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    Wednesday, July 1, 2020

    LoL Guide If you're losing lane please dont spam your jungler and ask for ganks

    LoL Guide If you're losing lane please dont spam your jungler and ask for ganks

    If you're losing lane please dont spam your jungler and ask for ganks

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    Your jungler probably has more important stuff to do than to gank a losing lane. Ganking a losing lane without knowing where the enemy jungler is is a high risk and could also cause your jungler to stay behind the game as well. Try to survive and maybe ask for an objective near your lane so your team can help you out after or before securing the objective. Try to play it safe even if it means getting denied cs. Try to get all the farm you can while being safe and try not to stay behind in xp.

    submitted by /u/Fascist_Viking
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    So you're new to league, and you just got autofilled jungle.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    So! This guide is one for very new players (like me) who got autofilled into jungle and then panicked. This is normal. Jungle is not like laning at all - it's a very different way to play the game, and nothing you have done prior to this prepared you for what's about to go down. Now there's a lot of complex guides out there for jungling, but what the fuck are you supposed to do when. It's your 100th game ever and suddenly you're expected to run around a forest and help everyone else? Well, I'm here to give you a tiny piece of hope in the otherwise terrifying and brutal world of forestry based league of legends.

    So you've picked your jungler (I'm assuming it's Warwick or Amumu. It fucken should be one of those two, trust me - don't go for anything complex or gank heavy or you will get your ass packed in. Just trust me on this). I always recommend tanky jungle champs for beginners - this is because you offer a lot more to your team when you can absorb a beating, and it's much easier to be of use when playing from behind as a tank than as a damage dealing bruiser. Amumu is actually perfect to learn the jungle - you can pretty much just press W and slap E whenever it comes up and you have a workable rotation for the murder of innocent creatures. Make sure you have smite in your summoners spells - if I was you (and I'm not, but c'mon) take flash and smite. Flash makes you disappear and reappear, generally away from whatever ass whooping you've wandered into. Smite makes killing jungle camps a thing that is not impossible. Also you can't buy a jungle item if you don't have smite so... Make sure you bring it. Please for the love of God. Bring smite. I'm fucking begging you.

    Go to wherever the fuck your botlane is going, and ping the buff that's standing there. Red buff gives you a burn on your abilities, blue gives you huge mana regen. I did not know this when I first jungled - hence my mysterious choice in just killing whatever was closest to me, which did not exactly fill my team with confidence (to be fair, I did warn them - they just told me to stop being such a pussy. Well look at me now Maokai! ARE YOU HAPPY YOU SON OF A BITCH). Do not smite the first buff - your team is there to help you kill it, so you shouldn't need to use it here. Congrats! You now have your first buff, and it's time to do a full clear.

    Super quickly - smiting a monster will give you a big chunk of HP back. So if you're clearing your jungle and that giant frog has you super fucking low on hp - just smite that fucker. He loses health and you gain it. That's what we in the pest control business call a win-win.

    So, a full clear of your jungle just means you should take everything in your jungle. It also involves taking the scuttle crab, the weird thing that wanders down the river and gives you vision when it dies. Something important about full clearing, that may seem obvious - start at the top, and work your way down to the bottom, or vice versa. For example, if you started at red buff, go to your Krug's, the rocks hidden around the corner near you. Then go beat the shit out of the chickens, wander across to the other side and beat the wolves into submission, then your other buff and that ugly as fuck frog. You can then look down and see if the scuttle is there. Is it? Then take it. If it's not there, then just go back. Your enemy jungler is probably nearby, so you might want to ping your laners to let them know. Oh, your top laner is already dead? Yeah... That sounds about right. Oh yeah, and if you have a cc ability (like a stun or a root) then that crab will take massive bonus damage while it's in effect, even from smite. So cc the crab and then beat the absolute shit out of it.

