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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    LoL Guide New Rek'Sai Hypermobility Mechanic I discovered.

    LoL Guide New Rek'Sai Hypermobility Mechanic I discovered.

    New Rek'Sai Hypermobility Mechanic I discovered.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Hi Guys, I discovered a new(to me, and I've played a lot of Rek'Sai) mechanic. If you tunnel next to certain walls, you can enter your tunnels from the far side of the wall. It's useful in all kind of situations.

    I've included two somewhat useful examples and one borderline OP example in the clip.


    submitted by /u/bobombpom
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    Advice in CS and income management

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    IGN: raggad0rr

    I have consistently been stuck in silver, I think that i have decent mechanics and generally play team and objectives alright but know that I am not playing minion waves well or know what goals I should be hitting for income. Any resources or advice in this would be appreciated. thanks

    submitted by /u/thethiefofsouls
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    Bad Timings

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    I've done replay analysis on a couple of my games and I found out that 90% of my deaths from ganks come from me getting ganked from the midlane side bush when I go ward.

    I know it sounds exaggerated but it's true. I was wondering what I can do to prevent this. Would learning jungle tracking and ward timings help here? How can I improve my jungle tracking?

    edit: i'm diamond 3

    submitted by /u/jhj0604
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    How do I gank Illaoi in top lane

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I play primarily play lee sin in the jungle and I don't have any issue successfully ganking most champions since Lee's mobility is so good. However regardless of how close I get to Illaoi and how overextended she is, it seems she is so good at 2v1s, even better than she is at 1v1s, that it makes ganking her so difficult. Would like to get any advice on how to pull these ganks off I'd be very grateful:)

    submitted by /u/djluc101
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    Since when is Ashe so popular? Is she worth a ban?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    I used to see Ashe once in a blue moon, even post-rework. She has been in 6 of my past 8 games. I see her everywhere now, and she is strong. I looked it up and she has one of the top pick rates in the entire game, and a fantastic win rate to boot.

    How did she become popular all of a sudden? buffs? item changes? I dug and couldn't find any reason except hype I guess.

    Is she worth a ban? I feel like she has a moderately decent team in front of her that can protect the backline, she makes every immobile bruiser's life absolutely miserable (Garen, Renek, etc).

    submitted by /u/BigTesco69
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    Investing time into losing lanes-is this bad or good?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    TL;DR-is ganking feeding lanes ever worth it?

    So recently I've decided to pick up jungling because I found enjoy having map pressure since I came back to the game. I've never properly played it until recently and got a tip off a friend.

    -never invest time in feeding/severely losing lanes.

    Is this true? I have tried to gank said lanes before to mixed success (most of the time it's bot lane for some odd reason) and have either got a good shut down and turned the lane a little bit, possibly got the turret or at least got some pressure/objective. Other times I'll go in there and everyone on our team ends up getting killed because the enemy is already 8-0 or something by 13 minutes.

    When we actually win the fight it's usually because the Enemy severely messes up or tower dives.

    This has to be the biggest mistake I make as it really puts me behind on either farm or pressure in the other lanes.

    So overall is investing time into a lane that's already over worth it or not? It seems to me most the time it isn't but on the odd occasion it turns the game.

    submitted by /u/LonelySoul96
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    4 Minute Video for everything about autoattacks (autoattack cancels, animation cancels) by Diamond 1 KR player

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT


    I think this is a really well produced video and goes over things that you wouldn't really realize until you try it in game.

    First thing he goes over is uncancelable autoattacks. Some examples:

    • Renekton W
    • Blitzcrank E
    • Caitlyn Headshot
    • Twisted Fate W
    • Akali passive
    • Galio Passive
    • Akali passive

    Nearly every single autoattack modifier falls under this category.

    Why is this useful? You can use these autoattacks in Zhonya's, while CC'd, or flashing.

    • Zhonya's: If you're playing Twisted Fate with 1 HP against someone else who is 1 HP, you can queue up your W autoattack and then immediately Zhonya's. Normally, you wouldn't be able to autoattack here because of your autoattack animation. In that small animation, they could probably kill you. However, since TF W is uninterruptible, you can use Zhonya's during the ending lag of the animation, leaving no counterplay.
    • For CC, if you're playing as Renekton against Riven, you can dash in and then queue up your W autoattack. A lot of Riven players will W you when you dash at them (of course, this depends on the situation), and so you basically just get to ignore their W if you queue up your stun. Of the three, I think this is the most useful.
    • For flashing, it's very similar to the Zhonya's technique, you can flash mid-auto animation with these abilities to get out of danger. (I'm pretty sure if you do this with like Gragas W -> flash, melee champions will not be able to autoattack you back)

    Melee autoenchancers will also work on untargetable champions. The most prominent example is probably Blitzcrank E going through Fizz E if they queue it up before the Fizz E. Ranged autoattacks like Twisted Fate W does not work though, you can dodge that with Fizz E.

