick the most since he's flexible and doesn't suffer as much into ranged champs. So is it worth me picking a champ that I get better results on and am more likely to win lane on than a champ that balances out our team comp more?

    Another related question too, if the enemy team picks a frontline tank, let's say Maokai and our team has NO frontline tank and is an overall squishy comp does that alone put them at a big advantage during team fights?

    submitted by /u/ElZed-
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    How do you Improve and Practice as Jungle

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Jungling... in my opinion the hardest role in League of Legends especially in solo queue. Getting hated on in a match because your teammates didn't think you made the right decision, or falling behind and getting one shotted every interaction you have with the opposing team.

    I have watched lots of videos and have played jungle since probably day 2 but I still have some questions left unanswered.

    Hello, My name is SquiddySchmitt, I am a twitch streamer and a youtuber. I picked up League of Legends about a month ago and immediately fell in love with the game. I've been playing most days for the past 2 weeks and am about to unlocked ranked as I am lvl 27. I love the strategic aspect of the game and the competitiveness. This being said I really want to be the best (obviously not literally but I want to be good) however, this is difficult when starting fresh because there is so many things I don't know.

    I've watched hours of tutorials but I still have some basic concepts I can't quite grasp because the tutorials do not explain things for a fresh player.

    I was wondering if anyone could help elaborate answers to these questions.

    - What is the best champion pool for jungle/who is good to learn (I know olaf, nunu, and warwick)

    - How do you learn lane matchups

    - Learning decision making in jungle

    - How do you practice as a jungler

    - How do you learn jungle matchups

    Also if there is anything else anyone thinks I should know that would be appreciated.

    Thanks for the support,


    submitted by /u/SquiddySchmitt
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    How to deal with Diana?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I am a rather low elo(Stuck in Bronze 1) person and I was wondering how you deal with Diana? No matter who I play against one I always get demolished against her, It feels miserable to play against her because she has tankiness, damage, and some mobility. How do you deal with her?(If it helps, I main LeBlanc and the main one I'm climbing with because I'm sad and pathetic and trying to prove that I can climb with her to myself.)

    submitted by /u/FaeInvoker
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    Coming back after a year, have some questions.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I see they added this little nook thing to top and bot lane. Can someone give me a rundown of how this change affects the gameplay in those lanes? I wanna hop back into support but I'm a little nervous bc I'm out of date on some things. I don't understand this new mastery/stats thing at all lol.

    Also while I was away, I saw some clips of the new champ Aphelios and he honestly makes zero sense to me. I've seen vids of him just mind blowingly wreck ppl and I don't get him at all lol. Also, what's the general state of the game right now? Who's busted/who is not even worth playing, etc. Ty in advance!

    submitted by /u/Aterix21
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    How to win againts tank and enemy cc team comp in silver and gold?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Every match enemy uses tank and cc. So many shen,malphite,mundo,amumu ,garen , Darius , jax and even yummi because of her ult literally no cd if they build cdr items. Very annoying .

    Jax scales well into late game and it's very annoying if he is fed 3 hit die. And tanky as well. Darius the same as jax.

    I play mid and. Top. Usually mid. So far my champion pool for mid is yasuo,zed,Katharina,talon,irelia.

    I tried so many games and this is my conclusion talon,yasuo totally useless in late game. As for zed late game I can aim enemy ADC and survive for yasuo and talon I go in I die.

    Irelia so far I play I win most of my game and transition well into late game even though I am behind.

    How to counter play or pick against these type of champion or how do I get around it.

    submitted by /u/ilikekeyboards1
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    How do I not be useless as fizz?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Hi i posted on here about a week ago and the people here were very helpful.I just recently got the game and start playing draft. When I play fizz I'm usully either dying a lot or getting tons of kills. I don't know how I can consistently get be strong with fizz. Also I learned most of the basics as fizz.(Use E to dodge skill shots, dive and go all in for kills, runes, etc) my in game username is MoabPopper feel free to contact me, check replays, or friend me.

    submitted by /u/bruhmoment69421
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    Where to watch high elo replays?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    There are many youtube channels that upload high elo replays from every server, but most of the games uploaded are completely unrealistic and thus limit their usefulness. A game where you get invaded and the Syndra mid gets a triple kill and starts laning with double dorans + boots is a waste of time if you want to learn how to lane in a certain matchup.

    So my question is, where do you get your replays if you want to learn and not only watch stomps?

    submitted by /u/Kvothex
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    What fundamental is keeping me from climbing?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    For background, I am iron two. I have been ever since I started last November. I play Mid (Ekko with a pocket Fizz) and support (Senna with a pocket Yuumi and sometimes Ekko if I absolutely have to).

    When I play Normals Draft, it seems as though I typically do well with my mains. My CS isn't good- maybe around 5-6/ min, so I know that needs to improve. But my roams and map pressure as Ekko feel good. I think I'm doing a lot to impact the map and help my jungler when I can. Usually, against most midlane matchups (apart from Yasuo and Galio who I pretty much permaban), I feel very confident and I end up stomping them.