    Before you go back, have a look at your lanes. Are any of the enemy really close to your turret? If so, that lane is pretty gankable. If your laner is low on hp though you probably shouldn't - they get cranky if they die, and they get even crankier if YOU die while trying to help. It's probably better to just go back and not feed anyone who actually knows what they're doing, you lovable idiot. So. Go back to your base (or gank) and buy your jungle item. Just get whatever's fucking recommended, and then very quickly head back to the side of the map you came from. You should probably just full clear again dude. Whichever camp you started with will be back again, so feel free to go turn them into gold and exp and start working your way across the map again. Every time you get to a camp, have a look at your map. How are your laners going? Do any look gankable? Maybe it's time to go have some presence, but REMEMBER. The longer you spend fucking around with ganks is time you're not getting any exp and gold from your jungle. So go get your murder on, but try and be quick about it!

    Ok so hopefully you've gotten into a kind of rhythm here. You should be level 6, and ready to start thinking about stuff like objectives. If your bot lane is winning, and they've got the enemy pushed up, ping dragon and start heading that way. If they don't look like they're interested, maybe clear a camp or 2 on the way - I recommend the chickens or the Krug's, whichever is easier for you. If top lane is winning, it might be time to do Herald! He's an ugly bastard with the purple eye on his back. Make sure when that eye is open you attack him from behind to do bonus damage.

    Now, it all gets a bit confusing. Your laners are winning and have taken some towers (possibly with the help of the herald you dropped down - go you!!!!) Now it's time to think about shit like grouping with your team to take objectives like turrets and whatnot. Honestly, from this point on the only thing I can help you with is this - try to keep killing as many camps as you can. Keep that exp and gold up! Don't start fights unless you're sure your team can win - oh and if some asshole wanders into your jungle to take your shit, ping assistance and hope your teammates show up in time to help.

    Good luck out there on the rift, my first time autofilled jungler. I hope you have a lot of luck, and also that you read a better guide by a more cheerful and supportive person. Peace!

    submitted by /u/squeakypeeky
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    If you’re a side laner, help your jg on their first clear by giving vision on the side they don’t start on.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    So pretty much the title. If your jg starts top side on red and you are bot side, just stand at the jungle entrance to blue for a little bit. You don't even have to place a ward or wait for the buff to spawn. If the enemy plans on invading, it will be before the buff spawns so they can get vision or try for a cheeky first blood. Just by being in the vicinity it helps out a jungler so much with their first clear path.

    It feels extremely bad to clear a buff to then go to the other side and the buff is just gone. Now not only do I lose that exp, I wasted valuable time on getting nothing. The first clear is arguably one of the most important things for the jungler. If teammates wait for a bit to see if an invade goes down, or is a bro and places a ward, then spotting that out lets me know to counter jungle after clearing my first camp.

    It's no mystery that everyone blames jungle for their losses, cool I'm fine with that. As a jungler I WANT to gank your lane I WANT to get you fed af, but I CANT if I'm getting all my camps stolen and I'm behind from the get go. Going straight to top/bot lane and sitting under the turret literally helps nobody. Not only do you have 0 information about possible enemy strategies, you are not in any position to help with anything should the need arise. The tower is not going anywhere and nobody is taking that shit at 0:57 lvl 1. Get in a more strategic and optimal position to feed your teammates information. Information is probably the single most useful resource in league of legends, you should always be looking to obtain it.

    submitted by /u/Liteboyy
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    You have to use Baron, it doesn't win the game for you

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    This probably seems obvious to most people, but I have to confess that my bronze ass didn't understand this until recently because I learned with my friends and they were like "let's go get Baron" so I just did what I was told and didn't ask why or how stuff worked:

    - You only get Baron Buff if you're alive when it's killed, and you lose Buff if you die

    - Minions are only empowered if you're near them and you have buff. This means that those sidelanes you're ignoring aren't getting any benefit out of Baron.

    For some reason I thought it was like drake, and buffs were just applied universally. Often when you get Baron Buff it's extremely advantageous to not ARAM and try to end, but rather to apply pressure on all lanes. You only get the benefit of a few empowered minions if you're ARAMing during Buff.

    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, and people who know much more than me, please elaborate on stuff I'm sure I missed.

    submitted by /u/belligerent_ox
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    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    I'm not going to beat around the bush and get straight to the point. I'm a gold player and I have the worst top lane micro.