    Second thing he mentions is passives that cannot be canceled, such as Akali passive, Galio passive, and Sylas passive.

    These function just like the abilities mentioned before, but they also aren't canceled by your own abilities either. What's special about them is that you can queue up your abilities while the autoatack is going through. Most of the time, if you do AA -> Q on Akali, you can't press Q too early or else your autoattack is interrupted and the damage is ignored. However, if it's passive AA -> Q, the AA will go through no matter what.

    Third thing he goes over is trading stance. Every time you CS, you cannot move. This leaves you open to skillshots and just getting trade with since you're wasting your autoattack a minion.

    Finally, Faker uses the attack speed shard on EVERY RANGED MIDLANER NOW. This is something we saw players like Nuguri on Vladimir or BobqinXD on Leblanc, but I have never seen a high elo Zoe player go for an attack speed shard.

    Only exception in the past month I could find is that he grabs CDR on Cassiopeia and AD on Jayce.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How do i set abilities like Nidalee E to auto target myself?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    I've had this question for a very long time. How do i make the abilities like Lee sin E, Nidalee E, Kayle R to target myself?

    I see that other youtubers just press randomly on the screen and they get the certain effect , but i always have to click on myself.

    submitted by /u/SalviniX
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    What an I supposed to do when I just seem to be someone's primary focus?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    This is something that I feel like I see fairly often, every time a teamfight breaks out, one person keeps jumping on one other specific person, no matter the circumstances. Malphite just ult in? Akali just drop a shroud? Pyke charging his q? Too bad, poppy is going deep for that 3/7 Kindred, Varus can peel for himself.

    In a more recent ARAM I was screwing about in, I rolled Yasuo and just went with it, consider it a learning experience for when a friend asks me to play a Yas/Yone 0/10 powerspike bot lane with him. My plan was to try to protect carries with windwall, maybe throw some q's out and then ult when Sett ran or flashed in and got a big E, because he was doing that constantly. For the first four teamfights, a Camille was on me constantly. I thought buying armor would dissuade them from making me their ire, but all it meant was I survived their dives with 2-300 HP and I would either get an ult off and die, or maybe exhaust the Annie before she wombo'd my team. This went on until the end of the game, where my 12/4 and 12/6 ADCs were being completely ignored in favor of diving my 7/9 half tank self.

    In the end, it ultimately won us the game, because half of their dive potential was being completely wasted, but it made the game awful for me, and I'm honestly at a loss as to what to do, because it feels like just eating Camille's engage every fight was right, but that also feels terrible, like I didn't contribute.

    submitted by /u/DiscountSupport
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    How to gank a Teemo as Xin Zhao while he is in his passive

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    So today I was playing Xin jungle. I had just taken top-side scuttle, and my Irelia top just died to Teemo. I see Teemo is low and pushed up, so I immediately move top. I move into the lane, and he hides in the middle lane bush using his passive. There is nothing I can do except sit in the bush with him until my oracle lens comes back up in 10 seconds. I then W him, and he panics somehow and exits stealth so I can kill him.

    But if he just stayed in the bush and not panicked, he probably could of lived. What could I have done in that situation?

    submitted by /u/AdventurousPoetry9
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    What do I do whenever I get placed into a four stack as Jungler.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    My main role is Jungle, and I feel like a lot of my games take place in four stacks. I really dislike this, because this has us against another four or five stack. Often, the enemy jungler is in the party and it allows the enemy to do much more intricate plays. At this point, I'll start dodging when I notice they all have the same tags, because playing around enemies that are in a voice call is not fun. I'm hoping this doesn't fall under rule 6., because I am genuinely looking for advice on what to do when I am placed in games like this.

    submitted by /u/Flavoryjam0
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    How do I create a mid freeze?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    I find it extremely difficult to actually START a freeze mid lane. More often than not the enemy will push wave in, but we're left with even numbers of minions on each side. However, since the wave is now near my side, it starts a slow push instead since my minions get to tower faster. It almost never feels like I'm able to get an enemy minion advantage I need for the freeze. How do I set this up? Thx!