    But for some reason, I can't bring that same relative skill into ranked. It's as though I know what I'm supposed to do, and I go to do it, but no matter what I can't get out of Iron. I hear a lot of people on this sub talk about how Gold is average player but I can't even get to that point. I've watched tons of "Tips to Help You Climb" videos and they all say the same things and it's never actually useful.

    It seems no matter how much I think I understand or how well I think I'm playing, my team always loses. What am I missing here?

    Edit: I guess I'm asking you guys to judge my play and you need my op.gg for that. Summoner name is pxldog

    I haven't played in a bit cus I was on a losing streak, just a heads up

    submitted by /u/pxl_dog
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    Situations where steraks is good

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I've never really understood when exactly streaks is a good buy. Recently I've been watching some videos of people playing Warwick and Xin. I've seen that streaks can be powerful on them. I'm just wondering if someone could help me get a better grasp of when it's a good buy and what exactly is the best use case. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DGKong
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    How to deal with autopilot in games

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    Well hello lads , gold 4 player here , im slowly getting better and better at the game but my biggest problem is that after 2 or 3 ranked games i get very exhausted and loose focus pretty much auto pilot , whereas in norms i can play 10 games easily , this is really preventimg me from grinding , and tbh im a slow learner , i need to grind !

    submitted by /u/Sailing_Pirate
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    Is there a way to get balanced draft games?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Hey, I recently picked up LoL and I'm only playing draft so far. I've screenshotted the levels / ranks of my second last solo queue game (in draft). I'm thrown in those matches nearly 40% of the time and an other 40% vs low golds and 20% of the time vs bronze. I should be placed against bronzes or silvers.

    I know, profile levels don't say anything but I nearly never find people between level 0-100. I usually find an other low level player once every 5 games. This just sucks and it ruins the fun for me and my team.

    Only 20% of those game are just worth playing before the minions spawn. Then a decent amount of 'balanced' games, it gets ruin by toxicity.


    submitted by /u/Cabaj1
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    Looking for a guide to defensive/situational items.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Saw an old guide here in an old sub a while ago which briefly described what defensive item did and when to build it (it was old because afair it still had info on Zz'Rot) including support items such as locket of solari and other semi defensive items such as Wit's End and Maw of Malmortius etc. I thought I bookmarked it but evidently I did not. If anybody has such an extensive guide or a similar guide or know the one the that im talking about, could you please share a link.

    submitted by /u/Thedesperatehero
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    'Where to be' in midgame as an enchanter support, and how to adapt it to teammates don't go where you think they should?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I'm Gold 2 and I'm a support player, generally enchanters or sometimes mages, and I've been focusing a lot on my laning phase recently, which has really helped, but I find myself lost in the midgame. Both in game, and even when I have the pleasure of time while reviewing my gameplay, I find myself unable to say with true confidence 'I should be going/have gone here' or 'I should have setup that objective'.

    I've been reading a lot about win conditions, lane setups, midgame wave management (what will push just from looking etc) but I feel like I can't bring much of that with me as a support. Even if I think me and my ADC should go toplane, if he doesn't want to go there then I can't just go as a Soraka alone, right?

    I think my midgame play and lack of confidence in my macro and just simply being unable to answer the question 'where should I be at this moment?' is holding me back so much. I have a D1 friend, a toplaner, who plays normals with me sometimes and he almost always, with confidence, can say 'I should be here, midlane should go there, you and the ADC should do this etc'. How can I get to this level of gamestate understanding and macro because like I said I feel very lost at this point in the game but I'm not finding much help with the guides in the sub wiki.

    Also, how can I adapt to teammates who don't want to go somewhere even if they clearly should, especially as a support with low independence like an enchanter. Is it a good idea to just follow my ADC like a puppy and simply admit I have no say in the midgame macro or should I be taking more initiative if they ignore my pings.

    submitted by /u/Umbeeeee
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    What do you do when Riot kills your one-trick/main?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I have been playing this game for about 6 months. When I started playing this game, I immediately fell in love with Pyke. I played him support for some time, but once I felt comfortable, I tried him mid, and since then I really haven't had an interest in playing other things. While I do try other things from time to time, there is nothing I love playing like Pyke mid, and honestly, I am not nearly as good at anything else other than Pyke mid.