    One of the biggest problems I have is that, I have no idea when to split push as a top laner, and when to group with my team. If my enemy joins a teamfight, do I do the same? Or should I split push? What if I'm super weak/strong.

    What should I do when the enemy laner has a lead?

    When should I switch with bot?

    Thanks for the help!

    Additional info- I like playing champs like darius, fiora, illaoi, mordekaiser. I don't mind playing tanks either.

    submitted by /u/Advanced__Human
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    How to deal with a fed Kat.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    First off I know the answer to every "how to counter with this broken champ is; cc chain and all 5 burst her till there a smouldering pile of ashes"

    But what if the team comp is not cc heavy.

    I just played a jg game with Olaf, and she snowballed pre hard. I feel like the answer to her was on the tip of my tongue but couldn't find a way to deal with her in the end.

    Looking for advice on what to Actually do with her? Any tips?

    Ps. This could be coming from someone that doesn't fully understand her where her power to 1v9 comes from. Do I burn her ult/cds and then engage?

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    What type of team comp is most likely to beat better player on average

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Hi summoners,

    my university has organized a small LoL tournament and with my newly-formed team, we managed to go 3-0 during the group phase. Tonight we will have a BO3 match against a team that have much better players on average. To give you an idea, we are low Gold on average whereas their players are high plat- low diamond. We know our chances of winning are slim, but we still want to fight as best as we can. So how would you approach such a match ? Should we go for a cheesy-comp with early picks to try to snowball the early game ? Should we go for a teamfight comp so that we can turn the game around with a good 5v5 even if we lose lane ? Or should we try to play ultra safe with late game carries and go for an 1-hour game ?

    Any idea/tips would be appreciated, thank you !

    submitted by /u/Sygmad
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    An observation on warding in Bronze.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    It seems to me warding in Bronze doesnt have the desired result. In other words, if you dont have basic skills down, you wont be able to take care of any advantages including warding. It would be like in basketball learning how to do a crossover before you learn and master basic dribbling skills.

    submitted by /u/Lyless1
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    About Itemization

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I'm trying to develop my itemization "algorithm". I've read almost every item and in which matchups I should build them. But I'm struggling to decide between when to build items that go well with my kit (core) or the ones that are good against the enemies. Of course I'm not talking about the situation where my core is good against that matchup...

    Which are the conditions that I should look for? If my core items are offensive but an enemy is fed, should I buy it anyways, delay it and buy a full defensive item or buy an item with my damage type + AR/MR (like wits end)?

    submitted by /u/Wachitanga
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    What determines a champions viability in a certain lane?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Take Kennen, for instance. He is a top laner — but why? Why isn't he played in the mid lane? Or as an APC? There are several champions that I wonder about; especially champions that shifted into other lanes (swain/vel'koz into support, heinerdinger into an APC).

    So what determines what lane a champion best fits? Does Riot just recommend a lane and we as players just follow it?

    submitted by /u/cosmic1132
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    How to close out a game when we have a lead?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    I'm in bronze and I think late game is the weakest part of my macro. Even when my team secures baron, I don't really know what we should be doing, if the enemy has a lot of wave clear. Do we need a splitpusher perhaps? I've also heard that low elo games tend to go on longer so I feel like this is quite a big issue. It also feels like we're under pressure to finish as fast as possible if they have a nasus or a veigar or something like that. So.. any tips?

    submitted by /u/Mistridin
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    Playing Draven gives me wrist pain and I need some guidance.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    So for some background, Draven is BY FAR my best champion and I love this champion's gameplay to death. He's the only adc that I can consistently climb to D2-D1 with and I've sunk hundreds of hours into him. With that being said, whenever I play him, I get wrist pain on my mouse hand. I play with a fingertip grip so my palm never touches the mouse and I make a lot of tiny, micro movements with my wrist. What should I do? I really don't want to give up playing Draven. Which mouse grip should I use and what should I do? I'm just really lost because I want to play Draven but am unable to.

    submitted by /u/egw9sv
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    Is it worth playing ranged toplaners if I can't dependably win lane against juggernauts like Sett / Darius?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Certainly, the key to facing juggernauts as a ranged champ (an ADC, or maybe Kennen / Cassiopeia) is spacing. But, it's not very permissive. It feel like you only need to step up a few pixels too far from auto range for them to be able to CC / combo you, and it takes only 2 of these combos to kill.