    submitted by /u/Swegmecc
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    Is Diana actually good or is she a pubstomper?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Most players can't dodge her q so its basically point and click

    She can weaken all enemies whether ranged or melee and all in them for consistent kills and get fed

    With relentless hunter she can roam really well and get even more fed

    She has burst, dps, poke, waveclear, and "tankiness"

    She feels really strong with no real weaknesses

    She's strong early with the e/ult change, strong midgame, and pretty powerful lategame with her aoe nuke ult

    Is she sleeper op or am I just getting lucky

    I never hear people complain about her and she feels very strong

    submitted by /u/pimpdaddy_69
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    Huge loss streak demoted Silver 1: 60 LP-> Silver 4 0 LP, don't know what's wrong

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    I went on a massive loss streak starting a few weaks ago and my winrate plummeted to something like 30% over 100+ games. I don't think I'm playing that badly. Can someone look at my opgg and replays and tell me what am I doing wrong?


    a couple links to dl of replays:


    submitted by /u/tuckfrump69
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    How Do I Get Started Learning the Jungle?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I've been trying to get to a point where I can comfortably play each role in the game. I pretty much have the other 4 down and have a nice champ pool. However, the jungle is giving me a pretty hard time. A lot of time I have to back in the middle of my first clear because I'm inches from death. Normally I get really behind in the early to mid-game and end up being dead weight for the rest of the game. I'm mostly looking for basic pointers and good champs to start learning on.

    submitted by /u/Zapstars
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    Hey guys! Wanna revamp my macrogame as support. Who should I watch/ learn from?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Hi guys! So now that I finished my exams and so I want to improve my macro. Things are like that: I' ve been playing the game for quite a long at a decent level, but some years ago I quit the game (ranked games) and my macro is really outdated now... I don't know who' s the best support coz I don't follow competitive, I don't know if there are updated macro guides... I' m a bit lost even tho I' m a D3/D2 player this season, but I feel like my macro is horrendous if I consider what it was a few years ago :(.

    So I hope you guys can help me out in order to improve it! Would like to know who's for you guys the best support player atm aswell so I can watch replays and so. Really appreciated and thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/PontanoReddit
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    Tips to a support from an ad main.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Hello Fellow bot laners...

    Climbing through gold/plat has been a struggle this season and bot lane I feel is harder than ever.

    Every game I get matched with an unknown player who I seemingly have to work with to destroy a lane together, or be destroyed.

    Here are some tips to y'all supports to make my life(and yours) better in lane:

    1. Learn proper wave management! Jeez it is so frustrating as and adc when you're trying to freeze a wave and your support comes in with 3 procs of relic shield and kills a cannon and 2 melees at 50% hp thus making that wave push way faster than needed. Keep an eye out on your adc's wave management and play your support procs to what they are doing!
      1. The second part to this is we don't always need to push the wave INTO THEIR TOWER! Unless I am recalling to base, Getting plates safely, playing for drag, or trying to get some deep wards out, I am never pushing their tower. For some reason most supports around this elo think the only way to deny gold and xp is to push the shit out of wave until it crashes really fast. Minions kill minions, and slowpushing or freezing the wave even when they are not in lane IS GOOD. STOP TOUCHING THE WAVE IF I AM NOT ACTIVELY PUSHING IT! :)
    2. Stop Going All in when i'm just trying to trade! Man this one is harsh. So many times as an ad i'll be aggressive trading, moving up on their positions to get some good health junks, or bait abilities. It's always worth until my support doesn't understand trading and decides to all in throwing out summs and going deep af making the encounter 100% not worth. Pay attention to what your ad is doing and unless we are throwing out clear indicators or pings that we are all inning (ASHE ULT, KAI ULT, JUNG GANK, etc.) then we are just trying to do some damage and get back to cs.
    3. If we have an advantage, or it is 1v2 in lane, ZONE THEM! So i'm freezing at our tower, we have a 3 kill lead, and I want to shut their carries and deny gold/xp. Don't stand around and do nothing... Get aggressive, have eradic movement, step up on them. We are punishing them for being behind. Throw out your abilities if they get to close and help increase our lead further. Please god do not stand beside me or sit in bush if it's 1v2 or we are ahead. You are letting them walk up for free and trade for free because you have no lane presence or pressure.
      1. The other side of this is look at the map, if it's 1v2 and their mid, jung, support are mia, maybe it's best we play it back safe until we get some further information before you throw out a leo ult into a 4v2!
    4. Capitalize on mistakes and opportunities! This one is where I've seen the most growth in myself and helped my climb. Don't let that thresh walk up for free and not respect us. So many times at level 1 (especially in bronze to gold) their supports or adc will just completely forget about our zone of influence and get in range of our abilities and aa's. punish that shit. Bot lane isn't about all inning at full hp and full hp until one of us comes out the winner. It's about consistent trades to get the enemy to a low enough threshhold that we can pounce their ass and come out with some kills or summs. These mistakes seem subtle but if you pay attention they are quite easy! Did thresh or morg just miss their Q's? Walk up and smack their ass or throw out your abilities. Did sivir just throw out her q to farm minions? Punish her for it. Do you have summs and they don't? Sounds like a winning trade to me! So many little subtle things that are there for the taking. Pay attention!