    In 10.14, it kinda looks like Riot is going to kill Pyke mid. Those nerfs are massive, and it seems like they really want to shoehorn Pyke into being a support, and there is nothing I can really do about it. So what's next? My motivation to play is dead knowing that my boy is going to be unplayable. Do I try to find someone else? Do I keep playing something Riot clearly doesn't want to exist? Do I just quit? I am really just at a loss here and I am looking for advice from seasoned league veterans who have probably gone through something like this before.

    submitted by /u/RedditMelon
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    advise to a new player afraid of playing pvp because of smurfs

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    basically I know a lot of people make new accounts on this game and pray on new players. I don't want my team to flame me because I'm actually new. I wouldn't mind playing with all new players but surely my first few matches will be riddled with smurfers.

    submitted by /u/2peiceeh
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    Mechanical skill

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I have a few questions on mechanics. Mechanics make it seem like it's the thing that divides challengers from bronze, but more and more I'm seeing that isn't the case, it's definitely part of it but there's more to it than that. I know that Mechanics are a big part of your play and my friends constantly flame me for having terrible ones. So my questions are, "How do you really improve mechanically?", experience is important I know that, I've been playing for about 3 years now and only recently I've managed to break the low sliver barrier so I have that, "What helped you improve mechanically besides playing the game?", Different mindset, strats etc etc, I have terrible reaction time in league at least, every other game I play is fine, so my final question would be "What helped you guys remain consistent?" Sorry if it's a lot, I've had these questions for a long time and I'm tired of being the butt of every joke for league skill at least.

    submitted by /u/Redlinkgaming
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    Hardstuck in Bronze I, looking for advices and how to improve, what to improve and actually start climbing

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Hello, recent hard stomp in my ranked convinced me to write this, I could go on and on about how terrible are my teammates, but reading enough comments in this sub taught me that's most of the time it's not the case. I'm mostly mid main, former S4 and 5 top main, played some adc and been supp to diamond friend through S5. So, my problem is that I read a lot that bronze and silver elo is easy, and you can easily climb just by outperforming your laner, and I feel like that's not the case for me. Most of the time I either win my lane, go even or play safe when behind to prevent feeding and snowballing enemy laner, and I'm still loosing majority of my games, it usually goes like this, either bot lane collapses or jungler is straight up blind or trolling, while enemy team has better teamwork, performs 2v4/5 ganks and secures objective even before my jungler even thinks about drake or gank. But let's leave my teammates and come to the topic of me, tbh I feel like my laning phase is pretty solid, but I don't quite grasp mid game and late game when to engage in teamfight, when should I split push, or just how to positions in a teamfight, that's where most of my even games collapses to defeat, also I think I have to work on my roaming and macro as a midlaner. So I know what I must improve so it should be easy for me to improve on them and start winning right? Oh hell no, I've been reading and watching guides on topics of wave management, proper warding, macro etc and I started to implement this in my own games, and guess what, I've started to lose even more games! I seriously don't know what is going on anymore, and I simply don't get HOW to improve my skill as a whole to finally get out of where I am

    Obligatory character roster and op.gg
    mid: Diana, Zed, Talon, Vel'koz, Sylas
    Top: Garen, Darius, Nasus
    Adc: Lucian, Caitlyn
    Supp: Thresh, Blitzcrank
    Jungle: played only a few games with Jarvan
    op.gg: https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Anynos

    submitted by /u/aDDOS12
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    New to League and need help

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    I'm new to LoL and wondering is there like an guide for beginners like me? Because I've play the game and almost never won because I keep dying.

    And if it's okay i have a few question.
    1.What is the best hero for beginner like me? I love playing jungle on others moba but leaning toward playing warrior first. But please list all the roles if you can
    2.How do you know when to last hit minion? (The moba I've played doesn't really have to use last hit to get money and experience)
    3.What is the abbreviation mean? (I get jg, but ADC and SP and stuff)
    4.Is there anyway to put the map on top and not bottom?
    5.I know it's just me (maybe) but how do you guys put your hand on your mouse? Because I've played 1 or 2 games and my hand is already sore
    6.Is there any better keybind than what is already used?
    7.Should i used the recommendation item from the game or search for the build myself?

    Thanks for reading all of this and sorry if i go overboard.

    And if you have seen this it's because i copied it

    submitted by /u/Terrific_Tranquil
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    I know how to play but I am still nervous about joining PVP games

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Hi! I am quite a new player but I sort of know how to play; meaning, I know that I should get items, what lanes are and mainly play as Miss Fortune. But, I have never gotten the courage to join an actual game with real people, and mainly play bot games. I also don't really know what to expect in PVP games or the difference between Draft and Blind Pick. What should I expect if I join a PVP game?

    submitted by /u/ImstillNewHere13
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    How do I play against people better than me?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Im a Bronze player, and my MMR goes up and down because the MMR pigeon is smashing mine with its beak and causing malfunctions. Its not funny. My MMR is currently averaging at Silver 1 or something like that, going to Silver 3 or Gold 3.

    Sometimes, even when playing blind pick or draft, i get put against some smurf or diamond player. Last time this happened,, i was playing pyke mid against alkali and went 0/5. The only scenario i would be able to deal with these smurfy players is if i was playing Kha'zix or Urgot, my 2 favorite people to play rn. I used to play a lot of pyke... but I'm sorta outa shape.

    So how do i deal with someone if they are clearly better? I don't want to be useless.

    submitted by /u/CVTSKGO2
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