    I like playing these champs because of the micro and spacing element, but I feel like I am doing a bad job because I hardly ever win lane. I can freeze but it's hard for me to convert into kills, because of their tankiness and also higher damage if they land their CC.

    This is not to mention more mobile bruisers like Wukong, Camille, Yasuo, Jax, Renekton, etc where I feel like I'll auto lose at a point

    Would you say it's pointless to play ADCs top unless you win lane?

    submitted by /u/isolatrum
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    How do I deal with the tramfight meta of low elo when behind?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    So, I have a problem with getting behind in levels as a jungler. I have no idea where it comes from because my farm is always higher than my enemy despite them being 2 levels up on me, but that isn't the issue. The issue is I need to farm my camps to increase levels, but my team is constantly fighting, like one fight to the next. When I'm trying to farm, they rush in and try to fight again, yelling at me and pinging me to be there despite being the lowest level in the game. I need to farm, they do not understand this. How do I work around this?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    I NEVER thought I could play as a good high damage character. And I discovered my new favorite champ.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    I just recently played irelia in ARAM, and liked the idea of her, although I wasn't that good with her. Couple days after I unlocked her, and I'm already ganking the heck out of people and dominating mid lane. Basically, the point is, don't be afraid to try new styles of characters, you'll never know what you'll find. For MONTHS, I've played strictly vel'koz, aurelion sol, ziggs, and veigar. Also, are there any good irelia tips for mid? such as runes (I've mostly figured out what's good with her, but any info is appreciated) And are there any stacks I should learn? I learned what I can do with her Q by prepping a few minions at low health and dashing to them, and getting extra dashes from killing them to be able to chase an enemy easily afterwards. Anything else I should know to make my irelia even better?

    submitted by /u/DannyPhantom998
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    What do you do when you get counter-jungled and teammates don't help?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I'm in the lower metal leagues. It happens often that even though it's warded and the enemy is seen in our jungle, lanes decide to keep farming instead of helping out, and at the end of the day I can't control them so I have to play around those decisions. So for instance you'll have mid helping enemy jungle with my red, and my mid is staying mid to farm. So I can't challenge it or contest it at all really (depending on the jungler/assisting champ, sometimes I can't get close at all to steal smite).

    Now when this happens consistently the first couple minutes of the game, I feel really behind and I don't have many camps to farm so I'm behind on levels at at around the 4-7 range I feel really really behind. How do you guys make up for that?

    submitted by /u/BigTesco69
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    5 man premade struggling with Macro

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Im gonna get straight to the point: My friends and I played alot of Flex Q and have fun playing competitive so we attended a Tournament with other Teams. Everyone of us is low plat btw. We often play against Diamond teams and we basically always win or go even in solo lanes or botlane but after that we just get outmacroed. I know we should watch for win cons and for completed items but we are not able to play a clean drake fight for example. Our mechanics are really good for our elos since we play alot but we can hardly outmacro a plat team. Ive watched alot of macro videos on youtube but they are mostly focused on soloq stuff and dont tell you how to act with 4 friends by your side. If anyone has videos or any other tips for us we would be grateful. Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/KWENKama
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    In which scenarios should I take defensive items?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Hi, it's been 3 months since i've started to play LoL and I'm starting to understand more the basics of the game. However I have troubles understanding which item(s) I should buy in certain situations.

    I know that when there's an AP doing a lot of damage I get an adaptive helm but for the rest I don't really know

    So which items I should rely on when the enemy's doing a lot of damage (AP or AC)?

    submitted by /u/Thib376
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    If you are a jungler, you need to get scuttle control.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I'm a low elo jungler (b1, currently climbing) and I cannot stress how important scuttle control is! Not only does the scuttle give you free health when you kill it, but it also gives you a free ward that is virtually impossible to avoid detection while walking past. And not to mention it sits directly in front of Dragon/Rift/Baron.