    And lastly work together. Y'all got 15(if you're lucky) to 50 minutes together. Play together and win together!


    submitted by /u/Noobytoe
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    How to play after the lane phase?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    I'm playing league for around 7 months now I play top lane and I'm Gold IV, I usually have no difficulty gaining an advantage in the lane, but after I get the tower I feel kinda of lost, what should I consider when choosing between spliting or teamfight? How to spread my advantage to the lanes that lost? How to keep my farm when my teammates keep fighting over and over? I play mostly Riven and Camille sometimes Renekton.

    submitted by /u/Liakh_Bot_Number_2
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    Which game mode should I play in to learn a champ

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Where do I go to learn champs ?

    I wanted to add qiyana to my champ pool but I have zero idea of where I'm supposed to play her. I don't need to play vs bots since I know her kit, but if I go in normals I get matched vs diamond/master players on their mains and I just get stomped without a chance of doing anything. So it's not really a learning experience. 3v3 was perfect for this but now that it's gone, what should I do ?

    submitted by /u/The-Gay-Butterfly
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    Remember that if you build Manamune, take presence of mind and don't build BoRK.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    No BoRK applies probably in 95% of cases on the newer Manamune building champions (Ashe, Twitch, Lucian, etc.), and you always want to build presence of mind if you build Manamune.

    This is because Muramana deals bonus physical damage based on your current mana (consumes 3% current mana to deal 6% current mana bonus damage). Since presence of mind grants bonus mana (+500 mana after fully stacked), and since Manamune grants +1000 mana when fully stacked, you're looking at more than 2000 mana.

    The reason you wouldn't build BoRK as well is because both of them apply on hit effects as bonus damage, and BoRK and Muramana both provide stable bonus on hit damage and a decent spike so you can further itemize later. Furthermore, they're both early items to build. BoRK is built first because it provides a lot of stats and helps a few ADCS spike early, and it has a comfortable build path. Muramana is build first so you can start stacking it ASAP. If you finish Muramana, you'd benefit much more from an item like IE or hurricane than another expensive item that stacks on hit damage. And if you build BoRK first, well, you're going to get Muramana 10-15 minutes later than you need to, and then it's not worth it.

    Just thought it was worth noting because more often than not, in my games, when someone builds Muramana, they also feel the need to build BoRK right after, and fortunately, less often than not, they don't have presence of mind.

    submitted by /u/lifesucks26
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    How can i break away from being a one trick?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Hello all! I am stuck as a one trick. I have 100s of games on other champions but only Evelynn do i have the ability to play at a mid Diamond Level, almost hitting masters a few months ago.

    Recently i haven't been playing on my main account since i have gotten a bit bored of evelynn, since i literally played her maybe 300 times within a month on my climb from gold/plat to diamond.

    So the main question is, how even though i almost hit masters, i cant even play at a mid platinum level (one tier lower than my current rank...) on other champs in the SAME ROLE. I have almost 300 Rengar games between both my main and smurf account, which i haven't even reached platinum yet. although i'm diamond 3/2 on evelynn.

    here is my op for those who are curious.

    https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=kaanejj Main

    https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=play+safe+lol jungle "smurf"

    submitted by /u/KaneJyoutube
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    Struggling with keybind for auto attacks

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Been playing LoL since February of this year and at first I had AA on MB2, the same key for walking. But my wrist started hurting from that, so i've switched from MB2 to MB1 for AA. It's really comfortable for me and I've been using it for probably around 4 months now.

    However, I started using unlocked camera more and some of you probably know that everytime you left-click on the map to view something your character will automatically move there, since your MB1 is also your attack button. There are also other annoying things, like not being able to open the shop without walking, not being able to switch items without walking or doing other things in the GUI.