    Major benefits of scuttle control:

    •River control: lanes can use the scuttle ward to detect early ganks and avoid deaths

    •Free Ward in front of Dragon/Rift. This will often deter the enemy team from trying to get/contest a dragon or the rift herald. It basically allows you to secure them with much more peace of mind

    •Speed boost for allies/Slow for enemies. This can make a difference in a team fight or gank.

    •Better overall map control

    I haven't counted the exact percentage, but one thing I can say with certainty is that I have won the majority of games that I have maintained scuttle control as a jungler. I see so many people just walk past the scuttle, and junglers that just ignore it all together. It's easy to kill and gives you free health. There is no reason to not be going after scuttle control. TBH, it should be a mini objective in your games as a jungler

    submitted by /u/Melssenator
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    When to pick Peel Support, and when to pick Lockdown support?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Hello my comrades,

    I am a Taric otp since 2 seasons (i am platinum 4-1) and now i want to come back to my old mains (rakan thresh tahmkench leona janna etc.) but now i cant play them anymore and i thought much about it and i think my problem is that i dont know when to pick "Peel" (shields, heal, buffs in general) or "Lockdown" (Leona blitzcrank thresh, just much cc). I know which support i can play with which adc on botlane. Like when my adc picks lucian i just pick nami or leona or braum.

    But what do i have to do when my adc picks after me and doesnt shows his pick? or when the enemys arent revealed? Normally i pick Taric there, but when i play clash or a tournament like that the will ban taric for sure.

    I wrote a list for myself how i can choose from 12 different picks for me (which make me fun and i can also play):

    Vanguards: Tanky Lockdown




    Warden: Tanky Peel




    Catcher: Ranged Lockdown




    Enchanter: Ranged Peel




    These 12 are the champs i enjoy and i wrote what sense they have in a team ( i know blitzcrank and thresh arent rly ranged, but their hooks are and they are in general good catch champs). So i am wondering when i should pick "Ranged Peel" or "Tanky Peel" i know it depends somehow on matchups and what champs i have in my team already. When i have a Zac and an Ornn i wont pick a tank on support too. But now i am rly worried when to pick "Lockdown" or "Peel" because i kinda now when to pick ranged or tanky, but "Peel" and "Lockdown" both have their own benefits.

    Thx for Reading guys, I hope you can give me some advice :)

    Best regards InsideZane :)

    submitted by /u/InsideZane
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    Is it worthwhile to focus on learning off-meta champions?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Recently I started to main jungle, and so far the champions I've found that I enjoy the most and have the most success with are Taliyah, Sett, Poppy, and Morgana. The problem here is all four of those champions are off-meta; every single one of those is intended for another lane (even Taliyah is technically meant to be a midlaner, and I have no idea if Riot now specifically intends her to be a jungler or not).

    I love these champions and would love to stick with them and learn their ins and outs, but I have one concern: That Riot will one day rework or change them so that they no longer function as an effective jungler, like they did with Camille back in the day. Is it worth it to try playing these champions that I really enjoy and just hope Riot doesn't take them out of the jungle, or should I instead try to look for champions who are intended to jungle?

    submitted by /u/lastweektoday
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    Is there any way to improve with locked screen?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    I'm posting on my friend's account because I don't have reddit myself and I think this is the right subreddit. I have quite limited dexterity in my wrist so when I tried playing with free camera, it was very difficult for me to move the screen, even using space bar as a handicap. I just find that I play much better when I use locked screen because then I can aim skillshot and move and such without having to move my screen and I can use smaller arm/wrist movements which is much easier for me. But many people tell me that I cannot improve until I learn how to use unlocked screen.

    submitted by /u/MrEggsBenedicr
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    A bounch of enemies

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Sometimes (i'm on low elo and i usually play karma, thresh or leona) all of enemies push mid all the time until they finally win the game. Even if my entire team is trying to kill them we die instead. My question is, what should I do as a support ? Btw, sorry for my nad english.

    submitted by /u/patrykduda
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