    All this can be solved if I press shift while left clicking, but it feels really unfomfortable, and I started noticing that once I unlocked my camera more.

    I guess my question would be what the best thing for me would now be. Stay on MB1 and get used to shift clicking or bind my Auto Attacks to A key, which would take me some time to get used to?

    submitted by /u/YoooJan
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    There is no amount of kills that will win you the game. Stop playing for KDA.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    This is not team deathmatch, we aren't playing to 30 kills. The game does not end with a victory screen when you hit 50 kills.

    Its super common in low elo (iron, bronze, silver, even gold) to see players just run around the map killing enemy champions, ending a game something like 17/10/18, and then say something at the end like "Team uncarryable."

    Meanwhile, if you scroll down the stat screen a little bit, you'll see:

    Damage to turrets: 270

    Turrets taken: 0

    Damage to objectives: 266

    Do you know what this means? This means you ran around playing "see champ kill champ" all game, and didn't accomplish anything to actually win your team the game. All you did was play team deathmatch all game long, and in the process you probably fed the enemy team a few pretty hefty shutdowns, which likely gave them the money they needed to outscale and outpressure your team.

    If this is you, and these are your stats at the end of games, and you think you're carrying your team because you had the highest KDA and OP.GG said you were the "MVP" or "ACE" of the game -- you're lying to yourself. If anything, you're the person who is uncarryable.

    You're making your team have to fight for every objective a man down. You're hogging all of the kill gold on the map so your carries aren't getting fed. You're giving over shutdown after shutdown. You're not pressuring anything. You're taking unnecessary risks to get 300g (or maybe even less, depending on if you're just focusing down one person) because that's all you get for a kill.

    If you are focusing the same person every time and just dying for it over and over again, eventually they're worth less than a cannon minion and you're worth 1300g+assists.

    If you're not focusing the same person every time -- you're likely killing everyone before they can accumulate a shutdown bonus, and then you're getting 300g a kill, while they're getting 300g+assists+whatever shutdown bonus you had for killing you in the 1 for 1.

    In both scenarios -- you lose. And if you do the math, in both scenarios -- the enemy actually comes out BETTER OFF THAN YOU.

    There is no situation where this playstyle turns out positive for you UNLESS YOU'RE USING YOUR KILLS TO GET OBJECTIVES.

    Look at your last 10 matches, and think about the games you lost where you had like 18/12/11 score line. Go look at those games, open them up in match history or OP.GG or whatever. Look at your damage to towers. Look at your damage to objectives, your towers taken, your vision score. Go back and watch the replay. How many shutdowns did you give over? How many times did you trade 1 for 1, where you got the solo kill and the enemy team got a bunch of assists?

    Get a calculator out, and keep tabs on how much money you give over to the enemy team during the course of a game like this. You'll be amazed.

    KDA means absolutely nothing in this game, unless its paired with good objective stats.

    If you went 20/9/8 and had like 25k damage to objectives, 3 towers taken, and you lost -- that sucks. Better luck next time. Probably wasn't your fault, keep doing whatever you're doing.

    If you went 17/15/11 and had ZERO damage to anything but champions -- YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    As a Jungler wanting to gank a lane, should i wait for my laner/s to start fighting to gank or should i gank and hope that they will flash+stunt or something like that?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I only play jungle with my friends on normals because i get bored of always winning my main lane (top) because i am not against people of my ""level"" and i don't believe enough in my friend who is an ADC to support him (my second role) so i don't have much experience as a jungler.

    Although i know how to gank with Evelyn (after 6), Morgana and Shyvana, i don't know how should i gank with champions like Warwick and Evelyn (pre 6), Kindred, Olaf, Etc... When i am going to gank them, my friends wait for me to "start" the fight before them while i am shouting to them that they should start fighting to make ganking them a lot easier and safer for me so ¿ Should i not gank them if they won't start a fight to make it easier for me to gank them (if they are full health) or should i always try to start the gank and hope that they follow me?

    Sorry for the grammars' mistakes, English isn't my first language.

    Edit: On the title, i tried to say "... and hope that they follow me"

    submitted by /u/Xaitor119
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    Bilgewater Cutlass / Blade of the Ruined King Mechanic

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Could someone please explain the Bilgewater Cutlass/Blade of the Ruined King mechanic to me? Sometimes I'll click to activate it, and nothing happens. Does it need to be on the same cadence as AA? Does my cursor have to be hovering the enemy champion perfectly? I'll spam the button and nothing happens.

    submitted by /u/colefromreddit
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